Steven Carey - (original) (raw)

Papers by Steven Carey

Research paper thumbnail of Caribbean Volcanism, Cretaceous/Tertiary Impact, and Ocean-Climate History: Synthesis of Leg 165

Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of magma withdrawal on compositional gradients during the AD 79 Vesuvius eruption

Nature, 1990

... been used as indicators of pre-eruptive chemical gradients in magma chambers and of processes... more ... been used as indicators of pre-eruptive chemical gradients in magma chambers and of processes leading to compositional stratification 1,2 . Theoretical studies of the fluid dynamics of magma withdrawal from stratified chambers have shown ... 5. Blake, S. & Ivey, GN J. Volcan. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Downward-propagating eruption following vent unloading implies no direct magmatic trigger for the 2018 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Carbonate crusts around volcanic islands: Composition, origin and their significance in slope stability

Marine Geology, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of The polygenetic Kahouanne Seamounts in the northern Lesser Antilles island arc: Evidence for large-scale volcanic island subsidence

Marine Geology, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling of the tsunami from the December 22, 2018 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano in the Sunda Straits, Indonesia

Scientific Reports, 2019

On Dec. 22, 2018, at approximately 20:55–57 local time, Anak Krakatau volcano, located in the Sun... more On Dec. 22, 2018, at approximately 20:55–57 local time, Anak Krakatau volcano, located in the Sunda Straits of Indonesia, experienced a major lateral collapse during a period of eruptive activity that began in June. The collapse discharged volcaniclastic material into the 250 m deep caldera southwest of the volcano, which generated a tsunami with runups of up to 13 m on the adjacent coasts of Sumatra and Java. The tsunami caused at least 437 fatalities, the greatest number from a volcanically-induced tsunami since the catastrophic explosive eruption of Krakatau in 1883 and the sector collapse of Ritter Island in 1888. For the first time in over 100 years, the 2018 Anak Krakatau event provides an opportunity to study a major volcanically-generated tsunami that caused widespread loss of life and significant damage. Here, we present numerical simulations of the tsunami, with state-of the-art numerical models, based on a combined landslide-source and bathymetric dataset. We constrain th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Post-eruptive flooding of Santorini caldera and implications for tsunami generation

Nature Communications, 2016

Caldera-forming eruptions of island volcanoes generate tsunamis by the interaction of different e... more Caldera-forming eruptions of island volcanoes generate tsunamis by the interaction of different eruptive phenomena with the sea. Such tsunamis are a major hazard, but forward models of their impacts are limited by poor understanding of source mechanisms. The caldera-forming eruption of Santorini in the Late Bronze Age is known to have been tsunamigenic, and caldera collapse has been proposed as a mechanism. Here, we present bathymetric and seismic evidence showing that the caldera was not open to the sea during the main phase of the eruption, but was flooded once the eruption had finished. Inflow of water and associated landsliding cut a deep, 2.0–2.5 km3, submarine channel, thus filling the caldera in less than a couple of days. If, as at most such volcanoes, caldera collapse occurred syn-eruptively, then it cannot have generated tsunamis. Entry of pyroclastic flows into the sea, combined with slumping of submarine pyroclastic accumulations, were the main mechanisms of tsunami prod...

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Research paper thumbnail of POSTER PRESENTATION THALATTA 2012, 22-23 September 2012, Santorini, Greece

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Research paper thumbnail of 1891 Submarine eruption of Foerstner volcano (Pantelleria, Sicily): insights into the vent structure of basaltic balloon eruptions

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Research paper thumbnail of Flank instability assessment at Kick-’em-Jenny submarine volcano (Grenada, Lesser Antilles): a multidisciplinary approach using experiments and modeling

Bulletin of Volcanology, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Marine Investigations of Greece\u27s Santorini Volcanic Field

The most recent major explosive eruption of the Santorini volcano in Greece—around 3600 years bef... more The most recent major explosive eruption of the Santorini volcano in Greece—around 3600 years before present (B.P.), often referred to as the Minoan eruption—is one of the largest volcanic events known in historical time and has been the subject of intense volcanological and archeological studies [Druitt et al., 1999]. The submarine volcano Kolumbo, located seven kilometers northeast of Santorini and associated with Santorini\u27s tectonic system, erupted explosively in 1650 A.D., resulting in fatalities on the island of Thera [Fouqué, 1879]. A large fraction of the erupted products from the Minoan eruption has been deposited in the sea but, up to now, only has been studied in distal marine sediments. As part of a collaborative project between the University of Rhode Island (Narragansett), the Hellenic Centre of Marine Research (Athens, Greece), and the Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (Athens), a marine geological survey was conducted around Santorini from April to June...

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Research paper thumbnail of (Table 1) Total carbonate content of ODP Leg 134 samples, supplement to: Reid, R Pamela; Carey, Steven N; Staerker, Thomas Scott; Ask, Maria VS (1994): Sedimentology of the collision zone between the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge and New Hebrides Island Arc (Sites 827, 828, and 829). In: Green, HG;...

