B. Fügenschuh - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by B. Fügenschuh

Research paper thumbnail of Comment on Rosenberg and Garcia: Estimating displacement along the Brenner Fault and orogen-parallel extension in the Eastern Alps

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Research paper thumbnail of Thermotectonic evolution of the Apuseni mountains (Romania) based on structural and geothermochronological data

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Research paper thumbnail of The western end of the Eoalpine High Pressure Belt (Texel unit, South Tyrol/Italy)

Terra Nova, 2016

Eclogites in the Texel Unit (Eastern Alps; South Tyrol, Italy) represent the westernmost outcrops... more Eclogites in the Texel Unit (Eastern Alps; South Tyrol, Italy) represent the westernmost outcrops of the E-W striking Eoalpine High-Pressure Belt (EHB). East of the Tauern Window, the EHB forms part of a Cretaceous intracontinental south-dipping subduction/collision zone; however, the same nappe stack displays a northwest dip at its western end. This prominent change in dip direction gave rise to discussions on the general setting of the Eoalpine collision. Based on our own observations and literature data, we present a new tectonic model for the western end of the EHB. Due to the special situation of this area at the tip of the Southalpine indenter, originally south(east) dipping structures became overturned, and former thrusts appear as normal faults (e.g. Schneeberg fault zone) while former normal faults presently display thrust geometries (e.g. Jaufen fault). Thus, we explain the current configuration with a coherent Eoalpine subduction direction.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of the Adria-Europe plate boundary in the northern Dinarides: From continent-continent collision to back-arc extension

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Research paper thumbnail of Tectonics and sedimentation during convergence of the ALCAPA and Tisza-Dacia continental blocks: the Pienide nappe emplacement and its foredeep (N. Romania)

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2008

The juxtaposition of the ALCAPA and Tisza–Dacia continental blocks, although one of the key issue... more The juxtaposition of the ALCAPA and Tisza–Dacia continental blocks, although one of the key issues in the evolution of the Carpathians, is not well known in terms of associated effects on the sedimentary systems during frontal foreland development. Most of the contact between ALCAPA and Tisza–Dacia being covered by post-tectonic deposits, these effects can best be observed in northern Romania. Sedimentological data on facies, palaeocurrents and modal composition of sandstones combined with micropalaeontological data and 2D well-calibrated seismic lines constrain the tectonic history of the contact zone between ALCAPA and Tisza–Dacia. Pervasive deposition of sand-dominated siliciclastics beginning in late Early Oligocene (Late Rupelian) times is interpreted to reflect the onset of convergence between ALCAPA and Tisza–Dacia in the study area. The depocentre of coarse siliciclastic material migrates southward, finally forming a southeastward-thinning clastic wedge in the Transylvanian ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The recent fault kinematics in the westernmost part of the Getic nappe system (Eastern Serbia): Evidence from fault slip and focal mechanism data

Geologica Carpathica, 2014

In this study we performed a calculation of the tectonic stress tensor based on fault slip data a... more In this study we performed a calculation of the tectonic stress tensor based on fault slip data and all available focal mechanisms in order to determine the principal stress axes and the recent tectonic regime of the westernmost unit of the Getic nappe system (Gornjak-Ravanica Zone, Eastern Serbia). The study is based on a combined dataset involving paleostress analyses, the inversion of focal mechanisms and remote sensing. The results show dominant strike-slip kinematics with the maximal compression axis oriented NNE-SSW. This is compatible with a combined northward motion and counterclockwise rotation of the Adria plate as the controlling factor. However, the local stress field is also shown to be of great importance and is superimposed on the far-field stress. We managed to distinguish three areas with distinct seismic activity. The northern part of the research area is characterized by transtensional tectonics, possibly under the influence of the extension in the areas situated ...

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Research paper thumbnail of thermochronology and structural data ( internal eastern Carpathians , northern Romania ) : Tertiary cooling and exhumation history in the Maramures area Geological Society

The Tertiary kinematic history of the Maramures area is constrained by integrating thermochronolo... more The Tertiary kinematic history of the Maramures area is constrained by integrating thermochronological (fission track and (U–Th)/He analysis) data with field-based structural investigations. This study focuses on the tectonic evolution of the northern rim of the Tisza– Dacia block during collision with the European margin. Cretaceous nappe stacking, related metamorphism as well as Late Cretaceous exhumation are evidenced by zircon fission track data. Subsequent Palaeogene to Early Miocene sedimentation led to burial heating and annealing of fission tracks in apatite. Final tectonic uplift was initiated during the convergence of Tisza– Dacia with the European margin, associated with transpressional deformation (16 to 12 Ma). This led to Mid-Miocene exhumation, recorded by apatite fission track cooling ages in the western part of the study area. Transtension between 12 and 10 Ma caused brittle deformation along E–W trending strike-slip faults and SW–NE trending normal faults, delimiti...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Tonalitic Lamellae along the Giudicarie Fault System: age data and tectonic implications

