Bambang Winarko - (original) (raw)
Papers by Bambang Winarko
Jurnal InterAct
Game berteknologi digital berhubungan erat dengan kehidupan generasi milenial. Penelitian ini ber... more Game berteknologi digital berhubungan erat dengan kehidupan generasi milenial. Penelitian ini berusaha memahami bagaimana faktor spesifik dalam game mempengaruhi sikap gamer seluler terhadap iklan banner dalam game seluler (mobile In-Game Banner Advertising/mobile IGBA), khususnya untuk para milenial. Faktorfaktor ini beserta insentif dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor intensi gamer seluler dalam merespons iklan tertentu. Hubungan antara sikapintensi, seperti misalnya preseden dalam penggunaan iklan berbasis Internet umum, faktor-faktor spesifik game, dan penggunaan kupon seluler merupakan tiga elemen yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan hipotesis. Teknik analisis faktor dan uji statistik diferensial dalam perspektif kuantitatif digunakan sebagai dasar untuk menganalisis seberapa signifikan faktor-faktor yang saling mempengaruhi dalam model penelitian yang diusulkan. Hasil penelitian dengan metode survei menunjukkan bahwa faktor spesifik dalam bermain game (aspek ekonomi dan jenis game...
Journal of Community Services: Sustainability and Empowerment, Oct 27, 2021
Journal of Management and Business Review, 2021
This study aims to fill the research gap on millennial’s purchase attitude toward charity product... more This study aims to fill the research gap on millennial’s purchase attitude toward charity product in Youth of Indonesia (YoI) brand shoes which is promoted through social media. The research objective is to understand how branding elements affect the purchase intention of YoI shoes by using quantitative research method. There were 222 millennial valid respondents who are living in Jakarta metropolitan area participated in this research. The five brand elements are used as independent variables; they are brand awareness, perceived quality, brand association, brand loyalty, and brand credibility. Based-on the multiple linear regression output, it reports that brand awareness, perceived quality, and brand association do not have significant impact toward the millennial’s purchase intention. However, the brand loyalty and brand credibility give positive significant impact. Among others, the brand credibility is the most important factor that influence the millennial’s purchase intention...
Journal of Management and Business Review, 2017
Dewasa ini penggunaan layanan daring (online) di industri perbankan semakin memiliki peran pentin... more Dewasa ini penggunaan layanan daring (online) di industri perbankan semakin memiliki peran penting untuk mendorong kualitas transaksi perbankan modern yang lebih transparan dan efisien. Penerapan layanan daring perbankan tidak terlepas dari peran segmen Dewasa Muda (young adults) karena mereka termasuk dalam generasi yang dekat dengan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang semakin bersifat “ubiquitous”. Indonesia memiliki profil demografi dimana populasi anak muda yang ada saat ini memiliki potensi besar dalam menyumbang pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional di masa yang akan datang. Studi ini bermaksud untuk mengamati perilaku konsumen khususnya mereka yang tergolong dalam segmen Dewasa Muda, khususnya mereka yang berusia sekitar 16-29 tahun, terhadap penggunaan layanan daring perbankan dilihat dari sudut pandang persepsi manfaat dan risikonya. Hasil penelitian studi ini melaporkan adanya perbedaan yang cukup signifikan antara kelompok yang sudah pernah dan kelompok yang belum pernah melak...
KUAT : Keuangan Umum dan Akuntansi Terapan
Kabupaten Biak Numfor yang terletak di Provinsi Papua merupakan kabupaten yang memiliki kekhasan ... more Kabupaten Biak Numfor yang terletak di Provinsi Papua merupakan kabupaten yang memiliki kekhasan dan keuntungan geografis berupa wilayah kepulauan yang hasil tangkapan ikan laut segar melimpah. Penelitian ini merupakan hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan secara daring kepada masyarakat adat Biak Numfor, khususnya kaum remaja usia produktif dengan latar pendidikan tingkat menengah dan tinggi. Tujuan dari kegiatan tersebut adalah memberikan pembekalan kewirausahaan, termasuk di dalamnya pemasaran dan literasi keuangan sehingga kaum remaja mampu berkreasi menggunakan potensi daerahnya untuk menciptakan usaha bisnis baru. Hasil dari kegiatan tersebut menemukan bahwa generasi muda Kabupaten Biak Numfor mampu mengembangkan bakatnya dalam membuat perencanaan bisnis kreatif. Hal tersebut terlihat dari pengelolaan hasil perikanan seperti pembuatan abon ikan cakalang. Untuk dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kewirausahaan dibutuhkan pembentukan karakter atau sikap wiraus...
THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE EDUCATION (ICoMSE) 2020: Innovative Research in Science and Mathematics Education in The Disruptive Era, 2021
Physics learning is now more often using teacher-centered learning even though effective learning... more Physics learning is now more often using teacher-centered learning even though effective learning should use student-centered learning. Then, it needs improvement; one that can be used is to adopt a learning approach. The learning approach that is considered effective to use is the STEM approach. The STEM approach is a learning approach that integrates four branches of science at once, namely science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The purpose of this study was to determine whether students' understanding of concepts in learning STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) by using slingshot projects on the material elasticity and Hooke law, taking the subject by purposive sampling in the experimental class and the control class. This type of research was a non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design experimental study with a quasi-experimental design research design, using data collected in the form of tests consisting of pre-test and post-test. The data were processed using statistical tests with normality tests, homogeneity tests, and hypothesis tests. The results obtained from this study are the average value of the experimental class of 72,09 and the average value of the control class of 68,11. The average value of the experimental class is higher than the control class so that the concept of understanding in the material elasticity and Hooke law is better to use STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) using a slingshot project.
Students’ knowledge of energy utilization in daily life is low in the category. Measurement of en... more Students’ knowledge of energy utilization in daily life is low in the category. Measurement of energy literacy skills using test instruments developed by DeWaters consisting of 25 multiple-choice problems. The interpretation is based on the test results of energy literacy skills in the knowledge aspect, with an average score of 89.7. The subject of this research is the students of class XII science at two senior high schools. The research method use experiment one-group pretest-posttest design. Where students’ energy literacy skills are measured before and after the students are given treatment. In this study, efforts to improve student's energy literacy skills are by applying project learning through the STEM approach in the Physics learning topic of energy sources. In this Learning group, students complete the project model of renewable energy resources such as biomass, sun, water, and wind (MaS WaWi). Each group is working on projects with different energy sources. Through th...
This research aims to evaluate the management of physics laboratories as supporting education in ... more This research aims to evaluate the management of physics laboratories as supporting education in the public high school in Jambi City. The research methodology used is the evaluation of the program with model CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) subject of the study of the school principal, head of the laboratory, the Chairman of the BOS fund Committee (School Operational Assistance), physics teacher, technician, laboratory assistant and students at Public Senior High School Jambi City Year lesson 2018/2019. Collection of data using polls, observations, documentation, and interviews. Based on the results of the evaluation of Physics Laboratory, the management of physics laboratories has not been optimally running because several aspects have not been fulfilled, such as lack of facilities and infrastructure and limited experts in the management of physical laboratories, both laboratory assistant and technicians. The equipment in the physics laboratory has been following the Govern...
International Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Reviews, 2020
Purpose of the study: This study aims to examine five proposed research models and understand the... more Purpose of the study: This study aims to examine five proposed research models and understand the factors affecting customer expectation, service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty in Online Travel Agent (OTA) companies. This study also evaluates the general feelings of the customers whether they feel satisfied or not with OTA products and/or services. Methodology: The research method of this study used a quantitative approach and analyzed the acquired data by using single and multiple linear regression techniques. The service quality, customer expectation, corporate image, perceived value, customer satisfaction, known as predictor variables that affect the dependent variable of brand loyalty. Main Findings: From the statistical tests conducted in this study, it reveals that only one out of all eleven hypotheses were not accepted. Surprisingly it reveals that the customers keep purchase hotel and/or flight tickets from online travel booking sites no m...
International Journal of Research Studies in Management, 2019
This research is aimed to explore how the credibility factors such as medium and message credibil... more This research is aimed to explore how the credibility factors such as medium and message credibility influence the information credibility in the context of adoption behavior, especially when young consumers are searching information for any promoted SME products or services offered through the social media networks. The quantitative methodology used by developing new research model based-on marketing communication theories to examine factors that significantly influence in the adoption process of digital marketing technique for SME markets. The results indicate that information credibility is significantly affected by the medium credibility and message credibility. Additionally the research found surprisingly that information credibility was not giving a strong affect directly toward millennial adoption on social media marketing platform. However the study found that the usage of social media marketing strategy to promote SME products and services was recommended effectively, especially targeting for the millennial consumer segments since they are considered as the important digital native generational consumers in Indonesia market.
