Manik Lal Bose - (original) (raw)

Papers by Manik Lal Bose

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in Agrarian Relations and Livelihoods in Rural Bangladesh: Insights from Repeated Village Studies

… Studies Essays on …, 2002

This paper provides insights into the transformation of the rural economy of Bangladesh in the 19... more This paper provides insights into the transformation of the rural economy of Bangladesh in the 1990s based on primary data collected from large-scale sample surveys. Developments in land ownership and landholdings as well as in the agrarian markets ( ...

Research paper thumbnail of Family planning choice behaviour in urban slums of Bangladesh: An econometric approach

Asia-Pacific Population Journal, 1997

... 1551 currently-married women of reproductive age in 1551 households sampled from a representa... more ... 1551 currently-married women of reproductive age in 1551 households sampled from a representative sample of 91 slums in the metropolitan areas of ... The more a woman feels empowered, being over age 19 years, the greater the number of living children, and the lower ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Gender in Economic Activities with Special Reference to Women’s Participation and Empowerment in Rural Bangladesh

Gender, Technology and Development, 2009

Bangladesh is known as a predominantly male-dominated society with traditional and religious beli... more Bangladesh is known as a predominantly male-dominated society with traditional and religious beliefs that restrict women’s mobility and participation in economic and social activities. This article is based on national rural representative household-level data collected in 1987 and 2000 from 62 villages in Bangladesh jointly conducted by the International Rice Research Institute and Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies. First, this

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping rural poverty in Bangladesh: how Census data collection systems can help1

A project involving several Bangladesh government agencies was implemented to identify and map, a... more A project involving several Bangladesh government agencies was implemented to identify and map, at rural sub-district (upazila) level, where the most disadvantaged among the rural populations in Bangladesh are concentrated. Our first task was to estimate income poverty for a sufficiently large number of households that would permit computation of spatially disaggregated poverty indicators. To do this we adopted the small area estimation (SAE) approach popularized by the World Bank. Using a 2000-01 socio-economic survey of nationally representative sample of 1888 households from 62 villages spread across the country, we developed a statistical (regression) relationship between household income and selected predictor variables that are common to both the sample survey and the 2001 Population Census of Bangladesh. The regression model was then used to predict household income for almost one million households (for which income data were not collected), comprising a 5% enumeration area ...

Research paper thumbnail of Resource sharing and information networking of libraries in Bangladesh: a study on user satisfaction

Malaysian Journal of Library & …, 1998

An analysis of 25 libraries and 100 users of different categories have been conducted to measure ... more An analysis of 25 libraries and 100 users of different categories have been conducted to measure the satisfaction level of users on library networking and resource sharing activities among the major libraries in Bangladesh. The key variables for this study include: the existing status ...

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial patterns of rural poverty and their relationship with welfare-influencing factors in Bangladesh

Food Policy, 2005

This study determines the spatial variation of rural poverty in Bangladesh and its relation to pe... more This study determines the spatial variation of rural poverty in Bangladesh and its relation to people's livelihood assets affecting their ability to procure food. We estimated household income for over 1 million census households using a * Corresponding author. 2 predictor model based on a nationally representative sample survey data set. We computed and mapped poverty indices for 415 rural subdistricts revealing distinct areas with high poverty incidence that correspond with ecologically depressed areas. However, other livelihood-influencing factors such as education, accessibility and services are significantly correlated with poverty. This indicates the need for continued focus on providing education and access to incomegenerating opportunities so that the poor can better meet their food needs. Geographically weighted regression analysis indicated spatial differences in the relative importance of various poverty-influencing factors. Multivariate clustering of the local parameter (β) estimates of the determinant factors revealed distinct spatial relationships, which have implications on poverty alleviation interventions specific to the different regions.

