Barbara Hinding - (original) (raw)
Papers by Barbara Hinding
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 2021
Background: The aim of the project “Communicative Competences of Physicians” (BMG) was the pilot ... more Background: The aim of the project “Communicative Competences of Physicians” (BMG) was the pilot implementation of a longitudinal model communication curriculum. For the Mainz project location, the task was to integrate courses offered in the clinical subjects into a communication curriculum and to expand it longitudinally. In this process, which was both content-related and social, resistance and negative attitudes regarding the continued development of the communication curriculum became apparent at an early stage. How these manifested and which measures were taken to overcome them is laid out in this reflective field report. Method/approach: At the beginning of the project, a SWOT analysis was used to identify the strengths and weaknesses that the faculty presented for the continued development of the communication curriculum. This assessment by the project staff included, among other things, an evaluation of the motivation levels of the faculty’s lecturers and senior teaching staff. The subsequent specific, strategic and content-related planning of the further implementation steps in accordance with change-management concepts made it possible to take this aspect into account. For a more reliable assessment of the situation, the project was first presented to the faculty’s teaching committee. In this situation it was possible to identify individuals with favourable and unfavourable attitudes. With the insight that was gained, the following course of action was decided upon: Contact advocates to gain their support. Contact the individuals with negative attitudes with the aim of building a relationship and arranging a personal meeting. Identify resistances and negative attitudes in one-on-one meetings and employ targeted countermeasures. Develop an action plan with a particular focus on gaining the cooperation of those who are essential to the success of integrating communication-related content into the major clinical disciplines. Results/experiences: In one-on-one meetings, it was possible to first clarify which learning objectives of communication training are already covered in the respective subject and which expertise is therefore available. Furthermore, it was possible to clarify which areas that were still absent in the overall communication curriculum should be taught in this clinical subject in particular. It became possible to involve the lecturers in the development in the spirit of participatory design. In accordance with the action plan, offers to support the development and organisation of as-yet absent portions of the curriculum were presented to the affected departments. Discussion/conclusion: Resistance and negative attitudes often do not represent a rejection of communicative competences – they rather express that teachers fear they do not have the expertise and resources to teach them. With the selected approach of outreach, personal conversation, and action plan, it was possible to provide the individuals in question with goal-oriented support.
Ärztliche Psychotherapie, 2021
Kommunikative Fertigkeiten stellen eine Basisqualifikation psychotherapeutischen Handelns dar und... more Kommunikative Fertigkeiten stellen eine Basisqualifikation psychotherapeutischen Handelns dar und sollten bereits wahrend des Medizinstudiums unterrichtet und gepruft werden. Die Kommunikationslehre in Deutschland ist derzeit jedoch fakultatsspezifisch und heterogen. Die Politik hat dies im »Masterplan Medizinstudium 2020« aufgegriffen und die Starkung von kommunikativen und sozialen Kompetenzen von Arztinnen und Arzten empfohlen. Die Fakultaten stehen damit vor der Aufgabe, Umfang und Inhalt ihrer Kommunikationslehre an den Vorgaben zu messen und entsprechend anzupassen. In diesem Beitrag wird eine Methode zur Bestandsaufnahme der kommunikationsbezogenen Lehre vorgestellt und ihr Einsatz im Rahmen eines Pilotprojekts an der Medizinischen Fakultat Hamburg exemplarisch geschildert. In teilstrukturierten Interviews wurden die Lehrveranstaltungen und Prufungen mit kommunikationsbezogenen Inhalten identifiziert und im Hinblick auf strukturelle und inhaltliche Aspekte beschrieben. Die Ergebnisse konnten mit den Vorgaben des Mustercurriculums abgeglichen und davon ausgehend der Handlungsbedarf in Bezug auf die Kommunikationslehre definiert werden.
