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Research paper thumbnail of Mogućnosti primene istraživački zasnovane nastave (IN) u početnom matematičkom obrazovanju

Modern primary education, especially mathematics, requires constant innovation of teaching practi... more Modern primary education, especially mathematics, requires constant innovation of teaching practice in order to modernize, rationalize, and efficiently the teaching process. Teaching mathematics should be experienced as a process that promotes learning with understanding, stimulates motivation, active learning, research, critical thinking, analysis, problem solving, drawing conclusions, exchange of experiences. The tendency to improve the quality of mathematics education has resulted in many studies pointing to the benefits of research-based mathematics (IN) teaching, known as inquiry-based learning (IBL), recognized as an essential way of organizing the teaching process to develop key competencies, abilities and skills in 21st century. Тhe aim of this paper is to see, based on a comprehensive theoretical analysis and the results of previous research. The created model of teaching mathematics based on research represents a useful framework for improving the quality of the process of teaching and learning mathematics, and empowers teachers in its application and affirmation, gaining insight into the way of organizing research learning.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Content on the Development of Students' Critical Thinking in the Initial Teaching of Mathematics/Utjecaj sadržaja na razvijanje kritičkog mišljenja učenika u početnoj nastavi matematike

Croatian Journal of Education-Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i obrazovanje, Apr 8, 2016

This paper points out the importance of developing critical thinking in the initial teaching of m... more This paper points out the importance of developing critical thinking in the initial teaching of mathematics and highlights some of the problems associated with its realization. In this context, the authors draw attention to the definition of critical thinking and the role of content (tasks) in its development. Starting from the specificity of initial teaching of mathematics and students' age, critical thinking is operationalized through specific skills (formulation of the problem, reformulation of the problem, evaluation, sensitivity to the problems), that become apparent in work with mathematical content. On a sample of 246 students (9.5-10.4 years old), an experimental study (experiment with parallel groups) was organized in order to examine whether, with the selection of appropriate content (tasks), critical thinking in the initial teaching of mathematics can be developed. The results show that, with the appropriate choice of content, students' critical thinking, viewed as a whole, can be developed and that, in that process, we can significantly influence the development of each of its skills (formulation of the problem, reformulation of the problem, evaluation, sensitivity to the problems).

Research paper thumbnail of Representation of Roma Content in Curricula and Textbooks at the Initial Education Level in Serbia

International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, Apr 20, 2023

The 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child guarantees all children the right to an education,... more The 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child guarantees all children the right to an education, and this paper focuses on Roma children and that right. The extent of Serbia's strategy documents was reviewed, particularly in light of their responsibility for guaranteeing equity, accessibility, and equal educational opportunities for all children. The study's objective is to assess how content related to the Roma is portrayed in current curricula (N = 16) and textbooks (N = 93) for the 2022-2023 academic year. It was discovered that despite the objectives in each of the analyzed courses (Serbian language, The World around Us, Nature and Society, Music Education, and Civic Education) clearly promote equality, diversity, and mutual appreciation, democratic values, inclusion, and anti-discrimination, none of them explicitly mention the words Roma or the Roma people. Only a few times do the Roma people explicitly appear in textbooks on nature, society, and music, and then only as a numerical representation of the national minority; no mention is made of the positive traits of the Roma people, who have their own identity, tradition, and culture as well as well-known members. The results highlight the need for textbooks to include specific content about the Roma people as fundamental teaching tools. This content should also be included in the curriculum because it would help students of Roma origin feel less excluded and more empowered to participate in school on an equal footing.

