Pere Botella - (original) (raw)

Papers by Pere Botella

Research paper thumbnail of It's Time for Full Life-Cycle Languages

Journal of Object-oriented Programming, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Introducing Non-functional Requirements in UML

IGI Global eBooks, Jan 18, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Software Engineering - ESEC '95: 5th European Software Engineering Conference, Sitges, Spain, September 25 - 28, 1995. Proceedings

... We are very proud to have Francois Bancilhon (O2 Technology, F), Watts Humphrey (SEI, USA), B... more ... We are very proud to have Francois Bancilhon (O2 Technology, F), Watts Humphrey (SEI, USA), Bertrand Meyer (ISE, USA and F), and ... Victor Obach (DIFINSA) and his team, especially Gloria Dedeu, Montse Obach and Joan Pena from DIFINSA, and Rosa Maria Martin and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Aprenentatge actiu dels sistemes d’informació

L’especialitat de Sistemes d’Informacio del Grau en Enginyeria Informatica ha de capacitar l’estu... more L’especialitat de Sistemes d’Informacio del Grau en Enginyeria Informatica ha de capacitar l’estudiant o estudianta per comprendre els processos operatius i la gestio que porten a terme les persones en les organitzacions i familiaritzar l’estudiant amb els diferents tipus d’eines tecnologiques existents actualment en un SI. En aquest projecte es persegueix impulsar un proces d’aprenentatge mes efectiu de la realitat dels sistemes d’informacio en les organitzacions a traves de la visualitzacio dels problemes del “mon real”, de manera que es generi l’interes de l’estudiantat pels continguts, se’ls faci entendre la rellevancia dels problemes plantejats i se’ls doni eines per buscar mes informacio sobre nous problemes que no s’havien plantejat inicialment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Software Engineering — ESEC '95

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1995

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Research paper thumbnail of Modéliser les aspects non-fonctionnels à l'aide d'UML

Le present article propose une approche pour representer a l'aide de la notation UML les aspe... more Le present article propose une approche pour representer a l'aide de la notation UML les aspects non-fonctionnels d'un systeme, Il s'agit d'appliquer les concepts d'UML en combinaison avec le langage OCL pour decrire, en ayant recours a la notation NoFunc formulee par X. Franch [7], les aspects non-fonctionnels de systemes logiciels. Ainsi, d'une part, les concepts d'UML sont utilises pour definir des stereotypes, des cartouches de classes et des dependances stereotypees pour representer les non-fonctionnalites et, d'autre part, le langage OCL est utilise pour representer les contraintes imposees aux mises en œuvre de composants logiciels.

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Research paper thumbnail of De la tecnología CASE a la tecnología de procesos

Soluciones Avanzadas, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Què és un ordinador?: (nocions d'informàtica per a ensenyants)

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Research paper thumbnail of Construction of a taxonomy for requirements engineering commercial-off-the-shelf components

Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2005

This article presents a procedure for constructing a taxonomy of COTS products in the field of Re... more This article presents a procedure for constructing a taxonomy of COTS products in the field of Requirements Engineering (RE). The taxonomy and the obtained information reach transcendental benefits to the selection of systems and tools that aid to RE-related actors to simplify and facilitate their work. This taxonomy is performed by means of a goal-oriented methodology inspired in GBRAM (Goal-Based Requirements Analysis Method), called GBTCM (Goal-Based Taxonomy Construction Method), that provides a guide to analyze sources of information and modeling requirements and domains, as well as gathering and organizing the knowledge in any segment of the COTS market. GBTCM claims to promote the use of standards and the reuse of requirements in order to support different processes of selection and integration of components.

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Research paper thumbnail of Systematic construction of i* strategic dependency models for socio-technical systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Experience Report: SSADM-Designed System to Object-Oriented System

Journal of Object-oriented Programming - JOOP, 1998

... A Method for Your First Object-Oriented Project Ari Jaaksi Nokia Telecommunications Network M... more ... A Method for Your First Object-Oriented Project Ari Jaaksi Nokia Telecommunications Network Management Systems Hatanpäänvaltatie 36 B, FIN-33100 Tampere, Finland com ... The product itself won the software product of the year '95 award in Finland10. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Construcción de una Taxonomía de Componentes COTS Orientados a la Gestión de Requisitos¥

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Research paper thumbnail of Specifications and Design Putting Non-Functional Requirements Into Software Architecture

© 2006 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish... more © 2006 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. For more information, please see

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Research paper thumbnail of Is CASE Technology Still Alive?

