Brzęk Wacław - (original) (raw)
Papers by Brzęk Wacław
According to the regulations of the Polish Constitution, the tasks of head and regional governmen... more According to the regulations of the Polish Constitution, the tasks of head and regional governmental administration bodies in Poland include creating certain legal regulations. The Council of Ministers is also entitled to implement the bills prepared by itself into the Sejm. The Government Legislation Centre provides the coordination of legislative activity of the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister and other governmental administration bodies. The proceedings connected with creating governmental legal acts, is regulated in the resolution of the Council of Ministers from October 29th, 2013 – The Regulations of the works of the Council of Ministers. The regulation of impact assessment (RIA), public consultations or giving opinions on projects during each phase of proceedings, are of particular significance. A new solution is to recommend performing the regulation of impact assessment ex-post, namely performing the assessment sometime after the already legible acts have been func...
Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) is of interest to the discipline, which is called the Law and ... more Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) is of interest to the discipline, which is called the Law and economics . This discipline tries to anticipate the impacts of regulations on the state economy , and to give suggestions in this regard to the legislature. Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) in Poland is a separate part of the justification of the Act. It describes the economic impact of the bill. The article presents the issues of regulatory impact assessment (RIA) in Polish conditions. Indicated in the different understanding of this assessment, also presented its development in the years 2001 to 2011. Ocena Skutków regulacji ( OSR ) to przedmiot zainteresowania dyscypliny, która nosi nazwę ekonomicznej analizy prawa. Dyscyplina ta stara się przewidywać skutki regulacji prawnych na gospodarkę danego państwa oraz dawać propozycje w tym zakresie dla ustawodawcy. Ocena skutków regulacji ( OSR ) w Polsce to odrębna część uzasadnienia ustawy. Opisuje ona ekonomiczne skutki projektu ustawy....
The author presents the genesis of the Austrian Criminal Procedure Law of 1873 and describes both... more The author presents the genesis of the Austrian Criminal Procedure Law of 1873 and describes both the evidence and the means of evidence contained therein, first of all the inspection. He also presents the legal regulations regarding experts and evidentiary law theory.
Criminalistics as a complex, empirical and applied science, the purpose of which is to work out e... more Criminalistics as a complex, empirical and applied science, the purpose of which is to work out efficient methods discovering crimes and criminals and to prove their guilt by collecting evidence against them — is a relatively young discipline, in fact ninety years old.In Poland, till 1918, it was mainly the concern of forensic doctors. But other physicians, as well as pharmacologists did also some studies in this field. During the period between two wars criminalistics was practised first of all at specialized centres. The earliest of them was formed at the Police Headquarters in Warsaw as early as 1921. There was a similar section at the Ministry of Justice, called the Institute of forensic Expertise which had functioned in fact from 1927. The Army had also its own unit concerned with criminology, the Independent Technological Section. However no university faculty of criminalistics had been founded during that whole period. Neither had there been published any academic manual on c...
Consultation is one of the three basic forms of the way the society participates in the decision-... more Consultation is one of the three basic forms of the way the society participates in the decision-making of public authorities. The remaining are: information and co-decision-making. Consultation is a two-way relationship. The initiative to conduct consultation belongs to the public authorities. They are the ones to propose certain solutions and ask to have them evaluated. So it is a relationship based on the scheme: question - answer. A characteristic feature of the consultation is that the public authority is not obliged to take into account the given opinion when making the final decision. In Poland, the above-mentioned forms of civic participation are used in varied scope. In practice, the most common is information. Consultation and co-decision-making are less common. However, in recent years, particularly in the procedures employed by the government administration, consultation is chosen more often as a form of exchange of information with the public opinion. Sometimes such act...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
The Constitutional Court of Poland has been functioning for over thirty years now. The Constituti... more The Constitutional Court of Poland has been functioning for over thirty years now. The
Constitutional Tribunal was established as a result of the act on 26th March 1982 on the
amendments of the Constitution of the Polish People’s Republic. It was supposed to judge the
accordance of the passed acts by the Sejm and other normative acts issued by the main or central
state authorities with the Constitution. The legislator adopted that the Constitutional Tribunal
judgements on the accordance with the Constitution shall be recognized by the Sejm. The
regulations of the Constitution that was in force at the time did not regulate appropriateness,
system or ways of proceedings of the Constitutional Tribunal. The act was supposed to regulate
all those areas. It was passed no sooner that on 29th April 1985. The article presents the
Constitutional Tribunal judgement heritage in the years 1986-1997 in relation to the substatutory
acts. Those included first of all normative acts issued by the main and central institutions
of public administration as well as those acts issued by other main and central public authorities.