The NNE-SSW striking Giudicarie Fault System (composed of the Northern and Southern Giudicarie Fa... more The NNE-SSW striking Giudicarie Fault System (composed of the Northern and Southern Giudicarie Fault and the Meran-Mauls Fault) represents a distinctive bend and offset in the Periadriatic Fault System (PFS). It terminates the E-W striking Tonale Fault Zone to the east, and the ESE-WNW striking Pustertal-Gailtal Fault to the west. Along the Giudicarie Fault System Oligocene tonalitic bodies occur, subsumed under the term ’Oligocene Tonalitic lamellae’. Along the southern part of the Northern Giudicarie Fault only a few < 50 m thick and 200 m long lenses crop out, often strongly affected by brittle deformation. So far no tonalitic bodies have been found between the locality Rumo (Val di Non) and Pawigl (south of Meran), i.e. for some 20 km. From Pawigl to the NE the lenses are more continuous, up to 150 m thick and less affected by brittle deformation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: analysing orogeny--the Alpine approach

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of The Northern Giudicarie and the Meran-Mauls fault (Alps, Northern Italy) in the light of new paleomagnetic and geochronological data from boudinaged Eo/Oligocene tonalites

International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2000

This study concentrates on small intrusions along two important faults of the Giudicarie fault sy... more This study concentrates on small intrusions along two important faults of the Giudicarie fault system, the Northern Giudicarie and the Meran-Mauls fault, summarised under the term tonalitic lamellae. Magnetic fabric analyses in combination with structural field data indicate dextral strike slip deformation along the NE–SW striking northern part of the Giudicarie fault system, the Meran-Mauls fault, overprinted by younger thrusting.

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural analysis of the Subbriançonnais and Valais units in the area of Moûtiers (Savoy, Western Alps): paleogeographic and tectonic consequences

International Journal of Earth Sciences, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of The Alps-Dinarides-Carpathians connection

Recent tomographic results on the lithospheric configuration reveal that at present the Southern ... more Recent tomographic results on the lithospheric configuration reveal that at present the Southern Alpine Moho descends northwards under the European lithosphere (Lippitsch, 2002, PhD ETH Zürich). Hence, today there is no separation between easternmost Southern Alps and external Dinarides at the earth's surface. Such a separation would be expected if Alps and Dinarides would still exhibit opposite subduction polarity, as

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Research paper thumbnail of The Tonalitic Lamellae along the Giudicarie Fault System: age data and tectonic implications

The NNE-SSW striking Giudicarie Fault System (composed of the Northern and Southern Giudicarie Fa... more The NNE-SSW striking Giudicarie Fault System (composed of the Northern and Southern Giudicarie Fault and the Meran-Mauls Fault) represents a distinctive bend and offset in the Periadriatic Fault System (PFS). It terminates the E-W striking Tonale Fault Zone to the east, and the ESE-WNW striking Pustertal-Gailtal Fault to the west. Along the Giudicarie Fault System Oligocene tonalitic bodies occur, subsumed under the term 'Oligocene Tonalitic lamellae'. Along the southern part of the Northern Giudicarie Fault only a few < 50 m thick and 200 m long lenses crop out, often strongly affected by brittle deformation. So far no tonalitic bodies have been found between the locality Rumo (Val di Non) and Pawigl (south of Meran), i.e. for some 20 km. From Pawigl to the NE the lenses are more continuous, up to 150 m thick and less affected by brittle deformation. Fission Track analyses was carried out on samples from tonalitic lenses along the Northern Giudicarie Fault and the Meran ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Lithosphere structure and tectonic evolution of the Alpine arc: new evidence from high-resolution teleseismic tomography

Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 2006

Several continental and oceanic plates and/or terranes amalgamated during the formation of the te... more Several continental and oceanic plates and/or terranes amalgamated during the formation of the tectonically complex Alpine arc. Reliable knowledge of the present structure of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system throughout the Alpine arc from the Western through the Central to the Eastern Alps is crucial for understanding the evolution of this orogen and the current interaction of lithospheric blocks, and additionally, for assessing the amount and orientation of lithosphere subducted in the geological past. We have compiled results from earlier geophysical studies and reinterpretations of existing seismic and geological data for the Alpine crust and Moho. High-resolution teleseismic tomography was used to produce a detailed 3D seismic model of the lower lithosphere and asthenosphere. The combination of these techniques provides new images for the entire lithosphere-asthenosphere system, showing significant lateral variations to depths of 400 km. Over the years the crustal structure ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Geometry, Sequence and Amount of Thrusting in the Subalpine Molasse of Austria and Bavaria

