Bernard Croset - (original) (raw)

Papers by Bernard Croset

Research paper thumbnail of riphenylene on Au(111): A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. Langmuir, American

HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific ... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et a ̀ la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Emergence of chirality in hexagonally packed monolayers of hexapentyloxytriphenylene on Au(111): a joint experimental and theoretical study

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Research paper thumbnail of Interactions Between Topological Defects and Nanoparticles

Frontiers in Physics

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Research paper thumbnail of From Chains to Monolayers : Nanoparticle Assembly Driven by Smectic Topological Defects

Nano Letters

In this article, we show how advanced hierarchical structures of topological defects in the so-ca... more In this article, we show how advanced hierarchical structures of topological defects in the so-called smectic oily streaks can be used to sequentially transfer their geometrical features to gold nanospheres. We use two kinds of topological defects, 1D dislocations and 2D ribbon-like topological defects. The large trapping efficiency of the smectic dislocation cores not only surpasses that of the elastically distorted zones around the cores but also the one of the 2D ribbon-like topological defect. This enables the formation of a large number of aligned NP chains, within the dislocation cores that can be quasi-fully filled without any significant aggregation outside the cores. When the NP concentration is large enough to entirely fill the dislocation cores, the LC confinement varies from 1D to 2D. We demonstrate that the 2D topological defect cores induce a confinement that leads to planar hexagonal networks of NPs. We then draw the phase diagram driven by NP concentration, associated with the sequential confinements induced by these two kinds of topological defects. Owing to the excellent large-scale order of these defect cores, not only the NP chains but also the NP hexagonal networks can be oriented along the desired direction, suggesting a possible new route for the creation of either 1D or 2D highly anisotropic NP networks. In addition, these results open rich perspectives based on the possible creation of coexisting NP assemblies of different kinds, localized in different confining areas of a same smectic film that would thus interact thanks to their proximity but also would interact via the surrounding soft matter matrix.

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Research paper thumbnail of Form factor of rounded objects: the sections method

Journal of Applied Crystallography

An analytical method, the sections method, is developed to build a close link between the singula... more An analytical method, the sections method, is developed to build a close link between the singularities of the surface of a body and the asymptotic behaviour of its amplitude form factor at large scattering vector, q. In contrast with a sphere, for which the asymptotic behaviour is in q −2, surface singularities lead to both narrow regions, for which the amplitude form factor exhibits trailing behaviour, and extended regions, for which it exhibits a rapid decrease. A numerical study of a simple example, the fourfold truncated sphere, illustrates the usefulness of these analytical predictions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of the elastic deformations on the form factor of polyhedral nanocrystals: the illustrative example of the pseudomorphic inclusion

Journal of Applied Crystallography

Using an analytically tractable example, the pseudomorphic inclusion, this article examines the i... more Using an analytically tractable example, the pseudomorphic inclusion, this article examines the influence of elastic deformations on the form factor of polyhedral nanocrystals. A control parameter, the total amplitude of the variation of the complex density phase, is identified and it is shown that for low enough deformations the characteristic asymptotic behaviours as a function of the scattering vector associated with the polyhedral crystal shape are preserved, leading to a strong contrast in the dependence of the form factor on orientation. Using the sections method, it is explained why these results can be generalized to more realistic elastic situations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Self-organization of SiGe planar nanowires via anisotropic elastic field

Physical Review Materials

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Research paper thumbnail of Gas-induced selective re-orientation of Au–Cu nanoparticles on TiO2 (110)


Au–Cu bimetallic nanoparticles (NPs) grown on TiO2(110) have been followed in situ using grazing ... more Au–Cu bimetallic nanoparticles (NPs) grown on TiO2(110) have been followed in situ using grazing incidence X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy from their synthesis to their exposure to a CO/O2 mixture at low pressure (P < 10−5 mbar) and at different temperatures (300 K–470 K).

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Research paper thumbnail of Form factor of any polyhedron: a general compact formula and its singularities

Journal of Applied Crystallography

A general and compact formula is established for the form factor of any polyhedron, which involve... more A general and compact formula is established for the form factor of any polyhedron, which involves only the apex coordinates and the apex connections. For large diffusion vector q, the form factor behaves like q −3 for generic directions, but it exhibits q −2 singularities in the directions perpendicular to the edges and q −1 singularities in the directions normal to the faces. General results are established for these singularities. Using a Python implementation, illustrative examples are discussed. The generality of the formula and of its singularities are likely to be important for any discussion of scattering from polyhedral particles.

