Can Yümni Gündem - (original) (raw)
Papers by Can Yümni Gündem
Uzun Yürüyüş, Arkeolojik Hayvan Kalıntılarının Hikâyesi Arkeozooloji Bilimi Nedir?, 2020
Arkeoloji, günümüzde interdisipliner çalışmaların en yoğun yaşandığı bilim dallarından biridir. 2... more Arkeoloji, günümüzde interdisipliner çalışmaların en yoğun yaşandığı bilim dallarından biridir. 20. Yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren artık arkeolojinin yalnızca beyaz kâğıtlar üzerindeki siyah konturlara sahip mimari ve çanak çömlek çizimler olmadığı anlaşılmış ve insanların ellerindeki kapları ile bu yapı grupları içinde; nasıl yaşadıklarına, neler yediklerine, nasıl bir ekonomiye sahip olduklarına ve hatta nasıl bir doğanın içinde yaşadıklarını anlamaya da odaklanılmıştır. Arkeozooloji Bilimi de işte bu araştırma konularının merkezinde durmakta olan soruları aydınlatmak için devreye girer ve bunu kazılardan çıkarılan hayvan kalıntılarını incelerek yapar. Arkeozooloji Bilimi sayesinde, geçmiş insan toplulukların beslenme alışkanlıklarını, hayatta kalma stratejilerini, hayvana dayalı ekonomilerini, ritüellerini, doğal çevrelerini nasıl kendi avantajları için sömürdüklerini, vb. gibi konu başlıklarına cevaplar ararken, yukarda bahsedilen beyaz kâğıtlar üzerindeki yerleşim yerleri renklenmeye başlar. Arkeozooloji Bilimi, insanların bu topraklar üzerinde yürümeye başlamasıyla beraber gerçekleşen "doğa-insan-hayvanlar âlemi" üçlemesinin birbirine olan etkilerine ve etkileşimlerine odaklanmıştır. Bu kitap size, arkeolojik kazılardan gün yüzüne çıkarılan hayvan kemik kalıntılarının insanlık tarihini aydınlatmadaki rollünü anlatmak için hazırlanmıştır. Bu bir arkeolojik hayvan kalıntılarının hikâyesinin başlangıcıdır.
Taxonomic over-splitting of extinct or endangered taxa, due to an incomplete knowledge of both sk... more Taxonomic over-splitting of extinct or endangered taxa, due to an incomplete knowledge of both skeletal morphological variability and the geographical ranges of past populations, continues to confuse the link between isolated extant populations and their ancestors. This is particularly problematic with the genus Equus. To more reliably determine the evolution and phylogeographic history of the endangered Asiatic wild ass, we studied the genetic diversity and interrelationships of both extinct and extant populations over the last 100,000 years, including samples throughout its previous range from Western Europe to Southwest and East Asia. Using 229 bp of the mitochondrial hypervariable region, an approach which
Maydos Kilisetepe Höyüğü’nde 2010 senesinden itibaren arkeolojik kazı çalışmaları Çanakkale Onsek... more Maydos Kilisetepe Höyüğü’nde 2010 senesinden itibaren arkeolojik kazı çalışmaları Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Arkeoloji Bölümü öğretim üyesi Göksel Sazcı başkanlığında devam etmektedir. Arkeozooloji çalışmaları ise 2012 senesinden beri Batman Üniversitesi Arkeoloji Bölümü öğretim üyesi
Can Yümni Gündem tarafından yürütülmektedir....
This study deals with animal bone remains (only mammals) from Troy I to III, the so-called the Ma... more This study deals with animal bone remains (only mammals) from Troy I to III, the so-called the Maritime Troy Culture (c. 3000 – 2000 BC, mainly the Early Bronze Age - EBA). The animal bone remains from the excavations reflect basically the red meat consumption of the ancient societies. The data of Troy were compared first of all within the settlement phases to observe the development of the livestock management. Another comparison of the livestock management with Troy’s neighbouring settlements and archaeological sites in West Anatolia should show the similarities or differences within a culture and between the cultures.
