Biljana Vidović - (original) (raw)
Papers by Biljana Vidović
Acta entomologica Serbica, 2009
A new species of eriophyoid mite, Acaricalus cerriquerci n. sp. (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea... more A new species of eriophyoid mite, Acaricalus cerriquerci n. sp. (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea) collected from Turkey oak, Quercus cerris L. (Fagaceae), is described and illustrated. Differential diagnosis is provided in comparison with Acaricalus halli Boczek. Three eriophyoid mites (Setoptus strobacus Keifer, Nalepella shevtchenkoi Boczek and Platyphytoptus pineae Castagnoli) from pine and spruce trees are recorded as new to the Serbian fauna.
Acta herbologica, 2019
Eriofide su sitne grinje koje se hrane biljkama i pripadaju familijama Eriophyidae, Phytoptidae i... more Eriofide su sitne grinje koje se hrane biljkama i pripadaju familijama Eriophyidae, Phytoptidae i Diptilomiopidae. Ove grinje su obligatni paraziti biljaka koji infestiraju sve delove biljke, osim korena. Većina njih je veoma specifična za domaćina. Oko 80% trenutno poznatih vrsta eriofidnih grinja povezano je sa jednom vrstom biljke domaćina. Klasična biološka kontrola podrazumeva unošenje agenasa biološke kontrole u region koji nije deo njihovog prirodnog područja rasprostranjenja, radi obezbeđivanja suzbijanja invazivnog korova. Da bi se izbeglo direktno oštećenje neciljanih vrsta, sredstva za biološku kontrolu moraju biti visoko specifična za domaćina. Klasična biološka kontrola korova zavisi od pronalaska agenasa koji su veoma specifični za domaćina. Za eriofioidne grinje se smatralo da imaju veliki potencijal kao agensi za klasično biološko suzbijanje korova, a mnogi pregledni radovi naglašavaju njihove mogućnosti. Primena filogenije zasnovana na statističkoj analizi velikog broja parametara, bilo molekularno genetičkih ili morfoloških, može pomoći tradicionalnoj taksonomiji i potom biološkoj kontroli. Ispravna sistematska identifikacija je prvi korak ka pronalaženju agenasa za biološku kontrolu na odgovarajućim genotipovima korova. Ključne reči: eriofioidne grinje, klasična biološka kontrola, korov. UVOD Eriofidne grinje (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea) su obligatni paraziti biljaka koji naseljavaju sve biljne delove izuzev korena (Oldfield, 1996). Nadfamilija Eriophyoidea uključuje tri familije: Phytoptidae, Eriophyidae i Diptilomiopidae (Lindquist and Amrine, 1996). Ime su dobile od reči erinoza (grčke reči "erio" = vuna i "phyes" = živeti), što predstavlja tip oštećenja na listu, tj. oblik finih dlakolikih izraštaja nastao kao rezultat ishrane nekih eriofidnih grinja. Do sada je iz ove nadfamilije opisano oko 4000 vrsta u 350 rodova (Amrine and DeLillo, Vrsta korova Weed species Vrsta eriofida Eriophyid species Ailanthus altissima Aculops mosiniensis Ripka Ambrosia artemisiifolia Aceria artemisiifoliae Vidović and Petanović Artemisia vulgaris Aceria artemisiae (Canestrini) Centaurea arenaria Aceria thessalonicae Castagnoli Centaurea scabiosa Aceria centaureae (Nal.) Cirsium arvense Aceria anthocoptes (Nal.) Clematis vitalba Aceria vitalbae (Can.) Clematis vitalba Epitrimerus heterogaster (Nal.) Convolvulus arvensis Aceria malherbae Nuzz. Convolvulus arvensis Aceria convolvuli (Nal.) Chondrilla juncea Aceria chondrillae (Can.) Cytisus scoparius Aceria genistae (Nal.) Dipsacus laciniatus Leipotrix dipsacivagus Petanović and Rector Euphorbia cyparissias Phyllocoptes euphorbiae (Farkas) Euphorbia seguierana Aculops euphorbiae (Petanović) Eleagnus angustifolia Aceria eleagnicola Farkas Eleagnus angustifolia Aceria angustifoliae Denizhan, Monfrda, Lillo and Cobanoglu Galium molugo Aceria galiobia (Can.) Galium aparine Cecidopies galii (Karp.) Geranium dissectum Aceria dissecti Petanović Geranum phoeum, G. robertianum Aceria geranii (Can.) Hypericum perforatum Aculus hyperici (Liro.
Pesticidi i fitomedicina, 2010
Značaj grinja kao štetočina u poljoprivredi, šumarstvu i pejzažnoj hortikulturi uočen je sredinom... more Značaj grinja kao štetočina u poljoprivredi, šumarstvu i pejzažnoj hortikulturi uočen je sredinom prošlog veka i smatra se direktnom posledicom "zelene revolucije", odnosno gajenja biljaka u monokulturi na velikim površinama, poboljšanih metoda uzgoja, selekcije visokorodnih sorti, intenzivne primene pesticida i mineralnih đubriva. Agroekosistemi u kojima su fitofagne grinje postale štetne su pre svega voćnjaci, vinogradi, zaštićen prostor (staklenici i plastenici), urbano zelenilo, rasadnici i uskladišteni proizvodi, a u nešto manjoj meri i jednogodišnji njivski usevi. Fitofagne grinje sreću se među paučinarima (Tetranychidae), pljosnatim grinjama (Tenuipalpidae), galiformnim i rđastim grinjama (Eriophyoidae), tarzonemidama (Tarsonemidae) i akaridama (Acaridae). Većina štetnih vrsta je široko rasprostranjena, ali neke su ekonomski značajnije od ostalih i ispoljavaju različitu štetnost u zavisnosti od specifičnosti agroekosistema u različitim klimatskim područjima, kada su u pitanju biljne vrste gajene u otvorenom polju. U prvom delu rada obrađene su najznačajnije štetne vrste grinja u agroekosistemima i urbanoj hortikulturi u evropskim zemljama, zemljama u okruženju i u Srbiji danas, pre svega vrste koje su u poslednje vreme postale problem u biljnoj proizvodnji, uz osvrt na primenu molekularnih metoda u proučavanju različitih aspekata biologije fitofagnih grinja. Takođe, ukazano je na mogućnosti suzbijanja štetnih grinja akaricidima, imajući u vidu stanje i perspektive tržišta pesticida u Srbiji i zemljama članicama Evropske unije.
