Cristina Gevehr Fernandes - (original) (raw)
Papers by Cristina Gevehr Fernandes
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2009
The terms hermaphrodite and intersex are used to refer to animals with ambiguous sexual traits. T... more The terms hermaphrodite and intersex are used to refer to animals with ambiguous sexual traits. The diagnostic of pseudo-hermaphrodites must be based on survey of the gonads and in the phenotypic aspect of the reproductive trait. The male pseudo-hermaphrodites have only testicle. This report describes a case of a male pseudo-hermaphrodite in a pig, whose reproductive organs were collected in a slaughterhouse. The pig was 150 days old, weighed nearly 100 kg, and showed external genitalia compatible with a female. The organs were evaluated grossly and microscopically. Grossly, the vulva showed abnormal morphology, but the vagina and the uterus (cervix, body, and horns) showed normal topographic anatomy. The gonads were morphologically compatible with testes with epididymis and pampiniform plexuses present. Histological examination of the gonads confirmed the identification of testes showing degenerative changes. Based on the gross and microscopic findings, the animal was diagnosed as ...
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2015
The health effects of environmental chemicals on animals and humans are of growing concern. Human... more The health effects of environmental chemicals on animals and humans are of growing concern. Human epidemiological and animal study data indicate that reproductive disorders and diseases begin early during prenatal and postnatal development. An increase of human male reproductive disturbance in the past several decades was associated to chemicals called endocrine disruptors (ED). Bisphenol A (BPA) is a ubiquitous organic environmental contaminant with ED activity. This study verified the effect of BPA exposure via breast milk during the lactation (early postnatal) period in male mice. Dams were exposed to oral BPA (300, 900, and 3000 lg/kg/BW/day) during the breastfeeding period (21 days). BPA at all concentrations significantly impaired sperm parameters in adult mice (8 months old), but mitochondrial functionality was more affected at BPA 3000. The acrosome membrane parameter was affected by BPA concentrations from 900 to 3000, and DNA integrity showed pronounced impairment at BPA 900 and 3000. BPA 3000 treatment also induced testicular degeneration and complete aplasia in some seminiferous tubules. Testicular oxidative damage was observed, and the total antioxidant capacity was impaired in BPA 900 and 3000 treatment groups. Taken together, the present study demonstrated long-term adverse effects of BPA in male mice, including reduced sperm quality, antioxidant capacity, and changes in testicular tissue. Our results clearly demonstrate the danger of BPA transferred via lactation on sperm quality registered even after a long time-elapsed from exposure to this harmful chemical. Environmental estrogens and antiandrogens are nonsteroidal natural or man-made compounds that can mimic hormones and alter the function of the endocrine system in humans and wildlife. This can lead to a variety of health effects. Bisphenol A [BPA, 2,2-bis-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane] has wide industrial use in the production of synthetic manufactured products, such as resin epoxy and plastic polycarbonates. BPA is found in many end products, including dental sealants, coatings for food cans, linings for metal cans, polyvinyl chloride, and medical equipment (Thomson and Grounds 2005; Benuchour and Aris 2009). BPA is released into the environment through sewage-treatment effluent, via hydrolysis from plastics, and the natural degradation of polycarbonate plastics exposed to heat, acidic, or alkaline conditions. BPA received heightened attention in the past decade because of its ubiquitous presence and its endocrine disruption effects (Quitmeyer and Roberts 2007). Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (ED) are biologically active compounds that mimic or antagonize the effects of endogenous hormones and cause many diseases via systemic deleterious effects (Swedenborg et al. 2010). Some toxic effects from BPA were registered in adult animals, but more attention has focused on exposure during the perinatal period. This period is critical to the organizational programming of organs, and harmful effects confer increased susceptibility for diseases later in life.
Equine Veterinary Education, 2013
ABSTRACT As neurological diseases in horses share many overlapping clinical signs, the veterinari... more ABSTRACT As neurological diseases in horses share many overlapping clinical signs, the veterinarian is required to know how to perform a focused evaluation of this system as well as how to carry out complementary examinations to establish an aetiological diagnosis. This is a case report of an ataxic horse presenting with an extradural haematoma in the region of the 7th cervical vertebra. The 7-year-old Criollo mare presented with clinical signs of ataxia grade 3 (scale 1–5) in all limbs and a proprioceptive deficit. Radiological evaluation did not show bone changes or narrowing of the cervical canal. Samples of blood, serum and cerebrospinal fluid were collected and tested negative for antibodies to equine herpes virus type 1–4, Trypanosoma evansi and Sarcocystis neurona. The disease evolution was followed over a 4-week period, after which the animal showed worsening overall clinical signs, and thus euthanasia was performed. A necropsy did not reveal macroscopic changes in any organs, except for an extradural haematoma in the region of the 7th cervical vertebra causing spinal cord compression. Histological examinations showed that the nodular lesion consisted of fibrovascular tissue, granulation tissue at different stages of maturation, red blood cells, cellular debris, fibrin and macrophages. The white matter of the ventral horn of the spinal cord contained degenerative lesions. In addition, the brain tested negative for rabies virus encephalitis. Based on the history, the laboratory test results, anamnesis and the lesion observed at necropsy, it was concluded that the ataxia was due to spinal cord compression, which was caused by an extradural haematoma in the region of the 7th cervical vertebra. Evaluation of the equine neurological system is highly important in localising the area of lesions, and complementary examinations are useful in differentiating between diseases affecting this system. Spinal cord compression injuries, such as extradural haematomas, are rarely reported in the literature, and their pathophysiology is difficult to understand. Nevertheless, they should be included in the differential diagnosis of ataxia in horses.
