AgriEngineering, May 20, 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias, 2023
In Compost-Bedded Pack Barn (CBP) systems, air velocity is linked with the thermal comfort of hou... more In Compost-Bedded Pack Barn (CBP) systems, air velocity is linked with the thermal comfort of housed dairy cattle and bedding quality and, therefore, assessing ventilation efficiency is essential. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate and characterize dependence and spatial distribution of air velocity at the 1.5 m height (v air,M) and at bedding level (v air,B) in an open CBP system with positive pressure ventilation. The study was conducted in 2021, in a facility located in the Zona da Mata region, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The facility area was divided into a mesh composed of 55 equidistant points, where v air,M and v air,B data were collected in the morning (09:00 a.m.) and afternoon (03:00 p.m.) periods, during three weeks in Brazilian winter. Geostatistics techniques were used to assess dependence and spatial distribution. In both periods evaluated, there were a strong occurrence of spatial dependence and non-uniform v air,M and v air,B distributions. The v air,M and v air,B values were lower than recommended (1.8 m•s-1) in more than 65.0% of the area. Adequate ventilation levels were observed only in the first 20.0 m of the facility, from Southeast to Northwest, because of the fan lines present.
Informacoes sobre os niveis de iluminância e seus efeitos sobre o bem-estar dos animais e dos tra... more Informacoes sobre os niveis de iluminância e seus efeitos sobre o bem-estar dos animais e dos trabalhadores em sistemas de producao intensiva sao escassos. Uma visao do ambiente de trabalho facilita a compreensao das dificuldades, desconforto, insatisfacao, a ocorrencia de acidentes e doencas ocupacionais. Neste contexto, um experimento foi realizado em Itaberai, Goias, Brasil, durante o periodo compreendido entre 20 de abril a 8 de maio de 2018, em dois galpoes climatizados para frangos de corte visando avaliar o ambiente luminoso. Os niveis de luminosidade media durante o periodo diurno estao acima dos valores considerados minimos para as aves, porem a iluminacao noturna, ou seja, proporcionadas pelas lâmpadas dos galpoes e considerada baixa. Para os trabalhadores desses galpoes, a luminosidade do ambiente esta bem abaixo do recomendado pela norma pertinente no pais.
The thermal, chemical, and physical properties of compost bedding materials play an important rol... more The thermal, chemical, and physical properties of compost bedding materials play an important role in every phase of compost production. Based on this, we aimed to assess the thermal, chemical and physical properties of bedding materials for compost-bedded pack (CBP) barns. The database for this study was registered from 42 CBP barns, distributed throughout the state of Kentucky (USA). The thermal conductivity showed a linear relationship with moisture content and bulk density, while thermal resistivity decreased with increasing particle size. The bedding moisture average was 46.8% (±11.5). The average finer index (p < 0.05) was the highest weight percentage (30.1%) in the samples studied. Water-holding capacity (WHC) increased with increasingly fine particle size. The higher bulk density value was 3.6 times that of the lowest bulk density value. The chemical characterization of the bedding material provided the following results: 42.7% (±3.8%) C, 1.6% (±0.4%) N, and 28.2 (±8.0) ...
There is increasing interest in the use of continuous housing systems for dairy cows, with variou... more There is increasing interest in the use of continuous housing systems for dairy cows, with various reasons put forward to advocate such systems. The objective of this review was to examine existing scientific literature assess the main benefits achieved by the Compost bedded-pack barns (CBP) for housing dairy cow throughout Europe. Although summarizing existing work, knowledge gaps and directions for future research are also identified. The scope of the review is broad, examining relevant topics under three main headings: design, bed management, and composting process. Regarding main headings, some European CBP system does not appear to be similar to the US CBP but producers developed different design and management styles to adapt to the several microclimates that exist in each country. CBP systems had benefits for dairy cow behaviour, in terms of grazing and improved lying/resting times. In summary, the results of this review highlight that there are considerable benefits to animal welfare and animal productivity when housed in Compost bedded-pack barns.
