B. Fournier - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by B. Fournier

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of screening for distress with professional cancer navigators

Oncologie, 2011

Résumé Le dépistage de la détresse est proposé comme une première étape pour optimiser la répons... more Résumé Le dépistage de la détresse est proposé comme une première étape pour optimiser la réponse aux besoins des patients atteints de cancer. Ce changement de pratique peut contribuer à une meilleure coordination des soins, une fonction clé des intervenants pivots en oncologie. Objectif Décrire les perceptions d’acteurs clés face à l’implantation du dépistage de la détresse par des intervenants pivots en

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Research paper thumbnail of Relationships between testate amoeba communities and water quality in Lake Donghu, a large alkaline lake in Wuhan, China

Frontiers of Earth Science, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Dermatomyosite et maladie coeliaque : Une association fortuite ?

La Revue de Médecine Interne, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Un tableau stéréotypé: La granulomatose sur cicatrice de zona au cours de la LLC

La Revue de Médecine Interne, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Syndrome de Sweet extensif satellite d'entérocolopathies : Trois observations

La Revue de Médecine Interne, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Hypothyroïdie centrale au cours d'un traitementpar bexarotène: deux observations

La Revue de Médecine Interne, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Spatio-temporal heterogeneity of riparian soil morphology in a restored floodplain

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing floodplain restoration success using soil morphology indicators

Floodplains are complex ecological systems that fulfil different ecological, economic and social ... more Floodplains are complex ecological systems that fulfil different ecological, economic and social functions related to physical, chemical, and biological processes. The fluvial dynamics of most rivers in industrialized countries have been altered to such an extent that floodplains are now one of the most threatened ecosystems worldwide. This adverse impact has been widely recognized and, nowadays, extensive attempts are underway

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Research paper thumbnail of Creep-Fatigue Interactions in a 9 Pct Cr-1 Pct Mo Martensitic Steel: Part I. Mechanical Test Results

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of various 9–12%Cr steels under fatigue and creep-fatigue loadings at high temperature

Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Mechanical and microstructural stability of P92 steel under uniaxial tension at high temperature

Materials at High Temperatures, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Mechanical Properties of ASR-Affected Concrete Containing Fine or Coarse Reactive Aggregates

Journal of ASTM International, 2006


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Research paper thumbnail of Application of the generalized lambda distributions in a statistical process control methodology

Journal of Process Control, 2006

... [18] used the normal power family, Lin and Chou [19] the Burr distribution and Johnson [20] i... more ... [18] used the normal power family, Lin and Chou [19] the Burr distribution and Johnson [20] introduced the use of Johnson's family in capability analysis. ... For more details, the reader should refer to the recent monograph written by Karian and Dudewicz [31]. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Review on the EFDA work programme on nano-structured ODS RAF steels

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Lifetime prediction of 9–12%Cr martensitic steels subjected to creep–fatigue at high temperature

International Journal of Fatigue, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Creep-fatigue-oxidation interactions in a 9Cr–1Mo martensitic steel. Part II: Effect of compressive holding period on fatigue lifetime

International Journal of Fatigue, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of Lambda Distributions and Bootstrap analysis to the prediction of fatigue lifetime and confidence intervals

International Journal of Fatigue, 2006

Dealing with fatigue lifetime prediction, this paper aims to report on a new statistical method c... more Dealing with fatigue lifetime prediction, this paper aims to report on a new statistical method combining the Lambda Distributions and the Bootstrap technique. This method is first applied for determining the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the C and n coefficients in the Paris relationship of a fatigue crack propagation curve. Then, introducing the initial crack's length distribution, the fatigue

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Research paper thumbnail of Can soil testate amoebae be used for estimating the time since death? A field experiment in a deciduous forest

