Barnabe ZANGO - (original) (raw)
Papers by Barnabe ZANGO
Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses, 1990
... et J. MATEO"" RESUME Les auteurs rapportent un cas d'histoplasmose africaine t~... more ... et J. MATEO"" RESUME Les auteurs rapportent un cas d'histoplasmose africaine t~ Histoplasma duboisii chez une fillet te de cinq ans pr~sentant ... travers de doigt mais aucune Msion cutan~e ou sous-cutan~e. La radio-graphie pulmonaire montre des ad~nopathies lat~ro-trach ...
Open Journal of Urology, 2014
Objectives: to describe the characteristics of newly diagnosed prostate cancer (PCa) and the init... more Objectives: to describe the characteristics of newly diagnosed prostate cancer (PCa) and the initial treatments offered to patients in the most important urological center of Burkina Faso. Methods: We analyzed the data of a cohort of 168 consecutive patients with no prior history of PCa between January 2009 and December 2012. Diagnosis of PCa was based on histological analysis of transrectal prostate biopsies. Patient and disease characteristics and the initial treatment offered were taken in account. Results: The mean age at presentation was 68.59 ± 9.41 years (range 30 to 95 years). There was a 3.6-fold increase in the incidence of PCa through the four years of the study. The mean duration of symptoms prior to presentation was 11.6 ± 10.9 months. The majority of cases (86.9%) were presented as locally advanced or metastatic disease. Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) was the first therapeutic option for 121 patients (72%) and 73 patients (43.4%) underwent ADT through bilateral orchiectomy. Only 3 patients (1.78%) underwent radical prostatectomy. Conclusion: An increase in the diagnosis of PCa in our country was observed in this study. The diagnosis of prostate cancer was usually tardive in Burkina Faso. Treatment often involves surgical ADT for socioeconomic reasons.
Basic and Clinical Andrology, 2014
Elephantiasis of the external genitalia is characterized by lymphedema and thickening of the subc... more Elephantiasis of the external genitalia is characterized by lymphedema and thickening of the subcutaneous tissues. This gives the skin an appearance similar to a pachyderm skin. This pathology is invalidating for the patient. Reconstructive surgery is often the only way to restaure aesthetic and functional aspects of the external genitalia. We aim to report a 52 year man with huge penoscrotal elephantiasis who underwent excision and penoscrotal reconstruction at the
Progrès en Urologie, 2014
Pour citer cet article : Aristide Kaboré F, et al. Aspects épidémiologiques, étiologiques et impa... more Pour citer cet article : Aristide Kaboré F, et al. Aspects épidémiologiques, étiologiques et impact psychosocial des fistules urogénitales dans une cohorte de 170 patientes consécutives, prises en charge dans trois centres du Burkina Faso de 2010 à 2012. Prog Urol (2014),
Infectious Agents and Cancer, 2011
Introduction: African-American black men race is one of non-modifiable risk factors confirmed for... more Introduction: African-American black men race is one of non-modifiable risk factors confirmed for prostate cancer. Many studies have been done in USA among African-American population to evaluate prostate cancer disparities. Compared to the USA very few data are available for prostate cancer in Sub-Saharan African countries. The objective of this study was to describe incident prostate cancer (PC) diagnosis characteristics in Burkina Faso (West Africa). Methods: We performed a prospective non randomized patient's cohort study of new prostate cancer cases diagnosed by histological analysis of transrectal prostate biopsies in Burkina Faso. Study participants included 166 patients recruited at the urology division of the university hospital of Ouagadougou. Age of the patients, clinical symptoms, digital rectal examination (DRE) result, serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level, histological characteristics and TNM classification were taking in account in this study. Results: 166 transrectal prostate biopsies (TRPB) were performed based on high PSA level or abnormal DRE. The prostate cancer rate on those TRPB was 63, 8 % (n=106). The mean age of the patients was 71, 5 years (52 to 86). Urinary retention was the first clinical patterns of reference in our institution (55, 7 %, n = 59). Most patients, 56, 6 % (n = 60) had a serum PSA level over than 100 ng/ml. All the patients had adenocarcinoma on histological study of prostate biopsy cores. The majority of cases (54, 7 % n = 58) had Gleason score equal or higher than 7. Conclusion: Prostate cancer is diagnosed at later stages in our country. Very high serum PSA level and poorly differentiated tumors are the two major characteristics of PC at the time of diagnosis.
Basic and Clinical Andrology, 2011
Résumé Objectif Étudier les aspects épidémiologique, diagnostique et thérapeutique de la torsion ... more Résumé Objectif Étudier les aspects épidémiologique, diagnostique et thérapeutique de la torsion du cordon spermatique (TCS) chez des sujets adultes de plus de 15 ans. Matériel et méthodes Étude rétrospective descriptive du 1er janvier 2004 au 30 juin 2010 menée dans les services d’urologie et des urgences de chirurgie viscérale du CHU Yalgado-Ouédraogo de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). Nous avons colligé 51 dossiers médicaux de tous les patients qui ont été reçus pour suspicion de TCS durant la période d’étude. Résultats La TCS était confirmée chez 40 patients (78,4%) à la scrototomie exploratrice. L’âge moyen des patients était de 26 ans (extrêmes de 16 et 55 ans). Le délai moyen de consultation était de 24,6 heures et 84,3 % des patients avaient consulté après la sixième heure. La tuméfaction de l’hémibourse et l’ascension testiculaire étaient les signes physiques dominants. Une orchidectomie a été réalisée chez 22 patients (55 %). Les suites opératoires étaient simples chez tous le...
Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses, 1990
... et J. MATEO"" RESUME Les auteurs rapportent un cas d'histoplasmose africaine t~... more ... et J. MATEO"" RESUME Les auteurs rapportent un cas d'histoplasmose africaine t~ Histoplasma duboisii chez une fillet te de cinq ans pr~sentant ... travers de doigt mais aucune Msion cutan~e ou sous-cutan~e. La radio-graphie pulmonaire montre des ad~nopathies lat~ro-trach ...
Open Journal of Urology, 2014
Objectives: to describe the characteristics of newly diagnosed prostate cancer (PCa) and the init... more Objectives: to describe the characteristics of newly diagnosed prostate cancer (PCa) and the initial treatments offered to patients in the most important urological center of Burkina Faso. Methods: We analyzed the data of a cohort of 168 consecutive patients with no prior history of PCa between January 2009 and December 2012. Diagnosis of PCa was based on histological analysis of transrectal prostate biopsies. Patient and disease characteristics and the initial treatment offered were taken in account. Results: The mean age at presentation was 68.59 ± 9.41 years (range 30 to 95 years). There was a 3.6-fold increase in the incidence of PCa through the four years of the study. The mean duration of symptoms prior to presentation was 11.6 ± 10.9 months. The majority of cases (86.9%) were presented as locally advanced or metastatic disease. Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) was the first therapeutic option for 121 patients (72%) and 73 patients (43.4%) underwent ADT through bilateral orchiectomy. Only 3 patients (1.78%) underwent radical prostatectomy. Conclusion: An increase in the diagnosis of PCa in our country was observed in this study. The diagnosis of prostate cancer was usually tardive in Burkina Faso. Treatment often involves surgical ADT for socioeconomic reasons.
Basic and Clinical Andrology, 2014
Elephantiasis of the external genitalia is characterized by lymphedema and thickening of the subc... more Elephantiasis of the external genitalia is characterized by lymphedema and thickening of the subcutaneous tissues. This gives the skin an appearance similar to a pachyderm skin. This pathology is invalidating for the patient. Reconstructive surgery is often the only way to restaure aesthetic and functional aspects of the external genitalia. We aim to report a 52 year man with huge penoscrotal elephantiasis who underwent excision and penoscrotal reconstruction at the
Progrès en Urologie, 2014
Pour citer cet article : Aristide Kaboré F, et al. Aspects épidémiologiques, étiologiques et impa... more Pour citer cet article : Aristide Kaboré F, et al. Aspects épidémiologiques, étiologiques et impact psychosocial des fistules urogénitales dans une cohorte de 170 patientes consécutives, prises en charge dans trois centres du Burkina Faso de 2010 à 2012. Prog Urol (2014),
Infectious Agents and Cancer, 2011
Introduction: African-American black men race is one of non-modifiable risk factors confirmed for... more Introduction: African-American black men race is one of non-modifiable risk factors confirmed for prostate cancer. Many studies have been done in USA among African-American population to evaluate prostate cancer disparities. Compared to the USA very few data are available for prostate cancer in Sub-Saharan African countries. The objective of this study was to describe incident prostate cancer (PC) diagnosis characteristics in Burkina Faso (West Africa). Methods: We performed a prospective non randomized patient's cohort study of new prostate cancer cases diagnosed by histological analysis of transrectal prostate biopsies in Burkina Faso. Study participants included 166 patients recruited at the urology division of the university hospital of Ouagadougou. Age of the patients, clinical symptoms, digital rectal examination (DRE) result, serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level, histological characteristics and TNM classification were taking in account in this study. Results: 166 transrectal prostate biopsies (TRPB) were performed based on high PSA level or abnormal DRE. The prostate cancer rate on those TRPB was 63, 8 % (n=106). The mean age of the patients was 71, 5 years (52 to 86). Urinary retention was the first clinical patterns of reference in our institution (55, 7 %, n = 59). Most patients, 56, 6 % (n = 60) had a serum PSA level over than 100 ng/ml. All the patients had adenocarcinoma on histological study of prostate biopsy cores. The majority of cases (54, 7 % n = 58) had Gleason score equal or higher than 7. Conclusion: Prostate cancer is diagnosed at later stages in our country. Very high serum PSA level and poorly differentiated tumors are the two major characteristics of PC at the time of diagnosis.
Basic and Clinical Andrology, 2011
Résumé Objectif Étudier les aspects épidémiologique, diagnostique et thérapeutique de la torsion ... more Résumé Objectif Étudier les aspects épidémiologique, diagnostique et thérapeutique de la torsion du cordon spermatique (TCS) chez des sujets adultes de plus de 15 ans. Matériel et méthodes Étude rétrospective descriptive du 1er janvier 2004 au 30 juin 2010 menée dans les services d’urologie et des urgences de chirurgie viscérale du CHU Yalgado-Ouédraogo de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). Nous avons colligé 51 dossiers médicaux de tous les patients qui ont été reçus pour suspicion de TCS durant la période d’étude. Résultats La TCS était confirmée chez 40 patients (78,4%) à la scrototomie exploratrice. L’âge moyen des patients était de 26 ans (extrêmes de 16 et 55 ans). Le délai moyen de consultation était de 24,6 heures et 84,3 % des patients avaient consulté après la sixième heure. La tuméfaction de l’hémibourse et l’ascension testiculaire étaient les signes physiques dominants. Une orchidectomie a été réalisée chez 22 patients (55 %). Les suites opératoires étaient simples chez tous le...