Research paper thumbnail of Abacus computing tool: From history to application in mathematical education

Inovacije u nastavi, 2020

Bearing in mind that the history of mathematics and its discoveries can play a significant role i... more Bearing in mind that the history of mathematics and its discoveries can play a significant role in mathematics education today, the authors draw attention to an ancient computing tool-abacus, and point out its role, importance, values, and opportunities it offers in working with children. In order to achieve this goal and using the method of theoretical analysis, the authors researched the values of application of the Japanese abacus (soroban) in mathematics education through the following aspects: learning mental arithmetic, understanding the place value of a digit, contribution to working with children with developmental disabilities, primarily with visual and hearing impairments, as well as contributions to children's mental development and problem-solving abilities. Based on numerous research papers and views, the authors conclude that Japanese abacus can have many benefits in working with children in mathematics education, among which the most important are conceptual understanding of mental arithmetic and developing mental computation and problem-solving skills, gaining a clear mental picture of the structure of numbers, their magnitude and relationship, understanding the place value of a digit, but also developing motivation and positive attitudes toward mathematics.

Research paper thumbnail of The Problem of (Mis)Understanding the Equals Sign in Junior Grades of Primary School

Uzdanica, 2022

Correct understanding of the equals sign is the key to understanding arithme- tic, and a fundamen... more Correct understanding of the equals sign is the key to understanding arithme- tic, and a fundamental concept important for learning other areas of mathematics. Research around the world repeatedly mentions problems with correctly understanding the equals sign, emphasising the limited view of the equals sign as a command ”to calculate“ among students. The goal of the research was to identify the development of the concept of equality in line with the operationalised levels (operational, relational, and relational in the context of real-life prob- lem solving) and determine differences in understanding between students of the second (N = 190) and the fourth (N = 210) grade of primary school. The research was carried out using the testing technique. The research results show that students do not possess sufficiently developed relational understanding of the equals sign and that operational understanding prevails. Students of the fourth grade demonstrated better understanding of the equals sign at all levels of under- standing than the second graders.

Research paper thumbnail of Open-ended tasks as a means of encouraging logical thinking in initial teaching of mathematics

Zbornik radova, 2022

Апстракт: Логичко мишљење је важан процес расуђивања и основна вештина у изградњи знања и искуств... more Апстракт: Логичко мишљење је важан процес расуђивања и основна вештина у изградњи знања и искуства ученика која треба да прати процес учења и развија ученичке потенцијале на свим нивоима образовања. Програм наставе и учења математикe за основну школу у Србији садржи велики број тема које подржавају циљ учења математике, али постоји простор и за побољшањем. Рад се бави сагледавањем могућности пропедевтике логике и подстицања логичког мишљења, применом задатака отвореног типа у почетној настави математике. Респективно програмским садржајима разредне наставе математике, приказани су примери задатака отвореног типа, као подршка и аналогон учитељима у креирању наставне праксе, у циљу поспешивања развоја логичког мишљења ученика, као битне компоненте исхода учења математике. Кључне речи: логичко мишљање, разредна настава математике, задаци отвореног типа. Увод Знaчaј мaтемaтике у сaвременом друштву, кaо и њенa улогa у подизaњу укупног обрaзовног потенцијала ученика, подрaзумевa стално трагање и примену најефикаснијих начина реализације наставне праксе. Наставу математике карактерише све усмереније развијање способности мишљења у савладавању

Research paper thumbnail of Cooperative Learning in Online Class Teaching of Mathematics

Slavonic Pedagogical Studies Journal

The aim of the paper is to examine the opinion of teachers about the representation and limitatio... more The aim of the paper is to examine the opinion of teachers about the representation and limitations of the application of collaborative learning in online teaching of mathematics. The survey conducted on a sample selected from the population of primary school teachers in R. Serbia (N=116), and data were collected about cooperative learning in online mathematics classes. The results showed that the majority of teachers apply group work, and less often online teaching. They believe that it is possible to organize collaborative learning in online mathematics classes in lower grades, but that there are certain limitations in the realization of this way of teaching. A small number of them have realized such activities through online classes.

