Birol Kayisoglu - (original) (raw)

Papers by Birol Kayisoglu

Research paper thumbnail of Ayçiçeği Sapının Kesilme Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 2004

Bu çal ış mada, hasattan sonra ayçiçe ğ inin tarlada kalan k ı s ı mları n ı n mekanizasyona yöne... more Bu çal ış mada, hasattan sonra ayçiçe ğ inin tarlada kalan k ı s ı mları n ı n mekanizasyona yönelik fiziksel ve mekaniksel özelliklerinin tan ı mlanmas ı amaçlanm ış , ayçiçeğ i saplar ı na kesme testleri uygulanarak kat ı zemin üzerindeki kesilme mekani ğ i irdelenmi ş , maksimum kesilme kuvvetleri ve sap ı n kesilme gerilmeleri, toplam kesilme enerjisi ve özgül kesilme enerjisi incelenmi ştir. Ayrı ca ayçiçeği sap ı n ı n nem içeri ğ i ve sap bölgesinin kesilme özelliklerine etkileri ara şt ı rı lm ışt ı r. Ara ştı rma sonunda, ayçiçe ğ i sap ı n ı n maksimum kesilme kuvveti 0.25 kN ile 4.85 kN aras ı nda ortalama 1.81 kN, kesilme gerilmesi 0.77 MPa ile 9.44 MPa aras ı nda ortalama 4.05 MPa, kesilme enerjisi 3.27 J ile 47.18 J aras ı nda ortalama 13.40 J, özgül kesilme enerjisi 0.99 J/cm 2 ile 6.59 J/cm 2 aras ı nda ortalama 2.79 J/cm 2 bulunmu ştur.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of different tillage methods on silage quality in second crop maize farming

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of compaction pressure on the temperature distribution in bunker type silage silo

Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2018

Compaction is an important criterion for measuring the quality of silage. In order to obtain a qu... more Compaction is an important criterion for measuring the quality of silage. In order to obtain a quality silage, it is necessary to increase the density and to remove oxygen from inside the silage as much as possible. For this, the silage must be compactedeffectively. Density and quality of silage are influenced by pressure, moisture, compacting vehicle mass and layer thickness (Roy et al. 2001). Muck and Holmes (2000) observed that density of silage is variable in bunker silos. Higher density in silage is important for silage quality and preservationfor longer period of time. More dry matter is stored in the same volume and costs of storage are reduced.Savoieet al. (2004) found that the density of silage was affected by layer thickness and pressure but not by time of compaction under laboratory condition. Latsch (2014) indicated that one main problem in compacting work of silage in bunker silos seems to be the heterogeneity of bulk density. This problem occurs, when forage is not well distributed after unloading and peaks and troughs of grass lie directly side by side. Borreani and Tabacco (2010) reported that quality of

Research paper thumbnail of 36 BJAS 5kn 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Ürün işleme ve değerlendirme tekniği(Product processing and evaluation tecnique)

Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat fak. Ofset atölyesi, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of The evaluation of alternative stalk chopping methods in sunflower farming

African Journal of Agricultural Research, Dec 31, 2009

In this study, the alternative chopping methods were compared in sunflower farming. After harvest... more In this study, the alternative chopping methods were compared in sunflower farming. After harvesting sunflower stalk was chopped with three different methods by using three different stalk chopper machines. Two different rotary type machines (RT1 and RT2) and heavy duty disc harrow (CON) were applied in the experiment. Heavy duty disc harrow used as conventional method. Particle size distribution after chopping, management parameters of the machines and energy requirements were determined in the experiment. Maximum frequency with 37.09% for RT1 and 24.62% for CON were found in the stalk size group of 102 - 173 mm. Whereas, maximum frequency with 31.08% was obtained in the size group of 30 - 101 mm for RT2. The highest fuel consumption (19.28 L.ha-1) was obtained in CON method and the highest field efficiency with 0.886 ha.h-1 was found in RT2. RT1 has 756.1 MJ.ha-1total energy requirements. RT2 has 868.3 MJ.ha-1 and CON has 944.3 MJ.ha-1. The differences among methods in frequency of particle sizes, values of fuel consumption and total energy requirements were found to be statistically significant. Key words: Sunflower, stalk, shedding, chopper, energy.