Einleitung: Zur optimalen Vorbereitung der Medizinstudierenden auf ihren Berufsstart wurde die ab... more Einleitung: Zur optimalen Vorbereitung der Medizinstudierenden auf ihren Berufsstart wurde die abschließende Prüfung (M3) durch das Institut für medizinische und pharmazeutische Prüfungsfragen an den Bedürfnissen und der Sicherheit der Patienten orientiert innovativ konzipiert.[zum vollständigen Text gelangen Sie über die oben angegebene URL]
Einleitung: Der Masterplan Medizinstudium 2020 empfiehlt zur Vermittlung kommunikativer Kompetenz... more Einleitung: Der Masterplan Medizinstudium 2020 empfiehlt zur Vermittlung kommunikativer Kompetenzen die Implementierung des Nationalen longitudinalen Mustercurriculums Kommunikation [ref:1]. Um die Umsetzung dieser Maßnahme zu unterstützen, werden im Rahmen eines vom Bundesministerium[zum vollständigen Text gelangen Sie über die oben angegebene URL]
Background: In Germany there exists a specific postgraduate education system in psychotherapy for... more Background: In Germany there exists a specific postgraduate education system in psychotherapy for graduates in psychology, pedagogics, and others. Nationwide more than 200 institutions offer this education and nearly 3,000 postgraduates enter it every year. The national licensing examinations at the[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 2021
Background: As doctors often fail to explain diagnoses and therapies to patients in an understand... more Background: As doctors often fail to explain diagnoses and therapies to patients in an understandable and appropriate way, the improvement of doctor-patient communication is essential. The current medical training and examinations are focused on verbal rather than on written communication. Following the premise of “assessment drives learning”, the final medical licensing examination in Germany has been further developed by the German National Institute for state examinations in Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychotherapy (IMPP). As part of the discharge management the candidates have to prepare a report for the patient that is understandable and provides them with all important information about their stay in hospital. Aim: A standardized evaluation form for formative and summative feedback has been developed and tested with regard to applicability and the assurance of test quality criteria, especially the reliability to assess the written communication skills of the students. Methodology:...
Nachhaltigkeit im Vergleich: Deutschland und Brasilien, 2010
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 2021
Background: The German national longitudinal communication curriculum provides medical faculties ... more Background: The German national longitudinal communication curriculum provides medical faculties with orientation for the content of their communication teaching. But its implementation also requires changes in the organization of teaching. However, due to a lack of reports and studies on experiences with the development and implementation of communication curricula, recommendations on the procedure and the use of suitable instruments cannot be provided. Consequently, as part of this exploratory study the implementation process of the communication curricula was observed at four faculties. Methods: A comparative case study was conducted against the background of a change management concept. The four participating faculties were selected in such a way that they differed significantly in their initial conditions, particularly the development stage of the communication curriculum. Group interviews were conducted with the project teams at each faculty concerning the conditions and exper...
Uro-News, 2020
Die Diagnose Krebs ist eine starke emotionale Belastung mit großen Ängsten und vielen Unsicherhei... more Die Diagnose Krebs ist eine starke emotionale Belastung mit großen Ängsten und vielen Unsicherheiten. Unter Zeitdruck müssen zahlreiche, oft folgenreiche Entscheidungen getroffen werden, wobei die medizinischen Zusammenhänge für die Patienten meist nur schwer verständlich sind. Ärzte stehen hier vor anspruchsvollen Kommunikationsaufgaben, die insbesondere zu Beginn ihrer Berufstätigkeit eine große Herausforderung sind.
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 2019
Objective: The handover of patients to medical colleagues and to members of other professional gr... more Objective: The handover of patients to medical colleagues and to members of other professional groups is a central task in the medical care process for patient safety. Nevertheless, little is known about teaching and testing on the subject of handing over. The present article therefore examines the extent to which handover is the subject of teaching and examinations at medical faculties in Germany. Methodology: In 31 medical faculties the teachers were asked about the implementation of the NKLM learning objectives in the area of communication. The survey was conducted within the framework of group interviews with lecturers, in which it was determined whether each learning objective of the NKLM (National Competency-based Catalogue of Learning Objectives in Medicine) on the subject of communication, is explicitly taught in lectures and examinations at the respective faculty. Results: The learning objective "transfer to medical colleagues" is covered by 19 faculties, while th...