Research paper thumbnail of Project learning: From an idea to a learning model in the initial teaching of mathematics

Norma, 2021

An adequate methodological approach in teaching mathematics in the classroom plays an important r... more An adequate methodological approach in teaching mathematics in the classroom plays an important role in understanding mathematical concepts and achieving learning outcomes. This paper points out the characteristics, significance, and effects that can be achieved by applying project-oriented learning in teaching. This paper aims to point out the possibilities of applying the project model of work in the teaching of mathematics. Based on the results of previous research on this issue, as well as recommendations from the Program of teaching and learning for the first cycle of primary education, a model of project-based learning of content on measurement and measures is presented, which can serve to support teachers in organizing and affirming project-oriented teaching mathematics.

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of project-based learning on student achievement in elementary mathematics education

South African Journal of Education, 2021

An effective instructional approach in elementary mathematics education has a significant role in... more An effective instructional approach in elementary mathematics education has a significant role in the understanding of mathematical concepts and overall student achievement. We point out the characteristics, significance and effects that may be achieved in mathematics education through the application of project-based learning. The aim of the study was to examine the effects of project-based learning on student achievement in lower elementary mathematics education and examine whether the project-based model was equally acceptable to students with different marks. We arranged quasi-experimental research instruction (experiment with parallel groups), on a sample (N = 147) in order to examine whether an instructional approach based on the principles of project-based work would achieve better effects of learning and student achievement compared to the usual way of learning implemented in mathematics education. Results of the final measurements show that students in the experimental grou...

Research paper thumbnail of Inclusive Policy and Academic Achievements in Mathematics of Student with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in Republic of Serbia

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2019

One mechanism for evaluating educational systems for inclusion is through academic outputs of stu... more One mechanism for evaluating educational systems for inclusion is through academic outputs of students who are taught in either segregated or inclusive setting. The goal of the research was to examine and compare the academic achievement in Mathematics of students with special education needs (SEN) in the fifth and sixth grade (11-12 years old students) in different educational settings in the Republic of Serbia. In this study, 175 students from 11 special and 7 regular schools participated in the research. Assessment results demonstrated statistically significant differences achievement for students in sixth grade in special schools compared to students with SEN in the same classes of regular schools. At fifth grade level there was no statistical difference between the students in special and regular schools. We discuss possible reasons why differences may or may not exist, including distinguishing between inclusion and integration as well as sociohistorical differences in grade le...

Research paper thumbnail of Student achievement at TIMSS and PISA tests as a guideline for modifying mathematics curriculum

Inovacije u nastavi, 2018

Универзитет у Новом Саду, Педагошки факултет у Сомбору Кратки научни прилог Постигнуће ученика на... more Универзитет у Новом Саду, Педагошки факултет у Сомбору Кратки научни прилог Постигнуће ученика на ТИМСС и ПИСА испитивању као смерница за измене у наставном програму математике Резиме: Постигнуће ученика првенствено је условљено квалитетом школског програма и наставног процеса. Ефикасност основног математичког образовања у Србији, са аспекта савременог разумевања идеје математичке писмености, огледа се и у постигнућима наших ученика на међународним ТИМСС и ПИСА тестирањима. Компаративна анализа садржаја ТИМСС и ПИСА и нашег наставног програма показује одређене садржајне недостатке програма за основно математичко образовање. Осим наведеног, компаративна анализа програма математике у млађим разредима основне школе више земаља (Финска, Јапан, Јужна Кореја, Хонгконг, Русија, Сингапур, Словенија) са одговарајућим програмима у Србији показује хронолошко и садржајно неслагање. Указује се на диспропорцију постигнућа ученика на ТИМСС и ПИСА испитивању ради проналажења могућих објашњења и указивања на могућности унапређења наставе математике у основној школи. Рад нуди предлог за модернизацију наставног програма од првог до четвртог разреда проширењем постојећих и увођењем нових садржаја, важних за даље образовање. Позивајући се на резултате досадашњих истраживања, аутори се залажу за пропедевтички приступ у припреми ученика за усвајање формалних знања од петог разреда. Овако је рационално очекивати повећање ефеката учења наведених садржаја од петог до осмог разреда основне школе.

