Bülent Baydaş - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Bülent Baydaş
Current Research in Dental Sciences
Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi dergisi, 1995
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 1995
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2005
Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi dergisi, 1999
Bü lent Baydas a ; İbrahim Yavuz a ; Hatice Uslu b ; İlhan Metin Dagsuyu a ; İsmail Ceylan c ABST... more Bü lent Baydas a ; İbrahim Yavuz a ; Hatice Uslu b ; İlhan Metin Dagsuyu a ; İsmail Ceylan c ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the skeletal effects of nonsurgical rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on craniofacial structures with bone scintigraphy in young adult female subjects. Materials and Methods: The material of the present study consists of scintigraphic records taken from 17 early adult females treated with RME. All patients had a bilateral posterior crossbite, transverse maxillary deficiency, deep palatal vault, and dental crowding at the beginning of the treatment. The age range of the patients was 16.1 to 18.8 years, and the mean age was 17.3 Ϯ 0.86 years. Bone scintigraphy records were obtained before RME (T1), during the splitting of the midpalatal suture (T2), and after the end of active widening period (T3). Repeated measure analysis of variance was used to assess the differences between the periods. In addition, Bonferroni multiple comparison tests were applied to the measurements at which F values were found to be statistically significant. Results: According to the statistical analysis, significant activity changes were found in all regions studied and in all slices. The metabolic activity in all regions showed significant increases up to the separation of the midpalatal suture (T1-T2), whereas the metabolic activity exhibited a remarkable decrease (T2-T3) after the opening of the midpalatal suture. Conclusions: Scintigraphic records revealed an increase in the regions of interest scores during RME in all regions and all slices. Therefore, it can be speculated that RME has had not only dental effects but also skeletal effects on young adult patients.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Feb 1, 2005
Bu çalýþmanýn amacý, sabit ortodontik tedavilerde kullanýlan ark tellerinde bulunan Ni, Cr ve Co ... more Bu çalýþmanýn amacý, sabit ortodontik tedavilerde kullanýlan ark tellerinde bulunan Ni, Cr ve Co elementlerinin farklý pH ortamlarýndaki iyon salýnýmlarýnýn atomik absorbsiyon spektrofotometre ile deðerlendirilmesidir. Çalýþmada 3 cm uzunluðunda NiTi, paslanmaz çelik, çok sarýmlý paslanmaz çelik ve TMA ark telleri, alt sað 1.molar bandý ve premolar braketine ligatüre edilerek benzer þartlar altýnda 4, 5.5 ve 7'lik pH' larda hazýrlanan yapay tükürük içinde bekletilmiþtir. 30. 60. ve 90. günlerde alýnan yapay tükürük örnekleri atomik absorpsiyon spektrofotometre cihazýnda deðerlendirilmiþtir. Elde edilen veriler varyans ve çoklu karþýlaþtýrma analizleriyle karþýlaþtýrýlmýþtýr. Çalýþmanýn sonuçlarý, ark tellerinden en fazla iyon salýnýmýnýn pH 4 seviyesinde olduðunu, iyon salýnýmýnýn hýzýnýn üçüncü ayda en düþük düzeyde olduðu fakat salýnýmýn devam ettiðini göstermiþtir. Ni iyonlarý en fazla salýnýmý gösterirken en az salýným Cr elementinden olmuþtur.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2021
Main Points • An increase in metabolic activity occurs in the TMJ region during RME. • The increa... more Main Points • An increase in metabolic activity occurs in the TMJ region during RME. • The increase in metabolic activity in the TMJ region decreases over time following the RME procedure. • Mandibular condyles have adapted over time to the forces exerted by RME in the region of theTMJ.
The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, 2006
An adult male patient who had lost his maxillary left central incisor seven years ago in a traffi... more An adult male patient who had lost his maxillary left central incisor seven years ago in a traffic accident presented with a chief complaint about his unaesthetic appearance associated with the loss of his maxillary left central incisor space, a Class III molar occlusion, and an anterior open bite malocclusion due to tonguethrust swallowing. Fixed orthodontic treatment was rendered following fan-type expansion of the maxilla. A Maryland bridge as a minimally invasive dentistry approach was used as a retention appliance and the patient's aesthetic appearance was restored.CitationBaydaş B, Denizoğlu S. An Application of a Split Purposeful Resin-Bonded Fixed Partial Denture after Orthodontic Treatment: A Case Report. J Contemp Dent Pract 2006 February;(7)1:141-149.
