Benedykt Pepliński - (original) (raw)
Papers by Benedykt Pepliński
Wstęp. Zachodzące we współczesnej gospodarce procesy społeczno-gospodarcze prowadzą do znacznego ... more Wstęp. Zachodzące we współczesnej gospodarce procesy społeczno-gospodarcze prowadzą do znacznego zróżnicowania rozwoju regionalnego w większości aspektów życia gospodarczego. Widoczne są także w pogłowiu trzody chlewnej i loch. Celem głównym opracowania było rozpoznanie i identyfikacja czynników determinujących zmiany pogłowia trzody chlewnej i loch w Polsce w ujęciu regionalnym. Podporządkowano mu osiem celów szczegółowych oraz cztery hipotezy badawcze. Podstawowy zakres czasowy analiz na poziomie wojewódzkim obejmował okres 1960–2018, a w analizach na poziomie powiatowym lata: 1960, 1973, 1996 i 2010. Metody oraz przegląd teorii lokalizacji i rozwoju regionalnego. Pierwsza część książki (rozdz. 1–2) jest przeglądem literatury. W rozdziale 1 omówiono wykorzystane w pracy metody badawcze, tj. miary dynamiki, miary koncentracji cech, analizę skupień, analizę techniczną oraz metody panelowe. W rozdziale 2 przestawiono ewolucję poglądów na temat przyczyn, przebiegu i sposobów diagnozow...
The energy crisis in Europe and Poland caused by the conflict in Ukraine has renewed the debate i... more The energy crisis in Europe and Poland caused by the conflict in Ukraine has renewed the debate in some countries about the wisdom of abandoning the use of local fossil fuels. The rise in gas and oil prices with little change in the cost of extracting lignite from open pit mines has led to a renewed consideration of lignite as the cheapest source of energy. This is not entirely true, as the level of costs at power plants ignores many external costs that are not included in the costs of energy producers, but are borne by the general public or other parties. One such cost is the external costs incurred by agriculture as a result of open pit lignite mining and the associated depression funnels. The Bełchatów lignite open pit is the deepest open pit in Europe and is expected to be in operation by 2038. The aim of the study was to assess the external costs that farmers will incur as a result of further open pit mining of brown call from the Bełchatów deposit, i.e., between 2023 and 2038 ...
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
Health claims increase consumer awareness, knowledge, and health consciousness. However, front an... more Health claims increase consumer awareness, knowledge, and health consciousness. However, front and back labels, which are widely used for marketing purposes, raise doubts about consumer tendencies towards paying attention to health claims and reasons for their placement. Therefore, the aim of this article is to investigate, using the Theory of Planned Behaviour, the extent to which intention to pay attention to health claims is determined by its predictors. An extended model based on the theory was used to identify factors that shape attitudes towards health claims and the intention to pay attention to them. In order to achieve this, we conducted a study on 552 people, and the data allowed us to verify the statistically proposed theoretical model. The study revealed that while trust is the main factor determining attitude towards health claims, the impact of subjective knowledge is negative. Research is important from the perspective of the theoretical understanding of consumer atti...
Annals of the Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
The aim of the study was to assess regional changes in pig and sow population in 2010-2022. The a... more The aim of the study was to assess regional changes in pig and sow population in 2010-2022. The analysis was carried out at the voivodship level for the entire period under study, while changes in pig and sow population in poviats were based on agricultural census data for 2010 and 2020. The analysis showed a progressive regional concentration of pig and sow stock in Poland, as indicated by an increase in the share of the 62 and 93 poviats with the highest stock and the poviats with the highest density of pigs and sows using 20% and 30% of agricultural land in Poland by about 9 percentage points. However, there was no correlation of the level of pig and sow stocking in 2010 in individual poviats with changes in stocking rates by 2020. A large increase in stocking rates associated with the construction of industrial piggeries was recorded in a dozen poviats located mainly in the western and northern voivodships, where the largest number of State Agricultural Farms were located.