... Júlio C. Paganela*, Leandro M. Ribas, Carlos A. Santos, Lorena S. Feijó, Carlos EW Nogueira,C... more ... Júlio C. Paganela*, Leandro M. Ribas, Carlos A. Santos, Lorena S. Feijó, Carlos EW Nogueira,Cristina G. Fernandes ... na concentração de 3%, devido ao seu largo espectro antibacteriano, principalmente para bactérias Gram positivas e algumas Gram negativas (Drosou et al ...
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 1997
O modelo de desmielinização do brometo de etídio foi utilizado para estudar a reação do sistema n... more O modelo de desmielinização do brometo de etídio foi utilizado para estudar a reação do sistema nervoso central frente a múltiplos episódios de desmielinização tóxica. Foram utilizados 27 ratos Wistar, submetidos a 2,3 ou 4 injeções de 1μl de solução 0,1 % de brometo de etídio (19 ratos) ou de solução salina 0,9% (8 ratos) em diferentes pontos da medula espinhal. Os intervalos entre as injeções variaram de 28 a 42 dias. Dez dias após a última injeção os animais foram perfundidos com glutaraldeído 2,5%. As medulas espinhais foram avaliadas pela macroscopia, microscopia óptica de cortes semifinos e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. As lesões foram caracterizadas por desmielinização primária focal, com preservação das estruturas vasculares, e variavam em tamanho e características histológicas. Remielinização pode ser observada, ou não, de acordo com o tipo de lesão. Como conseqüência das injeções múltiplas e seqüenciais de brometo de etídio, o sistema nervoso central pareceu modif...
Animal Reproduction Science, 2013
Leptin is a modulator of oocyte maturation and follicular development in swine. The MAPK are seri... more Leptin is a modulator of oocyte maturation and follicular development in swine. The MAPK are serine/threonine kinases that act as signal transduction pathways in swine ovaries. This study evaluated the presence of leptin, activated MAPK ERK 1/2 and p38 in oocytes of primordial/primary, secondary and tertiary follicles of gilts and sows. Ovaries from ten gilts and ten sows were collected in an abattoir, fixed in 10% formalin and prepared with classical histology methods. For immunohistochemistry, slides were incubated with polyclonal antibodies anti-leptin, anti-phospho ERK1/2 MAPK and anti-phospho p38 MAPK. Leptin immuno-labeling and the presence of activated ERK 1/2 MAPK were more intense for oocytes of sows (P < 0.05), whereas p38 MAPK was more active for oocytes of gilts (P < 0.05). Although no differences in immunolabeling for leptin and p38 MAPK were observed for oocytes of gilts at distinct follicle developmental stages (P > 0.05), immunolabeling was intense for oocytes of sows included in primordial/primary follicles (P < 0.05). Thus, leptin and p38 MAPK may be important to start oocyte development.
Medicina Veterinária (UFRPE)
A otite externa é uma doença inflamatória do canal auditivo externo e a terapia tópica é o princi... more A otite externa é uma doença inflamatória do canal auditivo externo e a terapia tópica é o principal tratamento. A identificação de novos produtos derivados de plantas pode ser usada como alternativa terapêutica viável com menos efeitos tóxicos. Neste trabalho, otite externa foi induzida experimentalmente em 48 ratos Wistar utilizando óleo de cróton em acetona e as alterações foram ranqueadas clinicamente de acordo com a severidade das lesões. Foram utilizados três tratamentos tópicos à base de extratos vegetais ou óleos essenciais de alecrim (Rosmarinus officinalis) e trigo (Triticum aestivum) por sete dias consecutivos. A extração do óleo essencial de alecrim foi através da técnica de hidrodestilação e submetido à cromatografia. Os extratos aquosos foram obtidos através de técnica de ultrassom por esgotamento e analisados empregando a técnica de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. O grupo I (GI) foi tratado com extrato aquoso de alecrim 25% em propilenoglicol, o GII foi trat...
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 2020
Background: Malformations are structural or functional abnormalities in the organs and structures... more Background: Malformations are structural or functional abnormalities in the organs and structures present at birth. These conditions are rarely described in the newborns of dogs and can lead to their death. Meroanencephaly is a defect of the neural tube closure malformation. This study aims to characterize the clinical-pathological aspects of neonatal meroanencephaly since brain malformations are rare in newborn dogs.Case: A two-day-old English Pointer canine was sent for a necropsy. The newborn belonged to a litter of eight puppies, and only this one had macroscopic cranial alterations. Another puppy that died as a consequence of being trampled by the bitch was also necropsied. The newborn was alive for 48 h until death and presented apathy, crying, sucking reflex and opisthotonus. Macroscopic examination of the baby revealed flattening of the skull, with a slit at the site of bone symphysis fusion, and a slit in the skin of the parietal region, covered by thin, translucent meninge...