International Journal of Research Studies in Management, 2018
Indonesia has become a grow developing country with more than 260 million of people in size and 1... more Indonesia has become a grow developing country with more than 260 million of people in size and 132 million Internet subscribers are interconnected. The Internet penetration and the number of online shoppers in Indonesia continues to grow significantly. This study aimed to analyze online consumer behavior outside Java Island based-on Lazada Indonesia' case, in-order to provide solutions to reach new target markets in each province. The study was using online survey method and descriptive statistics analysis which used Lazada Indonesia's customers and non-customer as the target respondents. Some variables such as online shopping motivation, media accessed, product category preferences and other variables associated with online shopping were included in the research. The results indicated a significant growth in mobile device purchases by online shopping and high demand in fashion product categories. Digital marketing efforts would also become important tools in online marketing activities.
The objective of this study is to analyze the financial performance of PT Media Nusantara Citra, ... more The objective of this study is to analyze the financial performance of PT Media Nusantara Citra, Tbk. by utilizing profitability ratios and economic value added as the basic measurement. In this research, to calculate profitability ratios and economic value added, there are factors to employ, including COGS, NOPAT, invested capital, cost of debt, cost of equity, market value of the firm’s equity, income tax, market value of the firm’s liabilities, weighted average cost of capital (WACC), and capital charges. From a sample of the corporation’s annual reports over the 2007-2015 time span, our empirical results show a fluctual movement while showing an average growth of ROA at 11%, 15% ROE, 38% GPM, 28% NPM, and 47% TAT annually. A deeper analysis however reveals that the company is producing a high enough profit, hence the ability to cover its cost of capital over the following years. This paper also suggests several recommendations to maximize its value in the following years.
MKTG: Culture & Consumer Behavior (Topic), 2020
Social media marketing is one of the modern marketing communications technology used by marketers... more Social media marketing is one of the modern marketing communications technology used by marketers to promote their offerings. During the Coronavirus pandemic, this tool would be beneficial in helping Small and Medium Enterprises to promote and survive their businesses. This research analyze further the Opinion Leaders group behavior in Indonesian society as well as the rest Roger’s innovation adoption group categories, given there was a credibility problem in the use of social media with the intensed hoax or false news during the political leaders campaigns. A new research framework by using Structural Equation Modelling techniques is applied to explain further the adoption innovation process of typical public groups in general. The finding also shows there are direct significant influences and correlations among the credibility and socio-psychological factors, although there is no direct influence between the information credibility and the adoption of social media marketing. As th...
This study aims to fill the research gap on millennial’s purchase attitude toward charity product... more This study aims to fill the research gap on millennial’s purchase attitude toward charity product in Youth of Indonesia (YoI) brand shoes which is promoted through social media. The research objective is to understand how branding elements affect the purchase intention of YoI shoes by using quantitative research method. There were 222 millennial valid respondents who are living in Jakarta metropolitan area participated in this research. The five brand elements are used as independent variables; they are brand awareness, perceived quality, brand association, brand loyalty, and brand credibility. Based-on the multiple linear regression output, it reports that brand awareness, perceived quality, and brand association do not have significant impact toward the millennial’s purchase intention. However, the brand loyalty and brand credibility give positive significant impact. Among others, the brand credibility is the most important factor that influence the millennial’s purchase intention...
