Carla Barbieri - (original) (raw)
Papers by Carla Barbieri
Sustainability, 2022
Encouraging sustainable behaviors regarding food choices among the public is crucial to ensure fo... more Encouraging sustainable behaviors regarding food choices among the public is crucial to ensure food systems’ sustainability. We expand the understanding of sustainable behavioral change by assessing engagement in local food systems (LFSs) in the context of agritourism experiences. Using theory of planned behavior (TPB) and personal norms, we conducted pre–post-surveys at agritourism farms to measure the impact of changes in the TPB behavioral antecedents as predictors of the following behavioral intentions regarding LFS engagement: (1) purchasing local food (private-sphere behavior), (2) increasing monthly budget to purchase local food (private-sphere behavior) and (3) advocating for local food (public-sphere behavior). Our findings indicate that strategies to encourage LFS engagement should seek to activate moral considerations that can motivate action across private and public behaviors, which applies to various demographic groups. To stimulate collective action, strategies should...
The history and activities associated with the production, procurement, and consumption of distil... more The history and activities associated with the production, procurement, and consumption of distilled spirits are integral in North Carolina’s (NC) culture. The modern interpretation of these activities is often romanticized; however, the reality was that these activities resulted from North Carolinians trying to maximize resources during hard economic times. Recently, new economic opportunities related to distilling have arisen in NC, where entrepreneurs are answering consumers’ demand for high-quality spirits. The proliferation of the craft distilling movement in NC has led to the creation of attractions (e.g., distillery tours and tastings) which augment tourism products in urban and rural destinations. A similar process occurred with Kentucky’s Bourbon Trail, which has generated millions of dollars in direct spending and tax revenues (Kornstein & Luckett, 2014s). North Carolina’s distillers and their surrounding communities may gain tourism’s benefits if a statewide distillery-re...
A 2010 survey examined preferences and behaviors of current and potential agritourists and explor... more A 2010 survey examined preferences and behaviors of current and potential agritourists and explored 15 motivations for visiting two agritourism settings (farms and private forests). Responses from 969 Missouri households showed that doing something with family, viewing the scenic beauty, and enjoying the smells and sounds of nature were the most important motivations for visiting both settings. Paired t-tests showed that there were significant differences in seven motivations for visiting a farm versus a private forest. 1.0 Introduction Agritourism is defined as recreation-related services and/or activities incorporated into a working farm or other agricultural setting (Barbieri et al. 2008, Che et al. 2005). Agritourism includes visiting both farms and private forests and encompasses a wide variety of activities. The most prevalent agritourism activities in Missouri are tours, recreational self-harvest (e.g., pick-your own vegetables and mushroom gathering), and observation/partici...
Atmósfera, 2009
Se examinan dos eventos de nevada con relámpagos en latitudes bajas a fin de identificar sus cara... more Se examinan dos eventos de nevada con relámpagos en latitudes bajas a fin de identificar sus características. Ambos eventos se originaron a escala sinóptica y tuvieron impactos de pequeña escala (por ejemplo, ascenso orográfico e inestabilidad elevada). El primer evento ocurrió en el hemisferio sur y se desarrolló a finales del invierno influenciado por la orografía subyacente. Este evento presentó abundancia de relámpagos (94 destellos nube-suelo en la región); sin embargo, la acumulación de nieve fue insignificante. Este evento fue dominado por relámpagos con polaridad negativa, con una amplitud máxima promedio de-43.2 kA. El segundo evento fue un caso de convección elevada en el hemisferio norte con frontogénesis debajo de una capa extensa de inestabilidad potencial. Este evento también presentó abundantes relámpagos (706 destellos nube-suelo en la región), así como considerable acumulación de nieve sobre un área extensa. Este evento también fue dominado por relámpagos con polaridad negativa, con una amplitud máxima promedio de-23.7 kA. Ambos eventos ameritan mayor investigación dado que estudios sobre tormentas similares no son abordados frecuentemente en la literatura. Más aún, teniendo en consideración que las regiones cálidas sub-tropicales usualmente no están preparadas para enfrentar ni siquiera los efectos de pequeñas acumulaciones de nieve o hielo. En el futuro, los pronosticadores pueden anticipar mejor estos eventos anómalos observando las siguientes características generales: 1) sistemas climáticos sinópticos significativos y bien definidos en bajas latitudes; 2) una zona baroclínica fuerte con estructura de chorro superpuesta bien definida (≥60 ms-1); 3) una extensión considerable y profunda de aire frío más próximo al ecuador de lo típico; y 4) una capa con humedad neutral a inestabilidad condicional sobre la zona frontal.
