Bastiana Bastiana - (original) (raw)
Papers by Bastiana Bastiana
Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Kabupaten Bone menyimpan banyak kearifan lokal yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber belajar atau s... more Kabupaten Bone menyimpan banyak kearifan lokal yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber belajar atau sebagai orientasi dari pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan di sekolah. Kearifan lokal dapat dimasukkan dalam pembelajaran yang menggunakan metode project based learning (PjBL). Untuk itu perlu diadakan sosialisasi untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan mitra sebelum dan sesudah sosialisasi tentang metode PjBL berorientasi kearifan lokal di UPT SD 219 Mabbiring Pulu Kabupaten Bone. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah melalui survey, menyiapkan bahan dan media yang digunakan dalam sosialisasi. Sosialisasi, dan pendampingan. Evaluasi dilakukan secara kualitatif berdasarkan respon guru terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan yang diungkap dalam kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada guru-guru. Kuesioner diberikan saat sebelum pemberian sosialisasi (pre-tes) dan setelah pemberian sosialisasi (post-tes). Hasil pre-tes dan post-tes kemudian dibandingkan untuk melihat apakah ada perubahan ...
Learning life skills and simple skills is very important to provide provisions for mentally retar... more Learning life skills and simple skills is very important to provide provisions for mentally retarded students. The aims of this training are to provide simple skills in making three-dimensional frames for independent living. This activity is followed by 12 middle class students at SLB YP3LB Makassar. The paper uses a qualitative approach by making observations. The implementation of the training on making three-dimensional frames went smoothly and resulted in several examples of frames made by students. Training for mentally retarded students and other students with special needs requires hand-eye coordination and longer time to get neat skill results. For this reason, it is suggested to the teacher to train the coordination of fine motor movements of students so that the coordination of the eyes and hands of students is well formed.
Abstrak. Mitra kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah SLB Negeri 1 Kabupaten Gowa yang ... more Abstrak. Mitra kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah SLB Negeri 1 Kabupaten Gowa yang mengalami kesulitan untuk dapat mengenal memahami dan melakukan penanganan sederhana terhadap kondisi anak autis dan Anak ADHD yang sama-sama memiliki masalah dengan perhatian. Perilaku mereka suka berubah tiba-tiba (impulsif) dan juga sulit berkomunikasi. Mereka mempunyai masalah dalam berhubungan dengan orang lain. Karena terlihat mirip, kadang orang menyamakan kondisi ADHD dengan autisme. Jika hal ini dibiarkan berlanjut maka penanganannya akan mengalami hambatan. Sebagai Langkah awal, diperlukan sosialisasi untuk mengenal, memahami dan melakukan penanganan sederhana terhadap anak autis dan anak ADHD tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah melalui ceramah, tanya jawab dan simulasi penanganan. dengan jumlah guru yang hadir sebanyak 16 orang guru. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat adalah terjadinya peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai kondisi anak...
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran, Nov 4, 2022
The purpose of this study was to determine students' level of success in the Physical Fine Motor ... more The purpose of this study was to determine students' level of success in the Physical Fine Motor aspects through the Demonstration Method. The approach used is a qualitative approach where research is based on descriptive data from spoken words or observable behavior. Demonstration assessment techniques can be carried out using a checklist and rating scale. This research was conducted at Kemala Bhayangkari Kindergarten with ten students. Applying the demonstration method by making cow puppets can improve children's fine motor development, which previously only 30% of children's achievement levels increased to 90%. Abstrak. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan peserta didik dalam aspek fisik motorik halus melalui metode demonstrasi. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dimana penelitian yang berdasarkan data deskriptif berupa perkataan lisan atau perilaku yang dapat diamati. Teknik penilaian demonstrasi dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan daftar chek-list dan skala penilaian. Penelitian ini dilakukan di TK Kemala Bhayangkari dengan jumlah peserta didik 10 orang. Dengan menerapkan metode demonstrasi melalui kegiatan membuat wayang sapi dapat meningkatkan perkembangan motorik halus anak yang tadinya tingkat pencapaian anak hanya 30% meningkat menjadi 90%.
Abstract: This study discusses the description of the implementation of learning for dyslexic stu... more Abstract: This study discusses the description of the implementation of learning for dyslexic students in the Inclusive School of SMP N 19 Ambon. It aims at providing an overview of the implementation of learning for dyslexic students who have been going on in SMP N 19 Ambon. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with observation, interview and documentation technique. This research found that the learning of Pancasila and civic education subject conducted in class VIII of the inclusive school of SMP N 19 Ambon has not been effective in reaching the values of characters that are expected to develop in dyslexic students, and not yet fully accommodate their learning needs. The applied learning is still full of regularity without modification. The amount of material content is considered the student as a burden, so that they are unable to respond both orally and in written. Therefore a model that can accommodate the learning needs of dyslexic students is needed
Data yang diperoleh dari prevalensi antara jumlah kelahiran dengan kelahiran anak autis serta lap... more Data yang diperoleh dari prevalensi antara jumlah kelahiran dengan kelahiran anak autis serta laporan para profesional yang pernah menangani anak autis, menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Peningkatan ini merupakan isyarat untuk segera menangani anak autis sehingga anak autis dapat diterima oleh lingkungan masyarakat. sebagai upaya awal, perlu mengenak karakteristik dari anak autis melalui penelitian tentang profil anak autis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil anak autis di SLB YPPLB 1 dan Klinik Anak Harapan Makassar. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Subjek terdiri dari 2 orang. Teknik pengumpulan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subyek penelitian secara signifikan mengalami autisme tetapi dengan karakteristik yang berbeda. Disarankan untuk menyusun program modifikasi perilaku yang sesuai dengan karakteristik setiap anak
Mapping of the social differentiations of student at any educational institution is very importan... more Mapping of the social differentiations of student at any educational institution is very important in order to have a comprehensive data of them. The comprehensive data would be beneficial for the institution concerned to formulate policies related to solve student problems and needs. Three main questions to be answered in this study, namely (1) are student identities in the department of PLB FIP UNM (English: Depart of Special Needs Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, State University of Makassar) related to their social differentiations, (2) are social differentiations picturised in the educational data of the students in the department of PLB FIP UNM, and (3) are social differentiations related to social economic conditions of the students in the department of PLB FIP UNM? The aim of the study is to explore students social differentiations which are limited to self-identity, educational data, and social economic conditions of the students concerned. The study applied simp...