Biocontrol Science and Technology, Jan 8, 2020
Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae, Poales: Poaceae) is an annual grass native to central Asi... more Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae, Poales: Poaceae) is an annual grass native to central Asia and the Mediterranean region. It is a noxious, invasive weed in much of western North America. As such, it is the target of a classical biological control programme established by USDA-ARS. During explorations carried out in 2014 a new species of eriophyid mite, Aculodes altamurgiensis de Lillo & Vidovic, 2018 (Acari: Eriophyidae), was discovered on medusahead in southern Italy; it was also collected from medusahead in Bulgaria, Serbia, Turkey, and Iran in subsequent years. In the field A. altamurgensis has consistently been associated with the target weed while never having been detected from sympatric grass (Poales: Poaceae) species (e.g. Stipa austroitalica, Avena sativa, Triticum durum, T. aestivum), suggesting that A. altamurgensis is highly specific to medusahead. An open-field host-specificity test was carried out in Rome, Italy in 2016 in which an Italian population of A. altamurgensis was infested onto 11 different grass genotypes, including five crop species and five different populations of medusahead (two from Italy and three populations that are invasive in the USA). The results supported the previous observations that A. altamurgiensis is highly specific to medusahead and merits further evaluation as a candidate for biological control of this invasive grass. However, the Italian population of A. altamurgiensis showed variable colonisation rates on different medusahead populations, indicating that populations of A. altamurgiensis from other regions should also be tested to determine if they can colonise medusahead at more uniformly high rates, particularly on the targeted invasive populations in the USA.
Biocontrol Science and Technology, Oct 11, 2019
Russian Olive, Elaeagnus angustifolia was introduced into North America primarily as a wind break... more Russian Olive, Elaeagnus angustifolia was introduced into North America primarily as a wind break and shade tree. Today it is listed as a noxious weed in the U.S. and Canada. During field surveys in the native range, the eriophyid mite, Aceria angustifoliae was identified as a promising biological control agent. Results from no-choice and open-field tests suggest that this is a highly specialized herbivore and that the risk to non-target plants in North America is negligible. The impact study revealed significant reductions in fruit set, which will likely translate to a reduction in long-distance dispersal in the invaded range.
Zootaxa, Apr 21, 2011
Three new species of eriophyoid mites from Montenegro are described and illustrated. The first, P... more Three new species of eriophyoid mites from Montenegro are described and illustrated. The first, Phytoptus alchemillae n. sp. (Phytoptidae), is found on the basic rosette of leaves of Alchemilla hoppeana (Rchb.) D. Torre, aggr. (Rosaceae). The second species, Leipothrix menthae n. sp. (Eriophyidae), is located on the undersurface of Mentha piperita L. (Lamiaceae) leaves and the third species, Aculus blagayanae n. sp. (Eriophyidae), inhabits the receptacles of the subendemic plant species, Daphne blagayana Frey. (Thymelaeaceae). All three species are vagrants, causing no visible damage to their plant host.
Systematic & Applied Acarology, Aug 30, 2019
Supplementary morphological descriptions of five Cecidophyopsis species collected in Europe (Serb... more Supplementary morphological descriptions of five Cecidophyopsis species collected in Europe (Serbia, Austria, Italy and Montenegro) are given: Cecidophyopsis vermiformis from Corylus avellana L. (Betulaceae), C. hendersoni from Yucca gigantea Lem. (Asparagaceae), C. verilicis from Ilex aquifolium L. (Aquifoliaceae), C. psilaspis from Taxus baccata L. (Taxaceae) and C. malpighianus from Laurus nobilis L. (Lauraceae). Males of C. vermiformis, C. verilicis, C. hendersoni and C. malpighianus, and immatures of C. hendersoni and C. verilicis, are described for the first time. C. verilicis is recorded for the first time in the fauna of Serbia and the European region. Female cuticle-lined internal genitalia of five Cecidophyopsis species are studied under confocal laser scanning microscopy. A several steps of oviposition in cecidophyines is proposed based on CLSM observations on their internal genitalia. Sequences of the barcoding region of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (mtCOI) gene are given for the following species: C. hendersoni, C. verilicis, C. psilaspis and C. malpighianus.
Insects, Jul 13, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Biocontrol Science and Technology
Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae, Poales: Poaceae) is an annual grass native to central Asi... more Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae, Poales: Poaceae) is an annual grass native to central Asia and the Mediterranean region. It is a noxious, invasive weed in much of western North America. As such, it is the target of a classical biological control programme established by USDA-ARS. During explorations carried out in 2014 a new species of eriophyid mite, Aculodes altamurgiensis de Lillo & Vidovic, 2018 (Acari: Eriophyidae), was discovered on medusahead in southern Italy; it was also collected from medusahead in Bulgaria, Serbia, Turkey, and Iran in subsequent years. In the field A. altamurgensis has consistently been associated with the target weed while never having been detected from sympatric grass (Poales: Poaceae) species (e.g. Stipa austroitalica, Avena sativa, Triticum durum, T. aestivum), suggesting that A. altamurgensis is highly specific to medusahead. An open-field host-specificity test was carried out in Rome, Italy in 2016 in which an Italian population of A. altamurgensis was infested onto 11 different grass genotypes, including five crop species and five different populations of medusahead (two from Italy and three populations that are invasive in the USA). The results supported the previous observations that A. altamurgiensis is highly specific to medusahead and merits further evaluation as a candidate for biological control of this invasive grass. However, the Italian population of A. altamurgiensis showed variable colonisation rates on different medusahead populations, indicating that populations of A. altamurgiensis from other regions should also be tested to determine if they can colonise medusahead at more uniformly high rates, particularly on the targeted invasive populations in the USA.