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Research paper thumbnail of Two-Dimensional Self-Assembly Monitored by Hydrogen Bonds for Triphenylene-Based Molecules: New Role for Azobenzenes

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of The SF6 monolayer on graphite by X-ray diffraction

Journal de …, 1986

The structure of the SF6 film adsorbed on graphite has been studied from 35 to 180 K by X-ray dif... more The structure of the SF6 film adsorbed on graphite has been studied from 35 to 180 K by X-ray diffraction. Below about 95 K the complete monolayer is commensurate with the (2 x 2) superstructure of the (001) graphite face; above 95 K, it becomes incommensurate, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Elastic origin of the O/Cu(1 1 0) self-ordering evidenced by GIXD

Surface Science - SURFACE SCI, 2004

We have studied by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction the self-ordering of the Cu–CuO stripe pat... more We have studied by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction the self-ordering of the Cu–CuO stripe pattern. By comparing the experimental results to molecular dynamics simulations and anisotropic linear elastic calculations, we have been able to determine the atomic relaxations within the Cu substrate. The results show the importance of the crystalline anisotropy in the relaxation field. These relaxations are due to the surface stress difference Δσ between oxygen-covered and bare Cu(110) regions. For the different oxygen coverages studied, we have always found Δσ=1.0±0.1 Nm−1. This surface stress difference is shown to be the origin of the self-ordering.

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Research paper thumbnail of Incommensurate–commensurate transition driven by concentration in rare gas mixtures adsorbed on graphite

physica status solidi (b), 1989

ABSTRACT An unexpected anomaly is observed in the phase diagram of argon-xenon and krypton-xenon ... more ABSTRACT An unexpected anomaly is observed in the phase diagram of argon-xenon and krypton-xenon mixtures adsorbed on graphite: less krypton than argon is needed to drive the incommensurate–commensurate transition. A mean lattice model is developed, which describes the krypton-xenon mixture, however, local disorder terms must be added to obtain agreement with the argon-xenon results.En comparant les diagrammes de phases des mélanges argon-xénon et krypton-xénon adsorbés sur graphite, on constate une anomalie concernant la transition incommensurable–commensurable subie dans les deux cas par le solide bidimensionnel quand la concentration de xénon diminue. On développe un modèle de réseau moyen qui décrit correctement le comportement du mélange krypton-xénon; il faut introduire des termes dus au désordre local pour retrouver aussi les résultats du mélange argon-xénon.

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Research paper thumbnail of Structure and missing-dimer probability distribution of the (2×< i> n</i>) Bi-induced Si (001) surface

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Research paper thumbnail of Laboratory X-ray characterization of a surface acoustic wave on GaAs: the critical role of instrumental convolution

Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2016

Surface acoustic waves of micrometre wavelength travelling on a monocrystal give diffraction sate... more Surface acoustic waves of micrometre wavelength travelling on a monocrystal give diffraction satellites around each Bragg peak in an X-ray diffraction diagram. By using a four-crystal monochromator, a secondary two-crystal analyser and masks reducing the footprint to the part of the crystal containing the acoustic modulation, it is possible to observe these satellites on a GaAs (001) surface using a laboratory diffractometer. The finite extension of the satellite diffraction rods and of the crystal truncation rod perpendicular to the surface leads to geometrical correction factors when convoluted with the instrumental resolution function, which had previously been ignored. The calculation of these geometrical correction factors in the framework of the kinematic approximation allows the determination of the surface acoustic wave amplitude, and the study of its attenuation and its dependence on radiofrequency power and duty cycle. The ability to perform such determinations with a labo...

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Research paper thumbnail of Epitaxial growth of bimetallic Au-Cu nanoparticles on <span class="aps-inline-formula"><math xmlns=""><mi mathvariant="normal">Ti</mi><msub><mi mathvariant="normal">O</mi><mn>2</mn></msub></math></span>(110) followed <i>in situ</i> by scanning tunneling microscop...

