Ayse Gul Kocak Altintas - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Ayse Gul Kocak Altintas

Research paper thumbnail of Endophthalmitis After Vitreoretinal Surgery

Güncel retina, Oct 21, 2023

Vitreoretinal cerrahilerden sonra gelişen endoftalmiler, uygun tedavi uygulansa bile görme kaybın... more Vitreoretinal cerrahilerden sonra gelişen endoftalmiler, uygun tedavi uygulansa bile görme kaybına neden olabilecek kadar ciddi, ancak çok nadir görülen bir komplikasyondur. Ağrı, konjonktivada hiperemi, kemozis, korneada ödem, ön kamarada reaksiyon, hücre, hipopion, vitritis bulgularıyla tanı konulabilir. Vitrektomi sonrası gelişen ekzojen endoftalmiler genellikle kişilerin kendi konjonktiva floralarındaki mikroorganizmalardan kaynaklanır. Vitrektomi sonrasi endoftalmi görülme sıklığı preoperatif sterilizasyon yöntemi, vitrektomideki skleral insizyon tekniği, ameliyatta kullanılan tampon maddeler ve postoperatif tedaviye bağlı olarak değişmektedir. Prognoz etken mikroorganizmanın patojenitesi, hastanın immün durumu erken tanı ve zamanında uygun tedavi uygulanmasına bağlıdır.

Research paper thumbnail of Total macular volume as a potential biomarker in the assessment of anti-VEGF response in patients with diabetic macular edema: real-life data analysis

Anatolian Current Medical Journal

Aim: To evaluate the functional and anatomic efficacy of intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial g... more Aim: To evaluate the functional and anatomic efficacy of intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) therapy in patients with diabetic macular edema (DME) and investigate the association between central macular thickness (CMT) and total macular volume (TMV) in real-life settings.Material and Method: In this retrospective, observational, longitudinal study 38 eyes of 23 consecutive patients with center-involving DME were included. A loading phase of three monthly intravitreal anti-VEGF injections was initiated, followed by anti-VEGF injections if needed as per clinicians’ discretion. Results: Mean Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) letters gained was 3.2 letters at month 12. The reduction in the mean of CMT and TMV were 60 μm and 1.33 mm3 respectively at the end of 12 months. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was negatively correlated with CMT (r=-0.573, p < 0.01) and TMV (r=-0.533, p < 0.01) initially. There was a statistically significan...

Research paper thumbnail of Real Life Multicenter Comparison of 24-Month Outcomes of Anti-VEGF Therapy in Diabetic Macular Edema in Turkey: Ranibizumab vs. Aflibercept vs. Ranibizumab-Aflibercept Switch


The aim of this study was to compare the outcomes of diabetic macular edema (DME) treated with af... more The aim of this study was to compare the outcomes of diabetic macular edema (DME) treated with aflibercept (AFB) or ranibizumab (RNB) only, and after switching from RNB to AFB. This was a retrospective, real-world, multicenter (7 cities) 24 month study. Overall, 212 eyes in the AFB group, 461 in the RNB group, and 141 in the RNB to AFB group were included. The primary endpoints were differences in visual acuity (VA) and central macular thickness (CMT) from baseline to the final visit. The secondary outcomes were the percentage of eyes that achieved ≥10 letters gain and ≥10 letters loss in vision at month 12 and 24, and the percentage of eyes that achieved a thinning of ≥20% in CMT at month 3 and month 6. The results showed that VA did not significantly differ at baseline (AFB: 0.62 ± 0.38, RNB: 0.61 ± 0.36, RNB to AFB: 0.61 ± 0.38), at checkpoints, or at the final visit (AFB: 0.46 ± 0.38, RNB: 0.5 ± 0.37, RNB to AFB: 0.53 ± 0.36) (p > 0.05). Though the mean CMT at baseline was si...

Research paper thumbnail of Mild Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome Following Intravitreal Injection of Dexamethasone Implant

Acta Scientific Ophthalmology, 2020

One day after the procedure, on the regular first control, the patient presented with blurred vis... more One day after the procedure, on the regular first control, the patient presented with blurred vision without ocular pain or photophobia. His visual acuity (VA) dropped to hand movement in the right eye. On slit-lamp examination, significant anterior chamber reaction with +4 inflammatory white blood cells without hypopyon

Research paper thumbnail of Hipertropya ile Beraber Seyreden Ekzotropya Olgularının Klinik Özellikleri