Depositional processes in the collision zone between the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge (NDR) an... more Depositional processes in the collision zone between the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge (NDR) and the New Hebrides Island Arc were investigated in post-cruise analyses of sediment and nannofossils from Sites 827, 828, and 829. Reexamination of cores and analysis of grain size, turbidite frequency, carbonate content, and clay mineralogy, together with new nannofossil age determinations, were used to revise shipboard lithostratigraphies and interpret the sedimentologic history recorded at each site.The results of our analyses show that sedimentation on the inner trench slope and the impinging NDR has been significantly affected by the collision process. Uplift associated with subduction of the NDR beneath the New Hebrides Island Arc resulted in the emergence of Espiritu Santo Island and created a robust source of epiclastic sediment for the forearc area. Distribution of this material into deeper water has been modulated by Pleistocene sea level changes, which have influenced the freq...

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydrothermal oxide and nontronite deposits at Seamount 3, Wolf-Darwin lineament, Galapagos Archipelago, Ecuador

An unusual deposit of Fe-rich hydrothermal nontronite was recovered by remotely operated vehicle ... more An unusual deposit of Fe-rich hydrothermal nontronite was recovered by remotely operated vehicle (ROV) from Seamount 3 of the Wolf-Darwin lineament, Galapagos Marine Reserve. X-ray diffraction, ICP-MS/ICP-AES, and SEM-EDS analyses show that this deposit is chemically and mineralogically similar to other deep-sea hydrothermal nontronites, indicating a formation temperature of about 30o to 50o Celsius. These Fe-Si-oxides and Fe-rich Al-poor nontronite deposits contain about 38-51 weight % SiO2 and 40-50 weight % Fe2O3. Although hydrothermal nontronite has been sampled at a number of sites by coring and dredging, this is the first in situ documentation of its sinuous, tubular structure on the seafloor. Imageanalysis of ROV imagery suggests that this unusual pattern might be controlled by fluid pathways in the underlying pillow lavas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the “Sharkcano”: Biogeochemical Observations of the Kavachi Submarine Volcano (Solomon Islands)

Oceanography, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydrothermal venting and mineralization in the crater of Kick'em Jenny submarine volcano, Grenada (Lesser Antilles)

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Processes of volcaniclastic sedimentation during the early growth stages of Gran Canaria based on sediments from Site 953

Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, 157 Scientific Results, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping of a debris Avalanche Offshore Santorini Volcano

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring Submarine Arc Volcanoes

Oceanography, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Tsunami hazard risk of a future volcanic eruption of Kolumbo submarine volcano, NE of Santorini Caldera, Greece

Natural Hazards, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated volcanologic and petrologic analysis of the 1650AD eruption of Kolumbo submarine volcano, Greece

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Caribbean Volcanism, Cretaceous/Tertiary Impact, and Ocean-Climate History: Synthesis of Leg 165

Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of magma withdrawal on compositional gradients during the AD 79 Vesuvius eruption

Nature, 1990

... been used as indicators of pre-eruptive chemical gradients in magma chambers and of processes... more ... been used as indicators of pre-eruptive chemical gradients in magma chambers and of processes leading to compositional stratification 1,2 . Theoretical studies of the fluid dynamics of magma withdrawal from stratified chambers have shown ... 5. Blake, S. & Ivey, GN J. Volcan. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Downward-propagating eruption following vent unloading implies no direct magmatic trigger for the 2018 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Carbonate crusts around volcanic islands: Composition, origin and their significance in slope stability

Marine Geology, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of The polygenetic Kahouanne Seamounts in the northern Lesser Antilles island arc: Evidence for large-scale volcanic island subsidence

Marine Geology, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Modelling of the tsunami from the December 22, 2018 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano in the Sunda Straits, Indonesia

Scientific Reports, 2019

On Dec. 22, 2018, at approximately 20:55–57 local time, Anak Krakatau volcano, located in the Sun... more On Dec. 22, 2018, at approximately 20:55–57 local time, Anak Krakatau volcano, located in the Sunda Straits of Indonesia, experienced a major lateral collapse during a period of eruptive activity that began in June. The collapse discharged volcaniclastic material into the 250 m deep caldera southwest of the volcano, which generated a tsunami with runups of up to 13 m on the adjacent coasts of Sumatra and Java. The tsunami caused at least 437 fatalities, the greatest number from a volcanically-induced tsunami since the catastrophic explosive eruption of Krakatau in 1883 and the sector collapse of Ritter Island in 1888. For the first time in over 100 years, the 2018 Anak Krakatau event provides an opportunity to study a major volcanically-generated tsunami that caused widespread loss of life and significant damage. Here, we present numerical simulations of the tsunami, with state-of the-art numerical models, based on a combined landslide-source and bathymetric dataset. We constrain th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Post-eruptive flooding of Santorini caldera and implications for tsunami generation

Nature Communications, 2016

Caldera-forming eruptions of island volcanoes generate tsunamis by the interaction of different e... more Caldera-forming eruptions of island volcanoes generate tsunamis by the interaction of different eruptive phenomena with the sea. Such tsunamis are a major hazard, but forward models of their impacts are limited by poor understanding of source mechanisms. The caldera-forming eruption of Santorini in the Late Bronze Age is known to have been tsunamigenic, and caldera collapse has been proposed as a mechanism. Here, we present bathymetric and seismic evidence showing that the caldera was not open to the sea during the main phase of the eruption, but was flooded once the eruption had finished. Inflow of water and associated landsliding cut a deep, 2.0–2.5 km3, submarine channel, thus filling the caldera in less than a couple of days. If, as at most such volcanoes, caldera collapse occurred syn-eruptively, then it cannot have generated tsunamis. Entry of pyroclastic flows into the sea, combined with slumping of submarine pyroclastic accumulations, were the main mechanisms of tsunami prod...