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 2021
Background: The aim of the project “Communicative Competences of Physicians” (BMG) was the pilot ... more Background: The aim of the project “Communicative Competences of Physicians” (BMG) was the pilot implementation of a longitudinal model communication curriculum. For the Mainz project location, the task was to integrate courses offered in the clinical subjects into a communication curriculum and to expand it longitudinally. In this process, which was both content-related and social, resistance and negative attitudes regarding the continued development of the communication curriculum became apparent at an early stage. How these manifested and which measures were taken to overcome them is laid out in this reflective field report. Method/approach: At the beginning of the project, a SWOT analysis was used to identify the strengths and weaknesses that the faculty presented for the continued development of the communication curriculum. This assessment by the project staff included, among other things, an evaluation of the motivation levels of the faculty’s lecturers and senior teaching st...
PLOS ONE, 2022
Objective The relevance of communication in medical education is continuously increasing. At the ... more Objective The relevance of communication in medical education is continuously increasing. At the Medical Faculty of Hamburg, the communication curriculum was further developed and optimized during this project. This article aims to describe the stakeholders’ perceived challenges and supporting factors in the implementation and optimization processes. Methods The initial communication curriculum and its development after a one-year optimization process were assessed with a curricular mapping. A SWOT analysis and group discussions were carried out to provide information on the need for optimization and on challenges the different stakeholders faced. Results The curricular mapping showed that the communication curriculum is comprehensive, coherent, integrated and longitudinal. In both the implementation and the project-related optimization processes, support from the dean, cooperation among all stakeholders and structural prerequisites were deemed the most critical factors for successf...
Weder in den Planungsdisziplinen noch in den Sozialwissenschaften gibt es bislang eine allgemein ... more Weder in den Planungsdisziplinen noch in den Sozialwissenschaften gibt es bislang eine allgemein akzeptierte Systematik zur Beschreibung von Wohngebieten. Ebenso fehlt es an Instrumenten zur Bewertung von Wohnungen und Wohnungsumfeldern aus der Sicht der Nutzer. Beides ist jedoch unbedingt erforderlich, wenn man zu gezielten Verbesserungsmasnahmen an bestehenden Strukturen und zur Planung neuer Wohngebiete kommen will, die sich moglichst eng an die Bedurfnisse und Wunsche der zukunftigen Bewohner anlehnen. In Zusammenarbeit mit Architekten, Stadt- und Landschaftsplanern soll, gestutzt auf eine umfangreiche Voruntersuchung sowie theoretische Vorarbeiten, eine Systematik entworfen werden, die es gestattet, alle vorkommenden stadtischen Wohnsituationen zu beschreiben. Zugleich sollen Befragungs- und Beobachtungsinstrumente entwickelt werden, mit deren Hilfe Wohnungen, Wohnungsumfelder und Quartiere aus der Sicht der Nutzer evaluiert werden konnen. Die zu entwickelnden Instrumente solle...
Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation, 2002
Im Folgenden sollen die wichtigsten Ergebnisse unserer quantitativen Studie zu Nachbarschaft und ... more Im Folgenden sollen die wichtigsten Ergebnisse unserer quantitativen Studie zu Nachbarschaft und nachhaltigem Verhalten noch einmal kurz zusammengefasst und den Ergebnissen aus der qualitativen Vorstudie gegenüber gestellt werden. Dabei wird es wiederum zunächst um die Frage gehen, wie Nachbarschaftsbeziehungen mit sozialen, räumlichen und organisatorischen Aspekten zusammenhängen. Im zweiten Teil wird dann erörtert, was die Kohäsion in einer Nachbarschaft für die
Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation, 2002
Nachdem sich Kapitel B.2 damit beschäftigte, welche Faktoren auf die Bildung kohäsiver Nachbarsch... more Nachdem sich Kapitel B.2 damit beschäftigte, welche Faktoren auf die Bildung kohäsiver Nachbarschaften einwirken, soll es hier darum gehen, ob und inwieweit Beziehungen zwischen der Höhe der Kohäsion in Nachbarschaften und dem Konsumverhalten der Bewohner/innen bestehen.