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran, Jan 31, 2022
The purpose of this study is to enhance the physical ability of the delicate mechanical children ... more The purpose of this study is to enhance the physical ability of the delicate mechanical children through collation in group b in kindergarten Aisyiyah XIII Pengawu, a type of study is the class action study (PTK). The data collection tecniques used in this study are obseryations and documentation. The data analysis tecniquesused in reseach are quantitative data analysis. Away of extracting a sample used in this study is by seeing of observing a child's ability through large picture media stimulus. The reseach subject was child group b of 10 children, consisting 4 boys and 6 woman. Registered in the 2020/2021 scholl year. Types the action study of this class is completed in two cycles 1 and cycle II. Based on data analysis it could be concluded that children's fine motor skills in kindergarten Aisyiyah XIII Pengawu bodyguard through collage activities. Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan fisik motorik halus anak melalui kolase pada anak kelompok B di TK Aisyiyah XIII Pengawu. Jenis penelitian dalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Tehnik pegumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu yang digunakan adalah observasi dan dokumentasi. Tehnik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah analisis data kuantitatif dan kualitatif.. Cara pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan melihat atau mengamati kemampuan anak melalui stimulus (rangsangan) media gambar yang besar. Subyek penelitian adalah anak kelompok B dengan jumlah anak 10 anak, yang terdiri dari 4 anak laki-laki dan 6 anak perempuan yang terdaftar pada tahun pelajaran 2020/2021. Jenis penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakasanakan dua siklus, yaitu siklus I dan siklus II, Berdasarkan hasil analisis data maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan motorik halus anak di TK Aisyiyah XIII Pengawu melalui kegiatan penerapan kolase dengan berbagai media mengalami peningkatan setiap siklusnya.
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran, Jul 27, 2022
This study aims to determine the improvement of the speech skills of kindergarten students in ter... more This study aims to determine the improvement of the speech skills of kindergarten students in terms of telling stories or responding to teacher questions. In this case, the child's ability is lacking due to the teacher's lack of stimulus, the image media used by the teacher is less attractive and not varied, or the child's environment is less supportive. The research was carried out at the Sulawesi Kindergarten which is located at jalan tupai no.98 kelurahan labuang baji, mamajang district Makassar. It was carried out in group B with 14 children divided into eight boys and six girls. The problem-solving in group B is carried out using the media of a series of images made by the teacher. The objective is to (a) describe the use of illustrated media and (b) describe the increase in children's speaking activities, especially storytelling through image media. (c) present the results of improving children's speaking skills, especially in terms of storytelling, after learning with series image media, Data collection using learning and observation results. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive analysis. And obtained an average score, in cycle I, the ability to speak and respond to children was 28.87%, cycle II became 57.14%, and in the third cycle, it became 64.26%. From the results of these percentages, series image media can improve children's participation skills with the support of varied and exciting methods and involve children in each activity.
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
This study aims to improve children's fine motor skills through the play method using plasticine ... more This study aims to improve children's fine motor skills through the play method using plasticine in children aged 5-6 years. Data collection was carried out using observation techniques, documentation of children's work, anecdotal notes and field notes. Children's fine motor skills increased from 50%. to 70% at the first meeting. At the second meeting the children's abilities increased to 80% and at the third meeting the children's abilities increased by 90%. The conclusion of this study is that through the Playing Method with Plasticine, it can improve the Fine Motor Ability of Children. Overall all work programs are carried out according to plan. With the end of this PPL activity, the author hopes that the program implemented can be useful for TK GKST Betesda Kasiguncu in particular. Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus anak melalui metode bermain menggunakan plastisin pada anak usia 5-6 tahun. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, dokumentasi hasil karya anak, catatan anekdot dan catatan lapangan. Keterampilan motorik halus anak meningkat dari 50%. menjadi 70% pada pertemuan pertama. Pada pertemuan kedua kemampuan anak meningkat menjadi 80% dan pada pertemuan ketiga kemampuan anak meningkat 90%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah melalui Metode Bermain dengan Plastisin dapat meningkatkan Kemampuan Motorik Halus Anak. Secara keseluruhan semua program kerja dilaksanakan sesuai rencana. Dengan berakhirnya kegiatan PPL ini, penulis berharap program yang dilaksanakan dapat bermanfaat bagi TK GKST Betesda Kasiguncu khususnya.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan kegiatan membilang dan peningkatan kemamp... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan kegiatan membilang dan peningkatan kemampuan kognitif siswa melalui kegiatan membilang. Penelitian tindakan (action research) ini menggunakan metode Kemmis dan Mc Taggart, melalui dua siklus yang tediri dari siklus I dan siklus II yang meliputi tahap perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Subyek penelitian adalah 15 anak Kelompok B TK Islam Al-Farabi yang berusia 5-6 tahun. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan kognitif anak yang dibuktikan pada perolehan skor kemampuan kognitif rata-rata siswa. Sebelum penelitian skor rata-rata adalah 60.4%. Setelah dilaksanakan siklus I terjadi perubahan skor kemampuan kognitif rata-rata kelas menjadi 85.9%. Pada siklus II perubahan skor kemampuan kognitif rata-rata kelas menjadi 97.04%. Pada siklus II seluruh siswa telah memenuhi kriteria kesuksesan sehingga penelitian ini dicukupkan dengan pelaksanaan dua siklus.Kata Kunci : Kemampuan kognitif, membilang bend...