CASE Technology was thought as the solution of many problems of the Software Engineering. Time ha... more CASE Technology was thought as the solution of many problems of the Software Engineering. Time has shown although such technology is a condition to support Software Development Process, it is not the unique solution. In the last years, interest in the world of CASE Technology has been declining notably. This could be clearly seen in the decreasing number of research groups, magazines and conferences about the topic. Despite this fact, we think CASE Technology has not died, rather it has been applied on the automation and management of the software development phases. In this article we present how traditional CASE Technology has evolved to Process Technology, dealing with more issues like interoperation, human collaboration, project management, and so on. So CASE Technology has not disappeared, it has been principally applied on automating and managing the Software Process. Keywords: Software Engineering, CASE, Software Process 1. Introduction Probably, the term Computer A...

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Research paper thumbnail of Construction of a Taxonomy for Requirements Engineering COTS Components

This article presents a procedure for constructing a taxonomy of COTS products in the field of Re... more This article presents a procedure for constructing a taxonomy of COTS products in the field of Requirements Engineering (RE). The taxonomy and the obtained information reach transcendental benefits to the selection of systems and tools that aid to RE-related actors to simplify and facilitate their work. This taxonomy is performed by means of a goal-oriented methodology inspired in GBRAM (Goal-Based Requirements Analysis Method), called GBTCM (Goal-Based Taxonomy Construction Method), that provides a guide to analyze sources of information and modeling requirements and domains, as well as gathering and organizing the knowledge in any segment of the COTS market. GBTCM claims to promote the use of standards and the reuse of requirements in order to support different processes of selection and integration of components.

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Research paper thumbnail of Putting Non-Functional Requirements into Software Architecture

This paper presents an approach for incorporating non-functional information of software systems ... more This paper presents an approach for incorporating non-functional information of software systems into software architectures. To do so, components present two distinguished slots: their non-functional specification, where non-functional requirements on components are placed, and their non-functional behaviour with respect to these requirements. Also, connector protocols may describe which non-functional aspects are relevant to component connections. We propose a notation to describe non-functionality in a systematic manner, and we use it to analyse two particular aspects of the meeting scheduler case study, user interaction and performance. 1. Introduction Software systems are characterised both by their functionality (what the system does) and by their nonfunctionality or quality (how the system behaves with respect to some observable attributes like performance, reusability, reliability, etc.). Both aspects are relevant to software development but, traditionally, much more w...

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of UML for modeling non-functional aspects

This paper introduces a proposal for representing non-functional aspects by using UML. Our purpos... more This paper introduces a proposal for representing non-functional aspects by using UML. Our purpose is to apply UML-concepts in combination with OCL in order to describe the non-functional aspects of software systems by resorting to the NoFun notation formulated by [7]. On one hand, we make use of the UML concepts for defining stereotypes, class compartments and stereotyped dependencies to represent the non-functionality. On the other hand, the OCL language is used for representing the constraints imposed on the implementations of software components .

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Research paper thumbnail of ComProLab: A Component Programming Laboratory

We present here an approach to component programming which defines languages and tools at both th... more We present here an approach to component programming which defines languages and tools at both the product and the process levels. At the product level, we allow the use of already existing languages to write functional specifications and implementations of components; also, we provide a notation to state their non-functional specifications, which involve operational attributes as efficiency. Functional specifications can be employed to perform prototyping in a mixed execution framework, which allows the combination of algebraic specifications and imperative code, while non-functional specifications are used to select automatically the best implementation of every component appearing in a software system. At the process level, we have introduced a set of basic program development tasks and we have defined a process language to formulate software process models as particular combinations of these tasks. A process assistant can be used to guide software development following any model...