A new species of eriophyoid mite, Acaricalus cerriquerci n. sp. (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea... more A new species of eriophyoid mite, Acaricalus cerriquerci n. sp. (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea) collected from Turkey oak, Quercus cerris L. (Fagaceae), is described and illustrated. Differential diagnosis is provided in comparison with Acaricalus halli Boczek. Three eriophyoid mites (Setoptus strobacus Keifer, Nalepella shevtchenkoi Boczek and Platyphytoptus pineae Castagnoli) from pine and spruce trees are recorded as new to the Serbian fauna.U radu je opisana jedna nova vrsta eriofida (Acari: Eriophyoidea), Acaricalus cerriquerci n. sp. sa cera, Quercus cerris L. (Fagaceae). Pored protogine ženke detaljno je opisana i nacrtana i deutogina ženka, larva i detalji građe mužjaka. Osnovne kvantitativne karakteristike upoređene su sa do sada opisanim vrstama roda Acaricalus koje naseljavaju različite vrste roda Quercus u svetu. Priložena je i diferencijalna dijagnoza u odnosu na Acaricalus halli Boczek koja je opisana sa hrasta lužnjaka, Quercus robur L. U radu se navode i relevantn...
Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is a fast-growing deciduous tree native to China, considered... more Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is a fast-growing deciduous tree native to China, considered a serious invasive species worldwide, with several socio-economic and ecological impacts attributed to it. Chemical and mechanical methods have limited efficacy in its management, and biological controls may offer a suitable and sustainable option. Aculus mosoniensis (Ripka) is an eriophyid mite that has been recorded to attack tree of heaven in 13 European countries. This study aims to explore the host range of this mite by exposing 13 plant species, selected either for their phylogenetic and ecological similarity to the target weed or their economic importance. Shortly after inoculation with the mite, we recorded a quick decrease in mite number on all nontarget species and no sign of mite reproduction. Whereas, after just one month, the population of mites on tree of heaven numbered in the thousands, irrespective of the starting population, and included both adults and juveniles. Sign...
Invasive alien plant species may have a strong impact on indigenous biodiversity and this is the ... more Invasive alien plant species may have a strong impact on indigenous biodiversity and this is the case of Ailanthus altissima and Ambrosia artemisiifolia, whose control in the Euro-Mediterranean areas is required. Ailanthus altissima, commonly known as Tree of Heaven, is a fast-growing deciduous tree native of China, with is highly invasive. It is considered worldwide (Europe, Asia, South Africa, Southeastern Australia, North America) a serious invasive plant species of disturbed urban sites, competing with autochthonous flora and causing structural damages to railways, roads, buildings and historical monuments. In addition, it is also an important pest in rural areas, invading cropland, fencerows, forest edges and rocky areas. Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Common Ragweed, is an annual herbaceous plant, native of temperate North America regions, but considered invasive in Europe, parts of Asia and Australia. Its success as an invasive species is probably due to its ecological amplitude and its ability to colonise and dominate disturbed agricultural and anthropogenic habitats. The main impact is primarily due to the its abundant and highly allergenic pollen that induces health respiratory problems among human populations, but it is also an agricultural pest, competing with cultivated crops. Despite several attempts employing different control methods, it is clear that the total eradication of these alien species cannot be achieved and efforts have to be addressed
Insects, 2021
A classical biological control agent is an exotic host-specific natural enemy, which is intention... more A classical biological control agent is an exotic host-specific natural enemy, which is intentionally introduced to obtain long-term control of an alien invasive species. Among the arthropods considered for this role, eriophyid mites are likely to possess the main attributes required: host specificity, efficacy, and long-lasting effects. However, so far, only a few species have been approved for release. Due to their microscopic size and the general lack of knowledge regarding their biology and behavior, working with eriophyids is particularly challenging. Furthermore, mites disperse in wind, and little is known about biotic and abiotic constraints to their population growth. All these aspects pose challenges that, if not properly dealt with, can make it particularly difficult to evaluate eriophyids as prospective biological control agents and jeopardize the general success of control programs. We identified some of the critical aspects of working with eriophyids in classical biolog...
Systematic and Applied Acarology, 2019
Supplementary morphological descriptions of five Cecidophyopsis species collected in Europe (Serb... more Supplementary morphological descriptions of five Cecidophyopsis species collected in Europe (Serbia, Austria, Italy and Montenegro) are given: Cecidophyopsis vermiformis from Corylus avellana L. (Betulaceae), C. hendersoni from Yucca gigantea Lem. (Asparagaceae), C. verilicis from Ilex aquifolium L. (Aquifoliaceae), C. psilaspis from Taxus baccata L. (Taxaceae) and C. malpighianus from Laurus nobilis L. (Lauraceae). Males of C. vermiformis, C. verilicis, C. hendersoni and C. malpighianus, and immatures of C. hendersoni and C. verilicis, are described for the first time. C. verilicis is recorded for the first time in the fauna of Serbia and the European region. Female cuticle-lined internal genitalia of five Cecidophyopsis species are studied under confocal laser scanning microscopy. A several steps of oviposition in cecidophyines is proposed based on CLSM observations on their internal genitalia. Sequences of the barcoding region of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (mt...
