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Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 2001
Functional treatment of three skeletal open-bite patients with Bionator, Frankel IV and Posterior... more Functional treatment of three skeletal open-bite patients with Bionator, Frankel IV and Posterior biteblock appliances is presented. Pretreatment and post treatment records were evaluated. Correction of malocclusion by changing direction of the mandibular development, adaptive bony development of the condyle, vertical development in posterior region, an increase in ramus length, a decrease in the lower facial height were observed in this report. The results of functional treatment of three appliances had different effect mechanisms.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2004
OZET: Kuvvetin onemli bir bolumunun surtunme ile kaybedilmesi nedeniyle, tel ile braket arasindak... more OZET: Kuvvetin onemli bir bolumunun surtunme ile kaybedilmesi nedeniyle, tel ile braket arasindaki surtunme klinisyenler icin onemlidir. Bu calismanin amaci tel capinin, materyal ozelliklerinin (yuzey puruzu ve stiffness) ve tel ile braket arasindaki acinin surtunme kuvvetleri uzerine etkisini ortaya koymaktir. Elde edilen sonuclara gore; Surtunme direnci butun tel materyallerinde aci arttikca artmaktadir. Ayni materyalden tellerde ise ince capli teller kalin caplilara oranla daha az surtunme gostermektedir. Yuzey puruzu tel ile braket arasindaki surtunme uzerinde etkin bir faktor olarak gorulmektedir. Iyon implantasyonu metoduyla yuzeyi sertlestirilen ve puruzleri azaltilan Slippery NiTi ayni capli SS, NiTi ve TMA tellerden daha dusuk surtunme degerleri gostermektedir. Cok sarimli teller tum aci degerlerinde SS, NiTi ve TMA tellere gore dusuk surtunme direncine sahiptir.
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 2002
Fixed orthodontic appliances have been held responsible for demineralization and caries since the... more Fixed orthodontic appliances have been held responsible for demineralization and caries since the time they were first introduced. Zinc polycarboxylate and glass ionomer cements are the primary materials used in band cementing. In this study, we evaluated the re-cementing frequencies, enamel demineralization and the degree of cement remains of the bands cemented with glass ionomer and zinc polycarboxylate cements. We have concluded that given the retentive properties and enamel decalcification degree, the glass ionomer cements are to be preferred by the orthodontist.
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 2003
Evaluation of the position of the hyoid bone in relation to vertical facial development and compa... more Evaluation of the position of the hyoid bone in relation to vertical facial development and comparative evaluation of the relation of this position with the dentofacial system was made on 25 patients with hyperdivergent vertical growth, 25 patients with hypodivergent vertical growth, and 25 patients with normal vertical facial development. SN-Go-Gn, Gonion, ANS-PNS/Go-Gn angles and S-Go, N-Me, S-Go/N-Me measurements from lateral cephalometric films were used as identification parameters. Seven horizontal, five vertical and five angular cephalometric measurements were made in order to determine the position of the hyoid bone. SN plane was used as the reference plane. Results were evaluated through "t" test. No significant relation was found between hyoid bone position and gender. When gender distinction was disregarded, and the group with normal facial development was compared with the hyperdivergent group, statistically significant differences were observed for CVTH distan...
The Angle orthodontist, 2006
The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency and association of Bolton tooth size... more The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency and association of Bolton tooth size discrepancies with dental discrepancies. Forty-eight skeletal Class I, 60 Class II, and 44 Class III subjects with similar skeletal characteristics were included in this study. Analysis of variance was performed to compare the mean ratios of Bolton analysis as a function of the Angle classification and sex. To determine the prevalence of tooth size imbalances among the three groups of occlusions and the two sexes, chi-square tests were performed. To determine the correlation of tooth size imbalances with certain dental characteristics, Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated. No statistically significant differences were determined for the prevalence of tooth size discrepancies and the mean values of Bolton's anterior and overall ratios among the occlusal groups and sexes. Bolton's anterior ratio discrepancies had significant correlations with midline shifts (P &l...
