Brice Valles - (original) (raw)

Papers by Brice Valles

Research paper thumbnail of Event-Detection Algorithms for Low Sampling Nonintrusive Load Monitoring Systems Based on Low Complexity Statistical Features

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

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Research paper thumbnail of Computational Study of Vortex Shedding Behind Bluff Bodies

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Research paper thumbnail of Direct-mode interactions in the wake behind a stepped cylinder

Physics of Fluids, 2002

A computerized flow analysis of wake phenomena caused by a discontinuity in cylinder diameter is ... more A computerized flow analysis of wake phenomena caused by a discontinuity in cylinder diameter is presented. The vortex linkage and half-loop formation observed experimentally by Lewis and Gharib [Phys. Fluids A 4, 104 (1992)] have for the first time been reproduced numerically. The instantaneous vorticity and pressure fields provide a distinct picture of the direct-mode interaction, from which it is

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Research paper thumbnail of Large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow past straight and tapered circular cylinders

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Research paper thumbnail of Wind speed forecasting using ANN, ARMA and AIC hybrid to ensure power grid reliability

2015 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT ASIA), 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Fluid Front History Matching Using 4D Seismic and Streamline Simulation

SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2004

History matching of flow models is typically performed by using production data to calibrate the ... more History matching of flow models is typically performed by using production data to calibrate the models. This implies that deficiencies in the models cannot be revealed until the consequences are observed in the well network. The outcome can be highly undesirable, like early water-breakthrough in a production well. A new method is proposed that enables calibration of the flow-model early in the production cycle before the deficiencies can be observed in the wells, so that pro-active action can be taken. The basic idea behind this new method is to modify a given set of flow properties (e.g. porosity, permeability, cell volume...) along the streamlines so that the computed fluid fronts coincide with the observed fluid fronts derived from 4D seismic. The latter can be extracted from time-lapse seismic cubes with amplitude-based seismic attributes or 4D classification results. The matching of fluid fronts with this method needs very few iterative steps, contrary to traditional history-m...

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Research paper thumbnail of Wind Speed Forecasting Using Hybrid Wavelet Transform- ARMA Techniques

AIMS Energy, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of From 3D Seismic Facies to Reservoir Simulation: An Example From the Grane Field

Mathematics in Industry, 2005

A new seismic to simulation workflow is proposed, where the aim is the reduction of the overall t... more A new seismic to simulation workflow is proposed, where the aim is the reduction of the overall turn-around time, from seismic data acquisition to reservoir model building and simulation. To this end, new automated procedures are established: firstly, for discriminating seismic data into three-dimensional seismic facies, and secondly, for building a voxel-based reservoir model. This chapter is divided into three

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of wind shear components over complex terrain, and their removal to enhance wind profiling

ABSTRACT Wind profiles over complex terrain are currently impossible to obtain at requisite accur... more ABSTRACT Wind profiles over complex terrain are currently impossible to obtain at requisite accuracy via remote sensing or flow models. We propose a new approach in which, in each sampled height plane, the 3 wind components (u, v, w) and their horizontal shear components (du/dx, du/dy, dv/dx, dv/dy, dw/dx, dw/dy) are estimated from a 9-beam ground-based remote-sensing system. Based on simulations and error-propagation, we show that this characterization of the spatially complex wind field to first order will allow improved estimation of (u, v, w). The effects of temporal fluctuations due to spatial coherence are also discussed. Planned field investigations and coupled CFD data interpretations are described.

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Research paper thumbnail of Special issue: Ensemble Kalman filter for model updating. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 4th international workshop, Bergen, Norway, June 2009

Computational Geosciences, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Lognormality, δκ~ κ δφ, EGS, and All That


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Research paper thumbnail of Direct-mode interactions in the wake behind a stepped cylinder

Physics of Fluids

A computerized flow analysis of wake phenomena caused by a discontinuity in cylinder diameter is ... more A computerized flow analysis of wake phenomena caused by a discontinuity in cylinder diameter is presented. The vortex linkage and half-loop formation observed experimentally by Lewis and Gharib [Phys. Fluids A 4, 104 (1992)] have for the first time been reproduced numerically. The instantaneous vorticity and pressure fields provide a distinct picture of the direct-mode interaction, from which it is

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Research paper thumbnail of Lognormality, δκ~ κ δφ, EGS, and All That


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Research paper thumbnail of Revisiting Brugge case study using a Hierarchical Ensemble Kalman filter

International Petroleum Technology Conference, 2009

... Brice Vall`es and Geir Nævdal, SPE, IRIS - International Research Institute of Stavanger ... ... more ... Brice Vall`es and Geir Nævdal, SPE, IRIS - International Research Institute of Stavanger ... They chose to use the localisation function proposed by Furrer and Bengtsson (2007) with a spherical covariance function to represent the cross-covariance between the data and the state ...