The procedures used by the Constitutional Tribunal concerning the accordance of the
substatutory acts with the Constitution and statutory acts were discussed as well. The article also
presents an issue of proceedings in case of legal enquiries . A matter of signaling decisions made
by the Constitutional Tribunal about the possible misconduct s were alsodiscussed . The term
a quo is indicated by the date of the first judgement of the Constitutional Tribunal. It occurred
on 26th May 1986. However, the term ad quem means the date of passing a new act on the
Constitutional Tribunal. It was adopted on 1st August 1997 on the basis of the regulations of the
Constitution from 2nd April 1997.
Od dawna już kosmetyki stały się przedmiotami powszechnego użytku. Ich wytwarzanie to również wi... more Od dawna już kosmetyki stały się przedmiotami powszechnego użytku. Ich wytwarzanie to również wielka i dochodowa gałąź produkcji. Stąd też niebagatelnego znaczenia nabiera problem ich bezpieczeństwa dla zdrowia potencjalnego użytkownika. W jednym opracowaniu nie sposób jest omówić wszystkich aspektów ( technicznych, organizacyjnych, czy prawnych ) związanych z bezpieczeństwem kosmetyków. Dlatego podjęto w nim próbę przedstawienia jedynie prawnych uwarunkowań bezpieczeństwa kosmetyków w oparciu o przepisy prawa polskiego oraz unijnego. W pierwszej części przedstawiona została definicja kosmetyku ( produktu kosmetycznego ) w prawie polskim i unijnym, a także w USA. Okazuje się, że pod tym pojęciem kryje się - w przypadku przepisów polskich oraz Unii Europejskiej - aż 20 grup różnorodnych produktów. W części drugiej omówione zostały prawne regulacje związane z bezpieczeństwem kosmetyków skierowane bezpośrednio do producenta. Bowiem to producent w pierwszej kolejności jest odpowiedzialny za wprowadzenie do obrotu bezpiecznego kosmetyku ( produktu kosmetycznego ). Wreszcie - w części końcowej - przedstawiono regulacje prawne związane z funkcjonowaniem organów nadzoru nad bezpieczeństwem produkcji (Państwowa Inspekcja Sanitarna) oraz w zakresie znakowania, zafałszowań i prawidłowości obrotu kosmetyków (Inspekcja Handlowa ) .
Cosmetics have become the objects of a common use. Their manufacturing is also a great and profitable branch of production. Hence, the great importance of the issue concerned with their use, in light of health safety of the potential user. It is impossible to discuss in a single elaboration all aspects (technical, organizational and legal) related to the safety of cosmetics. Therefore, an attempt to present only the legal conditions based on the provisions of Polish law and EU law was taken. The first part presents the definition of cosmetic (cosmetic product) in Polish and EU law, as well as the US one. It turns out that under this term lies - in the case of Polish and the European Union regulations - as many as 20 groups of different products. The second part discusses the legal regulations related to the safety of cosmetics, addressed directly to the manufacturer. For it is the manufacturer who in the first place is responsible for the marketing of safe cosmetic (cosmetic product). In the final part of the elaboration, legal regulations related to the functioning of the supervisory authorities (State Sanitary Inspection) and to labeling, falsification and regularities of cosmetics’ trading (Trade Inspection) were presented.