Turkiye Klinikleri Oftalmoloji Dergisi, 2009

Hipertropya ile Beraber Seyreden Ekzotropya Olgularının Klinik Özellikleri Ö ÖZ ZE ET T A Am ma a... more Hipertropya ile Beraber Seyreden Ekzotropya Olgularının Klinik Özellikleri Ö ÖZ ZE ET T A Am ma aç ç: : Ek zot rop ya (XT) ile be ra ber hi per trop ya (HT)' sı olan ve sa de ce XT'sı bu lu nan has ta la rın kli nik özellik le ri nin kar şı laş tı rıl ma sı. G Ge e r re eç ç v ve e Y Yö ön n t te em m l le er r: : Ha zi ran 2005-Ha zi ran 2008 ta rih le ri ara sın da An ka ra Ata türk Eğitim Araş tır ma Has ta ne si 1. Göz Kli ni ğin de XT ta nı sıy la iz le nen has ta lar de ğer len di ril di. Eş lik eden ver ti kal kay ma, ob lik kas dis fonk si yo nu, kay ma nın baş lan gıç ya şı, kay ma nın sü re si, uy gu la nan cer ra hi ya da di ğer or top tik te davi ler ön ce si ve son ra sı gör me kes kin lik le ri, tas hih li ya kın ve uzak ho ri zon tal kay ma la rı, bi no kü ler fonk si yon la rı ve eş lik eden amb li yo pi de ğer len di ril di. İki grup, is ta tis tik sel ola rak, or ta la ma yaş, kay ma nın baş lan gıç ya şı, kayma mik ta rı, te da vi ön ce si ve son ra sı sfe rik ve si len d rik kır ma ku su ru, gör me kes kin li ği açı sın dan Mann Whit ney U-tes ti ile ve bi no kü ler gör me ve amb li yo pi oran la rı açı sın dan ki-ka re tes ti ile kar şı laş tı rıl dı. B Bu ul l g gu u l la ar r: : Top lam 101 XT'lı has ta nın 15 (%14.9)'in de HT mev cut tu. Bu ol gu la rın 6 (%40)'sın da in fe ri or ob lik hi per fonk si yo nu bu lunmak tay dı. Hi per de vi as yon la be ra ber XT'si olan has ta lar da %33.3 ora nın da ağır, %26.7 ora nın da ha fif amb li yo pi iz le nir ken, bu oran lar, hi per de vi as yo nu ol ma yan lar da sı ra sıy la %22.1 ve %10.5 idi. Ara da ki fark is ta tis tik sel olarak an lam lıy dı (p= 0.02). Hi per de vi as yo nu olan ve ol ma yan XT'li has ta lar ara sın da or ta la ma yaş, kay ma nın başlan gıç ya şı, kay ma nın sü re si, te da vi ön ce si ve son ra sı kır ma ku sur la rı, gör me kes kin li ği, uzak ve ya kın kay ma mik ta rı açı sın dan is ta tis tik sel ola rak an lam lı bir fark sap tan ma dı. HT'si olan has ta lar da te da vi ön ce si ya kın ste reop si sin an lam lı oran da (p= 0.02) dü şük ol du ğu bu lun du. Ho ri zon tal cer ra hi de ba şa rı ora nı, HT'si olan ol gu lar da %93.3, ol ma yan lar da %88.4 olup, ara da an lam lı bir fark sap tan ma dı. S So o n nu uç ç: : HT ile be ra ber XT'si olan has ta lar da da ha yük sek oran da amb li yo pi ve dü şük ya kın ste re op sis iz len mek te dir. An cak bu ol gu lar da uy gun cer ra hi te davi ile yüz gül dü rü cü so nuç lar alı na bi lir. A An na ah h t ta ar r K Ke e l li i m me e l le er r: : Ek zot rop ya, hi per trop ya, amb li yo pi, ste re op sis A AB BS S T TR RA AC CT T O Ob b j je ec c t ti i v ve e: : Com pa ri son of cli ni cal pro per ti es of exot ro pia (XT) pa ti ents with hyper tro pi a (HT) and tho se wit ho ut hyper tro pi a. M Ma a t te e r ri i a al l a an nd d M Me et t h ho od ds s: : XT pa ti ents fol lo wed up in the 1 st Opt hal mo logy Cli nic of An ka ra Ata türk Edu ca ti on and Re se arch Hos pi tal bet we en Ju ne 2005 and Ju ne 2008 are eva lu a ted for con co mitant ver ti cal de vi a ti on, ob li qu e musc le dysfunc ti on, the age when the exo de vi a ti on star ted, the du ra ti on of exode vi a ti on, best cor rec ted vi su al acu i ti es, dis tan ce and ne ar de vi a ti ons with spec tac les, bi no cu lar func ti ons and ac com pan ying amb lyo pi a be fo re and af ter the app li ed sur gi cal and ort hop tic tre at ments. Mann Whit ney U-test was used for com pa ri son of the two gro ups in terms of age, the age when first exo de vi a ti on star ted, du ra ti on of exo de vi a ti on, mag ni tu de of exo de vi a ti on, sphe ri cal and cylin dri cal ref rac ti ve er rors, vi su al acu i ti es be fo re and af ter the tre at ment. Bi no cu lar func ti on and amb lyo pi a ra tes of the two gro ups we re com pa red by chi-squ a re test. R Re e s su ul lt ts s: : The re was HT in 15 (14.9%) pa ti ents among 101 XT pa ti ents. Six (40%) of the se pa ti ents had in fe ri or obli qu e ove rac ti on. The ra ti o of se ve re amb lyo pi a was 33.3% and that of mild amb lyo pi a was 26.7% in XT pa ti ents with HT. On the ot her hand the se ra ti os we re 22.1% and 10.5% in the XT pa ti ents wit ho ut HT for se ve re and mild amb lyo pi a res pec ti vely. The dif fe ren ce bet we en gro ups was sig ni fi cant (p= 0.02). The XT pa ti ents with and wit ho ut HT we re not sig ni fi cantly dif fe rent in terms of me an age, the age when the exo de vi a ti on first star ted, dura ti on of exo de vi a ti on, mag ni tu de of dis tan ce and ne ar de vi a ti on, ref rac ti ve er rors and vi su al acu i ti es be fo re and af ter the tre at ment. The ne ar ste re op sis was sig ni fi cantly lo wer in XT pa ti ents with HT (p= 0.02). The suc cess rate for ho ri zon tal sur gery was 93.3% and 88.4% for XT pa ti ents with and wit ho ut hyper tro pi a res pec ti vely. This ra te was not eit her sif ni fi cantly dif fe rent bet we en the two gro ups. C Co on nc c l lu u s si i o on n: : The ra ti o of amb lyo pi a was higher and the ne ar ste re op sis is lo wer in XT pa ti ents with HT as com pa red to tho se wit ho ut HT. Ho we ver go od results may be ob ta i ned in the se pa ti ents with ap prop ri a te tre at ment met hods.

