Bruno Larue - (original) (raw)

Papers by Bruno Larue

Research paper thumbnail of State Trading Agencies

Chapters, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of 8. The Competitive Impacts of State Trading Enterprises

Lynne Rienner Publishers eBooks, May 1, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Efficiences technique et environnementale en agriculture : le cas du bassin de la rivière Chaudière au Québec

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Agricultural production and pollutant runoffs in QuŽbecÕs Chaudi re river watershed: what are the potential environmental gains?

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2016

Despite imposition of strict environmental standards in Quebec, the impact of agricultural activi... more Despite imposition of strict environmental standards in Quebec, the impact of agricultural activities on water quality remains a concern, particularly in the Chaudi re-Appalaches region.This regionOs intensive animal and plant productions lead to excess phosphorus, nitrogen and sediments.This paper analyzes the environmental efficiency of agricultural producers in the Chaudi re river watershed, located south of Quebec City. We adopt a stochastic approach applied to parametric distance functions to data collected from 210 farms. Results show that, on average, crop producers are more efficient than livestock producers. In terms of emissions of phosphorus and nitrogen, the environmental efficiencies of producers are similar, at 0.804 and 0.820 respectively.For sediment runoff, however, the environmental efficiencies are lower on average, at 0736. Overall, the agricultural producers from this watershed could have achieved productivity gains in excess of 20%, while simultaneously reducing their emissions of pollutants.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exporters’ Preferences over Import Protection Instruments when Markets are Volatile

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Evidence from a Gross National Product Function for Canada and the

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Research paper thumbnail of International Trade in Agricultural and Food Products: The Role of State Trading Enterprises

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Patterns in the European Union Anti-Dumping Injury Investigations

Social Science Research Network, 2016

This paper attempts to detect discretionary practices in anti-dumping (AD) investigations conduct... more This paper attempts to detect discretionary practices in anti-dumping (AD) investigations conducted by the European Union (EU) between 1995 and 2012. It complements findings on discretionary practices documented by Blonigen (2006) for the US Department of Commerce. Using a probit model, we demonstrate that the number of decisive factors used for the causation decision has additional discriminatory power after controlling for traditional causation determinants. The number of decisive factors results from discretionary practices; we address this by endogenizing the number of determinants used in the investigations. Based on the Flex model (Santos Silva et al., 2014), which lets us account for the doubly bounded nature of the number of determinants, we observe that the number of decisive factors used in injury investigations is high for cases involving countries for which the import volume is high and for countries that frequently use their own AD law.

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Number and Heterogeneity of Bidders in Livestock Auctions

Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics-revue Canadienne D Agroeconomie, Aug 11, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Technical Efficiency, Environment Efficiency, Productivity and Beneficial Management Practices

An input distance function (IDF) is estimated to empirically evaluate and analyze the technical a... more An input distance function (IDF) is estimated to empirically evaluate and analyze the technical and environmental efficiencies of 210 farms located in the Chaudière watershed (Quebec), where water quality problems are particularly acute because of the production of undesirable outputs that are jointly produced with agricultural products. The true IDF is approximated by a flexible translog functional form estimated using a full information maximum likelihood method. Technical and environmental efficiencies are disaggregated across farms and account for spatial variations. Our results show that there is a significant correlation between technical and environmental efficiencies. Farms that are technically efficient tend to be environmentally efficient. We used the cumulative Malmquist productivity index and the Fisher index to measure changes in technology, profitability, efficiency, and productivity in response to the adoption of 2 selected best management practices (BMPs) whose objec...

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Research paper thumbnail of Non-Equivalent Ad Valorem Equivalents and Gravity

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Quality Changes and the Volume of Trade

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Research paper thumbnail of Endogenous Market Structure and Trade

Many agricultural products are exported from a small number countries and few export traders are ... more Many agricultural products are exported from a small number countries and few export traders are typically involved. This is the case for maple syrup whose production takes place in eastern Canada and in the northeastern part of the United States. Corner solutions in oligopoly models usually arise because of asymmetries in trade and procurement costs. Such asymmetries can be ruled out in the case of Canadian and US maple syrup exports, yet many importing countries purchase only either from Canada or from the US. A theory of endogenous market structures based on duopoly competition with fixed costs is developed. It explains many stylized facts including that large markets have a higher probability of accommodating duopoly competition while smaller markets are more likely to "naturally" attract a single entrant or no entrant at all. A random parameter multinomial logit model is used to explain market structure and probability estimates are used to correct for potential selec...