Eingangs wurde im Rahmen der Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse aus der qualitativen Studie der erste... more Eingangs wurde im Rahmen der Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse aus der qualitativen Studie der ersten Projektphase ausführlich beschrieben, dass die Sozialstruktur von Wohngebieten in Verbindung mit der räumlichen Struktur und der vorhandenen Organisation mit ihren Institutionen die Bildung kohäsiver Nachbarschaften sowohl unterstützen als auch hemmen kann. Auf der Seite der Sozialstruktur wurde postuliert, dass es vor allem die Homogenität der Bewohnerschaft
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 2021
Background: The aim of the project “Communicative Competences of Physicians” (BMG) was the pilot ... more Background: The aim of the project “Communicative Competences of Physicians” (BMG) was the pilot implementation of a longitudinal model communication curriculum. For the Mainz project location, the task was to integrate courses offered in the clinical subjects into a communication curriculum and to expand it longitudinally. In this process, which was both content-related and social, resistance and negative attitudes regarding the continued development of the communication curriculum became apparent at an early stage. How these manifested and which measures were taken to overcome them is laid out in this reflective field report. Method/approach: At the beginning of the project, a SWOT analysis was used to identify the strengths and weaknesses that the faculty presented for the continued development of the communication curriculum. This assessment by the project staff included, among other things, an evaluation of the motivation levels of the faculty’s lecturers and senior teaching staff. The subsequent specific, strategic and content-related planning of the further implementation steps in accordance with change-management concepts made it possible to take this aspect into account. For a more reliable assessment of the situation, the project was first presented to the faculty’s teaching committee. In this situation it was possible to identify individuals with favourable and unfavourable attitudes. With the insight that was gained, the following course of action was decided upon: Contact advocates to gain their support. Contact the individuals with negative attitudes with the aim of building a relationship and arranging a personal meeting. Identify resistances and negative attitudes in one-on-one meetings and employ targeted countermeasures. Develop an action plan with a particular focus on gaining the cooperation of those who are essential to the success of integrating communication-related content into the major clinical disciplines. Results/experiences: In one-on-one meetings, it was possible to first clarify which learning objectives of communication training are already covered in the respective subject and which expertise is therefore available. Furthermore, it was possible to clarify which areas that were still absent in the overall communication curriculum should be taught in this clinical subject in particular. It became possible to involve the lecturers in the development in the spirit of participatory design. In accordance with the action plan, offers to support the development and organisation of as-yet absent portions of the curriculum were presented to the affected departments. Discussion/conclusion: Resistance and negative attitudes often do not represent a rejection of communicative competences – they rather express that teachers fear they do not have the expertise and resources to teach them. With the selected approach of outreach, personal conversation, and action plan, it was possible to provide the individuals in question with goal-oriented support.
Ärztliche Psychotherapie, 2021
Kommunikative Fertigkeiten stellen eine Basisqualifikation psychotherapeutischen Handelns dar und... more Kommunikative Fertigkeiten stellen eine Basisqualifikation psychotherapeutischen Handelns dar und sollten bereits wahrend des Medizinstudiums unterrichtet und gepruft werden. Die Kommunikationslehre in Deutschland ist derzeit jedoch fakultatsspezifisch und heterogen. Die Politik hat dies im »Masterplan Medizinstudium 2020« aufgegriffen und die Starkung von kommunikativen und sozialen Kompetenzen von Arztinnen und Arzten empfohlen. Die Fakultaten stehen damit vor der Aufgabe, Umfang und Inhalt ihrer Kommunikationslehre an den Vorgaben zu messen und entsprechend anzupassen. In diesem Beitrag wird eine Methode zur Bestandsaufnahme der kommunikationsbezogenen Lehre vorgestellt und ihr Einsatz im Rahmen eines Pilotprojekts an der Medizinischen Fakultat Hamburg exemplarisch geschildert. In teilstrukturierten Interviews wurden die Lehrveranstaltungen und Prufungen mit kommunikationsbezogenen Inhalten identifiziert und im Hinblick auf strukturelle und inhaltliche Aspekte beschrieben. Die Ergebnisse konnten mit den Vorgaben des Mustercurriculums abgeglichen und davon ausgehend der Handlungsbedarf in Bezug auf die Kommunikationslehre definiert werden.