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2006
Çal›flmam›z›n amac›; a) dudak-damak yar›klar›n›n lokalizasyonunun b) cinsiyete göre da¤›l›m›n›n c... more Çal›flmam›z›n amac›; a) dudak-damak yar›klar›n›n lokalizasyonunun b) cinsiyete göre da¤›l›m›n›n c) dental anomalilerin ve oklüzyonun sagital ve transversal düzlemde de¤erlendirilerek dudak-damak yar›kl› hastalarda bilateral ve unilateral yar›klar›n karfl›laflt›rmal› olarak incelenmesidir. Yafllar› 13 ve 16 aras›nda de¤iflen (95 erkek ve 46 k›z), unilateral ve bilateral dudak-damak yar›kl› toplam 141 hasta incelenmifltir. Yar›¤›n tipi, dental anomaliler, çapraz kapan›fllar, oklüzyon, overbite ve overjetin de¤erlendirilmesi için modeller, ortopantomograflar ve periapikal filmler kullan›lm›flt›r. Unilateral dudak-damak yar›¤› %53.9 oran›nda ço-¤unlukla sol tarafta bulunurken, bilateral dudak-damak yar›¤› %46.1 oran›nda bulunmufltur. Cinsiyet fark› istatistiksel olarak anlaml› de¤ildir. Bununla beraber, unilateral ve bilateral dudak-damak ya-r›klar›nda, Angle s›n›flamas› ve çapraz kapan›fl, overjet ve overbite istatistiksel olarak anlaml› farkl›l›k göstermifltir (p<0.001). Unilateral dudak-damak ya-r›kl› hastalar daha çok tek tarafl› posterior çapraz kapan›fl ve tersine overjet ile beraber Angle S›n›f III oklüzyona sahipken, bilateral dudak-damak yar›kl› hastalarda çift tarafl› çapraz kapan›fl, artm›fl overbite ve overjet ile beraber Angle S›n›f II oklüzyon daha fazla belirlenmifltir. Dental ve oklüzal anomalilerin saptan-mas›, tedavi plan›n›n belirlenmesinde oldukça önemlidir.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 1999
Ozet: Bu calismanin amaci Bionator, Frahkel IV ve Posterior bite blok apareyleri ile tedavi edilm... more Ozet: Bu calismanin amaci Bionator, Frahkel IV ve Posterior bite blok apareyleri ile tedavi edilmis on acik kapanis olgularinda tedaviden iki yil sonraki degisikliklerin incelenmesidir. Bu amacla, grubumuzu olusturan 30 hastadan tedavilerinin sonunda ve bu asamadan iki yil sonra lateral sefalometrik filmleri alinmistir. Sefalometrik filmlerin degerlendirilmesi icin 16 adet iskeletsel ve 10 adet dissel toplam 26 adet parametre olculmustur. Grupici karsilastirmalar Wilcoxon testi ile, gruplararasi karsilastirmalar ise Kruskal-Wallis ve Mann-Whitney testi ile istatistiksel olarak degerlendirilmistir. Bionator grubunda, SNA,SNB ve Go-Gn-SN acilari, korpus uzunlugu, overbite ve ust dentoalveoler yukseklik, Frankel IV grubunda, arka yuz yuksekligi, korpus uzunlugu, overbite ve ust dentoalveoler yukseklik, Posterior bite blok grubunda ise SNA ve SNB acilari, total on yuz yuksekligi, ust yuz yuksekligi, korpus uzunlugu, overbite, ust dentoalveoler yukseklik ve alt dentoalveoler yukseklik istatistiksel olarak anla...