Kurikulum dan Teknologi Pendidikan FIP UNM Makassar, Apr 1, 2014
The success of Mutiara Bunda Elementary School in combining the normal and disable children in in... more The success of Mutiara Bunda Elementary School in combining the normal and disable children in inclusion education was the focuse in this study. Many factor played role in this sense, among others the media. How did the media positively affect the social construction proccess in the inclusion education at Mutiara Bunda Elementary School? The study used the qualitative mehtod. The school of Mutiara Bunda was chosen purposively as the unit of analysis in the study because the school had successfully implemented the inclusion education. The role of the media in supporting the social construction in inclusion education was the focus of this research. Data were collected by using observation and interview techniques and documentation study then analysed descriptively and qualitatively. The study concluded that media contributes significantly to improving pupil understanding that enable the implementation of social construction in education proccesses fastly.
International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT), Dec 30, 2020
The problems studied and the purpose of this study were to determine the results of the managemen... more The problems studied and the purpose of this study were to determine the results of the management of the literacy program in Cluster V K3SLBS South Sulawesi from the perspective of Context, Input, Process, and Product. The results of this study are as follows: (1) The context evaluation includes the background of the literacy program and school support for the literacy program, namely (a) The background of the literacy program in SLB Negeri K3S Cluster V Bone, Soppeng and Wajo was formed so that students are familiar with reading and reading activities. writing because most students avoid the habit of reading and writing. Therefore, after the declaration of Literacy in 2009, the K3S Cluster V SLB in Bone, Soppeng and Wajo has created a literacy program called Reading. In addition, with the literacy program, the students are creative and often participate in competitions. (b) School support, in this case the school with sufficient funds and management to meet the facilities and needs for literacy programs. The school has held a socialization about the importance of literacy for students and parents. (2) Evaluation of the input of the literacy program at SLB Negeri K3S Cluster V Bone, Soppeng and Wajo including students' reading and writing interests as well as completeness of infrastructure to support literacy programs. (a) Literacy programs increase students' reading and writing interest compared to before the Literacy program. What's more, the literacy program activities are currently being held in various strategies, including giving gifts or awards to students, so that students' interest in reading and writing activities is also getting better. (b) The complete infrastructure provided by the school includes bookshelves in the library, classrooms and in every corner of the school, a collection of books for reading activities in the library, a smart park for students, teachers and employees. However, there are some facilities and infrastructure that are poorly maintained so that schools need to repair them. (3) Evaluation of the literacy program process includes the implementation of strategies and the use of facilities / capital / materials in actual literacy activities. The framework of the management function includes planning, organizing, implementing and supervising. (a) The planning of the literacy program at SLB Negeri K3S Cluster V Bone, Soppeng and Wajo is a plan that is used as an activity plan in the school library starting from the five-year long-term program and the shortterm program. In addition to the program, there are additional programs for literacy ambassador groups where the activities are socializing literacy programs to classes, holding literacy ambassadors' meetings, competitions related to literacy, and visits to other schools. (b) Organizational structure in schools for all school members to be involved in supporting literacy programs. In SLB Negeri K3S Group V Bone, Soppeng and Wajo, apart from the organizational structure of the library, there is a group of literacy ambassadors consisting of students whose
Potensi kelautan Indonesia yang kaya dengan sumber daya alam dan potensi sosial ekonomi masyaraka... more Potensi kelautan Indonesia yang kaya dengan sumber daya alam dan potensi sosial ekonomi masyarakat pesisir yang akan mengelola sumber daya alam merupakan variabel yang dapat dikelola dan dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan agar masyarakat pesisi r keluar dari kungkungan kemiskinan yang masih membelenggu. Salah satu potensi sosial ekonomi yang dapat diberdayakan adalah perempuan pesisir atau isteri nelayan. Potensi sosial perempuan pesisir perlu dikembangkan dengan membuka akses seluas - luasnya se hingga mereka dapat mendayagunakan dan memanfaatkannya dalam lingkunganya secara kreatif dan dinamis. Melalui pendidikan kecakapan hidup, perempuan pesisir dapat mengembangkan potensi sosial ekonominya. Pendidikan kecakapan hidup memberikan bekal kepada p erempuan pesisir melalui pelatihan keterampilan personal, sosial, dan vokasional berbasis lokal. Berbekal keterampilan yang diperoleh, diharapkan perempuan pesisir dapat membantu menjaga kelangsungan hidup rumah tangganya dan ma...