Research paper thumbnail of Recommendation domains for pond aquaculture: country case study: development and status of freshwater aquaculture in Henan Province, China

AQUACAM Aquaculteurs du Cameroun (Cameroon fish farmers' association) AVZ agent vulgarisateur de ... more AQUACAM Aquaculteurs du Cameroun (Cameroon fish farmers' association) AVZ agent vulgarisateur de zone (zone extension agent) BMZ Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development) CABA Caisses Villageoises de Base (Grassroots Village Savings Banks)

Research paper thumbnail of Geographical Concentration of Rural Poverty in Bangladesh

Research paper thumbnail of Mainstreaming Women in Rural Development

The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), established in 1993, is a civil society initiative to promo... more The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), established in 1993, is a civil society initiative to promote an ongoing dialogue between the principal partners in the decision-making and implementing process. The dialogues are designed to address important policy issues and to seek constructive solutions to these problems. The Centre has already organised a series of such dialogues at local, regional and national levels. The CPD has also organised a number of South Asian bilateral and regional dialogues as well as some international dialogues. These dialogues have brought together ministers, opposition frontbenchers, MPs, business leaders, NGOs, donors, professionals and other functional groups in civil society within a non-confrontational environment to promote focused discussions. The CPD seeks to create a national policy consciousness where members of civil society will be made aware of critical policy issues affecting their lives and will come together in support of particular policy age...

Research paper thumbnail of Determining high potential aquaculture production areas-analysis of key socio-economic adoption factors

Portsmouth (UK): IIFET …, 2006

Global aquaculture production increased with an average rate of 10% per year since 1990 and 90% o... more Global aquaculture production increased with an average rate of 10% per year since 1990 and 90% of aquaculture production comes from developing countries thus providing livelihood and income especially to marginal groups who have limited access to resources such as agricultural land and financial capital. Geographical information systems (GIS) based decision support models can facilitate the prioritizing of national research, development and extension strategies and targeting of development assistance for aquaculture because they can provide information to stakeholders as to where and under what conditions certain aquaculture technologies would be feasible. Factors that determine the adoption of aquaculture technologies by farmers include agro-ecological (rainfall, temperature, soil type, slope), socio-economic (land, labor, capital, infrastructure, inputs), and institutional characteristics (extension services, producers' organizations). While maps can be used to display the agro-ecological factors, many important socioeconomic and institutional variables are not explicitly spatial (such as household land holdings or access to education and credits). To enable the integration of socio-economic variables in GIS models, we suggest a methodology comprising of four stages: (1) identification of key factors for successful adoption of target technologies on the micro-level, (2) development of indicators on the meso-level, (3) generation of geo-referenced meso-level indicator data sets for the target area, and (4) assignment of ranking/weights to the indicators. The paper outlines the conceptual framework applied and highlights some of the inherent methodological challenges. Results of the adoption analysis for aquaculture in Bangladesh and Malawi, representing different levels of aquaculture production intensification, are presented and discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Adoption and productivity impact of modern rice varieties in Bangladesh

Research paper thumbnail of 2005) 'Food and Nutritional Security in Bangladesh: Going beyond Carbohydrates Counts

The progress towards achieving household nutritional food-security in Bangladesh has remained slo... more The progress towards achieving household nutritional food-security in Bangladesh has remained slow. So far the food security is cereal-based (mainly rice) and food basket has not yet diversified towards high nutritive/ quality food. This article has examined the expenditure inequalities in the dietary pattern and incidence of poverty in Bangladesh by using household income, expenditure and food consumption survey data. Results have shown wide-spread inequalities in income and expenditure distribution. Among food items, the inequalities have been found very low for cereals and high for livestock and horticulture commodities and various types of fish species in both rural and urban areas. The analysis of food poverty, its depth and severity has revealed a typical hidden poverty that could not be brought up by analyzing economic poverty. The food poverty has been found high for pulses, horticulture and livestock commodities among both economically rich and poor households. Fish, livest...