Jurnal Perpustakaan Pertanian, 2016
Jurnal yang diterbitkan Badan Litbang Pertanian memiliki peranan penting dalam mengomunikasikan h... more Jurnal yang diterbitkan Badan Litbang Pertanian memiliki peranan penting dalam mengomunikasikan hasil penelitian. Kajian terhadap jurnal tersebut melalui pendekatan bibliometrika belum banyak dilakukan oleh para pustakawan. Pengkajian ini ditujukan untuk mempelajari kategori subjek sumber rujukan dari artikel yang diterbitkan dalam sembilan jurnal Badan Litbang Pertanian. Systematic random sampling digunakan untuk memilih 674 dari 2,958 artikel yang dimuat dalam jurnal Badan Litbang Perttanian yang terbit antara tahun 1995-2010. Daftar pustaka dari setiap artikel terpilih diklasifikasi subjeknya berdasarkan AGRIS/CARIS Categorization Scheme. Hasil analisis sitasi mengenai kategori subjek menunjukkan 13 kategori dengan frekuensi 712 ditemukan pada jurnal-jurnal Badan Litbang Pertanian. Lima kategori subjek yang mendominasi adalah ilmu dan produksi tanaman; sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan; perlindungan tanaman, ekonomi pertanian, pembangunan, dan sosiologi pedesaan; serta ilmu, produks...
Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of automation attributes in railway digital ti... more The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of automation attributes in railway digital ticket payment toward the commuters' satisfaction and retention in railway transportation. Digital payment security is one of the essential qualities which was little discussed in determining public transportation service performance. This study used the partial least square structural equation modeling method study to measure the six effects indicated by the proposed research framework to fill the last research gap. The results showed two automation attributes, reliability and security, significantly influenced commuter satisfaction, supporting the behavioral theory as commuter satisfaction also substantially affected the commuters' retention attitude. This study revealed that the reliability factor was the most significant. The findings communicate important insight for local government in improving its railway transportation's quality of service. The study's scope was to...
Research in World Economy
This study is trying to fill the research gap by understanding how several important financial va... more This study is trying to fill the research gap by understanding how several important financial variables interplay and affect the macroeconomic indicators, especially in developing country like Indonesia during the financial crisis period caused by the unexpected and sudden Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. The purpose of this research is to determine the direct effect of the inflation rate, Bank Indonesia (BI) rate, and Balance of Trade on the movement of Indonesia Rupiah (IDR) currency stability against US Dollar (USD) and indirect impact to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Composite index in Indonesia during the initial stage of the pandemic outbreak. To achieve the research objectives, this study uses the Rupiah exchange rate against USD and IDX Composite index as the dependent variables, while the Inflation rate (CPI), BI rate, and Balance of Trade as the independent variables. The quantitative methodology is used in this research by applying linear and multiple simple regression t...
Jurnal InterAct
Game berteknologi digital berhubungan erat dengan kehidupan generasi milenial. Penelitian ini ber... more Game berteknologi digital berhubungan erat dengan kehidupan generasi milenial. Penelitian ini berusaha memahami bagaimana faktor spesifik dalam game mempengaruhi sikap gamer seluler terhadap iklan banner dalam game seluler (mobile In-Game Banner Advertising/mobile IGBA), khususnya untuk para milenial. Faktorfaktor ini beserta insentif dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor intensi gamer seluler dalam merespons iklan tertentu. Hubungan antara sikapintensi, seperti misalnya preseden dalam penggunaan iklan berbasis Internet umum, faktor-faktor spesifik game, dan penggunaan kupon seluler merupakan tiga elemen yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan hipotesis. Teknik analisis faktor dan uji statistik diferensial dalam perspektif kuantitatif digunakan sebagai dasar untuk menganalisis seberapa signifikan faktor-faktor yang saling mempengaruhi dalam model penelitian yang diusulkan. Hasil penelitian dengan metode survei menunjukkan bahwa faktor spesifik dalam bermain game (aspek ekonomi dan jenis game...
Journal of Community Services: Sustainability and Empowerment, Oct 27, 2021
Journal of Management and Business Review, 2021
This study aims to fill the research gap on millennial’s purchase attitude toward charity product... more This study aims to fill the research gap on millennial’s purchase attitude toward charity product in Youth of Indonesia (YoI) brand shoes which is promoted through social media. The research objective is to understand how branding elements affect the purchase intention of YoI shoes by using quantitative research method. There were 222 millennial valid respondents who are living in Jakarta metropolitan area participated in this research. The five brand elements are used as independent variables; they are brand awareness, perceived quality, brand association, brand loyalty, and brand credibility. Based-on the multiple linear regression output, it reports that brand awareness, perceived quality, and brand association do not have significant impact toward the millennial’s purchase intention. However, the brand loyalty and brand credibility give positive significant impact. Among others, the brand credibility is the most important factor that influence the millennial’s purchase intention...
