Zuleica Camargo - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Zuleica Camargo

Research paper thumbnail of Poster 3: The acoustic analysis of vowel productions pre- and post-lingual frenectomy

The International journal of orofacial myology : official publication of the International Association of Orofacial Myology, Nov 1, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Ultrasonography applied to the description of voice quality settings in adult speakers of Brazilian Portuguese

Revista CEFAC, 2021

Purpose: to relate ultrasound images with auditory-perceptual data on vocal quality settings in a... more Purpose: to relate ultrasound images with auditory-perceptual data on vocal quality settings in adult speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. Methods: the corpus consisted of speech samples (sentences contained in the instructional material of the Vocal Profile Analysis Scheme - VPAS-PB) from seven adult subjects of both genders, recorded simultaneously by acoustic and ultrasonographic means. Data analysis was based on auditory-perceptual judgments of vocal quality and ultrasound images generated by the AAA software. Results: vocal quality settings related to the position of the tongue body and the extension of the tongue and jaw found correspondences to the contours of ultrasound images of the tongue in selected key segments (oral vowels), especially those with greater degrees of manifestation. Conclusion: there were correspondences between vocal quality settings detected in the perceptual sphere and their respective tongue body and jaw ultrasound images.

Research paper thumbnail of Vocal quality assessment: methodological approach for a perceptive data analysis

Revista CEFAC, Dec 1, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating speech samples designed for the Voice Profile Analysis Scheme for Brazilian Portuguese (BP-VPAS)

ExLing 2011: Proceedings of 4th Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, Nov 20, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Discriminant Capacity of Acoustic, Perceptual, and Vocal Self: The Effects of Vocal Demands

Research paper thumbnail of Voice quality and gender: some insights on correlations between perceptual and acoustic dimensions


The present study aims at characterizing, from the perceptual and acoustic points of view, differ... more The present study aims at characterizing, from the perceptual and acoustic points of view, differences in voice quality settings related to gender. The corpus was composed by speech samples recorded by 38 subjects (19 male and 19 female), aging from 20 to 58 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Qualidade Vocal De Crianças Com Alteração De Frênulo Da Língua

Anais do Congresso Brasileiro de Prosódia, Apr 11, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of O Uso Da Eletroglotografia Na Investigação Do Vozeamento Em Adultos Sem Queixa De Fala

Em prol de estudos de fala, encontram-se, dentre outras tecnologias, a analise acustica e a eletr... more Em prol de estudos de fala, encontram-se, dentre outras tecnologias, a analise acustica e a eletroglotografia (EGG). Com o objetivo de verificar a contribuicao da EGG, em associacao ao instrumental acustico, escolheu-se o contraste fonico de vozeamento, em situacao de fala sem alteracao, para ser investigado. Participaram do estudo tres falantes do portugues brasileiro. As amostras analisadas contemplaram gravacao simultânea dos sinais acustico e eletroglotografico com pares de consoantes plosivas nao vozeadas e vozeadas. Este estudo indicou ser a EGG uma tecnica eficiente para analisar e caracterizar a fala, no que se refere ao contraste fonico de vozeamento em situacao de fala sem alteracao.


Revista Cefac, 2005

Resumen pt: Objetivo: verificar a incidencia de alteracoes vocais concentradas no plano glotico e... more Resumen pt: Objetivo: verificar a incidencia de alteracoes vocais concentradas no plano glotico em professores da Rede Publica de Ensino (1a a 4a series), genero fem...