Research paper thumbnail of On the Teaching and Learning of Fractions through a Conceptual Generalization Approach

International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 2017

This paper deals with precursory (propaedeutic) learning of the concept of number in the elementa... more This paper deals with precursory (propaedeutic) learning of the concept of number in the elementary mathematical education. The authors' objective is to suggest a method allowing for the increase of the effectiveness of interactive expansion of the concept of number by using a gradeappropriate learning framework for elementary mathematical education content. A theoretical background for the creation of this method is based on the description of various characteristics of precursory learning and interactive teaching of mathematics as well and the flexible differentiation approach. The paper especially emphasizes the possibilities of propaedeutic understanding of the concept of fraction and examine the effects of such approach in terms of student achievement in elementary mathematics education, on the basis of a methodological approach. Results obtained during the experimental research suggest that under the influence of the methodological approach of introducing fractions through propaedeutic learning, students achieve significantly better results in learning compared to students who have not used this method.

Research paper thumbnail of Historical genesis of the concept of number and number systems: Possibilities of application in the initial teaching of mathematics (I)


The notion of natural number, as the basis of the entire further development of mathematics, appe... more The notion of natural number, as the basis of the entire further development of mathematics, appears as a result of gradual abstraction. The very notion of number has not been precisely defined and has changed throughout history, as has the way of recording. This paper aims to present the origin of natural numbers and their development to the present form. The essentially most important number systems that have evolved in parallel with the development of human consciousness, and which are guided by the need for man to record important events and facts, are discussed and presented. The importance of positional number systems, such as the Indo-Arabic number system we use today, was emphasized. Numerous studies show that the use of the history of mathematics in the teaching of mathematics can increase students 'motivation and students' interest in the subject. Based on a brief overview of existing research on the use of the history of mathematics in mathematics teaching, the pa...

Research paper thumbnail of External Quality Control in The Netherlands

Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 1975

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Differentiated Mathematical Tasks on Students' Logical-Combinatorial Thinking in Elementary Mathematics Teaching

The aim of this research was to examine the influence of differentiated tasks on the development ... more The aim of this research was to examine the influence of differentiated tasks on the development of logical-combinatorial thinking abilities of the first grade of primary school students, using the experimental-research method. The research was conducted on the sample (N=60) chosen from the population of first-grade students of primary school "Nikola Tesla" in Novi Sad. Obtained research results showed the high influence of differentiated mathematical problems on students' logical-combinatorial thinking and functional knowledge in elementary mathematics education. The results' practical implication mirrors the possibility of their application in the domain of the improvement of students' cognitive abilities and functional knowledge from the very beginning of the educational journey.

Research paper thumbnail of Propedeutic fraction learning based on content integration in the initial teaching of mathematics

Nastava i vaspitanje, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of On the teaching and learning of fractions trough a conceptual generalization approach

IEJME - Mathematics Education, ISSN 2468-4945, 2017

This paper deals with precursory (propaedeutic) learning of the concept of number in the elementa... more This paper deals with precursory (propaedeutic) learning of the concept of number in the elementary mathematical education. The authors’ objective is to suggest a method allowing for the increase of the effectiveness of interactive expansion of the concept of number by using a grade-appropriate learning framework for elementary mathematical education content. A theoretical background for the creation of this method is based on the description of various characteristics of precursory learning and interactive teaching of mathematics as well and the flexible differentiation approach. The paper especially emphasizes the possibilities of propaedeutic understanding of the concept of fraction and examine the effects of such approach in terms of student achievement in elementary mathematics education, on the basis of a methodological approach. Results obtained during the experimental research suggest that under the influence of the methodological approach of introducing fractions through propaedeutic learning, students achieve significantly better results in learning compared to students who have not used this method.

