Budi Ichwayudi - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Budi Ichwayudi

Research paper thumbnail of Islam Nusantara Sebagai Identitas Keberagamaan di Indonesia: Telaah Terhadap Nilai Pokok Ajaran Perspektif Hadist

This article discusses the relevance of Islam Nusantara with hadith. As is well known, Islam Nusa... more This article discusses the relevance of Islam Nusantara with hadith. As is well known, Islam Nusantara has long been discussed by both academics and the general public. Its presence reaps the pros and cons. Some consider it different from the basic values of Islamic teachings. There are also those who say that Islam Nusantara has a connection with socio-cultural processes, the acculturation of the entry of Islam and archipelago culture. This article was written to analyze the values that exist in the concept of Islam Nusantara according to the perspective of the Prophet's hadith. The method used is a qualitative method by utilizing documentation instruments in the form of books, scientific papers, and so on. The data is taken from written literature on Islam Nusantara and is also relevant. Before being linked to the hadith, an explanation of Islam Nusantara was first put forward in the view of leading Islamic figures in Indonesia. This research gives the result that Nusantara Islam has values that are relevant to the traditions of the Prophet such as tolerance, ukhuwwah Islamiyyah, mutual strengthening, and mutual love for one another. These values have been mentioned in the main books of hadith such as the books of Ṣaḥiḥ Bukhārī, Musnad Aḥmad and Sunan Abū Dāwud.

Research paper thumbnail of Islam Nusantara Sebagai Identitas Keberagamaan di Indonesia: Telaah Terhadap Nilai Pokok Ajaran Perspektif Hadist

This article discusses the relevance of Islam Nusantara with hadith. As is well known, Islam Nusa... more This article discusses the relevance of Islam Nusantara with hadith. As is well known, Islam Nusantara has long been discussed by both academics and the general public. Its presence reaps the pros and cons. Some consider it different from the basic values of Islamic teachings. There are also those who say that Islam Nusantara has a connection with socio-cultural processes, the acculturation of the entry of Islam and archipelago culture. This article was written to analyze the values that exist in the concept of Islam Nusantara according to the perspective of the Prophet's hadith. The method used is a qualitative method by utilizing documentation instruments in the form of books, scientific papers, and so on. The data is taken from written literature on Islam Nusantara and is also relevant. Before being linked to the hadith, an explanation of Islam Nusantara was first put forward in the view of leading Islamic figures in Indonesia. This research gives the result that Nusantara Islam has values that are relevant to the traditions of the Prophet such as tolerance, ukhuwwah Islamiyyah, mutual strengthening, and mutual love for one another. These values have been mentioned in the main books of hadith such as the books of Ṣaḥiḥ Bukhārī, Musnad Aḥmad and Sunan Abū Dāwud.

Research paper thumbnail of علوم الحديث المتعلقة بالمتن عند ابن عبد الهادي في المحرر: دراسة تطبيقية في كتاب الطهارة أنموذجا

Maʿālim al-Qurʾān wa al-Sunnah

Al-Hafiẓ Ibn Abd al-Hādī, a prominent scholar of the later centuries (d. 744 H), excelled in vari... more Al-Hafiẓ Ibn Abd al-Hādī, a prominent scholar of the later centuries (d. 744 H), excelled in various fields including Qirāāt, Hadith, Fiqh, Uṣūl Fiqh, and Arabic grammar. Among his valuable contributions is the book "al-Muḥarrar fī al-Ḥadith," which encompasses topics of worship, transactions, and etiquette. Despite its concise approach, the book remains a major reference for subsequent works categorizing hadiths of rulings. Ibn Abd al-Hādī skillfully weaves together the benefits of hadith related to both the isnad (chain of narrators) and the text, aligning with the principles outlined by hadith scholars in their works on the sciences of hadith. This study aims to shed light on the various types of hadith sciences mentioned by Al-Hafiẓ Ibn Abd al-Hādī within the context of his book "al-Muḥarrar fī al-Ḥadith," specifically focusing on the section on Taharah (purification). The study aims to explore Ibn Abd al-Hādī's methods of listing the hadiths and establis...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Bersaing UMKM di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 Menggunakan Analisis SWOT (Studi Kasus UMKM Arusmaya Tuban)