Dentistry, 2015
shortened by using various different slurry water concentrations with the changes of setting expa... more shortened by using various different slurry water concentrations with the changes of setting expansions of the plaster of paris and two other brands of dental stones with normal time duration by using distilled and tap water. The null hypothesis tested was that there is shortened setting time of dental stones by using various different slurry water concentrations. Methodology In this study, two improved dental stones were used to fabricate master casts and dies. The tested fabrications were BegoStone (Bego Bremer, Goldschlägerei Wilh. Herbst GmbH and Co. Wilhelm Herbst-Strabe 1 D 28359 Bremen Germany), Moldano (Heraeus Kulzer GmbH and Co. KG Gruner Weg 11 D-63450 Hanau Germany) and plaster of paris (BMT, PK 121 Sivas, Turkey). Together with the manufacturer's values, the setting time and setting expansion amounts of the dental stone and plaster used in this study are shown in Table 1. Distilled water (Hinckley and Schmidt, Chicago, Ill. USA), tap water and slurry water prepared with the volume ratio of 16% and 2% were used as liquid for mixing the dental stone and plaster. In order
The European Journal of Orthodontics, 2004
The purpose of the present study was to examine and compare cervicovertebral morphology in subjec... more The purpose of the present study was to examine and compare cervicovertebral morphology in subjects with different sagittal skeletal patterns. The material comprised lateral head films of 90 untreated subjects, 45 girls and 45 boys, aged 13-15 years. The radiographs were obtained in the natural head position using a fluid level method. The subjects were divided into three groups according to ANB angle: ANB angle between 1 and 5 degrees (skeletal Class I), larger than 5 degrees (skeletal Class II), and smaller than 1 degree (skeletal Class III). Each ANB group consisted of 30 subjects, 15 girls and 15 boys. Twenty-nine linear and four area measurements were used to assess cervicovertebral morphology. Differences between the ANB groups and between genders were assessed by means of analysis of variance and the least significant difference test. In addition, cephalometric measurements for all subjects were subjected to discriminant analysis. The results of the analysis of variance showed that there were statistically significant differences in the measurements of the lumen length of C1, inferior depths of C2 and C4, anterior intervertebral spaces of C2 and C3, posterior intervertebral space of C3, and anterior and posterior body heights of C4 among the ANB groups. The total length of C1, inferior depths of C2-C5, anterior intervertebral spaces of C2-C4, posterior intervertebral space of C2, anterior body heights of C4 and C5, and posterior body heights of C3-C5 demonstrated significant gender differences. The results of the discriminant analysis indicated that 54.4 per cent of the original grouped cases were correctly classified in the total sample. The final discriminant model was able to classify correctly 20 of the 30 Class I subjects (66.7 per cent), 17 of the 30 Class II subjects (56.7 per cent), and 12 of the 30 Class III subjects (40.0 per cent).
The European Journal of Orthodontics, 2005
Cumhuriyet Dental Journal, 2011
Ust cene on bolge dislerinin surme bozukluklari, yuz estetigini olumsuz yonde etkileyen bir klini... more Ust cene on bolge dislerinin surme bozukluklari, yuz estetigini olumsuz yonde etkileyen bir klinik problemdir. Gomulu dislerin ark icindeki ideal yerlerine ortodontik olarak surdurulmesi ve dizilmesi hastaya daha iyi bir gulumseme saglamaktadir. Bu amac dogrultusunda, klinisyenin en iyi ortodontik mekanigi secmesi gerekmektedir. Bu calismada palatinale gomulu maksiller kaninlerin surdurulmesi amaciyla kullanilan ortodontik ve cerrahi tedavi secenekleri anlatilmis ve palatinal pozisyonda gomulu maksiller kanin dislerinin sabit ve hareketli ortodontik aygitlarla surduruldugu iki olgu ve bu mekaniklerin avantaj ve dezavantajlari sunulmustur. Sunulan ikinci olguda retansiyon kroseleri ve helikal springleri olan basit ve etkili muteharrik aparey ile gomulu dislerin surduruldugu yeni bir yontem anlatilmistir. Anahtar kelimeler: Palatinale gomulu maksiller kaninler, ortodontik surdurme, sabit ortodontik mekanikler, hareketli ortodontik apareyler, avantaj ve dezavantaj. Abstract Eruption an...