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in agrarian relations and livelihoods in rural Bangladesh: insights from repeat village studies

Abstract This paper provides insights into the transformation of the rural economy of Bangladesh ... more Abstract This paper provides insights into the transformation of the rural economy of Bangladesh in the 1990s based on primary data collected from large-scale sample surveys. Developments in land ownership and landholdings as well as in the agrarian markets ( ...

Research paper thumbnail of Nature and impact of women's participation in economic activities in rural Bangladesh: insights from household surveys

This paper has been prepared as part of CPD's ongoing agricultural policy research. The paper... more This paper has been prepared as part of CPD's ongoing agricultural policy research. The paper was presented at the dialogue on Women's Contribution to Rural Economic Activities: Making the Invisible Visible. It presents some empirical evidences of recent changes in gender roles in economic activities, and impact of women's participation on their empowerment and the socioeconomic conditions of the household. The information presented in this paper comes mostly from analysis of gender-specific (male and female) survey data at two points of time, i.e., 1987 and 2000. The surveys covered samples from 62 villages from 57 districts.

Research paper thumbnail of Inequality in the Access to Secondary Education and Rural Poverty in Bangladesh: An Analysis of Household and School Level Data

This paper explores the relationship between different levels of education and poverty through an... more This paper explores the relationship between different levels of education and poverty through an analysis of household-level data from 60 villages in Bangladesh. First of all, it depicts the overall trend in school enrollment at primary and secondary level between 1988-2000, and confirms the inequality that exists in the access to education at post-primary level. This is followed by a presentation of income and occupation data that show a strong positive correlation with the level of education. In the second part, an income function analysis has been done to assess the impact of education along with other determinants. Marginal returns to upper secondary and primary level of education have been found to be higher than lower secondary education. The third part analyzes the effects of education on child/woman ratio, and on the secondary school participation rate of male and female children. Both poverty and low education have positive but weak effect on child/woman ratio. On the othe...

Research paper thumbnail of Recommendation domains for pond aquaculture

This publication introduces the methods and results of a research project that has developed a se... more This publication introduces the methods and results of a research project that has developed a set of decision-support tools to identify places and sets of conditions for which a particular target aquaculture technology is considered feasible and therefore good to promote. The tools also identify the nature of constraints to aquaculture development and thereby shed light on appropriate interventions to realize the potential of the target areas. The project results will be useful for policy planners and decision makers in national, regional and local governments and development funding agencies, aquaculture extension workers in regional and local governments, and researchers in aquaculture systems and rural livelihoods.

Research paper thumbnail of Resource Sharing and Information Networking of Libraries in Bangladesh: A Study on User Satisfaction

An analysis of 25 libraries and 100 users of different categories have been conducted to measure ... more An analysis of 25 libraries and 100 users of different categories have been conducted to measure the satisfaction level of users on library networking and resource sharing activities among the major libraries in Bangladesh. The key variables for this study include: the existing status of infrastructur es and facilities, collections, mode of subscription of journals, user’s visit to the libraries, availability of services and use of databases. User's suggestions to improve the library services have also been included.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Gender in Economic Activities with Special Reference to Women’s Participation and Empowerment in Rural Bangladesh

Gender, Technology and Development, 2009

Bangladesh is known as a predominantly male-dominated society with traditional and religious beli... more Bangladesh is known as a predominantly male-dominated society with traditional and religious beliefs that restrict women’s mobility and participation in economic and social activities. This article is based on national rural representative household-level data collected in 1987 and 2000 from 62 villages in Bangladesh jointly conducted by the International Rice Research Institute and Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies. First, this

Research paper thumbnail of Family planning choice behaviour in urban slums of Bangladesh: an econometric approach

Asia-Pacific population journal/ …, 1997

... 1551 currently-married women of reproductive age in 1551 households sampled from a representa... more ... 1551 currently-married women of reproductive age in 1551 households sampled from a representative sample of 91 slums in the metropolitan areas of ... The more a woman feels empowered, being over age 19 years, the greater the number of living children, and the lower ...