Jurnal Manajemen dan Inovasi (MANOVA)

Usaha dibidang desain saat ini memiliki potensi pasar yang cukup besar di situasi pandemi Covid-1... more Usaha dibidang desain saat ini memiliki potensi pasar yang cukup besar di situasi pandemi Covid-19 seperti sekarang. Namun dengan banyaknya pelaku usaha dibidang jasa desain menunjukkan adanya persaingan yang ketat. Untuk dapat berkembang dan bersaing diperlukan analisis dan strategi yang tepat. Oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis situasi lingkungan internal dan ekstenal beserta alternatif strategi yang dapat digunkana oleh UMKM Arusmaya. Penelitian ini menggungana metode kualitatif deskriptif terhadap SWOT dengan sumber data sekunder dan primer. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukkan UMKM Arusmaya Berdasarkan klasifikasi pada tabel IFE dan EFE diketaui bahwa skor untuk faktor internal adalah sebesar 3,02 dan skor untuk faktor eksternal adalah sebesar 2,58 diatas rata-rata 2,50 yang berarti bahwa kondisi UMKM Arusmaya masuk dalam kategori baik. Selain itu hasil juga menunjukkan UMKM Arusmaya dapat menggunakan kekuatan dan peluang m...

Research paper thumbnail of Religious Harmony in the Era of Globalization: Social Interaction of Muslim and Christian Religions in Pelang Village, Lamongan

Tribakti: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman

Religious harmony is a coveted hope in building a nation and state community in an effort to achi... more Religious harmony is a coveted hope in building a nation and state community in an effort to achieve a safe, peaceful, and prosperous life. The interaction of people who have different beliefs is not a trivial matter to be addressed. However, collective awareness is needed to understand the importance of harmony in building community life with various religions. This study takes the theme of the role of local culture in preserving harmony, as well as the impact of globalization on inter-religious relations in Pelang Lamongan Village. The purpose of this research is to understand the role of local culture in preserving religious harmony, and to know the impact of globalization on inter-religious relations in the Pelang Lamongan village community. As for the analysis knife, this research uses the Trilogy theory of religious harmony, Mukti Ali, with the model of internal harmony between religious communities, inter-religious communities, and religious communities with the government. R...

Research paper thumbnail of Mobilność społeczno-zawodowa na terenach wiejskich w latach 2000-2005

Research paper thumbnail of 전후 일본의 방위 구상

이 논문은 전후 일본의 재군비 과정, 즉 자위대의 창설 과정을 중심으로 1948년에서 1950년대에 걸쳐 일본의 재군비 구상이 어떻게 이루어졌으며 그 실천 과정의 특징은 무엇... more 이 논문은 전후 일본의 재군비 과정, 즉 자위대의 창설 과정을 중심으로 1948년에서 1950년대에 걸쳐 일본의 재군비 구상이 어떻게 이루어졌으며 그 실천 과정의 특징은 무엇이었는가를 중심으로 고찰한 논문이다. 1950년대에 본격화한 일본 재군비 과정에서 초기에는 배제되었던 구 육·해군의 군인 관료들의 기용은 불가결한 요소로 등장하게 된다. 이러한 점에서 GHQ 역사과의 ‘핫토리’그룹을 비롯한 구 육군 출신의 대미협력기관 및 요시다 수상의 군사고문들의 활동에도 주목해야 한다. 한편 구 해군의 경우는 육군에 비해서 그 해체의 정도가 미약해 패전 후 공식적으로는 육·해군이 해체되었지만, 해군의 경우 소해(掃海)부대를 제외하고 해체되었다는 점을 먼저 지적할 필요가 있다. 그리고 1948년에 설치된 해상보안청을 중심으로 구 해군의 인맥은 육군에 비해 일원적으로 관리되는 창구가 존재했고, 구 해군 군인 중에 요시다 수상과의 인연이 깊은 군인들이 다수 존재했다는 점도 주목해야 한다. ‘Y위원회’의 존재에 주목했던 까닭이 바로 그러한 점 때문이다. 1954년 3월에 MSA 협정이 체결되었는데, 이는 미국이 대소련 전략을 위해 서방 제국에게 원조를 제공하고 그 대가로 피원조국은 군사력을 강화할 의무를 진다는 내용으로서 일본은 미국에게 본격적인 재군비를 약속했다. 이렇게 탄생한 자위대는 ‘이름 없는 군대’, ‘군대가 아닌 군대’로서 일본의 방위를 담당하는 물리적 장치로서 기능해 가게 되었다. 지금 일본에서는 집단적 자위권을 인정해야 한다는 입장과 부정하는 입장이 대립하고 있다. 그러나 전체적인 틀 속에서는 ‘동맹국가인 미국이 공격을 당하는 경우에 일본이 이를 방어해야 한다’는 점에 대해서는 이의를 제기하지 않는 입장이 주류를 이루고 있다. 다만 법리적 해석의 문제로서 미국을 방어하는 데 법적 근거를 ‘개별적 자위권의 확대’로서 대응할 것인지, 아니면 ‘집단적 자위권의 행사’로서 대응할 것인가 하는 문제가 여전히 남아 있다. 만약 집단적 자위권 행사가 가능하다는 입장을 취...