Consultation is one of the three basic forms of the way the society participates in the decision... more Consultation is one of the three basic forms of the way the society participates in the decision-making of public authorities. The remaining are: information and co-decision-making. Consultation is a two-way relationship. The initiative to conduct consultation belongs to the public authorities. They are the ones to propose certain solutions and ask to have them evaluated. So it is a relationship based on the scheme: question - answer. A characteristic feature of the consultation is that the public authority is not obliged to take into account the given opinion when making the final decision.
In Poland, the above-mentioned forms of civic participation are used in varied scope. In practice, the most common is information. Consultation and co-decision-making are less common. However, in recent years, particularly in the procedures employed by the government administration, consultation is chosen more often as a form of exchange of information with the public opinion. Sometimes such actions are imposed by the specific legal regulations. An example of such a solution may be a public consultation on the basis of the government's legislative procedure. The author presents the scope and course of the public consultation on the basis of the provisions of Resolution No. 190 of the Council of Ministers dated 29 October 2013 - Work Regulations of the Council of Ministers.
Konsultacje to jedna z trzech podstawowych form uczestnictwa społeczeństwa w podejmowaniu decyzji przez organy administracji publicznej. Pozostałymi są: informowanie oraz współdecydowanie. Konsultowanie to relacja dwustronna. Inicjatywa przeprowadzenia konsultacji należy do organów administracji publicznej. One to proponują pewne rozwiązania i zwracają się o ich zaopiniowanie. Jest to więc relacja oparta o schemat: pytanie – odpowiedź. Cechą charakterystyczną konsultacji jest to, że organ administracji publicznej nie ma obowiązku uwzględniania przekazanych mu opinii przy podejmowaniu ostatecznej decyzji.
W Polsce wspomniane wyżej formy partycypacji obywatelskiej stosowane są w różnym zakresie. W praktyce najczęściej występuje informowanie. Konsultowanie oraz współdecydowanie występują rzadziej. Jednak w ostatnich latach, szczególnie w procedurach stosowanych przez administrację rządową, co raz częściej sięga się do konsultacji jako formy wymiany informacji z opinią publiczną. Niekiedy takie działania wymuszone są przez konkretne unormowania prawne. Przykładem takiego rozwiązania mogą być konsultacje publiczne na gruncie rządowej procedury legislacyjnej. Autor przedstawia zakres i przebieg konsultacji publicznych w oparciu o przepisy uchwały nr 190 Rady Ministrów z dnia 29 października 2013 r. – Regulamin pracy Rady Ministrów.
According to the regulations of the Polish Constitution, the tasks of head and regional governmen... more According to the regulations of the Polish Constitution, the tasks of head and regional governmental administration bodies in Poland include creating certain legal regulations. The Council of Ministers is also entitled to implement the bills prepared by itself into the Sejm. The Government Legislation Centre provides the coordination of legislative activity of the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister and other governmental administration bodies. The proceedings connected with creating governmental legal acts, is regulated in the resolution of the Council of Ministers from October 29th, 2013 – The Regulations of the works of the Council of Ministers. The regulation of impact assessment (RIA), public consultations or giving opinions on projects during each phase of proceedings, are of particular significance. A new solution is to recommend performing the regulation of impact assessment ex-post, namely performing the assessment sometime after the already legible acts have been functioning, so called RIA ex-post. The dissertation includes widely presented main assumptions of the Polish process of creating legal regulations by the Council of Ministers and the rules of its coordination.
