G. Caravello - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by G. Caravello
Bolletino di zoologia, 1986
... F. LE MOLI, A. MORI Parentela e convivenza nel contesto sociobiologico della selezione di gru... more ... F. LE MOLI, A. MORI Parentela e convivenza nel contesto sociobiologico della selezione di gruppo in insetti eusociali * Istituto di Zoologia, Università di Parma Primaria esigenza del fondamento ... Istituto di Fisiologia Generale e Speciale Veterinaria e Chi-mica Biologica, Torino. ...
After some considerations on the negative effects of corrosion and incrustration, the paper prese... more After some considerations on the negative effects of corrosion and incrustration, the paper presents the effects of the magnetic fields in the aim to avoid these phenomena. Moreover, it has been observed a biocide action in comparison with the bacteria ; in particular, to this purpose, a research has been carried out on a equipment supplied from Technoaque. This paper can be considered as an updating of the paper publied April 1995 on this subject.
Journal of …, 2006
... to phenomenon of anoxia in the pedosphere (Newesely, 1989; Cernusca et al., 1990; Cer-nusca, ... more ... to phenomenon of anoxia in the pedosphere (Newesely, 1989; Cernusca et al., 1990; Cer-nusca, 1986; Cernusca, 1987; Cernusca, 1987a; Newesely, Cernusca & Bodner, 1994; Hünerwadel & Rüsch, 1982; Kammer & Hegg, 1990; Holaus & Partl, 1994; Serafin, Chiesura & ...
The presentation of material in this document and the geographical designations employed do not i... more The presentation of material in this document and the geographical designations employed do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of any of the agencies involved, concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Antropo, 2013
Il presente studio ha utilizzato le distribuzioni dei cognomi in diciotto comuni posti nell�area ... more Il presente studio ha utilizzato le distribuzioni dei cognomi in diciotto comuni posti nell�area di confine italo-sloveno, esattamente tre valli del Friuli (Val Resia, Alta Valle del Torre, Valli del Natisone) e una parte della Valle dell�Isonzo. In tutti questi comuni si parlano dialetti sloveni. Tali dati hanno permesso di ricavare un indice di similarita ecologica come analisi fondamentale, inoltre le distribuzioni dei cognomi sono state impiegate per determinare la diversita delle popolazioni comunali sulla base di un altro indice ecologico. Nel passato, soprattutto durante il XIX secolo, nei piccoli e isolati centri delle valli friulane come quelle del Natisone si e risentito di un effetto di italianizzazione di numerosi cognomi, che erano in realta sloveni, ad opera dei parroci italofoni che vi prestavano il servizio pastorale. Al fine di evidenziare le relazioni esistenti tra le comunita considerate e gli effetti della presenza sul territorio di portatori di cognomi di origine slovena, sono stati effettuati due tipi di confronti: il primo considera le similarita tra le popolazioni usando i cognomi come oggi sono registrati negli elenchi telefonici italiani e sloveni; il secondo ricalcolando le similarita tra popolazioni dopo avere riportato nella loro forma originaria slovena quei cognomi che attualmente sono scritti con la grafia italiana. La separazione in funzione della nazionalita di appartenenza emerge in entrambi, pero nel secondo confronto si osserva una minore coesione tra i comuni delle Valli del Natisone. L�appartenenza a entita culturali che si identificano con dialetti diversi svolge un ruolo secondario nelle relazioni tra le popolazioni comunali, rispetto alla geografia del territorio, agli eventi storici e agli aspetti socioeconomici.
Journal of Biosocial Science, 2006
Summary.The present paper seeks to analyse the spatial distribution of surnames in the province o... more Summary.The present paper seeks to analyse the spatial distribution of surnames in the province of Belluno in the Italian Alps, and describes the internal mobility of the population taking into consideration one of the most important and ancient roads in the area. The study is based on the analysis of the similarity of the frequencies of some autochthonous surnames depending on their geographical distance apart. The population considered turned out to be basically sedentary. When forced to migrate, the population preferred to go far from their homeland rather than inside the area: this happened probably because the opportunities that the province of Belluno could offer were quite scarce throughout the whole territory, and people hoped to improve their economic situation by going abroad.
