Bahar Dernek - (original) (raw)

Papers by Bahar Dernek

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Osteonecrosis of the Jaw in a Patient Receiving Oral Bisphosphonates for Osteoporosis: A Case Report

Bisfosfonatların ciddi yan etkilerinden olan bisfosfonatlara bağlı çene osteonekrozu (BRONJ), ost... more Bisfosfonatların ciddi yan etkilerinden olan bisfosfonatlara bağlı çene osteonekrozu (BRONJ), osteoporoz tedavisinde bisfosfonatların yaygın kullanımı nedeniyle giderek artan klinik önem taşımaktadır. BRONJ tedavisinde güncel tedavi yöntemlerinin sınırlı olduğu göz önüne alındığında risk faktörlerinin değerlendirilmesi BRONJ gelişiminin önlenmesinde ve uygun medikal tedavi seçiminin belirlenmesinde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu olgu sunumu eşliğinde oral bisfosfonat kullanımı sonrası görülen BRONJ'un tanısı, patogenezi ve risk faktörleri gözden geçirilmiştir.Clinical importance of the bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) which is one of the serious side effects of bisphosphonates is increasing due to the widespread use of bisphosphonates in the treatment of osteoporosis. Since current treatment options for the BRONJ are limited, evaluation of the risk factors is very important in preventing the development of BRONJ and determining the appropriate medication in o...

Research paper thumbnail of Oral NSAİİ’lerin Etkinlik ve Güvenlik Açısından Yeri

Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği, Mar 25, 2017

Oral ve Topikal NSAİİ günümüzde klinisyenler tarafından ağrı tedavisinde sıklıkla kullanılmaktadı... more Oral ve Topikal NSAİİ günümüzde klinisyenler tarafından ağrı tedavisinde sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Oral NSAİİ kullanımı yan etki olarak gastrointestinal problemlere (peptik ülser, gastrointestinal kanama vs.), renal fonksiyon bozukluklarına ve kardiyovasküler problemlere yol açabilmektedir. Bu ilaçların sistemik yan etkilerinden dolayı, kullanım öncesi hasta detaylı incelenmeli, komorbid faktörler açısından değerlendirilmelidir.

Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of Dry Needling and Exercise in Dizziness Caused By Cervical Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Research paper thumbnail of Subakromiyal Sıkışma Sendromu Tedavisinde İki Farklı Steroid Enjeksiyonunun Etkinliğinin Değerlendirilmesi

Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği, Mar 27, 2018

Amaç: Subakromiyal sıkışma sendromu (SSS) omuz ağrısı ve disfonksiyonunun en sık nedenlerindendir... more Amaç: Subakromiyal sıkışma sendromu (SSS) omuz ağrısı ve disfonksiyonunun en sık nedenlerindendir. Tedavisinde medikal tedavi ve çeşitli fizik tedavi yöntemleri kullanılır. Dirençli olgularda ise özellikle steroid tedavisinin olumlu etkilerinin olduğu bilinmekte ancak hangi steroid preparatının daha etkili olduğu konusunda yeterli veri bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada amacımız SSS tanısı konulmuş olgularda farklı steroid preparatlarının etkinliklerinin araştırılmasıdır. Materyal-Metod: Çalışmaya 2016-2018 tarihleri arasında fizik muayene ve radyolojik olarak impingement sendromu tanısı konulmuş ve bu nedenle subakromiyal steroid enjeksiyonu yapılmış hastaların verileri değerlendirmeye alındı. Tedavi öncesi ve sonrası karşılaştırmalar ağrı için VAS, günlük yaşam aktiviteleri ve fonksiyonel durum açısından QDASH kullanılarak yapıldı. Hastalar tedavi sonrası 1., 3. Ve 6. Aylarda VAS, QDASH değerlendirmelerini yapmak üzere kontrole kaçırıldı. Bulgular: Betametazon ve Triamsinolon grubunda hastaların yaşı, cinsiyet dağılımı anlamlı (p ˃ 0.05) farklılık göstermemiştir. Betametazon ve Triamsinolon grubunda komplikasyon oranı, meslek dağılımı, ek hastalık oranı anlamlı (p ˃ 0.05) farklılık göstermemiştir. Betametazon ve Triamsinolon grubunda başlangıç, 1.ay, 3.ay, 6.ay VAS ve Qdash skoru anlamlı (p ˃ 0.05) farklılık göstermemiştir. Her iki grupta da 1.ay, 3.ay, 6.ay Qdash skoru ve VAS değeri başlangıca göre anlamlı (p ˂ 0.05) düşüş göstermiştir. Sonuç: Bu çalışmamızda omuz impingement sendromu olan hastalarda iki farklı steroid preparatının ağrı ve fonksiyonel durum üzerinde benzer olumlu etkileri olduğunu tespit edilmiştir. Her iki streoid preparatında komplikasyon oranı benzerdir ve konservatif yönteme yanıt vermeyen olgularda, sterilizasyon koşullarına ve uygulama yerine dikkat edilerek güvenle uygulanabilir.

Research paper thumbnail of Fibromiyalji Sendromunda Tanı, Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon

Fibromiyalji Sendromu (FMS) kronik yaygin agri ile karakterize bir klinik sendromdur. FMS semptom... more Fibromiyalji Sendromu (FMS) kronik yaygin agri ile karakterize bir klinik sendromdur. FMS semptomlarinin altinda yatan esas mekanizma bilinmediginden tedavisi de semptomlarin kontrol altina alinmasina odaklanmistir. Bu yazida fibromiyalji sendromu ve guncel tedavisi anlatilmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of Omuz Hastalıkları ve Tedavisi

Oz Omuz agrisi birinci basamak saglik sorunlari icerisinde en sik rastlanilan sikayetlerden birid... more Oz Omuz agrisi birinci basamak saglik sorunlari icerisinde en sik rastlanilan sikayetlerden biridir. En sik karsilasilan omuz sorunlari rotator manson hastaligi, adeziv kapsulit, akromiyoklavikular eklem artriti ve glenohumeral eklem artritidir (1). Sik gorulen omuz sorunlari ozellikle 40 yas uzerinde ortaya cikar. Genclerde ise ozellikle gecirilmis cerrahi veya travma oykusu varliginda gorulur. Bu yazida, sik gorulen omuz hastaliklari ve tedavisi guncel yaklasimlarla birinci basamak saglik hizmetine uygun olacak sekilde ozetlenmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of Kronik Yaygın Muskuloskeletal Ağrısı Olan Hastalarda Vitamin D Düzeyinin Belirlenmesi: Pilot Çalışma

