Bernardino Quattrociocchi - (original) (raw)
Papers by Bernardino Quattrociocchi
Il volume affronta la tematica del rapporto impresa e banca alla luce della nuova normativa di Ba... more Il volume affronta la tematica del rapporto impresa e banca alla luce della nuova normativa di Basilea II e III. Lo studio, anche sulla base di ricerche empiriche, vuole tracciare un possibile modello per la valutazione del merito creditizio per le reti di imprese.The book deals with the issue of the relationship Company and Bank in the light of the new rules of Basel II and III. The study, also based on empirical research, wants to trace a possible model for the assessment of creditworthiness for business networks
Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa, Jun 30, 2018
Franchising is a commercial form which enables firms to successfully penetrate the market and exp... more Franchising is a commercial form which enables firms to successfully penetrate the market and expand in an environment of growing global competitiveness. This form of business is present in many different activities and sectors, having its own characteristics and structures and significant differences among firms. It is therefore important to identify possible homogeneous groups of franchisors which share the same business strategies. This work is centred on the system of franchises in Italy. The figures about the high number of franchisors and franchised establishments, the quantity of chains operating over many years and the high penetration in the different sectors mean that franchising in Italy has a high degree of competitiveness and maturity. All this, along with the scarcity of studies about strategic groups in franchising in Italy, justifies this study. Specifically, the objectives are: 1) to identify the possible existence of strategic groups in Italys franchising system; 2) to carry out a multisectoral analysis of strategic groups to determine whether the same strategic groups exist in the different franchising sectors; and 3) to characterise the different strategic groups and show their most significant variables. The results indicate that the most numerous strategic group is made up of chains which fully trust the domestic market, so the majority have not undertaken a strategy of internationalisation. On the other hand, the least numerous strategic group is composed of chains which have grown rapidly. This reaffirms the degree of saturation of the franchising market in Italy, as there is a great number of brands but few franchised establishments. The results attained in this work allow an understanding of the keys to the success of franchises in the Italian market for the franchisors to be able to maintain their position or, contrariwise, make changes and reposition themselves.
Economia e diritto del terziario, 2001
I centri di servizio alle imprese come "agenti di sviluppo territoriale&... more I centri di servizio alle imprese come "agenti di sviluppo territoriale": i risultati di una verifica empirica (di Gaetano Fausto Esposito, Bernardino Quattrociocchi) - ABSTRACT: Nell'ultimo ventennio il dibattito sul ruolo dei servizi reali alle imprese e la capacità di ammodernamento del sistema produttivo è stato particolarmente vivace e denso di proposte. In tale contesto, con riferimento allo sviluppo dell’imprenditoria,
This work aims at developing the actor-to-actor (A2A) relationship concept in service contexts en... more This work aims at developing the actor-to-actor (A2A) relationship concept in service contexts enhancing the contribution of the systems theories. The most recent progresses related to the research on the service, as a matter of fact, highlight how the nowadays co-creation processes are key elements in each service context. Both the Service Science (SS) and the Service Dominant (S-D) logic analyse the importance of the role played by the numerousness of actors involved in the service exchange because of the resources held (and released) and the contribution they can offer. System theories, and in particular the Viable System Approach, offer the possibility of an holistic perspective able to re-interpret the same characterizing mechanisms of the value co-creation. In the following parts of the work it will presented a conceptual analysis based on the contribution of the VSA, the SS and the S-D logic, whose scientific proposals will be developed and critically analysed in order to verify the proposition coherence in terms of A2A relationships within the value co-creation process. The relational perspective of the Service Ecosystems shows a view open to network in relation to economic and social actors, where each organization can be considered as an actor because it is actively committed in the value co-creation development, going beyond the difference between the user, the producer, or the exchange facilitator. Therefore, the contribution proposes some progresses compared with the business to business (B2B) approach and literature, through the introduction of the new A2A interaction concept within the service context for the indistinct role that the actors play in the value co-creation process. In this perspective, the contribution introduces the research line focused on the service, giving attention, afterwards, to the service system context, in order to analyse the features of these systems with the specific goal of identifying its peculiarity. The contribution proceed with the presentation of the systems thinking, and in particular the VSA contribution, directed toward the description of the gaps that the authors identify in the present research attempting to offer some orientations for the comprehension and the improvement of the service systems and of their planning and management implications. The contribution finally proposes an integrated interpretation of the several emerging paradigms (VSA, SS and S-D logic) seeking an in-depth-analysis of the A2A relationships in the service contexts.
