Bartosz Stróżewski - (original) (raw)
Papers by Bartosz Stróżewski
Status prawny i zadania komornika w Niemczech, 2024
Status prawny i zadania komornika w Niemczech Wstęp W Europie dominują dwa modele działania komor... more Status prawny i zadania komornika w Niemczech Wstęp W Europie dominują dwa modele działania komornika sądowego, który jest albo urzędnikiem państwowym, albo przedsiębiorcą. W poszczególnych krajach przyjęto odmienne rozwiązania prawne. W niniejszym artykule zanalizowano status prawny i zadania powierzone komornikowi sądowemu w Niemczech. Z racji znikomej liczby aktualnych 1 publikacji na temat roli komornika w niemieckim systemie prawno-egzekucyjnym 2 , istnieje pilna potrzeba opisania tego zagadnienia w polskiej literaturze naukowej, chociażby ze względu na coraz bardziej zglobalizowany charakter stosunków prawnych w Europie. Analiza roli komornika w niemieckim systemie prawno-egzekucyjnym może dostarczyć nie tylko istotnych spostrzeżeń dotyczących skuteczności egzekucji, ale też potencjalnych inspiracji dla polskiego systemu prawnego oraz wskazania zakresu, w jakim polskie postępowanie egzekucyjne jest uregulowane lepiej.
Przegląd Prawno-Ekonomiczny, 2024
Journal of Modern Science, Mar 28, 2024
This article analyzes the multifaceted concept of justice and its foundational principles while s... more This article analyzes the multifaceted concept of justice and its foundational principles while scrutinizing its influence on the formulation and operation of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Drawing from philosophical and legal perspectives, it examines the intricate interplay between justice, the common good, and constitutional values, particularly within the dynamic relationship between the individual and the state. Central to this exploration is an inquiry into how Poland's constitutional framework accommodates interpretations of justice and the common good, shaping the dynamics between constitutional values and the rights of citizens. This study shows that Poland's constitution incorporates a variety of interpretations of justice and the common good, which affects the dynamic between constitutional values and citizens' rights, and that these issues have a significant impact on the balance between the effectiveness of execution and the imperative of justice. Through an examination of justice, the common good, and their implications for constitutional governance and judicial enforcement, this article contributes to a deeper understanding of the intricate dynamics shaping legal and moral discourse in contemporary Poland.
This article analyzes the multifaceted concept of justice and its foundational principles while s... more This article analyzes the multifaceted concept of justice and its foundational principles while scrutinizing its influence on the formulation and operation of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Drawing from philosophical and legal perspectives, it examines the intricate interplay between justice, the common good, and constitutional values, particularly within the dynamic relationship between the individual and the state. Central to this exploration is an inquiry into how Poland's constitutional framework accommodates interpretations of justice and the common good, shaping the dynamics between constitutional values and the rights of citizens. This study shows that Poland's constitution incorporates a variety of interpretations of justice and the common good, which affects the dynamic between constitutional values and citizens' rights, and that these issues have a significant impact on the balance between the effectiveness of execution and the imperative of justice. Through an examination of justice, the common good, and their implications for constitutional governance and judicial enforcement, this article contributes to a deeper understanding of the intricate dynamics shaping legal and moral discourse in contemporary Poland.
International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management (IJHSSM), 2023
This article focuses on the purpose of execution proceedings and answers the question of tying pu... more This article focuses on the
purpose of execution proceedings and answers
the question of tying public execution coercion
to the will expressed by the creditor, pointing to
an aspect of the relationship between public
law and private law. In the first chapter, the
difference between " execution" and "
execution proceedings" is explained, the
constitutional position of the bailiff as a public
authority is discussed, the parties and
participants in the proceedings are presented.
The second chapter explains what determines
the initiation of execution proceedings and the
role of the creditor. The third chapter describes
the use of coercive measures, which may only
be exercised in accordance with the law and
within the limits of the law. The next part
outlines the important role of the bailiff, whose
actions aim at the coercive subordination of
debtors to the legal norms detailed in final court
judgements and other enforceable titles and
discusses the coercive measures available to the
bailiff in connection with the performance of
his public authority tasks. In conclusion, it is
emphasised that civil judicial execution is a
function of the state and an act of public
authority, and that its effectiveness depends on
the condition of the whole system and not only
on the bailiff.
Journal of Modern Science, Jul 24, 2019
Th e court guardianship for minors and adults, shaped in the course of numerous changes, is nowad... more Th e court guardianship for minors and adults, shaped in the course of numerous changes, is nowadays one of the key elements of the resocialising education system. Th e Board of Trustees perfectly combines institutions and specializations that have functioned in isolation from each other for decades. Court superintendents carry out tasks defi ned by law, which are related to the execution of court decisions. A distinction is made between professional and social curators. Curatorial teams are located at penal, family and youth departments. Th e court superintendent for adults is subject to criminal law procedure, while the family superintendent is subject to civil law procedure. A systemic approach to the problem requires a comprehensive approach, taking into account not only the individual, but also the surrounding systems, including in particular family and local systems. Currently, the cooperation of curators with representatives of various services is clearly visible, which translates positively not only into the functioning of the wards, but also of the entire local community. Streszczenie Ukształtowana w toku licznych zmian kuratela sądowa dla nieletnich i dorosłych stanowi dziś jeden z kluczowych elementów systemu wychowania resocjalizującego. Kuratela doskonale łączy instytucje i specjalizacje, które przez dziesięciolecia funkcjonowały w izolacji od siebie. Kuratorzy sądowi realizują określone przez prawo zadania, które są związane z wykonywaniem orzeczeń sądu. Wyróżnia się kuratorów zawodowych i społecznych. Zespoły kuratorskie są usytuowane przy wydziałach kar
Status prawny i zadania komornika w Niemczech, 2024
Status prawny i zadania komornika w Niemczech Wstęp W Europie dominują dwa modele działania komor... more Status prawny i zadania komornika w Niemczech Wstęp W Europie dominują dwa modele działania komornika sądowego, który jest albo urzędnikiem państwowym, albo przedsiębiorcą. W poszczególnych krajach przyjęto odmienne rozwiązania prawne. W niniejszym artykule zanalizowano status prawny i zadania powierzone komornikowi sądowemu w Niemczech. Z racji znikomej liczby aktualnych 1 publikacji na temat roli komornika w niemieckim systemie prawno-egzekucyjnym 2 , istnieje pilna potrzeba opisania tego zagadnienia w polskiej literaturze naukowej, chociażby ze względu na coraz bardziej zglobalizowany charakter stosunków prawnych w Europie. Analiza roli komornika w niemieckim systemie prawno-egzekucyjnym może dostarczyć nie tylko istotnych spostrzeżeń dotyczących skuteczności egzekucji, ale też potencjalnych inspiracji dla polskiego systemu prawnego oraz wskazania zakresu, w jakim polskie postępowanie egzekucyjne jest uregulowane lepiej.