Einleitung: Zur optimalen Vorbereitung der Medizinstudierenden auf ihren Berufsstart wurde die ab... more Einleitung: Zur optimalen Vorbereitung der Medizinstudierenden auf ihren Berufsstart wurde die abschließende Prüfung (M3) durch das Institut für medizinische und pharmazeutische Prüfungsfragen an den Bedürfnissen und der Sicherheit der Patienten orientiert innovativ konzipiert.[zum vollständigen Text gelangen Sie über die oben angegebene URL]
Einleitung: Der Masterplan Medizinstudium 2020 empfiehlt zur Vermittlung kommunikativer Kompetenz... more Einleitung: Der Masterplan Medizinstudium 2020 empfiehlt zur Vermittlung kommunikativer Kompetenzen die Implementierung des Nationalen longitudinalen Mustercurriculums Kommunikation [ref:1]. Um die Umsetzung dieser Maßnahme zu unterstützen, werden im Rahmen eines vom Bundesministerium[zum vollständigen Text gelangen Sie über die oben angegebene URL]
Background: In Germany there exists a specific postgraduate education system in psychotherapy for... more Background: In Germany there exists a specific postgraduate education system in psychotherapy for graduates in psychology, pedagogics, and others. Nationwide more than 200 institutions offer this education and nearly 3,000 postgraduates enter it every year. The national licensing examinations at the[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 2021
Background: As doctors often fail to explain diagnoses and therapies to patients in an understand... more Background: As doctors often fail to explain diagnoses and therapies to patients in an understandable and appropriate way, the improvement of doctor-patient communication is essential. The current medical training and examinations are focused on verbal rather than on written communication. Following the premise of “assessment drives learning”, the final medical licensing examination in Germany has been further developed by the German National Institute for state examinations in Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychotherapy (IMPP). As part of the discharge management the candidates have to prepare a report for the patient that is understandable and provides them with all important information about their stay in hospital. Aim: A standardized evaluation form for formative and summative feedback has been developed and tested with regard to applicability and the assurance of test quality criteria, especially the reliability to assess the written communication skills of the students. Methodology:...
Nachhaltigkeit im Vergleich: Deutschland und Brasilien, 2010
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 2021
Background: The German national longitudinal communication curriculum provides medical faculties ... more Background: The German national longitudinal communication curriculum provides medical faculties with orientation for the content of their communication teaching. But its implementation also requires changes in the organization of teaching. However, due to a lack of reports and studies on experiences with the development and implementation of communication curricula, recommendations on the procedure and the use of suitable instruments cannot be provided. Consequently, as part of this exploratory study the implementation process of the communication curricula was observed at four faculties. Methods: A comparative case study was conducted against the background of a change management concept. The four participating faculties were selected in such a way that they differed significantly in their initial conditions, particularly the development stage of the communication curriculum. Group interviews were conducted with the project teams at each faculty concerning the conditions and exper...
Uro-News, 2020
Die Diagnose Krebs ist eine starke emotionale Belastung mit großen Ängsten und vielen Unsicherhei... more Die Diagnose Krebs ist eine starke emotionale Belastung mit großen Ängsten und vielen Unsicherheiten. Unter Zeitdruck müssen zahlreiche, oft folgenreiche Entscheidungen getroffen werden, wobei die medizinischen Zusammenhänge für die Patienten meist nur schwer verständlich sind. Ärzte stehen hier vor anspruchsvollen Kommunikationsaufgaben, die insbesondere zu Beginn ihrer Berufstätigkeit eine große Herausforderung sind.
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 2019
Objective: The handover of patients to medical colleagues and to members of other professional gr... more Objective: The handover of patients to medical colleagues and to members of other professional groups is a central task in the medical care process for patient safety. Nevertheless, little is known about teaching and testing on the subject of handing over. The present article therefore examines the extent to which handover is the subject of teaching and examinations at medical faculties in Germany. Methodology: In 31 medical faculties the teachers were asked about the implementation of the NKLM learning objectives in the area of communication. The survey was conducted within the framework of group interviews with lecturers, in which it was determined whether each learning objective of the NKLM (National Competency-based Catalogue of Learning Objectives in Medicine) on the subject of communication, is explicitly taught in lectures and examinations at the respective faculty. Results: The learning objective "transfer to medical colleagues" is covered by 19 faculties, while th...
GMS Journal for Medical Education, 2021
Background: The aim of the project “Communicative Competences of Physicians” (BMG) was the pilot ... more Background: The aim of the project “Communicative Competences of Physicians” (BMG) was the pilot implementation of a longitudinal model communication curriculum. For the Mainz project location, the task was to integrate courses offered in the clinical subjects into a communication curriculum and to expand it longitudinally. In this process, which was both content-related and social, resistance and negative attitudes regarding the continued development of the communication curriculum became apparent at an early stage. How these manifested and which measures were taken to overcome them is laid out in this reflective field report. Method/approach: At the beginning of the project, a SWOT analysis was used to identify the strengths and weaknesses that the faculty presented for the continued development of the communication curriculum. This assessment by the project staff included, among other things, an evaluation of the motivation levels of the faculty’s lecturers and senior teaching st...