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, Aug 12, 2011
Page 1. sinergie n. 79/09 Crisi e complessità dei sistemi economici e sociali: dalla sinergia al ... more Page 1. sinergie n. 79/09 Crisi e complessità dei sistemi economici e sociali: dalla sinergia al contagio* LUCA PROIETTI ** BERNARDINO QUATTROCIOCCHI *** Abstract Il contributo analizza le crisi nelle quali può incorrere ...
Scientific Publications / University of Economics in Katowice, 2012
Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2016
Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2016
The analysis of social networks, better known as social network analysis (SNA), is a set of metho... more The analysis of social networks, better known as social network analysis (SNA), is a set of methods for the analysis of reports, initially developed in sociometric studies (Wasserman and Faust, 1994). These methodologies focus on measurement of the attributes of the actors and the characteristics of relationships (Scott, 1988, 2000, 2012). They allow study of social structures through matrix calculation and represent them through graphs (Prell, 2012). In this way, it is possible to investigate the processes of mutual influence between the characteristics of the individual actors and the network structure.
Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa, Jun 30, 2018
Franchising is a commercial form which enables firms to successfully penetrate the market and exp... more Franchising is a commercial form which enables firms to successfully penetrate the market and expand in an environment of growing global competitiveness. This form of business is present in many different activities and sectors, having its own characteristics and structures and significant differences among firms. It is therefore important to identify possible homogeneous groups of franchisors which share the same business strategies. This work is centred on the system of franchises in Italy. The figures about the high number of franchisors and franchised establishments, the quantity of chains operating over many years and the high penetration in the different sectors mean that franchising in Italy has a high degree of competitiveness and maturity. All this, along with the scarcity of studies about strategic groups in franchising in Italy, justifies this study. Specifically, the objectives are: 1) to identify the possible existence of strategic groups in Italys franchising system; 2) to carry out a multisectoral analysis of strategic groups to determine whether the same strategic groups exist in the different franchising sectors; and 3) to characterise the different strategic groups and show their most significant variables. The results indicate that the most numerous strategic group is made up of chains which fully trust the domestic market, so the majority have not undertaken a strategy of internationalisation. On the other hand, the least numerous strategic group is composed of chains which have grown rapidly. This reaffirms the degree of saturation of the franchising market in Italy, as there is a great number of brands but few franchised establishments. The results attained in this work allow an understanding of the keys to the success of franchises in the Italian market for the franchisors to be able to maintain their position or, contrariwise, make changes and reposition themselves.
Le dinamiche evolutive del franchising in Italia: tra sviluppo locale e competizione internazionale
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2009
This paper presents an empirical study of the motives for acquiring a franchise, based on a sampl... more This paper presents an empirical study of the motives for acquiring a franchise, based on a sample of franchisees operating in the Spanish market. The results are compared with the obtained in the previous studies. Although this topic has been studied previously, the spectacular progress of franchises throughout the world in the last decade may have changed franchisees' opinions about their motives. This manuscript establishes an update of motivational incentives for individuals to enter franchising from the previous studies. The results provide the following ranking: (1) Proven business format, (2) Start-up support, (3) Established name, (4) Training provided, (5) Faster development, and (6) Ongoing support. This study and the previous literature suggest there is a limited group of motives involved in the franchisee decision, but the ranking varies from study to study. It shows a different ranking of motives for selection of a franchisee from previous studies.