Research paper thumbnail of Energy and Exergy Analysis of Rice Straw Gasification

Latin American Applied Research - An international journal, 2022

In this study, energy and exergy analyzes were performed in the gasification of rice straw pellet... more In this study, energy and exergy analyzes were performed in the gasification of rice straw pellets prepared in 5 different blends. The heating value (LHV) of the pellets ranged from 12.45MJ/kg to 12.93MJ/kg. The calorific values of the obtained syngas samples were between 3885.5MJ/Nm3 and 4427.7MJ/Nm3. The energy efficiency of the pellet samples in gasification ranged from 53.44% to 58.01% and exergy efficiency varied from 49.19% to 53.48%. In all pellet samples used in gasification, the efficiency of exergy was lower than energy efficiency. The lowest irreversibility value in the gasification process was 36.74kW in PC5 pellet, the highest irreversibility value was 44.21kW in PRF pellet. As a result of the thermodynamic analysis of the pellet samples in gasification, it was concluded that there is no need to add any additives in the pelletization of the rice straw.

Research paper thumbnail of Ürün İşleme Ve Değerlendirme Tekniği

Research paper thumbnail of II. Ürün Silajlık Mısır Üretiminde Uygulanabilecek Farklı Toprak İşleme Yöntemlerinin Teknik ve Ekonomik Olarak Belirlenmesi

Arastirma Kirklareli ilinde; Ataturk Toprak Su ve Tarimsal Meteoroloji Arastirma Istasyonu Mudurl... more Arastirma Kirklareli ilinde; Ataturk Toprak Su ve Tarimsal Meteoroloji Arastirma Istasyonu Mudurlugu Merkez Istasyonunda 2009 ekim ayinda yurutulmustur. Arastirmada, ikinci silajlik misirda uygulanan farkli toprak isleme sistemleri bitki gelisimine, verime ve isletme ekonomisine etkileri acisindan karsilastirilmistir. Calismada makinelerin yakit tuketimi ve is basarisi, bitki ile ilgili ortalama cikis suresi, tarla filiz cikis derecesi, sap kalinligi, bitki boyu ve verim, toprak ile ilgili nem degerleri belirlenmis ve yontemler ekonomik analize tabi tutulmustur. Yapilan degerlendirmeler sonucunda en yuksek silajlik verim geleneksel yontem olan T4 yonteminde elde edilirken en dusuk verim ise T2 yonteminde elde edilmistir. Yontemler arasinda yakit tuketimi; en dusuk 22.01 lt /ha ile T2 toprak isleme sistemi, en yuksek 56.30 lt/ha ile T4 toprak isleme sisteminde tespit edilmistir. Is basarisinin ortalama en yuksek oldugu toprak isleme sistemi 4.91 ha/h ile T3 olurken, diger toprak isle...

Research paper thumbnail of Developing an Automatic Tire Pressure Control System To Improve the Tractive Efficiency of Tractors

In this research it is aimed to develop an automatic tire pressure control system for slippage co... more In this research it is aimed to develop an automatic tire pressure control system for slippage control in order to improve the tractive efficiency of tractors. The developed system was designed in a flexible structure which can be adapted to all brand and model of tractors. With the automatic tire pressure control system, it is aimed to increase the efficiency of drawbars, to reduce fuel consumption and to bottom out negative traffic effects which will occur on the field. The system consists of electronic control unit, pneumatic control unit, user interface, central control unit and auxiliary units. Evaluating slippage data which electronic control unit gets from each drive tire with the help of developed software; it is aimed to make slippage stay in indicated limit by decreasing and increasing tire pressure. Working with tire pressure control sensors and pneumatic unit integratedly, software speed sensors provided pressure control. In this article, it is aimed to give design and p...

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of canola harvest header used in canola harvesting on harvest losses

Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Kanola Bitkisinin Parçalanmaya Yönelik Bazi Mekanik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

Kanola tariminda saplarin tarladan uzaklastirilmasi veya parcalanmasi hasat esnasinda karsilasila... more Kanola tariminda saplarin tarladan uzaklastirilmasi veya parcalanmasi hasat esnasinda karsilasilan onemli problemlerden biridir. Bu calismada kanola bitkisinin hasada yonelik kesme ve egilme dayanimi belirlenmistir. Bu amacla kanola saplarinin kesme ve egilme dayanimlarini belirlemek icin bir duzenek hazirlanmis ve orneklerle test edilmistir. Kesme duzeneginde orijinal kanola aparat bicagi kullanilmistir. Kanola saplarinin egilme kuvvetleri, kanola sapi icin ozel olarak tasarlanmis iki noktadan egme testi ile belirlenmistir. Kanola saplarinin birinci kesme bolgesi yuksekligi 0-25 cm, ikinci kesme noktasi 25-50 cm olarak belirlenmistir. Birinci kesme bolgesinde ortalama sap capi 8.2 mm ve nem icerigi %55.97 olarak olculmustur. Birinci kesme bolgesinde olculen ortalama kesme dayanimi 108.08 N oldugu saptanmistir. Ikinci kesme bolgesinde ortalama sap capi 8.1 mm ve nem icerigi %54.25 olarak olculmustur. Ikinci kesme bolgesinde olculen ortalama kesme dayanimi 104.18 N oldugu saptanmisti...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of compaction and maturity stages on sunflower silage quality

