Branko Radujkovic - (original) (raw)
Papers by Branko Radujkovic
Acta Adriatica: International Journal of Marine Sciences, 1987
llnstitut de Recherches Bi,ologi.ques et Mddi,cales, Tttograd, lnstitut de Bi.ologie Marine, Koto... more llnstitut de Recherches Bi,ologi.ques et Mddi,cales, Tttograd, lnstitut de Bi.ologie Marine, Kotor, Y oug oslauie. ztlniuersitd des Sciences et T.echni,ques du Langu,edoc, d'Ichthyo-Logi,e et d.e Parasitologi,e G1ndrate,34060 Montpelti,er Cedet 7, France. Les cop6podes parasites des poissons de l'Adriatique sont peu connus puisque 1a plus importante liste faunistique date de plus d'un sidcle (V a 11e, 1880) et concerne principalement Ie secteur nord de cette mer. Dans ce travail, 70 espdces sont signal6es dont quelques unes trouv6es par H e I I e r (1866) sur des poissons pr.ovenant des c6tes d'Istrie et de Dalmatie. Malheureusement l'auteur italien ne donne aucun sch6ma. D'autres me,ntions de cop6podes paral sites de poissons de l'Adriatique figurent dans la faune d'Italie de B'r i a n (1906). Enfin, r6cemrnent (Radujkovi6, 1982), dans une 6tude consacr6e d f influence de certaines parasitoses sur 1e factzur de co,ndition de poissons Mugilidae peuplant le fjord Boka Kotorska, sept espdces de cop6podes parasites sont s,ignal6es. Ainsi nous at -il paru int6ressant d'entreprendre des recherches sur les cop6podes parasites de poissons marins du sud de I'Adriatique. Celles-ci nous ont permis de r6colter et d'6tudier plusieurs espdces qur sont pr6sent6es dans ce travail. Ordre des POECILOSTOMATOIDA S Famille des Bomolochidae Bomolochus soleae C1aus, 1864 (fig. 1) Mat6riel: Dans une Une seule femelle. n4.,r,rl&f "/ cavit6 branchiale de Buglossi.dium luteum (Risso, 1810) sole de cette espdce s'est r6v616e parasit6e par un individil e aDo B. M. Radujkovid, A. Raibaut Parasites des poissons marins du Montenegro: Copepodes Acta Adriat., 30 (1/2) : 2ts7-278 Localit6: Baie de Boka K,otorska R6partition g6o9raphique : Sur Soiea uulgaris Quensel, 1806, c6tes europ6ennes atlantiques (C I a u s,
Capiiiaria bainae n. sp. (Nematoda, Capillariinae), parasite du Poisson Parablennius gattorugine ... more Capiiiaria bainae n. sp. (Nematoda, Capillariinae), parasite du Poisson Parablennius gattorugine en mer Adriatique par Jean-Lou JUSTINE et Branko M. RADUJKOWC Résumé.-Capillaria bainae n. sp., parasite du poisson marin Blenniidae Parablennius gattorugine pêché à Kotor (Yougoslavie) 'est décrit. L'espèce peut être distinguée des autres Capillaria parasites de poissons par son spicule très court. L'extrémité caudale du mâle montre deux expansions latérales et un mamelon ventral ; pas d'ailes latérales, pas de bourse. Le canal déférent n'est pas différencié en une vésicule séminale et un canal éjaculateur, comme dans d'autres espèces. Selon les spécimens, le canal déférent rejoint le cloaque ou bien à son extrémité antérieure ou bien plus postérieurement.
Acta Adriatica, 1989
B, M. Radulkovie et coll. Parasites des poissons marins du Monten6gro: Djgenes Acta Adriat., 30 (... more B, M. Radulkovie et coll. Parasites des poissons marins du Monten6gro: Djgenes Acta Adriat., 30 (1/2): 137-187 niveau de bifurcatio,n intestinale. La poche hermaphrodite grande (530-6911 de long et 210-310 de large), ovalaire, est situ6e dorsalement au niveau de 1il ventouse ventrale. EIle co;mprend la v6sicule s6minale interhe, le canal pro'statique, ]a vdsicule ut6rine et un canal hermaphrodite. Atrium genital musculaire. Ouverture g6nitale ventrale m6diane, prds de 1'extr6mit6 post6rieure du pharynx. ovaire pr6testieulaire, m6dian (100-150 de long et 90-120 de large) R6ceptacle s6minal ovale, minuscule. Canal de Laurer pr6sent. Glandes vitellogdnes en deux masses lat6ra1es lob6es au niveau de I'ovaire. Ut6rus dans la 193 Liza ramada 6tudi6s, 19 parasit6s (9,840/0) Intensit6 moyenne: 22,05 (10-50). 762 Chelon labrasu,s 6tudi6s, 35 parasit6s (21,600/o).