Research paper thumbnail of Nature and Impact of Women's Participation in Economic Activities in Rural Bangladesh: Insights from Household Surveys

Cpd Working Paper, 2004

The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), established in 1993, is a civil society initiative to promo... more The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), established in 1993, is a civil society initiative to promote an ongoing dialogue between the principal partners in the decision-making and implementing process. The dialogues are designed to address important policy issues and to seek constructive solutions to these problems. The Centre has already organised a series of such dialogues at local, regional and national levels. The CPD has also organised a number of South Asian bilateral and regional dialogues as well as some international dialogues. These dialogues have brought together ministers, opposition frontbenchers, MPs, business leaders, NGOs, donors, professionals and other functional groups in civil society within a non-confrontational environment to promote focused discussions. The CPD seeks to create a national policy consciousness where members of civil society will be made aware of critical policy issues affecting their lives and will come together in support of particular policy agendas which they feel are conducive to the well being of the country. In support of the dialogue process the Centre is engaged in research programmes which are both serviced by and are intended to serve as inputs for particular dialogues organised by the Centre throughout the year. Some of the major research programmes of the CPD include The Independent Review of Bangladesh's Development (IRBD), Trade Policy Analysis and Multilateral Trading System (TPA), Governance and Policy Reforms, Regional Cooperation and Integration, Investment Promotion and Enterprise Development, Agriculture and Rural Development, Ecosystems, Environmental Studies and Social Sectors and Youth Development Programme. The CPD also conducts periodic public perception surveys on policy issues and issues of developmental concerns. Dissemination of information and knowledge on critical developmental issues continues to remain an important component of CPD's activities. Pursuant to this CPD maintains an active publication programme, both in Bangla and in English. As part of its dissemination programme, CPD has decided to bring out CPD Occasional Paper Series on a regular basis. Dialogue background papers, investigative reports and results of perception surveys which relate to issues of high public interest will be published under its cover. The Occasional Paper Series will also include draft research papers and reports, which may be subsequently published by the CPD.

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in Agrarian Relations and Livelihoods in Rural Bangladesh: Insights from Repeated Village Studies

… Studies Essays on …, 2002

This paper provides insights into the transformation of the rural economy of Bangladesh in the 19... more This paper provides insights into the transformation of the rural economy of Bangladesh in the 1990s based on primary data collected from large-scale sample surveys. Developments in land ownership and landholdings as well as in the agrarian markets ( ...

Research paper thumbnail of Family planning choice behaviour in urban slums of Bangladesh: An econometric approach

Asia-Pacific Population Journal, 1997

... 1551 currently-married women of reproductive age in 1551 households sampled from a representa... more ... 1551 currently-married women of reproductive age in 1551 households sampled from a representative sample of 91 slums in the metropolitan areas of ... The more a woman feels empowered, being over age 19 years, the greater the number of living children, and the lower ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Gender in Economic Activities with Special Reference to Women’s Participation and Empowerment in Rural Bangladesh

Gender, Technology and Development, 2009

Bangladesh is known as a predominantly male-dominated society with traditional and religious beli... more Bangladesh is known as a predominantly male-dominated society with traditional and religious beliefs that restrict women’s mobility and participation in economic and social activities. This article is based on national rural representative household-level data collected in 1987 and 2000 from 62 villages in Bangladesh jointly conducted by the International Rice Research Institute and Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies. First, this

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping rural poverty in Bangladesh: how Census data collection systems can help1

A project involving several Bangladesh government agencies was implemented to identify and map, a... more A project involving several Bangladesh government agencies was implemented to identify and map, at rural sub-district (upazila) level, where the most disadvantaged among the rural populations in Bangladesh are concentrated. Our first task was to estimate income poverty for a sufficiently large number of households that would permit computation of spatially disaggregated poverty indicators. To do this we adopted the small area estimation (SAE) approach popularized by the World Bank. Using a 2000-01 socio-economic survey of nationally representative sample of 1888 households from 62 villages spread across the country, we developed a statistical (regression) relationship between household income and selected predictor variables that are common to both the sample survey and the 2001 Population Census of Bangladesh. The regression model was then used to predict household income for almost one million households (for which income data were not collected), comprising a 5% enumeration area ...