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Research paper thumbnail of Is the PEG a viable option: a look at long run issues

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Research paper thumbnail of Quality Standards, International Trade and the Evolution of Industries

We study the impact of public quality standards on industry structure and trade when firms may be... more We study the impact of public quality standards on industry structure and trade when firms may be able to develop their own private standard with a higher quality than the public standard. To reach our goal, we introduce vertical differentiation in an international trade model based on monopolistic competition in which firms differ in terms of their productivity and select non cooperatively the quality of their product. Firms must incur two fixed export costs when exporting to any given destination: a generic one (i.e., setting up a distribution system) and a destination‐specific one to meet the quality standard prevailing in the importing country. Variable costs are also increasing in quality. Not surprisingly, the absolute mass of firms in any given country is decreasing in the domestic standard, but contrary to popular wisdom, the relative mass (market share) of foreign firms is increasing in the domestic standard. A relatively lower (higher) wage (labour endowment) in the export...

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Research paper thumbnail of Do Geographical Indications Really Increase Trade? A Conceptual Framework and Empirics

Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, 2017

Production location matters to many consumers and regulators and policymakers are pressed to stat... more Production location matters to many consumers and regulators and policymakers are pressed to statue on labels about country of origin, local foods and geographical indications (GIs). This paper investigates the incidence of the EU policy on GIs on bilateral trade flows. We develop ttheoretical arguments and provide empirical evidence to analyze heterogeneity in consumer preferences regarding country of origin (domestic versus foreign) and the implicit quality signals from GI logos. The objective of the paper is to investigate whether producing GIs really boots bilateral trade, assuming heterogeneity in consumers’ preference. We first develop an analytical framework of a simple partial equilibrium two-country model through a Cobb-Douglas utility structure to assess the impact of GIs on trade. In addition, we empirically corroborate the analytical findings with a unique data on protected GIs by product and European country. Our main findings indicate that GI-products have ambiguous ef...

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Research paper thumbnail of Public quality standards and the food industry’s structure in a global economy

Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Risk aversion and willingness to pay for water quality: The case of non-farm rural residents

Journal of Environmental Management, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Quality Standards, Industry Structure, and Welfare in a Global Economy

American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2016

We study the impact that mimimum quality standards have on industry structure, trade, and welfare... more We study the impact that mimimum quality standards have on industry structure, trade, and welfare when firms can develop their own private standard with a higher quality than the public standard. We introduce vertical differentiation in a firm‐based trade model in which firms differ in terms of their productivity and non‐cooperatively select the quality and price of their product. A higher public standard increases prices set by constrained and unconstrained firms, but the effect on firms' output is generally ambiguous for both types of firms. The most productive firms raise their private standard and enjoy higher profits at the expense of less productive firms. A public standard can increase welfare, especially when there is a high concentration of low productivity domestic firms because of a better allocation of resources.

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Research paper thumbnail of La contrebande comme moyen de discrimination par les prix

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Research paper thumbnail of State Trading Agencies

Chapters, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of 8. The Competitive Impacts of State Trading Enterprises

Lynne Rienner Publishers eBooks, May 1, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Efficiences technique et environnementale en agriculture : le cas du bassin de la rivière Chaudière au Québec

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Agricultural production and pollutant runoffs in QuŽbecÕs Chaudi re river watershed: what are the potential environmental gains?

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2016

Despite imposition of strict environmental standards in Quebec, the impact of agricultural activi... more Despite imposition of strict environmental standards in Quebec, the impact of agricultural activities on water quality remains a concern, particularly in the Chaudi re-Appalaches region.This regionOs intensive animal and plant productions lead to excess phosphorus, nitrogen and sediments.This paper analyzes the environmental efficiency of agricultural producers in the Chaudi re river watershed, located south of Quebec City. We adopt a stochastic approach applied to parametric distance functions to data collected from 210 farms. Results show that, on average, crop producers are more efficient than livestock producers. In terms of emissions of phosphorus and nitrogen, the environmental efficiencies of producers are similar, at 0.804 and 0.820 respectively.For sediment runoff, however, the environmental efficiencies are lower on average, at 0736. Overall, the agricultural producers from this watershed could have achieved productivity gains in excess of 20%, while simultaneously reducing their emissions of pollutants.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exporters’ Preferences over Import Protection Instruments when Markets are Volatile

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Evidence from a Gross National Product Function for Canada and the

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Research paper thumbnail of International Trade in Agricultural and Food Products: The Role of State Trading Enterprises

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Patterns in the European Union Anti-Dumping Injury Investigations

Social Science Research Network, 2016

This paper attempts to detect discretionary practices in anti-dumping (AD) investigations conduct... more This paper attempts to detect discretionary practices in anti-dumping (AD) investigations conducted by the European Union (EU) between 1995 and 2012. It complements findings on discretionary practices documented by Blonigen (2006) for the US Department of Commerce. Using a probit model, we demonstrate that the number of decisive factors used for the causation decision has additional discriminatory power after controlling for traditional causation determinants. The number of decisive factors results from discretionary practices; we address this by endogenizing the number of determinants used in the investigations. Based on the Flex model (Santos Silva et al., 2014), which lets us account for the doubly bounded nature of the number of determinants, we observe that the number of decisive factors used in injury investigations is high for cases involving countries for which the import volume is high and for countries that frequently use their own AD law.