Expressa Extensão, 2018
O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar as ações realizadas pelo SOVET- UFPel para conscientizar a po... more O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar as ações realizadas pelo SOVET- UFPel para conscientizar a população quanto ao câncer em animais. A iniciativa surgiu da necessidade de alertar a população sobre a prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento do câncer em animais. O Serviço em Oncologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (SOVET- UFPel) juntamente com outras instituições no país construíram inicialmente a Campanha Nacional contra o Câncer de Mama em Animais. Assim sendo, desde o ano de 2014, tem-se realizado um evento final no mês de outubro ou início de novembro. Esta ação foi baseada na campanha Outubro Rosa de humanos. Nesta ação são abordados conceitos básicos de prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento do câncer em pequenos animais de forma lúdica e interativa. O convite para os eventos ocorridos foi realizado através de planfletagem pelos discentes do curso de medicina veterinária, que foram previamente treinados para a abordagem da população, além de inserções em mídia impress...
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 2017
Background: Dioctophymiasis is a disease caused by the nematode Dioctophyme renale and is a relat... more Background: Dioctophymiasis is a disease caused by the nematode Dioctophyme renale and is a relatively common condition in dogs. The parasite affects the kidney, especially the right, enters the kidney capsule and causes destruction and atrophy of the parenchyma. The lesion severity depends on the amount of parasites affecting the kidney, the duration of the infection, number of kidneys involved and concurrent occurrence of kidney disease. The disease’s clinical presentation may be asymptomatic or with nonspecific clinical signs. The diagnosis is based on ultrasound examination and the detection of eggs in urine, however, diagnosis is often reached only through necropsy or histopathology. This study aimed to analyze the dog kidney anatomical and pathological changes when parasitized by Dioctophyme renale. Materials, Methods & Results: The kidneys of 21 dogs diagnosed with dioctophymiasis were nephrectomized, analyzed by ultrasound and forwarded to macro and microscopic analysis. Mac...
Medical Mycology Case Reports, 2020
Background: Due to the difficulty in the access to free-ranging birds, data regarding Aspergillus... more Background: Due to the difficulty in the access to free-ranging birds, data regarding Aspergillus infections in wild avian species is rare compared to captive wild and domestic birds. Objective: report three cases of Aspergillus section Fumigati causing fungal disease in free-ranging aquatic birds, with the identification of the causal agent to the species level. Case reports: The diagnosis of aspergillosis was performed by macroscopic lesions found during the necropsy and confirmed by culture. Molecular identification by partial sequencing of the calM and benA genes allowed to confirm Aspergillus fumigatus sensu stricto as the etiological agent of aspergillosis in Procellaria aequinoctialis (White-chinned petrel) (n = 1), Nannopterum brasilianus (Neotropical cormorant) (n = 1) and Chroicocephalus maculipennis (Brown-hooded gull) (n = 1). Conclusion: Larger studies regarding the importance of aspergillosis in free-ranging aquatic birds are necessary, as well as it potential role in the One Heath context.
Research, Society and Development, 2020
Thermal lesions constitute a differentiated type of skin wound, requiring adequate attention. Thu... more Thermal lesions constitute a differentiated type of skin wound, requiring adequate attention. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic action of Bixa orellana L. and Triticum aestivum extracts as active in topical formulations against 2nd degree thermal lesions in an experimental model. First, the annatto oil compounds were identified. In the trial, experimentally induced wounds were treated daily with: formula containing annatto oil and aqueous wheat extract (LCFT 2001), formula containing annatto oil and ethanolic wheat extract (LCFT 2002), commercial ointment (CP), no treatment (CN). At two, five, eight, 14 and 25 days, the presence of exudate, edema, necrosis, crust, granulation and epithelialization was clinically evaluated. Also, the lesion area was determined, and skin samples were collected for histological and tensiometric evaluation. Clinically, at eight days, the formulas presented lower percentage of crust than the control groups and LCFT 2001 sh...
Pubvet, 2019
Licenciamento: Este artigo é publicado na modalidade Acesso Aberto sob a licença Creative Commons... more Licenciamento: Este artigo é publicado na modalidade Acesso Aberto sob a licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0), a qual permite uso irrestrito, distribuição, reprodução em qualquer meio, desde que o autor e a fonte sejam devidamente creditados.
Considerando a sobrevivência de uma espécie, o sistema reprodutivo é um dos sistemas mais importa... more Considerando a sobrevivência de uma espécie, o sistema reprodutivo é um dos sistemas mais importantes. As gônadas indiferenciadas são formadas por células germinativas que quando estimuladas pelo fator de diferenciação testicular se diferenciam em testículos, ou quando não estimuladas, em ovários. Aqui serão abordadas lesões do desenvolvimento sexual e anomalias da formação e do desenvolvimento gonadal feminino. Dentre as patologias abordadas estão o complexo hiperplasia endometrial cística - piometra, metrite, neoplasmas ovarianos e uterinos.