Considerata l’importanza del trattamento delle reti di impresa nei sistemi di rating interni, il ... more Considerata l’importanza del trattamento delle reti di impresa nei sistemi di rating interni, il lavoro si propone di capire se e in che misura l’appartenenza a un gruppo o a una rete possa costituire elementi di aumento o di riduzione del merito creditizio della singola impresa partecipante. Parole chiave: rating, rete di impresa, gruppo di imprese, banca, indicatori chiave. Given the importance of the treatment of enterprise networks in the systems of internal rating, the paper aims to understand whether and to what extent the membership of a group or network may constitute elements of an increase or reduction in the creditworthiness of individual members. Key words: rating, network, bank, companies’ group, bank, key indicators.
URL del artículo en la web de la Revista:[ more ](;)URL del artículo en la web de la Revista: is a commercial form which enables firms to successfully penetrate the market and expand in an environment of growing global competitiveness. This form of business is present in many different activities and sectors, having its own characteristics and structures and significant differences among firms. It is therefore important to identify possible homogeneous groups of franchisors which share the same business strategies. This work is centred on the system of franchises in Italy. The figures about the high number of franchisors and franchised establishments, the quantity of chains operating over many years and the high penetration in the different sectors mean that franchising in Italy has a high degree of competitiveness and maturity. All this, along with the scarcity of studies about strategic groups in franchising in Italy, justifies this study. Specifically, ...
Sebbene la globalizzazione abbia ampliato gli spazi attinenti la libertà economica, si rileva com... more Sebbene la globalizzazione abbia ampliato gli spazi attinenti la libertà economica, si rileva come l'allargamento dei mercati non sia traducibile in un automatico rafforzamento dei principi democratici in ambito relazionale-lavorativo, ove fortemente si avverte l'esigenza dell'affermazione del "governo del popolo" e, in primis del riconoscimento del lavoro femminile
Routledge eBooks, Jul 11, 2022
Cybernetics and Systems
Innovative processes, by their very definition, relate to phases of instability and transformatio... more Innovative processes, by their very definition, relate to phases of instability and transformation, characterized by the circumstances in which traditional schemes and models that belong to the cognitive endowment of the decision maker – and that can be defined as consolidated within its specific context of reference – appear ineffective, ending to be progressively not adequate, when reiterated in the attempt to be used to recover the balance of the organization. The concept of complexity – understood as the inability of the decision maker to perceive a problem by analyzing and detailing with usual procedures and proceeding to the identification of related solutions according to the consolidated schemes – has the characteristic of consistency with scenarios that are typical of the innovative processes. In fact, innovation is necessarily achieved through the preparation and implementation of change. Change, which should not be seen just as a substitution or replacement, intervenes determining new methods, alternative routes, procedures that are different from the usual. Having agreed that, in the interpretation of any innovative change, intervenes the use of a factor that can be defined as creative emphasis, as something that is necessary, but not sufficient, we proceed to point out that this factor indicates a mode, an emerging approach, which, different and new compared to the action of the past, cannot avoid borrowing the cognitive elements already present in the set of the organizational culture. What we want to substantiate is that the set of knowledge that is not usually used in the routine management processes, and is normally considered a burden, also in economic terms, compared to the productivity of the organization, becomes an element of wealth and opportunities in creative processes and organizational transformation. From these considerations, our contribution proposes the introduction of the concepts of redundancy and vicariance, and the need to define their role in fostering the notion of information variety introduced by the Viable Systems Approach, vSa (Barile, 2009)
Il volume affronta la tematica del rapporto impresa e banca alla luce della nuova normativa di Ba... more Il volume affronta la tematica del rapporto impresa e banca alla luce della nuova normativa di Basilea II e III. Lo studio, anche sulla base di ricerche empiriche, vuole tracciare un possibile modello per la valutazione del merito creditizio per le reti di imprese.The book deals with the issue of the relationship Company and Bank in the light of the new rules of Basel II and III. The study, also based on empirical research, wants to trace a possible model for the assessment of creditworthiness for business networks
Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa, Jun 30, 2018