Research, Society and Development, 2021
O presente estudo objetiva analisar a literatura relacionada à sustentabilidade na agricultura fa... more O presente estudo objetiva analisar a literatura relacionada à sustentabilidade na agricultura familiar e a aplicação em políticas públicas brasileiras. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise de artigos relacionados ao tema, destacando-se os principais tópicos, além de dados secundários do Governo Federal. Por meio das informações coletadas, observou-se a existência de políticas públicas voltadas para a alimentação (escolar e da população) e comercialização, evidenciando-se canais institucionais para o escoamento dos alimentos produzidos por estes. A sustentabilidade nesses sistemas produtivos também denota ser uma característica diferenciadora, considerando os impactos positivos ao ambiente, pelo reaproveitamento de resíduos visando à fertilidade do solo e as possibilidades criadas em termos de geração de renda para as famílias agricultoras.
A face transdisciplinar das ciências agrárias, 2021
2017 Spokane, Washington July 16 - July 19, 2017, 2017
The objective of this study was to develop a prototype solar heater using alternative materials a... more The objective of this study was to develop a prototype solar heater using alternative materials and then to compare its thermal efficiency against that of two other commercial solar heating systems when heating the floor of piglet housing. To evaluate the thermal heaters, temperature sensors were installed in the inlet and outlet of each floor and the thermal reservoir. The results showed good performance, however the thermal efficiency of the alternative heater was lower than the conventional systems. However, due to the construction of this solar collector with alternative materials its cost was relatively low and its operation is easier than the other conventional heater, therefore this heater is a good alternative to use for small livestock producer.
Engenharia Agricola, 2018
Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho validar um modelo computacional em Dinâmica dos Fluidos Comp... more Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho validar um modelo computacional em Dinâmica dos Fluidos Computacional (CFD) para a predicao da temperatura superficial em pisos de escamoteadores em maternidade de suinos. Para realizacao deste estudo, construiu-se um prototipo de aquecedor de agua solar utilizando materiais alternativos e comparou com um aquecedor de agua solar convencional. Neste estudo foram coletados dados da temperatura superficial de cada piso utilizando uma câmera termica e da temperatura e vazao da agua, na entrada e saida do piso, utilizando sensores registradores termopares e medidor de vazao, respectivamente. Com base nos resultados, os dados experimentais nao apresentaram diferencias significativas com os dados obtidos pelo modelo, concluindo-se que este e adequado para predizer o comportamento deste tipo de sistema de aquecimento.
A face transdisciplinar das ciências agrárias 2, 2021
Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena... more Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena Editora Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição-Não-Comercial-NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
Applied Sciences
In this study, a systematic review was performed to describe and discuss the main results availab... more In this study, a systematic review was performed to describe and discuss the main results available in the literature on physicochemical bedding quality in compost-bedded pack barn (CBP) systems for dairy cows. Experimental peer-reviewed articles in English were searched in the Scopus (ScP) and Web of Science (WoS) databases. The resulting articles (n = 162) underwent an evaluation process in four stages, following the PRISMA methodology and, based on a priori-defined eligibility criteria, 12 were selected. Several indicators of bedding quality were used, emphasizing bedding temperature in the aerobically active layer, evaluated in all studies. The decomposition activity was less intense in winter due to mild environmental conditions. During this period, appropriate management practices should be used (more frequent bedding replacement and turning, use of aeration systems under the bedding, lateral closures in the facilities, etc.) to maintain the fully active composting process. In...
The objective of this study was to characterize the dependence and spatial distribution of beddin... more The objective of this study was to characterize the dependence and spatial distribution of bedding attributes in an open compost-bedded pack barn (CBP) system with positive pressure ventilation during the winter period in Brazil. The study was conducted in July 2021, in the Zona da Mata region, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The bedding area (shavings and wood sawdust) was divided into a mesh with 44 equidistant points. At each point, the bedding temperature at the surface (tB-sur) and at a depth of 0.2 m (tB-20) and the air velocity at bedding level (vair,B) were measured, and bedding samples were collected. The bedding samples were used to determine the moisture level and pH at the surface (MB-sur e pHB-sur) and at a depth of 0.2 m (MB-20 and pHB-20). The spatial behavior of the variables was evaluated using geostatistics techniques. For all variables, the occurrence of strong spatial dependence was verified. Through the maps, it was observed that tB-sur, tB-20, MB-sur, MB-20, and vair,B s...
Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 2007
Compost barns are a loose housing system that provides excellent cow comfort for dairy cows. Prod... more Compost barns are a loose housing system that provides excellent cow comfort for dairy cows. Producer experience with well-managed compost barns in Minnesota has generally been positive. Cows are relatively clean, very comfortable, have fewer lameness problems, and in some cases had lower somatic cell counts (SCC) after moving to a compost barn from tie-stall or freestall barns. Current design and management recommendations are based on dairy producer experiences. Compost barns have a concrete feed alley, a bedded pack resting area that is stirred two times a day, and a 1.2-m (4-ft) high wall surrounding the pack. The wall that separates the pack and feed alley has walkways to allow cow and equipment access to the stirred pack area. The stirred pack is sized to provide a minimum stirred bedded pack area of 7.4 m 2 /cow (80 ft 2 /cow). Producers use dry fine wood shavings or sawdust for bedding. Fresh bedding is added when the bedded pack becomes moist enough to stick to the cows. The pack is stirred (aerated) at least two times each day to a producer recommended depth of 25 to 30 cm (10 to 12 in.). Stirring aerates and mixes manure and urine on the surface into the pack to provide a fresh surface for cows to lie down on. The pack can provide manure storage for 6 to 12 months. Excellent pack management and pre-milking cow preparation procedures are required. Research on compost barns is needed.
Research, Society and Development, 2021
The theoretical study of the applications of Biomimetics in the construction and development of s... more The theoretical study of the applications of Biomimetics in the construction and development of solutions brings together methods, concepts and examples of applications that can awaken creativity and, at the same time, critical thinking about the recovery of the balance between human action and nature. The inspiration of Biomimetics can raise awareness about the need to adopt new technologies, standards, and survival criteria, considering the environmental balance. In this sense, the objective of this study is to describe the use of Biomimetics as a promising agent for sustainable ideas to the problems identified in ambience in animal production. With a systematic analysis of the literature, proposals for solutions already used/designed to solve existing problems are presented, through analogies with natural systems. In this way, less widespread technologies or research are pointed out, such as fast and portable constructions, structures that favor the improvement of thermal and aco...
Agronomy Research, 2019
The objective of this work was to evaluate the spatial distribution of thermal conditions and bed... more The objective of this work was to evaluate the spatial distribution of thermal conditions and bed variables in compost dairy barns with different ventilation systems, through the technique of geostatistics. The experiment was conducted in April 2017, in farms located in Madre de Deus, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Three facilities were evaluated with different ventilation systems: natural (NV); mechanical of low volume and high speed (LVHS); and mechanical of high volume and low speed (HVLS). The interior of the premises was divided into 40 meshes equidistant points, in which air temperature, relative humidity and air speed were manually collected. Geostatistics technique was used to assess the spatial dependence of the variables. The results showed the occurrence of dependence and spatial variability of the variables evaluated. Based on thermal comfort indexes, it was concluded that dairy cows were under stress conditions during the hottest hours of the day in the three animal facilities e...
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências
The aim of this research was to evaluate the spatial distribution of bedding variables in a clima... more The aim of this research was to evaluate the spatial distribution of bedding variables in a climate-controlled compost bedded pack barn (CBP) equipped with an evaporative cooling system associated with a tunnel ventilation mode. The study was conducted on a farm in the West Mesoregion of Minas, MG, Brazil. The interior of the animal facility was divided into a mesh of 120 equidistant points, where the bedding surface temperature (t b-sur), the bedding temperature at 0.20 m depth (t b-20) and the bedding penetration resistance (PR b) of layer 0 to 0.20 m depth were measured. Bedding samples were collected to obtain the moisture (M b) and pH in the surface and at 0.20 m depth. Geostatistics technique was used to evaluate the dependence and spatial distribution. Through the bedding area, the t b-sur presented low variability, with 6 ºC of amplitude, and t b-20 presented highest values (up to 55 °C). The spatial distribution of M b-20 was similar to that observed on the surface and its highest levels occurred in the region near the feed alley (> 40%). The distribution of pH was similar in both layers. The tendency of high PR b occurred in the layer between 0.15 and 0.20 m (0 and 1500 kPa).