Research paper thumbnail of RELAÇÃO ENTRE QUALIDADE DE VIDA E AUTO-PERCEPÇÃO DA QUALIDADE VOCAL DE PACIENTES LARINGECTOMIZADOS TOTAIS: ESTUDO PILOTO Relation between life quality and self-perception of vocal quality in total laryngectomized patients: pilot study

ABSTRACTPurpose : to investigate life quality indications in individuals that underwent a total l... more ABSTRACTPurpose : to investigate life quality indications in individuals that underwent a total laryngectomy andtheir relationship with the vocal quality hearing-perceptive aspects. Methods: the studied populationwas made up by six total laryngectomized individuals between 40 and 60-year old, of both genders,esophageal or tracheae-esophageal speech speakers. Life and Voice Quality (QVV) protocol (Behlauet al., 2001) and a fluency scale guide (Robe et al. ,1956) were applied for trials of Speech Therapygraduation and post-graduation students; and voice self-perception guide for trials of total laryngectomizedindividuals. Results: the values for Physical Dominion of QVV were on average 63.19 and in the Social-Emotional Dominion 80.20, considering 100 as threshold. The subjects that showed a low global scoreare those that feel a major voice discomfort, referred to as tension and hoarseness and that theexaminers classified as subjects with limitations to communicate. The subjects with v...

Research paper thumbnail of Voice quality analysis from a phonetic perspective: Voice Profile Analysis Scheme (VPAS) Profile for Brazilian Portuguese

The present study aimed at presenting the instructional material developed in the Brazilian Portu... more The present study aimed at presenting the instructional material developed in the Brazilian Portuguese context to apply the Voice Profile Analysis Scheme-VPAS (PB-VPAS) for the perceptual evaluation of voice quality and at reporting preliminary data analyzed from a group of six judges who attended a workshop on VPAS. The adaptation of the VPAS into Brazilian Portuguese was accomplished and the corpus to be used in the training of judges was built up. Furthermore, the voice quality database necessary for the application of the protocol was recorded, evaluated by two expertise subjects and integrated into the instructive material of the PB-VPAS. Preliminary data from six judges (linguists and speech therapists) who attended a PB-VPAS workshop using the material described (in 2 stages: before and after a 20-hour workshop on VPAS) are presented. The relevance of the application of PB-VPAS to the analysis of voice disorders and expressiveness uses of voice quality is pointed out.

Research paper thumbnail of The phonetic approach of voice qualities: challenges in corresponding perceptual to acoustic descriptions

This study introduces an innovative approach to the phonetic investigation of voice qualities, co... more This study introduces an innovative approach to the phonetic investigation of voice qualities, comprising the application of the Vocal Profile Analysis Scheme (VPAS) to describe perceived voice quality settings, the extraction of acoustic measures, and a statistical link between perception and acoustics, weighting the relative proximity of controlled factors. The corpus was perceptually annotated by the VPAS and data from 44 speakers were grouped in terms of the most frequent combinations in the VPAS system, generating two vocal profiles; the “Wide” and the “Short” vocal tract kinds of profiles. Acoustic measures (f0, intensity, signal to noise ratio, spectral slope and the first formant) were extracted. Statistical analysis weighs the relative links between the voice quality profiles and the acoustic measures, compared to linguistic and gender constraints. f0 measures were found to be the most relevant to establish perceptual and acoustic correlations. Some singularities of the cor...

Research paper thumbnail of Extensão Vocal De Cantores De Coros Evangélicos Amadores

Revista Cefac, 2006

Resumen pt: Objetivo: comparar a extensao vocal de cantores evangelicos com os dados oferecidos p... more Resumen pt: Objetivo: comparar a extensao vocal de cantores evangelicos com os dados oferecidos pela literatura referentes a cantores profissionais e comparar os suj...

Research paper thumbnail of Alterações Do Frênulo Lingual e Índices Acústicos De Qualidade Vocal

The present study aimed at investigating the voice quality in children with and without lingual f... more The present study aimed at investigating the voice quality in children with and without lingual frenulum disorders. The corpus was composed of speech samples from 43 children, ranging from six (06) to fourteen (14) years old. Speech acoustic measures and clinical evaluation of lingual frenulum data were statistically analyzed by means of regression analysis in order to investigate the validity of each acoustic parameter to predict lingual frenulum disorders. The results reinforce the relevance to establish voice quality correspondences to lingual frenulum disorders, since evidences of dysphonia were detected.

