Bronwyn Tanner - (original) (raw)


Papers by Bronwyn Tanner

Research paper thumbnail of Home modification Down Under

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Research paper thumbnail of Home modifications down under

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Research paper thumbnail of No longer a prison: The impact of home modifications on the meaning of home for older people

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Research paper thumbnail of Clinical Reasoning and the International Classification of Functioning: A Linking Framework

Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease at the end of life: a phenomenological study

Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of The functional impact of a traumatic hand injury on people who live in rural and remote locations

Disability & Rehabilitation, 2010

This study aimed to gain an understanding of the functional impact of a traumatic hand injury on ... more This study aimed to gain an understanding of the functional impact of a traumatic hand injury on a rural and remote Australian population. A retrospective, exploratory design was used. Patients who had experienced a traumatic hand injury were samples and were treated at the occupational therapy department at a major regional Australian hospital between January 2003 and February 2007 (n = 198). A mail-out survey was utilized, with 65 respondents included in the study. Questions focused on the impact on specific areas of occupational performance and on compliance to home exercises. The upper extremity functional index was also incorporated in the survey. The results revealed that almost 90% of survey respondents had residual difficulties as a result of the traumatic hand injury. The overall impact these difficulties have on 'day-to-day' life was moderate to extreme for over half of the respondents. In the areas of occupational performance, the most affected were work and leisure with less impact reported in self-care and rest. Comments were at times contrary with closed question data, with many respondents expressing relative satisfaction with their outcome despite highlighting the functional difficulties. A significant impact on occupational performance has been highlighted, which reflects common issues within this rural and remote population. Confirmation of the extent of these identified issues within the larger rural and remote Australian population will contribute to the formulation of policy and consequent improvements in health for this traditionally underserved population.

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Research paper thumbnail of Restoring and Sustaining Home: The Impact of Home Modifications on the Meaning of Home for Older People

Journal of Housing for The Elderly, 2008

... Tanner a , Cheryl Tilse b & Desleigh de Jonge c pages 195-215. ... “Person–Task–Envir... more ... Tanner a , Cheryl Tilse b & Desleigh de Jonge c pages 195-215. ... “Person–Task–Environment interventions: A decision making guide”. In Willard and Spakeman's occupational therapy, , 9th ed., Edited by: Neistadt, ME and Crepeau, EB 471–499. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Home modification Down Under

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Research paper thumbnail of Home modifications down under

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Research paper thumbnail of No longer a prison: The impact of home modifications on the meaning of home for older people

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Research paper thumbnail of Clinical Reasoning and the International Classification of Functioning: A Linking Framework

Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease at the end of life: a phenomenological study

Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of The functional impact of a traumatic hand injury on people who live in rural and remote locations

Disability & Rehabilitation, 2010

This study aimed to gain an understanding of the functional impact of a traumatic hand injury on ... more This study aimed to gain an understanding of the functional impact of a traumatic hand injury on a rural and remote Australian population. A retrospective, exploratory design was used. Patients who had experienced a traumatic hand injury were samples and were treated at the occupational therapy department at a major regional Australian hospital between January 2003 and February 2007 (n = 198). A mail-out survey was utilized, with 65 respondents included in the study. Questions focused on the impact on specific areas of occupational performance and on compliance to home exercises. The upper extremity functional index was also incorporated in the survey. The results revealed that almost 90% of survey respondents had residual difficulties as a result of the traumatic hand injury. The overall impact these difficulties have on 'day-to-day' life was moderate to extreme for over half of the respondents. In the areas of occupational performance, the most affected were work and leisure with less impact reported in self-care and rest. Comments were at times contrary with closed question data, with many respondents expressing relative satisfaction with their outcome despite highlighting the functional difficulties. A significant impact on occupational performance has been highlighted, which reflects common issues within this rural and remote population. Confirmation of the extent of these identified issues within the larger rural and remote Australian population will contribute to the formulation of policy and consequent improvements in health for this traditionally underserved population.

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Research paper thumbnail of Restoring and Sustaining Home: The Impact of Home Modifications on the Meaning of Home for Older People

Journal of Housing for The Elderly, 2008

... Tanner a , Cheryl Tilse b & Desleigh de Jonge c pages 195-215. ... “Person–Task–Envir... more ... Tanner a , Cheryl Tilse b & Desleigh de Jonge c pages 195-215. ... “Person–Task–Environment interventions: A decision making guide”. In Willard and Spakeman's occupational therapy, , 9th ed., Edited by: Neistadt, ME and Crepeau, EB 471–499. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven. ...

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