Research paper thumbnail of Akomodasyon Kaybıyla Seyreden Konjenital Midriyazis

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 2012

old patient presented to our hospital with dilated pupils and decreased near vision. Complete ocu... more old patient presented to our hospital with dilated pupils and decreased near vision. Complete ocular examination was done and pupil responses to pharmacological agents were evaluated. The patient had bilateral congenital mydriasis. The pupils were mydriatic. At pupil margins there were pigmented rudimentary nipple-like structures and remnants of persistent pupillary membrane. Pupils did not respond to pharmaceutics. The patient was not able to accommodate. Ultrasound biomicroscopy demonstrated hypoplasia of ciliary processes. Congenital mydriasis may be associated with absence of accommodation. Patients with that condition may need near vision correction first. K Ke ey y W Wo or rd ds s: : Accommodation, ocular; congenital; mydriasis Ö ÖZ ZE ET T On dört yaşında kadın hasta kliniğimize pupillalarda dilatasyon ve yakın görmede bozukluk yakınmalarıyla başvurdu. Tam göz muayenesi yapıldı ve farmakolojik ajanlara pupil yanıtları değerlendirildi. Hastada bilateral konjenital midriyazis mevcuttu. Pupillalar midriyatikti. Pupil kenarlarında pigmente rudimenter meme başı benzeri yapılar ve pupil membranı kalıntıları vardı. Pupillalar farmasötik ajanlara yanıtsızdı. Hasta akomodasyon yapamıyordu. Ultrasonografik biyomikroskopide siliyer proseslerde hipoplazi olduğu gözlendi. Konjenital midriyazise akomodasyon yokluğu eşlik edebilmektedir. Bu durumdaki hastalarda öncelikle yakın görmenin düzeltilmesi gerekli olabilmektedir. A An na ah ht ta ar r K Ke el li im me el le er r: : Uyum, oküler; konjenital; midriyaz T Tu ur rk ki iy ye e K Kl li in ni ik kl le er ri i

Research paper thumbnail of Poliozis Bulgulu Marshall Sendromlu Bir Olgu

… Klinikleri Journal of …, 1994

Bu makalede Marshall sendromlu bir olgu sunulmuştur. Marshall sendromu; iskelet matürasyonunun ar... more Bu makalede Marshall sendromlu bir olgu sunulmuştur. Marshall sendromu; iskelet matürasyonunun artması, büyüme ve gelişimin duraklaması ve dismorfik tipik yüz görünümü triadı ile karakterlidir. Klasik triadın dışında çok değişik klinik bulgularda bildirilmiştir. Olgumuzda da daha önce bildirimine rastlamadığımız poliozis saptanmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Asimetrik İnferior Oblik Hiperfonksiyonunun Ambliyopi ve Binoküler Görmeye Etkisi

… Klinikleri Journal of …, 1993

İnferior oblik hiperfonksiyonun (İOHF) asimetri derecesinin, ambliyopi ve binoküler görme fonksiy... more İnferior oblik hiperfonksiyonun (İOHF) asimetri derecesinin, ambliyopi ve binoküler görme fonksiyonları üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmak amacıyla 130 İOHF'lu olgu incelendi. Toplam %30 olguda ambliyopi mevcutken, %56.92 olguda füzyon kaybı saptandı. Hiperfonksiyonun fazla olduğu tarafta supresyon görülme oranı yüksekti. Asimetri indeksi arttıkça ambliyopi gelişimi ve füzyon kaybının arttığı gözlendi. Füzyon kaybı, ambliyopi gelişiminin görülmediği, daha az asimetri indeksi olan gruplarda da belirgindi.