Anak berkebutuhan khusus adalah anak yang memiliki kekhususan atau kekurangan dari segi pisik, me... more Anak berkebutuhan khusus adalah anak yang memiliki kekhususan atau kekurangan dari segi pisik, mental, intelegensi, dan sosial. Akibat kekhususan yang dimilikinya, anak berkebutuhan khusus tidak dapat dengan mudah berinteraksi dan beradaptasi dengan orang lain dalam lingkungannya, cenderung menarik diri dari lingkungan dan pada akhirnya menjadi kelompok yang termarginalkan. Akibatnya anak berkebutuhan khusus akan kehilangan akses untuk mengembangkan potensi yang masih dimilikinya untuk tumbuh dan berkembang sebagaimana layaknya sebayanya. Agar mereka tidak menjadi kelompok marginal, mereka harus mendapat perlindungan sosial. Perlindungan sosial terhadap kelompok marginal dapat dilakukan sedini mungkin oleh orang lain tetapi yang lebih penting adalah perlindungan terhadap diri sendiri. Pendidikan inklusi adalah salah satu bentuk perlindungan sosial terhadap anak berkebutuhan khusus melalui melalui layanan pendidikan untuk mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki serta berinteraksi dengan ...
The existence of street vendors in several main roads in the city of Makassar, most of which requ... more The existence of street vendors in several main roads in the city of Makassar, most of which require very complicated sidewalks. Before choosing a revolutionary solution that can be seen against those questioned by the Makassar city government about those who ask for street vendors, it is necessary to discuss how the general characteristics and level of income of Makassar City street vendors. This research uses descriptive quantitative method using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. Data analysis techniques using descriptive analysis. The findings of the study are more street vendors than men than women, age of street vendors is higher in the range 31 - 50 years, the highest level of education is the high school level, on average received from Makassar the rest from outside Makassar and outside South Sulawesi, many more who have no houses but rent houses or rooms, the daily income level is between Rp 100,000 - Rp 300,000. an increase in sales to increase sales to increase s...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2018), 2018
The complicity of social interaction (dynamic social relations) in an ethnic poly system is exami... more The complicity of social interaction (dynamic social relations) in an ethnic poly system is examined and analyzed using the "contingency linkage" model, which is the linkage of social interaction with the implementation of values and norms, social field network system, and the existence of creative individuals. The analysis model of the interrelationship between social interaction and structural transformation is a "stochastic" relationship with the main concept of structure and function. These two concepts are components of a functional perspective that are expanded with a network approach and the system plays a role.This research used descriptive analytic survey method, the type of research is explanation, supported by qualitative-quantitative approach that aims to test the hypothesis with correlation design and influence test. The analysis unit of the supervisor level is the leader of the sub-district, the village apparatus, the head of the RW, RT, the public figures as key information including other community figures who are entirely located and domiciled in the research location. The sampling used proportional random sampling (observation), interviews with questionnaires and free interviews. Data analysis is qualitative and quantitative. Result study showed that the implementation of values and norms, the nature of social networking systems, creative individuals were significantly influenced the social interaction. In particular the meaning of the implementation of values and norms refers more to the personality traits and moral values of local communities. The treatment of social networks is in line with the loose and the tight of local networks which contain traditionally and emotionally. Therefore, commitment to new tools is always followed by the desire to maintain the order.
Online-based learning that has been done by students from the Department of Special Education FIP... more Online-based learning that has been done by students from the Department of Special Education FIP UNM cannot be separated from the perspective of students in using e-learning. Student perspectives can be seen in the quality of the system and the quality of information obtained in using e-learning and the level of satisfaction using e-learning. This study uses a quantitative approach to determine students' perspectives on the use of e-learning. Respondents were 62 students from the Department of Special Education who were deliberately selected. Questionnaires and documentation are used to collect data. Descriptive analysis and inferential analysis for analyzing data. The results of this study are that there is a significant influence on the quality of the system and the quality of information both individually and collectively on the satisfaction of e-learning users. The system quality and better information quality perspective will further increase user satisfaction. To improve ...
Students of Special Education Department FIP UNM come from varied educational backgrounds and als... more Students of Special Education Department FIP UNM come from varied educational backgrounds and also have the various Grade Point Average (GPA). So that the aim of this research are : 1) How is the description of the educational background of students from the Special Education Department FIP UNM ? 2) How is the description of Grade Point Average (GPA) students of Special Education Department FIP UNM? 3) ls there any significant correlation between educational background in high school and Grade Point Average (GPA) of students in Special Education Department FIP UNM? This research uses a quantitative approach through correlation test. The study population was a student in Special Education Students, while the sample is the students from class of 2014 and 2015. The data collection used documentation on SIMPADU. The results that: 1) The educational background of the students of Special Education Department FIP UNM dominated by Science Major from senior high school. 2) GPA level of level...
The problem faced by partners was the lack of deep understanding of the principal, special educat... more The problem faced by partners was the lack of deep understanding of the principal, special education teacher, regular teachers, and parents about the duties and responsibilities of special education teachers. As a result of this lack of knowledge, the special education teaching teachers were not in accordance with their actual duties and responsibilities. Therefore, a socialization program was needed in order to enhance the understanding of principals, regular teachers, special education teachers, and parents of children with special needs. The socialization was attended by 39 participants. The results of this program showed an increase in understanding of the duties and responsibilities of special education teachers at SD Inpres Maccini Baru, Makassar.