The Subalpine Molasse (SM) is the most external tectonic unit of the Alps extending from Geneva (... more The Subalpine Molasse (SM) is the most external tectonic unit of the Alps extending from Geneva (Switzerland) to west of Salzburg (Austria), where it disappears into the subsurface. From western Austria eastward, continental, coarse-grained conglomerates grade into deep marine marls. We investigate the influence of this facies transition on tectonic style and observed amount of shortening in four cross sections. 1 In western Austria thick coarse-grained continental conglomerates (>3km) overlie marine marls, which form the regional detachment. Ramp-flat geometries formed in the SM. The frontal structure is a triangle zone at depth with a hinterland-facing fold compensating movement on the passive roof thrust of the triangle. All structures were steepened during late contraction. 2 In western Bavaria the continental unit is sandstone-dominated, and overlies thick marine marls. An upright detachment fold takes up the movement of the passive backthrust of the frontal triangle zone. T...

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Research paper thumbnail of Balanced cross-sections in the boundary area between the western and eastern Alps

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Research paper thumbnail of Single and double exhumation of fault blocks in the internal Sesia-Lanzo Zone and the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (Biella, Italy)

International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2012

... The adjacent Strona-Ceneri Zone (or Serie dei Laghi) is generally interpreted as to represent... more ... The adjacent Strona-Ceneri Zone (or Serie dei Laghi) is generally interpreted as to represent mid-crustal levels, dominated by Paleozoic migmatites, gneisses and granitoids displaying intense pre-Alpine tectonic overprint (eg, Zurbriggen et al. 1997; Handy et al. 1999). ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Miocene tectonics of the Maramures area (Northern Romania): implications for the Mid-Hungarian fault zone

International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of The south-western Black Forest and the Upper Rhine Graben Main Border Fault: thermal history and hydrothermal fluid flow

International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Low-temperature thermochronology of the flanks of the southern Upper Rhine Graben

International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Comment on Rosenberg and Garcia: Estimating displacement along the Brenner Fault and orogen-parallel extension in the Eastern Alps

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Research paper thumbnail of Thermotectonic evolution of the Apuseni mountains (Romania) based on structural and geothermochronological data

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Research paper thumbnail of The western end of the Eoalpine High Pressure Belt (Texel unit, South Tyrol/Italy)

Terra Nova, 2016

Eclogites in the Texel Unit (Eastern Alps; South Tyrol, Italy) represent the westernmost outcrops... more Eclogites in the Texel Unit (Eastern Alps; South Tyrol, Italy) represent the westernmost outcrops of the E-W striking Eoalpine High-Pressure Belt (EHB). East of the Tauern Window, the EHB forms part of a Cretaceous intracontinental south-dipping subduction/collision zone; however, the same nappe stack displays a northwest dip at its western end. This prominent change in dip direction gave rise to discussions on the general setting of the Eoalpine collision. Based on our own observations and literature data, we present a new tectonic model for the western end of the EHB. Due to the special situation of this area at the tip of the Southalpine indenter, originally south(east) dipping structures became overturned, and former thrusts appear as normal faults (e.g. Schneeberg fault zone) while former normal faults presently display thrust geometries (e.g. Jaufen fault). Thus, we explain the current configuration with a coherent Eoalpine subduction direction.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of the Adria-Europe plate boundary in the northern Dinarides: From continent-continent collision to back-arc extension

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Research paper thumbnail of Tectonics and sedimentation during convergence of the ALCAPA and Tisza-Dacia continental blocks: the Pienide nappe emplacement and its foredeep (N. Romania)

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2008

The juxtaposition of the ALCAPA and Tisza–Dacia continental blocks, although one of the key issue... more The juxtaposition of the ALCAPA and Tisza–Dacia continental blocks, although one of the key issues in the evolution of the Carpathians, is not well known in terms of associated effects on the sedimentary systems during frontal foreland development. Most of the contact between ALCAPA and Tisza–Dacia being covered by post-tectonic deposits, these effects can best be observed in northern Romania. Sedimentological data on facies, palaeocurrents and modal composition of sandstones combined with micropalaeontological data and 2D well-calibrated seismic lines constrain the tectonic history of the contact zone between ALCAPA and Tisza–Dacia. Pervasive deposition of sand-dominated siliciclastics beginning in late Early Oligocene (Late Rupelian) times is interpreted to reflect the onset of convergence between ALCAPA and Tisza–Dacia in the study area. The depocentre of coarse siliciclastic material migrates southward, finally forming a southeastward-thinning clastic wedge in the Transylvanian ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The recent fault kinematics in the westernmost part of the Getic nappe system (Eastern Serbia): Evidence from fault slip and focal mechanism data