Research paper thumbnail of İleri Derecede Miyopisi ve Maküla Dejenerasyonu Olan Bir Erkek Olguda Renk Körlüğü

Research paper thumbnail of Dört Olgu Nedeniyle Nanoftalmus

… Klinikleri Journal of …, 1993

Nanoftalmus nadir ve genellikle ciddi komplikasyonları oluştuktan sonra orta yaş üstünde tanı kon... more Nanoftalmus nadir ve genellikle ciddi komplikasyonları oluştuktan sonra orta yaş üstünde tanı konan kongenital bir göz anomalisidir. Bu çalışmada erken dönemde tanı konularak izlenen 4 nanoftalmus olgusu sunulmakta, tanı kriterleri, genetik geçiş özellikleri irdelenmektedir. - FOUR ...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Pachimetric Alterations in diabetic and non-diabetic eyes after uneventful Torsional Mode Phacoemulsification Surgery

Madridge Journal of Ophthalmology, 2017

In this study we aim to evaluate in central corneal thickness (CCT) changes after uneventful phac... more In this study we aim to evaluate in central corneal thickness (CCT) changes after uneventful phacoemulsification surgery in eyes with dense cataract in subject with diabetes mellitus (DM) and compare it with normal subjects. This study included 120 eyes of 120 patients who had cataract with nucleus density Grade 4. Out of 120 patient 49 eyes were diabetes mellitus group and 71 eyes were in control group. We found that a significant increment in preoperative CCT (525 µm) comparing to postoperative CCT (538 µm) in subject with DM, but in aged match normal subjects the preoperative (530 µm) and postoperative (531 µm) CCT was very similar at first month.

Research paper thumbnail of Şeffaf Lens Cerrahisinin Yüksek Miyop Olgulardaki Etkinlik ve Güvenilirliği

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Ophthalmology, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Diyabetik Hastalarda Sodyum Hiyaluronat İçeren Göz Damlasının Gözyaşı Fonksiyonlarına Etkisi

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Ophthalmology, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Şaşılık Olgularında Aksiel Uzunluk Dağılımı

… Klinikleri Journal of …, 1995

To find out axial lenght of globe In strabismic population and to evaluate distribution of them a... more To find out axial lenght of globe In strabismic population and to evaluate distribution of them among in types of strabismus, 166 eyes of 83 cases were examined. While the shortest axial lenght was 20.14 mm and the longest lenght was 25.63 mm, the medium value was, 22.31 mm. Its observed that the aksial lenght in the strabismic population is distrubuted evenly large limits and the medium levels of them isn't different from the normal population. Medium axial lenght of esotropia (ET) cases is find out 22.67 mm whereas of the exotropic (XT) cases find out 22.87 mm. Its reached the conclusion of there is no difference between types of strabismus when the axial lenght is conside red.

Research paper thumbnail of Morquio Sendromlu Bir Olgunun Sistemik ve Oftalmik Bulguları

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Ophthalmology, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Monofiksasyon Sendromunda Görme Seviyesi ve Derinlik Hissinin Farklı Testierte İncelenmesi

Research paper thumbnail of Ocular alignment and results of strabismus surgery in neurologically impaired children

International journal of ophthalmology, 2012

To evaluate ocular alignment and surgical results of strabismus surgery in neurologically impaire... more To evaluate ocular alignment and surgical results of strabismus surgery in neurologically impaired children. Files of 33 neurologically impaired squint children were evaluated. Twelve patients had cerebral palsy(CP), 4 had CP with mental retardation, therest had mental-motor retardation of unknown cause. Cycloplegic refractions, type and angle of strabismus, surgeries performed were recorded. Mean follow-up was 34.0±16.5 months. Twenty-three patients had esodeviation, the remaining had exodeviation. In 19 patients, angle of deviations measured at different visits were highly variable. Twelve patients with stable angle of deviations or with unstable but high angle deviations had horizontal muscle surgery. Mean horizontal deviation decreased from 43.75±10,69 D to 12.83±8.38 D with surgery. In neurologically impaired strabismic children, surgery is effective in patients with stable deviations or unstable but high angle deviations. Decision for surgery should be made after a long follow...

Research paper thumbnail of Neurotrophic ulcer after extra-capsular cataract operation

Although neurotrophic ulcers due to herpes zoster are seldom, there may be challenging cases. Esp... more Although neurotrophic ulcers due to herpes zoster are seldom, there may be challenging cases. Especially neurotrophic corneal ulcers after cataract operations should arise the possibility of a previous herpes zoster attack and the treatment plan should be prepared accordingly. This case highlights the importance of thorough evaluation of cataract patients in order not to miss a previous diagnosis of herpes.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of phaco time parameters in eyes with and without glaucoma filtration surgery due to pseudoexfoliation glaucoma

European Journal of Ophthalmology, 2021

Purpose: To compare the phaco time parameters including ultrasound time (UST), effective phaco ti... more Purpose: To compare the phaco time parameters including ultrasound time (UST), effective phaco time (EPT), and average phaco power (APP) in eyes with pseudoexfoliation glaucoma (PEG) and had or had not glaucoma filtration surgery. Methods: In this retrospective comparative study, Group 1 was constructed with 84 PEG patients who had not operated previously, and Group 2 was constructed with 49 PEG patients who had glaucoma filtration surgery. The mean values of UST, EPT, and APP were compared. The preoperative clinical characteristics and surgical manipulations were also compared. Results: The mean ages and male-to-female ratios of the groups were similar ( p > 0.05, for both). There was no difference in the preoperative clinical characteristics, including biometric values between the groups ( p > 0.05, for all). Some surgical manipulations, including pupillary stretching ( p = 0.004), pupillary membrane peeling ( p = 0.021), iris hook using ( p = 0.041), and capsular tension ri...