Funkcjonowanie administracji publicznej - historia i stan obecny, 2013
W ogłoszonym w dniu 23 stycznia 2013 r. programie „Lepsze regulacje 2015” Rada Ministrów zobowiąz... more W ogłoszonym w dniu 23 stycznia 2013 r. programie „Lepsze regulacje 2015” Rada Ministrów zobowiązała się do doskonalenia systemu tworzenia prawa. Cel ten powinien być osiągnięty przez usprawnienie rządowego procesu legislacyjnego opisanego w Regulaminie prac Rady Ministrów. Stąd też w powyższym programie założono opracowanie nowej uchwały Rady Ministrów regulującej tok jej pracy. Celem tej uchwały miało być opracowanie bardziej przejrzystych procedur w zakresie opracowywania, uzgadniania oraz przyjmowania projektów aktów normatywnych. Rada Ministrów już w marcu 2013 roku poddała ocenie projekt uchwały - Regulamin pracy Rady Ministrów. W wyniku przeprowadzonych konsultacji opracowane zostały kolejne projekty uchwały. Autorzy tego opracowania przedstawiają postępowanie z dokumentami rządowymi, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem procedur opracowywania rządowych projektów aktów normatywnych w świetle przepisów obecnie obowiązującej od dnia 1 stycznia 2014 r. - nowej uchwały nr 190 Rady Ministrów z dnia 29 października 2013 r. – Regulamin pracy Rady Ministrów.
As announced on 23 January 2013 the "Better Regulation 2015" The Council of Ministers agreed to include to improve the system of law-making. This objective should be achieved primarily by the government to improve the legislative process work described
in the Regulations of the Cabinet. Thus, in the above program aims to develop a new resolution of the Council of Ministers regulating the course of its work. The program assumes that the resolution will be formulated more transparent procedure for developing, agreeing and adopting normative acts. In carrying out the task imposed on the Council of Ministers as early as March 2013 she succumbed to discuss a draft resolution - Rules of the work of the Cabinet. As a result of consultation created new projects that act. The authors present the proceedings of government documents, with particular emphasis on the development of procedures for the government draft legislation in the light of the provisions of Resolution No. 190 of the Council of Ministers on 29 October 2013 – Terms of the work of the Council of Ministers.
Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) is of interest to the discipline, which is called the Law and... more Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) is of interest to the discipline,
which is called the Law and economics . This discipline tries to anticipate the impacts of regulations on the state economy , and to give suggestions in this regard to the legislature. Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) in Poland is a separate part of the justification of the Act. It describes the economic impact of the bill. The article presents the issues of regulatory impact assessment (RIA) in Polish conditions. Indicated in the different understanding of this assessment, also presented its development in the years 2001 to 2011.
Ocena Skutków regulacji ( OSR ) to przedmiot zainteresowania dyscypliny, która nosi nazwę ekonomicznej analizy prawa. Dyscyplina ta stara się przewidywać skutki regulacji prawnych na gospodarkę danego państwa oraz dawać propozycje w tym zakresie dla ustawodawcy. Ocena skutków regulacji ( OSR ) w Polsce to odrębna część uzasadnienia ustawy. Opisuje ona ekonomiczne skutki projektu ustawy. W artykule przedstawiono problematykę oceny skutków regulacji ( OSR ) w warunkach polskich. Wskazano na różne pojmowanie owej oceny, a także przedstawiono jej rozwój w latach 2001 - 2011.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 109, Pages 45–50, Jan 8, 2014
Regulation Impact Assessment (RIA) is a subject of discipline that is called the Law and Economic... more Regulation Impact Assessment (RIA) is a subject of discipline that is called the Law and Economics. This discipline anticipates the impact of regulations on the state economy and gives suggestions in this regard to legislature. Regulation Impact Assessment (RIA) at Poland is a separate part of the factual and legal justification of an act. It describes the economic impact of a bill. The author describes the process of creating RIA at Poland and compares this procedure with the procedures being in force in the selected EU countries.
Konsenzus v prave, 2013
The author presents the genesis of the Austrian Criminal Procedure Law of 1873 and describes both... more The author presents the genesis of the Austrian Criminal Procedure Law of 1873 and describes both the evidence and the means of evidence contained therein, first of all the inspection. He also presents the legal regulations regarding experts and evidentiary law theory.
