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Research paper thumbnail of Public or private corruption? The ideological dimension of anti-corruption discourses in Colombia, Ecuador and Albania

Polis, 2021

This is a summary of some of the main arguments and findings of the book ¿Corrupción pública o pr... more This is a summary of some of the main arguments and findings of the book ¿Corrupción pública o privada? La dimensión ideológica de los discursos anti-corrupción en Colombia, Ecuador y Albania (Bogotá: Tirant lo Blanch, 2020). The book compares the official anti-corruption discourses of president, Juan Manuel Santos (2010-2018) in Colombia, president, Rafael Correa (2007-2017) in Ecuador, and prime minister Edi Rama (2013-present) in Albania. It shows that although these three countries face very similar levels and perceptions of corruption their governments articulate this phenomenon differently due to their distinct ideological positions. While the neoliberal governments of Santos and Rama define corruption primarily as abuse of public office and locate it mainly in the public sector, or in its interaction with the private one, the government of Rafael Correa, which embraced the 21st Century Socialism, defines corruption primarily as a problem of the private sector that captures and distorts the public sector.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nationalist versus Populist Constructions of “the People”: Eastern Europe and Latin America in Comparative Perspective

East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures

This article argues that while nationalist discourses construct “the people” through positive ide... more This article argues that while nationalist discourses construct “the people” through positive identity practices, populist discourses articulate it through negative identity practices. Nationalism emphasizes who “the people” are, by identifying a number of core positive characteristics that they share, such as ethnicity, language, culture, history, religion, or political rights and civic traditions. Populism, on the other hand, defines “the people” primarily in a negative fashion in opposition to the elites. Here, “the people” do not share any positive characteristics beyond their oppression, exclusion, and marginalization by the elites. In order to empirically demonstrate the above distinction, I compare the political discourse of Rafael Correa in Ecuador during his first term in office (2007–2012) with that of Victor Orbán in Hungary, primarily during his second term in office (2010–2014). The comparison between these two political projects not only spells out important difference...

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Research paper thumbnail of The 2013 Parliamentary Elections in Albania: Lights and Shadows

Contemporary Southeastern Europe, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: The Corruption Paradox in Albania

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Research paper thumbnail of Amerikanizmi i politikës ose rreziku i politikës mediatike

Polis, 2009

... i ngjason një fushate marketingu që bëhet nga profesionistë dhe në mënyrë “shkencore” me sond... more ... i ngjason një fushate marketingu që bëhet nga profesionistë dhe në mënyrë “shkencore” me sondazhe ... Në këtë aspekt, thirrjet e Ramës për bashkim janë boshe, pasi elektorati shqiptar nuk ... se amerikanizmi i sistemit tonë politik, në kushtet dhe traditën politike shqiptare prodhon ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Public or private corruption?

Journal of Extreme Anthropology, Dec 26, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Neoconservadurismo versus populismo socialdemócrata. Una comparación de los discursos anticorrupción de Iván Duque y Gustavo Petro en la segunda vuelta presidencial de 2018

Estudios Políticos, Sep 15, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of A Discourse Analysis of Corruption: Instituting Neoliberalism Against Corruption in Albania, 1998-2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Down with Politics!

East European Politics and Societies, Apr 22, 2010

Dissatisfaction with politics and political parties has given rise to a strong antipolitics disco... more Dissatisfaction with politics and political parties has given rise to a strong antipolitics discourse in Albania. Growing numbers feel unrepresented and see politics and political parties as the source of, rather than the solution to, the country’s problems. In this article the author argues that the crisis of representation in Albania does not result simply from the inability of political parties to represent different social groups but from their inability to articulate and constitute them politically. The two major political parties have articulated “the people” against an external threat usually represented by their political opponent. Under these conditions, different social categories such as farmers, urban, rural, rich, and poor were increasingly reduced to moments within “the people” as a whole rather than the starting point from which “the people” were constituted. Therefore, the political process became both conflictual and unrepresentative of different social groups. The less representative political parties became, the more society as a whole and different groups within it defined themselves against political parties and politicians, hence the antipolitics discourse.