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2016
O uso de fitoterápicos é uma alternativa de baixo custo e de fácil acesso para o tratamento de fe... more O uso de fitoterápicos é uma alternativa de baixo custo e de fácil acesso para o tratamento de feridas cutâneas. Objetivou-se avaliar a ação do extrato oleoso de urucum na cicatrização de feridas cutâneas abertas. Inicialmente, identificaram-se os principais ácidos graxos do óleo de urucum. Foi realizado ensaio citotóxico para determinar as concentrações a serem utilizadas no ensaio in vivo. No experimento, feridas cutâneas em ratos Wistar foram diariamente tratadas com: extrato de urucum 0,1% (U 0,1%), extrato de urucum 0,01% (U 0,01%), vaselina (V) e solução fisiológica (SF), por até 21 dias. Aos quatro, sete, 14 e 21 dias, foi avaliada clinicamente a presença de exsudato, crosta e epitelização. Determinaram-se as áreas da lesão, e amostras de pele, fígado e rins foram coletadas para avalição histológica. Aos 21dias, amostras de pele foram coletadas para análise tensiométrica. Clinicamente, todos os grupos de tratamento apresentaram evolução cicatricial fisiológica. Os grupos U 0,...
Revista Academica Ciências Agrarias e Ambientais, 2014
Na oncologia veterinária, os sarcomas de tecidos moles são denominados dessa maneira por se trata... more Na oncologia veterinária, os sarcomas de tecidos moles são denominados dessa maneira por se trataremde neoplasmas de tecido mesenquimal, os quais se desenvolvem em pele, tecido subcutâneo e vísceras,excluindo-se os que são encontrados em tecidos de sustentação como ossos e cartilagens. Este grupo écompreendido por fibrossarcomas, mixossarcomas, histiocitomas fibrosos malignos, lipossarcomas, leiomiossarcomas, rabdomiossarcomas, hemangiossarcomas, tumores de bainha de nervo periférico, sarcomassinoviais e sarcomas indiferenciados, por terem aspectos similares em seu desenvolvimento e comportamentobiológico. São neoplasmas de caráter maligno por causa de sua capacidade de infiltração local em cães e gatos, necessitando de margens cirúrgicas amplas e profundas em relação a outros neoplasmas. Nesta revisão de literatura, são caracterizados os neoplasmas que pertencem a este grupo, ressaltando aspectos epidemiológicos e histopatológicos dos sarcomas de tecidos moles em animais de companhia.
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2014
While Triticum sp. has been shown to act in wound healing, stimulating collagen synthesis by fibr... more While Triticum sp. has been shown to act in wound healing, stimulating collagen synthesis by fibroblasts, the use of this plant extract has yet to be assessed in vivo, in commercially viable presentations. This study used rabbits and assessed, on days seven, 14, and 21, the presence or absence of granulation tissue and epithelialization, histopathological structures, and scar quality through the breaking and tension strength. Treatments, performed for 21 days, were aqueous extract of T. aestivum at a concentration of 2mg/mL (group I) and 10mg/mL (group II) and a nonionic cream (control group). We demonstrate that the formation of granulation tissue was not significantly different between treatments. In the analysis of epithelial tissue, wounds in group II differed from other treatments by day 7. On days 14 and 21 there was no significant clinical difference between groups. In the histopathological evaluation, scar quality and rupture strength did not differ between the groups in the...
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 2014
O fígado é um órgão de valor comercial diferenciado, porém, em virtude das suas funções metabólic... more O fígado é um órgão de valor comercial diferenciado, porém, em virtude das suas funções metabólicas, é susceptível a diversos tipos de alterações, destacando-se um grande número de descartes por perihepatite. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a sensibilidade e especificidade do diagnóstico desta alteração pelo Serviço de Inspeção Federal (SIF), segundo exame histopatológico, e correlacionar estes achados com os níveis plasmáticos de AST e GGT. Foram utilizadas 154 matrizes da raça Landrace de descarte. O abate foi feito com o método de insensibilização por estímulo elétrico e posterior sangria, sendo coletados 5 mL de sangue total, para determinação dos níveis de GGT e AST. Durante a evisceração, foi avaliada a condição do fígado pela inspeção sanitária classificando-o como liberado ou condenado por perihepatite. Fragmentos de fígado foram colhidos, para fins de comparações histopatológicas. Na presença de alteração do parênquima hepático, essa foi classificada em degenerativa, inflamatória ou reparativa. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram que as lesões encontradas no tecido hepático, consideradas como perihepatite pela inspeção sanitária, tratavam-se muitas vezes de alterações hepáticas como fibroses, degeneração gordurosa ou hepatites discretas. Os níveis de GGT se apresentaram elevados, sendo exacerbados em lesões de caráter inflamatório e degenerativo, em comparação com animais sem lesão hepática (p<0,05), o que não foi observado para os níveis de AST (p>0,05). Assim, observou-se que o diagnóstico de perihepatite pelo SIF apresentou baixa especificidade e sensibilidade, e que a enzima GGT é um bom indicador de lesões hepáticas em suínos.