Swobodny przepływ osób w perspektywie europejskiego procesu integracji. Materiały IV Międzynarodowej Konferencji Praw Człowieka, Bari 2004, 2006
Wokół problematyki dokumentu. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana profesorowi Antoniemu Felusiowi, 2005
Prawo do życia a jakość życia w wielokulturowej Europie. Materiały V Międzynarodowej Konferencji Praw Człowieka, 2007
According to the regulations of the Polish Constitution, the tasks of head and regional governmen... more According to the regulations of the Polish Constitution, the tasks of head and regional governmental administration bodies in Poland include creating certain legal regulations. The Council of Ministers is also entitled to implement the bills prepared by itself into the Sejm. The Government Legislation Centre provides the coordination of legislative activity of the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister and other governmental administration bodies. The proceedings connected with creating governmental legal acts, is regulated in the resolution of the Council of Ministers from October 29th, 2013 – The Regulations of the works of the Council of Ministers. The regulation of impact assessment (RIA), public consultations or giving opinions on projects during each phase of proceedings, are of particular significance. A new solution is to recommend performing the regulation of impact assessment ex-post, namely performing the assessment sometime after the already legible acts have been func...
Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) is of interest to the discipline, which is called the Law and ... more Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) is of interest to the discipline, which is called the Law and economics . This discipline tries to anticipate the impacts of regulations on the state economy , and to give suggestions in this regard to the legislature. Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) in Poland is a separate part of the justification of the Act. It describes the economic impact of the bill. The article presents the issues of regulatory impact assessment (RIA) in Polish conditions. Indicated in the different understanding of this assessment, also presented its development in the years 2001 to 2011. Ocena Skutków regulacji ( OSR ) to przedmiot zainteresowania dyscypliny, która nosi nazwę ekonomicznej analizy prawa. Dyscyplina ta stara się przewidywać skutki regulacji prawnych na gospodarkę danego państwa oraz dawać propozycje w tym zakresie dla ustawodawcy. Ocena skutków regulacji ( OSR ) w Polsce to odrębna część uzasadnienia ustawy. Opisuje ona ekonomiczne skutki projektu ustawy....
The author presents the genesis of the Austrian Criminal Procedure Law of 1873 and describes both... more The author presents the genesis of the Austrian Criminal Procedure Law of 1873 and describes both the evidence and the means of evidence contained therein, first of all the inspection. He also presents the legal regulations regarding experts and evidentiary law theory.
Criminalistics as a complex, empirical and applied science, the purpose of which is to work out e... more Criminalistics as a complex, empirical and applied science, the purpose of which is to work out efficient methods discovering crimes and criminals and to prove their guilt by collecting evidence against them — is a relatively young discipline, in fact ninety years old.In Poland, till 1918, it was mainly the concern of forensic doctors. But other physicians, as well as pharmacologists did also some studies in this field. During the period between two wars criminalistics was practised first of all at specialized centres. The earliest of them was formed at the Police Headquarters in Warsaw as early as 1921. There was a similar section at the Ministry of Justice, called the Institute of forensic Expertise which had functioned in fact from 1927. The Army had also its own unit concerned with criminology, the Independent Technological Section. However no university faculty of criminalistics had been founded during that whole period. Neither had there been published any academic manual on c...
Consultation is one of the three basic forms of the way the society participates in the decision-... more Consultation is one of the three basic forms of the way the society participates in the decision-making of public authorities. The remaining are: information and co-decision-making. Consultation is a two-way relationship. The initiative to conduct consultation belongs to the public authorities. They are the ones to propose certain solutions and ask to have them evaluated. So it is a relationship based on the scheme: question - answer. A characteristic feature of the consultation is that the public authority is not obliged to take into account the given opinion when making the final decision. In Poland, the above-mentioned forms of civic participation are used in varied scope. In practice, the most common is information. Consultation and co-decision-making are less common. However, in recent years, particularly in the procedures employed by the government administration, consultation is chosen more often as a form of exchange of information with the public opinion. Sometimes such act...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
The Constitutional Court of Poland has been functioning for over thirty years now. The Constituti... more The Constitutional Court of Poland has been functioning for over thirty years now. The
Constitutional Tribunal was established as a result of the act on 26th March 1982 on the
amendments of the Constitution of the Polish People’s Republic. It was supposed to judge the
accordance of the passed acts by the Sejm and other normative acts issued by the main or central
state authorities with the Constitution. The legislator adopted that the Constitutional Tribunal
judgements on the accordance with the Constitution shall be recognized by the Sejm. The
regulations of the Constitution that was in force at the time did not regulate appropriateness,
system or ways of proceedings of the Constitutional Tribunal. The act was supposed to regulate
all those areas. It was passed no sooner that on 29th April 1985. The article presents the
Constitutional Tribunal judgement heritage in the years 1986-1997 in relation to the substatutory
acts. Those included first of all normative acts issued by the main and central institutions
of public administration as well as those acts issued by other main and central public authorities.