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Research paper thumbnail of Demokratizim Pa Politikë: Baza Konceptuale e Qasjes Ndërkombëtare në Shqipëri

Polis, 2007

... politike si zgjedhjet e lira, apo Delegacionin e Bashkimit Evropian, që përqendrohet në proce... more ... politike si zgjedhjet e lira, apo Delegacionin e Bashkimit Evropian, që përqendrohet në procesin e demokratizimit në funksion të integrimit të Shqipërisë në Bashkimin Evropian ... Ai është diplomuar në Ekonomi dhe në Shkenca Politike nga Universiteti Amerikan në Bullgari (AUBG ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Las ideologías y movilizaciones políticas del Uribismo y Petrismo: dos Colombias distintas

Análisis Político, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Polarization without radicalization: political radicalism in Albania in a comparative perspective

Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Apr 2, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Process of Reform of Civil-Military Relations, the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and the Security Sector in Albania

Physica-Verlag eBooks, Dec 12, 2005

The process of civil-military relations and security sector reform is very complex since it takes... more The process of civil-military relations and security sector reform is very complex since it takes place at different levels and within the context of political, social and economic developments in Albania. The reform process cannot and should be not analyzed in isolation from the larger social context. Of particular importance in the Albanian case is the element of state weakness that reflects itself in every step of the reform process. Another important factor that has conditioned reforms both in the civilmilitary and the security area is the legacy of the past. This legacy will be dealt with in both cases. It is important to emphasize that civil-military relations and democratic control of armed forces are an area that is quite separate from the security sector in the case of Albania. The Albanian Constitution of 1998 introduced a new concept to the definition of armed forces. According to this concept the armed forces no longer include the security services and police forces. This step was taken in order to enhance the civil control of the security sector. Therefore, for the purpose of clarity in this paper they will be analyzed separately, although they have many problems in common.

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Research paper thumbnail of Las elecciones presidenciales de 2018 en Colombia. Hacia una votación de clase

Estudios Políticos, Sep 30, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of The Instrumentalisation of Media in Albania

Comparative Southeast European studies, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of The Colombian Right: the political ideology and mobilization of Uribismo

Canadian journal of Latin American and Caribbean studies, Mar 11, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Higher Education in Albania: The Never Ending Challenge

International higher education, Sep 1, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of La dimensión ideológica de los discursos anticorrupción en Colombia y Ecuador, 2002-2017

Colombia Internacional, 2020

Objetivo/contexto: Este articulo analiza y compara la dimension ideologica de los discursos y las... more Objetivo/contexto: Este articulo analiza y compara la dimension ideologica de los discursos y las politicas anticorrupcion en Colombia durante las presidencias de Alvaro Uribe (2002-2010) y Juan Ma...

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Research paper thumbnail of Beyond populism: the ideological dimensions of anti-politics

Journal of Political Ideologies, Dec 19, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Un análisis discursivo post-estructuralista de la corrupción

Analecta Política, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Public or private corruption? The ideological dimension of anti-corruption discourses in Colombia, Ecuador and Albania

Polis, 2021

This is a summary of some of the main arguments and findings of the book ¿Corrupción pública o pr... more This is a summary of some of the main arguments and findings of the book ¿Corrupción pública o privada? La dimensión ideológica de los discursos anti-corrupción en Colombia, Ecuador y Albania (Bogotá: Tirant lo Blanch, 2020). The book compares the official anti-corruption discourses of president, Juan Manuel Santos (2010-2018) in Colombia, president, Rafael Correa (2007-2017) in Ecuador, and prime minister Edi Rama (2013-present) in Albania. It shows that although these three countries face very similar levels and perceptions of corruption their governments articulate this phenomenon differently due to their distinct ideological positions. While the neoliberal governments of Santos and Rama define corruption primarily as abuse of public office and locate it mainly in the public sector, or in its interaction with the private one, the government of Rafael Correa, which embraced the 21st Century Socialism, defines corruption primarily as a problem of the private sector that captures and distorts the public sector.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nationalist versus Populist Constructions of “the People”: Eastern Europe and Latin America in Comparative Perspective