Acibadem Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2020

Amaç: D Vitamini özellikle kemik gelişiminde ve çeşitli muskuloskeletal fonksiyonlarda önemli rol... more Amaç: D Vitamini özellikle kemik gelişiminde ve çeşitli muskuloskeletal fonksiyonlarda önemli role sahiptir. Kemikle ilgili herhangi bir patolojinin tespit edilmediği olgularda özellikle bel, sırt, kosta, alt ekstremite, pelvis bölümlerinde ağrı ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada amacımız kronik yaygın ağrı ile gelen hastalarda vitamin D düzeyinin belirlenmesidir. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Ocak 2012 ile Nisan 2014 tarihleri arasında hastanemizin fiziksel tıp ve rehabilitasyon polikliniğine yaygın ağrı şikayetiyle gelen hastaların verileri değerlendirmeye alındı. Hastaların ağrı şiddeti (Vizüel Analog Skala, VAS) ve laboratuvar incelemeleri geriye dönük incelemelerle değerlendirildi. Romatolojik hastalığı olanlar, kanser hastaları, post-menopozal kadın hastaların verileri değerlendirme dışı bırakıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya dahil edilen hasta sayısı 504 idi. Hastaların %92,7 si kadın iken %7,3'ü erkek idi. D vitamini düzeylerine göre sınıflandırma yapıldığında hastaların %0,6'sında D vitamini yeterli, %1,4'ünde D vitamini yetersiz idi. Hastaların %98'inde ise D vitaminin değişik derecelerde eksikliği tespit edildi (%19,0 hafif, %55,2 orta, %23,8 ciddi eksiklik). Hastaların VAS düzeylerine göre değerlendirme yapıldığında özellikle D vitamini seviyesi düşük olanlarda VAS değerinin anlamlı derecede yüksek olduğu tespit edildi (p<0,001). Sonuç: Çalışmamızda yaygın muskuloskeletal ağrısı olan ve altta yatan sistemik, romatolojik hastalığı olmayan hastalarda D vitamini seviyesinin düşük olduğu ve D vitamini seviyesi azaldıkça VAS değerinde anlamlı oranda artış olduğu tespit edilmiştir Anahtar sözcükler: D vitamini, kronik yaygın ağrı, tedavi

Research paper thumbnail of Fibromiyalji Sendromu Hastalarının İşlevsellik, Yetiyitimi ve Sağlığın Uluslararası Sınıflandırılması (ICF) Kapsamında Değerlendirilmesi: Pilot Çalışma

Acibadem Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2020

Bu çalışmanın amacı, kronik yaygın ağrı (KYA) için geliştirilmiş olan İşlevsellik, Yetiyitimi ve ... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, kronik yaygın ağrı (KYA) için geliştirilmiş olan İşlevsellik, Yetiyitimi ve Sağlığın Uluslararası Sınıflandırılması (ICF) çekirdek dizisinin fibromiyalji sendromu (FMS) hastalarındaki sağlık sorunlarının etkinlikler ve katılım ile çevresel faktörler bileşeninde değerlendirilmesidir. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışma prospektif, kesitsel bir pilot çalışma olarak planlandı ve 2017 Haziran-2018 Mart ayları arasında yürütüldü. Çalışmada KYA için Kısa ICF Çekirdek Dizisi ICF kullanıldı. Bu ICF çekirdek dizisinde yer alan 24 kategori, 254 FMS hastası üzerinde değerlendirildi. Vücut işlevleri, etkinlikler ve katılım alanlarındaki kategoriler 0-4 arası puanlama ile değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastaların %97,6'sı kadın iken (n=248), %2,4'ü erkekti (n=6). Vücut işlevlerinde yapılan değerlendirmeye göre özellikle enerji, uyku, psikomotor fonksiyon, emosyonel durum, düşünce içeriği, ağrı, egzersiz tolerans, ve kas kuvveti kategorilerinde orta veya ciddi düzeyde bozukluk tespit edildi. Etkinlikler ve katılım alanında yapılan değerlendirmeye göre ise, problem çözme, günlük yaşam aktivitelerini yerine getirme, stresle baş etme, cisimleri kaldırma-taşıma, yürüme, ev işi yapma, aile ilişkileri, yakın ilişkiler, işe başlama-devam ettirme, boş zamanlarını değerlendirme kategorilerinde orta veya ciddi düzeyde sorun tespit edildi. Çevresel faktörler alanı incelendiğinde ilaç kullanımı, aile ilişkileri, sağlık profesyonellerinin tutumu, yakın aile ilişkileri, ve sosyal sistemlerin ve politikalarının genel olarak orta düzeyde kolaylaştırıcı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç: FMS, sadece hasta olan bireyi değil, bireyin yaşadığı alanda bireyle etkileşim halinde olan diğer toplumsal bireyleri ve grupları da etkileyen ve geniş çaplı sistemik etkilerin ortaya çıkmasına neden olan kronik bir hastalıktır. ICF sistemi ile FMS gibi hastalıklarda, sadece hastalığın etkileri değil, hastalığın direk veya dolaylı olarak oluşturduğu çevresel etkiler de ayrıntılı olarak incelenebilir.

Research paper thumbnail of Utility of international classification of functioning, disability and health's participation dimension in assigning ICF codes to items from extant rating instruments

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2004

Firstly to investigate the utility of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability... more Firstly to investigate the utility of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health's (ICF's) participation dimension when items from extant questionnaires focusing on participation were assigned to ICF codes on an item-by-item basis; and, secondly, to conduct a preliminary investigation of the theoretical assumption expressed in ICF that ICF's environment component interacts with body function and participation components. Design: A person-based, descriptive study. Subjects: The sample comprised students with disabilities (n = 448), their parents/relatives (n = 414), their teachers/ managers (n = 418) and special education consultants (n = 110). Methods: Items from original surveys were used. Participation of students with disabilities: a survey of participation in school activities, The Arc's Self-Determination Scale, Perceived interaction-questionnaire, Environments survey, The Abilities Index. Data were analysed with the help of ANOVA, Scheffé pair-wise comparisons, correlation analysis and cluster analysis. Results: The study partly confirmed the utility of ICF participation dimension in assigning codes to items from extant instruments. Moderate statistical correlations between participation chapters and between items from different ICF dimensions were found. Cluster analysis resulted in groups with participation patterns not related to type of disability. Conclusion: Items from extant instruments can be assigned to ICF participation codes, but further item analyses and a more extensive questionnaire base are needed.