Research paper thumbnail of Resource sharing and information networking of libraries in Bangladesh: a study on user satisfaction

Malaysian Journal of Library & …, 1998

An analysis of 25 libraries and 100 users of different categories have been conducted to measure ... more An analysis of 25 libraries and 100 users of different categories have been conducted to measure the satisfaction level of users on library networking and resource sharing activities among the major libraries in Bangladesh. The key variables for this study include: the existing status ...

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial patterns of rural poverty and their relationship with welfare-influencing factors in Bangladesh

Food Policy, 2005

This study determines the spatial variation of rural poverty in Bangladesh and its relation to pe... more This study determines the spatial variation of rural poverty in Bangladesh and its relation to people's livelihood assets affecting their ability to procure food. We estimated household income for over 1 million census households using a * Corresponding author. 2 predictor model based on a nationally representative sample survey data set. We computed and mapped poverty indices for 415 rural subdistricts revealing distinct areas with high poverty incidence that correspond with ecologically depressed areas. However, other livelihood-influencing factors such as education, accessibility and services are significantly correlated with poverty. This indicates the need for continued focus on providing education and access to incomegenerating opportunities so that the poor can better meet their food needs. Geographically weighted regression analysis indicated spatial differences in the relative importance of various poverty-influencing factors. Multivariate clustering of the local parameter (β) estimates of the determinant factors revealed distinct spatial relationships, which have implications on poverty alleviation interventions specific to the different regions.

Research paper thumbnail of Recommendation domains for pond aquaculture: country case study: development and status of freshwater aquaculture in Henan Province, China

AQUACAM Aquaculteurs du Cameroun (Cameroon fish farmers' association) AVZ agent vulgarisateur de ... more AQUACAM Aquaculteurs du Cameroun (Cameroon fish farmers' association) AVZ agent vulgarisateur de zone (zone extension agent) BMZ Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development) CABA Caisses Villageoises de Base (Grassroots Village Savings Banks)

Research paper thumbnail of Geographical Concentration of Rural Poverty in Bangladesh

Research paper thumbnail of Mainstreaming Women in Rural Development

The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), established in 1993, is a civil society initiative to promo... more The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), established in 1993, is a civil society initiative to promote an ongoing dialogue between the principal partners in the decision-making and implementing process. The dialogues are designed to address important policy issues and to seek constructive solutions to these problems. The Centre has already organised a series of such dialogues at local, regional and national levels. The CPD has also organised a number of South Asian bilateral and regional dialogues as well as some international dialogues. These dialogues have brought together ministers, opposition frontbenchers, MPs, business leaders, NGOs, donors, professionals and other functional groups in civil society within a non-confrontational environment to promote focused discussions. The CPD seeks to create a national policy consciousness where members of civil society will be made aware of critical policy issues affecting their lives and will come together in support of particular policy age...

Research paper thumbnail of Determining high potential aquaculture production areas-analysis of key socio-economic adoption factors

