Bruno Chanetz - (original) (raw)

Papers by Bruno Chanetz

Research paper thumbnail of Aérodynamique expérimentale - souffleries et méthodes de mesure. Ouvrage collectif rédigé sous l’égide de la commission technique Aérodynamique de l’Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France (3AF) et la Direction de Jean Délery

Cépaduès eBooks, Oct 1, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Interference between a cylindrical bow shock and a plane oblique shock

Fluid Dynamics Conference, Jun 17, 1996


Research paper thumbnail of Guest editorial: Aerodynamics for lower environmental impact

International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Apr 24, 2023

President of the Aerodynamics Technical Committee of the French Aeronautics and Aerospace Society... more President of the Aerodynamics Technical Committee of the French Aeronautics and Aerospace Society (3AF) for 20 years, member of the 3AF High Scientific Council passed away on 6 December 2022. The Aeronautics and Space community to which he contributed and devoted himself, his family and friends are very grateful.

Research paper thumbnail of Fundamental study of shock/shock interference in low density flow : Flowfield measurements by DLCARS

Research paper thumbnail of Shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interactions in nonequilibrium flows

Research paper thumbnail of The Passion of Flight: From Leonardo da Vinci to Jean Letourneur

conseil scientifique de l'Association aéronautique et astronautique de France (3AF) RÉSUMÉ. Léona... more conseil scientifique de l'Association aéronautique et astronautique de France (3AF) RÉSUMÉ. Léonard de Vinci a embrassé les carrières d'ingénieur et de peintre avec un égal talent et une même réussite. S'il n'est cependant pas l'auteur de la théorie du vol, due quatre siècles plus tard à un autre autodidacte Fréderik Lanchester, il en a posé les premiers jalons. Cet article rappelle sa quête pour arracher l'homme à l'attraction terrestre. Il se poursuit par l'évocation de l'oeuvre d'un médecin Etienne-Jules Marey, qui au crépuscule du XIXe siècle réalisa les premières images du mouvement fluide. On présente ensuite les visualisations réalisées dans la seconde partie du XXe siècle par un ingénieur de l'ONERA Henri Werlé. Ses films et ses photographies scientifiques furent une source inépuisable d'inspiration de l'artiste Jean Letourneur pour son oeuvre sculpté et dessiné, prouvant qu'encore aujourd'hui l'art et la science ne sont pas des univers disjoints. ABSTRACT. Leonardo da Vinci has embraced the careers of engineer and painter with equal talent and equal success. However, he was not the author of the theory of theft, due four centuries later to another autodidact Frederik Lanchester, he laid the groundwork of this theory. This article recalls his quest to wrest man from earthly attraction. It continues with the evocation of the work of a physician Etienne-Jules Marey, who at twilight of the 19th century produced the first images of the fluid movement. We then present the visualizations made in the second half of the 20th century by an ONERA engineer Henri Werlé. His films and scientific photographs have been an inexhaustible source of inspiration for the artist Jean Letourneur for his sculpted and drawn work, proving that still today art and science are not disjointed universes. MOTS-CLÉS. théorie du vol, visualisations hydrodynamique, visualisations strioscopiques, sculpture. KEYWORDS. theory of theft, hydrodynamic visualizations, Schlieren photographs, sculpture. 1) introduction : De la légende à la réalité La légende d'Icare et Dédale s'enfuyant du Palais de Minos fait partie des mythes fondateurs de notre civilisation. Elle exprime l'un des rêves les plus vieux de l'humanité : voler comme un oiseau. Léonard de Vinci, Il y a un peu plus de cinq siècles, consacra au vol 400 dessins, dont 150 de machines volantes. Sa quête fut longue et couronnée d'insuccès mais il eut le mérite, au soir de sa vie, de bâtir une théorie du vol, qui même imparfaite, avait le mérite de tenir la route … des airs. Quatre siècles plus tard, Etienne-Jules Marey, reprit le flambeau en se posant les mêmes questions que Vinci sur le vol des oiseaux et invalidant comme lui, le vol battu. Ce médecin physiologiste réalisa les premières visualisations fluides. Sa machine à fumée, une soufflerie dotée d'un dispositif permettant de visualiser les images du courant d'air autour d'obstacles fut reproduite en 1999 par le Centre national de la cinématographie et exposée lors d'une exposition au musée d'Orsay en 2004. Cette exposition présentait les superbes clichés réalisés par Marey cent ans auparavant, à l'époque où décollait enfin le plus lourd que l'air. Cinquante ans plus tard, un ingénieur Henri Werlé débuta une carrière qui devait le conduire à réaliser de magnifiques images scientifiques aux couleurs éclatantes au moyen du tunnel hydrodynamique de l'ONERA à Chatillon-sous-Bagneux. Ces images présentées en 1973 lors de l'exposition Sciences, Formes, Couleurs au Palais de la Découverte, décidèrent d'une vocation : celle de Jean Letourneur de consacrer sa vie à l'expression du mouvement fluide dans le marbre et le bronze.