Acta herbologica, 2019
Eriofide su sitne grinje koje se hrane biljkama i pripadaju familijama Eriophyidae, Phytoptidae i... more Eriofide su sitne grinje koje se hrane biljkama i pripadaju familijama Eriophyidae, Phytoptidae i Diptilomiopidae. Ove grinje su obligatni paraziti biljaka koji infestiraju sve delove biljke, osim korena. Većina njih je veoma specifična za domaćina. Oko 80% trenutno poznatih vrsta eriofidnih grinja povezano je sa jednom vrstom biljke domaćina. Klasična biološka kontrola podrazumeva unošenje agenasa biološke kontrole u region koji nije deo njihovog prirodnog područja rasprostranjenja, radi obezbeđivanja suzbijanja invazivnog korova. Da bi se izbeglo direktno oštećenje neciljanih vrsta, sredstva za biološku kontrolu moraju biti visoko specifična za domaćina. Klasična biološka kontrola korova zavisi od pronalaska agenasa koji su veoma specifični za domaćina. Za eriofioidne grinje se smatralo da imaju veliki potencijal kao agensi za klasično biološko suzbijanje korova, a mnogi pregledni radovi naglašavaju njihove mogućnosti. Primena filogenije zasnovana na statističkoj analizi velikog broja parametara, bilo molekularno genetičkih ili morfoloških, može pomoći tradicionalnoj taksonomiji i potom biološkoj kontroli. Ispravna sistematska identifikacija je prvi korak ka pronalaženju agenasa za biološku kontrolu na odgovarajućim genotipovima korova. Ključne reči: eriofioidne grinje, klasična biološka kontrola, korov. UVOD Eriofidne grinje (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea) su obligatni paraziti biljaka koji naseljavaju sve biljne delove izuzev korena (Oldfield, 1996). Nadfamilija Eriophyoidea uključuje tri familije: Phytoptidae, Eriophyidae i Diptilomiopidae (Lindquist and Amrine, 1996). Ime su dobile od reči erinoza (grčke reči "erio" = vuna i "phyes" = živeti), što predstavlja tip oštećenja na listu, tj. oblik finih dlakolikih izraštaja nastao kao rezultat ishrane nekih eriofidnih grinja. Do sada je iz ove nadfamilije opisano oko 4000 vrsta u 350 rodova (Amrine and DeLillo, Vrsta korova Weed species Vrsta eriofida Eriophyid species Ailanthus altissima Aculops mosiniensis Ripka Ambrosia artemisiifolia Aceria artemisiifoliae Vidović and Petanović Artemisia vulgaris Aceria artemisiae (Canestrini) Centaurea arenaria Aceria thessalonicae Castagnoli Centaurea scabiosa Aceria centaureae (Nal.) Cirsium arvense Aceria anthocoptes (Nal.) Clematis vitalba Aceria vitalbae (Can.) Clematis vitalba Epitrimerus heterogaster (Nal.) Convolvulus arvensis Aceria malherbae Nuzz. Convolvulus arvensis Aceria convolvuli (Nal.) Chondrilla juncea Aceria chondrillae (Can.) Cytisus scoparius Aceria genistae (Nal.) Dipsacus laciniatus Leipotrix dipsacivagus Petanović and Rector Euphorbia cyparissias Phyllocoptes euphorbiae (Farkas) Euphorbia seguierana Aculops euphorbiae (Petanović) Eleagnus angustifolia Aceria eleagnicola Farkas Eleagnus angustifolia Aceria angustifoliae Denizhan, Monfrda, Lillo and Cobanoglu Galium molugo Aceria galiobia (Can.) Galium aparine Cecidopies galii (Karp.) Geranium dissectum Aceria dissecti Petanović Geranum phoeum, G. robertianum Aceria geranii (Can.) Hypericum perforatum Aculus hyperici (Liro.
Systematic and Applied Acarology, 2016
Abstract Common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asterales: Asteraceae), is an annual harmful... more Abstract Common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asterales: Asteraceae), is an annual harmful weed of North American origin, now widely distributed in Central and Southern Europe, Asia and Australia. It is an agricultural weed, but it represents a serious risk for human health because its pollen can cause severe allergies. Recently, in the framework of the EU-COST Action ‘SMARTER’, an European program was started with the aim to develop sustainable management strategies for ragweed in Europe, with a special emphasis in the search and selection of biological control agents. Among them, the record of a new eriophyid mite Aceria species in Serbia has been considered as potential important biological control candidate. This paper describes the species following both morphological and bio-molecular approaches, and is giving some preliminary data on the geographical distribution and on the biology of the eriophyid mite on its host plant.
Pesticidi i fitomedicina, 2014
The apple blister mite, Eriophyes mali Nalepa, 1926 (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea), has been ... more The apple blister mite, Eriophyes mali Nalepa, 1926 (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea), has been recently found in Serbia as a new pest of apple. The history of its research, the results of a morphological analysis and degree of infestation are presented. A comparison of the main morphological features of mites from different populations of remote geographical origin has shown that the apple blister mite from Serbia is most similar to another European population (Bulgarian [or Austrian?]) while it differs from E. mali originating from the USA and New Zealand. The percentage of infestation varied from 1.6% to 87.6%, with an average of 22.4%.
Acta entomologica Serbica, 2009
A new species of eriophyoid mite, Acaricalus cerriquerci n. sp. (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea... more A new species of eriophyoid mite, Acaricalus cerriquerci n. sp. (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea) collected from Turkey oak, Quercus cerris L. (Fagaceae), is described and illustrated. Differential diagnosis is provided in comparison with Acaricalus halli Boczek. Three eriophyoid mites (Setoptus strobacus Keifer, Nalepella shevtchenkoi Boczek and Platyphytoptus pineae Castagnoli) from pine and spruce trees are recorded as new to the Serbian fauna.
Annales Zoologici, 2008
Arthemisia absinthium L. is native to Asia and the Mediterranean region of Europe, where it can b... more Arthemisia absinthium L. is native to Asia and the Mediterranean region of Europe, where it can be found in vast, dry and rocky places. It has escaped cul-tivation and become naturalized in other temperate areas. This is one of the oldest and most frequently used medical herbs. ...