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of subcutaneous lidocaine injections in patients with painful total knee arthroplasty

Türkiye Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 2017

Objectives: This study aims to investigate the efficacy of injection of subcutaneous lidocaine in... more Objectives: This study aims to investigate the efficacy of injection of subcutaneous lidocaine in the management of pain that arises after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Patients and methods: Data of 56 patients who had postoperative pain related with TKA between December 2013 and April 2014 were retrospectively evaluated. All patients were given an exercise program and oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. According to the treatment applied, the patients were divided into two groups: 33 patients given lidocaine injection to the painful knee sites by the same physiatrist constituted group 1, and the remaining 23 patients, who had been treated only with exercise program and oral non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs, constituted group 2. Demographic data, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) and visual analog scale (VAS) scores were recorded. These data were taken into consideration for the first and third month evaluations. Results: Both of the groups had higher initial scores for VAS and WOMAC (WOMAC total score group 1: 29.9, group 2: 34.2; VAS total score group 1: 8.3, group 2: 8.0). There were significant decreases in WOMAC and VAS scores (p<0.001) in both groups when the values before and after the treatment were compared. The decrease in the scores of group 1 was significantly higher than that of group 2. Conclusion: Subcutaneous lidocaine injections had short-term positive effects in patients who had postoperative pain after TKA. Future studies with larger sample may make the long-term effects of this intervention explicit.

Research paper thumbnail of Ultrasound-guided cervical selective nerve block: A case series

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation

BACKGROUND: Cervical radiculopathy is characterized by pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness, mo... more BACKGROUND: Cervical radiculopathy is characterized by pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness, mostly in an affected extremity, reflecting compression of a nerve in the neck is compressed or irritated where it emerges from the spinal cord. Diagnosis requires a detailed anamnesis, physical examination, and imaging. Physical therapy, exercise, medical therapy, and injections are the preferred treatments, but injections into the cervical region are only indicated if conservative treatment is ineffective. OBJECTIVE: This study explored the utility of selective cervical nerve root blocks (SNRBs) performed at various levels under ultrasound guidance (USG). METHODS: We evaluated patients diagnosed with cervical radiculopathy via physical examination and magnetic resonance imaging from November 2019 to March 2020. We included those who did not respond to conservative treatment and therefore received SNRBs at various levels. Sixty-three patients were evaluated over 6 months in terms of pain,...

Research paper thumbnail of Caudal epidural steroid injection for chronic low back pain: A prospective analysis of 107 patients

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2022

BACKGROUND: Low back pain affects 80% of people worldwide at least once in a lifetime and reduces... more BACKGROUND: Low back pain affects 80% of people worldwide at least once in a lifetime and reduces the quality of life and causes absence from work. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the pain and functional status of patients with lumbar disc disease who received blind caudal epidural injections (CEI) for pain relief. METHODS: The records of 107 patients who had been given CEI between September 2017 and January 2018 were retrospectively analyzed. The inclusion criteria were age > 18 years, > 3-month history of low back pain, and diagnosis of lumbar disc disease by magnetic resonance imaging. The epidural injection solution consisted of 2 mL of betamethasone sodium and 8 mL saline. Follow-up examinations were conducted 3 and 6 months post-injection and the patients were evaluated using a visual analog scale (VAS) and the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI). RESULTS: The most common disc pathology was at the L4–L5 level. The VAS and ODI scores indicated significantly reduced pain at 3 and 6 mon...

Research paper thumbnail of effectiveness of Dry Needling and Exercise in Dizziness Caused By Cervical Myofascial Pain Syndrome : abstract Number: 2288

Arthritis & Rheumatism, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of the short-term results of single-dose intra-articular peptide with hyaluronic acid and platelet-rich plasma injections in knee osteoarthritis: a randomized study

Clinical Rheumatology, 2020

Introduction/objectives Intra-articular injections may be useful in terms of pain and functional ... more Introduction/objectives Intra-articular injections may be useful in terms of pain and functional status, in knee osteoarthritis (OA). Besides hyaluronic acid (HA) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP), peptide molecules recently begin to be used. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of intra-articular peptide Prostrolane® (CAREGEN Co. Ltd.) injection with that of the HA and PRP in the persons with OA. Method Fifty-four patients with OA were included in this prospective, randomized study. Patients were randomized into three groups as intra-articular HA, peptide, and PRP groups. Paracetamol was permitted three times a day to all groups. All the patients were evaluated by the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC), Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), and visual analogue scale (VAS) at rest and during movements. Measurements performed at the baseline, after the first week of injection, and at the first and third months of follow-up. Results Mean age w...

Research paper thumbnail of The incidence of impingement syndrome in cases of cervical radiculopathy: An analysis of 220 cases

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2019

BACKGROUND: We hypothesized that cervical radiculopathy (CR) has a role in subacromial impingemen... more BACKGROUND: We hypothesized that cervical radiculopathy (CR) has a role in subacromial impingement syndrome (SAIS) etiology, which cannot be directly connected to anatomical causes. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate the presence of cervical radiculopathy in patients with SAIS diagnosed clinically and radiologically. METHODS: Patients who had a clinical and radiological SAIS diagnosis between 2014 and 2016 were included in the study. Patients with secondary causes that led to SAIS were excluded. Cervical MRI of all patients with SAIS was examined for cervical radiculopathy. RESULTS: A significant (p < 0.05) relationship was found between SIAS and the presence of root compression on the same side. 35% of the patients with SIAS had root compression on the same side. CONCLUSIONS: Cervical radiculopathy and shoulder impingement syndrome can be easily confused due to the similarity of the symptoms and the anatomical proximity of the lesions. Although both diseases can occur with different mechanisms, we believe that there is a cause and effect relationship between them.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Intra- and Extramedullary Implants in Treatment of Unstable Intertrochanteric Fractures

Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma, 2019

Introduction: Comparison was made of the clinical and radiological results of the surgical treatm... more Introduction: Comparison was made of the clinical and radiological results of the surgical treatments of proximal femoral nail (PFN), dynamic hip screw (DHS) or proximal femoral locking compression plate (PF-LCP) in patients with AO 31A2.2/2.3 unstable intertrochanteric femoral fracture(ITF). Methods: Evaluation was made of a total of 91 patients in respect of age, gender, time from fracture to surgery, operating time, amount of blood replacement, total hospitalisation, follow-up period, time to full weight-bearing, time to union, complications and Harris hip scores(HHS). Results: A statistically significant difference was determined between the groups in respect of perioperative operating time, blood replacement and hospitalisation period with the values of the PFN group seen to be superior to those of the other two groups (p < 0.001). No significant difference was determined beween the DHS and PFN groups in respect of time to union and in the long-term HHS, both groups were seen to be superior to the PF-LCP group (p < 0.001). Full weight-bearing was statistically significantly earlier in the PFN group (p < 0.001). The numbers of implant failures was statistically significantly higher in the PF-LCP group (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The new generation intra-medullar nails are easy to apply and have more successful clinical results compared to extra-medullar implants in the treatment of A2 unstable ITF. Due to the high rates of implant failure, PF-LCP should not be preferred in these fractures.

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of Trigger Point Injections in Patients with Lumbar Disc Hernia without Indication for Surgery

Asian Spine Journal, 2018

Study DesignProspective comparative study.PurposeTo investigate the efficacy of gluteal trigger p... more Study DesignProspective comparative study.PurposeTo investigate the efficacy of gluteal trigger point (TP) injections with prilocaine in patients with lumbosacral radiculopathy complaining of gluteal pain.Overview of LiteratureTP injections can be performed using several anesthetic agents, primarily lidocaine and prilocaine. While several studies have used lidocaine, few have used prilocaine.MethodsA total of 65 patients who presented at the polyclinic with complaints of lower back pain with lumbar disc herniation (based on physical examination and magnetic resonance imaging) and TPs in the gluteal region were included in this prospective comparative study. Group 1 comprised 30 patients who were given TP injections, a home exercise program, and oral medications, and group 2 comprised 35 patients who were only treated with a home exercise program and oral medications. The patients' demographic data, Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) scores, and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) scores were...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Dry Needling and Exercise Therapy in Patients with Dizziness Caused By Cervical Myofascial Pain Syndrome; Prospective Randomized Clinical Study

Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.), Jan 28, 2018

The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of dry needling therapy combined with exerc... more The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of dry needling therapy combined with exercise and exercise treatment alone for alleviating the dizziness caused by cervical myofascial pain syndrome. This was a prospective randomized clinical study that included 61 women who had dizziness and myofascial trigger points on the neck muscles. The patients were randomized into a dry needling + exercise group (N = 31) and an exercise only group (N = 30). The mean age of the patients (±SD) was 38.4 ± 8.3 years. The intragroup comparisons of the severity of neck pain, algometric measurement, number of dizziness attacks per week, severity of the dizziness, fall index, and the Dizziness Handicap Inventory were improved in both groups at the first and fourth months (P < 0.05). The intergroup comparisons of the severity of neck pain, algometric measurement, number of dizziness attacks per week, the severity of the dizziness, and the Dizziness Handicap Inventory were more improved in the...

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of combined ozone and platelet-rich-plasma treatment versus platelet-rich-plasma treatment alone in early stage knee osteoarthritis

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2018

BACKGROUND: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic disease most often occurring in knee joints, leading... more BACKGROUND: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic disease most often occurring in knee joints, leading to pain of varying severity and deterioration in daily living activities. OBJECTIVE: To compare efficacy of platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) versus PRP in combination with ozone gas injection in patients with early stage knee OA. METHODS: Retrospective data of patients who received PRP alone (n = 45) or combined treatment (PRP + ozone, n = 35) injection was analyzed. Patients were evaluated using the visual analogue scale (VAS) and the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) scores. RESULTS: In both PRP alone and combined treatment groups, post-treatment VAS and WOMAC scores at month 1, month 3, and month 6 showed a significant reduction compared to pre-treatment scores (p < 0.001). Physical function and total WOMAC scores as well as VAS scores at post-treatment month 3 were significantly lower in the combined treatment group compared to the PRP alone group. Moreover, in the combined treatment group, VAS scores on Day 10 and hyper-inflammation at the injection site was significantly lower than the PRP alone group. CONCLUSION: In general, similar efficacy was observed between treatment with PRP alone and treatment with PRP in combination with ozone. However, patients receiving ozone treatment are less likely to experience post-injection pain and are more likely to recover faster when compared to patients receiving PRP treatment alone.

Research paper thumbnail of Therapeutic efficacy of three hyaluronic acid formulations in young and middle-aged patients with early-stage meniscal injuries

Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2017

To investigate and compare the efficacy of three hyaluronic acid formulations in patients with ea... more To investigate and compare the efficacy of three hyaluronic acid formulations in patients with early-stage meniscal injuries. [Subjects and Methods] Male and female patients who were admitted to our clinic between January 2013 and December 2013, diagnosed with early-stage meniscus lesions of the knee, and given a hyaluronic acid treatment were included in this retrospective study. Patients were categorized into 3 groups according to their treatments: MONOVISC, OSTENIL PLUS, or ORTHOVISC. Scores from a Visual Analog Scale and the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index were evaluated at baseline and one, three, and six months after baseline. [Results] A total of 55 patients were included in this study. Most of the patients were female (55%), and the mean age of the patients was 42.4 (± 8.1) years. Based on the pre-and post-injection data, there was significant reductions both in the Visual Analog Scale score and the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index score after the injections for all groups. According to intergroup comparisons, no significant difference was observed in terms of efficacy. [Conclusion] Three hyaluronic acid formulations produced a similar efficacy in patients with meniscal injuries, and further studies are needed to evaluate long-term results.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Osteonecrosis of the Jaw in a Patient Receiving Oral Bisphosphonates for Osteoporosis: A Case Report