Research paper thumbnail of Mogućnosti primene istraživački zasnovane nastave (IN) u početnom matematičkom obrazovanju

Modern primary education, especially mathematics, requires constant innovation of teaching practi... more Modern primary education, especially mathematics, requires constant innovation of teaching practice in order to modernize, rationalize, and efficiently the teaching process. Teaching mathematics should be experienced as a process that promotes learning with understanding, stimulates motivation, active learning, research, critical thinking, analysis, problem solving, drawing conclusions, exchange of experiences. The tendency to improve the quality of mathematics education has resulted in many studies pointing to the benefits of research-based mathematics (IN) teaching, known as inquiry-based learning (IBL), recognized as an essential way of organizing the teaching process to develop key competencies, abilities and skills in 21st century. Тhe aim of this paper is to see, based on a comprehensive theoretical analysis and the results of previous research. The created model of teaching mathematics based on research represents a useful framework for improving the quality of the process of teaching and learning mathematics, and empowers teachers in its application and affirmation, gaining insight into the way of organizing research learning.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Content on the Development of Students' Critical Thinking in the Initial Teaching of Mathematics/Utjecaj sadržaja na razvijanje kritičkog mišljenja učenika u početnoj nastavi matematike

Croatian Journal of Education-Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i obrazovanje, Apr 8, 2016

This paper points out the importance of developing critical thinking in the initial teaching of m... more This paper points out the importance of developing critical thinking in the initial teaching of mathematics and highlights some of the problems associated with its realization. In this context, the authors draw attention to the definition of critical thinking and the role of content (tasks) in its development. Starting from the specificity of initial teaching of mathematics and students' age, critical thinking is operationalized through specific skills (formulation of the problem, reformulation of the problem, evaluation, sensitivity to the problems), that become apparent in work with mathematical content. On a sample of 246 students (9.5-10.4 years old), an experimental study (experiment with parallel groups) was organized in order to examine whether, with the selection of appropriate content (tasks), critical thinking in the initial teaching of mathematics can be developed. The results show that, with the appropriate choice of content, students' critical thinking, viewed as a whole, can be developed and that, in that process, we can significantly influence the development of each of its skills (formulation of the problem, reformulation of the problem, evaluation, sensitivity to the problems).

Research paper thumbnail of Representation of Roma Content in Curricula and Textbooks at the Initial Education Level in Serbia

International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, Apr 20, 2023

The 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child guarantees all children the right to an education,... more The 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child guarantees all children the right to an education, and this paper focuses on Roma children and that right. The extent of Serbia's strategy documents was reviewed, particularly in light of their responsibility for guaranteeing equity, accessibility, and equal educational opportunities for all children. The study's objective is to assess how content related to the Roma is portrayed in current curricula (N = 16) and textbooks (N = 93) for the 2022-2023 academic year. It was discovered that despite the objectives in each of the analyzed courses (Serbian language, The World around Us, Nature and Society, Music Education, and Civic Education) clearly promote equality, diversity, and mutual appreciation, democratic values, inclusion, and anti-discrimination, none of them explicitly mention the words Roma or the Roma people. Only a few times do the Roma people explicitly appear in textbooks on nature, society, and music, and then only as a numerical representation of the national minority; no mention is made of the positive traits of the Roma people, who have their own identity, tradition, and culture as well as well-known members. The results highlight the need for textbooks to include specific content about the Roma people as fundamental teaching tools. This content should also be included in the curriculum because it would help students of Roma origin feel less excluded and more empowered to participate in school on an equal footing.