East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures

This article argues that while nationalist discourses construct “the people” through positive ide... more This article argues that while nationalist discourses construct “the people” through positive identity practices, populist discourses articulate it through negative identity practices. Nationalism emphasizes who “the people” are, by identifying a number of core positive characteristics that they share, such as ethnicity, language, culture, history, religion, or political rights and civic traditions. Populism, on the other hand, defines “the people” primarily in a negative fashion in opposition to the elites. Here, “the people” do not share any positive characteristics beyond their oppression, exclusion, and marginalization by the elites. In order to empirically demonstrate the above distinction, I compare the political discourse of Rafael Correa in Ecuador during his first term in office (2007–2012) with that of Victor Orbán in Hungary, primarily during his second term in office (2010–2014). The comparison between these two political projects not only spells out important difference...

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Research paper thumbnail of The 2013 Parliamentary Elections in Albania: Lights and Shadows

Contemporary Southeastern Europe, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: The Corruption Paradox in Albania

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Research paper thumbnail of Amerikanizmi i politikës ose rreziku i politikës mediatike

Polis, 2009

... i ngjason një fushate marketingu që bëhet nga profesionistë dhe në mënyrë “shkencore” me sond... more ... i ngjason një fushate marketingu që bëhet nga profesionistë dhe në mënyrë “shkencore” me sondazhe ... Në këtë aspekt, thirrjet e Ramës për bashkim janë boshe, pasi elektorati shqiptar nuk ... se amerikanizmi i sistemit tonë politik, në kushtet dhe traditën politike shqiptare prodhon ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Public or private corruption?

Journal of Extreme Anthropology, Dec 26, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Neoconservadurismo versus populismo socialdemócrata. Una comparación de los discursos anticorrupción de Iván Duque y Gustavo Petro en la segunda vuelta presidencial de 2018

Estudios Políticos, Sep 15, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of A Discourse Analysis of Corruption: Instituting Neoliberalism Against Corruption in Albania, 1998-2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Down with Politics!

East European Politics and Societies, Apr 22, 2010

Dissatisfaction with politics and political parties has given rise to a strong antipolitics disco... more Dissatisfaction with politics and political parties has given rise to a strong antipolitics discourse in Albania. Growing numbers feel unrepresented and see politics and political parties as the source of, rather than the solution to, the country’s problems. In this article the author argues that the crisis of representation in Albania does not result simply from the inability of political parties to represent different social groups but from their inability to articulate and constitute them politically. The two major political parties have articulated “the people” against an external threat usually represented by their political opponent. Under these conditions, different social categories such as farmers, urban, rural, rich, and poor were increasingly reduced to moments within “the people” as a whole rather than the starting point from which “the people” were constituted. Therefore, the political process became both conflictual and unrepresentative of different social groups. The less representative political parties became, the more society as a whole and different groups within it defined themselves against political parties and politicians, hence the antipolitics discourse.

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Research paper thumbnail of Demokratizim Pa Politikë: Baza Konceptuale e Qasjes Ndërkombëtare në Shqipëri

Polis, 2007

... politike si zgjedhjet e lira, apo Delegacionin e Bashkimit Evropian, që përqendrohet në proce... more ... politike si zgjedhjet e lira, apo Delegacionin e Bashkimit Evropian, që përqendrohet në procesin e demokratizimit në funksion të integrimit të Shqipërisë në Bashkimin Evropian ... Ai është diplomuar në Ekonomi dhe në Shkenca Politike nga Universiteti Amerikan në Bullgari (AUBG ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Las ideologías y movilizaciones políticas del Uribismo y Petrismo: dos Colombias distintas