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 1998
OZET Bu calismada sabit ortodontik tedavi goren bireylerde asitle daglama ve adeziv uygulanmis di... more OZET Bu calismada sabit ortodontik tedavi goren bireylerde asitle daglama ve adeziv uygulanmis dislerde cola ve benzeri asitli iceceklerin mineye etkisinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir Asitli icecek olarak Coca-Cola, Fanta, Gazoz ve Soda kullanilmistir. Disler oncelikle iki ana gruba ayrilarak ilk gruba sadece asitle daglama diger gruba ise asitle daglamanin ardindan adeziv uygulanmasi islemleri yapilmistir. Her bir grup da kendi icinde 4 gruba ayrilarak belirtilen icecekler uygulanmistir Disleri asitli iceceklerde tutabilmek icin yapay bir agiz ortami yaratmak amaciyla cihaz yapildi. Cihaz disleri 2 saat boyunca sentetik tukurukte, 15 dakika oda sicakligindaki asitli icecegin icinde tutacak sekilde planlandi. Bu islemler herbir icecek icin 5 gun boyunca uygulandi. Kontrol grubu olusturmak amaciyla bir baska grup dis de 5 gun boyunca sadece sentetik tukurukte bekletildi. Tum bu islemlerden sonra disler yikanip temizlendi ve SEM icin hazirlandi. SEM calismasinda asitli icecekler ile temas eden yuzeyler ile k...
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2005
Çal›flmam›z›n amac› normal vertikal geliflim gösteren, iskeletsel S›n›f I çeneler ara-s› iliflkiy... more Çal›flmam›z›n amac› normal vertikal geliflim gösteren, iskeletsel S›n›f I çeneler ara-s› iliflkiye sahip bir grup ortodonti hastas›nda Bolton oranlar› ve difl boyutu uyumsuz-lu¤u prevelans›n›n belirlenmesidir. 850 hasta incelenerek, seçim kriterlerine uyan 48 S›n›f I , 60 S›n›f II, 44 S›n›f III malokluzyona sahip toplam 152 hasta çal›flmaya dahil edilmifltir. Çal›flma materyali bireylerden standart koflullarda elde edilmifl sefalometrik filmler ve ortodontik modellerden olufl-maktad›r. Varyans analiziyle, 3 grup hasta aras›nda cinsiyet ve Angle s›n›flamas›n›n bir fonksiyonu olarak ortalama Bolton oranlar›-n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas› yap›lm›flt›r. Bu 3 grup aras›nda Bolton düzensizli¤ine ba¤l› da¤›-l›mlar ki-kare testleriyle de¤erlendirilmifltir. Bolton oranlar›na ait ortalamalar gruplar ve cinsiyetler aç›s›ndan yap›lan de¤erlendirmelerde önemli farkl›l›k göstermemifltir. Bolton anterior ve genel oranlar›na ba¤l› da¤›l›m incelemelerinde de cinsiyet ve gruplar aç›s›ndan önemli da¤›l›m farkl›l›kla-r› bulunmam›flt›r. Bununla birlikte Bolton anterior ve genel oranlar›na iliflkin uyumsuzluklar örnek grubumuzda oldukça yüksek oranda bulunmufltur. Sonuç olarak bir ortodontik hasta grubunda Bolton uyum-suzlu¤unun yüksek oranda saptanm›fl olma-s› bu ölçümlerin tedavi öncesinde uygulan-mas›n›n tedavi sonuçlar› ve gelecek klinik beklentiler için faydal› oldu¤unu düflündürmektedir.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2005
The European Journal of Orthodontics, 2004
The aims of this study were to investigate the initial time at which pain occurs after insertion ... more The aims of this study were to investigate the initial time at which pain occurs after insertion of two initial wires of different sizes, the duration of the pain, the areas affected within the mouth, the level of self-medication, the effect of this pain on daily life, and whether gender is important in the perception of pain. The study group consisted of 109 patients (52 boys, 57 girls) with a mean chronological age of 13.6 years for boys and 14.7 years for girls. Insertion of either a 0.014 or 0.016 inch wire was by random selection. Following insertion of the archwires, a questionnaire comprising a total of 49 questions was given to the patients. They described the time of initial pain in the first question, answered the next 24 questions as 'yes' or 'no', and used a visual analogue scale for the final 24 questions. No significant differences were found in terms of gender, in the perception period of initial pain as regards the areas affected within the mouth or the effect of pain on daily living when the 0.014 and 0.016 inch wire groups were compared at 6 hours, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 days. At 24 hours, which was found to be statistically significant, more pain relief was used in the 0.014 inch archwire group. The results show that in both groups, initial pain was perceived at 2 hours, peaked at 24 hours and had decreased by day 3.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2011