Human Biology, 2011
Population surname structure in northeastern Italy municipalities, in which small Slovenian-speak... more Population surname structure in northeastern Italy municipalities, in which small Slovenian-speaking groups are present, are compared with neighboring populations of both Italian and Slovenian nationality. In the early 20th century those municipalities were part of the Italian territory and underwent a massive Italianization process that led to the mutation of the original Slovenian surnames into a derived Italian form. In order to track surname relationships among the examined communities, two different similarity analyses were performed: the first using the surnames as they are recorded in the Italian and Slovenian official telephone directories, and the second restoring the Italianized Slovenian surnames to their original form and then recalculating the populations' similarity. Both comparisons evidence a separation that depends on nationality, which is less marked after restoring surnames to their original form. Geographical elements, older historical events, and socioeconomic traits allow interpretation of these results.
Anthropologischer Anzeiger, 2009
This paper aims at analysing the distribution of surnames over the Alto Adige-Südtirol, which is ... more This paper aims at analysing the distribution of surnames over the Alto Adige-Südtirol, which is an Italian alpine sub-region coinciding with the province of Bolzano-Bozen. Two thirds of the Alto Adige-Südtirol inhabitants are German mother-tongue, whereas the remaining one third is Italian mother-tongue. There is also a minority represented by Ladin-speaking people. Analyses were carried out using a similarity index between different populations, resulting from heads of family surnames distribution over the area. The specificity of the most frequent surnames was also studied. Mapping of surnames took place at municipality level. Municipality populations were grouped according to their valley of residence and territorial geologic and morphological features. The results were interpreted also in the light of historical events and the presence of specific languages or dialects. The geographic neighbourhood, the geo-morphological features of the territory and the easy individual mobility are the main elements for the relations among people living in the valleys of Alto Adige-Südtirol. The ancient ethno-historical substratum is detectable in the spread of the specific languages and dialects, nevertheless it does not play a discriminative role in the above mentioned relations. The socio-economic factors have contributed both to root the autochthonous people in certain places and to modify the structure of surnames in some valleys.
American Journal of Human Biology, 2002
This study used surnames collected in 12 municipalities of Sulcis, a historic-geographical region... more This study used surnames collected in 12 municipalities of Sulcis, a historic-geographical region located in southwest Sardinia (Italy). An ecological index of similarity was drawn as the main analysis. The distribution of surnames was also used to determine the diversity of municipality populations by using another ecological index. Two municipalities have a high percentage of Genoese surnames and this element reflects a specific history and culture, different from other Sardinian localities. These peculiarities are evident in the topological representation, which graphically emphasizes the links between the populations studied. Two other municipalities can be distinguished from the remaining eight. Above all, historical, socioeconomic, cultural, and geographic considerations are useful in the appropriate interpretation of the results. Am.
American Journal of Human Biology, 2005
In order to obtain a better understanding of the genetic structure of the Azorean population, a s... more In order to obtain a better understanding of the genetic structure of the Azorean population, a specificity and spatial distribution analysis was performed, based on 2,454 different surnames present in the Azorean telephone directory (2002). We considered as specific surnames those with an absolute frequency ratio equal to or higher than 50%. The results revealed 51 specific surnames in the whole archipelago. The smallest island presents the only surname with 100% specificity (Pedras). In addition, São Miguel island, which contains 54% of the Azorean population, has the highest number of specific surnames (25 specific surnames). The spatial distribution analysis was used to detect genetic similarity between municipalities through the calculation of spatial autocorrelation (Moran's I coefficient). Of 240 surnames included in the analysis, 113 showed statistically significant patterns. Five different patterns were obtained, of which the most relevant was isolation by distance and depression (41.6%). However, 43.4% had no defined pattern. The overall correlogram shows a majority of positive values for distances lower than 49 km and between 269-309 km, indicating high similarity between closer municipalities and between distant municipalities whose populations show historic and sociocultural affinities. In conclusion, our data are in agreement with the historical background of the Azorean population. Am.