Sahabat Sosial: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Kabupaten Bone menyimpan banyak kearifan lokal yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber belajar atau s... more Kabupaten Bone menyimpan banyak kearifan lokal yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber belajar atau sebagai orientasi dari pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan di sekolah. Kearifan lokal dapat dimasukkan dalam pembelajaran yang menggunakan metode project based learning (PjBL). Untuk itu perlu diadakan sosialisasi untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan mitra sebelum dan sesudah sosialisasi tentang metode PjBL berorientasi kearifan lokal di UPT SD 219 Mabbiring Pulu Kabupaten Bone. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah melalui survey, menyiapkan bahan dan media yang digunakan dalam sosialisasi. Sosialisasi, dan pendampingan. Evaluasi dilakukan secara kualitatif berdasarkan respon guru terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan yang diungkap dalam kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada guru-guru. Kuesioner diberikan saat sebelum pemberian sosialisasi (pre-tes) dan setelah pemberian sosialisasi (post-tes). Hasil pre-tes dan post-tes kemudian dibandingkan untuk melihat apakah ada perubahan ...
Learning life skills and simple skills is very important to provide provisions for mentally retar... more Learning life skills and simple skills is very important to provide provisions for mentally retarded students. The aims of this training are to provide simple skills in making three-dimensional frames for independent living. This activity is followed by 12 middle class students at SLB YP3LB Makassar. The paper uses a qualitative approach by making observations. The implementation of the training on making three-dimensional frames went smoothly and resulted in several examples of frames made by students. Training for mentally retarded students and other students with special needs requires hand-eye coordination and longer time to get neat skill results. For this reason, it is suggested to the teacher to train the coordination of fine motor movements of students so that the coordination of the eyes and hands of students is well formed.
Abstrak. Mitra kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah SLB Negeri 1 Kabupaten Gowa yang ... more Abstrak. Mitra kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah SLB Negeri 1 Kabupaten Gowa yang mengalami kesulitan untuk dapat mengenal memahami dan melakukan penanganan sederhana terhadap kondisi anak autis dan Anak ADHD yang sama-sama memiliki masalah dengan perhatian. Perilaku mereka suka berubah tiba-tiba (impulsif) dan juga sulit berkomunikasi. Mereka mempunyai masalah dalam berhubungan dengan orang lain. Karena terlihat mirip, kadang orang menyamakan kondisi ADHD dengan autisme. Jika hal ini dibiarkan berlanjut maka penanganannya akan mengalami hambatan. Sebagai Langkah awal, diperlukan sosialisasi untuk mengenal, memahami dan melakukan penanganan sederhana terhadap anak autis dan anak ADHD tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah melalui ceramah, tanya jawab dan simulasi penanganan. dengan jumlah guru yang hadir sebanyak 16 orang guru. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat adalah terjadinya peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai kondisi anak...
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran, Nov 4, 2022
The purpose of this study was to determine students' level of success in the Physical Fine Motor ... more The purpose of this study was to determine students' level of success in the Physical Fine Motor aspects through the Demonstration Method. The approach used is a qualitative approach where research is based on descriptive data from spoken words or observable behavior. Demonstration assessment techniques can be carried out using a checklist and rating scale. This research was conducted at Kemala Bhayangkari Kindergarten with ten students. Applying the demonstration method by making cow puppets can improve children's fine motor development, which previously only 30% of children's achievement levels increased to 90%. Abstrak. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan peserta didik dalam aspek fisik motorik halus melalui metode demonstrasi. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dimana penelitian yang berdasarkan data deskriptif berupa perkataan lisan atau perilaku yang dapat diamati. Teknik penilaian demonstrasi dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan daftar chek-list dan skala penilaian. Penelitian ini dilakukan di TK Kemala Bhayangkari dengan jumlah peserta didik 10 orang. Dengan menerapkan metode demonstrasi melalui kegiatan membuat wayang sapi dapat meningkatkan perkembangan motorik halus anak yang tadinya tingkat pencapaian anak hanya 30% meningkat menjadi 90%.
Abstract: This study discusses the description of the implementation of learning for dyslexic stu... more Abstract: This study discusses the description of the implementation of learning for dyslexic students in the Inclusive School of SMP N 19 Ambon. It aims at providing an overview of the implementation of learning for dyslexic students who have been going on in SMP N 19 Ambon. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with observation, interview and documentation technique. This research found that the learning of Pancasila and civic education subject conducted in class VIII of the inclusive school of SMP N 19 Ambon has not been effective in reaching the values of characters that are expected to develop in dyslexic students, and not yet fully accommodate their learning needs. The applied learning is still full of regularity without modification. The amount of material content is considered the student as a burden, so that they are unable to respond both orally and in written. Therefore a model that can accommodate the learning needs of dyslexic students is needed
Data yang diperoleh dari prevalensi antara jumlah kelahiran dengan kelahiran anak autis serta lap... more Data yang diperoleh dari prevalensi antara jumlah kelahiran dengan kelahiran anak autis serta laporan para profesional yang pernah menangani anak autis, menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Peningkatan ini merupakan isyarat untuk segera menangani anak autis sehingga anak autis dapat diterima oleh lingkungan masyarakat. sebagai upaya awal, perlu mengenak karakteristik dari anak autis melalui penelitian tentang profil anak autis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil anak autis di SLB YPPLB 1 dan Klinik Anak Harapan Makassar. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Subjek terdiri dari 2 orang. Teknik pengumpulan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subyek penelitian secara signifikan mengalami autisme tetapi dengan karakteristik yang berbeda. Disarankan untuk menyusun program modifikasi perilaku yang sesuai dengan karakteristik setiap anak
Mapping of the social differentiations of student at any educational institution is very importan... more Mapping of the social differentiations of student at any educational institution is very important in order to have a comprehensive data of them. The comprehensive data would be beneficial for the institution concerned to formulate policies related to solve student problems and needs. Three main questions to be answered in this study, namely (1) are student identities in the department of PLB FIP UNM (English: Depart of Special Needs Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, State University of Makassar) related to their social differentiations, (2) are social differentiations picturised in the educational data of the students in the department of PLB FIP UNM, and (3) are social differentiations related to social economic conditions of the students in the department of PLB FIP UNM? The aim of the study is to explore students social differentiations which are limited to self-identity, educational data, and social economic conditions of the students concerned. The study applied simp...