Franchising is a commercial form which enables firms to successfully penetrate the market and exp... more Franchising is a commercial form which enables firms to successfully penetrate the market and expand in an environment of growing global competitiveness. This form of business is present in many different activities and sectors, having its own characteristics and structures and significant differences among firms. It is therefore important to identify possible homogeneous groups of franchisors which share the same business strategies. This work is centred on the system of franchises in Italy. The figures about the high number of franchisors and franchised establishments, the quantity of chains operating over many years and the high penetration in the different sectors mean that franchising in Italy has a high degree of competitiveness and maturity. All this, along with the scarcity of studies about strategic groups in franchising in Italy, justifies this study. Specifically, the objectives are: 1) to identify the possible existence of strategic groups in Italys franchising system; 2) to carry out a multisectoral analysis of strategic groups to determine whether the same strategic groups exist in the different franchising sectors; and 3) to characterise the different strategic groups and show their most significant variables. The results indicate that the most numerous strategic group is made up of chains which fully trust the domestic market, so the majority have not undertaken a strategy of internationalisation. On the other hand, the least numerous strategic group is composed of chains which have grown rapidly. This reaffirms the degree of saturation of the franchising market in Italy, as there is a great number of brands but few franchised establishments. The results attained in this work allow an understanding of the keys to the success of franchises in the Italian market for the franchisors to be able to maintain their position or, contrariwise, make changes and reposition themselves.
Economia e diritto del terziario, 2001
I centri di servizio alle imprese come "agenti di sviluppo territoriale&... more I centri di servizio alle imprese come "agenti di sviluppo territoriale": i risultati di una verifica empirica (di Gaetano Fausto Esposito, Bernardino Quattrociocchi) - ABSTRACT: Nell'ultimo ventennio il dibattito sul ruolo dei servizi reali alle imprese e la capacità di ammodernamento del sistema produttivo è stato particolarmente vivace e denso di proposte. In tale contesto, con riferimento allo sviluppo dell’imprenditoria,
This work aims at developing the actor-to-actor (A2A) relationship concept in service contexts en... more This work aims at developing the actor-to-actor (A2A) relationship concept in service contexts enhancing the contribution of the systems theories. The most recent progresses related to the research on the service, as a matter of fact, highlight how the nowadays co-creation processes are key elements in each service context. Both the Service Science (SS) and the Service Dominant (S-D) logic analyse the importance of the role played by the numerousness of actors involved in the service exchange because of the resources held (and released) and the contribution they can offer. System theories, and in particular the Viable System Approach, offer the possibility of an holistic perspective able to re-interpret the same characterizing mechanisms of the value co-creation. In the following parts of the work it will presented a conceptual analysis based on the contribution of the VSA, the SS and the S-D logic, whose scientific proposals will be developed and critically analysed in order to verify the proposition coherence in terms of A2A relationships within the value co-creation process. The relational perspective of the Service Ecosystems shows a view open to network in relation to economic and social actors, where each organization can be considered as an actor because it is actively committed in the value co-creation development, going beyond the difference between the user, the producer, or the exchange facilitator. Therefore, the contribution proposes some progresses compared with the business to business (B2B) approach and literature, through the introduction of the new A2A interaction concept within the service context for the indistinct role that the actors play in the value co-creation process. In this perspective, the contribution introduces the research line focused on the service, giving attention, afterwards, to the service system context, in order to analyse the features of these systems with the specific goal of identifying its peculiarity. The contribution proceed with the presentation of the systems thinking, and in particular the VSA contribution, directed toward the description of the gaps that the authors identify in the present research attempting to offer some orientations for the comprehension and the improvement of the service systems and of their planning and management implications. The contribution finally proposes an integrated interpretation of the several emerging paradigms (VSA, SS and S-D logic) seeking an in-depth-analysis of the A2A relationships in the service contexts.