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Research paper thumbnail of POSTER PRESENTATION THALATTA 2012, 22-23 September 2012, Santorini, Greece

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Research paper thumbnail of 1891 Submarine eruption of Foerstner volcano (Pantelleria, Sicily): insights into the vent structure of basaltic balloon eruptions

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Research paper thumbnail of Flank instability assessment at Kick-’em-Jenny submarine volcano (Grenada, Lesser Antilles): a multidisciplinary approach using experiments and modeling

Bulletin of Volcanology, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Marine Investigations of Greece\u27s Santorini Volcanic Field

The most recent major explosive eruption of the Santorini volcano in Greece—around 3600 years bef... more The most recent major explosive eruption of the Santorini volcano in Greece—around 3600 years before present (B.P.), often referred to as the Minoan eruption—is one of the largest volcanic events known in historical time and has been the subject of intense volcanological and archeological studies [Druitt et al., 1999]. The submarine volcano Kolumbo, located seven kilometers northeast of Santorini and associated with Santorini\u27s tectonic system, erupted explosively in 1650 A.D., resulting in fatalities on the island of Thera [Fouqué, 1879]. A large fraction of the erupted products from the Minoan eruption has been deposited in the sea but, up to now, only has been studied in distal marine sediments. As part of a collaborative project between the University of Rhode Island (Narragansett), the Hellenic Centre of Marine Research (Athens, Greece), and the Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (Athens), a marine geological survey was conducted around Santorini from April to June...

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Research paper thumbnail of (Table 1) Total carbonate content of ODP Leg 134 samples, supplement to: Reid, R Pamela; Carey, Steven N; Staerker, Thomas Scott; Ask, Maria VS (1994): Sedimentology of the collision zone between the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge and New Hebrides Island Arc (Sites 827, 828, and 829). In: Green, HG;...

Depositional processes in the collision zone between the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge (NDR) an... more Depositional processes in the collision zone between the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge (NDR) and the New Hebrides Island Arc were investigated in post-cruise analyses of sediment and nannofossils from Sites 827, 828, and 829. Reexamination of cores and analysis of grain size, turbidite frequency, carbonate content, and clay mineralogy, together with new nannofossil age determinations, were used to revise shipboard lithostratigraphies and interpret the sedimentologic history recorded at each site.The results of our analyses show that sedimentation on the inner trench slope and the impinging NDR has been significantly affected by the collision process. Uplift associated with subduction of the NDR beneath the New Hebrides Island Arc resulted in the emergence of Espiritu Santo Island and created a robust source of epiclastic sediment for the forearc area. Distribution of this material into deeper water has been modulated by Pleistocene sea level changes, which have influenced the freq...

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydrothermal oxide and nontronite deposits at Seamount 3, Wolf-Darwin lineament, Galapagos Archipelago, Ecuador

An unusual deposit of Fe-rich hydrothermal nontronite was recovered by remotely operated vehicle ... more An unusual deposit of Fe-rich hydrothermal nontronite was recovered by remotely operated vehicle (ROV) from Seamount 3 of the Wolf-Darwin lineament, Galapagos Marine Reserve. X-ray diffraction, ICP-MS/ICP-AES, and SEM-EDS analyses show that this deposit is chemically and mineralogically similar to other deep-sea hydrothermal nontronites, indicating a formation temperature of about 30o to 50o Celsius. These Fe-Si-oxides and Fe-rich Al-poor nontronite deposits contain about 38-51 weight % SiO2 and 40-50 weight % Fe2O3. Although hydrothermal nontronite has been sampled at a number of sites by coring and dredging, this is the first in situ documentation of its sinuous, tubular structure on the seafloor. Imageanalysis of ROV imagery suggests that this unusual pattern might be controlled by fluid pathways in the underlying pillow lavas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the “Sharkcano”: Biogeochemical Observations of the Kavachi Submarine Volcano (Solomon Islands)

Oceanography, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Hydrothermal venting and mineralization in the crater of Kick'em Jenny submarine volcano, Grenada (Lesser Antilles)

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Processes of volcaniclastic sedimentation during the early growth stages of Gran Canaria based on sediments from Site 953

Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, 157 Scientific Results, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping of a debris Avalanche Offshore Santorini Volcano

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring Submarine Arc Volcanoes

Oceanography, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Tsunami hazard risk of a future volcanic eruption of Kolumbo submarine volcano, NE of Santorini Caldera, Greece

Natural Hazards, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrated volcanologic and petrologic analysis of the 1650AD eruption of Kolumbo submarine volcano, Greece

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2014

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