Research paper thumbnail of Abacus computing tool: From history to application in mathematical education

Inovacije u nastavi, 2020

Bearing in mind that the history of mathematics and its discoveries can play a significant role i... more Bearing in mind that the history of mathematics and its discoveries can play a significant role in mathematics education today, the authors draw attention to an ancient computing tool-abacus, and point out its role, importance, values, and opportunities it offers in working with children. In order to achieve this goal and using the method of theoretical analysis, the authors researched the values of application of the Japanese abacus (soroban) in mathematics education through the following aspects: learning mental arithmetic, understanding the place value of a digit, contribution to working with children with developmental disabilities, primarily with visual and hearing impairments, as well as contributions to children's mental development and problem-solving abilities. Based on numerous research papers and views, the authors conclude that Japanese abacus can have many benefits in working with children in mathematics education, among which the most important are conceptual understanding of mental arithmetic and developing mental computation and problem-solving skills, gaining a clear mental picture of the structure of numbers, their magnitude and relationship, understanding the place value of a digit, but also developing motivation and positive attitudes toward mathematics.

Research paper thumbnail of The Problem of (Mis)Understanding the Equals Sign in Junior Grades of Primary School

Uzdanica, 2022

Correct understanding of the equals sign is the key to understanding arithme- tic, and a fundamen... more Correct understanding of the equals sign is the key to understanding arithme- tic, and a fundamental concept important for learning other areas of mathematics. Research around the world repeatedly mentions problems with correctly understanding the equals sign, emphasising the limited view of the equals sign as a command ”to calculate“ among students. The goal of the research was to identify the development of the concept of equality in line with the operationalised levels (operational, relational, and relational in the context of real-life prob- lem solving) and determine differences in understanding between students of the second (N = 190) and the fourth (N = 210) grade of primary school. The research was carried out using the testing technique. The research results show that students do not possess sufficiently developed relational understanding of the equals sign and that operational understanding prevails. Students of the fourth grade demonstrated better understanding of the equals sign at all levels of under- standing than the second graders.

Research paper thumbnail of Open-ended tasks as a means of encouraging logical thinking in initial teaching of mathematics

Zbornik radova, 2022

Апстракт: Логичко мишљење је важан процес расуђивања и основна вештина у изградњи знања и искуств... more Апстракт: Логичко мишљење је важан процес расуђивања и основна вештина у изградњи знања и искуства ученика која треба да прати процес учења и развија ученичке потенцијале на свим нивоима образовања. Програм наставе и учења математикe за основну школу у Србији садржи велики број тема које подржавају циљ учења математике, али постоји простор и за побољшањем. Рад се бави сагледавањем могућности пропедевтике логике и подстицања логичког мишљења, применом задатака отвореног типа у почетној настави математике. Респективно програмским садржајима разредне наставе математике, приказани су примери задатака отвореног типа, као подршка и аналогон учитељима у креирању наставне праксе, у циљу поспешивања развоја логичког мишљења ученика, као битне компоненте исхода учења математике. Кључне речи: логичко мишљање, разредна настава математике, задаци отвореног типа. Увод Знaчaј мaтемaтике у сaвременом друштву, кaо и њенa улогa у подизaњу укупног обрaзовног потенцијала ученика, подрaзумевa стално трагање и примену најефикаснијих начина реализације наставне праксе. Наставу математике карактерише све усмереније развијање способности мишљења у савладавању

Research paper thumbnail of Cooperative Learning in Online Class Teaching of Mathematics

Slavonic Pedagogical Studies Journal

The aim of the paper is to examine the opinion of teachers about the representation and limitatio... more The aim of the paper is to examine the opinion of teachers about the representation and limitations of the application of collaborative learning in online teaching of mathematics. The survey conducted on a sample selected from the population of primary school teachers in R. Serbia (N=116), and data were collected about cooperative learning in online mathematics classes. The results showed that the majority of teachers apply group work, and less often online teaching. They believe that it is possible to organize collaborative learning in online mathematics classes in lower grades, but that there are certain limitations in the realization of this way of teaching. A small number of them have realized such activities through online classes.