American Journal of Human Biology, 1999
The internal mobility of the population of the province of Lecco (Lombardy, Italy) was evaluated ... more The internal mobility of the population of the province of Lecco (Lombardy, Italy) was evaluated on the basis of the frequency of characteristic surnames in three territorial areas as a function of their geographical distance. Nearly three fourths of the patterns are statistically significant in one of the three areas, where the process of diffusion of surnames could be interpreted as due to socioeconomic factors. On the contrary, a similar distribution is less evident in the other two areas of the same territory. Am. J.
International Journal of Anthropology, 2005
Surname distributions and linguistic-cultural identities in the Alto Adige-Siidtirol Area In this... more Surname distributions and linguistic-cultural identities in the Alto Adige-Siidtirol Area In this survey we have carried out a comparison of the surname structures of the municipal populations living in the Alto Adige-Siidtirol area, an Italian Alpine sub-region with a high number of German-speaking inhabitants. These analyses have been conducted by means of indeces of similarity among populations and the topological representations deriving from these; in addition, the concept of spatial autocorrelation has been applied to a certain number of centres distributed throughout the province. On the whole, it is possible to observe certain distinctions based on the geographical features of the territory, with particular reference to the larger valleys; however, within the context of the latter, certain migrations that could have brought about changes in some of the autochthonous surname structures are likely to have occured.
Journal of Biosocial Science, 2007
This paper compares the structures of the surnames of 75 municipal populations living in six nort... more This paper compares the structures of the surnames of 75 municipal populations living in six north-western Mediterranean regions. Its purpose is to unravel the relations between the local populations in Corsica and Sardinia and the links between these populations and those living in the Italian and French continental territory. On the basis of the matrix of similarity of surnames, some topological representations have been drafted showing the above-mentioned relations between populations under the light of their geographical position, their recent history and studies of genetic analysis. Corsica has an eterogeneous surname structure and evident similarity of the north with Tuscany and some centres of continental France. When only the populations of Sardinia were taken into consideration, it emerged that they differ among each other in relation to their geographical position and their history; when, instead, they were considered in relation to other populations outside the island, it was possible to observe that they form a highly different cluster. This study also identified many differences in the analysed geographical areas of Sardinia. In the minor islands - Elba, Giglio, Capraia - the structure of the surnames has a Tuscan origin as well as some similarity with other geographically distant areas, as in the case of the island of Giglio, if compared with some communities of Liguria.
Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 2014
Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) National Park (SNP) of Nepal is a popular international eco-touristic de... more Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) National Park (SNP) of Nepal is a popular international eco-touristic destination. In the last few years, tourist flow has increased tremendously generating anthropogenic pressure on natural environment. Generation of huge solid waste, open defecation and poor septic tank condition of toilets have been considered as the major sources of pollution to water bodies in the area. Heavy metals, such as cadmium, copper, lead, chromium and mercury, are important environmental pollutants, particularly in areas with high anthropogenic pressure. Their presence in the atmosphere, soil and water, even in traces can cause serious problems to all organisms, and heavy metal bioaccumulation in the food chain especially can be highly dangerous to human health. Heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Mn, Fe and Zn) and metals (Na, Mg) were analyzed. Thirty nine (13 samples in each year) water samples were collected from river and springs to assess the water quality in the SNP and its buffer zone. Water quality in the SNP has been found degraded in terms of heavy metals; particularly Na and Mg contents were found higher when compared with the earlier report. Iron content in 46% samples was found more than WHO and Nepalese standard for drinking water. The river water quality in general still stands good in terms of standard for drinking water (WHO, Nepal standard) however degradation process has accelerated.