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2009
The terms hermaphrodite and intersex are used to refer to animals with ambiguous sexual traits. T... more The terms hermaphrodite and intersex are used to refer to animals with ambiguous sexual traits. The diagnostic of pseudo-hermaphrodites must be based on survey of the gonads and in the phenotypic aspect of the reproductive trait. The male pseudo-hermaphrodites have only testicle. This report describes a case of a male pseudo-hermaphrodite in a pig, whose reproductive organs were collected in a slaughterhouse. The pig was 150 days old, weighed nearly 100 kg, and showed external genitalia compatible with a female. The organs were evaluated grossly and microscopically. Grossly, the vulva showed abnormal morphology, but the vagina and the uterus (cervix, body, and horns) showed normal topographic anatomy. The gonads were morphologically compatible with testes with epididymis and pampiniform plexuses present. Histological examination of the gonads confirmed the identification of testes showing degenerative changes. Based on the gross and microscopic findings, the animal was diagnosed as ...
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2015
The health effects of environmental chemicals on animals and humans are of growing concern. Human... more The health effects of environmental chemicals on animals and humans are of growing concern. Human epidemiological and animal study data indicate that reproductive disorders and diseases begin early during prenatal and postnatal development. An increase of human male reproductive disturbance in the past several decades was associated to chemicals called endocrine disruptors (ED). Bisphenol A (BPA) is a ubiquitous organic environmental contaminant with ED activity. This study verified the effect of BPA exposure via breast milk during the lactation (early postnatal) period in male mice. Dams were exposed to oral BPA (300, 900, and 3000 lg/kg/BW/day) during the breastfeeding period (21 days). BPA at all concentrations significantly impaired sperm parameters in adult mice (8 months old), but mitochondrial functionality was more affected at BPA 3000. The acrosome membrane parameter was affected by BPA concentrations from 900 to 3000, and DNA integrity showed pronounced impairment at BPA 900 and 3000. BPA 3000 treatment also induced testicular degeneration and complete aplasia in some seminiferous tubules. Testicular oxidative damage was observed, and the total antioxidant capacity was impaired in BPA 900 and 3000 treatment groups. Taken together, the present study demonstrated long-term adverse effects of BPA in male mice, including reduced sperm quality, antioxidant capacity, and changes in testicular tissue. Our results clearly demonstrate the danger of BPA transferred via lactation on sperm quality registered even after a long time-elapsed from exposure to this harmful chemical. Environmental estrogens and antiandrogens are nonsteroidal natural or man-made compounds that can mimic hormones and alter the function of the endocrine system in humans and wildlife. This can lead to a variety of health effects. Bisphenol A [BPA, 2,2-bis-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane] has wide industrial use in the production of synthetic manufactured products, such as resin epoxy and plastic polycarbonates. BPA is found in many end products, including dental sealants, coatings for food cans, linings for metal cans, polyvinyl chloride, and medical equipment (Thomson and Grounds 2005; Benuchour and Aris 2009). BPA is released into the environment through sewage-treatment effluent, via hydrolysis from plastics, and the natural degradation of polycarbonate plastics exposed to heat, acidic, or alkaline conditions. BPA received heightened attention in the past decade because of its ubiquitous presence and its endocrine disruption effects (Quitmeyer and Roberts 2007). Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (ED) are biologically active compounds that mimic or antagonize the effects of endogenous hormones and cause many diseases via systemic deleterious effects (Swedenborg et al. 2010). Some toxic effects from BPA were registered in adult animals, but more attention has focused on exposure during the perinatal period. This period is critical to the organizational programming of organs, and harmful effects confer increased susceptibility for diseases later in life.
Equine Veterinary Education, 2013
ABSTRACT As neurological diseases in horses share many overlapping clinical signs, the veterinari... more ABSTRACT As neurological diseases in horses share many overlapping clinical signs, the veterinarian is required to know how to perform a focused evaluation of this system as well as how to carry out complementary examinations to establish an aetiological diagnosis. This is a case report of an ataxic horse presenting with an extradural haematoma in the region of the 7th cervical vertebra. The 7-year-old Criollo mare presented with clinical signs of ataxia grade 3 (scale 1–5) in all limbs and a proprioceptive deficit. Radiological evaluation did not show bone changes or narrowing of the cervical canal. Samples of blood, serum and cerebrospinal fluid were collected and tested negative for antibodies to equine herpes virus type 1–4, Trypanosoma evansi and Sarcocystis neurona. The disease evolution was followed over a 4-week period, after which the animal showed worsening overall clinical signs, and thus euthanasia was performed. A necropsy did not reveal macroscopic changes in any organs, except for an extradural haematoma in the region of the 7th cervical vertebra causing spinal cord compression. Histological examinations showed that the nodular lesion consisted of fibrovascular tissue, granulation tissue at different stages of maturation, red blood cells, cellular debris, fibrin and macrophages. The white matter of the ventral horn of the spinal cord contained degenerative lesions. In addition, the brain tested negative for rabies virus encephalitis. Based on the history, the laboratory test results, anamnesis and the lesion observed at necropsy, it was concluded that the ataxia was due to spinal cord compression, which was caused by an extradural haematoma in the region of the 7th cervical vertebra. Evaluation of the equine neurological system is highly important in localising the area of lesions, and complementary examinations are useful in differentiating between diseases affecting this system. Spinal cord compression injuries, such as extradural haematomas, are rarely reported in the literature, and their pathophysiology is difficult to understand. Nevertheless, they should be included in the differential diagnosis of ataxia in horses.