Journal of Management and Business Review, 2017
Dewasa ini penggunaan layanan daring (online) di industri perbankan semakin memiliki peran pentin... more Dewasa ini penggunaan layanan daring (online) di industri perbankan semakin memiliki peran penting untuk mendorong kualitas transaksi perbankan modern yang lebih transparan dan efisien. Penerapan layanan daring perbankan tidak terlepas dari peran segmen Dewasa Muda (young adults) karena mereka termasuk dalam generasi yang dekat dengan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang semakin bersifat “ubiquitous”. Indonesia memiliki profil demografi dimana populasi anak muda yang ada saat ini memiliki potensi besar dalam menyumbang pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional di masa yang akan datang. Studi ini bermaksud untuk mengamati perilaku konsumen khususnya mereka yang tergolong dalam segmen Dewasa Muda, khususnya mereka yang berusia sekitar 16-29 tahun, terhadap penggunaan layanan daring perbankan dilihat dari sudut pandang persepsi manfaat dan risikonya. Hasil penelitian studi ini melaporkan adanya perbedaan yang cukup signifikan antara kelompok yang sudah pernah dan kelompok yang belum pernah melak...
KUAT : Keuangan Umum dan Akuntansi Terapan
Kabupaten Biak Numfor yang terletak di Provinsi Papua merupakan kabupaten yang memiliki kekhasan ... more Kabupaten Biak Numfor yang terletak di Provinsi Papua merupakan kabupaten yang memiliki kekhasan dan keuntungan geografis berupa wilayah kepulauan yang hasil tangkapan ikan laut segar melimpah. Penelitian ini merupakan hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan secara daring kepada masyarakat adat Biak Numfor, khususnya kaum remaja usia produktif dengan latar pendidikan tingkat menengah dan tinggi. Tujuan dari kegiatan tersebut adalah memberikan pembekalan kewirausahaan, termasuk di dalamnya pemasaran dan literasi keuangan sehingga kaum remaja mampu berkreasi menggunakan potensi daerahnya untuk menciptakan usaha bisnis baru. Hasil dari kegiatan tersebut menemukan bahwa generasi muda Kabupaten Biak Numfor mampu mengembangkan bakatnya dalam membuat perencanaan bisnis kreatif. Hal tersebut terlihat dari pengelolaan hasil perikanan seperti pembuatan abon ikan cakalang. Untuk dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kewirausahaan dibutuhkan pembentukan karakter atau sikap wiraus...
THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE EDUCATION (ICoMSE) 2020: Innovative Research in Science and Mathematics Education in The Disruptive Era, 2021
Physics learning is now more often using teacher-centered learning even though effective learning... more Physics learning is now more often using teacher-centered learning even though effective learning should use student-centered learning. Then, it needs improvement; one that can be used is to adopt a learning approach. The learning approach that is considered effective to use is the STEM approach. The STEM approach is a learning approach that integrates four branches of science at once, namely science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The purpose of this study was to determine whether students' understanding of concepts in learning STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) by using slingshot projects on the material elasticity and Hooke law, taking the subject by purposive sampling in the experimental class and the control class. This type of research was a non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design experimental study with a quasi-experimental design research design, using data collected in the form of tests consisting of pre-test and post-test. The data were processed using statistical tests with normality tests, homogeneity tests, and hypothesis tests. The results obtained from this study are the average value of the experimental class of 72,09 and the average value of the control class of 68,11. The average value of the experimental class is higher than the control class so that the concept of understanding in the material elasticity and Hooke law is better to use STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) using a slingshot project.
Students’ knowledge of energy utilization in daily life is low in the category. Measurement of en... more Students’ knowledge of energy utilization in daily life is low in the category. Measurement of energy literacy skills using test instruments developed by DeWaters consisting of 25 multiple-choice problems. The interpretation is based on the test results of energy literacy skills in the knowledge aspect, with an average score of 89.7. The subject of this research is the students of class XII science at two senior high schools. The research method use experiment one-group pretest-posttest design. Where students’ energy literacy skills are measured before and after the students are given treatment. In this study, efforts to improve student's energy literacy skills are by applying project learning through the STEM approach in the Physics learning topic of energy sources. In this Learning group, students complete the project model of renewable energy resources such as biomass, sun, water, and wind (MaS WaWi). Each group is working on projects with different energy sources. Through th...