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, Aug 12, 2011
Page 1. sinergie n. 79/09 Crisi e complessità dei sistemi economici e sociali: dalla sinergia al ... more Page 1. sinergie n. 79/09 Crisi e complessità dei sistemi economici e sociali: dalla sinergia al contagio* LUCA PROIETTI ** BERNARDINO QUATTROCIOCCHI *** Abstract Il contributo analizza le crisi nelle quali può incorrere ...
Scientific Publications / University of Economics in Katowice, 2012
Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2016
Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2016
The analysis of social networks, better known as social network analysis (SNA), is a set of metho... more The analysis of social networks, better known as social network analysis (SNA), is a set of methods for the analysis of reports, initially developed in sociometric studies (Wasserman and Faust, 1994). These methodologies focus on measurement of the attributes of the actors and the characteristics of relationships (Scott, 1988, 2000, 2012). They allow study of social structures through matrix calculation and represent them through graphs (Prell, 2012). In this way, it is possible to investigate the processes of mutual influence between the characteristics of the individual actors and the network structure.
Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa, Jun 30, 2018
Franchising is a commercial form which enables firms to successfully penetrate the market and exp... more Franchising is a commercial form which enables firms to successfully penetrate the market and expand in an environment of growing global competitiveness. This form of business is present in many different activities and sectors, having its own characteristics and structures and significant differences among firms. It is therefore important to identify possible homogeneous groups of franchisors which share the same business strategies. This work is centred on the system of franchises in Italy. The figures about the high number of franchisors and franchised establishments, the quantity of chains operating over many years and the high penetration in the different sectors mean that franchising in Italy has a high degree of competitiveness and maturity. All this, along with the scarcity of studies about strategic groups in franchising in Italy, justifies this study. Specifically, the objectives are: 1) to identify the possible existence of strategic groups in Italys franchising system; 2) to carry out a multisectoral analysis of strategic groups to determine whether the same strategic groups exist in the different franchising sectors; and 3) to characterise the different strategic groups and show their most significant variables. The results indicate that the most numerous strategic group is made up of chains which fully trust the domestic market, so the majority have not undertaken a strategy of internationalisation. On the other hand, the least numerous strategic group is composed of chains which have grown rapidly. This reaffirms the degree of saturation of the franchising market in Italy, as there is a great number of brands but few franchised establishments. The results attained in this work allow an understanding of the keys to the success of franchises in the Italian market for the franchisors to be able to maintain their position or, contrariwise, make changes and reposition themselves.
Le dinamiche evolutive del franchising in Italia: tra sviluppo locale e competizione internazionale
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2009
This paper presents an empirical study of the motives for acquiring a franchise, based on a sampl... more This paper presents an empirical study of the motives for acquiring a franchise, based on a sample of franchisees operating in the Spanish market. The results are compared with the obtained in the previous studies. Although this topic has been studied previously, the spectacular progress of franchises throughout the world in the last decade may have changed franchisees' opinions about their motives. This manuscript establishes an update of motivational incentives for individuals to enter franchising from the previous studies. The results provide the following ranking: (1) Proven business format, (2) Start-up support, (3) Established name, (4) Training provided, (5) Faster development, and (6) Ongoing support. This study and the previous literature suggest there is a limited group of motives involved in the franchisee decision, but the ranking varies from study to study. It shows a different ranking of motives for selection of a franchisee from previous studies.
Considerata l’importanza del trattamento delle reti di impresa nei sistemi di rating interni, il ... more Considerata l’importanza del trattamento delle reti di impresa nei sistemi di rating interni, il lavoro si propone di capire se e in che misura l’appartenenza a un gruppo o a una rete possa costituire elementi di aumento o di riduzione del merito creditizio della singola impresa partecipante. Parole chiave: rating, rete di impresa, gruppo di imprese, banca, indicatori chiave. Given the importance of the treatment of enterprise networks in the systems of internal rating, the paper aims to understand whether and to what extent the membership of a group or network may constitute elements of an increase or reduction in the creditworthiness of individual members. Key words: rating, network, bank, companies’ group, bank, key indicators.