Przegląd Prawno-Ekonomiczny, 2024
Journal of Modern Science, Mar 28, 2024
This article analyzes the multifaceted concept of justice and its foundational principles while s... more This article analyzes the multifaceted concept of justice and its foundational principles while scrutinizing its influence on the formulation and operation of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Drawing from philosophical and legal perspectives, it examines the intricate interplay between justice, the common good, and constitutional values, particularly within the dynamic relationship between the individual and the state. Central to this exploration is an inquiry into how Poland's constitutional framework accommodates interpretations of justice and the common good, shaping the dynamics between constitutional values and the rights of citizens. This study shows that Poland's constitution incorporates a variety of interpretations of justice and the common good, which affects the dynamic between constitutional values and citizens' rights, and that these issues have a significant impact on the balance between the effectiveness of execution and the imperative of justice. Through an examination of justice, the common good, and their implications for constitutional governance and judicial enforcement, this article contributes to a deeper understanding of the intricate dynamics shaping legal and moral discourse in contemporary Poland.
This article analyzes the multifaceted concept of justice and its foundational principles while s... more This article analyzes the multifaceted concept of justice and its foundational principles while scrutinizing its influence on the formulation and operation of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Drawing from philosophical and legal perspectives, it examines the intricate interplay between justice, the common good, and constitutional values, particularly within the dynamic relationship between the individual and the state. Central to this exploration is an inquiry into how Poland's constitutional framework accommodates interpretations of justice and the common good, shaping the dynamics between constitutional values and the rights of citizens. This study shows that Poland's constitution incorporates a variety of interpretations of justice and the common good, which affects the dynamic between constitutional values and citizens' rights, and that these issues have a significant impact on the balance between the effectiveness of execution and the imperative of justice. Through an examination of justice, the common good, and their implications for constitutional governance and judicial enforcement, this article contributes to a deeper understanding of the intricate dynamics shaping legal and moral discourse in contemporary Poland.
International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management (IJHSSM), 2023
This article focuses on the purpose of execution proceedings and answers the question of tying pu... more This article focuses on the
purpose of execution proceedings and answers
the question of tying public execution coercion
to the will expressed by the creditor, pointing to
an aspect of the relationship between public
law and private law. In the first chapter, the
difference between " execution" and "
execution proceedings" is explained, the
constitutional position of the bailiff as a public
authority is discussed, the parties and
participants in the proceedings are presented.
The second chapter explains what determines
the initiation of execution proceedings and the
role of the creditor. The third chapter describes
the use of coercive measures, which may only
be exercised in accordance with the law and
within the limits of the law. The next part
outlines the important role of the bailiff, whose
actions aim at the coercive subordination of
debtors to the legal norms detailed in final court
judgements and other enforceable titles and
discusses the coercive measures available to the
bailiff in connection with the performance of
his public authority tasks. In conclusion, it is
emphasised that civil judicial execution is a
function of the state and an act of public
authority, and that its effectiveness depends on
the condition of the whole system and not only
on the bailiff.
Journal of Modern Science, Jul 24, 2019
Th e court guardianship for minors and adults, shaped in the course of numerous changes, is nowad... more Th e court guardianship for minors and adults, shaped in the course of numerous changes, is nowadays one of the key elements of the resocialising education system. Th e Board of Trustees perfectly combines institutions and specializations that have functioned in isolation from each other for decades. Court superintendents carry out tasks defi ned by law, which are related to the execution of court decisions. A distinction is made between professional and social curators. Curatorial teams are located at penal, family and youth departments. Th e court superintendent for adults is subject to criminal law procedure, while the family superintendent is subject to civil law procedure. A systemic approach to the problem requires a comprehensive approach, taking into account not only the individual, but also the surrounding systems, including in particular family and local systems. Currently, the cooperation of curators with representatives of various services is clearly visible, which translates positively not only into the functioning of the wards, but also of the entire local community. Streszczenie Ukształtowana w toku licznych zmian kuratela sądowa dla nieletnich i dorosłych stanowi dziś jeden z kluczowych elementów systemu wychowania resocjalizującego. Kuratela doskonale łączy instytucje i specjalizacje, które przez dziesięciolecia funkcjonowały w izolacji od siebie. Kuratorzy sądowi realizują określone przez prawo zadania, które są związane z wykonywaniem orzeczeń sądu. Wyróżnia się kuratorów zawodowych i społecznych. Zespoły kuratorskie są usytuowane przy wydziałach kar