Research paper thumbnail of Qualidade Vocal e Produções De Fala Em Três Línguas: Um Estudo De Caso

Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 o presente estudo teve como objetivo des... more Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 o presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever acustica e perceptivamente ajustes de qualidade vocal e aspectos da dinâmica voca l de producoes de fala de um bilingue. Dados de fala semi-espontânea e leitura de textos em ingles, espanhol e portugues foram gravados. Do ponto de vista perceptivo, foi utilizado o roteiro VPAS-PB. Para a analise acustica, foram extraidas medidas por meio do script SGExpression Evaluator de amostras de leituras e de fala semi-espontânea. Achados evidenciam particularidades de ajustes de qualidade e dinâmica vocal, aliados a medidas acusticas (f0 e ELT), reforcando a relevância da descricao da qualidade de voz no contexto de multilinguismo.

Research paper thumbnail of Análise Da Deglutição Na Fala Por Meio Da Eletroglotografia

RESUMO: O enfoque das pausas pode propiciar o conhecimento da dinâmica da fala e suas relacoes co... more RESUMO: O enfoque das pausas pode propiciar o conhecimento da dinâmica da fala e suas relacoes com funcoes correlatas como a degluticao e a respiracao. O objetivo foi caracterizar, do ponto de vista fisiologico (eletroglotografico), a degluticao em diferentes tarefas (degluticao de liquido, saliva, saliva com esforco e na pausa de fala) em 40 individuos adultos falantes do portugues brasileiro. As exploracoes da onda Gx e medidas dGx indicam a movimentacao laringea diferenciada por tarefas, no momento da degluticao. Valores de referencia sao sugeridos para as quatro tarefas estudadas e podem ser futuramente aplicados a clinica fonoaudiologica. ABSTRACT: Pause analysis may help bring further understanding about speech dynamics and how it relates to correlate functions, such as swallowing and breathing. The objective of this study was to characterize swallowing physiologically, with the use of electroglottography, in different tasks (swallowing liquid, saliva, saliva with effort, and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Abordagem Fonética De Dados Clínicos

This study aims at presenting a review, from the methodological point of view, of procedures and ... more This study aims at presenting a review, from the methodological point of view, of procedures and demands related to the phonetic approach of clinical data. The possibility of taking into account the interface between speech perception and production may be productive when analyzing data collected from clinical settings or developing researches in which the central questions arose from the clinical practice. The dynamics aspects of speech are considered. The series of studies reported reinforces the indication of a highly integrated and cooperative approach among the several research areas concerned on speech production and perception. The capability of producing speech under disorders caused by damages in phonatory and auditory systems can stimulate researchers to develop approaches that could influence theoretical models, rehabilitation tools and speech technologies development.

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação vocal sob a perspectiva fonética: investigação preliminar

Objetivo: investigar a validade e o consenso entre examinadores do uso de roteiro baseado no mode... more Objetivo: investigar a validade e o consenso entre examinadores do uso de roteiro baseado no modelo fonetico de descricao da qualidade vocal (VPAS, 2000). Metodos: 14 juizes foram selecionados e participaram de um curso de 20 horas de duracao em analise fonetica da qualidade vocal, no qual analisaram os registros de voz de dois falantes por meio do VPAS – etapa 1 (identificacao de presenca/ausencia de ajustes). Seus julgamentos foram comparados aos de dois examinadores experientes no roteiro (adotados como referencia), a partir dos quais foi composto um grupo de sete (7) examinadores para a etapa 2 (graduacao dos ajustes presentes em escala de 1 a 6). Os juizes participantes da etapa 2 tambem responderam a um questionario. Os dados foram analisados quanto a comparacao dos julgamentos e respostas ao questionario dos juizes do grupo estudado. Resultados: os resultados foram apresentados e discutidos em relacao a fundamentacao e aplicabilidade do roteiro, apontando, em ordem decrescent...