Transactions of NNSTU n.a. R.E. Alekseev, 2019


Transactions of NNSTU n.a. R.E. Alekseev, 2019

Нижегородский государственный технический университет им. Р.Е. Алексеева Представлена конструкция... more Нижегородский государственный технический университет им. Р.Е. Алексеева Представлена конструкция двигателя модернизированной модели ГАЗон Next 10, более мощная по сравнению с существующими аналогами: пятиступенчатая коробка передач заменяется на шестиступенчатую, предполагается установка двух вариантов главной передачи с передаточными числами 3,9 и 4,55. Изменение параметров двигателя и трансмиссии оказало влияние на показатели модели ГАЗон Next 10. В качестве главных задач исследования определены разработка методики определения показателей тягово-скоростных свойств грузового автомобиля и установление зависимостей между величинами конструктивных параметров трансмиссии и показателями тягово-скоростных свойств исследуемого автомобиля. Определение названных показателей выполнено на основе решения графическим методом уравнения прямолинейного движения автомобиля с построением графиков силового и мощностного балансов, динамической характеристики, ускорений, времени и пути разгона. Установлено, что снижение передаточного числа главной передачи с 4,55 до 3,9 (на 17 %) повысило максимальную скорость автомобиля с пятиступенчатой коробкой передач на 16%, автомобиля с шестиступенчатой коробкой передач-на 10%; с увеличением передаточного числа главной передачи с 3,9 до 4,55 максимальный уклон дороги, преодолеваемый автомобилем, линейно возрастает с 31,8 % до 37 %, а максимальные ускорения разгона увеличиваются на всех передачах коробки передач: на I-на 2,3 %, на II-на 10,2 %, на III-на 17 %, на IV-на 19,8 %, на V-на 26 %, на VI-на 40 %; удельная мощность автомобиля 12,5 кВт/т. Проведенные исследования позволяют более обоснованно подойти к выбору параметров трансмиссии модернизируемого грузового автомобиля ГАЗон Next 10. Ключевые слова: грузовой автомобиль, трансмиссия автомобиля, механическая ступенчатая коробка передач, главная передача, тягово-скоростные свойства автомобиля, показатели тягово-скоростных свойств.