Análisis Político, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Polarization without radicalization: political radicalism in Albania in a comparative perspective

Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Apr 2, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Process of Reform of Civil-Military Relations, the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and the Security Sector in Albania

Physica-Verlag eBooks, Dec 12, 2005

The process of civil-military relations and security sector reform is very complex since it takes... more The process of civil-military relations and security sector reform is very complex since it takes place at different levels and within the context of political, social and economic developments in Albania. The reform process cannot and should be not analyzed in isolation from the larger social context. Of particular importance in the Albanian case is the element of state weakness that reflects itself in every step of the reform process. Another important factor that has conditioned reforms both in the civilmilitary and the security area is the legacy of the past. This legacy will be dealt with in both cases. It is important to emphasize that civil-military relations and democratic control of armed forces are an area that is quite separate from the security sector in the case of Albania. The Albanian Constitution of 1998 introduced a new concept to the definition of armed forces. According to this concept the armed forces no longer include the security services and police forces. This step was taken in order to enhance the civil control of the security sector. Therefore, for the purpose of clarity in this paper they will be analyzed separately, although they have many problems in common.

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Research paper thumbnail of Las elecciones presidenciales de 2018 en Colombia. Hacia una votación de clase

Estudios Políticos, Sep 30, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of The Instrumentalisation of Media in Albania

Comparative Southeast European studies, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of The Colombian Right: the political ideology and mobilization of Uribismo

Canadian journal of Latin American and Caribbean studies, Mar 11, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Higher Education in Albania: The Never Ending Challenge

International higher education, Sep 1, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of La dimensión ideológica de los discursos anticorrupción en Colombia y Ecuador, 2002-2017

Colombia Internacional, 2020

Objetivo/contexto: Este articulo analiza y compara la dimension ideologica de los discursos y las... more Objetivo/contexto: Este articulo analiza y compara la dimension ideologica de los discursos y las politicas anticorrupcion en Colombia durante las presidencias de Alvaro Uribe (2002-2010) y Juan Ma...

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Research paper thumbnail of Beyond populism: the ideological dimensions of anti-politics

Journal of Political Ideologies, Dec 19, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Un análisis discursivo post-estructuralista de la corrupción

Analecta Política, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of La dimensión ideológica de los discursos anticorrupción en Colombia y Ecuador, 2002-2017

Colombia Internacional , 2020

RESUMEN. Objetivo/contexto: Este artículo analiza y compara la dimensión ideológica de los discur... more RESUMEN. Objetivo/contexto: Este artículo analiza y compara la dimensión ideológica de los discursos y las políticas anticorrupción en Colombia durante
las presidencias de Álvaro Uribe (2002-2010) y Juan Manuel Santos (2010-2018) y en Ecuador durante la presidencia de Rafael Correa (2007-2017). Metodología:
Desarrollamos un análisis ideológico de los discursos anticorrupción combinando el marco teórico de Laclau y Mouffe sobre el análisis de discurso con el análisis
morfológico de las ideologías desarrollado por Michael Freeden. Utilizamos este marco teórico para analizar de manera cualitativa y cuantitativa los discursos y
las políticas anticorrupción. Conclusiones: En el caso de Colombia, el discurso anticorrupción de los presidentes Uribe y Santos (2002-2018) legitimó un orden
neoliberal a través de la articulación de la corrupción como un fenómeno que pertenece principalmente a la esfera pública. El gobierno Correa (2007-2017),
por otro lado, ubicó la corrupción especialmente en el sector privado. Por lo tanto, su discurso anticorrupción sirvió para resistir al régimen neoliberal y
legitimar la ideología del socialismo del siglo XXI. Originalidad: Existen muy pocos artículos que desentrañan la dimensión ideológica de los discursos y las políticas anticorrupción. Este texto busca llenar este vacío utilizando un marco teórico innovador que nos permite identificar cómo las políticas y discursos
anticorrupción sirven para legitimar e implementar una ideología política.