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental investigation of three dimensional separation on an ellipsoid-cylinder body at incidence

Research paper thumbnail of Transonic Wind Tunnels

As the air flow around an aircraft is not uniform, locally supersonic zones may exist even under ... more As the air flow around an aircraft is not uniform, locally supersonic zones may exist even under subsonic upstream flow condition, this defines the transonic regime, a condition where both subsonic and supersonic regions coexist.

Research paper thumbnail of 50th 3AF International Applied Aerodynamics Conference

International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 2016

Guest editorial 50th 3AF International Applied Aerodynamics Conference Forthcoming challenges for... more Guest editorial 50th 3AF International Applied Aerodynamics Conference Forthcoming challenges for aerodynamics The 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics is organized each year by the Aerodynamics Committee of the French Aeronautics and Space Society (3AF) in a different venue in France known for its activities in the field of aeronautics and/or space technology. The conference is an excellent opportunity for scientific exchanges within the aerospace community where aerodynamicists from industry, research institutions and academics meet. Scientists and engineers from other fields involving fluid mechanics are also welcomed. Each year the conference focuses on a different topic representative of current concerns in the field of aerodynamics. It is organized on the basis of five half-day of technical presentations, each introduced by a keynote conference given by an expert in the field covered by the session. In 2015, the conference was hosted by the Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE-Supaéro) at Toulouse. The 50th 3AF International Applied Aerodynamics Conference (AERO2015) was an opportunity to focus on forthcoming challenges for aerodynamics arising from the ever growing demands for "greener vehicles", more comfortable means of transportation, alternative energy sources and environmental "friendliness". This involves improvements to fuel consumption and pollutant emissions, as well as reduction of negative impacts on the environment such as noise, wake vortices, soiling, etc. There is also a pressure to increase efficiency and reliability of windturbines, etc. Green or sustainable building construction requires careful consideration of ventilation systems with reduced energy cost. There is also a constant need for better performance, increased range and improved stealth for military aircraft and missiles. Aerodynamics plays an important and sometimes key role in all these domains so that such performance improvement can only be reached through decisive progress and even breakthrough in the many domains of aerodynamics including: flow modelling and physical understanding of complex phenomena, predictive and design methods, experimental investigation and data interpretation, etc. All domains of application of aerodynamics were of interest: aircraft and UAV, engines, missiles and space launchers, airships, terrestrial vehicles, buildings, windturbine farms, ships, trains, etc. Among the many aspects of the problem, the following items were considered: new technologies (laminarity, drag reduction, separate flow control), noise reduction, propulsion system installation, aircraft, UAV and compound rotorcraft design, counter rotating open rotor, challenges in flow modelling and numerical simulation, unsteadiness, computation and experiment (wind tunnels, flight tests), etc.

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental and numerical simulation of two Iranian badgirs in the Persian Gulf, City of Kong and Laft

2015 World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST), 2015

Iranian wind towers "Badgir" works thanks to natural driving forces, such as difference... more Iranian wind towers "Badgir" works thanks to natural driving forces, such as differences in temperature between a building and its environment. By evaporation, convection and natural air currents, we can manage the internal thermal comfort of the local interior environment. The air movement is carried out by the process of pressure and extraction. This paper focuses on sustainable structure, Badgir and the computer simulation, experimentation and reconstruction of a wind towers in the city of Kong located in the Persian Gulf. The construction material of this Badgir is stone and adobe (earth clay, straw and water). This natural material has high heat storage capacity and help to evacuate hot air. The aerodynamic aspects are examined numerically by using CFD (Computation Fluid Dynamics). The calculated velocity and pressure fields are compared to measurements taken on the model installed in a wind tunnel.