African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2010

The aim of this research was to determine sunflower silage quality under different compaction con... more The aim of this research was to determine sunflower silage quality under different compaction conditions of the whole-plant sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) harvested at three different maturity stages. These were the beginning of Anthesis, one-third Milk Line, and Black Line. Five compaction applications (control, vacuum and compaction with 150, 248 and 498 kPa) were carried out in the study. For this purpose, cylindrical plastic mini-silos (5.2 L) were used. The chopped forages were compacted in mini-silos at five pressure levels. Each treatment was ensiled for 50 days in cylindrical plastic mini-silos (5.2 L) silos with three replications. This study showed that compaction level and maturity stage had significant effects on silage quality (p < 0.05). The dry-matter content increased in the silages with maturity. The best results were observed when harvesting at the stage of one-third Milk Line and compaction with the level 498 kPa. Key words: Sunflower silage, maturity stage...

Research paper thumbnail of Saha Koşullarında Toprak Üstü Beton Silolarda Uygulanan Sıkıştırma Basıncının Belirlenmesi

Research paper thumbnail of Laboratuvar Tipi Gazlaştırıcılar İçin PLC Tabanlı Prototip Veri Toplama ve Kontrol Sisteminin Geliştirilmesi

Bu arastirmada farkli tip gazlastiricilar uzerine monte edilerek gazlastirma sureclerinin izlenme... more Bu arastirmada farkli tip gazlastiricilar uzerine monte edilerek gazlastirma sureclerinin izlenmesini saglayacak PLC kontrollu bir veri toplama ve kontrol sistemi gerceklestirilmistir. Sistem, moduler yapida olup genisletilmeye uygun analog ve dijital giris/cikis modulleri ile donatilmistir. Arastirmada gerceklestirilen prototip sistem ile termokupllar, yuk hucreleri ve basinc sensorleri gibi farkli tip algilayicilardan gelen analog ve dijital veriler algilanabilmektedir. Ayrica PLC’nin analog cikis kanallarindan gonderilen sinyaller ile reaktorler uzerindeki fan, motor ve oransal vanalarin kontrolleri saglanarak calisma hizlari denetlenebilmektedir. Gelistirilen prototip veri toplama ve kontrol sistemi ile laboratuvar olcekli bir gazlastiricida gerceklestirilen gazlastirma surecleri, bir operator paneli uzerinden takip edilirken, surec degiskenleri 60 s periyot ile USB bellege kaydedilebilmektedir. Sistem, genisleme modulleri ile donatilarak endustriyel amacli buyuk tesislerin kont...

Research paper thumbnail of Integration of Projects Enhancing Productivity Based on Energy Audit Data in Raw Milk Production Sector — a Case Study in Turkey

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of A Prototype Downdraft Gasifier Design with Mechanical Stirrer for Rice Straw Gasification and Comparative Performance Evaluation for Two Different Airflow Paths

Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 2018

Rice straw is one of the most important agricultural residue in Trakya region that can be evaluat... more Rice straw is one of the most important agricultural residue in Trakya region that can be evaluated by biomass gasification technologies. In this research, a throathless type fixed bed downdraft gasifier prototype with mechanical stirrer has been designed for rice straw gasification. Rice straw was pelleted by using different additive materials and these pellet samples were gasified. For this purpose, pure (PRF), 3% PVA doped (PVA3), 5% molasses doped (PM5), 5% charcoal powder doped (PC5) and 15% charcoal powder doped (PC15) pellets were used. Experiments were conducted using throathless type reactor. The effects of air inlet direction, air excess coefficient and mixing process the gasification efficiency during the gasification process were investigated. In addition to these, effects of temperature in the reactor core zone on glass transition and agglomeration have been observed. According to research results, it was determined that glass transition started when the temperature in core zone exceeds 800°C. The best result was obtained in gasification process with upper air intake and excess air coefficient of 0,20. It was observed that the mixing process have not positive result during the gasification of rice straw. Pellet samples were gasified using most appropriate method that was determined by experiments and obtained synthesis gas yields were compared. The maximum lower heating value of syngas was determined for gasification process that was performed using pure rice straw pellets (PRF) as 4,430 MJm-3 while the minimum lower heating value was determined for gasification process that was performed using 15% coal dust doped pellets (PC15) as 3,899 MJm-3. The highest gasification efficiency was determined using pure rice straw pellets (PRF) as 64,8 % and the lowest gasification efficiency was determined using 15% coal dust doped pellets (PC15) as 59,6%. Difference between gasification efficiency of pellet samples was found statistically significant.