Physical Review B, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Critical Au Concentration for the Stabilization of Au–Cu Nanoparticles on Rutile against Dissociation under Oxygen

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Elastic cost of silicon step rebonding

Physical Review B, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Equilibrium Configurations of Two-Dimensional Stressed Domains on the Surface of Isotropic and Cubic Crystals

Surface Review and Letters, 2009

ABSTRACT In this paper, we derive analytical formulations of the elastic energy of a stressed dom... more ABSTRACT In this paper, we derive analytical formulations of the elastic energy of a stressed domain on a crystalline substrate. Taking care of the singularity of the elastic Green function at r = 0, we obtain a universal expression for the isotropic case. By using the analogy between electric dipolar and elastic interactions, we developed similar analytical calculations for the (001) surface of a cubic crystal.We showed that the anisotropy of the boundary energy and the anisotropy of the substrate govern the shape of the domains, favoring either compact shapes or stripe configurations. The analytical approach adopted in this paper also allows us to discuss the role of elastic anisotropy for the existence of attractive interactions between domains.

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Research paper thumbnail of Self-organization of stressed surfaces: The role of local relaxations

Physical Review B, 2000

We investigate, in a very simple form and using a continuum approach, the influence of the Frenke... more We investigate, in a very simple form and using a continuum approach, the influence of the Frenkel-Kontorova mechanism on the self-organization of stressed chemisorbed layers on an anisotropic surface. The long-range substrate-mediated interactions are still the driving force for self-organization but short-range relaxations of the adsorbate domains play an important role. When the adsorbate film includes dislocations at high coverage,

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Research paper thumbnail of Self-organized systems for measuring surface stress at the nanoscale: N and O adsorption on Cu(001)

Physical Review B, 2006

ABSTRACT We have studied, by grazing incidence x-ray diffraction, the surface stress variation un... more ABSTRACT We have studied, by grazing incidence x-ray diffraction, the surface stress variation under nitrogen and oxygen adsorption on Cu(001), exploiting the nitrogen self-organization on Cu(001). The measured structure factors are analyzed in the framework of linear elasticity theory. This allows us to calculate the elastic displacements in the bulk from the surface stress discontinuities located at the domain boundaries between the different phases that are present at the surface. We find that the variations of surface stress upon adsorption are of the order of 5.5 Nm−1 for the N∕Cu(001)−c(2×2) structure and 1.2 Nm−1 for O∕Cu(001)−c(2×2) structure. For both cases, elastic interactions due to surface stress variations are higher than electrostatic interactions. In addition, we have precisely determined the atomic structure of the c(2×2) N∕Cu(001) and O∕Cu(001) (2√2×√2)R45° structures, showing that there is no significant Cu buckling in the c(2×2) N∕Cu(001) case.

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Research paper thumbnail of riphenylene on Au(111): A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. Langmuir, American

HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific ... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et a ̀ la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Emergence of chirality in hexagonally packed monolayers of hexapentyloxytriphenylene on Au(111): a joint experimental and theoretical study

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Research paper thumbnail of Interactions Between Topological Defects and Nanoparticles

Frontiers in Physics

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Research paper thumbnail of From Chains to Monolayers : Nanoparticle Assembly Driven by Smectic Topological Defects

Nano Letters

In this article, we show how advanced hierarchical structures of topological defects in the so-ca... more In this article, we show how advanced hierarchical structures of topological defects in the so-called smectic oily streaks can be used to sequentially transfer their geometrical features to gold nanospheres. We use two kinds of topological defects, 1D dislocations and 2D ribbon-like topological defects. The large trapping efficiency of the smectic dislocation cores not only surpasses that of the elastically distorted zones around the cores but also the one of the 2D ribbon-like topological defect. This enables the formation of a large number of aligned NP chains, within the dislocation cores that can be quasi-fully filled without any significant aggregation outside the cores. When the NP concentration is large enough to entirely fill the dislocation cores, the LC confinement varies from 1D to 2D. We demonstrate that the 2D topological defect cores induce a confinement that leads to planar hexagonal networks of NPs. We then draw the phase diagram driven by NP concentration, associated with the sequential confinements induced by these two kinds of topological defects. Owing to the excellent large-scale order of these defect cores, not only the NP chains but also the NP hexagonal networks can be oriented along the desired direction, suggesting a possible new route for the creation of either 1D or 2D highly anisotropic NP networks. In addition, these results open rich perspectives based on the possible creation of coexisting NP assemblies of different kinds, localized in different confining areas of a same smectic film that would thus interact thanks to their proximity but also would interact via the surrounding soft matter matrix.