Research paper thumbnail of Mexme Galet, bâtisseur de l'hôtel de Sully

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 13, 2017

Bruno Chanetz, Professeur Associé à l'université Paris-Ouest De 1624 à 1627, Mexme Galet fit édif... more Bruno Chanetz, Professeur Associé à l'université Paris-Ouest De 1624 à 1627, Mexme Galet fit édifier à Paris dans le quartier du Marais un prestigieux hôtel particulier, sur des plans traditionnellement attribués à Jean Androuet du Cerceau. La présente étude confirme cette attribution de manière irréfutable, grâce à un devis inédit daté du 20 juillet 1627, mentionnant que les travaux sont effectués sous la conduite de « Maître du Cerceau ». Cet hôtel est revendu dès 1627 à Jean Habert de Montmort, dont la destinée croise à plusieurs reprises celle de Mexme Galet. En 1634 l'hôtel est acquis par l'ancien ministre d'Henri IV, le duc de Sully. L'édifice, un des plus beaux hôtels du Marais, est de nos jours le siège du centre des Monuments nationaux, organisme gestionnaire de la centaine de Monuments historiques, propriété de l'Etat Français. Ses origines et ses traces dans la littérature Mexme Galet est originaire de Chinon (Indre et Loire). Sa date de naissance n'est pas connue. Il est né au cours du dernier quart du XVI ème siècle. Mexme, est un prénom peu usité. A Chinon cependant, on honore Saint Mexme, disciple de Saint Martin, qui a fondé en cette ville, au cinquième siècle, un monastère devenu la collégiale Saint-Mexme. Loin de vénérer son saint patron, Gallet appartient à la religion réformée. Le nom de Galet est connu des lecteurs de Rabelais : dans « Gargantua », Ulrich Galet, maître des Requêtes de Grandgousier, est chargé d'une ambassade auprès de Pichrocole. Dans son traité « origine de la langue française », l'abbé Ménage prétend que Mexme Galet est un petit-cousin de Rabelais. Contrôleur des finances sous le règne de Louis XIII, c'est aussi un joueur invétéré, rimé par Mathurin Régnier dans sa quatorzième satire : « Galet a sa raison, et qui croira son dire, Le hasard, pour le moins, lui promet un empire » Galet est d'abord chanceux au jeu. Régnier, qui meurt en 1613, ignorera à tout jamais la chute retentissante de celui, qui est resté dans l'histoire sous le nom de « Galet le joueur ». En revanche, Tallemant des Réaux, miroir fidèle de la société de son époque, raconte dans son historiette consacrée aux joueurs, l'ascension et la banqueroute du financier Mexme Galet : « Galet, avait fait grand gain au jeu ; c'est lui qui fit bâtir l'hôtel de Sully ; il s'était retiré avec 1 200 000 livres de gain. Comme il faisait bâtir l'hôtel de Sully, dans la rue Saint-Antoine, le petit La Lande le vint trouver et lui dit : vous êtes un bon homme ; vous pourriez faire bâtir votre maison aux dépens des joueurs, et vous payez vos ouvriers de vos belles pistoles de poids ; venez chez la Blondau [célèbre tripot situé place Royale]. Il l'y entraîna. D'abord par malheur pour lui, il gagna ; cela l'encouragea ; puis la chance étant tournée, il perdit tout ».

Research paper thumbnail of Audouin Dollfus, astronome du XX e siècle

Comptes Rendus. Mécanique

L'astrophysicien canadien Hubert Reeves (avril 2011) considère Audouin Dollfus comme un des plus ... more L'astrophysicien canadien Hubert Reeves (avril 2011) considère Audouin Dollfus comme un des plus grands astronomes français contemporains. Il a notamment découvert Janus, satellite de Saturne, déterminé la composition du sol de Mars, détecté un résidu atmosphérique sur Mercure et contribué à choisir le terrain d'alunissage de la mission Apollo 11, qui permit à Neil Armstrong de poser le premier pied de l'homme sur la Lune. Ce fut également un aéronaute de haute volée puisqu'il détient toujours le record du monde du plus haut vol habité avec un ballon muni d'un télescope astronomique.