Research paper thumbnail of Katarakt Cerrahisinde Kullanılan Farklı Yoğunluktaki Viskoelastik Maddelerin Ameliyat Sonrası Dönemde Göz İçi Basıncına Etkisi

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Ophthalmology, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Endophthalmitis After Vitreoretinal Surgery

Güncel retina, Oct 21, 2023

Vitreoretinal cerrahilerden sonra gelişen endoftalmiler, uygun tedavi uygulansa bile görme kaybın... more Vitreoretinal cerrahilerden sonra gelişen endoftalmiler, uygun tedavi uygulansa bile görme kaybına neden olabilecek kadar ciddi, ancak çok nadir görülen bir komplikasyondur. Ağrı, konjonktivada hiperemi, kemozis, korneada ödem, ön kamarada reaksiyon, hücre, hipopion, vitritis bulgularıyla tanı konulabilir. Vitrektomi sonrası gelişen ekzojen endoftalmiler genellikle kişilerin kendi konjonktiva floralarındaki mikroorganizmalardan kaynaklanır. Vitrektomi sonrasi endoftalmi görülme sıklığı preoperatif sterilizasyon yöntemi, vitrektomideki skleral insizyon tekniği, ameliyatta kullanılan tampon maddeler ve postoperatif tedaviye bağlı olarak değişmektedir. Prognoz etken mikroorganizmanın patojenitesi, hastanın immün durumu erken tanı ve zamanında uygun tedavi uygulanmasına bağlıdır.

Research paper thumbnail of Total macular volume as a potential biomarker in the assessment of anti-VEGF response in patients with diabetic macular edema: real-life data analysis

Anatolian Current Medical Journal

Aim: To evaluate the functional and anatomic efficacy of intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial g... more Aim: To evaluate the functional and anatomic efficacy of intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) therapy in patients with diabetic macular edema (DME) and investigate the association between central macular thickness (CMT) and total macular volume (TMV) in real-life settings.Material and Method: In this retrospective, observational, longitudinal study 38 eyes of 23 consecutive patients with center-involving DME were included. A loading phase of three monthly intravitreal anti-VEGF injections was initiated, followed by anti-VEGF injections if needed as per clinicians’ discretion. Results: Mean Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) letters gained was 3.2 letters at month 12. The reduction in the mean of CMT and TMV were 60 μm and 1.33 mm3 respectively at the end of 12 months. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was negatively correlated with CMT (r=-0.573, p < 0.01) and TMV (r=-0.533, p < 0.01) initially. There was a statistically significan...

Research paper thumbnail of Real Life Multicenter Comparison of 24-Month Outcomes of Anti-VEGF Therapy in Diabetic Macular Edema in Turkey: Ranibizumab vs. Aflibercept vs. Ranibizumab-Aflibercept Switch


The aim of this study was to compare the outcomes of diabetic macular edema (DME) treated with af... more The aim of this study was to compare the outcomes of diabetic macular edema (DME) treated with aflibercept (AFB) or ranibizumab (RNB) only, and after switching from RNB to AFB. This was a retrospective, real-world, multicenter (7 cities) 24 month study. Overall, 212 eyes in the AFB group, 461 in the RNB group, and 141 in the RNB to AFB group were included. The primary endpoints were differences in visual acuity (VA) and central macular thickness (CMT) from baseline to the final visit. The secondary outcomes were the percentage of eyes that achieved ≥10 letters gain and ≥10 letters loss in vision at month 12 and 24, and the percentage of eyes that achieved a thinning of ≥20% in CMT at month 3 and month 6. The results showed that VA did not significantly differ at baseline (AFB: 0.62 ± 0.38, RNB: 0.61 ± 0.36, RNB to AFB: 0.61 ± 0.38), at checkpoints, or at the final visit (AFB: 0.46 ± 0.38, RNB: 0.5 ± 0.37, RNB to AFB: 0.53 ± 0.36) (p > 0.05). Though the mean CMT at baseline was si...

Research paper thumbnail of Mild Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome Following Intravitreal Injection of Dexamethasone Implant

Acta Scientific Ophthalmology, 2020

One day after the procedure, on the regular first control, the patient presented with blurred vis... more One day after the procedure, on the regular first control, the patient presented with blurred vision without ocular pain or photophobia. His visual acuity (VA) dropped to hand movement in the right eye. On slit-lamp examination, significant anterior chamber reaction with +4 inflammatory white blood cells without hypopyon

Research paper thumbnail of Hipertropya ile Beraber Seyreden Ekzotropya Olgularının Klinik Özellikleri