Research paper thumbnail of Project learning: From an idea to a learning model in the initial teaching of mathematics

Norma, 2021

An adequate methodological approach in teaching mathematics in the classroom plays an important r... more An adequate methodological approach in teaching mathematics in the classroom plays an important role in understanding mathematical concepts and achieving learning outcomes. This paper points out the characteristics, significance, and effects that can be achieved by applying project-oriented learning in teaching. This paper aims to point out the possibilities of applying the project model of work in the teaching of mathematics. Based on the results of previous research on this issue, as well as recommendations from the Program of teaching and learning for the first cycle of primary education, a model of project-based learning of content on measurement and measures is presented, which can serve to support teachers in organizing and affirming project-oriented teaching mathematics.

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of project-based learning on student achievement in elementary mathematics education

South African Journal of Education, 2021

An effective instructional approach in elementary mathematics education has a significant role in... more An effective instructional approach in elementary mathematics education has a significant role in the understanding of mathematical concepts and overall student achievement. We point out the characteristics, significance and effects that may be achieved in mathematics education through the application of project-based learning. The aim of the study was to examine the effects of project-based learning on student achievement in lower elementary mathematics education and examine whether the project-based model was equally acceptable to students with different marks. We arranged quasi-experimental research instruction (experiment with parallel groups), on a sample (N = 147) in order to examine whether an instructional approach based on the principles of project-based work would achieve better effects of learning and student achievement compared to the usual way of learning implemented in mathematics education. Results of the final measurements show that students in the experimental grou...

Research paper thumbnail of Inclusive Policy and Academic Achievements in Mathematics of Student with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in Republic of Serbia

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2019

One mechanism for evaluating educational systems for inclusion is through academic outputs of stu... more One mechanism for evaluating educational systems for inclusion is through academic outputs of students who are taught in either segregated or inclusive setting. The goal of the research was to examine and compare the academic achievement in Mathematics of students with special education needs (SEN) in the fifth and sixth grade (11-12 years old students) in different educational settings in the Republic of Serbia. In this study, 175 students from 11 special and 7 regular schools participated in the research. Assessment results demonstrated statistically significant differences achievement for students in sixth grade in special schools compared to students with SEN in the same classes of regular schools. At fifth grade level there was no statistical difference between the students in special and regular schools. We discuss possible reasons why differences may or may not exist, including distinguishing between inclusion and integration as well as sociohistorical differences in grade le...

Research paper thumbnail of Student achievement at TIMSS and PISA tests as a guideline for modifying mathematics curriculum

Inovacije u nastavi, 2018

Универзитет у Новом Саду, Педагошки факултет у Сомбору Кратки научни прилог Постигнуће ученика на... more Универзитет у Новом Саду, Педагошки факултет у Сомбору Кратки научни прилог Постигнуће ученика на ТИМСС и ПИСА испитивању као смерница за измене у наставном програму математике Резиме: Постигнуће ученика првенствено је условљено квалитетом школског програма и наставног процеса. Ефикасност основног математичког образовања у Србији, са аспекта савременог разумевања идеје математичке писмености, огледа се и у постигнућима наших ученика на међународним ТИМСС и ПИСА тестирањима. Компаративна анализа садржаја ТИМСС и ПИСА и нашег наставног програма показује одређене садржајне недостатке програма за основно математичко образовање. Осим наведеног, компаративна анализа програма математике у млађим разредима основне школе више земаља (Финска, Јапан, Јужна Кореја, Хонгконг, Русија, Сингапур, Словенија) са одговарајућим програмима у Србији показује хронолошко и садржајно неслагање. Указује се на диспропорцију постигнућа ученика на ТИМСС и ПИСА испитивању ради проналажења могућих објашњења и указивања на могућности унапређења наставе математике у основној школи. Рад нуди предлог за модернизацију наставног програма од првог до четвртог разреда проширењем постојећих и увођењем нових садржаја, важних за даље образовање. Позивајући се на резултате досадашњих истраживања, аутори се залажу за пропедевтички приступ у припреми ученика за усвајање формалних знања од петог разреда. Овако је рационално очекивати повећање ефеката учења наведених садржаја од петог до осмог разреда основне школе.