Bu calýþmanýn amacý, bantlý fan tipi RME apareyinindentoalveoler yapýlar uzerine etkilerinin ince... more Bu calýþmanýn amacý, bantlý fan tipi RME apareyinindentoalveoler yapýlar uzerine etkilerinin incelenmesidir. Calýþmamýzýn materyalini ust on bolgede darlýðýolan 13 kýz 7 erkek toplam 20 bireyden tedavioncesinde ve sonrasýnda alýnan lateral ve postero anterior, radyografiler ile ortodontik modelleri oluþturmaktadýr. Kýz ve erkekler arasýndaki cinsiyet farklýlýðýnýbelirlemek icin tedavi oncesi ve sonrasý farklar arasýnda Student's t testi yapýlmýþtýr. Tedaviyle meydanagelen deðiþimleri deðerlendirmek uzere tedavi oncesive sonrasý veriler arasýnda Eþleþtirilmiþ t testi uygulandý. Bu sonuclara gore ust cenenin one doðru olanhareketinin istatistiksel olarak 0.05 duzeyinde onemliolduðu tespit edilmiþtir. Alt cenenin aþaðýya ve geriyedoðru rotasyon yaptýðý ve dik yon artýþýnýn istatistikselolarak 0.05 duzeyinde onemli olduðu ancak geriyehareketinin istatistiksel olarak onemli olmadýðý belirlenmiþtir. Model analizinde ust molarlar arasýmesafede ortalama 1.85 mm lik artýþ olurken, kaninl...
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2005
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2002
OZET: Bu calismanin amaci, 10–12 yaslari arasinda alt ve ust kesici dis pozisyonlari, overjet ve ... more OZET: Bu calismanin amaci, 10–12 yaslari arasinda alt ve ust kesici dis pozisyonlari, overjet ve overbite olcumlerinde buyume ile meydana gelen degisimlerin longitudinal olarak incelenmesidir. Arastirmanin materyalini 49 erkek ve 53 kiz, toplam 102 bireyden 10, 11, ve 12 yaslarinda alinan lateral sefalometrik filmler olusturmaktadir. Filmler uzerinde, 4 boyutsal ve 5 acisal olcum yapilnustir. Kesici dis pozisyonlari uzerine yas ve cinsiyetin etkileri varyans analizi uygulanmak suretiyle degerlendirilmistir. Yas artisindan onemli duzeyde etkilenen olcumlere ise LSD testi uygulanarak onemliligin hangi yaslar arasinda oldugu belirlenmistir. Uygulanan analizler sonucunda overbite, 1 -NA (mm), 1-NB (mm) olcumlerinin yas artisindan onemli duzeyde etkilendigi, incelenen olcumlerin hicbirisinde ise cinslerarcisi farkliligin onemli olmadigi bulunmustur.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2005
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2006
Çal›flmam›z›n amac›, alt çene gerili¤ine ba¤l› olarak ortaya ç›km›fl iskeletsel S›n›f II maloklüz... more Çal›flmam›z›n amac›, alt çene gerili¤ine ba¤l› olarak ortaya ç›km›fl iskeletsel S›n›f II maloklüzyona sahip genç eriflkin bireylerde aktivatör tedavisi sonucunda meydana gelen dentoiskeletsel ve fasiyal profil de¤iflikliklerinin incelenmesidir. Çal›flman›n materyalini aktivatörle tedavi edilmifl 21 (17 k›z ve 4 erkek) bireyin tedavi öncesi (T1) ve sonras› (T2) lateral sefalometrik filmleri oluflturmaktad›r. Has-talar›n tedavi bafllang›c›nda ortalama yafllar› 16.9.+3.3 y›lken, ortalama tedavi süresi 12+2.2 ay olarak belirlenmifltir. Tedavi öncesi ve sonras› lateral sefalometrik filmler de¤erlendirilmifl ve her iki kay›t aras›ndaki de¤iflim farklar›n önem düzeyleri efllefltirilmifl t testi ile karfl›laflt›r›lm›fl-t›r. Genç eriflkin hastalardaki aktivatör tedavisi sonucunda S›n›f II iliflki, overjet ve overbite düzeltilmifl ve fasiyal profil iyilefltirilmifltir. Bu çal›flman›n sonuçlar› aktivatör apareyinin genç eriflkin bireylerdeki S›n›f II maloklüzyonun tedavisinde etkili oldu¤unu ortaya ç›karm›flt›r. Bu tedavi modelinin hafif ve s›n›r S›n›f II vakalarda, kamuflaj tedavisine, ortognatik cerrahiye ve sabit fonksiyonel apareylere alternatif olabilece¤i düflünülmektedir.