The classical methods of archaeozoology were applied to achieve the best results. The animal bone remains were identified according to the respective zoological species and were counted to estimate the proportions of the different domestic animals in the livestock. Bone remains were weighed in order to calculate their contribution to the meat consumption of the inhabitants. The measurable animal bone remains of all kinds were measured to observe the possible chronological developments. Then these results were used to draw conclusions of the domestic animals´ history. Bone remains of all species were classified according to their age distribution in order to determine the killing pattern of domestic animals, which reveals the economical role and the exploitation of the domestic animals.
The first two phases of Troy are very similar in the livestock management. However Troy III shows differences: Pigs were now the main meat suppliers instead of cattle. The reason could be related to the stress periods of the town. An increase of pig-breeding allowed the inhabitants to have an easier access to fresh meat. Sheep were the most kept domestic animals. The role of the sheep-breeding changed economically at the beginning of Troy II by the latest. An early race of Wool-sheep was introduced into the livestock. The archaeological findings are supporting this theory clearly. Hunting played no big role at the beginning of the settlement. This changed quite clearly with Troy II and further in Troy III. The animal bone remains are proving that more and more fallow deer were hunted and brought into the settlement. It is possible that they were used as sacrificial animal. This cult was practiced more clearly in the later phases of the town (TR VI & TR VIII).
The livestock management of all the settlements in the Troad draw an analogous picture. But the earlier settlement phases in Kumtepe (A and B)(earlier as Troy) prove that the pig-breeding has changed in the course of time: during the Early Copper Age period the farmers have kept less pig and with the EBA the proportion of pigs rises clearly in the livestock. This phenomenon could also be observed in Ulucak – Izmir. The reason might be the phenomenon of "Transhumance" groups. Both settlements were left after the Early Copper Age period and they were not used for awhile. The new settlers, at the Late Copper Age or the EBA, were possibly more sedentary, i.e. the pig-breeding was easier to practice.
The livestock management in West Anatolia revealed again a homogeneous picture, particularly in the EBA. Sheep made up the biggest portion of the livestock, except in Karataş-Semayük. However, cattle were the most important meat suppliers. The size of the domestic animals did not become any smaller after their domestication. The biggest differences were found in the wild fauna remains. The existence of wild Equids on the high plateau settlements and their absence on the cost settlements could be explained by the geographic, climatic and ecological differences.
The Maritime Troy Culture was followed by the Anatolian Troy Culture. The archaeological and the archaeozoological findings show that Troy III was not a comfortable period. There was a time of dry-climate in West Asian and the settlements there became smaller or were completely abandoned. It is to be expected that the emigrant people searched for new homes. This westward chain-reaction was possibly the reason of the demise of this era in Troy.
Der Fundort Küllüoba liegt in Nordwestanatolien in der Nähe der Stadt Eskişehir und wird seit 199... more Der Fundort Küllüoba liegt in Nordwestanatolien in der Nähe der Stadt Eskişehir und wird seit 1996 durch die Universität Istanbul, Abteilung Frühgeschichte und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, sowie durch das Museum in Eskişehir unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. T. Efe ausgegraben. Küllüoba ist ein prähistorischer Siedlungshügel. Das archäologische Fundgut stammt aus dem Spätchalkolithikum und der Frühbronzezeit (ca. 3300 bis 2000 v. Chr.). Alle drei Phasen der Frühbronzezeit (FB 1, FB 2 und FB 3) sind vorhanden.
Für diese Arbeit wurden die Knochenfunde aus Küllüoba untersucht und ausgewertet. In erster Linie werden die Wildtiere und die Haustiere vorgestellt, zum einen um zu zeigen, was gejagt wurde und welchen Beitrag die Jagd zur Fleischversorgung der Einwohner Küllüobas leistete, und zum anderen um darzustellen, welche Haustiere in Küllüoba gehalten und wie sie genutzt wurden.
Als nächstes werden die quantitativen Verhältnisse der Tierreste innerhalb der Phasen Küllüobas und mit anderen ausgewählten Fundstellen verglichen, um zu verstehen, wie die Einwohner Küllüobas in den verschiedenen Phasen und die Bewohner der Vergleichssiedlungen mit den Wildtieren und mit ihren Haustieren umgingen. Am Schluss wird der Autor mit Hilfe der Wildfauna versuchen, die Umgebung von Küllüoba in einer Rekonstruktion darzustellen.