Portsmouth (UK): IIFET …, 2006

Global aquaculture production increased with an average rate of 10% per year since 1990 and 90% o... more Global aquaculture production increased with an average rate of 10% per year since 1990 and 90% of aquaculture production comes from developing countries thus providing livelihood and income especially to marginal groups who have limited access to resources such as agricultural land and financial capital. Geographical information systems (GIS) based decision support models can facilitate the prioritizing of national research, development and extension strategies and targeting of development assistance for aquaculture because they can provide information to stakeholders as to where and under what conditions certain aquaculture technologies would be feasible. Factors that determine the adoption of aquaculture technologies by farmers include agro-ecological (rainfall, temperature, soil type, slope), socio-economic (land, labor, capital, infrastructure, inputs), and institutional characteristics (extension services, producers' organizations). While maps can be used to display the agro-ecological factors, many important socioeconomic and institutional variables are not explicitly spatial (such as household land holdings or access to education and credits). To enable the integration of socio-economic variables in GIS models, we suggest a methodology comprising of four stages: (1) identification of key factors for successful adoption of target technologies on the micro-level, (2) development of indicators on the meso-level, (3) generation of geo-referenced meso-level indicator data sets for the target area, and (4) assignment of ranking/weights to the indicators. The paper outlines the conceptual framework applied and highlights some of the inherent methodological challenges. Results of the adoption analysis for aquaculture in Bangladesh and Malawi, representing different levels of aquaculture production intensification, are presented and discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Adoption and productivity impact of modern rice varieties in Bangladesh

Research paper thumbnail of 2005) 'Food and Nutritional Security in Bangladesh: Going beyond Carbohydrates Counts

The progress towards achieving household nutritional food-security in Bangladesh has remained slo... more The progress towards achieving household nutritional food-security in Bangladesh has remained slow. So far the food security is cereal-based (mainly rice) and food basket has not yet diversified towards high nutritive/ quality food. This article has examined the expenditure inequalities in the dietary pattern and incidence of poverty in Bangladesh by using household income, expenditure and food consumption survey data. Results have shown wide-spread inequalities in income and expenditure distribution. Among food items, the inequalities have been found very low for cereals and high for livestock and horticulture commodities and various types of fish species in both rural and urban areas. The analysis of food poverty, its depth and severity has revealed a typical hidden poverty that could not be brought up by analyzing economic poverty. The food poverty has been found high for pulses, horticulture and livestock commodities among both economically rich and poor households. Fish, livest...

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in agrarian relations and livelihoods in rural Bangladesh: insights from repeat village studies

Abstract This paper provides insights into the transformation of the rural economy of Bangladesh ... more Abstract This paper provides insights into the transformation of the rural economy of Bangladesh in the 1990s based on primary data collected from large-scale sample surveys. Developments in land ownership and landholdings as well as in the agrarian markets ( ...

Research paper thumbnail of Nature and impact of women's participation in economic activities in rural Bangladesh: insights from household surveys

This paper has been prepared as part of CPD's ongoing agricultural policy research. The paper... more This paper has been prepared as part of CPD's ongoing agricultural policy research. The paper was presented at the dialogue on Women's Contribution to Rural Economic Activities: Making the Invisible Visible. It presents some empirical evidences of recent changes in gender roles in economic activities, and impact of women's participation on their empowerment and the socioeconomic conditions of the household. The information presented in this paper comes mostly from analysis of gender-specific (male and female) survey data at two points of time, i.e., 1987 and 2000. The surveys covered samples from 62 villages from 57 districts.

Research paper thumbnail of Inequality in the Access to Secondary Education and Rural Poverty in Bangladesh: An Analysis of Household and School Level Data

This paper explores the relationship between different levels of education and poverty through an... more This paper explores the relationship between different levels of education and poverty through an analysis of household-level data from 60 villages in Bangladesh. First of all, it depicts the overall trend in school enrollment at primary and secondary level between 1988-2000, and confirms the inequality that exists in the access to education at post-primary level. This is followed by a presentation of income and occupation data that show a strong positive correlation with the level of education. In the second part, an income function analysis has been done to assess the impact of education along with other determinants. Marginal returns to upper secondary and primary level of education have been found to be higher than lower secondary education. The third part analyzes the effects of education on child/woman ratio, and on the secondary school participation rate of male and female children. Both poverty and low education have positive but weak effect on child/woman ratio. On the othe...