Transactions of NNSTU n.a. R.E. Alekseev, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Konversi Agama Pada Masyarakat Perkotaan: Studi Tentang Pelaku Konversi Agama Ibu Ni Made Ardani di Desa Gedangan Dengan Pendekatan Participatory Action Research

Ihsan: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Research paper thumbnail of Kesetaraan Gender DI Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Pasuruan : Studi Atas Gender Mainstreaming Pada MI Wali Songo Dan SD Muhammadiyah Gempol, Pasuruan

This study aimed to see mainstreaming gender agenda or Gender Mainstreaming (PUG) in Islamic educ... more This study aimed to see mainstreaming gender agenda or Gender Mainstreaming (PUG) in Islamic educational institutions in Pasuruan. There are two basic educational institutions that become the object of study here, namely MI and SD Muhammadiyah Wali Songo in Gempol Pasuruan, where the first is a madrasah affiliated with Nahdlatul Ulama, the latter being under the auspices of the Muhammadiyah. PUG agenda here viewed from two domains : the foundation of education implementation process (vision, mission, policies and institutional) and applications in the field (gender relations in environmental portraits of teachers and gender relations in the curriculum). The device is used as a knife theoretical analysis for the read data is gender theories, especially the patriarchal ideology. Patriarchal ideology is used as a reader to see the rift that occurred between theory and practice. Could be conceptually, PUG plan has been very good, but because patriarchal values still be the dominant valu...

Research paper thumbnail of Dialog Lintas Agama Dan Upaya Menangkal Potensi Radikalisme DI Kalangan Pemuda

Radicalism is a religious understanding that has the potential to be present in every religion. R... more Radicalism is a religious understanding that has the potential to be present in every religion. Radical understanding is one of the ideas whose existence has received resistance from the community, even the state. In the context of Indonesia, radicalism is a challenge for the State to continue to be opposed, this is inseparable from the many theoretical cases masterminded by radical groups. Until now, the spread of radical understanding did not only reach adulthood, but had already begun to infect young people, even children. The younger generation as the nation’s next generation is very vulnerable to the spread of radical understanding, especially if the understanding is not accompanied by religious elites who have competence. This study uses a qualitative approach with interviews, observation and documentation as a technique to extract data. The results of the study stated that interfaith dialogue among youth in East Java as initiated by the Forum for Religious Harmony in East Jav...

Research paper thumbnail of Hipokritisme Tokoh Orientalis Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje

Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama, 2016

Western thoughts have discredited Islamic teaching. Orientalism never gives up in spreading issue... more Western thoughts have discredited Islamic teaching. Orientalism never gives up in spreading issues in relation with their objectives in distancing Muslim from Islam. The idea of orientalism becomes a point of discussion that appears as opposition of Islam in many ways. Unfortunately, this kind of situation has not been realized by most Muslim in Indonesia that is contemporarily bothered by their debated teaching of Islam which comes from orientalist ideas in order to disintegrate Islam. For instance, is the orientalism in Indonesia. The history of orientalism in Indonesia becomes unforgettable part of Indonesia colonialism. It was known that the orientalist activities have supplied many objectives for the colonialism, especially in Aceh Darussalam. Hurgronje analyzed and observed that the struggle from the Acehness will be suppressed by the politics of split within the local leader between Ulama (religious leader) and Uleebalang (formal leader). This paper aims to explore the activi...

Research paper thumbnail of Religion in the perspective of orientalist Charles Kimball

Perjalanan sejarah umat manusia tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan keyakinan terhadap suatu agama. Aga... more Perjalanan sejarah umat manusia tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan keyakinan terhadap suatu agama. Agama merupakan pondasi dasar setiap manusia dalam melakukan seluruh aktifitas di dalam gerak kehidupannya, sehingga akan terlihat makna dan ketenangan bila segala aktifitas manusia yang didasari oleh keyakinan suatu agama. Menurut Kimball, bahwa terlepas dari ke-autentisitas-an terhadap suatu agama maka bila kita soroti perjalanan sejarah agama- agama sepanjang masa, maka akan ditemukan suatu kebenaran-kebenaran yang tentatif, kebenaran yang komunal sehingga kebenaran suatu agama terkadang belum tentu sesuai, jika dikomparasikan dengan kebenaran dari agama yang lain. Ini berarti substansi ajaran suatu agama dapat diartikan berbeda oleh agama-agama yang lain. Dengan demikian sikap prejudice terhadap suatu agama tertentu akan mengakibatkan clash terhadap agama lain.