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Research paper thumbnail of Form factor of rounded objects: the sections method

Journal of Applied Crystallography

An analytical method, the sections method, is developed to build a close link between the singula... more An analytical method, the sections method, is developed to build a close link between the singularities of the surface of a body and the asymptotic behaviour of its amplitude form factor at large scattering vector, q. In contrast with a sphere, for which the asymptotic behaviour is in q −2, surface singularities lead to both narrow regions, for which the amplitude form factor exhibits trailing behaviour, and extended regions, for which it exhibits a rapid decrease. A numerical study of a simple example, the fourfold truncated sphere, illustrates the usefulness of these analytical predictions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of the elastic deformations on the form factor of polyhedral nanocrystals: the illustrative example of the pseudomorphic inclusion

Journal of Applied Crystallography

Using an analytically tractable example, the pseudomorphic inclusion, this article examines the i... more Using an analytically tractable example, the pseudomorphic inclusion, this article examines the influence of elastic deformations on the form factor of polyhedral nanocrystals. A control parameter, the total amplitude of the variation of the complex density phase, is identified and it is shown that for low enough deformations the characteristic asymptotic behaviours as a function of the scattering vector associated with the polyhedral crystal shape are preserved, leading to a strong contrast in the dependence of the form factor on orientation. Using the sections method, it is explained why these results can be generalized to more realistic elastic situations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Self-organization of SiGe planar nanowires via anisotropic elastic field

Physical Review Materials

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Research paper thumbnail of Gas-induced selective re-orientation of Au–Cu nanoparticles on TiO2 (110)


Au–Cu bimetallic nanoparticles (NPs) grown on TiO2(110) have been followed in situ using grazing ... more Au–Cu bimetallic nanoparticles (NPs) grown on TiO2(110) have been followed in situ using grazing incidence X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy from their synthesis to their exposure to a CO/O2 mixture at low pressure (P < 10−5 mbar) and at different temperatures (300 K–470 K).

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Research paper thumbnail of Form factor of any polyhedron: a general compact formula and its singularities

Journal of Applied Crystallography

A general and compact formula is established for the form factor of any polyhedron, which involve... more A general and compact formula is established for the form factor of any polyhedron, which involves only the apex coordinates and the apex connections. For large diffusion vector q, the form factor behaves like q −3 for generic directions, but it exhibits q −2 singularities in the directions perpendicular to the edges and q −1 singularities in the directions normal to the faces. General results are established for these singularities. Using a Python implementation, illustrative examples are discussed. The generality of the formula and of its singularities are likely to be important for any discussion of scattering from polyhedral particles.

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Research paper thumbnail of Two-Dimensional Self-Assembly Monitored by Hydrogen Bonds for Triphenylene-Based Molecules: New Role for Azobenzenes

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of The SF6 monolayer on graphite by X-ray diffraction

Journal de …, 1986

The structure of the SF6 film adsorbed on graphite has been studied from 35 to 180 K by X-ray dif... more The structure of the SF6 film adsorbed on graphite has been studied from 35 to 180 K by X-ray diffraction. Below about 95 K the complete monolayer is commensurate with the (2 x 2) superstructure of the (001) graphite face; above 95 K, it becomes incommensurate, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Elastic origin of the O/Cu(1 1 0) self-ordering evidenced by GIXD

Surface Science - SURFACE SCI, 2004

We have studied by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction the self-ordering of the Cu–CuO stripe pat... more We have studied by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction the self-ordering of the Cu–CuO stripe pattern. By comparing the experimental results to molecular dynamics simulations and anisotropic linear elastic calculations, we have been able to determine the atomic relaxations within the Cu substrate. The results show the importance of the crystalline anisotropy in the relaxation field. These relaxations are due to the surface stress difference Δσ between oxygen-covered and bare Cu(110) regions. For the different oxygen coverages studied, we have always found Δσ=1.0±0.1 Nm−1. This surface stress difference is shown to be the origin of the self-ordering.

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Research paper thumbnail of Incommensurate–commensurate transition driven by concentration in rare gas mixtures adsorbed on graphite

physica status solidi (b), 1989

ABSTRACT An unexpected anomaly is observed in the phase diagram of argon-xenon and krypton-xenon ... more ABSTRACT An unexpected anomaly is observed in the phase diagram of argon-xenon and krypton-xenon mixtures adsorbed on graphite: less krypton than argon is needed to drive the incommensurate–commensurate transition. A mean lattice model is developed, which describes the krypton-xenon mixture, however, local disorder terms must be added to obtain agreement with the argon-xenon results.En comparant les diagrammes de phases des mélanges argon-xénon et krypton-xénon adsorbés sur graphite, on constate une anomalie concernant la transition incommensurable–commensurable subie dans les deux cas par le solide bidimensionnel quand la concentration de xénon diminue. On développe un modèle de réseau moyen qui décrit correctement le comportement du mélange krypton-xénon; il faut introduire des termes dus au désordre local pour retrouver aussi les résultats du mélange argon-xénon.

