International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review, 2022
The genus Prosopis comprises 44 species of spiny small trees adapted to arid and semiarid regions... more The genus Prosopis comprises 44 species of spiny small trees adapted to arid and semiarid regions of the planet that have been used by human populations as a source of wood, food and medicine. Prosopis spp. possess high quantities of phenolic compounds and piperidine alkaloids with antioxidant, neurotoxic, antimicrobial, antimalarial, insecticidal and allelopathic activities. Juliprosopine is the major and more characterized piperidine alkaloid present in the genus Prosopis. In this review we present the potential of Prosopis spp. extracts and piperidine alkaloids for the control of plant pests and diseases and discuss the possibility of their use as an alternative in organic agriculture.
"AtGRDP1 es un gen que presenta un dominio de función desconocida DUF 1399 en el extremo N-t... more "AtGRDP1 es un gen que presenta un dominio de función desconocida DUF 1399 en el extremo N-terminal, un dominio putativo de unión a RNA en el centro de la proteína y un dominio rico en glicinas en el C-terminal. Se demostró que la sobreexpresión de este gen en plántulas de Arabidopsis thaliana les confiere tolerancia a estrés salino y osmótico. Además, se propone que podría estar participando en la señalización del ácido abscísico (ABA), esto debido al fenotipo de insensibilidad al ABA (ABI; ABA-insensitive) observado en las líneas sobre-expresoras y de hipersensibilidad para la línea mutante. En esta tesis reportamos la expresión del gen AtGRDP1 durante el desarrollo de Arabidopsis, observando una mayor expresión en raíz, roseta, hoja caulinar y silicuas. En estudios más específicos de la expresión de este gen, se utilizó una línea reportera que contiene el promotor de AtGRDP1 fusionado al gen reportero GUS, se identificó una expresión tejidoespecifica en tricomas de la hoja de roseta, en el receptáculo de la silicua y en los estambres. También se reportó, que las líneas sobreexpresantes (35S::AtGRDP1) presentan un crecimiento más acelerado cuando se compara con la mutante insercional (Atgrdp1) y parental Columbia-0 (Col-0), tanto en estadios tempranos como de planta adulta. Además se caracterizó la expresión de AtGRDP1 y su versión de splicing alternativo (saAtGRDP1) durante el desarrollo de Arabidopsis, en plantas de 18, 21, 26, 28 y 45 días, adicionalmente se evaluó el perfil transcripcional durante el desarrollo de la flor y la silicua, y se demostró que a ese nivel saAtGRDP1 está presente y muestra una expresión diferencial a AtGRDP1. En este estudio, presentamos datos interesantes sobre la expresión del gen AtGRDP1 en diferentes tejidos y etapas del desarrollo de la planta, y además demostramos que la versión de splicing alternativo saAtGRDP1 se expresa principalmente en la parte aérea de plantas adultas de Arabidopsis.""AtGRDP1 is a novel gene that contains a DUF1399 domain of unknown function at the N-terminal end, a putative RNA binding motif in the middle of the protein and a glycine rich motif in the C-terminal end. It has been demonstrated that overexpression of AtGRDP1 in plants provide tolerance to stress against salt and osmotic treatments. AtGRDP1 is proposed to be involved on ABA signaling pathway as overexpression lines showed an ABA-insensitive phenotype (ABI) while the mutant was hypersensitive. Here we show that AtGRDP1 gene is mainly expressed in roots, rosette leaves, cauline leaf and siliques. Expression studies with a reporter line that carry AtGRDP1 promoter fused to GUS showed a tissuespecific expression pattern on rosette leaf trichomes, silique receptacle and stamens. Furthermore, we characterized AtGRDP1 and its alternative spliced version (asAtGRDP1) expression during Arabidopsis development in plants of 18, 21, 26, 28 and 45 days, as well as during flower and silique development. These results showed that in a transcriptional level asAtGRDP1 is present and shows a differential expression that AtGRDP1. In this work, we present interesting information about AtGRDP1 gene expression in different tissues and different developmental stages. Also we show that the alternative splicing version of AtGRDP1 gene, asAtGRDP1, presents an expression in aerial part in Arabidopsis adult plants.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2017
Glycine Rich Proteins (GRPs) are induced at different developmental stages and in specific plant ... more Glycine Rich Proteins (GRPs) are induced at different developmental stages and in specific plant tissues. Recently, we described a novel Arabidopsis gene encoding a short glycine-rich domain protein (AtGRDP1). This gene is involved in abiotic stress responsiveness; the Atgrdp1-null mutant seeds were more sensitive to stress, while the opposite phenotype was achieved by AtGRDP1 overexpression. In this study, we analyzed the phenotype of the fruits produced by Arabidopsis Atgrdp1 mutants and 35S::AtGRDP1 overexpression lines. Our analyses revealed important changes in silique length, seed number, seed weight and morphology in the analyzed lines. In particular, Atgrdp1 mutant lines exhibited several defects including short siliques, a diminished number of seeds per silique, and reduction in seed size and weight as compared to Col-0. The overexpression of the AtGRDP1 gene also generated phenotypes with alterations in size of silique, number of seeds per silique, and size and weight of seed. In addition, the expression analysis of AtGRDP1 gene showed that it was expressed in floral and fruit organs, with the highest expression level in mature siliques. The alterations in the siliques and seeds traits in the Atgrdp1 mutant line, as well as the phenotypes observed in AtGRDP1 overexpression lines, suggest a role of the AtGRDP1 gene in the Arabidopsis fruit development.