ABSTRACT The oligochaetes from freshwaters of Montenegro were studied in order to improve the rec... more ABSTRACT The oligochaetes from freshwaters of Montenegro were studied in order to improve the recent knowledge about their faunistics and their use as bioindicators of water and sediment quality in aquatic ecosystems. Samples of sediments were taken from 16 rivers, 6 lakes, 3 springs, 3 reservoirs, and 2 creeks, at 78 different sampling sites, during six years of research (2005–2011), from the Black Sea and the Adriatic Sea drainage basins. The oligochaete fauna of Montenegro includes 82 species, from 8 families. Thirty-six of them represent first records for the Montenegrin oligochaete fauna. Both qualitative and quantitative differences were found between the oligochaete fauna of the Black Sea and the Adriatic Sea drainage basins. Sixty-four oligochaete species were found in rivers, 30 species in lakes, 20 species in reservoirs, 14 in creeks, and 9 species in the studied springs. The highest diversity of oligochaete species among studied rivers was found in the Zeta River, among lakes in Lake Skadar, among reservoirs in the Otilovići Reservoir, among creeks in the Rastovački Creek, and among springs in the Ali-Paša Springs. Five endemic species were confirmed in the Montenegrin oligochaete fauna. The values of the Jaccard’s index of similarity were the highest between the oligochaete fauna of Montenegro and Serbia, and the lowest between oligochaete fauna of Montenegro and Albania. Species richness estimators (Mao Tau, Uniques Mean, Chao 1, Chao 2, Jack 1, Jack 2, Bootstrap, ACE, and ICE) indicate that findings of new oligochaete species in Montenegro are expected. According to the trophic index, Lake Crno was oligotrophic, Lake Zminje and Lake Biogradsko were oligotrophic to eutrophic, while mesotrophic-eutrophic conditions were found in Lake Plavsko and Lake Skadar, depending on sampling location and period. According to the values of the saprobity index, rivers in their upper course were oligosaprobic to β-mesosaprobic (unpolluted to low polluted), and in their middle and lower course they were β-mesosaprobic, β-α-mesosaprobic, and α-mesosaprobic (moderately, critically, or strongly polluted). The low value of the saprobity index in Lake Crno indicates the oligosaprobic level. In the Piva Reservoir, two different levels of saprobity were detected, oligosaprobic and α-mesosaprobic. In the lakes Biogradsko, Plavsko, and Zminje, as well as in the reservoirs Krupac and Otilovići, saprobity level ranged from β-mesosaprobic to α-mesosaprobic. In Lake Skadar, some sampling sites were β-α-mesosaprobic or α-mesosaprobic, while others were α-p-mesosaprobic or polysaprobic. It was estimated that 23 species have the potential as biological indicators in waters of Montenegro.
Zootaxa, 2011
The Oligochaeta occurring in Montenegrin freshwaters were studied in order to contribute to a bet... more The Oligochaeta occurring in Montenegrin freshwaters were studied in order to contribute to a better knowledge of this group in the region. The oligochaetes from rivers, lakes, reservoirs, creeks, and springs, belonging to the Black Sea and the Adriatic Sea drainage basins, were investigated. Samples of sediments were taken from 54 sampling sites during three years of research (2005-2008). We confirmed the presence of formerly reported species and found 20 species new for the Montenegrin oligochaete fauna:
ABSTRACT About 371 species of parasites of fish (Pisces), amphibians (Amphibia), reptiles (Reptil... more ABSTRACT About 371 species of parasites of fish (Pisces), amphibians (Amphibia), reptiles (Reptilia), birds (Aves) and mammals (Mammalia) from terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems, as well as cultivated and wild plants from Crna Gora (Montenegro) are presented in this catalogue. Nine higher taxa are treated: Myxozoa (22 species), Myzozoa (41 species), Monogenea (102 species), Digenea (65 species), Cestoda (20 species), Nematoda (41 species), Acanthocephala (11 species), Copepoda (56 species) and Isopoda (13 species). Key words: Parasites, Protozoa, Helminthes, Crustacea, animals, plants, Crna Gora (Montenegro).