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2007
Introduction: Maxillary molar distalization is a common treatment approach for patients with Clas... more Introduction: Maxillary molar distalization is a common treatment approach for patients with Class II malocclusions who do not require extractions. Despite the many advantages of pendulum appliances, the maxillary incisors and premolars tend to shift mesially as the maxillary molars move distally. The purpose of this study was to investigate anchorage loss in patients treated with palatal osseointegrated implants combined with pendulum springs. Methods: Pretreatment and posttreatment lateral cephalometric films of 30 consecutively treated patients were examined. One group (n ϭ 15) had been treated with conventional pendulum appliances, and the other group (n ϭ 15) was treated with palatal osseointegrated implants combined with pendulum springs. Results: In the pendulum group, significant distal tipping of the maxillary first molars and mesial tipping of the maxillary premolars were noted. Distalization of the maxillary first molars, mesialization of the maxillary first premolars, and proclination of the maxillary left central incisor were significant in the linear measurements. In the implant group, the distal tipping of the maxillary first molars and first premolars and the increases in SNGoGn, FMA, Na Me, and Na ANS were significant. Intergroup comparisons showed that changes in the maxillary first premolars, maxillary central incisors, and vertical measurements were significant. Conclusions: The use of palatal osseointegrated implants is reliable and provides absolute anchorage.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 1999
Ozet: Calismamizin amaci, on acik kapanis anomalisinde, gelisimin rolunu incelemektir. On acik ka... more Ozet: Calismamizin amaci, on acik kapanis anomalisinde, gelisimin rolunu incelemektir. On acik kapanis anomalisi bulunan ve yas ortalamasi 9.83 olan 25 hasta arastirma kapsamina alinmistir. Hastalarin ilk randevularinda lateral sefalometrik ve el-bilek filmleri alinmistir. Hastalara hicbir ortodontik tedavi uygulanmadan 2 yil boyunca 2 ayda bir kontrole cagrilmislardir. 2 yilin sonunda hastalarin 12'sinde acik kapanis kendiliginden duzelirken 13'unde degisiklik olmamistir. 2. yilin sonunda tekrar sefalometrik filmler alinmistir. Spontan olarak acik kapanisin duzeldigi gruptan elde edilen sonuclar vertikal gelisimin azaldigini ve mandibulanin one ve yukari rotasyonunun saglandigini gostermistir. Hicbir ortodontik mudahalede bulunulmadigi icin bu degisim gelisimin etkisi ile saglanmistir. Diger grupta mandibulanin posterior rotasyonu ve vertikal gelisim devam etmektedir. On acik kapanis olgularinin pubertal donem oncesinde belirli surelerle kontrole alinmasi, anomalinin ortodontik tedavi gerektirmeksizin ge...
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2005
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2000
OZET: Sinif I, Sinif II DI ve Sinif III anomalisine sahip 45 bireyde hyoid kemiginin konumunun ve... more OZET: Sinif I, Sinif II DI ve Sinif III anomalisine sahip 45 bireyde hyoid kemiginin konumunun ve konumuna bagli olarak cene- yuz sistemi ile iliskisi karsilastirilarak incelenmistir. Lateral sefalometrik olcumlerde SNA, SNB ve ANB, Go-Gn-SN acilari tanimlayici olcum olarak kullanilmistir. Hyoid konumunu belirlemek icin ise 7 adet horizontal, 5 adet vertikal ve 5 adet acisal olmak uzere toplam 17 adet sefalometrik olcum yapilmistir. SN duzlemi referans duzlemi olarak kullanilmistir.Yapilan olcumlerin istatistiksel olarak degerlendirilmesinde Mann-whitney testi kullanilmistir. Sinif I grubu ile Sinif II D 1 gruplari karsilastirildiginda At-H, H-CVT ve H-OP, A-H, N-H, H-PTR degerleri, Sinif I grubu ile Sinif III gruplari karsilastirildiginda, At-H ve H-OP, A-H, N-H, H-PTR, degerlerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamli farklilik belirlenmistir. Hyoid kemiginin Sinif II D1 anomalisinde normalden daha geride, Sinif III anomalisinde ise daha onde konumlandigi gozlenmistir.