Uzun Yürüyüş, Arkeolojik Hayvan Kalıntılarının Hikâyesi Arkeozooloji Bilimi Nedir?, 2020
Arkeoloji, günümüzde interdisipliner çalışmaların en yoğun yaşandığı bilim dallarından biridir. 2... more Arkeoloji, günümüzde interdisipliner çalışmaların en yoğun yaşandığı bilim dallarından biridir. 20. Yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren artık arkeolojinin yalnızca beyaz kâğıtlar üzerindeki siyah konturlara sahip mimari ve çanak çömlek çizimler olmadığı anlaşılmış ve insanların ellerindeki kapları ile bu yapı grupları içinde; nasıl yaşadıklarına, neler yediklerine, nasıl bir ekonomiye sahip olduklarına ve hatta nasıl bir doğanın içinde yaşadıklarını anlamaya da odaklanılmıştır. Arkeozooloji Bilimi de işte bu araştırma konularının merkezinde durmakta olan soruları aydınlatmak için devreye girer ve bunu kazılardan çıkarılan hayvan kalıntılarını incelerek yapar. Arkeozooloji Bilimi sayesinde, geçmiş insan toplulukların beslenme alışkanlıklarını, hayatta kalma stratejilerini, hayvana dayalı ekonomilerini, ritüellerini, doğal çevrelerini nasıl kendi avantajları için sömürdüklerini, vb. gibi konu başlıklarına cevaplar ararken, yukarda bahsedilen beyaz kâğıtlar üzerindeki yerleşim yerleri renklenmeye başlar. Arkeozooloji Bilimi, insanların bu topraklar üzerinde yürümeye başlamasıyla beraber gerçekleşen "doğa-insan-hayvanlar âlemi" üçlemesinin birbirine olan etkilerine ve etkileşimlerine odaklanmıştır. Bu kitap size, arkeolojik kazılardan gün yüzüne çıkarılan hayvan kemik kalıntılarının insanlık tarihini aydınlatmadaki rollünü anlatmak için hazırlanmıştır. Bu bir arkeolojik hayvan kalıntılarının hikâyesinin başlangıcıdır.
Taxonomic over-splitting of extinct or endangered taxa, due to an incomplete knowledge of both sk... more Taxonomic over-splitting of extinct or endangered taxa, due to an incomplete knowledge of both skeletal morphological variability and the geographical ranges of past populations, continues to confuse the link between isolated extant populations and their ancestors. This is particularly problematic with the genus Equus. To more reliably determine the evolution and phylogeographic history of the endangered Asiatic wild ass, we studied the genetic diversity and interrelationships of both extinct and extant populations over the last 100,000 years, including samples throughout its previous range from Western Europe to Southwest and East Asia. Using 229 bp of the mitochondrial hypervariable region, an approach which
Maydos Kilisetepe Höyüğü’nde 2010 senesinden itibaren arkeolojik kazı çalışmaları Çanakkale Onsek... more Maydos Kilisetepe Höyüğü’nde 2010 senesinden itibaren arkeolojik kazı çalışmaları Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Arkeoloji Bölümü öğretim üyesi Göksel Sazcı başkanlığında devam etmektedir. Arkeozooloji çalışmaları ise 2012 senesinden beri Batman Üniversitesi Arkeoloji Bölümü öğretim üyesi
Can Yümni Gündem tarafından yürütülmektedir....
This study deals with animal bone remains (only mammals) from Troy I to III, the so-called the Ma... more This study deals with animal bone remains (only mammals) from Troy I to III, the so-called the Maritime Troy Culture (c. 3000 – 2000 BC, mainly the Early Bronze Age - EBA). The animal bone remains from the excavations reflect basically the red meat consumption of the ancient societies. The data of Troy were compared first of all within the settlement phases to observe the development of the livestock management. Another comparison of the livestock management with Troy’s neighbouring settlements and archaeological sites in West Anatolia should show the similarities or differences within a culture and between the cultures.