Research paper thumbnail of Control of shock waves interferences by energy laser deposition

37th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of State-Of-The-Art of the "Supersonic Aerodynamics" Project at Onera

At the beginning of 2000, ONERA launched an internal project (PRF: Projet de Recherche Fédérateur... more At the beginning of 2000, ONERA launched an internal project (PRF: Projet de Recherche Fédérateur) aimed at investigating a few aerodynamic problems linked to the future supersonic aircraft. Five topics are studied: - Laminar-turbulent transition and laminar flow control - Development of a "quiet" supersonic wind tunnel - Turbulent flows at high values of Reynolds numbers - Shock wave/boundary layer

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of shock waves interference and associated hysteresis effect at variable-Mach-number upstream flow

Shock Waves, 2003

Experimental investigations and numerical simulations have been performed to study the transition... more Experimental investigations and numerical simulations have been performed to study the transition between steady regular and Mach reflections induced by flow Mach number variation. The experiments have been carried out in the supersonic wind tunnel SIGMA 4B, at the Institut Aérotechnique (IAT) in St Cyr L'Ecole, France. Symmetric and asymmetric arrangements of wedges have been tested. No significant hysteresis phenomenon has been detected experimentally. However, this phenomenon has been revealed by numerical computations obtained by solving the Navier-Stokes equations.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of Viscous Waveriders Derived from Axisymmetric Power-Law Blunt Body Flows

Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2006

A method based on a Euler code is used to study waveriders generated from the flowfield around co... more A method based on a Euler code is used to study waveriders generated from the flowfield around cones or axisymmetric power-law blunt bodies. In the cone case, the results are compared with those given by the Taylor-Maccoll system and inviscid hypersonic small-disturbance theory. This last theory shows its limits at a Mach number of 5, for cone angles providing the best lift-to-drag ratios. In the axisymmetric power-law blunt body flows case, the optimization is led using a nonlinear simplex method to get the upper surface that enables the waverider to have the best lift-to-drag ratio, the thickness-to-length ratio being fixed. Compared with the cone-derived waverider, the proposed blunt-body-derived model allows a 20% gain in volume for near equal optimized lift-to-drag ratios.

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental Analysis of Aerodynamic Interactions Occurring on Hypersonic Spacecraft

Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Hysteresis phenomena associated with shock waves interference in steady hypersonic flow

International Journal of Aerodynamics, 2012

If an oblique shock wave encounters a wall, two reflection types are possible. According to the i... more If an oblique shock wave encounters a wall, two reflection types are possible. According to the inclination of the shock, with respect to the incoming flow, the resulting configuration is either a regular reflection (RR) or a Mach reflection (MR). At Mach number higher than 2.2, both reflections are theoretically possible for some incidence angles. This range is known as the dual-solution domain, and its existence led to hypothesise an hysteresis in the RR-MR transition.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison between methods of generation of waveriders derived from conical flows

Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 2006

Waveriders are supersonic or hypersonic lifting configurations which are generated from a known f... more Waveriders are supersonic or hypersonic lifting configurations which are generated from a known flowfield, preventing leakage from the high-pressure undersurface to the uppersurface, and allowing high lift-to-drag ratios. A method based on an Euler code is used to study waveriders generated from the flow field around axisymmetric bodies. In the case of a cone, the results are compared with those given by the Taylor-Maccoll system and inviscid hypersonic small-disturbance theory. In the present study conditions at Mach 5, the last method paradoxically works at high cone angles (greater than 10 • ) while the best lift-to-drag ratio are obtained with small angles. To cite this article: B. Mangin et al., C. R. Mecanique 334 (2006).