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 2001
Functional treatment of three skeletal open-bite patients with Bionator, Frankel IV and Posterior... more Functional treatment of three skeletal open-bite patients with Bionator, Frankel IV and Posterior biteblock appliances is presented. Pretreatment and post treatment records were evaluated. Correction of malocclusion by changing direction of the mandibular development, adaptive bony development of the condyle, vertical development in posterior region, an increase in ramus length, a decrease in the lower facial height were observed in this report. The results of functional treatment of three appliances had different effect mechanisms.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2004
OZET: Kuvvetin onemli bir bolumunun surtunme ile kaybedilmesi nedeniyle, tel ile braket arasindak... more OZET: Kuvvetin onemli bir bolumunun surtunme ile kaybedilmesi nedeniyle, tel ile braket arasindaki surtunme klinisyenler icin onemlidir. Bu calismanin amaci tel capinin, materyal ozelliklerinin (yuzey puruzu ve stiffness) ve tel ile braket arasindaki acinin surtunme kuvvetleri uzerine etkisini ortaya koymaktir. Elde edilen sonuclara gore; Surtunme direnci butun tel materyallerinde aci arttikca artmaktadir. Ayni materyalden tellerde ise ince capli teller kalin caplilara oranla daha az surtunme gostermektedir. Yuzey puruzu tel ile braket arasindaki surtunme uzerinde etkin bir faktor olarak gorulmektedir. Iyon implantasyonu metoduyla yuzeyi sertlestirilen ve puruzleri azaltilan Slippery NiTi ayni capli SS, NiTi ve TMA tellerden daha dusuk surtunme degerleri gostermektedir. Cok sarimli teller tum aci degerlerinde SS, NiTi ve TMA tellere gore dusuk surtunme direncine sahiptir.
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 2002
Fixed orthodontic appliances have been held responsible for demineralization and caries since the... more Fixed orthodontic appliances have been held responsible for demineralization and caries since the time they were first introduced. Zinc polycarboxylate and glass ionomer cements are the primary materials used in band cementing. In this study, we evaluated the re-cementing frequencies, enamel demineralization and the degree of cement remains of the bands cemented with glass ionomer and zinc polycarboxylate cements. We have concluded that given the retentive properties and enamel decalcification degree, the glass ionomer cements are to be preferred by the orthodontist.
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 2003
Evaluation of the position of the hyoid bone in relation to vertical facial development and compa... more Evaluation of the position of the hyoid bone in relation to vertical facial development and comparative evaluation of the relation of this position with the dentofacial system was made on 25 patients with hyperdivergent vertical growth, 25 patients with hypodivergent vertical growth, and 25 patients with normal vertical facial development. SN-Go-Gn, Gonion, ANS-PNS/Go-Gn angles and S-Go, N-Me, S-Go/N-Me measurements from lateral cephalometric films were used as identification parameters. Seven horizontal, five vertical and five angular cephalometric measurements were made in order to determine the position of the hyoid bone. SN plane was used as the reference plane. Results were evaluated through "t" test. No significant relation was found between hyoid bone position and gender. When gender distinction was disregarded, and the group with normal facial development was compared with the hyperdivergent group, statistically significant differences were observed for CVTH distan...
The Angle orthodontist, 2006
The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency and association of Bolton tooth size... more The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency and association of Bolton tooth size discrepancies with dental discrepancies. Forty-eight skeletal Class I, 60 Class II, and 44 Class III subjects with similar skeletal characteristics were included in this study. Analysis of variance was performed to compare the mean ratios of Bolton analysis as a function of the Angle classification and sex. To determine the prevalence of tooth size imbalances among the three groups of occlusions and the two sexes, chi-square tests were performed. To determine the correlation of tooth size imbalances with certain dental characteristics, Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated. No statistically significant differences were determined for the prevalence of tooth size discrepancies and the mean values of Bolton's anterior and overall ratios among the occlusal groups and sexes. Bolton's anterior ratio discrepancies had significant correlations with midline shifts (P &l...