Research paper thumbnail of DOS AJUSTES SUPRAGLÓTICOS NA DISFONIA Perceptive and acoustic correlates of supraglottis adjustments in dysfonia

Purpose: to evaluate auditory perception (supraglottic adjustments) and acoustic (formants) of vo... more Purpose: to evaluate auditory perception (supraglottic adjustments) and acoustic (formants) of vocal quality in dysphonic individuals with glotic disorders, attended in a clinic a hospital in the city of São Paulo. Methods: the studied was represented by voice samples taken form from 20 dysphonic people aged between 30 and 65 of the female gender (attended in a hospital in the city of Sao Paulo) and the auditory perception judgment of the vocal quality was represented by samples previously evaluated by active judges in clinic activity. The samples were explored as for the frequency of the fi rst three formants (F1, F2 and F3). The values were considered as for their quality (compared to the data of auditory perception analysis) and their quantity (Qui-square test) Results: the more frequent adjustments of vocal quality were low larynx, closed jaw, lip rounding, lowered tongue body, retracted tongue body, labiodentalization. Statistically meaningful differences were found for the fre...

Research paper thumbnail of Enunciados Declarativos e Interrogativos No Falar De Um Sujeito De São José Do Rio Preto: Um Estudo Acústico

A presente pesquisa visa contribuir, dentro do projeto AMPER-POR, para a analise dos aspectos ent... more A presente pesquisa visa contribuir, dentro do projeto AMPER-POR, para a analise dos aspectos entoacionais de enunciados declarativos e interrogativos, terminados por palavras oxitonas, paroxitonas e proparoxitonas. Foi realizado um estudo fonetico-acustico de producoes de fala de um locutor masculino, natural e residente do municipio de Sao Jose do Rio Preto. A analise dos padroes entoacionais indicou semelhanca com outras pesquisas em relacao a diferenciacao entre enunciados declarativos e interrogativos, sendo o contorno de frequencia fundamental (F0) a caracteristica acustica que melhor representa essa diferenciacao. Diferencas de alinhamento do pico de F0 na vogal tonica da palavra final dos enunciados tambem foram encontradas e correlacionadas com efeitos de sentido assertivos e inquisitivos.

Research paper thumbnail of Poster 3: The acoustic analysis of vowel productions pre- and post-lingual frenectomy

The International journal of orofacial myology : official publication of the International Association of Orofacial Myology, Nov 1, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Ultrasonography applied to the description of voice quality settings in adult speakers of Brazilian Portuguese

Revista CEFAC, 2021

Purpose: to relate ultrasound images with auditory-perceptual data on vocal quality settings in a... more Purpose: to relate ultrasound images with auditory-perceptual data on vocal quality settings in adult speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. Methods: the corpus consisted of speech samples (sentences contained in the instructional material of the Vocal Profile Analysis Scheme - VPAS-PB) from seven adult subjects of both genders, recorded simultaneously by acoustic and ultrasonographic means. Data analysis was based on auditory-perceptual judgments of vocal quality and ultrasound images generated by the AAA software. Results: vocal quality settings related to the position of the tongue body and the extension of the tongue and jaw found correspondences to the contours of ultrasound images of the tongue in selected key segments (oral vowels), especially those with greater degrees of manifestation. Conclusion: there were correspondences between vocal quality settings detected in the perceptual sphere and their respective tongue body and jaw ultrasound images.

Research paper thumbnail of Vocal quality assessment: methodological approach for a perceptive data analysis

Revista CEFAC, Dec 1, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating speech samples designed for the Voice Profile Analysis Scheme for Brazilian Portuguese (BP-VPAS)

ExLing 2011: Proceedings of 4th Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, Nov 20, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Discriminant Capacity of Acoustic, Perceptual, and Vocal Self: The Effects of Vocal Demands

Research paper thumbnail of Voice quality and gender: some insights on correlations between perceptual and acoustic dimensions


The present study aims at characterizing, from the perceptual and acoustic points of view, differ... more The present study aims at characterizing, from the perceptual and acoustic points of view, differences in voice quality settings related to gender. The corpus was composed by speech samples recorded by 38 subjects (19 male and 19 female), aging from 20 to 58 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Qualidade Vocal De Crianças Com Alteração De Frênulo Da Língua