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Number and Heterogeneity of Bidders in Livestock Auctions

Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics-revue Canadienne D Agroeconomie, Aug 11, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Technical Efficiency, Environment Efficiency, Productivity and Beneficial Management Practices

An input distance function (IDF) is estimated to empirically evaluate and analyze the technical a... more An input distance function (IDF) is estimated to empirically evaluate and analyze the technical and environmental efficiencies of 210 farms located in the Chaudière watershed (Quebec), where water quality problems are particularly acute because of the production of undesirable outputs that are jointly produced with agricultural products. The true IDF is approximated by a flexible translog functional form estimated using a full information maximum likelihood method. Technical and environmental efficiencies are disaggregated across farms and account for spatial variations. Our results show that there is a significant correlation between technical and environmental efficiencies. Farms that are technically efficient tend to be environmentally efficient. We used the cumulative Malmquist productivity index and the Fisher index to measure changes in technology, profitability, efficiency, and productivity in response to the adoption of 2 selected best management practices (BMPs) whose objec...

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Research paper thumbnail of Non-Equivalent Ad Valorem Equivalents and Gravity

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Quality Changes and the Volume of Trade

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Research paper thumbnail of Endogenous Market Structure and Trade

Many agricultural products are exported from a small number countries and few export traders are ... more Many agricultural products are exported from a small number countries and few export traders are typically involved. This is the case for maple syrup whose production takes place in eastern Canada and in the northeastern part of the United States. Corner solutions in oligopoly models usually arise because of asymmetries in trade and procurement costs. Such asymmetries can be ruled out in the case of Canadian and US maple syrup exports, yet many importing countries purchase only either from Canada or from the US. A theory of endogenous market structures based on duopoly competition with fixed costs is developed. It explains many stylized facts including that large markets have a higher probability of accommodating duopoly competition while smaller markets are more likely to "naturally" attract a single entrant or no entrant at all. A random parameter multinomial logit model is used to explain market structure and probability estimates are used to correct for potential selec...

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Research paper thumbnail of Is the PEG a viable option: a look at long run issues

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Research paper thumbnail of Quality Standards, International Trade and the Evolution of Industries

We study the impact of public quality standards on industry structure and trade when firms may be... more We study the impact of public quality standards on industry structure and trade when firms may be able to develop their own private standard with a higher quality than the public standard. To reach our goal, we introduce vertical differentiation in an international trade model based on monopolistic competition in which firms differ in terms of their productivity and select non cooperatively the quality of their product. Firms must incur two fixed export costs when exporting to any given destination: a generic one (i.e., setting up a distribution system) and a destination‐specific one to meet the quality standard prevailing in the importing country. Variable costs are also increasing in quality. Not surprisingly, the absolute mass of firms in any given country is decreasing in the domestic standard, but contrary to popular wisdom, the relative mass (market share) of foreign firms is increasing in the domestic standard. A relatively lower (higher) wage (labour endowment) in the export...

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Research paper thumbnail of Do Geographical Indications Really Increase Trade? A Conceptual Framework and Empirics

Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, 2017

Production location matters to many consumers and regulators and policymakers are pressed to stat... more Production location matters to many consumers and regulators and policymakers are pressed to statue on labels about country of origin, local foods and geographical indications (GIs). This paper investigates the incidence of the EU policy on GIs on bilateral trade flows. We develop ttheoretical arguments and provide empirical evidence to analyze heterogeneity in consumer preferences regarding country of origin (domestic versus foreign) and the implicit quality signals from GI logos. The objective of the paper is to investigate whether producing GIs really boots bilateral trade, assuming heterogeneity in consumers’ preference. We first develop an analytical framework of a simple partial equilibrium two-country model through a Cobb-Douglas utility structure to assess the impact of GIs on trade. In addition, we empirically corroborate the analytical findings with a unique data on protected GIs by product and European country. Our main findings indicate that GI-products have ambiguous ef...

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Research paper thumbnail of Public quality standards and the food industry’s structure in a global economy

Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Risk aversion and willingness to pay for water quality: The case of non-farm rural residents

Journal of Environmental Management, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Quality Standards, Industry Structure, and Welfare in a Global Economy

American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2016

We study the impact that mimimum quality standards have on industry structure, trade, and welfare... more We study the impact that mimimum quality standards have on industry structure, trade, and welfare when firms can develop their own private standard with a higher quality than the public standard. We introduce vertical differentiation in a firm‐based trade model in which firms differ in terms of their productivity and non‐cooperatively select the quality and price of their product. A higher public standard increases prices set by constrained and unconstrained firms, but the effect on firms' output is generally ambiguous for both types of firms. The most productive firms raise their private standard and enjoy higher profits at the expense of less productive firms. A public standard can increase welfare, especially when there is a high concentration of low productivity domestic firms because of a better allocation of resources.

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Research paper thumbnail of La contrebande comme moyen de discrimination par les prix

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