Research paper thumbnail of Kanola Hasadinda Kullanilan Tablanin Hasat Kayiplari Üzeri̇ne Etki̇si̇

Jotaf Tekirdag Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi, Oct 31, 2012

Son yillarda Kirklareli ilinde kanola uretimi hizla artmaya baslamistir. Mevcut durumda 33.550 da... more Son yillarda Kirklareli ilinde kanola uretimi hizla artmaya baslamistir. Mevcut durumda 33.550 da’lik alanda uretim yapilmaktadir. Kanola hasadi bicerdoverle yapilmasina ragmen yore icin yeni bir bitki olmasindan dolayi hasat kayiplari oldukca yuksek oldugu ifade edilmektedir. Bu calismada, kano la bitkisinin hasadina yonelik bazi parameterelerin belirlenmesi ve farkli calisma kosullarinda hasat kayiplarinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Bu amac dogrultusunda, uc farkli bicerdover ilerleme hizinda, uc bator devri, sabit fan devri, dolap konumu onde ve yukarida olmak uzere denemeler yapilmistir. Denemelerde uc farkli tip ve modelde bicerdover (eski, yeni, kanola hasat tablasi takili) kullanilmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore; farkli ayar kademesinde yapilan dane kaybi olcumlerinde, 1985 model eski bicerdoverde ucceyrek metotta %17.96, tava olcum metodunda %16.29; 2005 model yeni bicerdoverde ucceyrek metotta %7.15, tava olcum metodunda % 6.49, kanola hasat tablasi olan 2006 model bicerdoverde ise ucceyrek metotta %2.95, tava olcum metodunda % 2.62 ol arak saptanan dane kayiplarinin, makine ilerleme hizinin 4,5 km/h, bator devrinin 700d/d en az kaybin oldugu ayar kademesidir. Hasat’ta dane kaybi en cok eski model bicerdoverde, en az ise kanola hasat tablasi olan bicerdoverde tespit edilmistir. Kanola hasat tablasi takili bicerdoverde urunun dane kaybinin az olmasindaki en onemli faktor her bicerdoverin bicme genisligine uyumlu kullanim kolayligina sahip olmasidir. Kanola hasat tablasinin kullanilmasi ve urune gore yapilacak makine ayarlari ile dane kaybinin cok azaldigini sonucu ortaya cikmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of Some Physical Properties of Rapeseed

International Journal of Engineering Technologies, IJET, 2016

Rapeseeds (Brassica napus oleifera L.) were analyzed for some physical properties production in K... more Rapeseeds (Brassica napus oleifera L.) were analyzed for some physical properties production in Kırklareli province. Also some physical properties of rapeseed such as seed moisture content, length, diameter, mass of single seed, thousand seed mass, geometric mean diameter, sphericity, seed volume, density, accumulation angle and friction coefficient have been determined. Kernel moisture, thousand kernel mass, plant length, plant stem diameter, yield of the harvested crop were determined as 8.34 %, 4.74 g, 158.2 cm, 8.10 mm, 3204 kg/ha, respectively. Length, diameter, mass of single kernel, geometric mean diameter, sphericity, bulk density, accumulation angle and friction coefficient were found as 2.35 mm, 1.93 mm, 0.0047g, 2.07 mm, 0.88, 5.07 mm 3 , 617 kg/m 3 , 29 0 , 0.318 (on galvanized sheet), 0.288 (stainless steel), 0.305 (aluminium), respectively.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a Chopper Unit for Chopping of Sunflower Stalk during Harvesting by Combine Harvester

Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, Oct 1, 2013

The aim of this research was the development of a chopping unit, which is placed under the header... more The aim of this research was the development of a chopping unit, which is placed under the header of a combine harvester. In this way, stalks can be chopped during harvesting and this will be useful in respect to saving time, labor, and energy. In addition, field traffic will decrease by using this unit.The alternative chopping unit may replace the conventional methods. For this objective, the developed chopping unit was tested in three different types of chopping methods. These methods were called Machine 1, Machine 2 and Machine 3. All methods were tested with two and three blade modules. The best results were obtained with 3 flat blades modules on Machine-2. While the average stalk size of Machine-2 was 14 cm, this value was 9.6 cm in 3 flat blades. With this machine the surface covering rate was 26.25%, the average height of stalk was 11.53 cm. This paper describes the structural features of the machine, the design of the main working parts, determination of the parameters of the position of the blade modules, and presents the performance tests.