... Júlio C. Paganela*, Leandro M. Ribas, Carlos A. Santos, Lorena S. Feijó, Carlos EW Nogueira,C... more ... Júlio C. Paganela*, Leandro M. Ribas, Carlos A. Santos, Lorena S. Feijó, Carlos EW Nogueira,Cristina G. Fernandes ... na concentração de 3%, devido ao seu largo espectro antibacteriano, principalmente para bactérias Gram positivas e algumas Gram negativas (Drosou et al ...
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 1997
O modelo de desmielinização do brometo de etídio foi utilizado para estudar a reação do sistema n... more O modelo de desmielinização do brometo de etídio foi utilizado para estudar a reação do sistema nervoso central frente a múltiplos episódios de desmielinização tóxica. Foram utilizados 27 ratos Wistar, submetidos a 2,3 ou 4 injeções de 1μl de solução 0,1 % de brometo de etídio (19 ratos) ou de solução salina 0,9% (8 ratos) em diferentes pontos da medula espinhal. Os intervalos entre as injeções variaram de 28 a 42 dias. Dez dias após a última injeção os animais foram perfundidos com glutaraldeído 2,5%. As medulas espinhais foram avaliadas pela macroscopia, microscopia óptica de cortes semifinos e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. As lesões foram caracterizadas por desmielinização primária focal, com preservação das estruturas vasculares, e variavam em tamanho e características histológicas. Remielinização pode ser observada, ou não, de acordo com o tipo de lesão. Como conseqüência das injeções múltiplas e seqüenciais de brometo de etídio, o sistema nervoso central pareceu modif...
Animal Reproduction Science, 2013
Leptin is a modulator of oocyte maturation and follicular development in swine. The MAPK are seri... more Leptin is a modulator of oocyte maturation and follicular development in swine. The MAPK are serine/threonine kinases that act as signal transduction pathways in swine ovaries. This study evaluated the presence of leptin, activated MAPK ERK 1/2 and p38 in oocytes of primordial/primary, secondary and tertiary follicles of gilts and sows. Ovaries from ten gilts and ten sows were collected in an abattoir, fixed in 10% formalin and prepared with classical histology methods. For immunohistochemistry, slides were incubated with polyclonal antibodies anti-leptin, anti-phospho ERK1/2 MAPK and anti-phospho p38 MAPK. Leptin immuno-labeling and the presence of activated ERK 1/2 MAPK were more intense for oocytes of sows (P < 0.05), whereas p38 MAPK was more active for oocytes of gilts (P < 0.05). Although no differences in immunolabeling for leptin and p38 MAPK were observed for oocytes of gilts at distinct follicle developmental stages (P > 0.05), immunolabeling was intense for oocytes of sows included in primordial/primary follicles (P < 0.05). Thus, leptin and p38 MAPK may be important to start oocyte development.
Medicina Veterinária (UFRPE)
A otite externa é uma doença inflamatória do canal auditivo externo e a terapia tópica é o princi... more A otite externa é uma doença inflamatória do canal auditivo externo e a terapia tópica é o principal tratamento. A identificação de novos produtos derivados de plantas pode ser usada como alternativa terapêutica viável com menos efeitos tóxicos. Neste trabalho, otite externa foi induzida experimentalmente em 48 ratos Wistar utilizando óleo de cróton em acetona e as alterações foram ranqueadas clinicamente de acordo com a severidade das lesões. Foram utilizados três tratamentos tópicos à base de extratos vegetais ou óleos essenciais de alecrim (Rosmarinus officinalis) e trigo (Triticum aestivum) por sete dias consecutivos. A extração do óleo essencial de alecrim foi através da técnica de hidrodestilação e submetido à cromatografia. Os extratos aquosos foram obtidos através de técnica de ultrassom por esgotamento e analisados empregando a técnica de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. O grupo I (GI) foi tratado com extrato aquoso de alecrim 25% em propilenoglicol, o GII foi trat...
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 2020
Background: Malformations are structural or functional abnormalities in the organs and structures... more Background: Malformations are structural or functional abnormalities in the organs and structures present at birth. These conditions are rarely described in the newborns of dogs and can lead to their death. Meroanencephaly is a defect of the neural tube closure malformation. This study aims to characterize the clinical-pathological aspects of neonatal meroanencephaly since brain malformations are rare in newborn dogs.Case: A two-day-old English Pointer canine was sent for a necropsy. The newborn belonged to a litter of eight puppies, and only this one had macroscopic cranial alterations. Another puppy that died as a consequence of being trampled by the bitch was also necropsied. The newborn was alive for 48 h until death and presented apathy, crying, sucking reflex and opisthotonus. Macroscopic examination of the baby revealed flattening of the skull, with a slit at the site of bone symphysis fusion, and a slit in the skin of the parietal region, covered by thin, translucent meninge...