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Research paper thumbnail of Structure and missing-dimer probability distribution of the (2×< i> n</i>) Bi-induced Si (001) surface

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Research paper thumbnail of Laboratory X-ray characterization of a surface acoustic wave on GaAs: the critical role of instrumental convolution

Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2016

Surface acoustic waves of micrometre wavelength travelling on a monocrystal give diffraction sate... more Surface acoustic waves of micrometre wavelength travelling on a monocrystal give diffraction satellites around each Bragg peak in an X-ray diffraction diagram. By using a four-crystal monochromator, a secondary two-crystal analyser and masks reducing the footprint to the part of the crystal containing the acoustic modulation, it is possible to observe these satellites on a GaAs (001) surface using a laboratory diffractometer. The finite extension of the satellite diffraction rods and of the crystal truncation rod perpendicular to the surface leads to geometrical correction factors when convoluted with the instrumental resolution function, which had previously been ignored. The calculation of these geometrical correction factors in the framework of the kinematic approximation allows the determination of the surface acoustic wave amplitude, and the study of its attenuation and its dependence on radiofrequency power and duty cycle. The ability to perform such determinations with a labo...

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Research paper thumbnail of Epitaxial growth of bimetallic Au-Cu nanoparticles on <span class="aps-inline-formula"><math xmlns=""><mi mathvariant="normal">Ti</mi><msub><mi mathvariant="normal">O</mi><mn>2</mn></msub></math></span>(110) followed <i>in situ</i> by scanning tunneling microscop...

Physical Review B, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Critical Au Concentration for the Stabilization of Au–Cu Nanoparticles on Rutile against Dissociation under Oxygen

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Elastic cost of silicon step rebonding

Physical Review B, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Equilibrium Configurations of Two-Dimensional Stressed Domains on the Surface of Isotropic and Cubic Crystals

Surface Review and Letters, 2009

ABSTRACT In this paper, we derive analytical formulations of the elastic energy of a stressed dom... more ABSTRACT In this paper, we derive analytical formulations of the elastic energy of a stressed domain on a crystalline substrate. Taking care of the singularity of the elastic Green function at r = 0, we obtain a universal expression for the isotropic case. By using the analogy between electric dipolar and elastic interactions, we developed similar analytical calculations for the (001) surface of a cubic crystal.We showed that the anisotropy of the boundary energy and the anisotropy of the substrate govern the shape of the domains, favoring either compact shapes or stripe configurations. The analytical approach adopted in this paper also allows us to discuss the role of elastic anisotropy for the existence of attractive interactions between domains.

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Research paper thumbnail of Self-organization of stressed surfaces: The role of local relaxations

Physical Review B, 2000

We investigate, in a very simple form and using a continuum approach, the influence of the Frenke... more We investigate, in a very simple form and using a continuum approach, the influence of the Frenkel-Kontorova mechanism on the self-organization of stressed chemisorbed layers on an anisotropic surface. The long-range substrate-mediated interactions are still the driving force for self-organization but short-range relaxations of the adsorbate domains play an important role. When the adsorbate film includes dislocations at high coverage,

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Research paper thumbnail of Self-organized systems for measuring surface stress at the nanoscale: N and O adsorption on Cu(001)

Physical Review B, 2006

ABSTRACT We have studied, by grazing incidence x-ray diffraction, the surface stress variation un... more ABSTRACT We have studied, by grazing incidence x-ray diffraction, the surface stress variation under nitrogen and oxygen adsorption on Cu(001), exploiting the nitrogen self-organization on Cu(001). The measured structure factors are analyzed in the framework of linear elasticity theory. This allows us to calculate the elastic displacements in the bulk from the surface stress discontinuities located at the domain boundaries between the different phases that are present at the surface. We find that the variations of surface stress upon adsorption are of the order of 5.5 Nm−1 for the N∕Cu(001)−c(2×2) structure and 1.2 Nm−1 for O∕Cu(001)−c(2×2) structure. For both cases, elastic interactions due to surface stress variations are higher than electrostatic interactions. In addition, we have precisely determined the atomic structure of the c(2×2) N∕Cu(001) and O∕Cu(001) (2√2×√2)R45° structures, showing that there is no significant Cu buckling in the c(2×2) N∕Cu(001) case.

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