Research paper thumbnail of Rotational temperature and density measurements in a hypersonic flow by dual-line CARS

Applied Physics B Photophysics and Laser Chemistry, 1993

Rotational temperature and nitrogen number density are measured in the shock wave/boundary layer ... more Rotational temperature and nitrogen number density are measured in the shock wave/boundary layer interaction region in the vicinity of a two-dimensional compression corner disposed in a low pressure, 55 K, Mach 10 hypersonic air flow. Spatially-resolved data are recorded using a nonlinear optical technique named dual-line coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (DLCARS). Averaged temperature and density profiles are compared with those

Research paper thumbnail of Aérodynamique expérimentale - souffleries et méthodes de mesure. Ouvrage collectif rédigé sous l’égide de la commission technique Aérodynamique de l’Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France (3AF) et la Direction de Jean Délery

Cépaduès eBooks, Oct 1, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Interference between a cylindrical bow shock and a plane oblique shock

Fluid Dynamics Conference, Jun 17, 1996


Research paper thumbnail of Guest editorial: Aerodynamics for lower environmental impact

International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Apr 24, 2023

President of the Aerodynamics Technical Committee of the French Aeronautics and Aerospace Society... more President of the Aerodynamics Technical Committee of the French Aeronautics and Aerospace Society (3AF) for 20 years, member of the 3AF High Scientific Council passed away on 6 December 2022. The Aeronautics and Space community to which he contributed and devoted himself, his family and friends are very grateful.

Research paper thumbnail of Fundamental study of shock/shock interference in low density flow : Flowfield measurements by DLCARS

Research paper thumbnail of Shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interactions in nonequilibrium flows

Research paper thumbnail of The Passion of Flight: From Leonardo da Vinci to Jean Letourneur

conseil scientifique de l'Association aéronautique et astronautique de France (3AF) RÉSUMÉ. Léona... more conseil scientifique de l'Association aéronautique et astronautique de France (3AF) RÉSUMÉ. Léonard de Vinci a embrassé les carrières d'ingénieur et de peintre avec un égal talent et une même réussite. S'il n'est cependant pas l'auteur de la théorie du vol, due quatre siècles plus tard à un autre autodidacte Fréderik Lanchester, il en a posé les premiers jalons. Cet article rappelle sa quête pour arracher l'homme à l'attraction terrestre. Il se poursuit par l'évocation de l'oeuvre d'un médecin Etienne-Jules Marey, qui au crépuscule du XIXe siècle réalisa les premières images du mouvement fluide. On présente ensuite les visualisations réalisées dans la seconde partie du XXe siècle par un ingénieur de l'ONERA Henri Werlé. Ses films et ses photographies scientifiques furent une source inépuisable d'inspiration de l'artiste Jean Letourneur pour son oeuvre sculpté et dessiné, prouvant qu'encore aujourd'hui l'art et la science ne sont pas des univers disjoints. ABSTRACT. Leonardo da Vinci has embraced the careers of engineer and painter with equal talent and equal success. However, he was not the author of the theory of theft, due four centuries later to another autodidact Frederik Lanchester, he laid the groundwork of this theory. This article recalls his quest to wrest man from earthly attraction. It continues with the evocation of the work of a physician Etienne-Jules Marey, who at twilight of the 19th century produced the first images of the fluid movement. We then present the visualizations made in the second half of the 20th century by an ONERA engineer Henri Werlé. His films and scientific photographs have been an inexhaustible source of inspiration for the artist Jean Letourneur for his sculpted and drawn work, proving that still today art and science are not disjointed universes. MOTS-CLÉS. théorie du vol, visualisations hydrodynamique, visualisations strioscopiques, sculpture. KEYWORDS. theory of theft, hydrodynamic visualizations, Schlieren photographs, sculpture. 1) introduction : De la légende à la réalité La légende d'Icare et Dédale s'enfuyant du Palais de Minos fait partie des mythes fondateurs de notre civilisation. Elle exprime l'un des rêves les plus vieux de l'humanité : voler comme un oiseau. Léonard de Vinci, Il y a un peu plus de cinq siècles, consacra au vol 400 dessins, dont 150 de machines volantes. Sa quête fut longue et couronnée d'insuccès mais il eut le mérite, au soir de sa vie, de bâtir une théorie du vol, qui même imparfaite, avait le mérite de tenir la route … des airs. Quatre siècles plus tard, Etienne-Jules Marey, reprit le flambeau en se posant les mêmes questions que Vinci sur le vol des oiseaux et invalidant comme lui, le vol battu. Ce médecin physiologiste réalisa les premières visualisations fluides. Sa machine à fumée, une soufflerie dotée d'un dispositif permettant de visualiser les images du courant d'air autour d'obstacles fut reproduite en 1999 par le Centre national de la cinématographie et exposée lors d'une exposition au musée d'Orsay en 2004. Cette exposition présentait les superbes clichés réalisés par Marey cent ans auparavant, à l'époque où décollait enfin le plus lourd que l'air. Cinquante ans plus tard, un ingénieur Henri Werlé débuta une carrière qui devait le conduire à réaliser de magnifiques images scientifiques aux couleurs éclatantes au moyen du tunnel hydrodynamique de l'ONERA à Chatillon-sous-Bagneux. Ces images présentées en 1973 lors de l'exposition Sciences, Formes, Couleurs au Palais de la Découverte, décidèrent d'une vocation : celle de Jean Letourneur de consacrer sa vie à l'expression du mouvement fluide dans le marbre et le bronze.