Energies, 2021
In many circles, including in Poland, lignite is still viewed as a cheap source of energy, which ... more In many circles, including in Poland, lignite is still viewed as a cheap source of energy, which is only possible if the external costs associated with mining and burning coal are not taken into account. In Poland, this is reflected in plans to open new Złoczew opencast lignite mines. In previous studies, the analysis of external costs has focused on the external costs of coal combustion and related pollutant emissions. This paper focuses on the extraction phase. The aim of the work here described was to estimate the external costs that agriculture may incur due to the formation of a depression funnel for the projected lignite mine in the Złoczew deposit. This paper discusses factors causing uncertainty in calculated estimates of external costs in agriculture, and characterizes the Bełchatów and Złoczew opencast mines. In the paper, a methodology for calculating external costs in livestock production is then proposed. In the next part of the study, the decrease in cereal and potato ...
This study was an attempt to forecast changes which are likely to take place in Polish agricultur... more This study was an attempt to forecast changes which are likely to take place in Polish agriculture in the future. Taking into consideration expected macroeconomic, social, cultural, demographic trends, etc., it was determined which farming systems would be dominant, new functions to be served by agriculture were analysed, probable ways of farm evolution were indicated (polarization and dual development), while issues of the volume of production in agriculture and the number of farms in Poland up to the year 2030 were discussed.
The material used in the study concerns 60 farms from the Wielkopolska region. They were divided ... more The material used in the study concerns 60 farms from the Wielkopolska region. They were divided depending on a degree of the farm integration with the slaughterhouses and on a scale of pigs production. The analyses include calculations of pigs prices, costs of pigs production and profits obtained by the farmers. Besides, the objects of the research are the main pigs production costs (feed and labour) as well as investments realised in the investigated farms.
This article presents selected issues related to the problem of organizational culture. The work ... more This article presents selected issues related to the problem of organizational culture. The work is based on the results of empirical research involving qualitative investigations using the case study method. It examines the values and norms defi ning the organizational culture of selected agricultural enterprises. It was found that the values and norms are an important factor in the competitiveness of a company. Appropriate shaping of the organizational culture promotes proinnovative behavior of employees and builds an attractive image of the organization. Considerations related to the culture of the organization revealed the importance of the multidimensionality of this concept. In addition, organizational culture can have a big impact on functioning and effectiveness of a company.
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences- SGGW Animal Science, 2016
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 2012
Abstrakt. W pracy została przedstawiona analiza komparatywna zmian w poziomie nakładów energetycz... more Abstrakt. W pracy została przedstawiona analiza komparatywna zmian w poziomie nakładów energetycznych w produkcji roślinnej w wybranych gospodarstwach rolnych w latach 2001, 2009 i 2010. Analiza wskazuje na duże zróżnicowanie nakładów energetycznych w poszczególnych gospodarstwach. W badanym okresie poziom tych nakładów na 1 ha w produkcji zbóż nie uległ zmianie (choć w przypadku poszczególnych gatunków zbóż nakłady zmieniły się od –20% do +48%), podczas gdy w przypadku buraków cukrowych nakłady te spadły nawet o ponad 50%. Po przeliczeniu nakładów energetycznych na 1 tonę zebranych płodów rolnych nakłady energetyczne – z wyjątkiem kukurydzy kiszonkowej – spadły w ciągu 9 lat od 6% (łąki) do 27-32% (zboża i ziemniaki), a w przypadku buraków cukrowych aż o 68%.
The study presents principles of integration of processing plants with agricultural sector produc... more The study presents principles of integration of processing plants with agricultural sector producers in Poland, based on the dairy and meat industries 1 . In this aspect the goal of integration was presented along with its principles and popularity, both in the period of centrally planned economy and free market economy. At present processing plants in Poland with an increasing frequency develop cooperation with raw material producers on the basis of supply contracts. The highest degree of integration between meat plants and farmers is found in case of white meat producers. On the basis of pig production the effect of vertical integration on the profitability of this type of production in Poland in the period 2001 - 2006 was thoroughly analyzed and assessed, with special emphasis on benefits for these agricultural sector producers. For this purpose the study presents results of analyses conducted on a group of 60 pig producers producing minimum 200 fatteners annually. The analysis s...