Current Research in Dental Sciences
Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi dergisi, 1995
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 1995
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2005
Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi dergisi, 1999
Bü lent Baydas a ; İbrahim Yavuz a ; Hatice Uslu b ; İlhan Metin Dagsuyu a ; İsmail Ceylan c ABST... more Bü lent Baydas a ; İbrahim Yavuz a ; Hatice Uslu b ; İlhan Metin Dagsuyu a ; İsmail Ceylan c ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the skeletal effects of nonsurgical rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on craniofacial structures with bone scintigraphy in young adult female subjects. Materials and Methods: The material of the present study consists of scintigraphic records taken from 17 early adult females treated with RME. All patients had a bilateral posterior crossbite, transverse maxillary deficiency, deep palatal vault, and dental crowding at the beginning of the treatment. The age range of the patients was 16.1 to 18.8 years, and the mean age was 17.3 Ϯ 0.86 years. Bone scintigraphy records were obtained before RME (T1), during the splitting of the midpalatal suture (T2), and after the end of active widening period (T3). Repeated measure analysis of variance was used to assess the differences between the periods. In addition, Bonferroni multiple comparison tests were applied to the measurements at which F values were found to be statistically significant. Results: According to the statistical analysis, significant activity changes were found in all regions studied and in all slices. The metabolic activity in all regions showed significant increases up to the separation of the midpalatal suture (T1-T2), whereas the metabolic activity exhibited a remarkable decrease (T2-T3) after the opening of the midpalatal suture. Conclusions: Scintigraphic records revealed an increase in the regions of interest scores during RME in all regions and all slices. Therefore, it can be speculated that RME has had not only dental effects but also skeletal effects on young adult patients.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Feb 1, 2005
Bu çalýþmanýn amacý, sabit ortodontik tedavilerde kullanýlan ark tellerinde bulunan Ni, Cr ve Co ... more Bu çalýþmanýn amacý, sabit ortodontik tedavilerde kullanýlan ark tellerinde bulunan Ni, Cr ve Co elementlerinin farklý pH ortamlarýndaki iyon salýnýmlarýnýn atomik absorbsiyon spektrofotometre ile deðerlendirilmesidir. Çalýþmada 3 cm uzunluðunda NiTi, paslanmaz çelik, çok sarýmlý paslanmaz çelik ve TMA ark telleri, alt sað 1.molar bandý ve premolar braketine ligatüre edilerek benzer þartlar altýnda 4, 5.5 ve 7'lik pH' larda hazýrlanan yapay tükürük içinde bekletilmiþtir. 30. 60. ve 90. günlerde alýnan yapay tükürük örnekleri atomik absorpsiyon spektrofotometre cihazýnda deðerlendirilmiþtir. Elde edilen veriler varyans ve çoklu karþýlaþtýrma analizleriyle karþýlaþtýrýlmýþtýr. Çalýþmanýn sonuçlarý, ark tellerinden en fazla iyon salýnýmýnýn pH 4 seviyesinde olduðunu, iyon salýnýmýnýn hýzýnýn üçüncü ayda en düþük düzeyde olduðu fakat salýnýmýn devam ettiðini göstermiþtir. Ni iyonlarý en fazla salýnýmý gösterirken en az salýným Cr elementinden olmuþtur.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2021
Main Points • An increase in metabolic activity occurs in the TMJ region during RME. • The increa... more Main Points • An increase in metabolic activity occurs in the TMJ region during RME. • The increase in metabolic activity in the TMJ region decreases over time following the RME procedure. • Mandibular condyles have adapted over time to the forces exerted by RME in the region of theTMJ.
The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, 2006
An adult male patient who had lost his maxillary left central incisor seven years ago in a traffi... more An adult male patient who had lost his maxillary left central incisor seven years ago in a traffic accident presented with a chief complaint about his unaesthetic appearance associated with the loss of his maxillary left central incisor space, a Class III molar occlusion, and an anterior open bite malocclusion due to tonguethrust swallowing. Fixed orthodontic treatment was rendered following fan-type expansion of the maxilla. A Maryland bridge as a minimally invasive dentistry approach was used as a retention appliance and the patient's aesthetic appearance was restored.CitationBaydaş B, Denizoğlu S. An Application of a Split Purposeful Resin-Bonded Fixed Partial Denture after Orthodontic Treatment: A Case Report. J Contemp Dent Pract 2006 February;(7)1:141-149.