Bisfosfonatların ciddi yan etkilerinden olan bisfosfonatlara bağlı çene osteonekrozu (BRONJ), ost... more Bisfosfonatların ciddi yan etkilerinden olan bisfosfonatlara bağlı çene osteonekrozu (BRONJ), osteoporoz tedavisinde bisfosfonatların yaygın kullanımı nedeniyle giderek artan klinik önem taşımaktadır. BRONJ tedavisinde güncel tedavi yöntemlerinin sınırlı olduğu göz önüne alındığında risk faktörlerinin değerlendirilmesi BRONJ gelişiminin önlenmesinde ve uygun medikal tedavi seçiminin belirlenmesinde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu olgu sunumu eşliğinde oral bisfosfonat kullanımı sonrası görülen BRONJ'un tanısı, patogenezi ve risk faktörleri gözden geçirilmiştir.Clinical importance of the bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) which is one of the serious side effects of bisphosphonates is increasing due to the widespread use of bisphosphonates in the treatment of osteoporosis. Since current treatment options for the BRONJ are limited, evaluation of the risk factors is very important in preventing the development of BRONJ and determining the appropriate medication in o...

Research paper thumbnail of Oral NSAİİ’lerin Etkinlik ve Güvenlik Açısından Yeri

Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği, Mar 25, 2017

Oral ve Topikal NSAİİ günümüzde klinisyenler tarafından ağrı tedavisinde sıklıkla kullanılmaktadı... more Oral ve Topikal NSAİİ günümüzde klinisyenler tarafından ağrı tedavisinde sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Oral NSAİİ kullanımı yan etki olarak gastrointestinal problemlere (peptik ülser, gastrointestinal kanama vs.), renal fonksiyon bozukluklarına ve kardiyovasküler problemlere yol açabilmektedir. Bu ilaçların sistemik yan etkilerinden dolayı, kullanım öncesi hasta detaylı incelenmeli, komorbid faktörler açısından değerlendirilmelidir.

Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of Dry Needling and Exercise in Dizziness Caused By Cervical Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Research paper thumbnail of Subakromiyal Sıkışma Sendromu Tedavisinde İki Farklı Steroid Enjeksiyonunun Etkinliğinin Değerlendirilmesi

Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği, Mar 27, 2018

Amaç: Subakromiyal sıkışma sendromu (SSS) omuz ağrısı ve disfonksiyonunun en sık nedenlerindendir... more Amaç: Subakromiyal sıkışma sendromu (SSS) omuz ağrısı ve disfonksiyonunun en sık nedenlerindendir. Tedavisinde medikal tedavi ve çeşitli fizik tedavi yöntemleri kullanılır. Dirençli olgularda ise özellikle steroid tedavisinin olumlu etkilerinin olduğu bilinmekte ancak hangi steroid preparatının daha etkili olduğu konusunda yeterli veri bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada amacımız SSS tanısı konulmuş olgularda farklı steroid preparatlarının etkinliklerinin araştırılmasıdır. Materyal-Metod: Çalışmaya 2016-2018 tarihleri arasında fizik muayene ve radyolojik olarak impingement sendromu tanısı konulmuş ve bu nedenle subakromiyal steroid enjeksiyonu yapılmış hastaların verileri değerlendirmeye alındı. Tedavi öncesi ve sonrası karşılaştırmalar ağrı için VAS, günlük yaşam aktiviteleri ve fonksiyonel durum açısından QDASH kullanılarak yapıldı. Hastalar tedavi sonrası 1., 3. Ve 6. Aylarda VAS, QDASH değerlendirmelerini yapmak üzere kontrole kaçırıldı. Bulgular: Betametazon ve Triamsinolon grubunda hastaların yaşı, cinsiyet dağılımı anlamlı (p ˃ 0.05) farklılık göstermemiştir. Betametazon ve Triamsinolon grubunda komplikasyon oranı, meslek dağılımı, ek hastalık oranı anlamlı (p ˃ 0.05) farklılık göstermemiştir. Betametazon ve Triamsinolon grubunda başlangıç, 1.ay, 3.ay, 6.ay VAS ve Qdash skoru anlamlı (p ˃ 0.05) farklılık göstermemiştir. Her iki grupta da 1.ay, 3.ay, 6.ay Qdash skoru ve VAS değeri başlangıca göre anlamlı (p ˂ 0.05) düşüş göstermiştir. Sonuç: Bu çalışmamızda omuz impingement sendromu olan hastalarda iki farklı steroid preparatının ağrı ve fonksiyonel durum üzerinde benzer olumlu etkileri olduğunu tespit edilmiştir. Her iki streoid preparatında komplikasyon oranı benzerdir ve konservatif yönteme yanıt vermeyen olgularda, sterilizasyon koşullarına ve uygulama yerine dikkat edilerek güvenle uygulanabilir.

Research paper thumbnail of Fibromiyalji Sendromunda Tanı, Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon

Fibromiyalji Sendromu (FMS) kronik yaygin agri ile karakterize bir klinik sendromdur. FMS semptom... more Fibromiyalji Sendromu (FMS) kronik yaygin agri ile karakterize bir klinik sendromdur. FMS semptomlarinin altinda yatan esas mekanizma bilinmediginden tedavisi de semptomlarin kontrol altina alinmasina odaklanmistir. Bu yazida fibromiyalji sendromu ve guncel tedavisi anlatilmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of Omuz Hastalıkları ve Tedavisi

Oz Omuz agrisi birinci basamak saglik sorunlari icerisinde en sik rastlanilan sikayetlerden birid... more Oz Omuz agrisi birinci basamak saglik sorunlari icerisinde en sik rastlanilan sikayetlerden biridir. En sik karsilasilan omuz sorunlari rotator manson hastaligi, adeziv kapsulit, akromiyoklavikular eklem artriti ve glenohumeral eklem artritidir (1). Sik gorulen omuz sorunlari ozellikle 40 yas uzerinde ortaya cikar. Genclerde ise ozellikle gecirilmis cerrahi veya travma oykusu varliginda gorulur. Bu yazida, sik gorulen omuz hastaliklari ve tedavisi guncel yaklasimlarla birinci basamak saglik hizmetine uygun olacak sekilde ozetlenmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of Kronik Yaygın Muskuloskeletal Ağrısı Olan Hastalarda Vitamin D Düzeyinin Belirlenmesi: Pilot Çalışma