Research paper thumbnail of Islam Nusantara Sebagai Identitas Keberagamaan di Indonesia: Telaah Terhadap Nilai Pokok Ajaran Perspektif Hadist

This article discusses the relevance of Islam Nusantara with hadith. As is well known, Islam Nusa... more This article discusses the relevance of Islam Nusantara with hadith. As is well known, Islam Nusantara has long been discussed by both academics and the general public. Its presence reaps the pros and cons. Some consider it different from the basic values of Islamic teachings. There are also those who say that Islam Nusantara has a connection with socio-cultural processes, the acculturation of the entry of Islam and archipelago culture. This article was written to analyze the values that exist in the concept of Islam Nusantara according to the perspective of the Prophet's hadith. The method used is a qualitative method by utilizing documentation instruments in the form of books, scientific papers, and so on. The data is taken from written literature on Islam Nusantara and is also relevant. Before being linked to the hadith, an explanation of Islam Nusantara was first put forward in the view of leading Islamic figures in Indonesia. This research gives the result that Nusantara Islam has values that are relevant to the traditions of the Prophet such as tolerance, ukhuwwah Islamiyyah, mutual strengthening, and mutual love for one another. These values have been mentioned in the main books of hadith such as the books of Ṣaḥiḥ Bukhārī, Musnad Aḥmad and Sunan Abū Dāwud.

Research paper thumbnail of Islam Nusantara Sebagai Identitas Keberagamaan di Indonesia: Telaah Terhadap Nilai Pokok Ajaran Perspektif Hadist

This article discusses the relevance of Islam Nusantara with hadith. As is well known, Islam Nusa... more This article discusses the relevance of Islam Nusantara with hadith. As is well known, Islam Nusantara has long been discussed by both academics and the general public. Its presence reaps the pros and cons. Some consider it different from the basic values of Islamic teachings. There are also those who say that Islam Nusantara has a connection with socio-cultural processes, the acculturation of the entry of Islam and archipelago culture. This article was written to analyze the values that exist in the concept of Islam Nusantara according to the perspective of the Prophet's hadith. The method used is a qualitative method by utilizing documentation instruments in the form of books, scientific papers, and so on. The data is taken from written literature on Islam Nusantara and is also relevant. Before being linked to the hadith, an explanation of Islam Nusantara was first put forward in the view of leading Islamic figures in Indonesia. This research gives the result that Nusantara Islam has values that are relevant to the traditions of the Prophet such as tolerance, ukhuwwah Islamiyyah, mutual strengthening, and mutual love for one another. These values have been mentioned in the main books of hadith such as the books of Ṣaḥiḥ Bukhārī, Musnad Aḥmad and Sunan Abū Dāwud.

Research paper thumbnail of علوم الحديث المتعلقة بالمتن عند ابن عبد الهادي في المحرر: دراسة تطبيقية في كتاب الطهارة أنموذجا

Maʿālim al-Qurʾān wa al-Sunnah

Al-Hafiẓ Ibn Abd al-Hādī, a prominent scholar of the later centuries (d. 744 H), excelled in vari... more Al-Hafiẓ Ibn Abd al-Hādī, a prominent scholar of the later centuries (d. 744 H), excelled in various fields including Qirāāt, Hadith, Fiqh, Uṣūl Fiqh, and Arabic grammar. Among his valuable contributions is the book "al-Muḥarrar fī al-Ḥadith," which encompasses topics of worship, transactions, and etiquette. Despite its concise approach, the book remains a major reference for subsequent works categorizing hadiths of rulings. Ibn Abd al-Hādī skillfully weaves together the benefits of hadith related to both the isnad (chain of narrators) and the text, aligning with the principles outlined by hadith scholars in their works on the sciences of hadith. This study aims to shed light on the various types of hadith sciences mentioned by Al-Hafiẓ Ibn Abd al-Hādī within the context of his book "al-Muḥarrar fī al-Ḥadith," specifically focusing on the section on Taharah (purification). The study aims to explore Ibn Abd al-Hādī's methods of listing the hadiths and establis...