Turkiye Klinikleri Oftalmoloji Dergisi, 2009

Hipertropya ile Beraber Seyreden Ekzotropya Olgularının Klinik Özellikleri Ö ÖZ ZE ET T A Am ma a... more Hipertropya ile Beraber Seyreden Ekzotropya Olgularının Klinik Özellikleri Ö ÖZ ZE ET T A Am ma aç ç: : Ek zot rop ya (XT) ile be ra ber hi per trop ya (HT)' sı olan ve sa de ce XT'sı bu lu nan has ta la rın kli nik özellik le ri nin kar şı laş tı rıl ma sı. G Ge e r re eç ç v ve e Y Yö ön n t te em m l le er r: : Ha zi ran 2005-Ha zi ran 2008 ta rih le ri ara sın da An ka ra Ata türk Eğitim Araş tır ma Has ta ne si 1. Göz Kli ni ğin de XT ta nı sıy la iz le nen has ta lar de ğer len di ril di. Eş lik eden ver ti kal kay ma, ob lik kas dis fonk si yo nu, kay ma nın baş lan gıç ya şı, kay ma nın sü re si, uy gu la nan cer ra hi ya da di ğer or top tik te davi ler ön ce si ve son ra sı gör me kes kin lik le ri, tas hih li ya kın ve uzak ho ri zon tal kay ma la rı, bi no kü ler fonk si yon la rı ve eş lik eden amb li yo pi de ğer len di ril di. İki grup, is ta tis tik sel ola rak, or ta la ma yaş, kay ma nın baş lan gıç ya şı, kayma mik ta rı, te da vi ön ce si ve son ra sı sfe rik ve si len d rik kır ma ku su ru, gör me kes kin li ği açı sın dan Mann Whit ney U-tes ti ile ve bi no kü ler gör me ve amb li yo pi oran la rı açı sın dan ki-ka re tes ti ile kar şı laş tı rıl dı. B Bu ul l g gu u l la ar r: : Top lam 101 XT'lı has ta nın 15 (%14.9)'in de HT mev cut tu. Bu ol gu la rın 6 (%40)'sın da in fe ri or ob lik hi per fonk si yo nu bu lunmak tay dı. Hi per de vi as yon la be ra ber XT'si olan has ta lar da %33.3 ora nın da ağır, %26.7 ora nın da ha fif amb li yo pi iz le nir ken, bu oran lar, hi per de vi as yo nu ol ma yan lar da sı ra sıy la %22.1 ve %10.5 idi. Ara da ki fark is ta tis tik sel olarak an lam lıy dı (p= 0.02). Hi per de vi as yo nu olan ve ol ma yan XT'li has ta lar ara sın da or ta la ma yaş, kay ma nın başlan gıç ya şı, kay ma nın sü re si, te da vi ön ce si ve son ra sı kır ma ku sur la rı, gör me kes kin li ği, uzak ve ya kın kay ma mik ta rı açı sın dan is ta tis tik sel ola rak an lam lı bir fark sap tan ma dı. HT'si olan has ta lar da te da vi ön ce si ya kın ste reop si sin an lam lı oran da (p= 0.02) dü şük ol du ğu bu lun du. Ho ri zon tal cer ra hi de ba şa rı ora nı, HT'si olan ol gu lar da %93.3, ol ma yan lar da %88.4 olup, ara da an lam lı bir fark sap tan ma dı. S So o n nu uç ç: : HT ile be ra ber XT'si olan has ta lar da da ha yük sek oran da amb li yo pi ve dü şük ya kın ste re op sis iz len mek te dir. An cak bu ol gu lar da uy gun cer ra hi te davi ile yüz gül dü rü cü so nuç lar alı na bi lir. A An na ah h t ta ar r K Ke e l li i m me e l le er r: : Ek zot rop ya, hi per trop ya, amb li yo pi, ste re op sis A AB BS S T TR RA AC CT T O Ob b j je ec c t ti i v ve e: : Com pa ri son of cli ni cal pro per ti es of exot ro pia (XT) pa ti ents with hyper tro pi a (HT) and tho se wit ho ut hyper tro pi a. M Ma a t te e r ri i a al l a an nd d M Me et t h ho od ds s: : XT pa ti ents fol lo wed up in the 1 st Opt hal mo logy Cli nic of An ka ra Ata türk Edu ca ti on and Re se arch Hos pi tal bet we en Ju ne 2005 and Ju ne 2008 are eva lu a ted for con co mitant ver ti cal de vi a ti on, ob li qu e musc le dysfunc ti on, the age when the exo de vi a ti on star ted, the du ra ti on of exode vi a ti on, best cor rec ted vi su al acu i ti es, dis tan ce and ne ar de vi a ti ons with spec tac les, bi no cu lar func ti ons and ac com pan ying amb lyo pi a be fo re and af ter the app li ed sur gi cal and ort hop tic tre at ments. Mann Whit ney U-test was used for com pa ri son of the two gro ups in terms of age, the age when first exo de vi a ti on star ted, du ra ti on of exo de vi a ti on, mag ni tu de of exo de vi a ti on, sphe ri cal and cylin dri cal ref rac ti ve er rors, vi su al acu i ti es be fo re and af ter the tre at ment. Bi no cu lar func ti on and amb lyo pi a ra tes of the two gro ups we re com pa red by chi-squ a re test. R Re e s su ul lt ts s: : The re was HT in 15 (14.9%) pa ti ents among 101 XT pa ti ents. Six (40%) of the se pa ti ents had in fe ri or obli qu e ove rac ti on. The ra ti o of se ve re amb lyo pi a was 33.3% and that of mild amb lyo pi a was 26.7% in XT pa ti ents with HT. On the ot her hand the se ra ti os we re 22.1% and 10.5% in the XT pa ti ents wit ho ut HT for se ve re and mild amb lyo pi a res pec ti vely. The dif fe ren ce bet we en gro ups was sig ni fi cant (p= 0.02). The XT pa ti ents with and wit ho ut HT we re not sig ni fi cantly dif fe rent in terms of me an age, the age when the exo de vi a ti on first star ted, dura ti on of exo de vi a ti on, mag ni tu de of dis tan ce and ne ar de vi a ti on, ref rac ti ve er rors and vi su al acu i ti es be fo re and af ter the tre at ment. The ne ar ste re op sis was sig ni fi cantly lo wer in XT pa ti ents with HT (p= 0.02). The suc cess rate for ho ri zon tal sur gery was 93.3% and 88.4% for XT pa ti ents with and wit ho ut hyper tro pi a res pec ti vely. This ra te was not eit her sif ni fi cantly dif fe rent bet we en the two gro ups. C Co on nc c l lu u s si i o on n: : The ra ti o of amb lyo pi a was higher and the ne ar ste re op sis is lo wer in XT pa ti ents with HT as com pa red to tho se wit ho ut HT. Ho we ver go od results may be ob ta i ned in the se pa ti ents with ap prop ri a te tre at ment met hods.