Acibadem Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2020

Amaç: D Vitamini özellikle kemik gelişiminde ve çeşitli muskuloskeletal fonksiyonlarda önemli rol... more Amaç: D Vitamini özellikle kemik gelişiminde ve çeşitli muskuloskeletal fonksiyonlarda önemli role sahiptir. Kemikle ilgili herhangi bir patolojinin tespit edilmediği olgularda özellikle bel, sırt, kosta, alt ekstremite, pelvis bölümlerinde ağrı ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada amacımız kronik yaygın ağrı ile gelen hastalarda vitamin D düzeyinin belirlenmesidir. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Ocak 2012 ile Nisan 2014 tarihleri arasında hastanemizin fiziksel tıp ve rehabilitasyon polikliniğine yaygın ağrı şikayetiyle gelen hastaların verileri değerlendirmeye alındı. Hastaların ağrı şiddeti (Vizüel Analog Skala, VAS) ve laboratuvar incelemeleri geriye dönük incelemelerle değerlendirildi. Romatolojik hastalığı olanlar, kanser hastaları, post-menopozal kadın hastaların verileri değerlendirme dışı bırakıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya dahil edilen hasta sayısı 504 idi. Hastaların %92,7 si kadın iken %7,3'ü erkek idi. D vitamini düzeylerine göre sınıflandırma yapıldığında hastaların %0,6'sında D vitamini yeterli, %1,4'ünde D vitamini yetersiz idi. Hastaların %98'inde ise D vitaminin değişik derecelerde eksikliği tespit edildi (%19,0 hafif, %55,2 orta, %23,8 ciddi eksiklik). Hastaların VAS düzeylerine göre değerlendirme yapıldığında özellikle D vitamini seviyesi düşük olanlarda VAS değerinin anlamlı derecede yüksek olduğu tespit edildi (p<0,001). Sonuç: Çalışmamızda yaygın muskuloskeletal ağrısı olan ve altta yatan sistemik, romatolojik hastalığı olmayan hastalarda D vitamini seviyesinin düşük olduğu ve D vitamini seviyesi azaldıkça VAS değerinde anlamlı oranda artış olduğu tespit edilmiştir Anahtar sözcükler: D vitamini, kronik yaygın ağrı, tedavi

Research paper thumbnail of Fibromiyalji Sendromu Hastalarının İşlevsellik, Yetiyitimi ve Sağlığın Uluslararası Sınıflandırılması (ICF) Kapsamında Değerlendirilmesi: Pilot Çalışma

Acibadem Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2020

Bu çalışmanın amacı, kronik yaygın ağrı (KYA) için geliştirilmiş olan İşlevsellik, Yetiyitimi ve ... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, kronik yaygın ağrı (KYA) için geliştirilmiş olan İşlevsellik, Yetiyitimi ve Sağlığın Uluslararası Sınıflandırılması (ICF) çekirdek dizisinin fibromiyalji sendromu (FMS) hastalarındaki sağlık sorunlarının etkinlikler ve katılım ile çevresel faktörler bileşeninde değerlendirilmesidir. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışma prospektif, kesitsel bir pilot çalışma olarak planlandı ve 2017 Haziran-2018 Mart ayları arasında yürütüldü. Çalışmada KYA için Kısa ICF Çekirdek Dizisi ICF kullanıldı. Bu ICF çekirdek dizisinde yer alan 24 kategori, 254 FMS hastası üzerinde değerlendirildi. Vücut işlevleri, etkinlikler ve katılım alanlarındaki kategoriler 0-4 arası puanlama ile değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastaların %97,6'sı kadın iken (n=248), %2,4'ü erkekti (n=6). Vücut işlevlerinde yapılan değerlendirmeye göre özellikle enerji, uyku, psikomotor fonksiyon, emosyonel durum, düşünce içeriği, ağrı, egzersiz tolerans, ve kas kuvveti kategorilerinde orta veya ciddi düzeyde bozukluk tespit edildi. Etkinlikler ve katılım alanında yapılan değerlendirmeye göre ise, problem çözme, günlük yaşam aktivitelerini yerine getirme, stresle baş etme, cisimleri kaldırma-taşıma, yürüme, ev işi yapma, aile ilişkileri, yakın ilişkiler, işe başlama-devam ettirme, boş zamanlarını değerlendirme kategorilerinde orta veya ciddi düzeyde sorun tespit edildi. Çevresel faktörler alanı incelendiğinde ilaç kullanımı, aile ilişkileri, sağlık profesyonellerinin tutumu, yakın aile ilişkileri, ve sosyal sistemlerin ve politikalarının genel olarak orta düzeyde kolaylaştırıcı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç: FMS, sadece hasta olan bireyi değil, bireyin yaşadığı alanda bireyle etkileşim halinde olan diğer toplumsal bireyleri ve grupları da etkileyen ve geniş çaplı sistemik etkilerin ortaya çıkmasına neden olan kronik bir hastalıktır. ICF sistemi ile FMS gibi hastalıklarda, sadece hastalığın etkileri değil, hastalığın direk veya dolaylı olarak oluşturduğu çevresel etkiler de ayrıntılı olarak incelenebilir.

Research paper thumbnail of Utility of international classification of functioning, disability and health's participation dimension in assigning ICF codes to items from extant rating instruments

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2004

Firstly to investigate the utility of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability... more Firstly to investigate the utility of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health's (ICF's) participation dimension when items from extant questionnaires focusing on participation were assigned to ICF codes on an item-by-item basis; and, secondly, to conduct a preliminary investigation of the theoretical assumption expressed in ICF that ICF's environment component interacts with body function and participation components. Design: A person-based, descriptive study. Subjects: The sample comprised students with disabilities (n = 448), their parents/relatives (n = 414), their teachers/ managers (n = 418) and special education consultants (n = 110). Methods: Items from original surveys were used. Participation of students with disabilities: a survey of participation in school activities, The Arc's Self-Determination Scale, Perceived interaction-questionnaire, Environments survey, The Abilities Index. Data were analysed with the help of ANOVA, Scheffé pair-wise comparisons, correlation analysis and cluster analysis. Results: The study partly confirmed the utility of ICF participation dimension in assigning codes to items from extant instruments. Moderate statistical correlations between participation chapters and between items from different ICF dimensions were found. Cluster analysis resulted in groups with participation patterns not related to type of disability. Conclusion: Items from extant instruments can be assigned to ICF participation codes, but further item analyses and a more extensive questionnaire base are needed.