Wstęp. Zachodzące we współczesnej gospodarce procesy społeczno-gospodarcze prowadzą do znacznego ... more Wstęp. Zachodzące we współczesnej gospodarce procesy społeczno-gospodarcze prowadzą do znacznego zróżnicowania rozwoju regionalnego w większości aspektów życia gospodarczego. Widoczne są także w pogłowiu trzody chlewnej i loch. Celem głównym opracowania było rozpoznanie i identyfikacja czynników determinujących zmiany pogłowia trzody chlewnej i loch w Polsce w ujęciu regionalnym. Podporządkowano mu osiem celów szczegółowych oraz cztery hipotezy badawcze. Podstawowy zakres czasowy analiz na poziomie wojewódzkim obejmował okres 1960–2018, a w analizach na poziomie powiatowym lata: 1960, 1973, 1996 i 2010. Metody oraz przegląd teorii lokalizacji i rozwoju regionalnego. Pierwsza część książki (rozdz. 1–2) jest przeglądem literatury. W rozdziale 1 omówiono wykorzystane w pracy metody badawcze, tj. miary dynamiki, miary koncentracji cech, analizę skupień, analizę techniczną oraz metody panelowe. W rozdziale 2 przestawiono ewolucję poglądów na temat przyczyn, przebiegu i sposobów diagnozow...
The energy crisis in Europe and Poland caused by the conflict in Ukraine has renewed the debate i... more The energy crisis in Europe and Poland caused by the conflict in Ukraine has renewed the debate in some countries about the wisdom of abandoning the use of local fossil fuels. The rise in gas and oil prices with little change in the cost of extracting lignite from open pit mines has led to a renewed consideration of lignite as the cheapest source of energy. This is not entirely true, as the level of costs at power plants ignores many external costs that are not included in the costs of energy producers, but are borne by the general public or other parties. One such cost is the external costs incurred by agriculture as a result of open pit lignite mining and the associated depression funnels. The Bełchatów lignite open pit is the deepest open pit in Europe and is expected to be in operation by 2038. The aim of the study was to assess the external costs that farmers will incur as a result of further open pit mining of brown call from the Bełchatów deposit, i.e., between 2023 and 2038 ...
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
Health claims increase consumer awareness, knowledge, and health consciousness. However, front an... more Health claims increase consumer awareness, knowledge, and health consciousness. However, front and back labels, which are widely used for marketing purposes, raise doubts about consumer tendencies towards paying attention to health claims and reasons for their placement. Therefore, the aim of this article is to investigate, using the Theory of Planned Behaviour, the extent to which intention to pay attention to health claims is determined by its predictors. An extended model based on the theory was used to identify factors that shape attitudes towards health claims and the intention to pay attention to them. In order to achieve this, we conducted a study on 552 people, and the data allowed us to verify the statistically proposed theoretical model. The study revealed that while trust is the main factor determining attitude towards health claims, the impact of subjective knowledge is negative. Research is important from the perspective of the theoretical understanding of consumer atti...
Annals of the Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
The aim of the study was to assess regional changes in pig and sow population in 2010-2022. The a... more The aim of the study was to assess regional changes in pig and sow population in 2010-2022. The analysis was carried out at the voivodship level for the entire period under study, while changes in pig and sow population in poviats were based on agricultural census data for 2010 and 2020. The analysis showed a progressive regional concentration of pig and sow stock in Poland, as indicated by an increase in the share of the 62 and 93 poviats with the highest stock and the poviats with the highest density of pigs and sows using 20% and 30% of agricultural land in Poland by about 9 percentage points. However, there was no correlation of the level of pig and sow stocking in 2010 in individual poviats with changes in stocking rates by 2020. A large increase in stocking rates associated with the construction of industrial piggeries was recorded in a dozen poviats located mainly in the western and northern voivodships, where the largest number of State Agricultural Farms were located.