Acta entomologica Serbica, 2009
A new species of eriophyoid mite, Acaricalus cerriquerci n. sp. (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea... more A new species of eriophyoid mite, Acaricalus cerriquerci n. sp. (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea) collected from Turkey oak, Quercus cerris L. (Fagaceae), is described and illustrated. Differential diagnosis is provided in comparison with Acaricalus halli Boczek. Three eriophyoid mites (Setoptus strobacus Keifer, Nalepella shevtchenkoi Boczek and Platyphytoptus pineae Castagnoli) from pine and spruce trees are recorded as new to the Serbian fauna.
Acta herbologica, 2019
Eriofide su sitne grinje koje se hrane biljkama i pripadaju familijama Eriophyidae, Phytoptidae i... more Eriofide su sitne grinje koje se hrane biljkama i pripadaju familijama Eriophyidae, Phytoptidae i Diptilomiopidae. Ove grinje su obligatni paraziti biljaka koji infestiraju sve delove biljke, osim korena. Većina njih je veoma specifična za domaćina. Oko 80% trenutno poznatih vrsta eriofidnih grinja povezano je sa jednom vrstom biljke domaćina. Klasična biološka kontrola podrazumeva unošenje agenasa biološke kontrole u region koji nije deo njihovog prirodnog područja rasprostranjenja, radi obezbeđivanja suzbijanja invazivnog korova. Da bi se izbeglo direktno oštećenje neciljanih vrsta, sredstva za biološku kontrolu moraju biti visoko specifična za domaćina. Klasična biološka kontrola korova zavisi od pronalaska agenasa koji su veoma specifični za domaćina. Za eriofioidne grinje se smatralo da imaju veliki potencijal kao agensi za klasično biološko suzbijanje korova, a mnogi pregledni radovi naglašavaju njihove mogućnosti. Primena filogenije zasnovana na statističkoj analizi velikog broja parametara, bilo molekularno genetičkih ili morfoloških, može pomoći tradicionalnoj taksonomiji i potom biološkoj kontroli. Ispravna sistematska identifikacija je prvi korak ka pronalaženju agenasa za biološku kontrolu na odgovarajućim genotipovima korova. Ključne reči: eriofioidne grinje, klasična biološka kontrola, korov. UVOD Eriofidne grinje (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea) su obligatni paraziti biljaka koji naseljavaju sve biljne delove izuzev korena (Oldfield, 1996). Nadfamilija Eriophyoidea uključuje tri familije: Phytoptidae, Eriophyidae i Diptilomiopidae (Lindquist and Amrine, 1996). Ime su dobile od reči erinoza (grčke reči "erio" = vuna i "phyes" = živeti), što predstavlja tip oštećenja na listu, tj. oblik finih dlakolikih izraštaja nastao kao rezultat ishrane nekih eriofidnih grinja. Do sada je iz ove nadfamilije opisano oko 4000 vrsta u 350 rodova (Amrine and DeLillo, Vrsta korova Weed species Vrsta eriofida Eriophyid species Ailanthus altissima Aculops mosiniensis Ripka Ambrosia artemisiifolia Aceria artemisiifoliae Vidović and Petanović Artemisia vulgaris Aceria artemisiae (Canestrini) Centaurea arenaria Aceria thessalonicae Castagnoli Centaurea scabiosa Aceria centaureae (Nal.) Cirsium arvense Aceria anthocoptes (Nal.) Clematis vitalba Aceria vitalbae (Can.) Clematis vitalba Epitrimerus heterogaster (Nal.) Convolvulus arvensis Aceria malherbae Nuzz. Convolvulus arvensis Aceria convolvuli (Nal.) Chondrilla juncea Aceria chondrillae (Can.) Cytisus scoparius Aceria genistae (Nal.) Dipsacus laciniatus Leipotrix dipsacivagus Petanović and Rector Euphorbia cyparissias Phyllocoptes euphorbiae (Farkas) Euphorbia seguierana Aculops euphorbiae (Petanović) Eleagnus angustifolia Aceria eleagnicola Farkas Eleagnus angustifolia Aceria angustifoliae Denizhan, Monfrda, Lillo and Cobanoglu Galium molugo Aceria galiobia (Can.) Galium aparine Cecidopies galii (Karp.) Geranium dissectum Aceria dissecti Petanović Geranum phoeum, G. robertianum Aceria geranii (Can.) Hypericum perforatum Aculus hyperici (Liro.
Pesticidi i fitomedicina, 2010
Značaj grinja kao štetočina u poljoprivredi, šumarstvu i pejzažnoj hortikulturi uočen je sredinom... more Značaj grinja kao štetočina u poljoprivredi, šumarstvu i pejzažnoj hortikulturi uočen je sredinom prošlog veka i smatra se direktnom posledicom "zelene revolucije", odnosno gajenja biljaka u monokulturi na velikim površinama, poboljšanih metoda uzgoja, selekcije visokorodnih sorti, intenzivne primene pesticida i mineralnih đubriva. Agroekosistemi u kojima su fitofagne grinje postale štetne su pre svega voćnjaci, vinogradi, zaštićen prostor (staklenici i plastenici), urbano zelenilo, rasadnici i uskladišteni proizvodi, a u nešto manjoj meri i jednogodišnji njivski usevi. Fitofagne grinje sreću se među paučinarima (Tetranychidae), pljosnatim grinjama (Tenuipalpidae), galiformnim i rđastim grinjama (Eriophyoidae), tarzonemidama (Tarsonemidae) i akaridama (Acaridae). Većina štetnih vrsta je široko rasprostranjena, ali neke su ekonomski značajnije od ostalih i ispoljavaju različitu štetnost u zavisnosti od specifičnosti agroekosistema u različitim klimatskim područjima, kada su u pitanju biljne vrste gajene u otvorenom polju. U prvom delu rada obrađene su najznačajnije štetne vrste grinja u agroekosistemima i urbanoj hortikulturi u evropskim zemljama, zemljama u okruženju i u Srbiji danas, pre svega vrste koje su u poslednje vreme postale problem u biljnoj proizvodnji, uz osvrt na primenu molekularnih metoda u proučavanju različitih aspekata biologije fitofagnih grinja. Takođe, ukazano je na mogućnosti suzbijanja štetnih grinja akaricidima, imajući u vidu stanje i perspektive tržišta pesticida u Srbiji i zemljama članicama Evropske unije.