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 1988
Résumé.-Capillaria bainae n. sp., parasite du poisson marin Blenniidae Parablennius gattorugine p... more Résumé.-Capillaria bainae n. sp., parasite du poisson marin Blenniidae Parablennius gattorugine pêché à Kotor (Yougoslavie)'est décrit. L'espèce peut être distinguée des autres Capillaria parasites de poissons par son spicule très court. L'extrémité caudale du mâle montre deux expansions latérales et un mamelon ventral; pas d'ailes latérales, pas de bourse. Le canal déférent n'est pas différencié en une vésicule séminale et un canal éjaculateur, comme dans d'autres espèces. Selon les spécimens, le canal déférent rejoint ...
Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica, 1985
ABSTRACT The momentary condition concerning the haematological, physiological, macro-and microsco... more ABSTRACT The momentary condition concerning the haematological, physiological, macro-and microscopical constitution of the fishes of the Weser at Grohnde was investigated.The fishes were caught electrically at 22 positions in front of and behind the power-station at Grohnde. In the experiments the blood parameters, the biochemical, enzymatical, parasitological and microscopical changes of several species of fishes were analysed.You can see the details of these changes in the figures and pictures of the publication. It is supposed that organic toxic substances are given into the river in front of the power station, because in this region an industrial undertaking is posted.But also the general water quality of the Weser shows a significant toxicological degree, though the content of salt had been reduced in the former time.One can see that at all positions the blood parameters have changed, we also found haemorrhages in the gills, liver, kidney and spleen, little blood swellings, lymphocysts, necrosis, external and internal parasites, enzymatical changes and inflammations of the liver, kidney and myocard in the fishes. The investigations are being continued.
Acta Adriatica: International Journal of Marine Sciences, 1987
llnstitut de Recherches Bi,ologi.ques et Mddi,cales, Tttograd, lnstitut de Bi.ologie Marine, Koto... more llnstitut de Recherches Bi,ologi.ques et Mddi,cales, Tttograd, lnstitut de Bi.ologie Marine, Kotor, Y oug oslauie. ztlniuersitd des Sciences et T.echni,ques du Langu,edoc, d'Ichthyo-Logi,e et d.e Parasitologi,e G1ndrate,34060 Montpelti,er Cedet 7, France. Les cop6podes parasites des poissons de l'Adriatique sont peu connus puisque 1a plus importante liste faunistique date de plus d'un sidcle (V a 11e, 1880) et concerne principalement Ie secteur nord de cette mer. Dans ce travail, 70 espdces sont signal6es dont quelques unes trouv6es par H e I I e r (1866) sur des poissons pr.ovenant des c6tes d'Istrie et de Dalmatie. Malheureusement l'auteur italien ne donne aucun sch6ma. D'autres me,ntions de cop6podes paral sites de poissons de l'Adriatique figurent dans la faune d'Italie de B'r i a n (1906). Enfin, r6cemrnent (Radujkovi6, 1982), dans une 6tude consacr6e d f influence de certaines parasitoses sur 1e factzur de co,ndition de poissons Mugilidae peuplant le fjord Boka Kotorska, sept espdces de cop6podes parasites sont s,ignal6es. Ainsi nous at -il paru int6ressant d'entreprendre des recherches sur les cop6podes parasites de poissons marins du sud de I'Adriatique. Celles-ci nous ont permis de r6colter et d'6tudier plusieurs espdces qur sont pr6sent6es dans ce travail. Ordre des POECILOSTOMATOIDA S Famille des Bomolochidae Bomolochus soleae C1aus, 1864 (fig. 1) Mat6riel: Dans une Une seule femelle. n4.,r,rl&f "/ cavit6 branchiale de Buglossi.dium luteum (Risso, 1810) sole de cette espdce s'est r6v616e parasit6e par un individil e aDo B. M. Radujkovid, A. Raibaut Parasites des poissons marins du Montenegro: Copepodes Acta Adriat., 30 (1/2) : 2ts7-278 Localit6: Baie de Boka K,otorska R6partition g6o9raphique : Sur Soiea uulgaris Quensel, 1806, c6tes europ6ennes atlantiques (C I a u s,