Energies, 2021
In many circles, including in Poland, lignite is still viewed as a cheap source of energy, which ... more In many circles, including in Poland, lignite is still viewed as a cheap source of energy, which is only possible if the external costs associated with mining and burning coal are not taken into account. In Poland, this is reflected in plans to open new Złoczew opencast lignite mines. In previous studies, the analysis of external costs has focused on the external costs of coal combustion and related pollutant emissions. This paper focuses on the extraction phase. The aim of the work here described was to estimate the external costs that agriculture may incur due to the formation of a depression funnel for the projected lignite mine in the Złoczew deposit. This paper discusses factors causing uncertainty in calculated estimates of external costs in agriculture, and characterizes the Bełchatów and Złoczew opencast mines. In the paper, a methodology for calculating external costs in livestock production is then proposed. In the next part of the study, the decrease in cereal and potato ...
This study was an attempt to forecast changes which are likely to take place in Polish agricultur... more This study was an attempt to forecast changes which are likely to take place in Polish agriculture in the future. Taking into consideration expected macroeconomic, social, cultural, demographic trends, etc., it was determined which farming systems would be dominant, new functions to be served by agriculture were analysed, probable ways of farm evolution were indicated (polarization and dual development), while issues of the volume of production in agriculture and the number of farms in Poland up to the year 2030 were discussed.
The material used in the study concerns 60 farms from the Wielkopolska region. They were divided ... more The material used in the study concerns 60 farms from the Wielkopolska region. They were divided depending on a degree of the farm integration with the slaughterhouses and on a scale of pigs production. The analyses include calculations of pigs prices, costs of pigs production and profits obtained by the farmers. Besides, the objects of the research are the main pigs production costs (feed and labour) as well as investments realised in the investigated farms.
This article presents selected issues related to the problem of organizational culture. The work ... more This article presents selected issues related to the problem of organizational culture. The work is based on the results of empirical research involving qualitative investigations using the case study method. It examines the values and norms defi ning the organizational culture of selected agricultural enterprises. It was found that the values and norms are an important factor in the competitiveness of a company. Appropriate shaping of the organizational culture promotes proinnovative behavior of employees and builds an attractive image of the organization. Considerations related to the culture of the organization revealed the importance of the multidimensionality of this concept. In addition, organizational culture can have a big impact on functioning and effectiveness of a company.
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences- SGGW Animal Science, 2016
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, 2012
Abstrakt. W pracy została przedstawiona analiza komparatywna zmian w poziomie nakładów energetycz... more Abstrakt. W pracy została przedstawiona analiza komparatywna zmian w poziomie nakładów energetycznych w produkcji roślinnej w wybranych gospodarstwach rolnych w latach 2001, 2009 i 2010. Analiza wskazuje na duże zróżnicowanie nakładów energetycznych w poszczególnych gospodarstwach. W badanym okresie poziom tych nakładów na 1 ha w produkcji zbóż nie uległ zmianie (choć w przypadku poszczególnych gatunków zbóż nakłady zmieniły się od –20% do +48%), podczas gdy w przypadku buraków cukrowych nakłady te spadły nawet o ponad 50%. Po przeliczeniu nakładów energetycznych na 1 tonę zebranych płodów rolnych nakłady energetyczne – z wyjątkiem kukurydzy kiszonkowej – spadły w ciągu 9 lat od 6% (łąki) do 27-32% (zboża i ziemniaki), a w przypadku buraków cukrowych aż o 68%.
The study presents principles of integration of processing plants with agricultural sector produc... more The study presents principles of integration of processing plants with agricultural sector producers in Poland, based on the dairy and meat industries 1 . In this aspect the goal of integration was presented along with its principles and popularity, both in the period of centrally planned economy and free market economy. At present processing plants in Poland with an increasing frequency develop cooperation with raw material producers on the basis of supply contracts. The highest degree of integration between meat plants and farmers is found in case of white meat producers. On the basis of pig production the effect of vertical integration on the profitability of this type of production in Poland in the period 2001 - 2006 was thoroughly analyzed and assessed, with special emphasis on benefits for these agricultural sector producers. For this purpose the study presents results of analyses conducted on a group of 60 pig producers producing minimum 200 fatteners annually. The analysis s...