Dentistry, 2015
shortened by using various different slurry water concentrations with the changes of setting expa... more shortened by using various different slurry water concentrations with the changes of setting expansions of the plaster of paris and two other brands of dental stones with normal time duration by using distilled and tap water. The null hypothesis tested was that there is shortened setting time of dental stones by using various different slurry water concentrations. Methodology In this study, two improved dental stones were used to fabricate master casts and dies. The tested fabrications were BegoStone (Bego Bremer, Goldschlägerei Wilh. Herbst GmbH and Co. Wilhelm Herbst-Strabe 1 D 28359 Bremen Germany), Moldano (Heraeus Kulzer GmbH and Co. KG Gruner Weg 11 D-63450 Hanau Germany) and plaster of paris (BMT, PK 121 Sivas, Turkey). Together with the manufacturer's values, the setting time and setting expansion amounts of the dental stone and plaster used in this study are shown in Table 1. Distilled water (Hinckley and Schmidt, Chicago, Ill. USA), tap water and slurry water prepared with the volume ratio of 16% and 2% were used as liquid for mixing the dental stone and plaster. In order
The European Journal of Orthodontics, 2004
The purpose of the present study was to examine and compare cervicovertebral morphology in subjec... more The purpose of the present study was to examine and compare cervicovertebral morphology in subjects with different sagittal skeletal patterns. The material comprised lateral head films of 90 untreated subjects, 45 girls and 45 boys, aged 13-15 years. The radiographs were obtained in the natural head position using a fluid level method. The subjects were divided into three groups according to ANB angle: ANB angle between 1 and 5 degrees (skeletal Class I), larger than 5 degrees (skeletal Class II), and smaller than 1 degree (skeletal Class III). Each ANB group consisted of 30 subjects, 15 girls and 15 boys. Twenty-nine linear and four area measurements were used to assess cervicovertebral morphology. Differences between the ANB groups and between genders were assessed by means of analysis of variance and the least significant difference test. In addition, cephalometric measurements for all subjects were subjected to discriminant analysis. The results of the analysis of variance showed that there were statistically significant differences in the measurements of the lumen length of C1, inferior depths of C2 and C4, anterior intervertebral spaces of C2 and C3, posterior intervertebral space of C3, and anterior and posterior body heights of C4 among the ANB groups. The total length of C1, inferior depths of C2-C5, anterior intervertebral spaces of C2-C4, posterior intervertebral space of C2, anterior body heights of C4 and C5, and posterior body heights of C3-C5 demonstrated significant gender differences. The results of the discriminant analysis indicated that 54.4 per cent of the original grouped cases were correctly classified in the total sample. The final discriminant model was able to classify correctly 20 of the 30 Class I subjects (66.7 per cent), 17 of the 30 Class II subjects (56.7 per cent), and 12 of the 30 Class III subjects (40.0 per cent).
The European Journal of Orthodontics, 2005
Cumhuriyet Dental Journal, 2011
Ust cene on bolge dislerinin surme bozukluklari, yuz estetigini olumsuz yonde etkileyen bir klini... more Ust cene on bolge dislerinin surme bozukluklari, yuz estetigini olumsuz yonde etkileyen bir klinik problemdir. Gomulu dislerin ark icindeki ideal yerlerine ortodontik olarak surdurulmesi ve dizilmesi hastaya daha iyi bir gulumseme saglamaktadir. Bu amac dogrultusunda, klinisyenin en iyi ortodontik mekanigi secmesi gerekmektedir. Bu calismada palatinale gomulu maksiller kaninlerin surdurulmesi amaciyla kullanilan ortodontik ve cerrahi tedavi secenekleri anlatilmis ve palatinal pozisyonda gomulu maksiller kanin dislerinin sabit ve hareketli ortodontik aygitlarla surduruldugu iki olgu ve bu mekaniklerin avantaj ve dezavantajlari sunulmustur. Sunulan ikinci olguda retansiyon kroseleri ve helikal springleri olan basit ve etkili muteharrik aparey ile gomulu dislerin surduruldugu yeni bir yontem anlatilmistir. Anahtar kelimeler: Palatinale gomulu maksiller kaninler, ortodontik surdurme, sabit ortodontik mekanikler, hareketli ortodontik apareyler, avantaj ve dezavantaj. Abstract Eruption an...