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Research paper thumbnail of Product and Process Support to Component-Based Software Development

In this paper we present the results of the CICYT ComProLab project, ref. TIC97-1158, which addre... more In this paper we present the results of the CICYT ComProLab project, ref. TIC97-1158, which addresses to some particular points concerning component-based software development. We focus on comp onents as encapsulation of abstract data types. The project stresses three particular fields: statement of non-functional issues; process mo deling; and efficiency concerns on abstract data type implementations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings of the 5th European Software Engineering Conference

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Research paper thumbnail of It's Time for Full Life-Cycle Languages

Journal of Object-oriented Programming, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Introducing Non-functional Requirements in UML

IGI Global eBooks, Jan 18, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Software Engineering - ESEC '95: 5th European Software Engineering Conference, Sitges, Spain, September 25 - 28, 1995. Proceedings

... We are very proud to have Francois Bancilhon (O2 Technology, F), Watts Humphrey (SEI, USA), B... more ... We are very proud to have Francois Bancilhon (O2 Technology, F), Watts Humphrey (SEI, USA), Bertrand Meyer (ISE, USA and F), and ... Victor Obach (DIFINSA) and his team, especially Gloria Dedeu, Montse Obach and Joan Pena from DIFINSA, and Rosa Maria Martin and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Aprenentatge actiu dels sistemes d’informació

L’especialitat de Sistemes d’Informacio del Grau en Enginyeria Informatica ha de capacitar l’estu... more L’especialitat de Sistemes d’Informacio del Grau en Enginyeria Informatica ha de capacitar l’estudiant o estudianta per comprendre els processos operatius i la gestio que porten a terme les persones en les organitzacions i familiaritzar l’estudiant amb els diferents tipus d’eines tecnologiques existents actualment en un SI. En aquest projecte es persegueix impulsar un proces d’aprenentatge mes efectiu de la realitat dels sistemes d’informacio en les organitzacions a traves de la visualitzacio dels problemes del “mon real”, de manera que es generi l’interes de l’estudiantat pels continguts, se’ls faci entendre la rellevancia dels problemes plantejats i se’ls doni eines per buscar mes informacio sobre nous problemes que no s’havien plantejat inicialment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Software Engineering — ESEC '95

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1995

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Research paper thumbnail of Modéliser les aspects non-fonctionnels à l'aide d'UML

Le present article propose une approche pour representer a l'aide de la notation UML les aspe... more Le present article propose une approche pour representer a l'aide de la notation UML les aspects non-fonctionnels d'un systeme, Il s'agit d'appliquer les concepts d'UML en combinaison avec le langage OCL pour decrire, en ayant recours a la notation NoFunc formulee par X. Franch [7], les aspects non-fonctionnels de systemes logiciels. Ainsi, d'une part, les concepts d'UML sont utilises pour definir des stereotypes, des cartouches de classes et des dependances stereotypees pour representer les non-fonctionnalites et, d'autre part, le langage OCL est utilise pour representer les contraintes imposees aux mises en œuvre de composants logiciels.

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Research paper thumbnail of De la tecnología CASE a la tecnología de procesos

Soluciones Avanzadas, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Què és un ordinador?: (nocions d'informàtica per a ensenyants)

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Research paper thumbnail of Construction of a taxonomy for requirements engineering commercial-off-the-shelf components

Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2005

This article presents a procedure for constructing a taxonomy of COTS products in the field of Re... more This article presents a procedure for constructing a taxonomy of COTS products in the field of Requirements Engineering (RE). The taxonomy and the obtained information reach transcendental benefits to the selection of systems and tools that aid to RE-related actors to simplify and facilitate their work. This taxonomy is performed by means of a goal-oriented methodology inspired in GBRAM (Goal-Based Requirements Analysis Method), called GBTCM (Goal-Based Taxonomy Construction Method), that provides a guide to analyze sources of information and modeling requirements and domains, as well as gathering and organizing the knowledge in any segment of the COTS market. GBTCM claims to promote the use of standards and the reuse of requirements in order to support different processes of selection and integration of components.

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Research paper thumbnail of Systematic construction of i* strategic dependency models for socio-technical systems

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Research paper thumbnail of Experience Report: SSADM-Designed System to Object-Oriented System

Journal of Object-oriented Programming - JOOP, 1998

... A Method for Your First Object-Oriented Project Ari Jaaksi Nokia Telecommunications Network M... more ... A Method for Your First Object-Oriented Project Ari Jaaksi Nokia Telecommunications Network Management Systems Hatanpäänvaltatie 36 B, FIN-33100 Tampere, Finland com ... The product itself won the software product of the year '95 award in Finland10. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Construcción de una Taxonomía de Componentes COTS Orientados a la Gestión de Requisitos¥

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Research paper thumbnail of Specifications and Design Putting Non-Functional Requirements Into Software Architecture

© 2006 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish... more © 2006 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. For more information, please see

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Research paper thumbnail of Is CASE Technology Still Alive?