Biocontrol Science and Technology, Jan 8, 2020
Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae, Poales: Poaceae) is an annual grass native to central Asi... more Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae, Poales: Poaceae) is an annual grass native to central Asia and the Mediterranean region. It is a noxious, invasive weed in much of western North America. As such, it is the target of a classical biological control programme established by USDA-ARS. During explorations carried out in 2014 a new species of eriophyid mite, Aculodes altamurgiensis de Lillo & Vidovic, 2018 (Acari: Eriophyidae), was discovered on medusahead in southern Italy; it was also collected from medusahead in Bulgaria, Serbia, Turkey, and Iran in subsequent years. In the field A. altamurgensis has consistently been associated with the target weed while never having been detected from sympatric grass (Poales: Poaceae) species (e.g. Stipa austroitalica, Avena sativa, Triticum durum, T. aestivum), suggesting that A. altamurgensis is highly specific to medusahead. An open-field host-specificity test was carried out in Rome, Italy in 2016 in which an Italian population of A. altamurgensis was infested onto 11 different grass genotypes, including five crop species and five different populations of medusahead (two from Italy and three populations that are invasive in the USA). The results supported the previous observations that A. altamurgiensis is highly specific to medusahead and merits further evaluation as a candidate for biological control of this invasive grass. However, the Italian population of A. altamurgiensis showed variable colonisation rates on different medusahead populations, indicating that populations of A. altamurgiensis from other regions should also be tested to determine if they can colonise medusahead at more uniformly high rates, particularly on the targeted invasive populations in the USA.
Biocontrol Science and Technology, Oct 11, 2019
Russian Olive, Elaeagnus angustifolia was introduced into North America primarily as a wind break... more Russian Olive, Elaeagnus angustifolia was introduced into North America primarily as a wind break and shade tree. Today it is listed as a noxious weed in the U.S. and Canada. During field surveys in the native range, the eriophyid mite, Aceria angustifoliae was identified as a promising biological control agent. Results from no-choice and open-field tests suggest that this is a highly specialized herbivore and that the risk to non-target plants in North America is negligible. The impact study revealed significant reductions in fruit set, which will likely translate to a reduction in long-distance dispersal in the invaded range.
Zootaxa, Apr 21, 2011
Three new species of eriophyoid mites from Montenegro are described and illustrated. The first, P... more Three new species of eriophyoid mites from Montenegro are described and illustrated. The first, Phytoptus alchemillae n. sp. (Phytoptidae), is found on the basic rosette of leaves of Alchemilla hoppeana (Rchb.) D. Torre, aggr. (Rosaceae). The second species, Leipothrix menthae n. sp. (Eriophyidae), is located on the undersurface of Mentha piperita L. (Lamiaceae) leaves and the third species, Aculus blagayanae n. sp. (Eriophyidae), inhabits the receptacles of the subendemic plant species, Daphne blagayana Frey. (Thymelaeaceae). All three species are vagrants, causing no visible damage to their plant host.
Systematic & Applied Acarology, Aug 30, 2019
Supplementary morphological descriptions of five Cecidophyopsis species collected in Europe (Serb... more Supplementary morphological descriptions of five Cecidophyopsis species collected in Europe (Serbia, Austria, Italy and Montenegro) are given: Cecidophyopsis vermiformis from Corylus avellana L. (Betulaceae), C. hendersoni from Yucca gigantea Lem. (Asparagaceae), C. verilicis from Ilex aquifolium L. (Aquifoliaceae), C. psilaspis from Taxus baccata L. (Taxaceae) and C. malpighianus from Laurus nobilis L. (Lauraceae). Males of C. vermiformis, C. verilicis, C. hendersoni and C. malpighianus, and immatures of C. hendersoni and C. verilicis, are described for the first time. C. verilicis is recorded for the first time in the fauna of Serbia and the European region. Female cuticle-lined internal genitalia of five Cecidophyopsis species are studied under confocal laser scanning microscopy. A several steps of oviposition in cecidophyines is proposed based on CLSM observations on their internal genitalia. Sequences of the barcoding region of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (mtCOI) gene are given for the following species: C. hendersoni, C. verilicis, C. psilaspis and C. malpighianus.
Insects, Jul 13, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Biocontrol Science and Technology
Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae, Poales: Poaceae) is an annual grass native to central Asi... more Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae, Poales: Poaceae) is an annual grass native to central Asia and the Mediterranean region. It is a noxious, invasive weed in much of western North America. As such, it is the target of a classical biological control programme established by USDA-ARS. During explorations carried out in 2014 a new species of eriophyid mite, Aculodes altamurgiensis de Lillo & Vidovic, 2018 (Acari: Eriophyidae), was discovered on medusahead in southern Italy; it was also collected from medusahead in Bulgaria, Serbia, Turkey, and Iran in subsequent years. In the field A. altamurgensis has consistently been associated with the target weed while never having been detected from sympatric grass (Poales: Poaceae) species (e.g. Stipa austroitalica, Avena sativa, Triticum durum, T. aestivum), suggesting that A. altamurgensis is highly specific to medusahead. An open-field host-specificity test was carried out in Rome, Italy in 2016 in which an Italian population of A. altamurgensis was infested onto 11 different grass genotypes, including five crop species and five different populations of medusahead (two from Italy and three populations that are invasive in the USA). The results supported the previous observations that A. altamurgiensis is highly specific to medusahead and merits further evaluation as a candidate for biological control of this invasive grass. However, the Italian population of A. altamurgiensis showed variable colonisation rates on different medusahead populations, indicating that populations of A. altamurgiensis from other regions should also be tested to determine if they can colonise medusahead at more uniformly high rates, particularly on the targeted invasive populations in the USA.