Research paper thumbnail of Ayçiçeği Sapının Kesilme Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 2004

Bu çal ış mada, hasattan sonra ayçiçe ğ inin tarlada kalan k ı s ı mları n ı n mekanizasyona yöne... more Bu çal ış mada, hasattan sonra ayçiçe ğ inin tarlada kalan k ı s ı mları n ı n mekanizasyona yönelik fiziksel ve mekaniksel özelliklerinin tan ı mlanmas ı amaçlanm ış , ayçiçeğ i saplar ı na kesme testleri uygulanarak kat ı zemin üzerindeki kesilme mekani ğ i irdelenmi ş , maksimum kesilme kuvvetleri ve sap ı n kesilme gerilmeleri, toplam kesilme enerjisi ve özgül kesilme enerjisi incelenmi ştir. Ayrı ca ayçiçeği sap ı n ı n nem içeri ğ i ve sap bölgesinin kesilme özelliklerine etkileri ara şt ı rı lm ışt ı r. Ara ştı rma sonunda, ayçiçe ğ i sap ı n ı n maksimum kesilme kuvveti 0.25 kN ile 4.85 kN aras ı nda ortalama 1.81 kN, kesilme gerilmesi 0.77 MPa ile 9.44 MPa aras ı nda ortalama 4.05 MPa, kesilme enerjisi 3.27 J ile 47.18 J aras ı nda ortalama 13.40 J, özgül kesilme enerjisi 0.99 J/cm 2 ile 6.59 J/cm 2 aras ı nda ortalama 2.79 J/cm 2 bulunmu ştur.

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of different tillage methods on silage quality in second crop maize farming

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of compaction pressure on the temperature distribution in bunker type silage silo

Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2018

Compaction is an important criterion for measuring the quality of silage. In order to obtain a qu... more Compaction is an important criterion for measuring the quality of silage. In order to obtain a quality silage, it is necessary to increase the density and to remove oxygen from inside the silage as much as possible. For this, the silage must be compactedeffectively. Density and quality of silage are influenced by pressure, moisture, compacting vehicle mass and layer thickness (Roy et al. 2001). Muck and Holmes (2000) observed that density of silage is variable in bunker silos. Higher density in silage is important for silage quality and preservationfor longer period of time. More dry matter is stored in the same volume and costs of storage are reduced.Savoieet al. (2004) found that the density of silage was affected by layer thickness and pressure but not by time of compaction under laboratory condition. Latsch (2014) indicated that one main problem in compacting work of silage in bunker silos seems to be the heterogeneity of bulk density. This problem occurs, when forage is not well distributed after unloading and peaks and troughs of grass lie directly side by side. Borreani and Tabacco (2010) reported that quality of

Research paper thumbnail of 36 BJAS 5kn 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Ürün işleme ve değerlendirme tekniği(Product processing and evaluation tecnique)

Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat fak. Ofset atölyesi, 1996

Research paper thumbnail of The evaluation of alternative stalk chopping methods in sunflower farming

African Journal of Agricultural Research, Dec 31, 2009

In this study, the alternative chopping methods were compared in sunflower farming. After harvest... more In this study, the alternative chopping methods were compared in sunflower farming. After harvesting sunflower stalk was chopped with three different methods by using three different stalk chopper machines. Two different rotary type machines (RT1 and RT2) and heavy duty disc harrow (CON) were applied in the experiment. Heavy duty disc harrow used as conventional method. Particle size distribution after chopping, management parameters of the machines and energy requirements were determined in the experiment. Maximum frequency with 37.09% for RT1 and 24.62% for CON were found in the stalk size group of 102 - 173 mm. Whereas, maximum frequency with 31.08% was obtained in the size group of 30 - 101 mm for RT2. The highest fuel consumption (19.28 L.ha-1) was obtained in CON method and the highest field efficiency with 0.886 ha.h-1 was found in RT2. RT1 has 756.1 MJ.ha-1total energy requirements. RT2 has 868.3 MJ.ha-1 and CON has 944.3 MJ.ha-1. The differences among methods in frequency of particle sizes, values of fuel consumption and total energy requirements were found to be statistically significant. Key words: Sunflower, stalk, shedding, chopper, energy.