The procedures used by the Constitutional Tribunal concerning the accordance of the
substatutory acts with the Constitution and statutory acts were discussed as well. The article also
presents an issue of proceedings in case of legal enquiries . A matter of signaling decisions made
by the Constitutional Tribunal about the possible misconduct s were alsodiscussed . The term
a quo is indicated by the date of the first judgement of the Constitutional Tribunal. It occurred
on 26th May 1986. However, the term ad quem means the date of passing a new act on the
Constitutional Tribunal. It was adopted on 1st August 1997 on the basis of the regulations of the
Constitution from 2nd April 1997.
Od dawna już kosmetyki stały się przedmiotami powszechnego użytku. Ich wytwarzanie to również wi... more Od dawna już kosmetyki stały się przedmiotami powszechnego użytku. Ich wytwarzanie to również wielka i dochodowa gałąź produkcji. Stąd też niebagatelnego znaczenia nabiera problem ich bezpieczeństwa dla zdrowia potencjalnego użytkownika. W jednym opracowaniu nie sposób jest omówić wszystkich aspektów ( technicznych, organizacyjnych, czy prawnych ) związanych z bezpieczeństwem kosmetyków. Dlatego podjęto w nim próbę przedstawienia jedynie prawnych uwarunkowań bezpieczeństwa kosmetyków w oparciu o przepisy prawa polskiego oraz unijnego. W pierwszej części przedstawiona została definicja kosmetyku ( produktu kosmetycznego ) w prawie polskim i unijnym, a także w USA. Okazuje się, że pod tym pojęciem kryje się - w przypadku przepisów polskich oraz Unii Europejskiej - aż 20 grup różnorodnych produktów. W części drugiej omówione zostały prawne regulacje związane z bezpieczeństwem kosmetyków skierowane bezpośrednio do producenta. Bowiem to producent w pierwszej kolejności jest odpowiedzialny za wprowadzenie do obrotu bezpiecznego kosmetyku ( produktu kosmetycznego ). Wreszcie - w części końcowej - przedstawiono regulacje prawne związane z funkcjonowaniem organów nadzoru nad bezpieczeństwem produkcji (Państwowa Inspekcja Sanitarna) oraz w zakresie znakowania, zafałszowań i prawidłowości obrotu kosmetyków (Inspekcja Handlowa ) .
Cosmetics have become the objects of a common use. Their manufacturing is also a great and profitable branch of production. Hence, the great importance of the issue concerned with their use, in light of health safety of the potential user. It is impossible to discuss in a single elaboration all aspects (technical, organizational and legal) related to the safety of cosmetics. Therefore, an attempt to present only the legal conditions based on the provisions of Polish law and EU law was taken. The first part presents the definition of cosmetic (cosmetic product) in Polish and EU law, as well as the US one. It turns out that under this term lies - in the case of Polish and the European Union regulations - as many as 20 groups of different products. The second part discusses the legal regulations related to the safety of cosmetics, addressed directly to the manufacturer. For it is the manufacturer who in the first place is responsible for the marketing of safe cosmetic (cosmetic product). In the final part of the elaboration, legal regulations related to the functioning of the supervisory authorities (State Sanitary Inspection) and to labeling, falsification and regularities of cosmetics’ trading (Trade Inspection) were presented.