Anais do Congresso Brasileiro de Prosódia, Apr 11, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of O Uso Da Eletroglotografia Na Investigação Do Vozeamento Em Adultos Sem Queixa De Fala

Em prol de estudos de fala, encontram-se, dentre outras tecnologias, a analise acustica e a eletr... more Em prol de estudos de fala, encontram-se, dentre outras tecnologias, a analise acustica e a eletroglotografia (EGG). Com o objetivo de verificar a contribuicao da EGG, em associacao ao instrumental acustico, escolheu-se o contraste fonico de vozeamento, em situacao de fala sem alteracao, para ser investigado. Participaram do estudo tres falantes do portugues brasileiro. As amostras analisadas contemplaram gravacao simultânea dos sinais acustico e eletroglotografico com pares de consoantes plosivas nao vozeadas e vozeadas. Este estudo indicou ser a EGG uma tecnica eficiente para analisar e caracterizar a fala, no que se refere ao contraste fonico de vozeamento em situacao de fala sem alteracao.


Revista Cefac, 2005

Resumen pt: Objetivo: verificar a incidencia de alteracoes vocais concentradas no plano glotico e... more Resumen pt: Objetivo: verificar a incidencia de alteracoes vocais concentradas no plano glotico em professores da Rede Publica de Ensino (1a a 4a series), genero fem...

Research paper thumbnail of RELAÇÃO ENTRE QUALIDADE DE VIDA E AUTO-PERCEPÇÃO DA QUALIDADE VOCAL DE PACIENTES LARINGECTOMIZADOS TOTAIS: ESTUDO PILOTO Relation between life quality and self-perception of vocal quality in total laryngectomized patients: pilot study

ABSTRACTPurpose : to investigate life quality indications in individuals that underwent a total l... more ABSTRACTPurpose : to investigate life quality indications in individuals that underwent a total laryngectomy andtheir relationship with the vocal quality hearing-perceptive aspects. Methods: the studied populationwas made up by six total laryngectomized individuals between 40 and 60-year old, of both genders,esophageal or tracheae-esophageal speech speakers. Life and Voice Quality (QVV) protocol (Behlauet al., 2001) and a fluency scale guide (Robe et al. ,1956) were applied for trials of Speech Therapygraduation and post-graduation students; and voice self-perception guide for trials of total laryngectomizedindividuals. Results: the values for Physical Dominion of QVV were on average 63.19 and in the Social-Emotional Dominion 80.20, considering 100 as threshold. The subjects that showed a low global scoreare those that feel a major voice discomfort, referred to as tension and hoarseness and that theexaminers classified as subjects with limitations to communicate. The subjects with v...

Research paper thumbnail of Voice quality analysis from a phonetic perspective: Voice Profile Analysis Scheme (VPAS) Profile for Brazilian Portuguese

The present study aimed at presenting the instructional material developed in the Brazilian Portu... more The present study aimed at presenting the instructional material developed in the Brazilian Portuguese context to apply the Voice Profile Analysis Scheme-VPAS (PB-VPAS) for the perceptual evaluation of voice quality and at reporting preliminary data analyzed from a group of six judges who attended a workshop on VPAS. The adaptation of the VPAS into Brazilian Portuguese was accomplished and the corpus to be used in the training of judges was built up. Furthermore, the voice quality database necessary for the application of the protocol was recorded, evaluated by two expertise subjects and integrated into the instructive material of the PB-VPAS. Preliminary data from six judges (linguists and speech therapists) who attended a PB-VPAS workshop using the material described (in 2 stages: before and after a 20-hour workshop on VPAS) are presented. The relevance of the application of PB-VPAS to the analysis of voice disorders and expressiveness uses of voice quality is pointed out.