This research aims to evaluate the management of physics laboratories as supporting education in ... more This research aims to evaluate the management of physics laboratories as supporting education in the public high school in Jambi City. The research methodology used is the evaluation of the program with model CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) subject of the study of the school principal, head of the laboratory, the Chairman of the BOS fund Committee (School Operational Assistance), physics teacher, technician, laboratory assistant and students at Public Senior High School Jambi City Year lesson 2018/2019. Collection of data using polls, observations, documentation, and interviews. Based on the results of the evaluation of Physics Laboratory, the management of physics laboratories has not been optimally running because several aspects have not been fulfilled, such as lack of facilities and infrastructure and limited experts in the management of physical laboratories, both laboratory assistant and technicians. The equipment in the physics laboratory has been following the Govern...
International Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Reviews, 2020
Purpose of the study: This study aims to examine five proposed research models and understand the... more Purpose of the study: This study aims to examine five proposed research models and understand the factors affecting customer expectation, service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty in Online Travel Agent (OTA) companies. This study also evaluates the general feelings of the customers whether they feel satisfied or not with OTA products and/or services. Methodology: The research method of this study used a quantitative approach and analyzed the acquired data by using single and multiple linear regression techniques. The service quality, customer expectation, corporate image, perceived value, customer satisfaction, known as predictor variables that affect the dependent variable of brand loyalty. Main Findings: From the statistical tests conducted in this study, it reveals that only one out of all eleven hypotheses were not accepted. Surprisingly it reveals that the customers keep purchase hotel and/or flight tickets from online travel booking sites no m...
International Journal of Research Studies in Management, 2019
This research is aimed to explore how the credibility factors such as medium and message credibil... more This research is aimed to explore how the credibility factors such as medium and message credibility influence the information credibility in the context of adoption behavior, especially when young consumers are searching information for any promoted SME products or services offered through the social media networks. The quantitative methodology used by developing new research model based-on marketing communication theories to examine factors that significantly influence in the adoption process of digital marketing technique for SME markets. The results indicate that information credibility is significantly affected by the medium credibility and message credibility. Additionally the research found surprisingly that information credibility was not giving a strong affect directly toward millennial adoption on social media marketing platform. However the study found that the usage of social media marketing strategy to promote SME products and services was recommended effectively, especially targeting for the millennial consumer segments since they are considered as the important digital native generational consumers in Indonesia market.
International Journal of Research Studies in Management, 2018
Indonesia has become a grow developing country with more than 260 million of people in size and 1... more Indonesia has become a grow developing country with more than 260 million of people in size and 132 million Internet subscribers are interconnected. The Internet penetration and the number of online shoppers in Indonesia continues to grow significantly. This study aimed to analyze online consumer behavior outside Java Island based-on Lazada Indonesia' case, in-order to provide solutions to reach new target markets in each province. The study was using online survey method and descriptive statistics analysis which used Lazada Indonesia's customers and non-customer as the target respondents. Some variables such as online shopping motivation, media accessed, product category preferences and other variables associated with online shopping were included in the research. The results indicated a significant growth in mobile device purchases by online shopping and high demand in fashion product categories. Digital marketing efforts would also become important tools in online marketing activities.
The objective of this study is to analyze the financial performance of PT Media Nusantara Citra, ... more The objective of this study is to analyze the financial performance of PT Media Nusantara Citra, Tbk. by utilizing profitability ratios and economic value added as the basic measurement. In this research, to calculate profitability ratios and economic value added, there are factors to employ, including COGS, NOPAT, invested capital, cost of debt, cost of equity, market value of the firm’s equity, income tax, market value of the firm’s liabilities, weighted average cost of capital (WACC), and capital charges. From a sample of the corporation’s annual reports over the 2007-2015 time span, our empirical results show a fluctual movement while showing an average growth of ROA at 11%, 15% ROE, 38% GPM, 28% NPM, and 47% TAT annually. A deeper analysis however reveals that the company is producing a high enough profit, hence the ability to cover its cost of capital over the following years. This paper also suggests several recommendations to maximize its value in the following years.