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Bersaing UMKM di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 Menggunakan Analisis SWOT (Studi Kasus UMKM Arusmaya Tuban)

Jurnal Manajemen dan Inovasi (MANOVA)

Usaha dibidang desain saat ini memiliki potensi pasar yang cukup besar di situasi pandemi Covid-1... more Usaha dibidang desain saat ini memiliki potensi pasar yang cukup besar di situasi pandemi Covid-19 seperti sekarang. Namun dengan banyaknya pelaku usaha dibidang jasa desain menunjukkan adanya persaingan yang ketat. Untuk dapat berkembang dan bersaing diperlukan analisis dan strategi yang tepat. Oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis situasi lingkungan internal dan ekstenal beserta alternatif strategi yang dapat digunkana oleh UMKM Arusmaya. Penelitian ini menggungana metode kualitatif deskriptif terhadap SWOT dengan sumber data sekunder dan primer. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukkan UMKM Arusmaya Berdasarkan klasifikasi pada tabel IFE dan EFE diketaui bahwa skor untuk faktor internal adalah sebesar 3,02 dan skor untuk faktor eksternal adalah sebesar 2,58 diatas rata-rata 2,50 yang berarti bahwa kondisi UMKM Arusmaya masuk dalam kategori baik. Selain itu hasil juga menunjukkan UMKM Arusmaya dapat menggunakan kekuatan dan peluang m...

Research paper thumbnail of Religious Harmony in the Era of Globalization: Social Interaction of Muslim and Christian Religions in Pelang Village, Lamongan

Tribakti: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman

Religious harmony is a coveted hope in building a nation and state community in an effort to achi... more Religious harmony is a coveted hope in building a nation and state community in an effort to achieve a safe, peaceful, and prosperous life. The interaction of people who have different beliefs is not a trivial matter to be addressed. However, collective awareness is needed to understand the importance of harmony in building community life with various religions. This study takes the theme of the role of local culture in preserving harmony, as well as the impact of globalization on inter-religious relations in Pelang Lamongan Village. The purpose of this research is to understand the role of local culture in preserving religious harmony, and to know the impact of globalization on inter-religious relations in the Pelang Lamongan village community. As for the analysis knife, this research uses the Trilogy theory of religious harmony, Mukti Ali, with the model of internal harmony between religious communities, inter-religious communities, and religious communities with the government. R...

Research paper thumbnail of Mobilność społeczno-zawodowa na terenach wiejskich w latach 2000-2005

Research paper thumbnail of 전후 일본의 방위 구상

이 논문은 전후 일본의 재군비 과정, 즉 자위대의 창설 과정을 중심으로 1948년에서 1950년대에 걸쳐 일본의 재군비 구상이 어떻게 이루어졌으며 그 실천 과정의 특징은 무엇... more 이 논문은 전후 일본의 재군비 과정, 즉 자위대의 창설 과정을 중심으로 1948년에서 1950년대에 걸쳐 일본의 재군비 구상이 어떻게 이루어졌으며 그 실천 과정의 특징은 무엇이었는가를 중심으로 고찰한 논문이다. 1950년대에 본격화한 일본 재군비 과정에서 초기에는 배제되었던 구 육·해군의 군인 관료들의 기용은 불가결한 요소로 등장하게 된다. 이러한 점에서 GHQ 역사과의 ‘핫토리’그룹을 비롯한 구 육군 출신의 대미협력기관 및 요시다 수상의 군사고문들의 활동에도 주목해야 한다. 한편 구 해군의 경우는 육군에 비해서 그 해체의 정도가 미약해 패전 후 공식적으로는 육·해군이 해체되었지만, 해군의 경우 소해(掃海)부대를 제외하고 해체되었다는 점을 먼저 지적할 필요가 있다. 그리고 1948년에 설치된 해상보안청을 중심으로 구 해군의 인맥은 육군에 비해 일원적으로 관리되는 창구가 존재했고, 구 해군 군인 중에 요시다 수상과의 인연이 깊은 군인들이 다수 존재했다는 점도 주목해야 한다. ‘Y위원회’의 존재에 주목했던 까닭이 바로 그러한 점 때문이다. 1954년 3월에 MSA 협정이 체결되었는데, 이는 미국이 대소련 전략을 위해 서방 제국에게 원조를 제공하고 그 대가로 피원조국은 군사력을 강화할 의무를 진다는 내용으로서 일본은 미국에게 본격적인 재군비를 약속했다. 이렇게 탄생한 자위대는 ‘이름 없는 군대’, ‘군대가 아닌 군대’로서 일본의 방위를 담당하는 물리적 장치로서 기능해 가게 되었다. 지금 일본에서는 집단적 자위권을 인정해야 한다는 입장과 부정하는 입장이 대립하고 있다. 그러나 전체적인 틀 속에서는 ‘동맹국가인 미국이 공격을 당하는 경우에 일본이 이를 방어해야 한다’는 점에 대해서는 이의를 제기하지 않는 입장이 주류를 이루고 있다. 다만 법리적 해석의 문제로서 미국을 방어하는 데 법적 근거를 ‘개별적 자위권의 확대’로서 대응할 것인지, 아니면 ‘집단적 자위권의 행사’로서 대응할 것인가 하는 문제가 여전히 남아 있다. 만약 집단적 자위권 행사가 가능하다는 입장을 취...