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental investigation of three dimensional separation on an ellipsoid-cylinder body at incidence

Research paper thumbnail of Transonic Wind Tunnels

As the air flow around an aircraft is not uniform, locally supersonic zones may exist even under ... more As the air flow around an aircraft is not uniform, locally supersonic zones may exist even under subsonic upstream flow condition, this defines the transonic regime, a condition where both subsonic and supersonic regions coexist.

Research paper thumbnail of 50th 3AF International Applied Aerodynamics Conference

International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 2016

Guest editorial 50th 3AF International Applied Aerodynamics Conference Forthcoming challenges for... more Guest editorial 50th 3AF International Applied Aerodynamics Conference Forthcoming challenges for aerodynamics The 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics is organized each year by the Aerodynamics Committee of the French Aeronautics and Space Society (3AF) in a different venue in France known for its activities in the field of aeronautics and/or space technology. The conference is an excellent opportunity for scientific exchanges within the aerospace community where aerodynamicists from industry, research institutions and academics meet. Scientists and engineers from other fields involving fluid mechanics are also welcomed. Each year the conference focuses on a different topic representative of current concerns in the field of aerodynamics. It is organized on the basis of five half-day of technical presentations, each introduced by a keynote conference given by an expert in the field covered by the session. In 2015, the conference was hosted by the Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (ISAE-Supaéro) at Toulouse. The 50th 3AF International Applied Aerodynamics Conference (AERO2015) was an opportunity to focus on forthcoming challenges for aerodynamics arising from the ever growing demands for "greener vehicles", more comfortable means of transportation, alternative energy sources and environmental "friendliness". This involves improvements to fuel consumption and pollutant emissions, as well as reduction of negative impacts on the environment such as noise, wake vortices, soiling, etc. There is also a pressure to increase efficiency and reliability of windturbines, etc. Green or sustainable building construction requires careful consideration of ventilation systems with reduced energy cost. There is also a constant need for better performance, increased range and improved stealth for military aircraft and missiles. Aerodynamics plays an important and sometimes key role in all these domains so that such performance improvement can only be reached through decisive progress and even breakthrough in the many domains of aerodynamics including: flow modelling and physical understanding of complex phenomena, predictive and design methods, experimental investigation and data interpretation, etc. All domains of application of aerodynamics were of interest: aircraft and UAV, engines, missiles and space launchers, airships, terrestrial vehicles, buildings, windturbine farms, ships, trains, etc. Among the many aspects of the problem, the following items were considered: new technologies (laminarity, drag reduction, separate flow control), noise reduction, propulsion system installation, aircraft, UAV and compound rotorcraft design, counter rotating open rotor, challenges in flow modelling and numerical simulation, unsteadiness, computation and experiment (wind tunnels, flight tests), etc.

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental and numerical simulation of two Iranian badgirs in the Persian Gulf, City of Kong and Laft

2015 World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST), 2015

Iranian wind towers "Badgir" works thanks to natural driving forces, such as difference... more Iranian wind towers "Badgir" works thanks to natural driving forces, such as differences in temperature between a building and its environment. By evaporation, convection and natural air currents, we can manage the internal thermal comfort of the local interior environment. The air movement is carried out by the process of pressure and extraction. This paper focuses on sustainable structure, Badgir and the computer simulation, experimentation and reconstruction of a wind towers in the city of Kong located in the Persian Gulf. The construction material of this Badgir is stone and adobe (earth clay, straw and water). This natural material has high heat storage capacity and help to evacuate hot air. The aerodynamic aspects are examined numerically by using CFD (Computation Fluid Dynamics). The calculated velocity and pressure fields are compared to measurements taken on the model installed in a wind tunnel.