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran, Jan 31, 2022
The purpose of this study is to enhance the physical ability of the delicate mechanical children ... more The purpose of this study is to enhance the physical ability of the delicate mechanical children through collation in group b in kindergarten Aisyiyah XIII Pengawu, a type of study is the class action study (PTK). The data collection tecniques used in this study are obseryations and documentation. The data analysis tecniquesused in reseach are quantitative data analysis. Away of extracting a sample used in this study is by seeing of observing a child's ability through large picture media stimulus. The reseach subject was child group b of 10 children, consisting 4 boys and 6 woman. Registered in the 2020/2021 scholl year. Types the action study of this class is completed in two cycles 1 and cycle II. Based on data analysis it could be concluded that children's fine motor skills in kindergarten Aisyiyah XIII Pengawu bodyguard through collage activities. Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan fisik motorik halus anak melalui kolase pada anak kelompok B di TK Aisyiyah XIII Pengawu. Jenis penelitian dalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Tehnik pegumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu yang digunakan adalah observasi dan dokumentasi. Tehnik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah analisis data kuantitatif dan kualitatif.. Cara pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan melihat atau mengamati kemampuan anak melalui stimulus (rangsangan) media gambar yang besar. Subyek penelitian adalah anak kelompok B dengan jumlah anak 10 anak, yang terdiri dari 4 anak laki-laki dan 6 anak perempuan yang terdaftar pada tahun pelajaran 2020/2021. Jenis penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakasanakan dua siklus, yaitu siklus I dan siklus II, Berdasarkan hasil analisis data maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan motorik halus anak di TK Aisyiyah XIII Pengawu melalui kegiatan penerapan kolase dengan berbagai media mengalami peningkatan setiap siklusnya.
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran, Jul 27, 2022
This study aims to determine the improvement of the speech skills of kindergarten students in ter... more This study aims to determine the improvement of the speech skills of kindergarten students in terms of telling stories or responding to teacher questions. In this case, the child's ability is lacking due to the teacher's lack of stimulus, the image media used by the teacher is less attractive and not varied, or the child's environment is less supportive. The research was carried out at the Sulawesi Kindergarten which is located at jalan tupai no.98 kelurahan labuang baji, mamajang district Makassar. It was carried out in group B with 14 children divided into eight boys and six girls. The problem-solving in group B is carried out using the media of a series of images made by the teacher. The objective is to (a) describe the use of illustrated media and (b) describe the increase in children's speaking activities, especially storytelling through image media. (c) present the results of improving children's speaking skills, especially in terms of storytelling, after learning with series image media, Data collection using learning and observation results. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive analysis. And obtained an average score, in cycle I, the ability to speak and respond to children was 28.87%, cycle II became 57.14%, and in the third cycle, it became 64.26%. From the results of these percentages, series image media can improve children's participation skills with the support of varied and exciting methods and involve children in each activity.
EDUSTUDENT: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
This study aims to improve children's fine motor skills through the play method using plasticine ... more This study aims to improve children's fine motor skills through the play method using plasticine in children aged 5-6 years. Data collection was carried out using observation techniques, documentation of children's work, anecdotal notes and field notes. Children's fine motor skills increased from 50%. to 70% at the first meeting. At the second meeting the children's abilities increased to 80% and at the third meeting the children's abilities increased by 90%. The conclusion of this study is that through the Playing Method with Plasticine, it can improve the Fine Motor Ability of Children. Overall all work programs are carried out according to plan. With the end of this PPL activity, the author hopes that the program implemented can be useful for TK GKST Betesda Kasiguncu in particular. Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus anak melalui metode bermain menggunakan plastisin pada anak usia 5-6 tahun. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, dokumentasi hasil karya anak, catatan anekdot dan catatan lapangan. Keterampilan motorik halus anak meningkat dari 50%. menjadi 70% pada pertemuan pertama. Pada pertemuan kedua kemampuan anak meningkat menjadi 80% dan pada pertemuan ketiga kemampuan anak meningkat 90%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah melalui Metode Bermain dengan Plastisin dapat meningkatkan Kemampuan Motorik Halus Anak. Secara keseluruhan semua program kerja dilaksanakan sesuai rencana. Dengan berakhirnya kegiatan PPL ini, penulis berharap program yang dilaksanakan dapat bermanfaat bagi TK GKST Betesda Kasiguncu khususnya.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan kegiatan membilang dan peningkatan kemamp... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan kegiatan membilang dan peningkatan kemampuan kognitif siswa melalui kegiatan membilang. Penelitian tindakan (action research) ini menggunakan metode Kemmis dan Mc Taggart, melalui dua siklus yang tediri dari siklus I dan siklus II yang meliputi tahap perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Subyek penelitian adalah 15 anak Kelompok B TK Islam Al-Farabi yang berusia 5-6 tahun. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan kognitif anak yang dibuktikan pada perolehan skor kemampuan kognitif rata-rata siswa. Sebelum penelitian skor rata-rata adalah 60.4%. Setelah dilaksanakan siklus I terjadi perubahan skor kemampuan kognitif rata-rata kelas menjadi 85.9%. Pada siklus II perubahan skor kemampuan kognitif rata-rata kelas menjadi 97.04%. Pada siklus II seluruh siswa telah memenuhi kriteria kesuksesan sehingga penelitian ini dicukupkan dengan pelaksanaan dua siklus.Kata Kunci : Kemampuan kognitif, membilang bend...