A new species of eriophyoid mite, Acaricalus cerriquerci n. sp. (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea... more A new species of eriophyoid mite, Acaricalus cerriquerci n. sp. (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea) collected from Turkey oak, Quercus cerris L. (Fagaceae), is described and illustrated. Differential diagnosis is provided in comparison with Acaricalus halli Boczek. Three eriophyoid mites (Setoptus strobacus Keifer, Nalepella shevtchenkoi Boczek and Platyphytoptus pineae Castagnoli) from pine and spruce trees are recorded as new to the Serbian fauna.U radu je opisana jedna nova vrsta eriofida (Acari: Eriophyoidea), Acaricalus cerriquerci n. sp. sa cera, Quercus cerris L. (Fagaceae). Pored protogine ženke detaljno je opisana i nacrtana i deutogina ženka, larva i detalji građe mužjaka. Osnovne kvantitativne karakteristike upoređene su sa do sada opisanim vrstama roda Acaricalus koje naseljavaju različite vrste roda Quercus u svetu. Priložena je i diferencijalna dijagnoza u odnosu na Acaricalus halli Boczek koja je opisana sa hrasta lužnjaka, Quercus robur L. U radu se navode i relevantn...
Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is a fast-growing deciduous tree native to China, considered... more Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is a fast-growing deciduous tree native to China, considered a serious invasive species worldwide, with several socio-economic and ecological impacts attributed to it. Chemical and mechanical methods have limited efficacy in its management, and biological controls may offer a suitable and sustainable option. Aculus mosoniensis (Ripka) is an eriophyid mite that has been recorded to attack tree of heaven in 13 European countries. This study aims to explore the host range of this mite by exposing 13 plant species, selected either for their phylogenetic and ecological similarity to the target weed or their economic importance. Shortly after inoculation with the mite, we recorded a quick decrease in mite number on all nontarget species and no sign of mite reproduction. Whereas, after just one month, the population of mites on tree of heaven numbered in the thousands, irrespective of the starting population, and included both adults and juveniles. Sign...
Invasive alien plant species may have a strong impact on indigenous biodiversity and this is the ... more Invasive alien plant species may have a strong impact on indigenous biodiversity and this is the case of Ailanthus altissima and Ambrosia artemisiifolia, whose control in the Euro-Mediterranean areas is required. Ailanthus altissima, commonly known as Tree of Heaven, is a fast-growing deciduous tree native of China, with is highly invasive. It is considered worldwide (Europe, Asia, South Africa, Southeastern Australia, North America) a serious invasive plant species of disturbed urban sites, competing with autochthonous flora and causing structural damages to railways, roads, buildings and historical monuments. In addition, it is also an important pest in rural areas, invading cropland, fencerows, forest edges and rocky areas. Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Common Ragweed, is an annual herbaceous plant, native of temperate North America regions, but considered invasive in Europe, parts of Asia and Australia. Its success as an invasive species is probably due to its ecological amplitude and its ability to colonise and dominate disturbed agricultural and anthropogenic habitats. The main impact is primarily due to the its abundant and highly allergenic pollen that induces health respiratory problems among human populations, but it is also an agricultural pest, competing with cultivated crops. Despite several attempts employing different control methods, it is clear that the total eradication of these alien species cannot be achieved and efforts have to be addressed
Insects, 2021
A classical biological control agent is an exotic host-specific natural enemy, which is intention... more A classical biological control agent is an exotic host-specific natural enemy, which is intentionally introduced to obtain long-term control of an alien invasive species. Among the arthropods considered for this role, eriophyid mites are likely to possess the main attributes required: host specificity, efficacy, and long-lasting effects. However, so far, only a few species have been approved for release. Due to their microscopic size and the general lack of knowledge regarding their biology and behavior, working with eriophyids is particularly challenging. Furthermore, mites disperse in wind, and little is known about biotic and abiotic constraints to their population growth. All these aspects pose challenges that, if not properly dealt with, can make it particularly difficult to evaluate eriophyids as prospective biological control agents and jeopardize the general success of control programs. We identified some of the critical aspects of working with eriophyids in classical biolog...
Systematic and Applied Acarology, 2019
Supplementary morphological descriptions of five Cecidophyopsis species collected in Europe (Serb... more Supplementary morphological descriptions of five Cecidophyopsis species collected in Europe (Serbia, Austria, Italy and Montenegro) are given: Cecidophyopsis vermiformis from Corylus avellana L. (Betulaceae), C. hendersoni from Yucca gigantea Lem. (Asparagaceae), C. verilicis from Ilex aquifolium L. (Aquifoliaceae), C. psilaspis from Taxus baccata L. (Taxaceae) and C. malpighianus from Laurus nobilis L. (Lauraceae). Males of C. vermiformis, C. verilicis, C. hendersoni and C. malpighianus, and immatures of C. hendersoni and C. verilicis, are described for the first time. C. verilicis is recorded for the first time in the fauna of Serbia and the European region. Female cuticle-lined internal genitalia of five Cecidophyopsis species are studied under confocal laser scanning microscopy. A several steps of oviposition in cecidophyines is proposed based on CLSM observations on their internal genitalia. Sequences of the barcoding region of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (mt...