Research paper thumbnail of Mexme Galet, bâtisseur de l'hôtel de Sully

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 13, 2017

Bruno Chanetz, Professeur Associé à l'université Paris-Ouest De 1624 à 1627, Mexme Galet fit édif... more Bruno Chanetz, Professeur Associé à l'université Paris-Ouest De 1624 à 1627, Mexme Galet fit édifier à Paris dans le quartier du Marais un prestigieux hôtel particulier, sur des plans traditionnellement attribués à Jean Androuet du Cerceau. La présente étude confirme cette attribution de manière irréfutable, grâce à un devis inédit daté du 20 juillet 1627, mentionnant que les travaux sont effectués sous la conduite de « Maître du Cerceau ». Cet hôtel est revendu dès 1627 à Jean Habert de Montmort, dont la destinée croise à plusieurs reprises celle de Mexme Galet. En 1634 l'hôtel est acquis par l'ancien ministre d'Henri IV, le duc de Sully. L'édifice, un des plus beaux hôtels du Marais, est de nos jours le siège du centre des Monuments nationaux, organisme gestionnaire de la centaine de Monuments historiques, propriété de l'Etat Français. Ses origines et ses traces dans la littérature Mexme Galet est originaire de Chinon (Indre et Loire). Sa date de naissance n'est pas connue. Il est né au cours du dernier quart du XVI ème siècle. Mexme, est un prénom peu usité. A Chinon cependant, on honore Saint Mexme, disciple de Saint Martin, qui a fondé en cette ville, au cinquième siècle, un monastère devenu la collégiale Saint-Mexme. Loin de vénérer son saint patron, Gallet appartient à la religion réformée. Le nom de Galet est connu des lecteurs de Rabelais : dans « Gargantua », Ulrich Galet, maître des Requêtes de Grandgousier, est chargé d'une ambassade auprès de Pichrocole. Dans son traité « origine de la langue française », l'abbé Ménage prétend que Mexme Galet est un petit-cousin de Rabelais. Contrôleur des finances sous le règne de Louis XIII, c'est aussi un joueur invétéré, rimé par Mathurin Régnier dans sa quatorzième satire : « Galet a sa raison, et qui croira son dire, Le hasard, pour le moins, lui promet un empire » Galet est d'abord chanceux au jeu. Régnier, qui meurt en 1613, ignorera à tout jamais la chute retentissante de celui, qui est resté dans l'histoire sous le nom de « Galet le joueur ». En revanche, Tallemant des Réaux, miroir fidèle de la société de son époque, raconte dans son historiette consacrée aux joueurs, l'ascension et la banqueroute du financier Mexme Galet : « Galet, avait fait grand gain au jeu ; c'est lui qui fit bâtir l'hôtel de Sully ; il s'était retiré avec 1 200 000 livres de gain. Comme il faisait bâtir l'hôtel de Sully, dans la rue Saint-Antoine, le petit La Lande le vint trouver et lui dit : vous êtes un bon homme ; vous pourriez faire bâtir votre maison aux dépens des joueurs, et vous payez vos ouvriers de vos belles pistoles de poids ; venez chez la Blondau [célèbre tripot situé place Royale]. Il l'y entraîna. D'abord par malheur pour lui, il gagna ; cela l'encouragea ; puis la chance étant tournée, il perdit tout ».

Research paper thumbnail of Audouin Dollfus, astronome du XX e siècle

Comptes Rendus. Mécanique

L'astrophysicien canadien Hubert Reeves (avril 2011) considère Audouin Dollfus comme un des plus ... more L'astrophysicien canadien Hubert Reeves (avril 2011) considère Audouin Dollfus comme un des plus grands astronomes français contemporains. Il a notamment découvert Janus, satellite de Saturne, déterminé la composition du sol de Mars, détecté un résidu atmosphérique sur Mercure et contribué à choisir le terrain d'alunissage de la mission Apollo 11, qui permit à Neil Armstrong de poser le premier pied de l'homme sur la Lune. Ce fut également un aéronaute de haute volée puisqu'il détient toujours le record du monde du plus haut vol habité avec un ballon muni d'un télescope astronomique.