Geologica Carpathica, 2014

In this study we performed a calculation of the tectonic stress tensor based on fault slip data a... more In this study we performed a calculation of the tectonic stress tensor based on fault slip data and all available focal mechanisms in order to determine the principal stress axes and the recent tectonic regime of the westernmost unit of the Getic nappe system (Gornjak-Ravanica Zone, Eastern Serbia). The study is based on a combined dataset involving paleostress analyses, the inversion of focal mechanisms and remote sensing. The results show dominant strike-slip kinematics with the maximal compression axis oriented NNE-SSW. This is compatible with a combined northward motion and counterclockwise rotation of the Adria plate as the controlling factor. However, the local stress field is also shown to be of great importance and is superimposed on the far-field stress. We managed to distinguish three areas with distinct seismic activity. The northern part of the research area is characterized by transtensional tectonics, possibly under the influence of the extension in the areas situated ...

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Research paper thumbnail of thermochronology and structural data ( internal eastern Carpathians , northern Romania ) : Tertiary cooling and exhumation history in the Maramures area Geological Society

The Tertiary kinematic history of the Maramures area is constrained by integrating thermochronolo... more The Tertiary kinematic history of the Maramures area is constrained by integrating thermochronological (fission track and (U–Th)/He analysis) data with field-based structural investigations. This study focuses on the tectonic evolution of the northern rim of the Tisza– Dacia block during collision with the European margin. Cretaceous nappe stacking, related metamorphism as well as Late Cretaceous exhumation are evidenced by zircon fission track data. Subsequent Palaeogene to Early Miocene sedimentation led to burial heating and annealing of fission tracks in apatite. Final tectonic uplift was initiated during the convergence of Tisza– Dacia with the European margin, associated with transpressional deformation (16 to 12 Ma). This led to Mid-Miocene exhumation, recorded by apatite fission track cooling ages in the western part of the study area. Transtension between 12 and 10 Ma caused brittle deformation along E–W trending strike-slip faults and SW–NE trending normal faults, delimiti...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Tonalitic Lamellae along the Giudicarie Fault System: age data and tectonic implications

The NNE-SSW striking Giudicarie Fault System (composed of the Northern and Southern Giudicarie Fa... more The NNE-SSW striking Giudicarie Fault System (composed of the Northern and Southern Giudicarie Fault and the Meran-Mauls Fault) represents a distinctive bend and offset in the Periadriatic Fault System (PFS). It terminates the E-W striking Tonale Fault Zone to the east, and the ESE-WNW striking Pustertal-Gailtal Fault to the west. Along the Giudicarie Fault System Oligocene tonalitic bodies occur, subsumed under the term ’Oligocene Tonalitic lamellae’. Along the southern part of the Northern Giudicarie Fault only a few < 50 m thick and 200 m long lenses crop out, often strongly affected by brittle deformation. So far no tonalitic bodies have been found between the locality Rumo (Val di Non) and Pawigl (south of Meran), i.e. for some 20 km. From Pawigl to the NE the lenses are more continuous, up to 150 m thick and less affected by brittle deformation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: analysing orogeny--the Alpine approach

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of The Northern Giudicarie and the Meran-Mauls fault (Alps, Northern Italy) in the light of new paleomagnetic and geochronological data from boudinaged Eo/Oligocene tonalites

International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2000

This study concentrates on small intrusions along two important faults of the Giudicarie fault sy... more This study concentrates on small intrusions along two important faults of the Giudicarie fault system, the Northern Giudicarie and the Meran-Mauls fault, summarised under the term tonalitic lamellae. Magnetic fabric analyses in combination with structural field data indicate dextral strike slip deformation along the NE–SW striking northern part of the Giudicarie fault system, the Meran-Mauls fault, overprinted by younger thrusting.