Research paper thumbnail of The phonetic approach of voice qualities: challenges in corresponding perceptual to acoustic descriptions

This study introduces an innovative approach to the phonetic investigation of voice qualities, co... more This study introduces an innovative approach to the phonetic investigation of voice qualities, comprising the application of the Vocal Profile Analysis Scheme (VPAS) to describe perceived voice quality settings, the extraction of acoustic measures, and a statistical link between perception and acoustics, weighting the relative proximity of controlled factors. The corpus was perceptually annotated by the VPAS and data from 44 speakers were grouped in terms of the most frequent combinations in the VPAS system, generating two vocal profiles; the “Wide” and the “Short” vocal tract kinds of profiles. Acoustic measures (f0, intensity, signal to noise ratio, spectral slope and the first formant) were extracted. Statistical analysis weighs the relative links between the voice quality profiles and the acoustic measures, compared to linguistic and gender constraints. f0 measures were found to be the most relevant to establish perceptual and acoustic correlations. Some singularities of the cor...

Research paper thumbnail of Extensão Vocal De Cantores De Coros Evangélicos Amadores

Revista Cefac, 2006

Resumen pt: Objetivo: comparar a extensao vocal de cantores evangelicos com os dados oferecidos p... more Resumen pt: Objetivo: comparar a extensao vocal de cantores evangelicos com os dados oferecidos pela literatura referentes a cantores profissionais e comparar os suj...

Research paper thumbnail of Alterações Do Frênulo Lingual e Índices Acústicos De Qualidade Vocal

The present study aimed at investigating the voice quality in children with and without lingual f... more The present study aimed at investigating the voice quality in children with and without lingual frenulum disorders. The corpus was composed of speech samples from 43 children, ranging from six (06) to fourteen (14) years old. Speech acoustic measures and clinical evaluation of lingual frenulum data were statistically analyzed by means of regression analysis in order to investigate the validity of each acoustic parameter to predict lingual frenulum disorders. The results reinforce the relevance to establish voice quality correspondences to lingual frenulum disorders, since evidences of dysphonia were detected.

Research paper thumbnail of Qualidade Vocal e Produções De Fala Em Três Línguas: Um Estudo De Caso

Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 o presente estudo teve como objetivo des... more Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 o presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever acustica e perceptivamente ajustes de qualidade vocal e aspectos da dinâmica voca l de producoes de fala de um bilingue. Dados de fala semi-espontânea e leitura de textos em ingles, espanhol e portugues foram gravados. Do ponto de vista perceptivo, foi utilizado o roteiro VPAS-PB. Para a analise acustica, foram extraidas medidas por meio do script SGExpression Evaluator de amostras de leituras e de fala semi-espontânea. Achados evidenciam particularidades de ajustes de qualidade e dinâmica vocal, aliados a medidas acusticas (f0 e ELT), reforcando a relevância da descricao da qualidade de voz no contexto de multilinguismo.

Research paper thumbnail of Análise Da Deglutição Na Fala Por Meio Da Eletroglotografia

RESUMO: O enfoque das pausas pode propiciar o conhecimento da dinâmica da fala e suas relacoes co... more RESUMO: O enfoque das pausas pode propiciar o conhecimento da dinâmica da fala e suas relacoes com funcoes correlatas como a degluticao e a respiracao. O objetivo foi caracterizar, do ponto de vista fisiologico (eletroglotografico), a degluticao em diferentes tarefas (degluticao de liquido, saliva, saliva com esforco e na pausa de fala) em 40 individuos adultos falantes do portugues brasileiro. As exploracoes da onda Gx e medidas dGx indicam a movimentacao laringea diferenciada por tarefas, no momento da degluticao. Valores de referencia sao sugeridos para as quatro tarefas estudadas e podem ser futuramente aplicados a clinica fonoaudiologica. ABSTRACT: Pause analysis may help bring further understanding about speech dynamics and how it relates to correlate functions, such as swallowing and breathing. The objective of this study was to characterize swallowing physiologically, with the use of electroglottography, in different tasks (swallowing liquid, saliva, saliva with effort, and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Abordagem Fonética De Dados Clínicos