Bolletino di zoologia, 1986
... F. LE MOLI, A. MORI Parentela e convivenza nel contesto sociobiologico della selezione di gru... more ... F. LE MOLI, A. MORI Parentela e convivenza nel contesto sociobiologico della selezione di gruppo in insetti eusociali * Istituto di Zoologia, Università di Parma Primaria esigenza del fondamento ... Istituto di Fisiologia Generale e Speciale Veterinaria e Chi-mica Biologica, Torino. ...
After some considerations on the negative effects of corrosion and incrustration, the paper prese... more After some considerations on the negative effects of corrosion and incrustration, the paper presents the effects of the magnetic fields in the aim to avoid these phenomena. Moreover, it has been observed a biocide action in comparison with the bacteria ; in particular, to this purpose, a research has been carried out on a equipment supplied from Technoaque. This paper can be considered as an updating of the paper publied April 1995 on this subject.
Journal of …, 2006
... to phenomenon of anoxia in the pedosphere (Newesely, 1989; Cernusca et al., 1990; Cer-nusca, ... more ... to phenomenon of anoxia in the pedosphere (Newesely, 1989; Cernusca et al., 1990; Cer-nusca, 1986; Cernusca, 1987; Cernusca, 1987a; Newesely, Cernusca & Bodner, 1994; Hünerwadel & Rüsch, 1982; Kammer & Hegg, 1990; Holaus & Partl, 1994; Serafin, Chiesura & ...
The presentation of material in this document and the geographical designations employed do not i... more The presentation of material in this document and the geographical designations employed do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of any of the agencies involved, concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Antropo, 2013
Il presente studio ha utilizzato le distribuzioni dei cognomi in diciotto comuni posti nell�area ... more Il presente studio ha utilizzato le distribuzioni dei cognomi in diciotto comuni posti nell�area di confine italo-sloveno, esattamente tre valli del Friuli (Val Resia, Alta Valle del Torre, Valli del Natisone) e una parte della Valle dell�Isonzo. In tutti questi comuni si parlano dialetti sloveni. Tali dati hanno permesso di ricavare un indice di similarita ecologica come analisi fondamentale, inoltre le distribuzioni dei cognomi sono state impiegate per determinare la diversita delle popolazioni comunali sulla base di un altro indice ecologico. Nel passato, soprattutto durante il XIX secolo, nei piccoli e isolati centri delle valli friulane come quelle del Natisone si e risentito di un effetto di italianizzazione di numerosi cognomi, che erano in realta sloveni, ad opera dei parroci italofoni che vi prestavano il servizio pastorale. Al fine di evidenziare le relazioni esistenti tra le comunita considerate e gli effetti della presenza sul territorio di portatori di cognomi di origine slovena, sono stati effettuati due tipi di confronti: il primo considera le similarita tra le popolazioni usando i cognomi come oggi sono registrati negli elenchi telefonici italiani e sloveni; il secondo ricalcolando le similarita tra popolazioni dopo avere riportato nella loro forma originaria slovena quei cognomi che attualmente sono scritti con la grafia italiana. La separazione in funzione della nazionalita di appartenenza emerge in entrambi, pero nel secondo confronto si osserva una minore coesione tra i comuni delle Valli del Natisone. L�appartenenza a entita culturali che si identificano con dialetti diversi svolge un ruolo secondario nelle relazioni tra le popolazioni comunali, rispetto alla geografia del territorio, agli eventi storici e agli aspetti socioeconomici.
Journal of Biosocial Science, 2006
Summary.The present paper seeks to analyse the spatial distribution of surnames in the province o... more Summary.The present paper seeks to analyse the spatial distribution of surnames in the province of Belluno in the Italian Alps, and describes the internal mobility of the population taking into consideration one of the most important and ancient roads in the area. The study is based on the analysis of the similarity of the frequencies of some autochthonous surnames depending on their geographical distance apart. The population considered turned out to be basically sedentary. When forced to migrate, the population preferred to go far from their homeland rather than inside the area: this happened probably because the opportunities that the province of Belluno could offer were quite scarce throughout the whole territory, and people hoped to improve their economic situation by going abroad.