Research paper thumbnail of Recommendation domains for pond aquaculture

This publication introduces the methods and results of a research project that has developed a se... more This publication introduces the methods and results of a research project that has developed a set of decision-support tools to identify places and sets of conditions for which a particular target aquaculture technology is considered feasible and therefore good to promote. The tools also identify the nature of constraints to aquaculture development and thereby shed light on appropriate interventions to realize the potential of the target areas. The project results will be useful for policy planners and decision makers in national, regional and local governments and development funding agencies, aquaculture extension workers in regional and local governments, and researchers in aquaculture systems and rural livelihoods.

Research paper thumbnail of Resource Sharing and Information Networking of Libraries in Bangladesh: A Study on User Satisfaction

An analysis of 25 libraries and 100 users of different categories have been conducted to measure ... more An analysis of 25 libraries and 100 users of different categories have been conducted to measure the satisfaction level of users on library networking and resource sharing activities among the major libraries in Bangladesh. The key variables for this study include: the existing status of infrastructur es and facilities, collections, mode of subscription of journals, user’s visit to the libraries, availability of services and use of databases. User's suggestions to improve the library services have also been included.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Gender in Economic Activities with Special Reference to Women’s Participation and Empowerment in Rural Bangladesh

Gender, Technology and Development, 2009

Bangladesh is known as a predominantly male-dominated society with traditional and religious beli... more Bangladesh is known as a predominantly male-dominated society with traditional and religious beliefs that restrict women’s mobility and participation in economic and social activities. This article is based on national rural representative household-level data collected in 1987 and 2000 from 62 villages in Bangladesh jointly conducted by the International Rice Research Institute and Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies. First, this

Research paper thumbnail of Family planning choice behaviour in urban slums of Bangladesh: an econometric approach

Asia-Pacific population journal/ …, 1997

... 1551 currently-married women of reproductive age in 1551 households sampled from a representa... more ... 1551 currently-married women of reproductive age in 1551 households sampled from a representative sample of 91 slums in the metropolitan areas of ... The more a woman feels empowered, being over age 19 years, the greater the number of living children, and the lower ...

Research paper thumbnail of Nature and Impact of Women's Participation in Economic Activities in Rural Bangladesh: Insights from Household Surveys

Cpd Working Paper, 2004

The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), established in 1993, is a civil society initiative to promo... more The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), established in 1993, is a civil society initiative to promote an ongoing dialogue between the principal partners in the decision-making and implementing process. The dialogues are designed to address important policy issues and to seek constructive solutions to these problems. The Centre has already organised a series of such dialogues at local, regional and national levels. The CPD has also organised a number of South Asian bilateral and regional dialogues as well as some international dialogues. These dialogues have brought together ministers, opposition frontbenchers, MPs, business leaders, NGOs, donors, professionals and other functional groups in civil society within a non-confrontational environment to promote focused discussions. The CPD seeks to create a national policy consciousness where members of civil society will be made aware of critical policy issues affecting their lives and will come together in support of particular policy agendas which they feel are conducive to the well being of the country. In support of the dialogue process the Centre is engaged in research programmes which are both serviced by and are intended to serve as inputs for particular dialogues organised by the Centre throughout the year. Some of the major research programmes of the CPD include The Independent Review of Bangladesh's Development (IRBD), Trade Policy Analysis and Multilateral Trading System (TPA), Governance and Policy Reforms, Regional Cooperation and Integration, Investment Promotion and Enterprise Development, Agriculture and Rural Development, Ecosystems, Environmental Studies and Social Sectors and Youth Development Programme. The CPD also conducts periodic public perception surveys on policy issues and issues of developmental concerns. Dissemination of information and knowledge on critical developmental issues continues to remain an important component of CPD's activities. Pursuant to this CPD maintains an active publication programme, both in Bangla and in English. As part of its dissemination programme, CPD has decided to bring out CPD Occasional Paper Series on a regular basis. Dialogue background papers, investigative reports and results of perception surveys which relate to issues of high public interest will be published under its cover. The Occasional Paper Series will also include draft research papers and reports, which may be subsequently published by the CPD.