Research paper thumbnail of On the Teaching and Learning of Fractions through a Conceptual Generalization Approach

International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 2017

This paper deals with precursory (propaedeutic) learning of the concept of number in the elementa... more This paper deals with precursory (propaedeutic) learning of the concept of number in the elementary mathematical education. The authors' objective is to suggest a method allowing for the increase of the effectiveness of interactive expansion of the concept of number by using a gradeappropriate learning framework for elementary mathematical education content. A theoretical background for the creation of this method is based on the description of various characteristics of precursory learning and interactive teaching of mathematics as well and the flexible differentiation approach. The paper especially emphasizes the possibilities of propaedeutic understanding of the concept of fraction and examine the effects of such approach in terms of student achievement in elementary mathematics education, on the basis of a methodological approach. Results obtained during the experimental research suggest that under the influence of the methodological approach of introducing fractions through propaedeutic learning, students achieve significantly better results in learning compared to students who have not used this method.

Research paper thumbnail of Historical genesis of the concept of number and number systems: Possibilities of application in the initial teaching of mathematics (I)


The notion of natural number, as the basis of the entire further development of mathematics, appe... more The notion of natural number, as the basis of the entire further development of mathematics, appears as a result of gradual abstraction. The very notion of number has not been precisely defined and has changed throughout history, as has the way of recording. This paper aims to present the origin of natural numbers and their development to the present form. The essentially most important number systems that have evolved in parallel with the development of human consciousness, and which are guided by the need for man to record important events and facts, are discussed and presented. The importance of positional number systems, such as the Indo-Arabic number system we use today, was emphasized. Numerous studies show that the use of the history of mathematics in the teaching of mathematics can increase students 'motivation and students' interest in the subject. Based on a brief overview of existing research on the use of the history of mathematics in mathematics teaching, the pa...

Research paper thumbnail of External Quality Control in The Netherlands

Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 1975

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Differentiated Mathematical Tasks on Students' Logical-Combinatorial Thinking in Elementary Mathematics Teaching

The aim of this research was to examine the influence of differentiated tasks on the development ... more The aim of this research was to examine the influence of differentiated tasks on the development of logical-combinatorial thinking abilities of the first grade of primary school students, using the experimental-research method. The research was conducted on the sample (N=60) chosen from the population of first-grade students of primary school "Nikola Tesla" in Novi Sad. Obtained research results showed the high influence of differentiated mathematical problems on students' logical-combinatorial thinking and functional knowledge in elementary mathematics education. The results' practical implication mirrors the possibility of their application in the domain of the improvement of students' cognitive abilities and functional knowledge from the very beginning of the educational journey.

Research paper thumbnail of Propedeutic fraction learning based on content integration in the initial teaching of mathematics

Nastava i vaspitanje, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of On the teaching and learning of fractions trough a conceptual generalization approach

IEJME - Mathematics Education, ISSN 2468-4945, 2017

This paper deals with precursory (propaedeutic) learning of the concept of number in the elementa... more This paper deals with precursory (propaedeutic) learning of the concept of number in the elementary mathematical education. The authors’ objective is to suggest a method allowing for the increase of the effectiveness of interactive expansion of the concept of number by using a grade-appropriate learning framework for elementary mathematical education content. A theoretical background for the creation of this method is based on the description of various characteristics of precursory learning and interactive teaching of mathematics as well and the flexible differentiation approach. The paper especially emphasizes the possibilities of propaedeutic understanding of the concept of fraction and examine the effects of such approach in terms of student achievement in elementary mathematics education, on the basis of a methodological approach. Results obtained during the experimental research suggest that under the influence of the methodological approach of introducing fractions through propaedeutic learning, students achieve significantly better results in learning compared to students who have not used this method.