Expressa Extensão, 2018
O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar as ações realizadas pelo SOVET- UFPel para conscientizar a po... more O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar as ações realizadas pelo SOVET- UFPel para conscientizar a população quanto ao câncer em animais. A iniciativa surgiu da necessidade de alertar a população sobre a prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento do câncer em animais. O Serviço em Oncologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (SOVET- UFPel) juntamente com outras instituições no país construíram inicialmente a Campanha Nacional contra o Câncer de Mama em Animais. Assim sendo, desde o ano de 2014, tem-se realizado um evento final no mês de outubro ou início de novembro. Esta ação foi baseada na campanha Outubro Rosa de humanos. Nesta ação são abordados conceitos básicos de prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento do câncer em pequenos animais de forma lúdica e interativa. O convite para os eventos ocorridos foi realizado através de planfletagem pelos discentes do curso de medicina veterinária, que foram previamente treinados para a abordagem da população, além de inserções em mídia impress...
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 2017
Background: Dioctophymiasis is a disease caused by the nematode Dioctophyme renale and is a relat... more Background: Dioctophymiasis is a disease caused by the nematode Dioctophyme renale and is a relatively common condition in dogs. The parasite affects the kidney, especially the right, enters the kidney capsule and causes destruction and atrophy of the parenchyma. The lesion severity depends on the amount of parasites affecting the kidney, the duration of the infection, number of kidneys involved and concurrent occurrence of kidney disease. The disease’s clinical presentation may be asymptomatic or with nonspecific clinical signs. The diagnosis is based on ultrasound examination and the detection of eggs in urine, however, diagnosis is often reached only through necropsy or histopathology. This study aimed to analyze the dog kidney anatomical and pathological changes when parasitized by Dioctophyme renale. Materials, Methods & Results: The kidneys of 21 dogs diagnosed with dioctophymiasis were nephrectomized, analyzed by ultrasound and forwarded to macro and microscopic analysis. Mac...
Medical Mycology Case Reports, 2020
Background: Due to the difficulty in the access to free-ranging birds, data regarding Aspergillus... more Background: Due to the difficulty in the access to free-ranging birds, data regarding Aspergillus infections in wild avian species is rare compared to captive wild and domestic birds. Objective: report three cases of Aspergillus section Fumigati causing fungal disease in free-ranging aquatic birds, with the identification of the causal agent to the species level. Case reports: The diagnosis of aspergillosis was performed by macroscopic lesions found during the necropsy and confirmed by culture. Molecular identification by partial sequencing of the calM and benA genes allowed to confirm Aspergillus fumigatus sensu stricto as the etiological agent of aspergillosis in Procellaria aequinoctialis (White-chinned petrel) (n = 1), Nannopterum brasilianus (Neotropical cormorant) (n = 1) and Chroicocephalus maculipennis (Brown-hooded gull) (n = 1). Conclusion: Larger studies regarding the importance of aspergillosis in free-ranging aquatic birds are necessary, as well as it potential role in the One Heath context.
Research, Society and Development, 2020
Thermal lesions constitute a differentiated type of skin wound, requiring adequate attention. Thu... more Thermal lesions constitute a differentiated type of skin wound, requiring adequate attention. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic action of Bixa orellana L. and Triticum aestivum extracts as active in topical formulations against 2nd degree thermal lesions in an experimental model. First, the annatto oil compounds were identified. In the trial, experimentally induced wounds were treated daily with: formula containing annatto oil and aqueous wheat extract (LCFT 2001), formula containing annatto oil and ethanolic wheat extract (LCFT 2002), commercial ointment (CP), no treatment (CN). At two, five, eight, 14 and 25 days, the presence of exudate, edema, necrosis, crust, granulation and epithelialization was clinically evaluated. Also, the lesion area was determined, and skin samples were collected for histological and tensiometric evaluation. Clinically, at eight days, the formulas presented lower percentage of crust than the control groups and LCFT 2001 sh...
Pubvet, 2019
Licenciamento: Este artigo é publicado na modalidade Acesso Aberto sob a licença Creative Commons... more Licenciamento: Este artigo é publicado na modalidade Acesso Aberto sob a licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0), a qual permite uso irrestrito, distribuição, reprodução em qualquer meio, desde que o autor e a fonte sejam devidamente creditados.
Considerando a sobrevivência de uma espécie, o sistema reprodutivo é um dos sistemas mais importa... more Considerando a sobrevivência de uma espécie, o sistema reprodutivo é um dos sistemas mais importantes. As gônadas indiferenciadas são formadas por células germinativas que quando estimuladas pelo fator de diferenciação testicular se diferenciam em testículos, ou quando não estimuladas, em ovários. Aqui serão abordadas lesões do desenvolvimento sexual e anomalias da formação e do desenvolvimento gonadal feminino. Dentre as patologias abordadas estão o complexo hiperplasia endometrial cística - piometra, metrite, neoplasmas ovarianos e uterinos.