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Research paper thumbnail of History Matching and Production Forecast Uncertainty by Means of the Ensemble Kalman Filter: A Real Field Application

Proceedings of EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, 2007

... History Matching the Zagor Field by Using ENKF The EnKF workflow described previously, equati... more ... History Matching the Zagor Field by Using ENKF The EnKF workflow described previously, equations (1) to (7), was coded in a flexible Matlab toolbox, then implemented to history match the Zagor reservoir model. In our case, the state vectors (cf. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ensemble Kalman Filter in Reservoir Engineering--a Review

SPE Journal, 2009

Introduction and Background There has been great progress in data assimilation within atmo-spheri... more Introduction and Background There has been great progress in data assimilation within atmo-spheric and oceanographic sciences during the last couple of decades. In data assimilation, one aims at merging the information from observations into a numerical ...

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Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Bridging the ensemble Kalman filter and particle filters: the adaptive Gaussian mixture filter

Computational Geosciences, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Three Dimensional Simulation of Time-Dependent Scramjet Isolator/Combustor Flowfields Implemented on Parallel Architectures

Abstract: The development of a parallel Navier-Stokes solver for computing time-dependent, three-... more Abstract: The development of a parallel Navier-Stokes solver for computing time-dependent, three-dimensional reacting flowfields within scramjet (supersonic combusting ramjet) engines is presented in this work. The algorithm combines low-diffusion upwinding ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Ensemble Kalman Filter for Estimation of Permeability and Porosity in Reservoir Models

SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2005

ABSTRACT It has lately been reported several successful applications where the ensemble Kalman fi... more ABSTRACT It has lately been reported several successful applications where the ensemble Kalman filter has been used to esti-mate reservoir properties such as permeability and poros-ity. However, a thorough investigation of robustness and performance is still missing for this approach. In this pa-per we aim at filling this gap by studying the robustness of the methodology. One aspect which is investigated is how the filter depends on the initial ensemble. As the initial ensemble is created in a stochastic way, one can not be certain that the results obtained from one run represent the filter performance. Another aspect of interest is how prior information can be used to obtain best possible ini-tial fields. The influence of geostatistical information on the estimated solutions is studied. In addition, the quality of the estimated fields is investigated by evaluating if the estimated static fields are reasonable when treated as the solution of the history matching problem. The estimation technique has been applied to the widely used PUNQ-S3 reservoir model, which is a small size synthetic 3-D reservoir engineering model. Both per-meability and porosity are tuned, and measurements con-sist of well bottom-hole pressures, water cuts and gas-oil ratios. The initial fields are conditioned on the porosities in the gridblocks where the wells are located. By using a synthetic reservoir model it is possible to calculate the uncertainty of forecasts, and compare this with the true solution.

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Research paper thumbnail of Event-Detection Algorithms for Low Sampling Nonintrusive Load Monitoring Systems Based on Low Complexity Statistical Features

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

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Research paper thumbnail of Computational Study of Vortex Shedding Behind Bluff Bodies

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Research paper thumbnail of Direct-mode interactions in the wake behind a stepped cylinder

Physics of Fluids, 2002

A computerized flow analysis of wake phenomena caused by a discontinuity in cylinder diameter is ... more A computerized flow analysis of wake phenomena caused by a discontinuity in cylinder diameter is presented. The vortex linkage and half-loop formation observed experimentally by Lewis and Gharib [Phys. Fluids A 4, 104 (1992)] have for the first time been reproduced numerically. The instantaneous vorticity and pressure fields provide a distinct picture of the direct-mode interaction, from which it is

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Research paper thumbnail of Large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow past straight and tapered circular cylinders

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Research paper thumbnail of Wind speed forecasting using ANN, ARMA and AIC hybrid to ensure power grid reliability

2015 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT ASIA), 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Fluid Front History Matching Using 4D Seismic and Streamline Simulation

SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2004

History matching of flow models is typically performed by using production data to calibrate the ... more History matching of flow models is typically performed by using production data to calibrate the models. This implies that deficiencies in the models cannot be revealed until the consequences are observed in the well network. The outcome can be highly undesirable, like early water-breakthrough in a production well. A new method is proposed that enables calibration of the flow-model early in the production cycle before the deficiencies can be observed in the wells, so that pro-active action can be taken. The basic idea behind this new method is to modify a given set of flow properties (e.g. porosity, permeability, cell volume...) along the streamlines so that the computed fluid fronts coincide with the observed fluid fronts derived from 4D seismic. The latter can be extracted from time-lapse seismic cubes with amplitude-based seismic attributes or 4D classification results. The matching of fluid fronts with this method needs very few iterative steps, contrary to traditional history-m...