Research paper thumbnail of Control of shock waves interferences by energy laser deposition

37th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of State-Of-The-Art of the "Supersonic Aerodynamics" Project at Onera

At the beginning of 2000, ONERA launched an internal project (PRF: Projet de Recherche Fédérateur... more At the beginning of 2000, ONERA launched an internal project (PRF: Projet de Recherche Fédérateur) aimed at investigating a few aerodynamic problems linked to the future supersonic aircraft. Five topics are studied: - Laminar-turbulent transition and laminar flow control - Development of a "quiet" supersonic wind tunnel - Turbulent flows at high values of Reynolds numbers - Shock wave/boundary layer

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of shock waves interference and associated hysteresis effect at variable-Mach-number upstream flow

Shock Waves, 2003

Experimental investigations and numerical simulations have been performed to study the transition... more Experimental investigations and numerical simulations have been performed to study the transition between steady regular and Mach reflections induced by flow Mach number variation. The experiments have been carried out in the supersonic wind tunnel SIGMA 4B, at the Institut Aérotechnique (IAT) in St Cyr L'Ecole, France. Symmetric and asymmetric arrangements of wedges have been tested. No significant hysteresis phenomenon has been detected experimentally. However, this phenomenon has been revealed by numerical computations obtained by solving the Navier-Stokes equations.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of Viscous Waveriders Derived from Axisymmetric Power-Law Blunt Body Flows

Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2006

A method based on a Euler code is used to study waveriders generated from the flowfield around co... more A method based on a Euler code is used to study waveriders generated from the flowfield around cones or axisymmetric power-law blunt bodies. In the cone case, the results are compared with those given by the Taylor-Maccoll system and inviscid hypersonic small-disturbance theory. This last theory shows its limits at a Mach number of 5, for cone angles providing the best lift-to-drag ratios. In the axisymmetric power-law blunt body flows case, the optimization is led using a nonlinear simplex method to get the upper surface that enables the waverider to have the best lift-to-drag ratio, the thickness-to-length ratio being fixed. Compared with the cone-derived waverider, the proposed blunt-body-derived model allows a 20% gain in volume for near equal optimized lift-to-drag ratios.

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental Analysis of Aerodynamic Interactions Occurring on Hypersonic Spacecraft

Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Hysteresis phenomena associated with shock waves interference in steady hypersonic flow

International Journal of Aerodynamics, 2012

If an oblique shock wave encounters a wall, two reflection types are possible. According to the i... more If an oblique shock wave encounters a wall, two reflection types are possible. According to the inclination of the shock, with respect to the incoming flow, the resulting configuration is either a regular reflection (RR) or a Mach reflection (MR). At Mach number higher than 2.2, both reflections are theoretically possible for some incidence angles. This range is known as the dual-solution domain, and its existence led to hypothesise an hysteresis in the RR-MR transition.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison between methods of generation of waveriders derived from conical flows

Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 2006

Waveriders are supersonic or hypersonic lifting configurations which are generated from a known f... more Waveriders are supersonic or hypersonic lifting configurations which are generated from a known flowfield, preventing leakage from the high-pressure undersurface to the uppersurface, and allowing high lift-to-drag ratios. A method based on an Euler code is used to study waveriders generated from the flow field around axisymmetric bodies. In the case of a cone, the results are compared with those given by the Taylor-Maccoll system and inviscid hypersonic small-disturbance theory. In the present study conditions at Mach 5, the last method paradoxically works at high cone angles (greater than 10 • ) while the best lift-to-drag ratio are obtained with small angles. To cite this article: B. Mangin et al., C. R. Mecanique 334 (2006).

Research paper thumbnail of Rotational temperature and density measurements in a hypersonic flow by dual-line CARS

Applied Physics B Photophysics and Laser Chemistry, 1993

Rotational temperature and nitrogen number density are measured in the shock wave/boundary layer ... more Rotational temperature and nitrogen number density are measured in the shock wave/boundary layer interaction region in the vicinity of a two-dimensional compression corner disposed in a low pressure, 55 K, Mach 10 hypersonic air flow. Spatially-resolved data are recorded using a nonlinear optical technique named dual-line coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (DLCARS). Averaged temperature and density profiles are compared with those