MKTG: Culture & Consumer Behavior (Topic), 2020
Social media marketing is one of the modern marketing communications technology used by marketers... more Social media marketing is one of the modern marketing communications technology used by marketers to promote their offerings. During the Coronavirus pandemic, this tool would be beneficial in helping Small and Medium Enterprises to promote and survive their businesses. This research analyze further the Opinion Leaders group behavior in Indonesian society as well as the rest Roger’s innovation adoption group categories, given there was a credibility problem in the use of social media with the intensed hoax or false news during the political leaders campaigns. A new research framework by using Structural Equation Modelling techniques is applied to explain further the adoption innovation process of typical public groups in general. The finding also shows there are direct significant influences and correlations among the credibility and socio-psychological factors, although there is no direct influence between the information credibility and the adoption of social media marketing. As th...
This study aims to fill the research gap on millennial’s purchase attitude toward charity product... more This study aims to fill the research gap on millennial’s purchase attitude toward charity product in Youth of Indonesia (YoI) brand shoes which is promoted through social media. The research objective is to understand how branding elements affect the purchase intention of YoI shoes by using quantitative research method. There were 222 millennial valid respondents who are living in Jakarta metropolitan area participated in this research. The five brand elements are used as independent variables; they are brand awareness, perceived quality, brand association, brand loyalty, and brand credibility. Based-on the multiple linear regression output, it reports that brand awareness, perceived quality, and brand association do not have significant impact toward the millennial’s purchase intention. However, the brand loyalty and brand credibility give positive significant impact. Among others, the brand credibility is the most important factor that influence the millennial’s purchase intention...
Jurnal Perpustakaan Pertanian, 2016
Jurnal yang diterbitkan Badan Litbang Pertanian memiliki peranan penting dalam mengomunikasikan h... more Jurnal yang diterbitkan Badan Litbang Pertanian memiliki peranan penting dalam mengomunikasikan hasil penelitian. Kajian terhadap jurnal tersebut melalui pendekatan bibliometrika belum banyak dilakukan oleh para pustakawan. Pengkajian ini ditujukan untuk mempelajari kategori subjek sumber rujukan dari artikel yang diterbitkan dalam sembilan jurnal Badan Litbang Pertanian. Systematic random sampling digunakan untuk memilih 674 dari 2,958 artikel yang dimuat dalam jurnal Badan Litbang Perttanian yang terbit antara tahun 1995-2010. Daftar pustaka dari setiap artikel terpilih diklasifikasi subjeknya berdasarkan AGRIS/CARIS Categorization Scheme. Hasil analisis sitasi mengenai kategori subjek menunjukkan 13 kategori dengan frekuensi 712 ditemukan pada jurnal-jurnal Badan Litbang Pertanian. Lima kategori subjek yang mendominasi adalah ilmu dan produksi tanaman; sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan; perlindungan tanaman, ekonomi pertanian, pembangunan, dan sosiologi pedesaan; serta ilmu, produks...
Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of automation attributes in railway digital ti... more The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of automation attributes in railway digital ticket payment toward the commuters' satisfaction and retention in railway transportation. Digital payment security is one of the essential qualities which was little discussed in determining public transportation service performance. This study used the partial least square structural equation modeling method study to measure the six effects indicated by the proposed research framework to fill the last research gap. The results showed two automation attributes, reliability and security, significantly influenced commuter satisfaction, supporting the behavioral theory as commuter satisfaction also substantially affected the commuters' retention attitude. This study revealed that the reliability factor was the most significant. The findings communicate important insight for local government in improving its railway transportation's quality of service. The study's scope was to...
Research in World Economy
This study is trying to fill the research gap by understanding how several important financial va... more This study is trying to fill the research gap by understanding how several important financial variables interplay and affect the macroeconomic indicators, especially in developing country like Indonesia during the financial crisis period caused by the unexpected and sudden Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. The purpose of this research is to determine the direct effect of the inflation rate, Bank Indonesia (BI) rate, and Balance of Trade on the movement of Indonesia Rupiah (IDR) currency stability against US Dollar (USD) and indirect impact to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Composite index in Indonesia during the initial stage of the pandemic outbreak. To achieve the research objectives, this study uses the Rupiah exchange rate against USD and IDX Composite index as the dependent variables, while the Inflation rate (CPI), BI rate, and Balance of Trade as the independent variables. The quantitative methodology is used in this research by applying linear and multiple simple regression t...