PLOS ONE, 2022
Objective The relevance of communication in medical education is continuously increasing. At the ... more Objective The relevance of communication in medical education is continuously increasing. At the Medical Faculty of Hamburg, the communication curriculum was further developed and optimized during this project. This article aims to describe the stakeholders’ perceived challenges and supporting factors in the implementation and optimization processes. Methods The initial communication curriculum and its development after a one-year optimization process were assessed with a curricular mapping. A SWOT analysis and group discussions were carried out to provide information on the need for optimization and on challenges the different stakeholders faced. Results The curricular mapping showed that the communication curriculum is comprehensive, coherent, integrated and longitudinal. In both the implementation and the project-related optimization processes, support from the dean, cooperation among all stakeholders and structural prerequisites were deemed the most critical factors for successf...
Weder in den Planungsdisziplinen noch in den Sozialwissenschaften gibt es bislang eine allgemein ... more Weder in den Planungsdisziplinen noch in den Sozialwissenschaften gibt es bislang eine allgemein akzeptierte Systematik zur Beschreibung von Wohngebieten. Ebenso fehlt es an Instrumenten zur Bewertung von Wohnungen und Wohnungsumfeldern aus der Sicht der Nutzer. Beides ist jedoch unbedingt erforderlich, wenn man zu gezielten Verbesserungsmasnahmen an bestehenden Strukturen und zur Planung neuer Wohngebiete kommen will, die sich moglichst eng an die Bedurfnisse und Wunsche der zukunftigen Bewohner anlehnen. In Zusammenarbeit mit Architekten, Stadt- und Landschaftsplanern soll, gestutzt auf eine umfangreiche Voruntersuchung sowie theoretische Vorarbeiten, eine Systematik entworfen werden, die es gestattet, alle vorkommenden stadtischen Wohnsituationen zu beschreiben. Zugleich sollen Befragungs- und Beobachtungsinstrumente entwickelt werden, mit deren Hilfe Wohnungen, Wohnungsumfelder und Quartiere aus der Sicht der Nutzer evaluiert werden konnen. Die zu entwickelnden Instrumente solle...
Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation, 2002
Im Folgenden sollen die wichtigsten Ergebnisse unserer quantitativen Studie zu Nachbarschaft und ... more Im Folgenden sollen die wichtigsten Ergebnisse unserer quantitativen Studie zu Nachbarschaft und nachhaltigem Verhalten noch einmal kurz zusammengefasst und den Ergebnissen aus der qualitativen Vorstudie gegenüber gestellt werden. Dabei wird es wiederum zunächst um die Frage gehen, wie Nachbarschaftsbeziehungen mit sozialen, räumlichen und organisatorischen Aspekten zusammenhängen. Im zweiten Teil wird dann erörtert, was die Kohäsion in einer Nachbarschaft für die
Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation, 2002
Nachdem sich Kapitel B.2 damit beschäftigte, welche Faktoren auf die Bildung kohäsiver Nachbarsch... more Nachdem sich Kapitel B.2 damit beschäftigte, welche Faktoren auf die Bildung kohäsiver Nachbarschaften einwirken, soll es hier darum gehen, ob und inwieweit Beziehungen zwischen der Höhe der Kohäsion in Nachbarschaften und dem Konsumverhalten der Bewohner/innen bestehen.
Eingangs wurde im Rahmen der Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse aus der qualitativen Studie der erste... more Eingangs wurde im Rahmen der Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse aus der qualitativen Studie der ersten Projektphase ausführlich beschrieben, dass die Sozialstruktur von Wohngebieten in Verbindung mit der räumlichen Struktur und der vorhandenen Organisation mit ihren Institutionen die Bildung kohäsiver Nachbarschaften sowohl unterstützen als auch hemmen kann. Auf der Seite der Sozialstruktur wurde postuliert, dass es vor allem die Homogenität der Bewohnerschaft