Forensic Science International, 2014

Estimation of the post-mortem interval (PMI, the time interval between death and recovery of a bo... more Estimation of the post-mortem interval (PMI, the time interval between death and recovery of a body) can be crucial in solving criminal cases. Today minimum PMI calculations rely mainly on medical and entomological evidence. However, beyond 4-6 weeks even entomological methods become less accurate. Thus additional tools are needed. Cadaveric fluids released by decomposing cadavers modify the soil environment and thus impact soil organisms, which may thus be used to estimate the PMI. Although the response of bacteria or fungi to the presence of a corpse has been studied, to the best of our knowledge nothing is known about other soil organisms. Testate amoebae, a group of shelled protozoa, are sensitive bioindicators of soil physico-chemical and micro-climatic conditions and are therefore good potential PMI indicators. We investigated the response of testate amoebae to three decomposing pig cadavers, and compared the pattern to two controls each, bare soils and fake cadavers, in a beach-oak forest near Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Forest litter samples collected in the three treatments over 10 months were analysed by microscopy. The pig treatment significantly impacted the testate amoeba community: after 22 and 33 days no living amoeba remained underneath the pig cadavers. Communities subsequently recovered but 10 months after the beginning of the experiment recovery was not complete. The fake cadavers also influenced the testate amoeba communities by altering the soil microclimate during a dry hot period, but less than the cadavers. These results confirm the sensitivity of soil testate amoebae to micro-climatic conditions and show that they respond fast to the presence of cadavers - and that this effect although decreasing over time lasts for months, possibly several years. This study therefore confirms that soil protozoa could potentially be useful as forensic indicators, especially in cases with a longer PMI.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comments on the Mixture Detection Rule Used in SPC Control Charts

Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2007

When calculating independently the false alarm rate of the eight usual runs rules used in SPC con... more When calculating independently the false alarm rate of the eight usual runs rules used in SPC control chart, it appears that the proposed rule designed to detect mixture patterns corresponds to a Type-I error strongly lower than the seven other rules. This discrepancy is underlined and the mixture rule is showed to be useless both for in-control and out-of-control processes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Laboratory and field investigations of the influence of sodium chloride on alkali–silica reactivity

Cement and Concrete Research, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of screening for distress with professional cancer navigators

Oncologie, 2011

Résumé Le dépistage de la détresse est proposé comme une première étape pour optimiser la répons... more Résumé Le dépistage de la détresse est proposé comme une première étape pour optimiser la réponse aux besoins des patients atteints de cancer. Ce changement de pratique peut contribuer à une meilleure coordination des soins, une fonction clé des intervenants pivots en oncologie. Objectif Décrire les perceptions d’acteurs clés face à l’implantation du dépistage de la détresse par des intervenants pivots en

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Research paper thumbnail of Relationships between testate amoeba communities and water quality in Lake Donghu, a large alkaline lake in Wuhan, China

Frontiers of Earth Science, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Dermatomyosite et maladie coeliaque : Une association fortuite ?

La Revue de Médecine Interne, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Un tableau stéréotypé: La granulomatose sur cicatrice de zona au cours de la LLC

La Revue de Médecine Interne, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Syndrome de Sweet extensif satellite d'entérocolopathies : Trois observations

La Revue de Médecine Interne, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Hypothyroïdie centrale au cours d'un traitementpar bexarotène: deux observations

La Revue de Médecine Interne, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Spatio-temporal heterogeneity of riparian soil morphology in a restored floodplain

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing floodplain restoration success using soil morphology indicators

Floodplains are complex ecological systems that fulfil different ecological, economic and social ... more Floodplains are complex ecological systems that fulfil different ecological, economic and social functions related to physical, chemical, and biological processes. The fluvial dynamics of most rivers in industrialized countries have been altered to such an extent that floodplains are now one of the most threatened ecosystems worldwide. This adverse impact has been widely recognized and, nowadays, extensive attempts are underway

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Research paper thumbnail of Creep-Fatigue Interactions in a 9 Pct Cr-1 Pct Mo Martensitic Steel: Part I. Mechanical Test Results

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of various 9–12%Cr steels under fatigue and creep-fatigue loadings at high temperature

Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Mechanical and microstructural stability of P92 steel under uniaxial tension at high temperature

Materials at High Temperatures, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Mechanical Properties of ASR-Affected Concrete Containing Fine or Coarse Reactive Aggregates

Journal of ASTM International, 2006


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Research paper thumbnail of Application of the generalized lambda distributions in a statistical process control methodology

Journal of Process Control, 2006

... [18] used the normal power family, Lin and Chou [19] the Burr distribution and Johnson [20] i... more ... [18] used the normal power family, Lin and Chou [19] the Burr distribution and Johnson [20] introduced the use of Johnson's family in capability analysis. ... For more details, the reader should refer to the recent monograph written by Karian and Dudewicz [31]. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Review on the EFDA work programme on nano-structured ODS RAF steels

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Lifetime prediction of 9–12%Cr martensitic steels subjected to creep–fatigue at high temperature

International Journal of Fatigue, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Creep-fatigue-oxidation interactions in a 9Cr–1Mo martensitic steel. Part II: Effect of compressive holding period on fatigue lifetime

International Journal of Fatigue, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of Lambda Distributions and Bootstrap analysis to the prediction of fatigue lifetime and confidence intervals

International Journal of Fatigue, 2006

Dealing with fatigue lifetime prediction, this paper aims to report on a new statistical method c... more Dealing with fatigue lifetime prediction, this paper aims to report on a new statistical method combining the Lambda Distributions and the Bootstrap technique. This method is first applied for determining the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the C and n coefficients in the Paris relationship of a fatigue crack propagation curve. Then, introducing the initial crack's length distribution, the fatigue

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Research paper thumbnail of Can soil testate amoebae be used for estimating the time since death? A field experiment in a deciduous forest

Forensic Science International, 2014

Estimation of the post-mortem interval (PMI, the time interval between death and recovery of a bo... more Estimation of the post-mortem interval (PMI, the time interval between death and recovery of a body) can be crucial in solving criminal cases. Today minimum PMI calculations rely mainly on medical and entomological evidence. However, beyond 4-6 weeks even entomological methods become less accurate. Thus additional tools are needed. Cadaveric fluids released by decomposing cadavers modify the soil environment and thus impact soil organisms, which may thus be used to estimate the PMI. Although the response of bacteria or fungi to the presence of a corpse has been studied, to the best of our knowledge nothing is known about other soil organisms. Testate amoebae, a group of shelled protozoa, are sensitive bioindicators of soil physico-chemical and micro-climatic conditions and are therefore good potential PMI indicators. We investigated the response of testate amoebae to three decomposing pig cadavers, and compared the pattern to two controls each, bare soils and fake cadavers, in a beach-oak forest near Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Forest litter samples collected in the three treatments over 10 months were analysed by microscopy. The pig treatment significantly impacted the testate amoeba community: after 22 and 33 days no living amoeba remained underneath the pig cadavers. Communities subsequently recovered but 10 months after the beginning of the experiment recovery was not complete. The fake cadavers also influenced the testate amoeba communities by altering the soil microclimate during a dry hot period, but less than the cadavers. These results confirm the sensitivity of soil testate amoebae to micro-climatic conditions and show that they respond fast to the presence of cadavers - and that this effect although decreasing over time lasts for months, possibly several years. This study therefore confirms that soil protozoa could potentially be useful as forensic indicators, especially in cases with a longer PMI.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comments on the Mixture Detection Rule Used in SPC Control Charts

Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2007

When calculating independently the false alarm rate of the eight usual runs rules used in SPC con... more When calculating independently the false alarm rate of the eight usual runs rules used in SPC control chart, it appears that the proposed rule designed to detect mixture patterns corresponds to a Type-I error strongly lower than the seven other rules. This discrepancy is underlined and the mixture rule is showed to be useless both for in-control and out-of-control processes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Laboratory and field investigations of the influence of sodium chloride on alkali–silica reactivity

Cement and Concrete Research, 2003

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