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2006
Çal›flmam›z›n amac›; a) dudak-damak yar›klar›n›n lokalizasyonunun b) cinsiyete göre da¤›l›m›n›n c... more Çal›flmam›z›n amac›; a) dudak-damak yar›klar›n›n lokalizasyonunun b) cinsiyete göre da¤›l›m›n›n c) dental anomalilerin ve oklüzyonun sagital ve transversal düzlemde de¤erlendirilerek dudak-damak yar›kl› hastalarda bilateral ve unilateral yar›klar›n karfl›laflt›rmal› olarak incelenmesidir. Yafllar› 13 ve 16 aras›nda de¤iflen (95 erkek ve 46 k›z), unilateral ve bilateral dudak-damak yar›kl› toplam 141 hasta incelenmifltir. Yar›¤›n tipi, dental anomaliler, çapraz kapan›fllar, oklüzyon, overbite ve overjetin de¤erlendirilmesi için modeller, ortopantomograflar ve periapikal filmler kullan›lm›flt›r. Unilateral dudak-damak yar›¤› %53.9 oran›nda ço-¤unlukla sol tarafta bulunurken, bilateral dudak-damak yar›¤› %46.1 oran›nda bulunmufltur. Cinsiyet fark› istatistiksel olarak anlaml› de¤ildir. Bununla beraber, unilateral ve bilateral dudak-damak ya-r›klar›nda, Angle s›n›flamas› ve çapraz kapan›fl, overjet ve overbite istatistiksel olarak anlaml› farkl›l›k göstermifltir (p<0.001). Unilateral dudak-damak ya-r›kl› hastalar daha çok tek tarafl› posterior çapraz kapan›fl ve tersine overjet ile beraber Angle S›n›f III oklüzyona sahipken, bilateral dudak-damak yar›kl› hastalarda çift tarafl› çapraz kapan›fl, artm›fl overbite ve overjet ile beraber Angle S›n›f II oklüzyon daha fazla belirlenmifltir. Dental ve oklüzal anomalilerin saptan-mas›, tedavi plan›n›n belirlenmesinde oldukça önemlidir.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 1999
Ozet: Bu calismanin amaci Bionator, Frahkel IV ve Posterior bite blok apareyleri ile tedavi edilm... more Ozet: Bu calismanin amaci Bionator, Frahkel IV ve Posterior bite blok apareyleri ile tedavi edilmis on acik kapanis olgularinda tedaviden iki yil sonraki degisikliklerin incelenmesidir. Bu amacla, grubumuzu olusturan 30 hastadan tedavilerinin sonunda ve bu asamadan iki yil sonra lateral sefalometrik filmleri alinmistir. Sefalometrik filmlerin degerlendirilmesi icin 16 adet iskeletsel ve 10 adet dissel toplam 26 adet parametre olculmustur. Grupici karsilastirmalar Wilcoxon testi ile, gruplararasi karsilastirmalar ise Kruskal-Wallis ve Mann-Whitney testi ile istatistiksel olarak degerlendirilmistir. Bionator grubunda, SNA,SNB ve Go-Gn-SN acilari, korpus uzunlugu, overbite ve ust dentoalveoler yukseklik, Frankel IV grubunda, arka yuz yuksekligi, korpus uzunlugu, overbite ve ust dentoalveoler yukseklik, Posterior bite blok grubunda ise SNA ve SNB acilari, total on yuz yuksekligi, ust yuz yuksekligi, korpus uzunlugu, overbite, ust dentoalveoler yukseklik ve alt dentoalveoler yukseklik istatistiksel olarak anla...