Research paper thumbnail of Akomodasyon Kaybıyla Seyreden Konjenital Midriyazis

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 2012

old patient presented to our hospital with dilated pupils and decreased near vision. Complete ocu... more old patient presented to our hospital with dilated pupils and decreased near vision. Complete ocular examination was done and pupil responses to pharmacological agents were evaluated. The patient had bilateral congenital mydriasis. The pupils were mydriatic. At pupil margins there were pigmented rudimentary nipple-like structures and remnants of persistent pupillary membrane. Pupils did not respond to pharmaceutics. The patient was not able to accommodate. Ultrasound biomicroscopy demonstrated hypoplasia of ciliary processes. Congenital mydriasis may be associated with absence of accommodation. Patients with that condition may need near vision correction first. K Ke ey y W Wo or rd ds s: : Accommodation, ocular; congenital; mydriasis Ö ÖZ ZE ET T On dört yaşında kadın hasta kliniğimize pupillalarda dilatasyon ve yakın görmede bozukluk yakınmalarıyla başvurdu. Tam göz muayenesi yapıldı ve farmakolojik ajanlara pupil yanıtları değerlendirildi. Hastada bilateral konjenital midriyazis mevcuttu. Pupillalar midriyatikti. Pupil kenarlarında pigmente rudimenter meme başı benzeri yapılar ve pupil membranı kalıntıları vardı. Pupillalar farmasötik ajanlara yanıtsızdı. Hasta akomodasyon yapamıyordu. Ultrasonografik biyomikroskopide siliyer proseslerde hipoplazi olduğu gözlendi. Konjenital midriyazise akomodasyon yokluğu eşlik edebilmektedir. Bu durumdaki hastalarda öncelikle yakın görmenin düzeltilmesi gerekli olabilmektedir. A An na ah ht ta ar r K Ke el li im me el le er r: : Uyum, oküler; konjenital; midriyaz T Tu ur rk ki iy ye e K Kl li in ni ik kl le er ri i

Research paper thumbnail of Poliozis Bulgulu Marshall Sendromlu Bir Olgu

… Klinikleri Journal of …, 1994

Bu makalede Marshall sendromlu bir olgu sunulmuştur. Marshall sendromu; iskelet matürasyonunun ar... more Bu makalede Marshall sendromlu bir olgu sunulmuştur. Marshall sendromu; iskelet matürasyonunun artması, büyüme ve gelişimin duraklaması ve dismorfik tipik yüz görünümü triadı ile karakterlidir. Klasik triadın dışında çok değişik klinik bulgularda bildirilmiştir. Olgumuzda da daha önce bildirimine rastlamadığımız poliozis saptanmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Asimetrik İnferior Oblik Hiperfonksiyonunun Ambliyopi ve Binoküler Görmeye Etkisi

… Klinikleri Journal of …, 1993

İnferior oblik hiperfonksiyonun (İOHF) asimetri derecesinin, ambliyopi ve binoküler görme fonksiy... more İnferior oblik hiperfonksiyonun (İOHF) asimetri derecesinin, ambliyopi ve binoküler görme fonksiyonları üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmak amacıyla 130 İOHF'lu olgu incelendi. Toplam %30 olguda ambliyopi mevcutken, %56.92 olguda füzyon kaybı saptandı. Hiperfonksiyonun fazla olduğu tarafta supresyon görülme oranı yüksekti. Asimetri indeksi arttıkça ambliyopi gelişimi ve füzyon kaybının arttığı gözlendi. Füzyon kaybı, ambliyopi gelişiminin görülmediği, daha az asimetri indeksi olan gruplarda da belirgindi.

Research paper thumbnail of İleri Derecede Miyopisi ve Maküla Dejenerasyonu Olan Bir Erkek Olguda Renk Körlüğü

Research paper thumbnail of Dört Olgu Nedeniyle Nanoftalmus

… Klinikleri Journal of …, 1993

Nanoftalmus nadir ve genellikle ciddi komplikasyonları oluştuktan sonra orta yaş üstünde tanı kon... more Nanoftalmus nadir ve genellikle ciddi komplikasyonları oluştuktan sonra orta yaş üstünde tanı konan kongenital bir göz anomalisidir. Bu çalışmada erken dönemde tanı konularak izlenen 4 nanoftalmus olgusu sunulmakta, tanı kriterleri, genetik geçiş özellikleri irdelenmektedir. - FOUR ...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Pachimetric Alterations in diabetic and non-diabetic eyes after uneventful Torsional Mode Phacoemulsification Surgery