Research paper thumbnail of Energy and Exergy Analysis of Rice Straw Gasification

Latin American Applied Research - An international journal, 2022

In this study, energy and exergy analyzes were performed in the gasification of rice straw pellet... more In this study, energy and exergy analyzes were performed in the gasification of rice straw pellets prepared in 5 different blends. The heating value (LHV) of the pellets ranged from 12.45MJ/kg to 12.93MJ/kg. The calorific values of the obtained syngas samples were between 3885.5MJ/Nm3 and 4427.7MJ/Nm3. The energy efficiency of the pellet samples in gasification ranged from 53.44% to 58.01% and exergy efficiency varied from 49.19% to 53.48%. In all pellet samples used in gasification, the efficiency of exergy was lower than energy efficiency. The lowest irreversibility value in the gasification process was 36.74kW in PC5 pellet, the highest irreversibility value was 44.21kW in PRF pellet. As a result of the thermodynamic analysis of the pellet samples in gasification, it was concluded that there is no need to add any additives in the pelletization of the rice straw.

Research paper thumbnail of Ürün İşleme Ve Değerlendirme Tekniği

Research paper thumbnail of II. Ürün Silajlık Mısır Üretiminde Uygulanabilecek Farklı Toprak İşleme Yöntemlerinin Teknik ve Ekonomik Olarak Belirlenmesi

Arastirma Kirklareli ilinde; Ataturk Toprak Su ve Tarimsal Meteoroloji Arastirma Istasyonu Mudurl... more Arastirma Kirklareli ilinde; Ataturk Toprak Su ve Tarimsal Meteoroloji Arastirma Istasyonu Mudurlugu Merkez Istasyonunda 2009 ekim ayinda yurutulmustur. Arastirmada, ikinci silajlik misirda uygulanan farkli toprak isleme sistemleri bitki gelisimine, verime ve isletme ekonomisine etkileri acisindan karsilastirilmistir. Calismada makinelerin yakit tuketimi ve is basarisi, bitki ile ilgili ortalama cikis suresi, tarla filiz cikis derecesi, sap kalinligi, bitki boyu ve verim, toprak ile ilgili nem degerleri belirlenmis ve yontemler ekonomik analize tabi tutulmustur. Yapilan degerlendirmeler sonucunda en yuksek silajlik verim geleneksel yontem olan T4 yonteminde elde edilirken en dusuk verim ise T2 yonteminde elde edilmistir. Yontemler arasinda yakit tuketimi; en dusuk 22.01 lt /ha ile T2 toprak isleme sistemi, en yuksek 56.30 lt/ha ile T4 toprak isleme sisteminde tespit edilmistir. Is basarisinin ortalama en yuksek oldugu toprak isleme sistemi 4.91 ha/h ile T3 olurken, diger toprak isle...

Research paper thumbnail of Developing an Automatic Tire Pressure Control System To Improve the Tractive Efficiency of Tractors

In this research it is aimed to develop an automatic tire pressure control system for slippage co... more In this research it is aimed to develop an automatic tire pressure control system for slippage control in order to improve the tractive efficiency of tractors. The developed system was designed in a flexible structure which can be adapted to all brand and model of tractors. With the automatic tire pressure control system, it is aimed to increase the efficiency of drawbars, to reduce fuel consumption and to bottom out negative traffic effects which will occur on the field. The system consists of electronic control unit, pneumatic control unit, user interface, central control unit and auxiliary units. Evaluating slippage data which electronic control unit gets from each drive tire with the help of developed software; it is aimed to make slippage stay in indicated limit by decreasing and increasing tire pressure. Working with tire pressure control sensors and pneumatic unit integratedly, software speed sensors provided pressure control. In this article, it is aimed to give design and p...

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of canola harvest header used in canola harvesting on harvest losses

Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Kanola Bitkisinin Parçalanmaya Yönelik Bazi Mekanik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

Kanola tariminda saplarin tarladan uzaklastirilmasi veya parcalanmasi hasat esnasinda karsilasila... more Kanola tariminda saplarin tarladan uzaklastirilmasi veya parcalanmasi hasat esnasinda karsilasilan onemli problemlerden biridir. Bu calismada kanola bitkisinin hasada yonelik kesme ve egilme dayanimi belirlenmistir. Bu amacla kanola saplarinin kesme ve egilme dayanimlarini belirlemek icin bir duzenek hazirlanmis ve orneklerle test edilmistir. Kesme duzeneginde orijinal kanola aparat bicagi kullanilmistir. Kanola saplarinin egilme kuvvetleri, kanola sapi icin ozel olarak tasarlanmis iki noktadan egme testi ile belirlenmistir. Kanola saplarinin birinci kesme bolgesi yuksekligi 0-25 cm, ikinci kesme noktasi 25-50 cm olarak belirlenmistir. Birinci kesme bolgesinde ortalama sap capi 8.2 mm ve nem icerigi %55.97 olarak olculmustur. Birinci kesme bolgesinde olculen ortalama kesme dayanimi 108.08 N oldugu saptanmistir. Ikinci kesme bolgesinde ortalama sap capi 8.1 mm ve nem icerigi %54.25 olarak olculmustur. Ikinci kesme bolgesinde olculen ortalama kesme dayanimi 104.18 N oldugu saptanmisti...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of compaction and maturity stages on sunflower silage quality