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 1998
OZET Bu calismada sabit ortodontik tedavi goren bireylerde asitle daglama ve adeziv uygulanmis di... more OZET Bu calismada sabit ortodontik tedavi goren bireylerde asitle daglama ve adeziv uygulanmis dislerde cola ve benzeri asitli iceceklerin mineye etkisinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir Asitli icecek olarak Coca-Cola, Fanta, Gazoz ve Soda kullanilmistir. Disler oncelikle iki ana gruba ayrilarak ilk gruba sadece asitle daglama diger gruba ise asitle daglamanin ardindan adeziv uygulanmasi islemleri yapilmistir. Her bir grup da kendi icinde 4 gruba ayrilarak belirtilen icecekler uygulanmistir Disleri asitli iceceklerde tutabilmek icin yapay bir agiz ortami yaratmak amaciyla cihaz yapildi. Cihaz disleri 2 saat boyunca sentetik tukurukte, 15 dakika oda sicakligindaki asitli icecegin icinde tutacak sekilde planlandi. Bu islemler herbir icecek icin 5 gun boyunca uygulandi. Kontrol grubu olusturmak amaciyla bir baska grup dis de 5 gun boyunca sadece sentetik tukurukte bekletildi. Tum bu islemlerden sonra disler yikanip temizlendi ve SEM icin hazirlandi. SEM calismasinda asitli icecekler ile temas eden yuzeyler ile k...
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2005
Çal›flmam›z›n amac› normal vertikal geliflim gösteren, iskeletsel S›n›f I çeneler ara-s› iliflkiy... more Çal›flmam›z›n amac› normal vertikal geliflim gösteren, iskeletsel S›n›f I çeneler ara-s› iliflkiye sahip bir grup ortodonti hastas›nda Bolton oranlar› ve difl boyutu uyumsuz-lu¤u prevelans›n›n belirlenmesidir. 850 hasta incelenerek, seçim kriterlerine uyan 48 S›n›f I , 60 S›n›f II, 44 S›n›f III malokluzyona sahip toplam 152 hasta çal›flmaya dahil edilmifltir. Çal›flma materyali bireylerden standart koflullarda elde edilmifl sefalometrik filmler ve ortodontik modellerden olufl-maktad›r. Varyans analiziyle, 3 grup hasta aras›nda cinsiyet ve Angle s›n›flamas›n›n bir fonksiyonu olarak ortalama Bolton oranlar›-n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas› yap›lm›flt›r. Bu 3 grup aras›nda Bolton düzensizli¤ine ba¤l› da¤›-l›mlar ki-kare testleriyle de¤erlendirilmifltir. Bolton oranlar›na ait ortalamalar gruplar ve cinsiyetler aç›s›ndan yap›lan de¤erlendirmelerde önemli farkl›l›k göstermemifltir. Bolton anterior ve genel oranlar›na ba¤l› da¤›l›m incelemelerinde de cinsiyet ve gruplar aç›s›ndan önemli da¤›l›m farkl›l›kla-r› bulunmam›flt›r. Bununla birlikte Bolton anterior ve genel oranlar›na iliflkin uyumsuzluklar örnek grubumuzda oldukça yüksek oranda bulunmufltur. Sonuç olarak bir ortodontik hasta grubunda Bolton uyum-suzlu¤unun yüksek oranda saptanm›fl olma-s› bu ölçümlerin tedavi öncesinde uygulan-mas›n›n tedavi sonuçlar› ve gelecek klinik beklentiler için faydal› oldu¤unu düflündürmektedir.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2005
The European Journal of Orthodontics, 2004
The aims of this study were to investigate the initial time at which pain occurs after insertion ... more The aims of this study were to investigate the initial time at which pain occurs after insertion of two initial wires of different sizes, the duration of the pain, the areas affected within the mouth, the level of self-medication, the effect of this pain on daily life, and whether gender is important in the perception of pain. The study group consisted of 109 patients (52 boys, 57 girls) with a mean chronological age of 13.6 years for boys and 14.7 years for girls. Insertion of either a 0.014 or 0.016 inch wire was by random selection. Following insertion of the archwires, a questionnaire comprising a total of 49 questions was given to the patients. They described the time of initial pain in the first question, answered the next 24 questions as 'yes' or 'no', and used a visual analogue scale for the final 24 questions. No significant differences were found in terms of gender, in the perception period of initial pain as regards the areas affected within the mouth or the effect of pain on daily living when the 0.014 and 0.016 inch wire groups were compared at 6 hours, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 days. At 24 hours, which was found to be statistically significant, more pain relief was used in the 0.014 inch archwire group. The results show that in both groups, initial pain was perceived at 2 hours, peaked at 24 hours and had decreased by day 3.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2011