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2016
O uso de fitoterápicos é uma alternativa de baixo custo e de fácil acesso para o tratamento de fe... more O uso de fitoterápicos é uma alternativa de baixo custo e de fácil acesso para o tratamento de feridas cutâneas. Objetivou-se avaliar a ação do extrato oleoso de urucum na cicatrização de feridas cutâneas abertas. Inicialmente, identificaram-se os principais ácidos graxos do óleo de urucum. Foi realizado ensaio citotóxico para determinar as concentrações a serem utilizadas no ensaio in vivo. No experimento, feridas cutâneas em ratos Wistar foram diariamente tratadas com: extrato de urucum 0,1% (U 0,1%), extrato de urucum 0,01% (U 0,01%), vaselina (V) e solução fisiológica (SF), por até 21 dias. Aos quatro, sete, 14 e 21 dias, foi avaliada clinicamente a presença de exsudato, crosta e epitelização. Determinaram-se as áreas da lesão, e amostras de pele, fígado e rins foram coletadas para avalição histológica. Aos 21dias, amostras de pele foram coletadas para análise tensiométrica. Clinicamente, todos os grupos de tratamento apresentaram evolução cicatricial fisiológica. Os grupos U 0,...
Revista Academica Ciências Agrarias e Ambientais, 2014
Na oncologia veterinária, os sarcomas de tecidos moles são denominados dessa maneira por se trata... more Na oncologia veterinária, os sarcomas de tecidos moles são denominados dessa maneira por se trataremde neoplasmas de tecido mesenquimal, os quais se desenvolvem em pele, tecido subcutâneo e vísceras,excluindo-se os que são encontrados em tecidos de sustentação como ossos e cartilagens. Este grupo écompreendido por fibrossarcomas, mixossarcomas, histiocitomas fibrosos malignos, lipossarcomas, leiomiossarcomas, rabdomiossarcomas, hemangiossarcomas, tumores de bainha de nervo periférico, sarcomassinoviais e sarcomas indiferenciados, por terem aspectos similares em seu desenvolvimento e comportamentobiológico. São neoplasmas de caráter maligno por causa de sua capacidade de infiltração local em cães e gatos, necessitando de margens cirúrgicas amplas e profundas em relação a outros neoplasmas. Nesta revisão de literatura, são caracterizados os neoplasmas que pertencem a este grupo, ressaltando aspectos epidemiológicos e histopatológicos dos sarcomas de tecidos moles em animais de companhia.
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2014
While Triticum sp. has been shown to act in wound healing, stimulating collagen synthesis by fibr... more While Triticum sp. has been shown to act in wound healing, stimulating collagen synthesis by fibroblasts, the use of this plant extract has yet to be assessed in vivo, in commercially viable presentations. This study used rabbits and assessed, on days seven, 14, and 21, the presence or absence of granulation tissue and epithelialization, histopathological structures, and scar quality through the breaking and tension strength. Treatments, performed for 21 days, were aqueous extract of T. aestivum at a concentration of 2mg/mL (group I) and 10mg/mL (group II) and a nonionic cream (control group). We demonstrate that the formation of granulation tissue was not significantly different between treatments. In the analysis of epithelial tissue, wounds in group II differed from other treatments by day 7. On days 14 and 21 there was no significant clinical difference between groups. In the histopathological evaluation, scar quality and rupture strength did not differ between the groups in the...
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 2014
O fígado é um órgão de valor comercial diferenciado, porém, em virtude das suas funções metabólic... more O fígado é um órgão de valor comercial diferenciado, porém, em virtude das suas funções metabólicas, é susceptível a diversos tipos de alterações, destacando-se um grande número de descartes por perihepatite. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a sensibilidade e especificidade do diagnóstico desta alteração pelo Serviço de Inspeção Federal (SIF), segundo exame histopatológico, e correlacionar estes achados com os níveis plasmáticos de AST e GGT. Foram utilizadas 154 matrizes da raça Landrace de descarte. O abate foi feito com o método de insensibilização por estímulo elétrico e posterior sangria, sendo coletados 5 mL de sangue total, para determinação dos níveis de GGT e AST. Durante a evisceração, foi avaliada a condição do fígado pela inspeção sanitária classificando-o como liberado ou condenado por perihepatite. Fragmentos de fígado foram colhidos, para fins de comparações histopatológicas. Na presença de alteração do parênquima hepático, essa foi classificada em degenerativa, inflamatória ou reparativa. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram que as lesões encontradas no tecido hepático, consideradas como perihepatite pela inspeção sanitária, tratavam-se muitas vezes de alterações hepáticas como fibroses, degeneração gordurosa ou hepatites discretas. Os níveis de GGT se apresentaram elevados, sendo exacerbados em lesões de caráter inflamatório e degenerativo, em comparação com animais sem lesão hepática (p<0,05), o que não foi observado para os níveis de AST (p>0,05). Assim, observou-se que o diagnóstico de perihepatite pelo SIF apresentou baixa especificidade e sensibilidade, e que a enzima GGT é um bom indicador de lesões hepáticas em suínos.