Human Biology, 2011
Population surname structure in northeastern Italy municipalities, in which small Slovenian-speak... more Population surname structure in northeastern Italy municipalities, in which small Slovenian-speaking groups are present, are compared with neighboring populations of both Italian and Slovenian nationality. In the early 20th century those municipalities were part of the Italian territory and underwent a massive Italianization process that led to the mutation of the original Slovenian surnames into a derived Italian form. In order to track surname relationships among the examined communities, two different similarity analyses were performed: the first using the surnames as they are recorded in the Italian and Slovenian official telephone directories, and the second restoring the Italianized Slovenian surnames to their original form and then recalculating the populations' similarity. Both comparisons evidence a separation that depends on nationality, which is less marked after restoring surnames to their original form. Geographical elements, older historical events, and socioeconomic traits allow interpretation of these results.
Anthropologischer Anzeiger, 2009
This paper aims at analysing the distribution of surnames over the Alto Adige-Südtirol, which is ... more This paper aims at analysing the distribution of surnames over the Alto Adige-Südtirol, which is an Italian alpine sub-region coinciding with the province of Bolzano-Bozen. Two thirds of the Alto Adige-Südtirol inhabitants are German mother-tongue, whereas the remaining one third is Italian mother-tongue. There is also a minority represented by Ladin-speaking people. Analyses were carried out using a similarity index between different populations, resulting from heads of family surnames distribution over the area. The specificity of the most frequent surnames was also studied. Mapping of surnames took place at municipality level. Municipality populations were grouped according to their valley of residence and territorial geologic and morphological features. The results were interpreted also in the light of historical events and the presence of specific languages or dialects. The geographic neighbourhood, the geo-morphological features of the territory and the easy individual mobility are the main elements for the relations among people living in the valleys of Alto Adige-Südtirol. The ancient ethno-historical substratum is detectable in the spread of the specific languages and dialects, nevertheless it does not play a discriminative role in the above mentioned relations. The socio-economic factors have contributed both to root the autochthonous people in certain places and to modify the structure of surnames in some valleys.
American Journal of Human Biology, 2002
This study used surnames collected in 12 municipalities of Sulcis, a historic-geographical region... more This study used surnames collected in 12 municipalities of Sulcis, a historic-geographical region located in southwest Sardinia (Italy). An ecological index of similarity was drawn as the main analysis. The distribution of surnames was also used to determine the diversity of municipality populations by using another ecological index. Two municipalities have a high percentage of Genoese surnames and this element reflects a specific history and culture, different from other Sardinian localities. These peculiarities are evident in the topological representation, which graphically emphasizes the links between the populations studied. Two other municipalities can be distinguished from the remaining eight. Above all, historical, socioeconomic, cultural, and geographic considerations are useful in the appropriate interpretation of the results. Am.
American Journal of Human Biology, 2005
In order to obtain a better understanding of the genetic structure of the Azorean population, a s... more In order to obtain a better understanding of the genetic structure of the Azorean population, a specificity and spatial distribution analysis was performed, based on 2,454 different surnames present in the Azorean telephone directory (2002). We considered as specific surnames those with an absolute frequency ratio equal to or higher than 50%. The results revealed 51 specific surnames in the whole archipelago. The smallest island presents the only surname with 100% specificity (Pedras). In addition, São Miguel island, which contains 54% of the Azorean population, has the highest number of specific surnames (25 specific surnames). The spatial distribution analysis was used to detect genetic similarity between municipalities through the calculation of spatial autocorrelation (Moran's I coefficient). Of 240 surnames included in the analysis, 113 showed statistically significant patterns. Five different patterns were obtained, of which the most relevant was isolation by distance and depression (41.6%). However, 43.4% had no defined pattern. The overall correlogram shows a majority of positive values for distances lower than 49 km and between 269-309 km, indicating high similarity between closer municipalities and between distant municipalities whose populations show historic and sociocultural affinities. In conclusion, our data are in agreement with the historical background of the Azorean population. Am.