URL del artículo en la web de la Revista:[ more ](;)URL del artículo en la web de la Revista: is a commercial form which enables firms to successfully penetrate the market and expand in an environment of growing global competitiveness. This form of business is present in many different activities and sectors, having its own characteristics and structures and significant differences among firms. It is therefore important to identify possible homogeneous groups of franchisors which share the same business strategies. This work is centred on the system of franchises in Italy. The figures about the high number of franchisors and franchised establishments, the quantity of chains operating over many years and the high penetration in the different sectors mean that franchising in Italy has a high degree of competitiveness and maturity. All this, along with the scarcity of studies about strategic groups in franchising in Italy, justifies this study. Specifically, ...
Sebbene la globalizzazione abbia ampliato gli spazi attinenti la libertà economica, si rileva com... more Sebbene la globalizzazione abbia ampliato gli spazi attinenti la libertà economica, si rileva come l'allargamento dei mercati non sia traducibile in un automatico rafforzamento dei principi democratici in ambito relazionale-lavorativo, ove fortemente si avverte l'esigenza dell'affermazione del "governo del popolo" e, in primis del riconoscimento del lavoro femminile
Routledge eBooks, Jul 11, 2022
Cybernetics and Systems
Innovative processes, by their very definition, relate to phases of instability and transformatio... more Innovative processes, by their very definition, relate to phases of instability and transformation, characterized by the circumstances in which traditional schemes and models that belong to the cognitive endowment of the decision maker – and that can be defined as consolidated within its specific context of reference – appear ineffective, ending to be progressively not adequate, when reiterated in the attempt to be used to recover the balance of the organization. The concept of complexity – understood as the inability of the decision maker to perceive a problem by analyzing and detailing with usual procedures and proceeding to the identification of related solutions according to the consolidated schemes – has the characteristic of consistency with scenarios that are typical of the innovative processes. In fact, innovation is necessarily achieved through the preparation and implementation of change. Change, which should not be seen just as a substitution or replacement, intervenes determining new methods, alternative routes, procedures that are different from the usual. Having agreed that, in the interpretation of any innovative change, intervenes the use of a factor that can be defined as creative emphasis, as something that is necessary, but not sufficient, we proceed to point out that this factor indicates a mode, an emerging approach, which, different and new compared to the action of the past, cannot avoid borrowing the cognitive elements already present in the set of the organizational culture. What we want to substantiate is that the set of knowledge that is not usually used in the routine management processes, and is normally considered a burden, also in economic terms, compared to the productivity of the organization, becomes an element of wealth and opportunities in creative processes and organizational transformation. From these considerations, our contribution proposes the introduction of the concepts of redundancy and vicariance, and the need to define their role in fostering the notion of information variety introduced by the Viable Systems Approach, vSa (Barile, 2009)
ABSTRACTThe aim of this paper is to retrace the main stages and impact of the digital era, to und... more ABSTRACTThe aim of this paper is to retrace the main stages and impact of the digital era, to understand the real benefits of the introduction of new technologies and to ascertain how the new technologies have influenced the organizational and cultural transformations in terms of competitive advantage and collaboration. In this context, to understand better the actor-to-actor connections, interactions and relationship networks, this study relies on a systems thinking perspective by defining the openness degree of the systems and the governance of the communication flows that derive as a consequence. The methodological approach adopted, albeit of a heuristic type, refers to the positive method in that, starting from the analysis of the historical descriptive literature and non-fiction, it intends to formulate very precise future scenarios. The systemic interpretation, in the light of the constructivist paradigm, allows us to subvert the traditional explanatory report ‘object–information–observer', placing ...