Kurikulum dan Teknologi Pendidikan FIP UNM Makassar, Apr 1, 2014
The success of Mutiara Bunda Elementary School in combining the normal and disable children in in... more The success of Mutiara Bunda Elementary School in combining the normal and disable children in inclusion education was the focuse in this study. Many factor played role in this sense, among others the media. How did the media positively affect the social construction proccess in the inclusion education at Mutiara Bunda Elementary School? The study used the qualitative mehtod. The school of Mutiara Bunda was chosen purposively as the unit of analysis in the study because the school had successfully implemented the inclusion education. The role of the media in supporting the social construction in inclusion education was the focus of this research. Data were collected by using observation and interview techniques and documentation study then analysed descriptively and qualitatively. The study concluded that media contributes significantly to improving pupil understanding that enable the implementation of social construction in education proccesses fastly.
International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT), Dec 30, 2020
The problems studied and the purpose of this study were to determine the results of the managemen... more The problems studied and the purpose of this study were to determine the results of the management of the literacy program in Cluster V K3SLBS South Sulawesi from the perspective of Context, Input, Process, and Product. The results of this study are as follows: (1) The context evaluation includes the background of the literacy program and school support for the literacy program, namely (a) The background of the literacy program in SLB Negeri K3S Cluster V Bone, Soppeng and Wajo was formed so that students are familiar with reading and reading activities. writing because most students avoid the habit of reading and writing. Therefore, after the declaration of Literacy in 2009, the K3S Cluster V SLB in Bone, Soppeng and Wajo has created a literacy program called Reading. In addition, with the literacy program, the students are creative and often participate in competitions. (b) School support, in this case the school with sufficient funds and management to meet the facilities and needs for literacy programs. The school has held a socialization about the importance of literacy for students and parents. (2) Evaluation of the input of the literacy program at SLB Negeri K3S Cluster V Bone, Soppeng and Wajo including students' reading and writing interests as well as completeness of infrastructure to support literacy programs. (a) Literacy programs increase students' reading and writing interest compared to before the Literacy program. What's more, the literacy program activities are currently being held in various strategies, including giving gifts or awards to students, so that students' interest in reading and writing activities is also getting better. (b) The complete infrastructure provided by the school includes bookshelves in the library, classrooms and in every corner of the school, a collection of books for reading activities in the library, a smart park for students, teachers and employees. However, there are some facilities and infrastructure that are poorly maintained so that schools need to repair them. (3) Evaluation of the literacy program process includes the implementation of strategies and the use of facilities / capital / materials in actual literacy activities. The framework of the management function includes planning, organizing, implementing and supervising. (a) The planning of the literacy program at SLB Negeri K3S Cluster V Bone, Soppeng and Wajo is a plan that is used as an activity plan in the school library starting from the five-year long-term program and the shortterm program. In addition to the program, there are additional programs for literacy ambassador groups where the activities are socializing literacy programs to classes, holding literacy ambassadors' meetings, competitions related to literacy, and visits to other schools. (b) Organizational structure in schools for all school members to be involved in supporting literacy programs. In SLB Negeri K3S Group V Bone, Soppeng and Wajo, apart from the organizational structure of the library, there is a group of literacy ambassadors consisting of students whose
Potensi kelautan Indonesia yang kaya dengan sumber daya alam dan potensi sosial ekonomi masyaraka... more Potensi kelautan Indonesia yang kaya dengan sumber daya alam dan potensi sosial ekonomi masyarakat pesisir yang akan mengelola sumber daya alam merupakan variabel yang dapat dikelola dan dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan agar masyarakat pesisi r keluar dari kungkungan kemiskinan yang masih membelenggu. Salah satu potensi sosial ekonomi yang dapat diberdayakan adalah perempuan pesisir atau isteri nelayan. Potensi sosial perempuan pesisir perlu dikembangkan dengan membuka akses seluas - luasnya se hingga mereka dapat mendayagunakan dan memanfaatkannya dalam lingkunganya secara kreatif dan dinamis. Melalui pendidikan kecakapan hidup, perempuan pesisir dapat mengembangkan potensi sosial ekonominya. Pendidikan kecakapan hidup memberikan bekal kepada p erempuan pesisir melalui pelatihan keterampilan personal, sosial, dan vokasional berbasis lokal. Berbekal keterampilan yang diperoleh, diharapkan perempuan pesisir dapat membantu menjaga kelangsungan hidup rumah tangganya dan ma...