AgriEngineering, May 20, 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias, 2023
In Compost-Bedded Pack Barn (CBP) systems, air velocity is linked with the thermal comfort of hou... more In Compost-Bedded Pack Barn (CBP) systems, air velocity is linked with the thermal comfort of housed dairy cattle and bedding quality and, therefore, assessing ventilation efficiency is essential. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate and characterize dependence and spatial distribution of air velocity at the 1.5 m height (v air,M) and at bedding level (v air,B) in an open CBP system with positive pressure ventilation. The study was conducted in 2021, in a facility located in the Zona da Mata region, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The facility area was divided into a mesh composed of 55 equidistant points, where v air,M and v air,B data were collected in the morning (09:00 a.m.) and afternoon (03:00 p.m.) periods, during three weeks in Brazilian winter. Geostatistics techniques were used to assess dependence and spatial distribution. In both periods evaluated, there were a strong occurrence of spatial dependence and non-uniform v air,M and v air,B distributions. The v air,M and v air,B values were lower than recommended (1.8 m•s-1) in more than 65.0% of the area. Adequate ventilation levels were observed only in the first 20.0 m of the facility, from Southeast to Northwest, because of the fan lines present.
Informacoes sobre os niveis de iluminância e seus efeitos sobre o bem-estar dos animais e dos tra... more Informacoes sobre os niveis de iluminância e seus efeitos sobre o bem-estar dos animais e dos trabalhadores em sistemas de producao intensiva sao escassos. Uma visao do ambiente de trabalho facilita a compreensao das dificuldades, desconforto, insatisfacao, a ocorrencia de acidentes e doencas ocupacionais. Neste contexto, um experimento foi realizado em Itaberai, Goias, Brasil, durante o periodo compreendido entre 20 de abril a 8 de maio de 2018, em dois galpoes climatizados para frangos de corte visando avaliar o ambiente luminoso. Os niveis de luminosidade media durante o periodo diurno estao acima dos valores considerados minimos para as aves, porem a iluminacao noturna, ou seja, proporcionadas pelas lâmpadas dos galpoes e considerada baixa. Para os trabalhadores desses galpoes, a luminosidade do ambiente esta bem abaixo do recomendado pela norma pertinente no pais.
The thermal, chemical, and physical properties of compost bedding materials play an important rol... more The thermal, chemical, and physical properties of compost bedding materials play an important role in every phase of compost production. Based on this, we aimed to assess the thermal, chemical and physical properties of bedding materials for compost-bedded pack (CBP) barns. The database for this study was registered from 42 CBP barns, distributed throughout the state of Kentucky (USA). The thermal conductivity showed a linear relationship with moisture content and bulk density, while thermal resistivity decreased with increasing particle size. The bedding moisture average was 46.8% (±11.5). The average finer index (p < 0.05) was the highest weight percentage (30.1%) in the samples studied. Water-holding capacity (WHC) increased with increasingly fine particle size. The higher bulk density value was 3.6 times that of the lowest bulk density value. The chemical characterization of the bedding material provided the following results: 42.7% (±3.8%) C, 1.6% (±0.4%) N, and 28.2 (±8.0) ...
There is increasing interest in the use of continuous housing systems for dairy cows, with variou... more There is increasing interest in the use of continuous housing systems for dairy cows, with various reasons put forward to advocate such systems. The objective of this review was to examine existing scientific literature assess the main benefits achieved by the Compost bedded-pack barns (CBP) for housing dairy cow throughout Europe. Although summarizing existing work, knowledge gaps and directions for future research are also identified. The scope of the review is broad, examining relevant topics under three main headings: design, bed management, and composting process. Regarding main headings, some European CBP system does not appear to be similar to the US CBP but producers developed different design and management styles to adapt to the several microclimates that exist in each country. CBP systems had benefits for dairy cow behaviour, in terms of grazing and improved lying/resting times. In summary, the results of this review highlight that there are considerable benefits to animal welfare and animal productivity when housed in Compost bedded-pack barns.