Capiiiaria bainae n. sp. (Nematoda, Capillariinae), parasite du Poisson Parablennius gattorugine ... more Capiiiaria bainae n. sp. (Nematoda, Capillariinae), parasite du Poisson Parablennius gattorugine en mer Adriatique par Jean-Lou JUSTINE et Branko M. RADUJKOWC Résumé.-Capillaria bainae n. sp., parasite du poisson marin Blenniidae Parablennius gattorugine pêché à Kotor (Yougoslavie) 'est décrit. L'espèce peut être distinguée des autres Capillaria parasites de poissons par son spicule très court. L'extrémité caudale du mâle montre deux expansions latérales et un mamelon ventral ; pas d'ailes latérales, pas de bourse. Le canal déférent n'est pas différencié en une vésicule séminale et un canal éjaculateur, comme dans d'autres espèces. Selon les spécimens, le canal déférent rejoint le cloaque ou bien à son extrémité antérieure ou bien plus postérieurement.
Acta Adriatica, 1989
B, M. Radulkovie et coll. Parasites des poissons marins du Monten6gro: Djgenes Acta Adriat., 30 (... more B, M. Radulkovie et coll. Parasites des poissons marins du Monten6gro: Djgenes Acta Adriat., 30 (1/2): 137-187 niveau de bifurcatio,n intestinale. La poche hermaphrodite grande (530-6911 de long et 210-310 de large), ovalaire, est situ6e dorsalement au niveau de 1il ventouse ventrale. EIle co;mprend la v6sicule s6minale interhe, le canal pro'statique, ]a vdsicule ut6rine et un canal hermaphrodite. Atrium genital musculaire. Ouverture g6nitale ventrale m6diane, prds de 1'extr6mit6 post6rieure du pharynx. ovaire pr6testieulaire, m6dian (100-150 de long et 90-120 de large) R6ceptacle s6minal ovale, minuscule. Canal de Laurer pr6sent. Glandes vitellogdnes en deux masses lat6ra1es lob6es au niveau de I'ovaire. Ut6rus dans la 193 Liza ramada 6tudi6s, 19 parasit6s (9,840/0) Intensit6 moyenne: 22,05 (10-50). 762 Chelon labrasu,s 6tudi6s, 35 parasit6s (21,600/o).
ABSTRACT The oligochaetes from freshwaters of Montenegro were studied in order to improve the rec... more ABSTRACT The oligochaetes from freshwaters of Montenegro were studied in order to improve the recent knowledge about their faunistics and their use as bioindicators of water and sediment quality in aquatic ecosystems. Samples of sediments were taken from 16 rivers, 6 lakes, 3 springs, 3 reservoirs, and 2 creeks, at 78 different sampling sites, during six years of research (2005–2011), from the Black Sea and the Adriatic Sea drainage basins. The oligochaete fauna of Montenegro includes 82 species, from 8 families. Thirty-six of them represent first records for the Montenegrin oligochaete fauna. Both qualitative and quantitative differences were found between the oligochaete fauna of the Black Sea and the Adriatic Sea drainage basins. Sixty-four oligochaete species were found in rivers, 30 species in lakes, 20 species in reservoirs, 14 in creeks, and 9 species in the studied springs. The highest diversity of oligochaete species among studied rivers was found in the Zeta River, among lakes in Lake Skadar, among reservoirs in the Otilovići Reservoir, among creeks in the Rastovački Creek, and among springs in the Ali-Paša Springs. Five endemic species were confirmed in the Montenegrin oligochaete fauna. The values of the Jaccard’s index of similarity were the highest between the oligochaete fauna of Montenegro and Serbia, and the lowest between oligochaete fauna of Montenegro and Albania. Species richness estimators (Mao Tau, Uniques Mean, Chao 1, Chao 2, Jack 1, Jack 2, Bootstrap, ACE, and ICE) indicate that findings of new oligochaete species in Montenegro are expected. According to the trophic index, Lake Crno was oligotrophic, Lake Zminje and Lake Biogradsko were oligotrophic to eutrophic, while mesotrophic-eutrophic conditions were found in Lake Plavsko and Lake Skadar, depending on sampling location and period. According to the values of the saprobity index, rivers in their upper course were oligosaprobic to β-mesosaprobic (unpolluted to low polluted), and in their middle and lower course they were β-mesosaprobic, β-α-mesosaprobic, and α-mesosaprobic (moderately, critically, or strongly polluted). The low value of the saprobity index in Lake Crno indicates the oligosaprobic level. In the Piva Reservoir, two different levels of saprobity were detected, oligosaprobic and α-mesosaprobic. In the lakes Biogradsko, Plavsko, and Zminje, as well as in the reservoirs Krupac and Otilovići, saprobity level ranged from β-mesosaprobic to α-mesosaprobic. In Lake Skadar, some sampling sites were β-α-mesosaprobic or α-mesosaprobic, while others were α-p-mesosaprobic or polysaprobic. It was estimated that 23 species have the potential as biological indicators in waters of Montenegro.