Transactions of NNSTU n.a. R.E. Alekseev, 2019


Transactions of NNSTU n.a. R.E. Alekseev, 2019

Нижегородский государственный технический университет им. Р.Е. Алексеева Представлена конструкция... more Нижегородский государственный технический университет им. Р.Е. Алексеева Представлена конструкция двигателя модернизированной модели ГАЗон Next 10, более мощная по сравнению с существующими аналогами: пятиступенчатая коробка передач заменяется на шестиступенчатую, предполагается установка двух вариантов главной передачи с передаточными числами 3,9 и 4,55. Изменение параметров двигателя и трансмиссии оказало влияние на показатели модели ГАЗон Next 10. В качестве главных задач исследования определены разработка методики определения показателей тягово-скоростных свойств грузового автомобиля и установление зависимостей между величинами конструктивных параметров трансмиссии и показателями тягово-скоростных свойств исследуемого автомобиля. Определение названных показателей выполнено на основе решения графическим методом уравнения прямолинейного движения автомобиля с построением графиков силового и мощностного балансов, динамической характеристики, ускорений, времени и пути разгона. Установлено, что снижение передаточного числа главной передачи с 4,55 до 3,9 (на 17 %) повысило максимальную скорость автомобиля с пятиступенчатой коробкой передач на 16%, автомобиля с шестиступенчатой коробкой передач-на 10%; с увеличением передаточного числа главной передачи с 3,9 до 4,55 максимальный уклон дороги, преодолеваемый автомобилем, линейно возрастает с 31,8 % до 37 %, а максимальные ускорения разгона увеличиваются на всех передачах коробки передач: на I-на 2,3 %, на II-на 10,2 %, на III-на 17 %, на IV-на 19,8 %, на V-на 26 %, на VI-на 40 %; удельная мощность автомобиля 12,5 кВт/т. Проведенные исследования позволяют более обоснованно подойти к выбору параметров трансмиссии модернизируемого грузового автомобиля ГАЗон Next 10. Ключевые слова: грузовой автомобиль, трансмиссия автомобиля, механическая ступенчатая коробка передач, главная передача, тягово-скоростные свойства автомобиля, показатели тягово-скоростных свойств.