CASE Technology was thought as the solution of many problems of the Software Engineering. Time ha... more CASE Technology was thought as the solution of many problems of the Software Engineering. Time has shown although such technology is a condition to support Software Development Process, it is not the unique solution. In the last years, interest in the world of CASE Technology has been declining notably. This could be clearly seen in the decreasing number of research groups, magazines and conferences about the topic. Despite this fact, we think CASE Technology has not died, rather it has been applied on the automation and management of the software development phases. In this article we present how traditional CASE Technology has evolved to Process Technology, dealing with more issues like interoperation, human collaboration, project management, and so on. So CASE Technology has not disappeared, it has been principally applied on automating and managing the Software Process. Keywords: Software Engineering, CASE, Software Process 1. Introduction Probably, the term Computer A...

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Research paper thumbnail of Construction of a Taxonomy for Requirements Engineering COTS Components

This article presents a procedure for constructing a taxonomy of COTS products in the field of Re... more This article presents a procedure for constructing a taxonomy of COTS products in the field of Requirements Engineering (RE). The taxonomy and the obtained information reach transcendental benefits to the selection of systems and tools that aid to RE-related actors to simplify and facilitate their work. This taxonomy is performed by means of a goal-oriented methodology inspired in GBRAM (Goal-Based Requirements Analysis Method), called GBTCM (Goal-Based Taxonomy Construction Method), that provides a guide to analyze sources of information and modeling requirements and domains, as well as gathering and organizing the knowledge in any segment of the COTS market. GBTCM claims to promote the use of standards and the reuse of requirements in order to support different processes of selection and integration of components.

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Research paper thumbnail of Putting Non-Functional Requirements into Software Architecture

This paper presents an approach for incorporating non-functional information of software systems ... more This paper presents an approach for incorporating non-functional information of software systems into software architectures. To do so, components present two distinguished slots: their non-functional specification, where non-functional requirements on components are placed, and their non-functional behaviour with respect to these requirements. Also, connector protocols may describe which non-functional aspects are relevant to component connections. We propose a notation to describe non-functionality in a systematic manner, and we use it to analyse two particular aspects of the meeting scheduler case study, user interaction and performance. 1. Introduction Software systems are characterised both by their functionality (what the system does) and by their nonfunctionality or quality (how the system behaves with respect to some observable attributes like performance, reusability, reliability, etc.). Both aspects are relevant to software development but, traditionally, much more w...

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of UML for modeling non-functional aspects

This paper introduces a proposal for representing non-functional aspects by using UML. Our purpos... more This paper introduces a proposal for representing non-functional aspects by using UML. Our purpose is to apply UML-concepts in combination with OCL in order to describe the non-functional aspects of software systems by resorting to the NoFun notation formulated by [7]. On one hand, we make use of the UML concepts for defining stereotypes, class compartments and stereotyped dependencies to represent the non-functionality. On the other hand, the OCL language is used for representing the constraints imposed on the implementations of software components .

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Research paper thumbnail of ComProLab: A Component Programming Laboratory

We present here an approach to component programming which defines languages and tools at both th... more We present here an approach to component programming which defines languages and tools at both the product and the process levels. At the product level, we allow the use of already existing languages to write functional specifications and implementations of components; also, we provide a notation to state their non-functional specifications, which involve operational attributes as efficiency. Functional specifications can be employed to perform prototyping in a mixed execution framework, which allows the combination of algebraic specifications and imperative code, while non-functional specifications are used to select automatically the best implementation of every component appearing in a software system. At the process level, we have introduced a set of basic program development tasks and we have defined a process language to formulate software process models as particular combinations of these tasks. A process assistant can be used to guide software development following any model...

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Research paper thumbnail of Product and Process Support to Component-Based Software Development

In this paper we present the results of the CICYT ComProLab project, ref. TIC97-1158, which addre... more In this paper we present the results of the CICYT ComProLab project, ref. TIC97-1158, which addresses to some particular points concerning component-based software development. We focus on comp onents as encapsulation of abstract data types. The project stresses three particular fields: statement of non-functional issues; process mo deling; and efficiency concerns on abstract data type implementations.

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Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings of the 5th European Software Engineering Conference

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