African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2010

The aim of this research was to determine sunflower silage quality under different compaction con... more The aim of this research was to determine sunflower silage quality under different compaction conditions of the whole-plant sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) harvested at three different maturity stages. These were the beginning of Anthesis, one-third Milk Line, and Black Line. Five compaction applications (control, vacuum and compaction with 150, 248 and 498 kPa) were carried out in the study. For this purpose, cylindrical plastic mini-silos (5.2 L) were used. The chopped forages were compacted in mini-silos at five pressure levels. Each treatment was ensiled for 50 days in cylindrical plastic mini-silos (5.2 L) silos with three replications. This study showed that compaction level and maturity stage had significant effects on silage quality (p < 0.05). The dry-matter content increased in the silages with maturity. The best results were observed when harvesting at the stage of one-third Milk Line and compaction with the level 498 kPa. Key words: Sunflower silage, maturity stage...

Research paper thumbnail of Saha Koşullarında Toprak Üstü Beton Silolarda Uygulanan Sıkıştırma Basıncının Belirlenmesi

Research paper thumbnail of Laboratuvar Tipi Gazlaştırıcılar İçin PLC Tabanlı Prototip Veri Toplama ve Kontrol Sisteminin Geliştirilmesi

Bu arastirmada farkli tip gazlastiricilar uzerine monte edilerek gazlastirma sureclerinin izlenme... more Bu arastirmada farkli tip gazlastiricilar uzerine monte edilerek gazlastirma sureclerinin izlenmesini saglayacak PLC kontrollu bir veri toplama ve kontrol sistemi gerceklestirilmistir. Sistem, moduler yapida olup genisletilmeye uygun analog ve dijital giris/cikis modulleri ile donatilmistir. Arastirmada gerceklestirilen prototip sistem ile termokupllar, yuk hucreleri ve basinc sensorleri gibi farkli tip algilayicilardan gelen analog ve dijital veriler algilanabilmektedir. Ayrica PLC’nin analog cikis kanallarindan gonderilen sinyaller ile reaktorler uzerindeki fan, motor ve oransal vanalarin kontrolleri saglanarak calisma hizlari denetlenebilmektedir. Gelistirilen prototip veri toplama ve kontrol sistemi ile laboratuvar olcekli bir gazlastiricida gerceklestirilen gazlastirma surecleri, bir operator paneli uzerinden takip edilirken, surec degiskenleri 60 s periyot ile USB bellege kaydedilebilmektedir. Sistem, genisleme modulleri ile donatilarak endustriyel amacli buyuk tesislerin kont...

Research paper thumbnail of Integration of Projects Enhancing Productivity Based on Energy Audit Data in Raw Milk Production Sector — a Case Study in Turkey

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of A Prototype Downdraft Gasifier Design with Mechanical Stirrer for Rice Straw Gasification and Comparative Performance Evaluation for Two Different Airflow Paths

Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 2018

Rice straw is one of the most important agricultural residue in Trakya region that can be evaluat... more Rice straw is one of the most important agricultural residue in Trakya region that can be evaluated by biomass gasification technologies. In this research, a throathless type fixed bed downdraft gasifier prototype with mechanical stirrer has been designed for rice straw gasification. Rice straw was pelleted by using different additive materials and these pellet samples were gasified. For this purpose, pure (PRF), 3% PVA doped (PVA3), 5% molasses doped (PM5), 5% charcoal powder doped (PC5) and 15% charcoal powder doped (PC15) pellets were used. Experiments were conducted using throathless type reactor. The effects of air inlet direction, air excess coefficient and mixing process the gasification efficiency during the gasification process were investigated. In addition to these, effects of temperature in the reactor core zone on glass transition and agglomeration have been observed. According to research results, it was determined that glass transition started when the temperature in core zone exceeds 800°C. The best result was obtained in gasification process with upper air intake and excess air coefficient of 0,20. It was observed that the mixing process have not positive result during the gasification of rice straw. Pellet samples were gasified using most appropriate method that was determined by experiments and obtained synthesis gas yields were compared. The maximum lower heating value of syngas was determined for gasification process that was performed using pure rice straw pellets (PRF) as 4,430 MJm-3 while the minimum lower heating value was determined for gasification process that was performed using 15% coal dust doped pellets (PC15) as 3,899 MJm-3. The highest gasification efficiency was determined using pure rice straw pellets (PRF) as 64,8 % and the lowest gasification efficiency was determined using 15% coal dust doped pellets (PC15) as 59,6%. Difference between gasification efficiency of pellet samples was found statistically significant.