Transactions of NNSTU n.a. R.E. Alekseev, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Konversi Agama Pada Masyarakat Perkotaan: Studi Tentang Pelaku Konversi Agama Ibu Ni Made Ardani di Desa Gedangan Dengan Pendekatan Participatory Action Research

Ihsan: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Research paper thumbnail of Kesetaraan Gender DI Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Pasuruan : Studi Atas Gender Mainstreaming Pada MI Wali Songo Dan SD Muhammadiyah Gempol, Pasuruan

This study aimed to see mainstreaming gender agenda or Gender Mainstreaming (PUG) in Islamic educ... more This study aimed to see mainstreaming gender agenda or Gender Mainstreaming (PUG) in Islamic educational institutions in Pasuruan. There are two basic educational institutions that become the object of study here, namely MI and SD Muhammadiyah Wali Songo in Gempol Pasuruan, where the first is a madrasah affiliated with Nahdlatul Ulama, the latter being under the auspices of the Muhammadiyah. PUG agenda here viewed from two domains : the foundation of education implementation process (vision, mission, policies and institutional) and applications in the field (gender relations in environmental portraits of teachers and gender relations in the curriculum). The device is used as a knife theoretical analysis for the read data is gender theories, especially the patriarchal ideology. Patriarchal ideology is used as a reader to see the rift that occurred between theory and practice. Could be conceptually, PUG plan has been very good, but because patriarchal values still be the dominant valu...

Research paper thumbnail of Dialog Lintas Agama Dan Upaya Menangkal Potensi Radikalisme DI Kalangan Pemuda

Radicalism is a religious understanding that has the potential to be present in every religion. R... more Radicalism is a religious understanding that has the potential to be present in every religion. Radical understanding is one of the ideas whose existence has received resistance from the community, even the state. In the context of Indonesia, radicalism is a challenge for the State to continue to be opposed, this is inseparable from the many theoretical cases masterminded by radical groups. Until now, the spread of radical understanding did not only reach adulthood, but had already begun to infect young people, even children. The younger generation as the nation’s next generation is very vulnerable to the spread of radical understanding, especially if the understanding is not accompanied by religious elites who have competence. This study uses a qualitative approach with interviews, observation and documentation as a technique to extract data. The results of the study stated that interfaith dialogue among youth in East Java as initiated by the Forum for Religious Harmony in East Jav...

Research paper thumbnail of Hipokritisme Tokoh Orientalis Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje

Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama, 2016

Western thoughts have discredited Islamic teaching. Orientalism never gives up in spreading issue... more Western thoughts have discredited Islamic teaching. Orientalism never gives up in spreading issues in relation with their objectives in distancing Muslim from Islam. The idea of orientalism becomes a point of discussion that appears as opposition of Islam in many ways. Unfortunately, this kind of situation has not been realized by most Muslim in Indonesia that is contemporarily bothered by their debated teaching of Islam which comes from orientalist ideas in order to disintegrate Islam. For instance, is the orientalism in Indonesia. The history of orientalism in Indonesia becomes unforgettable part of Indonesia colonialism. It was known that the orientalist activities have supplied many objectives for the colonialism, especially in Aceh Darussalam. Hurgronje analyzed and observed that the struggle from the Acehness will be suppressed by the politics of split within the local leader between Ulama (religious leader) and Uleebalang (formal leader). This paper aims to explore the activi...

Research paper thumbnail of Religion in the perspective of orientalist Charles Kimball

Perjalanan sejarah umat manusia tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan keyakinan terhadap suatu agama. Aga... more Perjalanan sejarah umat manusia tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan keyakinan terhadap suatu agama. Agama merupakan pondasi dasar setiap manusia dalam melakukan seluruh aktifitas di dalam gerak kehidupannya, sehingga akan terlihat makna dan ketenangan bila segala aktifitas manusia yang didasari oleh keyakinan suatu agama. Menurut Kimball, bahwa terlepas dari ke-autentisitas-an terhadap suatu agama maka bila kita soroti perjalanan sejarah agama- agama sepanjang masa, maka akan ditemukan suatu kebenaran-kebenaran yang tentatif, kebenaran yang komunal sehingga kebenaran suatu agama terkadang belum tentu sesuai, jika dikomparasikan dengan kebenaran dari agama yang lain. Ini berarti substansi ajaran suatu agama dapat diartikan berbeda oleh agama-agama yang lain. Dengan demikian sikap prejudice terhadap suatu agama tertentu akan mengakibatkan clash terhadap agama lain.