Anak berkebutuhan khusus adalah anak yang memiliki kekhususan atau kekurangan dari segi pisik, me... more Anak berkebutuhan khusus adalah anak yang memiliki kekhususan atau kekurangan dari segi pisik, mental, intelegensi, dan sosial. Akibat kekhususan yang dimilikinya, anak berkebutuhan khusus tidak dapat dengan mudah berinteraksi dan beradaptasi dengan orang lain dalam lingkungannya, cenderung menarik diri dari lingkungan dan pada akhirnya menjadi kelompok yang termarginalkan. Akibatnya anak berkebutuhan khusus akan kehilangan akses untuk mengembangkan potensi yang masih dimilikinya untuk tumbuh dan berkembang sebagaimana layaknya sebayanya. Agar mereka tidak menjadi kelompok marginal, mereka harus mendapat perlindungan sosial. Perlindungan sosial terhadap kelompok marginal dapat dilakukan sedini mungkin oleh orang lain tetapi yang lebih penting adalah perlindungan terhadap diri sendiri. Pendidikan inklusi adalah salah satu bentuk perlindungan sosial terhadap anak berkebutuhan khusus melalui melalui layanan pendidikan untuk mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki serta berinteraksi dengan ...
The existence of street vendors in several main roads in the city of Makassar, most of which requ... more The existence of street vendors in several main roads in the city of Makassar, most of which require very complicated sidewalks. Before choosing a revolutionary solution that can be seen against those questioned by the Makassar city government about those who ask for street vendors, it is necessary to discuss how the general characteristics and level of income of Makassar City street vendors. This research uses descriptive quantitative method using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. Data analysis techniques using descriptive analysis. The findings of the study are more street vendors than men than women, age of street vendors is higher in the range 31 - 50 years, the highest level of education is the high school level, on average received from Makassar the rest from outside Makassar and outside South Sulawesi, many more who have no houses but rent houses or rooms, the daily income level is between Rp 100,000 - Rp 300,000. an increase in sales to increase sales to increase s...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2018), 2018
The complicity of social interaction (dynamic social relations) in an ethnic poly system is exami... more The complicity of social interaction (dynamic social relations) in an ethnic poly system is examined and analyzed using the "contingency linkage" model, which is the linkage of social interaction with the implementation of values and norms, social field network system, and the existence of creative individuals. The analysis model of the interrelationship between social interaction and structural transformation is a "stochastic" relationship with the main concept of structure and function. These two concepts are components of a functional perspective that are expanded with a network approach and the system plays a role.This research used descriptive analytic survey method, the type of research is explanation, supported by qualitative-quantitative approach that aims to test the hypothesis with correlation design and influence test. The analysis unit of the supervisor level is the leader of the sub-district, the village apparatus, the head of the RW, RT, the public figures as key information including other community figures who are entirely located and domiciled in the research location. The sampling used proportional random sampling (observation), interviews with questionnaires and free interviews. Data analysis is qualitative and quantitative. Result study showed that the implementation of values and norms, the nature of social networking systems, creative individuals were significantly influenced the social interaction. In particular the meaning of the implementation of values and norms refers more to the personality traits and moral values of local communities. The treatment of social networks is in line with the loose and the tight of local networks which contain traditionally and emotionally. Therefore, commitment to new tools is always followed by the desire to maintain the order.
Online-based learning that has been done by students from the Department of Special Education FIP... more Online-based learning that has been done by students from the Department of Special Education FIP UNM cannot be separated from the perspective of students in using e-learning. Student perspectives can be seen in the quality of the system and the quality of information obtained in using e-learning and the level of satisfaction using e-learning. This study uses a quantitative approach to determine students' perspectives on the use of e-learning. Respondents were 62 students from the Department of Special Education who were deliberately selected. Questionnaires and documentation are used to collect data. Descriptive analysis and inferential analysis for analyzing data. The results of this study are that there is a significant influence on the quality of the system and the quality of information both individually and collectively on the satisfaction of e-learning users. The system quality and better information quality perspective will further increase user satisfaction. To improve ...
Students of Special Education Department FIP UNM come from varied educational backgrounds and als... more Students of Special Education Department FIP UNM come from varied educational backgrounds and also have the various Grade Point Average (GPA). So that the aim of this research are : 1) How is the description of the educational background of students from the Special Education Department FIP UNM ? 2) How is the description of Grade Point Average (GPA) students of Special Education Department FIP UNM? 3) ls there any significant correlation between educational background in high school and Grade Point Average (GPA) of students in Special Education Department FIP UNM? This research uses a quantitative approach through correlation test. The study population was a student in Special Education Students, while the sample is the students from class of 2014 and 2015. The data collection used documentation on SIMPADU. The results that: 1) The educational background of the students of Special Education Department FIP UNM dominated by Science Major from senior high school. 2) GPA level of level...
The problem faced by partners was the lack of deep understanding of the principal, special educat... more The problem faced by partners was the lack of deep understanding of the principal, special education teacher, regular teachers, and parents about the duties and responsibilities of special education teachers. As a result of this lack of knowledge, the special education teaching teachers were not in accordance with their actual duties and responsibilities. Therefore, a socialization program was needed in order to enhance the understanding of principals, regular teachers, special education teachers, and parents of children with special needs. The socialization was attended by 39 participants. The results of this program showed an increase in understanding of the duties and responsibilities of special education teachers at SD Inpres Maccini Baru, Makassar.