Consultation is one of the three basic forms of the way the society participates in the decision... more Consultation is one of the three basic forms of the way the society participates in the decision-making of public authorities. The remaining are: information and co-decision-making. Consultation is a two-way relationship. The initiative to conduct consultation belongs to the public authorities. They are the ones to propose certain solutions and ask to have them evaluated. So it is a relationship based on the scheme: question - answer. A characteristic feature of the consultation is that the public authority is not obliged to take into account the given opinion when making the final decision.
In Poland, the above-mentioned forms of civic participation are used in varied scope. In practice, the most common is information. Consultation and co-decision-making are less common. However, in recent years, particularly in the procedures employed by the government administration, consultation is chosen more often as a form of exchange of information with the public opinion. Sometimes such actions are imposed by the specific legal regulations. An example of such a solution may be a public consultation on the basis of the government's legislative procedure. The author presents the scope and course of the public consultation on the basis of the provisions of Resolution No. 190 of the Council of Ministers dated 29 October 2013 - Work Regulations of the Council of Ministers.
Konsultacje to jedna z trzech podstawowych form uczestnictwa społeczeństwa w podejmowaniu decyzji przez organy administracji publicznej. Pozostałymi są: informowanie oraz współdecydowanie. Konsultowanie to relacja dwustronna. Inicjatywa przeprowadzenia konsultacji należy do organów administracji publicznej. One to proponują pewne rozwiązania i zwracają się o ich zaopiniowanie. Jest to więc relacja oparta o schemat: pytanie – odpowiedź. Cechą charakterystyczną konsultacji jest to, że organ administracji publicznej nie ma obowiązku uwzględniania przekazanych mu opinii przy podejmowaniu ostatecznej decyzji.
W Polsce wspomniane wyżej formy partycypacji obywatelskiej stosowane są w różnym zakresie. W praktyce najczęściej występuje informowanie. Konsultowanie oraz współdecydowanie występują rzadziej. Jednak w ostatnich latach, szczególnie w procedurach stosowanych przez administrację rządową, co raz częściej sięga się do konsultacji jako formy wymiany informacji z opinią publiczną. Niekiedy takie działania wymuszone są przez konkretne unormowania prawne. Przykładem takiego rozwiązania mogą być konsultacje publiczne na gruncie rządowej procedury legislacyjnej. Autor przedstawia zakres i przebieg konsultacji publicznych w oparciu o przepisy uchwały nr 190 Rady Ministrów z dnia 29 października 2013 r. – Regulamin pracy Rady Ministrów.
According to the regulations of the Polish Constitution, the tasks of head and regional governmen... more According to the regulations of the Polish Constitution, the tasks of head and regional governmental administration bodies in Poland include creating certain legal regulations. The Council of Ministers is also entitled to implement the bills prepared by itself into the Sejm. The Government Legislation Centre provides the coordination of legislative activity of the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister and other governmental administration bodies. The proceedings connected with creating governmental legal acts, is regulated in the resolution of the Council of Ministers from October 29th, 2013 – The Regulations of the works of the Council of Ministers. The regulation of impact assessment (RIA), public consultations or giving opinions on projects during each phase of proceedings, are of particular significance. A new solution is to recommend performing the regulation of impact assessment ex-post, namely performing the assessment sometime after the already legible acts have been functioning, so called RIA ex-post. The dissertation includes widely presented main assumptions of the Polish process of creating legal regulations by the Council of Ministers and the rules of its coordination.