The classical methods of archaeozoology were applied to achieve the best results. The animal bone remains were identified according to the respective zoological species and were counted to estimate the proportions of the different domestic animals in the livestock. Bone remains were weighed in order to calculate their contribution to the meat consumption of the inhabitants. The measurable animal bone remains of all kinds were measured to observe the possible chronological developments. Then these results were used to draw conclusions of the domestic animals´ history. Bone remains of all species were classified according to their age distribution in order to determine the killing pattern of domestic animals, which reveals the economical role and the exploitation of the domestic animals.
The first two phases of Troy are very similar in the livestock management. However Troy III shows differences: Pigs were now the main meat suppliers instead of cattle. The reason could be related to the stress periods of the town. An increase of pig-breeding allowed the inhabitants to have an easier access to fresh meat. Sheep were the most kept domestic animals. The role of the sheep-breeding changed economically at the beginning of Troy II by the latest. An early race of Wool-sheep was introduced into the livestock. The archaeological findings are supporting this theory clearly. Hunting played no big role at the beginning of the settlement. This changed quite clearly with Troy II and further in Troy III. The animal bone remains are proving that more and more fallow deer were hunted and brought into the settlement. It is possible that they were used as sacrificial animal. This cult was practiced more clearly in the later phases of the town (TR VI & TR VIII).
The livestock management of all the settlements in the Troad draw an analogous picture. But the earlier settlement phases in Kumtepe (A and B)(earlier as Troy) prove that the pig-breeding has changed in the course of time: during the Early Copper Age period the farmers have kept less pig and with the EBA the proportion of pigs rises clearly in the livestock. This phenomenon could also be observed in Ulucak – Izmir. The reason might be the phenomenon of "Transhumance" groups. Both settlements were left after the Early Copper Age period and they were not used for awhile. The new settlers, at the Late Copper Age or the EBA, were possibly more sedentary, i.e. the pig-breeding was easier to practice.
The livestock management in West Anatolia revealed again a homogeneous picture, particularly in the EBA. Sheep made up the biggest portion of the livestock, except in Karataş-Semayük. However, cattle were the most important meat suppliers. The size of the domestic animals did not become any smaller after their domestication. The biggest differences were found in the wild fauna remains. The existence of wild Equids on the high plateau settlements and their absence on the cost settlements could be explained by the geographic, climatic and ecological differences.
The Maritime Troy Culture was followed by the Anatolian Troy Culture. The archaeological and the archaeozoological findings show that Troy III was not a comfortable period. There was a time of dry-climate in West Asian and the settlements there became smaller or were completely abandoned. It is to be expected that the emigrant people searched for new homes. This westward chain-reaction was possibly the reason of the demise of this era in Troy.
Der Fundort Küllüoba liegt in Nordwestanatolien in der Nähe der Stadt Eskişehir und wird seit 199... more Der Fundort Küllüoba liegt in Nordwestanatolien in der Nähe der Stadt Eskişehir und wird seit 1996 durch die Universität Istanbul, Abteilung Frühgeschichte und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, sowie durch das Museum in Eskişehir unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. T. Efe ausgegraben. Küllüoba ist ein prähistorischer Siedlungshügel. Das archäologische Fundgut stammt aus dem Spätchalkolithikum und der Frühbronzezeit (ca. 3300 bis 2000 v. Chr.). Alle drei Phasen der Frühbronzezeit (FB 1, FB 2 und FB 3) sind vorhanden.
Für diese Arbeit wurden die Knochenfunde aus Küllüoba untersucht und ausgewertet. In erster Linie werden die Wildtiere und die Haustiere vorgestellt, zum einen um zu zeigen, was gejagt wurde und welchen Beitrag die Jagd zur Fleischversorgung der Einwohner Küllüobas leistete, und zum anderen um darzustellen, welche Haustiere in Küllüoba gehalten und wie sie genutzt wurden.
Als nächstes werden die quantitativen Verhältnisse der Tierreste innerhalb der Phasen Küllüobas und mit anderen ausgewählten Fundstellen verglichen, um zu verstehen, wie die Einwohner Küllüobas in den verschiedenen Phasen und die Bewohner der Vergleichssiedlungen mit den Wildtieren und mit ihren Haustieren umgingen. Am Schluss wird der Autor mit Hilfe der Wildfauna versuchen, die Umgebung von Küllüoba in einer Rekonstruktion darzustellen.