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2007
Introduction: Maxillary molar distalization is a common treatment approach for patients with Clas... more Introduction: Maxillary molar distalization is a common treatment approach for patients with Class II malocclusions who do not require extractions. Despite the many advantages of pendulum appliances, the maxillary incisors and premolars tend to shift mesially as the maxillary molars move distally. The purpose of this study was to investigate anchorage loss in patients treated with palatal osseointegrated implants combined with pendulum springs. Methods: Pretreatment and posttreatment lateral cephalometric films of 30 consecutively treated patients were examined. One group (n ϭ 15) had been treated with conventional pendulum appliances, and the other group (n ϭ 15) was treated with palatal osseointegrated implants combined with pendulum springs. Results: In the pendulum group, significant distal tipping of the maxillary first molars and mesial tipping of the maxillary premolars were noted. Distalization of the maxillary first molars, mesialization of the maxillary first premolars, and proclination of the maxillary left central incisor were significant in the linear measurements. In the implant group, the distal tipping of the maxillary first molars and first premolars and the increases in SNGoGn, FMA, Na Me, and Na ANS were significant. Intergroup comparisons showed that changes in the maxillary first premolars, maxillary central incisors, and vertical measurements were significant. Conclusions: The use of palatal osseointegrated implants is reliable and provides absolute anchorage.
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 1999
Ozet: Calismamizin amaci, on acik kapanis anomalisinde, gelisimin rolunu incelemektir. On acik ka... more Ozet: Calismamizin amaci, on acik kapanis anomalisinde, gelisimin rolunu incelemektir. On acik kapanis anomalisi bulunan ve yas ortalamasi 9.83 olan 25 hasta arastirma kapsamina alinmistir. Hastalarin ilk randevularinda lateral sefalometrik ve el-bilek filmleri alinmistir. Hastalara hicbir ortodontik tedavi uygulanmadan 2 yil boyunca 2 ayda bir kontrole cagrilmislardir. 2 yilin sonunda hastalarin 12'sinde acik kapanis kendiliginden duzelirken 13'unde degisiklik olmamistir. 2. yilin sonunda tekrar sefalometrik filmler alinmistir. Spontan olarak acik kapanisin duzeldigi gruptan elde edilen sonuclar vertikal gelisimin azaldigini ve mandibulanin one ve yukari rotasyonunun saglandigini gostermistir. Hicbir ortodontik mudahalede bulunulmadigi icin bu degisim gelisimin etkisi ile saglanmistir. Diger grupta mandibulanin posterior rotasyonu ve vertikal gelisim devam etmektedir. On acik kapanis olgularinin pubertal donem oncesinde belirli surelerle kontrole alinmasi, anomalinin ortodontik tedavi gerektirmeksizin ge...
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2005
Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2000
OZET: Sinif I, Sinif II DI ve Sinif III anomalisine sahip 45 bireyde hyoid kemiginin konumunun ve... more OZET: Sinif I, Sinif II DI ve Sinif III anomalisine sahip 45 bireyde hyoid kemiginin konumunun ve konumuna bagli olarak cene- yuz sistemi ile iliskisi karsilastirilarak incelenmistir. Lateral sefalometrik olcumlerde SNA, SNB ve ANB, Go-Gn-SN acilari tanimlayici olcum olarak kullanilmistir. Hyoid konumunu belirlemek icin ise 7 adet horizontal, 5 adet vertikal ve 5 adet acisal olmak uzere toplam 17 adet sefalometrik olcum yapilmistir. SN duzlemi referans duzlemi olarak kullanilmistir.Yapilan olcumlerin istatistiksel olarak degerlendirilmesinde Mann-whitney testi kullanilmistir. Sinif I grubu ile Sinif II D 1 gruplari karsilastirildiginda At-H, H-CVT ve H-OP, A-H, N-H, H-PTR degerleri, Sinif I grubu ile Sinif III gruplari karsilastirildiginda, At-H ve H-OP, A-H, N-H, H-PTR, degerlerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamli farklilik belirlenmistir. Hyoid kemiginin Sinif II D1 anomalisinde normalden daha geride, Sinif III anomalisinde ise daha onde konumlandigi gozlenmistir.