Madridge Journal of Ophthalmology, 2017

In this study we aim to evaluate in central corneal thickness (CCT) changes after uneventful phac... more In this study we aim to evaluate in central corneal thickness (CCT) changes after uneventful phacoemulsification surgery in eyes with dense cataract in subject with diabetes mellitus (DM) and compare it with normal subjects. This study included 120 eyes of 120 patients who had cataract with nucleus density Grade 4. Out of 120 patient 49 eyes were diabetes mellitus group and 71 eyes were in control group. We found that a significant increment in preoperative CCT (525 µm) comparing to postoperative CCT (538 µm) in subject with DM, but in aged match normal subjects the preoperative (530 µm) and postoperative (531 µm) CCT was very similar at first month.

Research paper thumbnail of Şeffaf Lens Cerrahisinin Yüksek Miyop Olgulardaki Etkinlik ve Güvenilirliği

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Ophthalmology, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Diyabetik Hastalarda Sodyum Hiyaluronat İçeren Göz Damlasının Gözyaşı Fonksiyonlarına Etkisi

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Ophthalmology, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Şaşılık Olgularında Aksiel Uzunluk Dağılımı

… Klinikleri Journal of …, 1995

To find out axial lenght of globe In strabismic population and to evaluate distribution of them a... more To find out axial lenght of globe In strabismic population and to evaluate distribution of them among in types of strabismus, 166 eyes of 83 cases were examined. While the shortest axial lenght was 20.14 mm and the longest lenght was 25.63 mm, the medium value was, 22.31 mm. Its observed that the aksial lenght in the strabismic population is distrubuted evenly large limits and the medium levels of them isn't different from the normal population. Medium axial lenght of esotropia (ET) cases is find out 22.67 mm whereas of the exotropic (XT) cases find out 22.87 mm. Its reached the conclusion of there is no difference between types of strabismus when the axial lenght is conside red.

Research paper thumbnail of Morquio Sendromlu Bir Olgunun Sistemik ve Oftalmik Bulguları

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Ophthalmology, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Monofiksasyon Sendromunda Görme Seviyesi ve Derinlik Hissinin Farklı Testierte İncelenmesi

Research paper thumbnail of Ocular alignment and results of strabismus surgery in neurologically impaired children

International journal of ophthalmology, 2012

To evaluate ocular alignment and surgical results of strabismus surgery in neurologically impaire... more To evaluate ocular alignment and surgical results of strabismus surgery in neurologically impaired children. Files of 33 neurologically impaired squint children were evaluated. Twelve patients had cerebral palsy(CP), 4 had CP with mental retardation, therest had mental-motor retardation of unknown cause. Cycloplegic refractions, type and angle of strabismus, surgeries performed were recorded. Mean follow-up was 34.0±16.5 months. Twenty-three patients had esodeviation, the remaining had exodeviation. In 19 patients, angle of deviations measured at different visits were highly variable. Twelve patients with stable angle of deviations or with unstable but high angle deviations had horizontal muscle surgery. Mean horizontal deviation decreased from 43.75±10,69 D to 12.83±8.38 D with surgery. In neurologically impaired strabismic children, surgery is effective in patients with stable deviations or unstable but high angle deviations. Decision for surgery should be made after a long follow...

Research paper thumbnail of Neurotrophic ulcer after extra-capsular cataract operation

Although neurotrophic ulcers due to herpes zoster are seldom, there may be challenging cases. Esp... more Although neurotrophic ulcers due to herpes zoster are seldom, there may be challenging cases. Especially neurotrophic corneal ulcers after cataract operations should arise the possibility of a previous herpes zoster attack and the treatment plan should be prepared accordingly. This case highlights the importance of thorough evaluation of cataract patients in order not to miss a previous diagnosis of herpes.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of phaco time parameters in eyes with and without glaucoma filtration surgery due to pseudoexfoliation glaucoma

European Journal of Ophthalmology, 2021

Purpose: To compare the phaco time parameters including ultrasound time (UST), effective phaco ti... more Purpose: To compare the phaco time parameters including ultrasound time (UST), effective phaco time (EPT), and average phaco power (APP) in eyes with pseudoexfoliation glaucoma (PEG) and had or had not glaucoma filtration surgery. Methods: In this retrospective comparative study, Group 1 was constructed with 84 PEG patients who had not operated previously, and Group 2 was constructed with 49 PEG patients who had glaucoma filtration surgery. The mean values of UST, EPT, and APP were compared. The preoperative clinical characteristics and surgical manipulations were also compared. Results: The mean ages and male-to-female ratios of the groups were similar ( p > 0.05, for both). There was no difference in the preoperative clinical characteristics, including biometric values between the groups ( p > 0.05, for all). Some surgical manipulations, including pupillary stretching ( p = 0.004), pupillary membrane peeling ( p = 0.021), iris hook using ( p = 0.041), and capsular tension ri...

Research paper thumbnail of Katarakt Cerrahisinde Kullanılan Farklı Yoğunluktaki Viskoelastik Maddelerin Ameliyat Sonrası Dönemde Göz İçi Basıncına Etkisi

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Ophthalmology, 2011