American Journal of Human Biology, 1999
The internal mobility of the population of the province of Lecco (Lombardy, Italy) was evaluated ... more The internal mobility of the population of the province of Lecco (Lombardy, Italy) was evaluated on the basis of the frequency of characteristic surnames in three territorial areas as a function of their geographical distance. Nearly three fourths of the patterns are statistically significant in one of the three areas, where the process of diffusion of surnames could be interpreted as due to socioeconomic factors. On the contrary, a similar distribution is less evident in the other two areas of the same territory. Am. J.
International Journal of Anthropology, 2005
Surname distributions and linguistic-cultural identities in the Alto Adige-Siidtirol Area In this... more Surname distributions and linguistic-cultural identities in the Alto Adige-Siidtirol Area In this survey we have carried out a comparison of the surname structures of the municipal populations living in the Alto Adige-Siidtirol area, an Italian Alpine sub-region with a high number of German-speaking inhabitants. These analyses have been conducted by means of indeces of similarity among populations and the topological representations deriving from these; in addition, the concept of spatial autocorrelation has been applied to a certain number of centres distributed throughout the province. On the whole, it is possible to observe certain distinctions based on the geographical features of the territory, with particular reference to the larger valleys; however, within the context of the latter, certain migrations that could have brought about changes in some of the autochthonous surname structures are likely to have occured.
Journal of Biosocial Science, 2007
This paper compares the structures of the surnames of 75 municipal populations living in six nort... more This paper compares the structures of the surnames of 75 municipal populations living in six north-western Mediterranean regions. Its purpose is to unravel the relations between the local populations in Corsica and Sardinia and the links between these populations and those living in the Italian and French continental territory. On the basis of the matrix of similarity of surnames, some topological representations have been drafted showing the above-mentioned relations between populations under the light of their geographical position, their recent history and studies of genetic analysis. Corsica has an eterogeneous surname structure and evident similarity of the north with Tuscany and some centres of continental France. When only the populations of Sardinia were taken into consideration, it emerged that they differ among each other in relation to their geographical position and their history; when, instead, they were considered in relation to other populations outside the island, it was possible to observe that they form a highly different cluster. This study also identified many differences in the analysed geographical areas of Sardinia. In the minor islands - Elba, Giglio, Capraia - the structure of the surnames has a Tuscan origin as well as some similarity with other geographically distant areas, as in the case of the island of Giglio, if compared with some communities of Liguria.
Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 2014
Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) National Park (SNP) of Nepal is a popular international eco-touristic de... more Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) National Park (SNP) of Nepal is a popular international eco-touristic destination. In the last few years, tourist flow has increased tremendously generating anthropogenic pressure on natural environment. Generation of huge solid waste, open defecation and poor septic tank condition of toilets have been considered as the major sources of pollution to water bodies in the area. Heavy metals, such as cadmium, copper, lead, chromium and mercury, are important environmental pollutants, particularly in areas with high anthropogenic pressure. Their presence in the atmosphere, soil and water, even in traces can cause serious problems to all organisms, and heavy metal bioaccumulation in the food chain especially can be highly dangerous to human health. Heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Mn, Fe and Zn) and metals (Na, Mg) were analyzed. Thirty nine (13 samples in each year) water samples were collected from river and springs to assess the water quality in the SNP and its buffer zone. Water quality in the SNP has been found degraded in terms of heavy metals; particularly Na and Mg contents were found higher when compared with the earlier report. Iron content in 46% samples was found more than WHO and Nepalese standard for drinking water. The river water quality in general still stands good in terms of standard for drinking water (WHO, Nepal standard) however degradation process has accelerated.