Zootaxa, 2011
The Oligochaeta occurring in Montenegrin freshwaters were studied in order to contribute to a bet... more The Oligochaeta occurring in Montenegrin freshwaters were studied in order to contribute to a better knowledge of this group in the region. The oligochaetes from rivers, lakes, reservoirs, creeks, and springs, belonging to the Black Sea and the Adriatic Sea drainage basins, were investigated. Samples of sediments were taken from 54 sampling sites during three years of research (2005-2008). We confirmed the presence of formerly reported species and found 20 species new for the Montenegrin oligochaete fauna:
ABSTRACT About 371 species of parasites of fish (Pisces), amphibians (Amphibia), reptiles (Reptil... more ABSTRACT About 371 species of parasites of fish (Pisces), amphibians (Amphibia), reptiles (Reptilia), birds (Aves) and mammals (Mammalia) from terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems, as well as cultivated and wild plants from Crna Gora (Montenegro) are presented in this catalogue. Nine higher taxa are treated: Myxozoa (22 species), Myzozoa (41 species), Monogenea (102 species), Digenea (65 species), Cestoda (20 species), Nematoda (41 species), Acanthocephala (11 species), Copepoda (56 species) and Isopoda (13 species). Key words: Parasites, Protozoa, Helminthes, Crustacea, animals, plants, Crna Gora (Montenegro).
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 1988
Résumé.-Capillaria bainae n. sp., parasite du poisson marin Blenniidae Parablennius gattorugine p... more Résumé.-Capillaria bainae n. sp., parasite du poisson marin Blenniidae Parablennius gattorugine pêché à Kotor (Yougoslavie)'est décrit. L'espèce peut être distinguée des autres Capillaria parasites de poissons par son spicule très court. L'extrémité caudale du mâle montre deux expansions latérales et un mamelon ventral; pas d'ailes latérales, pas de bourse. Le canal déférent n'est pas différencié en une vésicule séminale et un canal éjaculateur, comme dans d'autres espèces. Selon les spécimens, le canal déférent rejoint ...
Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica, 1985
ABSTRACT The momentary condition concerning the haematological, physiological, macro-and microsco... more ABSTRACT The momentary condition concerning the haematological, physiological, macro-and microscopical constitution of the fishes of the Weser at Grohnde was investigated.The fishes were caught electrically at 22 positions in front of and behind the power-station at Grohnde. In the experiments the blood parameters, the biochemical, enzymatical, parasitological and microscopical changes of several species of fishes were analysed.You can see the details of these changes in the figures and pictures of the publication. It is supposed that organic toxic substances are given into the river in front of the power station, because in this region an industrial undertaking is posted.But also the general water quality of the Weser shows a significant toxicological degree, though the content of salt had been reduced in the former time.One can see that at all positions the blood parameters have changed, we also found haemorrhages in the gills, liver, kidney and spleen, little blood swellings, lymphocysts, necrosis, external and internal parasites, enzymatical changes and inflammations of the liver, kidney and myocard in the fishes. The investigations are being continued.