International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review, 2022
The genus Prosopis comprises 44 species of spiny small trees adapted to arid and semiarid regions... more The genus Prosopis comprises 44 species of spiny small trees adapted to arid and semiarid regions of the planet that have been used by human populations as a source of wood, food and medicine. Prosopis spp. possess high quantities of phenolic compounds and piperidine alkaloids with antioxidant, neurotoxic, antimicrobial, antimalarial, insecticidal and allelopathic activities. Juliprosopine is the major and more characterized piperidine alkaloid present in the genus Prosopis. In this review we present the potential of Prosopis spp. extracts and piperidine alkaloids for the control of plant pests and diseases and discuss the possibility of their use as an alternative in organic agriculture.
"AtGRDP1 es un gen que presenta un dominio de función desconocida DUF 1399 en el extremo N-t... more "AtGRDP1 es un gen que presenta un dominio de función desconocida DUF 1399 en el extremo N-terminal, un dominio putativo de unión a RNA en el centro de la proteína y un dominio rico en glicinas en el C-terminal. Se demostró que la sobreexpresión de este gen en plántulas de Arabidopsis thaliana les confiere tolerancia a estrés salino y osmótico. Además, se propone que podría estar participando en la señalización del ácido abscísico (ABA), esto debido al fenotipo de insensibilidad al ABA (ABI; ABA-insensitive) observado en las líneas sobre-expresoras y de hipersensibilidad para la línea mutante. En esta tesis reportamos la expresión del gen AtGRDP1 durante el desarrollo de Arabidopsis, observando una mayor expresión en raíz, roseta, hoja caulinar y silicuas. En estudios más específicos de la expresión de este gen, se utilizó una línea reportera que contiene el promotor de AtGRDP1 fusionado al gen reportero GUS, se identificó una expresión tejidoespecifica en tricomas de la hoja de roseta, en el receptáculo de la silicua y en los estambres. También se reportó, que las líneas sobreexpresantes (35S::AtGRDP1) presentan un crecimiento más acelerado cuando se compara con la mutante insercional (Atgrdp1) y parental Columbia-0 (Col-0), tanto en estadios tempranos como de planta adulta. Además se caracterizó la expresión de AtGRDP1 y su versión de splicing alternativo (saAtGRDP1) durante el desarrollo de Arabidopsis, en plantas de 18, 21, 26, 28 y 45 días, adicionalmente se evaluó el perfil transcripcional durante el desarrollo de la flor y la silicua, y se demostró que a ese nivel saAtGRDP1 está presente y muestra una expresión diferencial a AtGRDP1. En este estudio, presentamos datos interesantes sobre la expresión del gen AtGRDP1 en diferentes tejidos y etapas del desarrollo de la planta, y además demostramos que la versión de splicing alternativo saAtGRDP1 se expresa principalmente en la parte aérea de plantas adultas de Arabidopsis.""AtGRDP1 is a novel gene that contains a DUF1399 domain of unknown function at the N-terminal end, a putative RNA binding motif in the middle of the protein and a glycine rich motif in the C-terminal end. It has been demonstrated that overexpression of AtGRDP1 in plants provide tolerance to stress against salt and osmotic treatments. AtGRDP1 is proposed to be involved on ABA signaling pathway as overexpression lines showed an ABA-insensitive phenotype (ABI) while the mutant was hypersensitive. Here we show that AtGRDP1 gene is mainly expressed in roots, rosette leaves, cauline leaf and siliques. Expression studies with a reporter line that carry AtGRDP1 promoter fused to GUS showed a tissuespecific expression pattern on rosette leaf trichomes, silique receptacle and stamens. Furthermore, we characterized AtGRDP1 and its alternative spliced version (asAtGRDP1) expression during Arabidopsis development in plants of 18, 21, 26, 28 and 45 days, as well as during flower and silique development. These results showed that in a transcriptional level asAtGRDP1 is present and shows a differential expression that AtGRDP1. In this work, we present interesting information about AtGRDP1 gene expression in different tissues and different developmental stages. Also we show that the alternative splicing version of AtGRDP1 gene, asAtGRDP1, presents an expression in aerial part in Arabidopsis adult plants.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2017
Glycine Rich Proteins (GRPs) are induced at different developmental stages and in specific plant ... more Glycine Rich Proteins (GRPs) are induced at different developmental stages and in specific plant tissues. Recently, we described a novel Arabidopsis gene encoding a short glycine-rich domain protein (AtGRDP1). This gene is involved in abiotic stress responsiveness; the Atgrdp1-null mutant seeds were more sensitive to stress, while the opposite phenotype was achieved by AtGRDP1 overexpression. In this study, we analyzed the phenotype of the fruits produced by Arabidopsis Atgrdp1 mutants and 35S::AtGRDP1 overexpression lines. Our analyses revealed important changes in silique length, seed number, seed weight and morphology in the analyzed lines. In particular, Atgrdp1 mutant lines exhibited several defects including short siliques, a diminished number of seeds per silique, and reduction in seed size and weight as compared to Col-0. The overexpression of the AtGRDP1 gene also generated phenotypes with alterations in size of silique, number of seeds per silique, and size and weight of seed. In addition, the expression analysis of AtGRDP1 gene showed that it was expressed in floral and fruit organs, with the highest expression level in mature siliques. The alterations in the siliques and seeds traits in the Atgrdp1 mutant line, as well as the phenotypes observed in AtGRDP1 overexpression lines, suggest a role of the AtGRDP1 gene in the Arabidopsis fruit development.