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of subcutaneous lidocaine injections in patients with painful total knee arthroplasty

Türkiye Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 2017

Objectives: This study aims to investigate the efficacy of injection of subcutaneous lidocaine in... more Objectives: This study aims to investigate the efficacy of injection of subcutaneous lidocaine in the management of pain that arises after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Patients and methods: Data of 56 patients who had postoperative pain related with TKA between December 2013 and April 2014 were retrospectively evaluated. All patients were given an exercise program and oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. According to the treatment applied, the patients were divided into two groups: 33 patients given lidocaine injection to the painful knee sites by the same physiatrist constituted group 1, and the remaining 23 patients, who had been treated only with exercise program and oral non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs, constituted group 2. Demographic data, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) and visual analog scale (VAS) scores were recorded. These data were taken into consideration for the first and third month evaluations. Results: Both of the groups had higher initial scores for VAS and WOMAC (WOMAC total score group 1: 29.9, group 2: 34.2; VAS total score group 1: 8.3, group 2: 8.0). There were significant decreases in WOMAC and VAS scores (p<0.001) in both groups when the values before and after the treatment were compared. The decrease in the scores of group 1 was significantly higher than that of group 2. Conclusion: Subcutaneous lidocaine injections had short-term positive effects in patients who had postoperative pain after TKA. Future studies with larger sample may make the long-term effects of this intervention explicit.

Research paper thumbnail of Ultrasound-guided cervical selective nerve block: A case series

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation

BACKGROUND: Cervical radiculopathy is characterized by pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness, mo... more BACKGROUND: Cervical radiculopathy is characterized by pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness, mostly in an affected extremity, reflecting compression of a nerve in the neck is compressed or irritated where it emerges from the spinal cord. Diagnosis requires a detailed anamnesis, physical examination, and imaging. Physical therapy, exercise, medical therapy, and injections are the preferred treatments, but injections into the cervical region are only indicated if conservative treatment is ineffective. OBJECTIVE: This study explored the utility of selective cervical nerve root blocks (SNRBs) performed at various levels under ultrasound guidance (USG). METHODS: We evaluated patients diagnosed with cervical radiculopathy via physical examination and magnetic resonance imaging from November 2019 to March 2020. We included those who did not respond to conservative treatment and therefore received SNRBs at various levels. Sixty-three patients were evaluated over 6 months in terms of pain,...

Research paper thumbnail of Caudal epidural steroid injection for chronic low back pain: A prospective analysis of 107 patients

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2022

BACKGROUND: Low back pain affects 80% of people worldwide at least once in a lifetime and reduces... more BACKGROUND: Low back pain affects 80% of people worldwide at least once in a lifetime and reduces the quality of life and causes absence from work. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the pain and functional status of patients with lumbar disc disease who received blind caudal epidural injections (CEI) for pain relief. METHODS: The records of 107 patients who had been given CEI between September 2017 and January 2018 were retrospectively analyzed. The inclusion criteria were age > 18 years, > 3-month history of low back pain, and diagnosis of lumbar disc disease by magnetic resonance imaging. The epidural injection solution consisted of 2 mL of betamethasone sodium and 8 mL saline. Follow-up examinations were conducted 3 and 6 months post-injection and the patients were evaluated using a visual analog scale (VAS) and the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI). RESULTS: The most common disc pathology was at the L4–L5 level. The VAS and ODI scores indicated significantly reduced pain at 3 and 6 mon...

Research paper thumbnail of effectiveness of Dry Needling and Exercise in Dizziness Caused By Cervical Myofascial Pain Syndrome : abstract Number: 2288

Arthritis & Rheumatism, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of the short-term results of single-dose intra-articular peptide with hyaluronic acid and platelet-rich plasma injections in knee osteoarthritis: a randomized study

Clinical Rheumatology, 2020

Introduction/objectives Intra-articular injections may be useful in terms of pain and functional ... more Introduction/objectives Intra-articular injections may be useful in terms of pain and functional status, in knee osteoarthritis (OA). Besides hyaluronic acid (HA) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP), peptide molecules recently begin to be used. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of intra-articular peptide Prostrolane® (CAREGEN Co. Ltd.) injection with that of the HA and PRP in the persons with OA. Method Fifty-four patients with OA were included in this prospective, randomized study. Patients were randomized into three groups as intra-articular HA, peptide, and PRP groups. Paracetamol was permitted three times a day to all groups. All the patients were evaluated by the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC), Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), and visual analogue scale (VAS) at rest and during movements. Measurements performed at the baseline, after the first week of injection, and at the first and third months of follow-up. Results Mean age w...

Research paper thumbnail of The incidence of impingement syndrome in cases of cervical radiculopathy: An analysis of 220 cases

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2019

BACKGROUND: We hypothesized that cervical radiculopathy (CR) has a role in subacromial impingemen... more BACKGROUND: We hypothesized that cervical radiculopathy (CR) has a role in subacromial impingement syndrome (SAIS) etiology, which cannot be directly connected to anatomical causes. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate the presence of cervical radiculopathy in patients with SAIS diagnosed clinically and radiologically. METHODS: Patients who had a clinical and radiological SAIS diagnosis between 2014 and 2016 were included in the study. Patients with secondary causes that led to SAIS were excluded. Cervical MRI of all patients with SAIS was examined for cervical radiculopathy. RESULTS: A significant (p < 0.05) relationship was found between SIAS and the presence of root compression on the same side. 35% of the patients with SIAS had root compression on the same side. CONCLUSIONS: Cervical radiculopathy and shoulder impingement syndrome can be easily confused due to the similarity of the symptoms and the anatomical proximity of the lesions. Although both diseases can occur with different mechanisms, we believe that there is a cause and effect relationship between them.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Intra- and Extramedullary Implants in Treatment of Unstable Intertrochanteric Fractures

Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma, 2019

Introduction: Comparison was made of the clinical and radiological results of the surgical treatm... more Introduction: Comparison was made of the clinical and radiological results of the surgical treatments of proximal femoral nail (PFN), dynamic hip screw (DHS) or proximal femoral locking compression plate (PF-LCP) in patients with AO 31A2.2/2.3 unstable intertrochanteric femoral fracture(ITF). Methods: Evaluation was made of a total of 91 patients in respect of age, gender, time from fracture to surgery, operating time, amount of blood replacement, total hospitalisation, follow-up period, time to full weight-bearing, time to union, complications and Harris hip scores(HHS). Results: A statistically significant difference was determined between the groups in respect of perioperative operating time, blood replacement and hospitalisation period with the values of the PFN group seen to be superior to those of the other two groups (p < 0.001). No significant difference was determined beween the DHS and PFN groups in respect of time to union and in the long-term HHS, both groups were seen to be superior to the PF-LCP group (p < 0.001). Full weight-bearing was statistically significantly earlier in the PFN group (p < 0.001). The numbers of implant failures was statistically significantly higher in the PF-LCP group (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The new generation intra-medullar nails are easy to apply and have more successful clinical results compared to extra-medullar implants in the treatment of A2 unstable ITF. Due to the high rates of implant failure, PF-LCP should not be preferred in these fractures.

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of Trigger Point Injections in Patients with Lumbar Disc Hernia without Indication for Surgery

Asian Spine Journal, 2018

Study DesignProspective comparative study.PurposeTo investigate the efficacy of gluteal trigger p... more Study DesignProspective comparative study.PurposeTo investigate the efficacy of gluteal trigger point (TP) injections with prilocaine in patients with lumbosacral radiculopathy complaining of gluteal pain.Overview of LiteratureTP injections can be performed using several anesthetic agents, primarily lidocaine and prilocaine. While several studies have used lidocaine, few have used prilocaine.MethodsA total of 65 patients who presented at the polyclinic with complaints of lower back pain with lumbar disc herniation (based on physical examination and magnetic resonance imaging) and TPs in the gluteal region were included in this prospective comparative study. Group 1 comprised 30 patients who were given TP injections, a home exercise program, and oral medications, and group 2 comprised 35 patients who were only treated with a home exercise program and oral medications. The patients' demographic data, Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) scores, and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) scores were...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Dry Needling and Exercise Therapy in Patients with Dizziness Caused By Cervical Myofascial Pain Syndrome; Prospective Randomized Clinical Study

Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.), Jan 28, 2018

The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of dry needling therapy combined with exerc... more The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of dry needling therapy combined with exercise and exercise treatment alone for alleviating the dizziness caused by cervical myofascial pain syndrome. This was a prospective randomized clinical study that included 61 women who had dizziness and myofascial trigger points on the neck muscles. The patients were randomized into a dry needling + exercise group (N = 31) and an exercise only group (N = 30). The mean age of the patients (±SD) was 38.4 ± 8.3 years. The intragroup comparisons of the severity of neck pain, algometric measurement, number of dizziness attacks per week, severity of the dizziness, fall index, and the Dizziness Handicap Inventory were improved in both groups at the first and fourth months (P < 0.05). The intergroup comparisons of the severity of neck pain, algometric measurement, number of dizziness attacks per week, the severity of the dizziness, and the Dizziness Handicap Inventory were more improved in the...

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of combined ozone and platelet-rich-plasma treatment versus platelet-rich-plasma treatment alone in early stage knee osteoarthritis

Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2018

BACKGROUND: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic disease most often occurring in knee joints, leading... more BACKGROUND: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic disease most often occurring in knee joints, leading to pain of varying severity and deterioration in daily living activities. OBJECTIVE: To compare efficacy of platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) versus PRP in combination with ozone gas injection in patients with early stage knee OA. METHODS: Retrospective data of patients who received PRP alone (n = 45) or combined treatment (PRP + ozone, n = 35) injection was analyzed. Patients were evaluated using the visual analogue scale (VAS) and the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) scores. RESULTS: In both PRP alone and combined treatment groups, post-treatment VAS and WOMAC scores at month 1, month 3, and month 6 showed a significant reduction compared to pre-treatment scores (p < 0.001). Physical function and total WOMAC scores as well as VAS scores at post-treatment month 3 were significantly lower in the combined treatment group compared to the PRP alone group. Moreover, in the combined treatment group, VAS scores on Day 10 and hyper-inflammation at the injection site was significantly lower than the PRP alone group. CONCLUSION: In general, similar efficacy was observed between treatment with PRP alone and treatment with PRP in combination with ozone. However, patients receiving ozone treatment are less likely to experience post-injection pain and are more likely to recover faster when compared to patients receiving PRP treatment alone.

Research paper thumbnail of Therapeutic efficacy of three hyaluronic acid formulations in young and middle-aged patients with early-stage meniscal injuries

Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2017

To investigate and compare the efficacy of three hyaluronic acid formulations in patients with ea... more To investigate and compare the efficacy of three hyaluronic acid formulations in patients with early-stage meniscal injuries. [Subjects and Methods] Male and female patients who were admitted to our clinic between January 2013 and December 2013, diagnosed with early-stage meniscus lesions of the knee, and given a hyaluronic acid treatment were included in this retrospective study. Patients were categorized into 3 groups according to their treatments: MONOVISC, OSTENIL PLUS, or ORTHOVISC. Scores from a Visual Analog Scale and the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index were evaluated at baseline and one, three, and six months after baseline. [Results] A total of 55 patients were included in this study. Most of the patients were female (55%), and the mean age of the patients was 42.4 (± 8.1) years. Based on the pre-and post-injection data, there was significant reductions both in the Visual Analog Scale score and the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index score after the injections for all groups. According to intergroup comparisons, no significant difference was observed in terms of efficacy. [Conclusion] Three hyaluronic acid formulations produced a similar efficacy in patients with meniscal injuries, and further studies are needed to evaluate long-term results.