Research paper thumbnail of Kanola Hasadinda Kullanilan Tablanin Hasat Kayiplari Üzeri̇ne Etki̇si̇

Jotaf Tekirdag Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi, Oct 31, 2012

Son yillarda Kirklareli ilinde kanola uretimi hizla artmaya baslamistir. Mevcut durumda 33.550 da... more Son yillarda Kirklareli ilinde kanola uretimi hizla artmaya baslamistir. Mevcut durumda 33.550 da’lik alanda uretim yapilmaktadir. Kanola hasadi bicerdoverle yapilmasina ragmen yore icin yeni bir bitki olmasindan dolayi hasat kayiplari oldukca yuksek oldugu ifade edilmektedir. Bu calismada, kano la bitkisinin hasadina yonelik bazi parameterelerin belirlenmesi ve farkli calisma kosullarinda hasat kayiplarinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Bu amac dogrultusunda, uc farkli bicerdover ilerleme hizinda, uc bator devri, sabit fan devri, dolap konumu onde ve yukarida olmak uzere denemeler yapilmistir. Denemelerde uc farkli tip ve modelde bicerdover (eski, yeni, kanola hasat tablasi takili) kullanilmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore; farkli ayar kademesinde yapilan dane kaybi olcumlerinde, 1985 model eski bicerdoverde ucceyrek metotta %17.96, tava olcum metodunda %16.29; 2005 model yeni bicerdoverde ucceyrek metotta %7.15, tava olcum metodunda % 6.49, kanola hasat tablasi olan 2006 model bicerdoverde ise ucceyrek metotta %2.95, tava olcum metodunda % 2.62 ol arak saptanan dane kayiplarinin, makine ilerleme hizinin 4,5 km/h, bator devrinin 700d/d en az kaybin oldugu ayar kademesidir. Hasat’ta dane kaybi en cok eski model bicerdoverde, en az ise kanola hasat tablasi olan bicerdoverde tespit edilmistir. Kanola hasat tablasi takili bicerdoverde urunun dane kaybinin az olmasindaki en onemli faktor her bicerdoverin bicme genisligine uyumlu kullanim kolayligina sahip olmasidir. Kanola hasat tablasinin kullanilmasi ve urune gore yapilacak makine ayarlari ile dane kaybinin cok azaldigini sonucu ortaya cikmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of Some Physical Properties of Rapeseed

International Journal of Engineering Technologies, IJET, 2016

Rapeseeds (Brassica napus oleifera L.) were analyzed for some physical properties production in K... more Rapeseeds (Brassica napus oleifera L.) were analyzed for some physical properties production in Kırklareli province. Also some physical properties of rapeseed such as seed moisture content, length, diameter, mass of single seed, thousand seed mass, geometric mean diameter, sphericity, seed volume, density, accumulation angle and friction coefficient have been determined. Kernel moisture, thousand kernel mass, plant length, plant stem diameter, yield of the harvested crop were determined as 8.34 %, 4.74 g, 158.2 cm, 8.10 mm, 3204 kg/ha, respectively. Length, diameter, mass of single kernel, geometric mean diameter, sphericity, bulk density, accumulation angle and friction coefficient were found as 2.35 mm, 1.93 mm, 0.0047g, 2.07 mm, 0.88, 5.07 mm 3 , 617 kg/m 3 , 29 0 , 0.318 (on galvanized sheet), 0.288 (stainless steel), 0.305 (aluminium), respectively.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of a Chopper Unit for Chopping of Sunflower Stalk during Harvesting by Combine Harvester

Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, Oct 1, 2013

The aim of this research was the development of a chopping unit, which is placed under the header... more The aim of this research was the development of a chopping unit, which is placed under the header of a combine harvester. In this way, stalks can be chopped during harvesting and this will be useful in respect to saving time, labor, and energy. In addition, field traffic will decrease by using this unit.The alternative chopping unit may replace the conventional methods. For this objective, the developed chopping unit was tested in three different types of chopping methods. These methods were called Machine 1, Machine 2 and Machine 3. All methods were tested with two and three blade modules. The best results were obtained with 3 flat blades modules on Machine-2. While the average stalk size of Machine-2 was 14 cm, this value was 9.6 cm in 3 flat blades. With this machine the surface covering rate was 26.25%, the average height of stalk was 11.53 cm. This paper describes the structural features of the machine, the design of the main working parts, determination of the parameters of the position of the blade modules, and presents the performance tests.