Research, Society and Development, 2021
O presente estudo objetiva analisar a literatura relacionada à sustentabilidade na agricultura fa... more O presente estudo objetiva analisar a literatura relacionada à sustentabilidade na agricultura familiar e a aplicação em políticas públicas brasileiras. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise de artigos relacionados ao tema, destacando-se os principais tópicos, além de dados secundários do Governo Federal. Por meio das informações coletadas, observou-se a existência de políticas públicas voltadas para a alimentação (escolar e da população) e comercialização, evidenciando-se canais institucionais para o escoamento dos alimentos produzidos por estes. A sustentabilidade nesses sistemas produtivos também denota ser uma característica diferenciadora, considerando os impactos positivos ao ambiente, pelo reaproveitamento de resíduos visando à fertilidade do solo e as possibilidades criadas em termos de geração de renda para as famílias agricultoras.
A face transdisciplinar das ciências agrárias, 2021
2017 Spokane, Washington July 16 - July 19, 2017, 2017
The objective of this study was to develop a prototype solar heater using alternative materials a... more The objective of this study was to develop a prototype solar heater using alternative materials and then to compare its thermal efficiency against that of two other commercial solar heating systems when heating the floor of piglet housing. To evaluate the thermal heaters, temperature sensors were installed in the inlet and outlet of each floor and the thermal reservoir. The results showed good performance, however the thermal efficiency of the alternative heater was lower than the conventional systems. However, due to the construction of this solar collector with alternative materials its cost was relatively low and its operation is easier than the other conventional heater, therefore this heater is a good alternative to use for small livestock producer.
Engenharia Agricola, 2018
Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho validar um modelo computacional em Dinâmica dos Fluidos Comp... more Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho validar um modelo computacional em Dinâmica dos Fluidos Computacional (CFD) para a predicao da temperatura superficial em pisos de escamoteadores em maternidade de suinos. Para realizacao deste estudo, construiu-se um prototipo de aquecedor de agua solar utilizando materiais alternativos e comparou com um aquecedor de agua solar convencional. Neste estudo foram coletados dados da temperatura superficial de cada piso utilizando uma câmera termica e da temperatura e vazao da agua, na entrada e saida do piso, utilizando sensores registradores termopares e medidor de vazao, respectivamente. Com base nos resultados, os dados experimentais nao apresentaram diferencias significativas com os dados obtidos pelo modelo, concluindo-se que este e adequado para predizer o comportamento deste tipo de sistema de aquecimento.
A face transdisciplinar das ciências agrárias 2, 2021
Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena... more Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena Editora Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição-Não-Comercial-NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
Applied Sciences
In this study, a systematic review was performed to describe and discuss the main results availab... more In this study, a systematic review was performed to describe and discuss the main results available in the literature on physicochemical bedding quality in compost-bedded pack barn (CBP) systems for dairy cows. Experimental peer-reviewed articles in English were searched in the Scopus (ScP) and Web of Science (WoS) databases. The resulting articles (n = 162) underwent an evaluation process in four stages, following the PRISMA methodology and, based on a priori-defined eligibility criteria, 12 were selected. Several indicators of bedding quality were used, emphasizing bedding temperature in the aerobically active layer, evaluated in all studies. The decomposition activity was less intense in winter due to mild environmental conditions. During this period, appropriate management practices should be used (more frequent bedding replacement and turning, use of aeration systems under the bedding, lateral closures in the facilities, etc.) to maintain the fully active composting process. In...
The objective of this study was to characterize the dependence and spatial distribution of beddin... more The objective of this study was to characterize the dependence and spatial distribution of bedding attributes in an open compost-bedded pack barn (CBP) system with positive pressure ventilation during the winter period in Brazil. The study was conducted in July 2021, in the Zona da Mata region, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The bedding area (shavings and wood sawdust) was divided into a mesh with 44 equidistant points. At each point, the bedding temperature at the surface (tB-sur) and at a depth of 0.2 m (tB-20) and the air velocity at bedding level (vair,B) were measured, and bedding samples were collected. The bedding samples were used to determine the moisture level and pH at the surface (MB-sur e pHB-sur) and at a depth of 0.2 m (MB-20 and pHB-20). The spatial behavior of the variables was evaluated using geostatistics techniques. For all variables, the occurrence of strong spatial dependence was verified. Through the maps, it was observed that tB-sur, tB-20, MB-sur, MB-20, and vair,B s...
Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 2007
Compost barns are a loose housing system that provides excellent cow comfort for dairy cows. Prod... more Compost barns are a loose housing system that provides excellent cow comfort for dairy cows. Producer experience with well-managed compost barns in Minnesota has generally been positive. Cows are relatively clean, very comfortable, have fewer lameness problems, and in some cases had lower somatic cell counts (SCC) after moving to a compost barn from tie-stall or freestall barns. Current design and management recommendations are based on dairy producer experiences. Compost barns have a concrete feed alley, a bedded pack resting area that is stirred two times a day, and a 1.2-m (4-ft) high wall surrounding the pack. The wall that separates the pack and feed alley has walkways to allow cow and equipment access to the stirred pack area. The stirred pack is sized to provide a minimum stirred bedded pack area of 7.4 m 2 /cow (80 ft 2 /cow). Producers use dry fine wood shavings or sawdust for bedding. Fresh bedding is added when the bedded pack becomes moist enough to stick to the cows. The pack is stirred (aerated) at least two times each day to a producer recommended depth of 25 to 30 cm (10 to 12 in.). Stirring aerates and mixes manure and urine on the surface into the pack to provide a fresh surface for cows to lie down on. The pack can provide manure storage for 6 to 12 months. Excellent pack management and pre-milking cow preparation procedures are required. Research on compost barns is needed.
Research, Society and Development, 2021
The theoretical study of the applications of Biomimetics in the construction and development of s... more The theoretical study of the applications of Biomimetics in the construction and development of solutions brings together methods, concepts and examples of applications that can awaken creativity and, at the same time, critical thinking about the recovery of the balance between human action and nature. The inspiration of Biomimetics can raise awareness about the need to adopt new technologies, standards, and survival criteria, considering the environmental balance. In this sense, the objective of this study is to describe the use of Biomimetics as a promising agent for sustainable ideas to the problems identified in ambience in animal production. With a systematic analysis of the literature, proposals for solutions already used/designed to solve existing problems are presented, through analogies with natural systems. In this way, less widespread technologies or research are pointed out, such as fast and portable constructions, structures that favor the improvement of thermal and aco...
Agronomy Research, 2019
The objective of this work was to evaluate the spatial distribution of thermal conditions and bed... more The objective of this work was to evaluate the spatial distribution of thermal conditions and bed variables in compost dairy barns with different ventilation systems, through the technique of geostatistics. The experiment was conducted in April 2017, in farms located in Madre de Deus, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Three facilities were evaluated with different ventilation systems: natural (NV); mechanical of low volume and high speed (LVHS); and mechanical of high volume and low speed (HVLS). The interior of the premises was divided into 40 meshes equidistant points, in which air temperature, relative humidity and air speed were manually collected. Geostatistics technique was used to assess the spatial dependence of the variables. The results showed the occurrence of dependence and spatial variability of the variables evaluated. Based on thermal comfort indexes, it was concluded that dairy cows were under stress conditions during the hottest hours of the day in the three animal facilities e...
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências
The aim of this research was to evaluate the spatial distribution of bedding variables in a clima... more The aim of this research was to evaluate the spatial distribution of bedding variables in a climate-controlled compost bedded pack barn (CBP) equipped with an evaporative cooling system associated with a tunnel ventilation mode. The study was conducted on a farm in the West Mesoregion of Minas, MG, Brazil. The interior of the animal facility was divided into a mesh of 120 equidistant points, where the bedding surface temperature (t b-sur), the bedding temperature at 0.20 m depth (t b-20) and the bedding penetration resistance (PR b) of layer 0 to 0.20 m depth were measured. Bedding samples were collected to obtain the moisture (M b) and pH in the surface and at 0.20 m depth. Geostatistics technique was used to evaluate the dependence and spatial distribution. Through the bedding area, the t b-sur presented low variability, with 6 ºC of amplitude, and t b-20 presented highest values (up to 55 °C). The spatial distribution of M b-20 was similar to that observed on the surface and its highest levels occurred in the region near the feed alley (> 40%). The distribution of pH was similar in both layers. The tendency of high PR b occurred in the layer between 0.15 and 0.20 m (0 and 1500 kPa).