Acta herbologica, 2019
Eriofide su sitne grinje koje se hrane biljkama i pripadaju familijama Eriophyidae, Phytoptidae i... more Eriofide su sitne grinje koje se hrane biljkama i pripadaju familijama Eriophyidae, Phytoptidae i Diptilomiopidae. Ove grinje su obligatni paraziti biljaka koji infestiraju sve delove biljke, osim korena. Većina njih je veoma specifična za domaćina. Oko 80% trenutno poznatih vrsta eriofidnih grinja povezano je sa jednom vrstom biljke domaćina. Klasična biološka kontrola podrazumeva unošenje agenasa biološke kontrole u region koji nije deo njihovog prirodnog područja rasprostranjenja, radi obezbeđivanja suzbijanja invazivnog korova. Da bi se izbeglo direktno oštećenje neciljanih vrsta, sredstva za biološku kontrolu moraju biti visoko specifična za domaćina. Klasična biološka kontrola korova zavisi od pronalaska agenasa koji su veoma specifični za domaćina. Za eriofioidne grinje se smatralo da imaju veliki potencijal kao agensi za klasično biološko suzbijanje korova, a mnogi pregledni radovi naglašavaju njihove mogućnosti. Primena filogenije zasnovana na statističkoj analizi velikog broja parametara, bilo molekularno genetičkih ili morfoloških, može pomoći tradicionalnoj taksonomiji i potom biološkoj kontroli. Ispravna sistematska identifikacija je prvi korak ka pronalaženju agenasa za biološku kontrolu na odgovarajućim genotipovima korova. Ključne reči: eriofioidne grinje, klasična biološka kontrola, korov. UVOD Eriofidne grinje (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea) su obligatni paraziti biljaka koji naseljavaju sve biljne delove izuzev korena (Oldfield, 1996). Nadfamilija Eriophyoidea uključuje tri familije: Phytoptidae, Eriophyidae i Diptilomiopidae (Lindquist and Amrine, 1996). Ime su dobile od reči erinoza (grčke reči "erio" = vuna i "phyes" = živeti), što predstavlja tip oštećenja na listu, tj. oblik finih dlakolikih izraštaja nastao kao rezultat ishrane nekih eriofidnih grinja. Do sada je iz ove nadfamilije opisano oko 4000 vrsta u 350 rodova (Amrine and DeLillo, Vrsta korova Weed species Vrsta eriofida Eriophyid species Ailanthus altissima Aculops mosiniensis Ripka Ambrosia artemisiifolia Aceria artemisiifoliae Vidović and Petanović Artemisia vulgaris Aceria artemisiae (Canestrini) Centaurea arenaria Aceria thessalonicae Castagnoli Centaurea scabiosa Aceria centaureae (Nal.) Cirsium arvense Aceria anthocoptes (Nal.) Clematis vitalba Aceria vitalbae (Can.) Clematis vitalba Epitrimerus heterogaster (Nal.) Convolvulus arvensis Aceria malherbae Nuzz. Convolvulus arvensis Aceria convolvuli (Nal.) Chondrilla juncea Aceria chondrillae (Can.) Cytisus scoparius Aceria genistae (Nal.) Dipsacus laciniatus Leipotrix dipsacivagus Petanović and Rector Euphorbia cyparissias Phyllocoptes euphorbiae (Farkas) Euphorbia seguierana Aculops euphorbiae (Petanović) Eleagnus angustifolia Aceria eleagnicola Farkas Eleagnus angustifolia Aceria angustifoliae Denizhan, Monfrda, Lillo and Cobanoglu Galium molugo Aceria galiobia (Can.) Galium aparine Cecidopies galii (Karp.) Geranium dissectum Aceria dissecti Petanović Geranum phoeum, G. robertianum Aceria geranii (Can.) Hypericum perforatum Aculus hyperici (Liro.
Systematic and Applied Acarology, 2016
Abstract Common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asterales: Asteraceae), is an annual harmful... more Abstract Common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asterales: Asteraceae), is an annual harmful weed of North American origin, now widely distributed in Central and Southern Europe, Asia and Australia. It is an agricultural weed, but it represents a serious risk for human health because its pollen can cause severe allergies. Recently, in the framework of the EU-COST Action ‘SMARTER’, an European program was started with the aim to develop sustainable management strategies for ragweed in Europe, with a special emphasis in the search and selection of biological control agents. Among them, the record of a new eriophyid mite Aceria species in Serbia has been considered as potential important biological control candidate. This paper describes the species following both morphological and bio-molecular approaches, and is giving some preliminary data on the geographical distribution and on the biology of the eriophyid mite on its host plant.
Pesticidi i fitomedicina, 2014
The apple blister mite, Eriophyes mali Nalepa, 1926 (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea), has been ... more The apple blister mite, Eriophyes mali Nalepa, 1926 (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea), has been recently found in Serbia as a new pest of apple. The history of its research, the results of a morphological analysis and degree of infestation are presented. A comparison of the main morphological features of mites from different populations of remote geographical origin has shown that the apple blister mite from Serbia is most similar to another European population (Bulgarian [or Austrian?]) while it differs from E. mali originating from the USA and New Zealand. The percentage of infestation varied from 1.6% to 87.6%, with an average of 22.4%.
Acta entomologica Serbica, 2009
A new species of eriophyoid mite, Acaricalus cerriquerci n. sp. (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea... more A new species of eriophyoid mite, Acaricalus cerriquerci n. sp. (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea) collected from Turkey oak, Quercus cerris L. (Fagaceae), is described and illustrated. Differential diagnosis is provided in comparison with Acaricalus halli Boczek. Three eriophyoid mites (Setoptus strobacus Keifer, Nalepella shevtchenkoi Boczek and Platyphytoptus pineae Castagnoli) from pine and spruce trees are recorded as new to the Serbian fauna.
Annales Zoologici, 2008
Arthemisia absinthium L. is native to Asia and the Mediterranean region of Europe, where it can b... more Arthemisia absinthium L. is native to Asia and the Mediterranean region of Europe, where it can be found in vast, dry and rocky places. It has escaped cul-tivation and become naturalized in other temperate areas. This is one of the oldest and most frequently used medical herbs. ...