Bu calýþmanýn amacý, bantlý fan tipi RME apareyinindentoalveoler yapýlar uzerine etkilerinin ince... more Bu calýþmanýn amacý, bantlý fan tipi RME apareyinindentoalveoler yapýlar uzerine etkilerinin incelenmesidir. Calýþmamýzýn materyalini ust on bolgede darlýðýolan 13 kýz 7 erkek toplam 20 bireyden tedavioncesinde ve sonrasýnda alýnan lateral ve postero anterior, radyografiler ile ortodontik modelleri oluþturmaktadýr. Kýz ve erkekler arasýndaki cinsiyet farklýlýðýnýbelirlemek icin tedavi oncesi ve sonrasý farklar arasýnda Student's t testi yapýlmýþtýr. Tedaviyle meydanagelen deðiþimleri deðerlendirmek uzere tedavi oncesive sonrasý veriler arasýnda Eþleþtirilmiþ t testi uygulandý. Bu sonuclara gore ust cenenin one doðru olanhareketinin istatistiksel olarak 0.05 duzeyinde onemliolduðu tespit edilmiþtir. Alt cenenin aþaðýya ve geriyedoðru rotasyon yaptýðý ve dik yon artýþýnýn istatistikselolarak 0.05 duzeyinde onemli olduðu ancak geriyehareketinin istatistiksel olarak onemli olmadýðý belirlenmiþtir. Model analizinde ust molarlar arasýmesafede ortalama 1.85 mm lik artýþ olurken, kaninl...
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2005
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2002
OZET: Bu calismanin amaci, 10–12 yaslari arasinda alt ve ust kesici dis pozisyonlari, overjet ve ... more OZET: Bu calismanin amaci, 10–12 yaslari arasinda alt ve ust kesici dis pozisyonlari, overjet ve overbite olcumlerinde buyume ile meydana gelen degisimlerin longitudinal olarak incelenmesidir. Arastirmanin materyalini 49 erkek ve 53 kiz, toplam 102 bireyden 10, 11, ve 12 yaslarinda alinan lateral sefalometrik filmler olusturmaktadir. Filmler uzerinde, 4 boyutsal ve 5 acisal olcum yapilnustir. Kesici dis pozisyonlari uzerine yas ve cinsiyetin etkileri varyans analizi uygulanmak suretiyle degerlendirilmistir. Yas artisindan onemli duzeyde etkilenen olcumlere ise LSD testi uygulanarak onemliligin hangi yaslar arasinda oldugu belirlenmistir. Uygulanan analizler sonucunda overbite, 1 -NA (mm), 1-NB (mm) olcumlerinin yas artisindan onemli duzeyde etkilendigi, incelenen olcumlerin hicbirisinde ise cinslerarcisi farkliligin onemli olmadigi bulunmustur.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2005
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2006
Çal›flmam›z›n amac›, alt çene gerili¤ine ba¤l› olarak ortaya ç›km›fl iskeletsel S›n›f II maloklüz... more Çal›flmam›z›n amac›, alt çene gerili¤ine ba¤l› olarak ortaya ç›km›fl iskeletsel S›n›f II maloklüzyona sahip genç eriflkin bireylerde aktivatör tedavisi sonucunda meydana gelen dentoiskeletsel ve fasiyal profil de¤iflikliklerinin incelenmesidir. Çal›flman›n materyalini aktivatörle tedavi edilmifl 21 (17 k›z ve 4 erkek) bireyin tedavi öncesi (T1) ve sonras› (T2) lateral sefalometrik filmleri oluflturmaktad›r. Has-talar›n tedavi bafllang›c›nda ortalama yafllar› 16.9.+3.3 y›lken, ortalama tedavi süresi 12+2.2 ay olarak belirlenmifltir. Tedavi öncesi ve sonras› lateral sefalometrik filmler de¤erlendirilmifl ve her iki kay›t aras›ndaki de¤iflim farklar›n önem düzeyleri efllefltirilmifl t testi ile karfl›laflt›r›lm›fl-t›r. Genç eriflkin hastalardaki aktivatör tedavisi sonucunda S›n›f II iliflki, overjet ve overbite düzeltilmifl ve fasiyal profil iyilefltirilmifltir. Bu çal›flman›n sonuçlar› aktivatör apareyinin genç eriflkin bireylerdeki S›n›f II maloklüzyonun tedavisinde etkili oldu¤unu ortaya ç›karm›flt›r. Bu tedavi modelinin hafif ve s›n›r S›n›f II vakalarda, kamuflaj tedavisine, ortognatik cerrahiye ve sabit fonksiyonel apareylere alternatif olabilece¤i düflünülmektedir.