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Research paper thumbnail of Wind Speed Forecasting Using Hybrid Wavelet Transform- ARMA Techniques

AIMS Energy, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of From 3D Seismic Facies to Reservoir Simulation: An Example From the Grane Field

Mathematics in Industry, 2005

A new seismic to simulation workflow is proposed, where the aim is the reduction of the overall t... more A new seismic to simulation workflow is proposed, where the aim is the reduction of the overall turn-around time, from seismic data acquisition to reservoir model building and simulation. To this end, new automated procedures are established: firstly, for discriminating seismic data into three-dimensional seismic facies, and secondly, for building a voxel-based reservoir model. This chapter is divided into three

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of wind shear components over complex terrain, and their removal to enhance wind profiling

ABSTRACT Wind profiles over complex terrain are currently impossible to obtain at requisite accur... more ABSTRACT Wind profiles over complex terrain are currently impossible to obtain at requisite accuracy via remote sensing or flow models. We propose a new approach in which, in each sampled height plane, the 3 wind components (u, v, w) and their horizontal shear components (du/dx, du/dy, dv/dx, dv/dy, dw/dx, dw/dy) are estimated from a 9-beam ground-based remote-sensing system. Based on simulations and error-propagation, we show that this characterization of the spatially complex wind field to first order will allow improved estimation of (u, v, w). The effects of temporal fluctuations due to spatial coherence are also discussed. Planned field investigations and coupled CFD data interpretations are described.

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Research paper thumbnail of Special issue: Ensemble Kalman filter for model updating. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 4th international workshop, Bergen, Norway, June 2009

Computational Geosciences, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Lognormality, δκ~ κ δφ, EGS, and All That


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Research paper thumbnail of Direct-mode interactions in the wake behind a stepped cylinder

Physics of Fluids

A computerized flow analysis of wake phenomena caused by a discontinuity in cylinder diameter is ... more A computerized flow analysis of wake phenomena caused by a discontinuity in cylinder diameter is presented. The vortex linkage and half-loop formation observed experimentally by Lewis and Gharib [Phys. Fluids A 4, 104 (1992)] have for the first time been reproduced numerically. The instantaneous vorticity and pressure fields provide a distinct picture of the direct-mode interaction, from which it is

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Research paper thumbnail of Lognormality, δκ~ κ δφ, EGS, and All That


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Research paper thumbnail of Revisiting Brugge case study using a Hierarchical Ensemble Kalman filter

International Petroleum Technology Conference, 2009

... Brice Vall`es and Geir Nævdal, SPE, IRIS - International Research Institute of Stavanger ... ... more ... Brice Vall`es and Geir Nævdal, SPE, IRIS - International Research Institute of Stavanger ... They chose to use the localisation function proposed by Furrer and Bengtsson (2007) with a spherical covariance function to represent the cross-covariance between the data and the state ...

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Research paper thumbnail of History Matching and Production Forecast Uncertainty by Means of the Ensemble Kalman Filter: A Real Field Application

Proceedings of EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, 2007

... History Matching the Zagor Field by Using ENKF The EnKF workflow described previously, equati... more ... History Matching the Zagor Field by Using ENKF The EnKF workflow described previously, equations (1) to (7), was coded in a flexible Matlab toolbox, then implemented to history match the Zagor reservoir model. In our case, the state vectors (cf. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ensemble Kalman Filter in Reservoir Engineering--a Review

SPE Journal, 2009

Introduction and Background There has been great progress in data assimilation within atmo-spheri... more Introduction and Background There has been great progress in data assimilation within atmo-spheric and oceanographic sciences during the last couple of decades. In data assimilation, one aims at merging the information from observations into a numerical ...

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Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Bridging the ensemble Kalman filter and particle filters: the adaptive Gaussian mixture filter

Computational Geosciences, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Three Dimensional Simulation of Time-Dependent Scramjet Isolator/Combustor Flowfields Implemented on Parallel Architectures

Abstract: The development of a parallel Navier-Stokes solver for computing time-dependent, three-... more Abstract: The development of a parallel Navier-Stokes solver for computing time-dependent, three-dimensional reacting flowfields within scramjet (supersonic combusting ramjet) engines is presented in this work. The algorithm combines low-diffusion upwinding ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Ensemble Kalman Filter for Estimation of Permeability and Porosity in Reservoir Models

SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2005

ABSTRACT It has lately been reported several successful applications where the ensemble Kalman fi... more ABSTRACT It has lately been reported several successful applications where the ensemble Kalman filter has been used to esti-mate reservoir properties such as permeability and poros-ity. However, a thorough investigation of robustness and performance is still missing for this approach. In this pa-per we aim at filling this gap by studying the robustness of the methodology. One aspect which is investigated is how the filter depends on the initial ensemble. As the initial ensemble is created in a stochastic way, one can not be certain that the results obtained from one run represent the filter performance. Another aspect of interest is how prior information can be used to obtain best possible ini-tial fields. The influence of geostatistical information on the estimated solutions is studied. In addition, the quality of the estimated fields is investigated by evaluating if the estimated static fields are reasonable when treated as the solution of the history matching problem. The estimation technique has been applied to the widely used PUNQ-S3 reservoir model, which is a small size synthetic 3-D reservoir engineering model. Both per-meability and porosity are tuned, and measurements con-sist of well bottom-hole pressures, water cuts and gas-oil ratios. The initial fields are conditioned on the porosities in the gridblocks where the wells are located. By using a synthetic reservoir model it is possible to calculate the uncertainty of forecasts, and compare this with the true solution.

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