Funkcjonowanie administracji publicznej - historia i stan obecny, 2013
W ogłoszonym w dniu 23 stycznia 2013 r. programie „Lepsze regulacje 2015” Rada Ministrów zobowiąz... more W ogłoszonym w dniu 23 stycznia 2013 r. programie „Lepsze regulacje 2015” Rada Ministrów zobowiązała się do doskonalenia systemu tworzenia prawa. Cel ten powinien być osiągnięty przez usprawnienie rządowego procesu legislacyjnego opisanego w Regulaminie prac Rady Ministrów. Stąd też w powyższym programie założono opracowanie nowej uchwały Rady Ministrów regulującej tok jej pracy. Celem tej uchwały miało być opracowanie bardziej przejrzystych procedur w zakresie opracowywania, uzgadniania oraz przyjmowania projektów aktów normatywnych. Rada Ministrów już w marcu 2013 roku poddała ocenie projekt uchwały - Regulamin pracy Rady Ministrów. W wyniku przeprowadzonych konsultacji opracowane zostały kolejne projekty uchwały. Autorzy tego opracowania przedstawiają postępowanie z dokumentami rządowymi, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem procedur opracowywania rządowych projektów aktów normatywnych w świetle przepisów obecnie obowiązującej od dnia 1 stycznia 2014 r. - nowej uchwały nr 190 Rady Ministrów z dnia 29 października 2013 r. – Regulamin pracy Rady Ministrów.
As announced on 23 January 2013 the "Better Regulation 2015" The Council of Ministers agreed to include to improve the system of law-making. This objective should be achieved primarily by the government to improve the legislative process work described
in the Regulations of the Cabinet. Thus, in the above program aims to develop a new resolution of the Council of Ministers regulating the course of its work. The program assumes that the resolution will be formulated more transparent procedure for developing, agreeing and adopting normative acts. In carrying out the task imposed on the Council of Ministers as early as March 2013 she succumbed to discuss a draft resolution - Rules of the work of the Cabinet. As a result of consultation created new projects that act. The authors present the proceedings of government documents, with particular emphasis on the development of procedures for the government draft legislation in the light of the provisions of Resolution No. 190 of the Council of Ministers on 29 October 2013 – Terms of the work of the Council of Ministers.
Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) is of interest to the discipline, which is called the Law and... more Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) is of interest to the discipline,
which is called the Law and economics . This discipline tries to anticipate the impacts of regulations on the state economy , and to give suggestions in this regard to the legislature. Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) in Poland is a separate part of the justification of the Act. It describes the economic impact of the bill. The article presents the issues of regulatory impact assessment (RIA) in Polish conditions. Indicated in the different understanding of this assessment, also presented its development in the years 2001 to 2011.
Ocena Skutków regulacji ( OSR ) to przedmiot zainteresowania dyscypliny, która nosi nazwę ekonomicznej analizy prawa. Dyscyplina ta stara się przewidywać skutki regulacji prawnych na gospodarkę danego państwa oraz dawać propozycje w tym zakresie dla ustawodawcy. Ocena skutków regulacji ( OSR ) w Polsce to odrębna część uzasadnienia ustawy. Opisuje ona ekonomiczne skutki projektu ustawy. W artykule przedstawiono problematykę oceny skutków regulacji ( OSR ) w warunkach polskich. Wskazano na różne pojmowanie owej oceny, a także przedstawiono jej rozwój w latach 2001 - 2011.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 109, Pages 45–50, Jan 8, 2014
Regulation Impact Assessment (RIA) is a subject of discipline that is called the Law and Economic... more Regulation Impact Assessment (RIA) is a subject of discipline that is called the Law and Economics. This discipline anticipates the impact of regulations on the state economy and gives suggestions in this regard to legislature. Regulation Impact Assessment (RIA) at Poland is a separate part of the factual and legal justification of an act. It describes the economic impact of a bill. The author describes the process of creating RIA at Poland and compares this procedure with the procedures being in force in the selected EU countries.
Konsenzus v prave, 2013
The author presents the genesis of the Austrian Criminal Procedure Law of 1873 and describes both... more The author presents the genesis of the Austrian Criminal Procedure Law of 1873 and describes both the evidence and the means of evidence contained therein, first of all the inspection. He also presents the legal regulations regarding experts and evidentiary law theory.
Swobodny przepływ osób w perspektywie europejskiego procesu integracji. Materiały IV Międzynarodowej Konferencji Praw Człowieka, Bari 2004, 2006
Wokół problematyki dokumentu. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana profesorowi Antoniemu Felusiowi, 2005
Prawo do życia a jakość życia w wielokulturowej Europie. Materiały V Międzynarodowej Konferencji Praw Człowieka, 2007