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural analysis of the Subbriançonnais and Valais units in the area of Moûtiers (Savoy, Western Alps): paleogeographic and tectonic consequences

International Journal of Earth Sciences, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of The Alps-Dinarides-Carpathians connection

Recent tomographic results on the lithospheric configuration reveal that at present the Southern ... more Recent tomographic results on the lithospheric configuration reveal that at present the Southern Alpine Moho descends northwards under the European lithosphere (Lippitsch, 2002, PhD ETH Zürich). Hence, today there is no separation between easternmost Southern Alps and external Dinarides at the earth's surface. Such a separation would be expected if Alps and Dinarides would still exhibit opposite subduction polarity, as

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Research paper thumbnail of The Tonalitic Lamellae along the Giudicarie Fault System: age data and tectonic implications

The NNE-SSW striking Giudicarie Fault System (composed of the Northern and Southern Giudicarie Fa... more The NNE-SSW striking Giudicarie Fault System (composed of the Northern and Southern Giudicarie Fault and the Meran-Mauls Fault) represents a distinctive bend and offset in the Periadriatic Fault System (PFS). It terminates the E-W striking Tonale Fault Zone to the east, and the ESE-WNW striking Pustertal-Gailtal Fault to the west. Along the Giudicarie Fault System Oligocene tonalitic bodies occur, subsumed under the term 'Oligocene Tonalitic lamellae'. Along the southern part of the Northern Giudicarie Fault only a few < 50 m thick and 200 m long lenses crop out, often strongly affected by brittle deformation. So far no tonalitic bodies have been found between the locality Rumo (Val di Non) and Pawigl (south of Meran), i.e. for some 20 km. From Pawigl to the NE the lenses are more continuous, up to 150 m thick and less affected by brittle deformation. Fission Track analyses was carried out on samples from tonalitic lenses along the Northern Giudicarie Fault and the Meran ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Lithosphere structure and tectonic evolution of the Alpine arc: new evidence from high-resolution teleseismic tomography

Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 2006

Several continental and oceanic plates and/or terranes amalgamated during the formation of the te... more Several continental and oceanic plates and/or terranes amalgamated during the formation of the tectonically complex Alpine arc. Reliable knowledge of the present structure of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system throughout the Alpine arc from the Western through the Central to the Eastern Alps is crucial for understanding the evolution of this orogen and the current interaction of lithospheric blocks, and additionally, for assessing the amount and orientation of lithosphere subducted in the geological past. We have compiled results from earlier geophysical studies and reinterpretations of existing seismic and geological data for the Alpine crust and Moho. High-resolution teleseismic tomography was used to produce a detailed 3D seismic model of the lower lithosphere and asthenosphere. The combination of these techniques provides new images for the entire lithosphere-asthenosphere system, showing significant lateral variations to depths of 400 km. Over the years the crustal structure ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Geometry, Sequence and Amount of Thrusting in the Subalpine Molasse of Austria and Bavaria

The Subalpine Molasse (SM) is the most external tectonic unit of the Alps extending from Geneva (... more The Subalpine Molasse (SM) is the most external tectonic unit of the Alps extending from Geneva (Switzerland) to west of Salzburg (Austria), where it disappears into the subsurface. From western Austria eastward, continental, coarse-grained conglomerates grade into deep marine marls. We investigate the influence of this facies transition on tectonic style and observed amount of shortening in four cross sections. 1 In western Austria thick coarse-grained continental conglomerates (>3km) overlie marine marls, which form the regional detachment. Ramp-flat geometries formed in the SM. The frontal structure is a triangle zone at depth with a hinterland-facing fold compensating movement on the passive roof thrust of the triangle. All structures were steepened during late contraction. 2 In western Bavaria the continental unit is sandstone-dominated, and overlies thick marine marls. An upright detachment fold takes up the movement of the passive backthrust of the frontal triangle zone. T...

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Research paper thumbnail of Balanced cross-sections in the boundary area between the western and eastern Alps

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Research paper thumbnail of Single and double exhumation of fault blocks in the internal Sesia-Lanzo Zone and the Ivrea-Verbano Zone (Biella, Italy)

International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2012

... The adjacent Strona-Ceneri Zone (or Serie dei Laghi) is generally interpreted as to represent... more ... The adjacent Strona-Ceneri Zone (or Serie dei Laghi) is generally interpreted as to represent mid-crustal levels, dominated by Paleozoic migmatites, gneisses and granitoids displaying intense pre-Alpine tectonic overprint (eg, Zurbriggen et al. 1997; Handy et al. 1999). ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Miocene tectonics of the Maramures area (Northern Romania): implications for the Mid-Hungarian fault zone

International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of The south-western Black Forest and the Upper Rhine Graben Main Border Fault: thermal history and hydrothermal fluid flow

International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Low-temperature thermochronology of the flanks of the southern Upper Rhine Graben

International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2005

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