This study aims at presenting a review, from the methodological point of view, of procedures and ... more This study aims at presenting a review, from the methodological point of view, of procedures and demands related to the phonetic approach of clinical data. The possibility of taking into account the interface between speech perception and production may be productive when analyzing data collected from clinical settings or developing researches in which the central questions arose from the clinical practice. The dynamics aspects of speech are considered. The series of studies reported reinforces the indication of a highly integrated and cooperative approach among the several research areas concerned on speech production and perception. The capability of producing speech under disorders caused by damages in phonatory and auditory systems can stimulate researchers to develop approaches that could influence theoretical models, rehabilitation tools and speech technologies development.

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação vocal sob a perspectiva fonética: investigação preliminar

Objetivo: investigar a validade e o consenso entre examinadores do uso de roteiro baseado no mode... more Objetivo: investigar a validade e o consenso entre examinadores do uso de roteiro baseado no modelo fonetico de descricao da qualidade vocal (VPAS, 2000). Metodos: 14 juizes foram selecionados e participaram de um curso de 20 horas de duracao em analise fonetica da qualidade vocal, no qual analisaram os registros de voz de dois falantes por meio do VPAS – etapa 1 (identificacao de presenca/ausencia de ajustes). Seus julgamentos foram comparados aos de dois examinadores experientes no roteiro (adotados como referencia), a partir dos quais foi composto um grupo de sete (7) examinadores para a etapa 2 (graduacao dos ajustes presentes em escala de 1 a 6). Os juizes participantes da etapa 2 tambem responderam a um questionario. Os dados foram analisados quanto a comparacao dos julgamentos e respostas ao questionario dos juizes do grupo estudado. Resultados: os resultados foram apresentados e discutidos em relacao a fundamentacao e aplicabilidade do roteiro, apontando, em ordem decrescent...

Research paper thumbnail of DOS AJUSTES SUPRAGLÓTICOS NA DISFONIA Perceptive and acoustic correlates of supraglottis adjustments in dysfonia

Purpose: to evaluate auditory perception (supraglottic adjustments) and acoustic (formants) of vo... more Purpose: to evaluate auditory perception (supraglottic adjustments) and acoustic (formants) of vocal quality in dysphonic individuals with glotic disorders, attended in a clinic a hospital in the city of São Paulo. Methods: the studied was represented by voice samples taken form from 20 dysphonic people aged between 30 and 65 of the female gender (attended in a hospital in the city of Sao Paulo) and the auditory perception judgment of the vocal quality was represented by samples previously evaluated by active judges in clinic activity. The samples were explored as for the frequency of the fi rst three formants (F1, F2 and F3). The values were considered as for their quality (compared to the data of auditory perception analysis) and their quantity (Qui-square test) Results: the more frequent adjustments of vocal quality were low larynx, closed jaw, lip rounding, lowered tongue body, retracted tongue body, labiodentalization. Statistically meaningful differences were found for the fre...

Research paper thumbnail of Enunciados Declarativos e Interrogativos No Falar De Um Sujeito De São José Do Rio Preto: Um Estudo Acústico

A presente pesquisa visa contribuir, dentro do projeto AMPER-POR, para a analise dos aspectos ent... more A presente pesquisa visa contribuir, dentro do projeto AMPER-POR, para a analise dos aspectos entoacionais de enunciados declarativos e interrogativos, terminados por palavras oxitonas, paroxitonas e proparoxitonas. Foi realizado um estudo fonetico-acustico de producoes de fala de um locutor masculino, natural e residente do municipio de Sao Jose do Rio Preto. A analise dos padroes entoacionais indicou semelhanca com outras pesquisas em relacao a diferenciacao entre enunciados declarativos e interrogativos, sendo o contorno de frequencia fundamental (F0) a caracteristica acustica que melhor representa essa diferenciacao. Diferencas de alinhamento do pico de F0 na vogal tonica da palavra final dos enunciados tambem foram encontradas e correlacionadas com efeitos de sentido assertivos e inquisitivos.