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Research paper thumbnail of A discourse analysis of corruption: Instituting neoliberalism against corruption in Albania

Routledge, 2015

Why did Albania enjoy some of the most successful anti-corruption programs and institutions along... more Why did Albania enjoy some of the most successful anti-corruption programs and institutions along with what appeared to be growing levels of corruption during the period 1998-2005? Looking at corruption through a post-structuralist discourse analysis perspective this book argues that the dominant corruption discourse in Albania served primarily to institute the neoliberal order rather than eliminate corruption. It did so in four interrelated ways. First, blaming every Albanian failure on corruption avoided a critical engagement with the existing neoliberal developmental model. Second, the dominant articulation of corruption as abuse of public office for private gain consigned it to the public sector, transforming neoliberal policies of privatisation and expanding markets into anticorruption measures. Third, international anticorruption campaigns reproduced an asymmetric relationship of dependency between Albania and the international institutions that monitored it by articulating corruption as internal to the Albanian condition. Finally, against corruption international and local actors could articulate a neoliberal order that was free of internal contradictions and fully compatible with democratization. As a rare example of post-structuralist discourse analysis of corruption this book can be useful for future research on discourses of corruption in other countries of the region and beyond.

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Research paper thumbnail of ¿Corrupción pública o privada? La dimensión ideológica de los discursos anticorrupción en Colombia, Ecuador y Albania

Tirant lo Blanch, 2020

Este libro es uno de los pocos trabajos que desentraña la dimensión ideológica de los discursos o... more Este libro es uno de los pocos trabajos que desentraña la dimensión ideológica de los discursos oficiales anticorrupción en Colombia, Ecuador y Albania. Su análisis muestra que las políticas anticorrupción reflejan la agenda ideológica de los gobiernos que las diseñan. Por esta razón, aunque Colombia, Ecuador y Albania registran niveles de corrupción muy parecidos, sus gobiernos articulan el concepto de distintas maneras. Las políticas anticorrupción del gobierno de Rafael Correa (2007-2017) en Ecuador ubican la corrupción, principalmente, en la esfera privada. El gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos (2010-2018) en Colombia, de su parte, articula la corrupción como un problema que surge en la interacción entre el sector público y el privado. Finalmente, el gobierno albanés de Edi Rama (2013-2019) identifica la corrupción como un problema casi exclusivo del sector público. Estas distintas articulaciones del mismo fenómeno reflejan diferencias entre la ideología del socialismo del siglo xxi, de Correa, el neoliberalismo moderado de la tercera vía, de Santos, y el neoliberalismo más fundamental de Rama. Es esta la razón por la que este libro nos invita a preguntar cuál es el ideal político, económico o social que se busca establecer con la eliminación de la corrupción.

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Research paper thumbnail of Un análisis discursivo post-estructuralista de la corrupción

Un análisis discursivo post-estructuralista de la corrupción, 2018

Este artículo argumenta que un análisis discursivo post-estructuralista del concepto “corrupción”... more Este artículo argumenta que un análisis discursivo post-estructuralista del concepto “corrupción” nos ayuda a entender las implicaciones políticas de los discursos anticorrupción mejor que el análisis de la corrupción a través de los enfoques dominantes en la ciencia política. Con este propósito, primero expone las limitaciones del análisis de la corrupción en las perspectivas dominantes en la ciencia política. Segundo, desarrolla un marco teórico del análisis discursivo de la corrupción usando las herramientas conceptuales de las perspectivas teóricas de Foucault y Laclau y Mouffe. Finalmente, se utiliza un análisis discursivo post-estructuralista para mostrar cómo la estrategia anticorrupción del Banco Mundial y el Índice de la Percepción de la Corrupción de Transparencia Internacional sirvieron para legitimar el orden neoliberal y reproducir la relación asimétrica entre el Primer y el Tercer Mundo.

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