Atmósfera, 2010
Se examinaron registros históricos de temperatura y precipitación en la región del Medio Oeste de... more Se examinaron registros históricos de temperatura y precipitación en la región del Medio Oeste de los EUA a fin de determinar si la variabilidad interdecadal asociada con la Oscilación Decadal del Pacífico (PDO por sus siglas en inglés) modula la variabilidad interanual de los climas de esta región asociados con la Oscilación del Sur El Niño (ENSO por sus siglas en inglés). El análisis de espectro de poder demuestra que existen variabilidades significativas asociadas al ENSO en series temporales de 3 a 7 años e interdecadales entre 12 y 15 años; hay además un período de aproximadamente 21 años entre estas series temporales. Se sugiere que esta variabilidad interdecadal representa periodos temporales en los cuales la PDO actúa como modulador de la variabilidad de los climas del Medio Oeste asociada al ENSO. Así mismo, en este estudio se determinó que la variabilidad de los climas del Medio Oeste asociada con el ENSO era bastante pronunciada durante los períodos +PDO (p. ej.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2020
This study compared job stressors between female and male Tour Leaders (TLs) operating in South A... more This study compared job stressors between female and male Tour Leaders (TLs) operating in South America, mainly Peru and Bolivia. In 2017, 82 TLs were surveyed about their level of stress on 30 items representing four sources of job stress: job roles, nature of the job, tourists' attitudes and behaviors, and external factors. Statistical tests determined that female TLs perceive higher levels of stress from sexual harassment, natural disasters, facilitating the tourists-locals interaction, having limited free time during trips and constant packing/unpacking. Male TLs reported higher levels of stress when tourists supersede their authority. These results indicate the need to amend policy and managerial guidelines to increase gender equity in the tour leading profession.
Critical Tourism Studies Proceedings, 2019
Several existing frameworks are suitable to evaluate different types of tourism products. Among t... more Several existing frameworks are suitable to evaluate different types of tourism products. Among them, the sustainable development framework is salient because it enables an economic, environmental, and socio-cultural cost-benefit evaluation of tourism in destination communities (Butler, 1999). The Community Capitals Framework (Flora, 2004) is also useful to identify the types of resources (i.e., Built, Cultural, Financial, Human, Natural, Political, and Social capitals) needed to foster community development. As such, both frameworks have been used to assess the effect of tourism development of different tourism products (e.g.,
Increased tourist interest in having authentic and unique experiences when traveling is pushing d... more Increased tourist interest in having authentic and unique experiences when traveling is pushing destinations to focus on specific segments, such as craft beverage tourism. To attract tourists, destinations need to develop specific offerings and communicate them by developing their destination image to be competitive. Given the great role authenticity and uniqueness have in craft beverage tourism. This study examined the perceived authenticity and uniqueness of four types of resources related to an emerging craft beverage tourism destination (Ica, Peru), among potential visitors. A non-random sample of 1,075 adults living in the U.S. and who had never visited Peru was sampled. A series of ANOVAs was conducted to identify differences in the perceived authenticity and uniqueness among the four types of resources. Results indicate that Ica could develop its image as a craft-beverage tourism destination based on the authenticity and uniqueness of their pisco-related resources, emphasizing cultural and built resources
Acharya, B.P., & Halpenny, E.A. (2013). Homestays as an alternative tourism product for sustainab... more Acharya, B.P., & Halpenny, E.A. (2013). Homestays as an alternative tourism product for sustainable community development: A case study of women-managed tourism product in rural Nepal. Tourism Planning & Development, 10(4), 367-387. Araújo Vila, N., & Brea, J. A. F. (2015). From experiential economy to experiential tourism. Fiction series as inducers of experiences and destinations visit. PASOS: Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 13(4), 959-964. Chuang, S. T. (2013). Residents' attitudes toward rural tourism in Taiwan: A comparative viewpoint. International Journal of Tourism Research, 15(2), 152-170. Mateos, M. R. (2013). El turismo experiencial como forma de turismo responsable e intercultural. In Relaciones interculturales en la diversidad (pp. 199-217). Cátedra Intercultural. Ghaderi, Z., & Henderson, J. C. (2012). Sustainable rural tourism in Iran: A perspective from Hawraman Village. Tourism Management Perspectives, 2, 47-54. Kontogeorgopoulos, N., Churyen, A., & Du...
Consumers’ engagement in local food consumption is crucial for food systems sustainability and ag... more Consumers’ engagement in local food consumption is crucial for food systems sustainability and agritourism is considered a market outlet for local food consumption. Yet, there has been limited research on consumer behavior towards local food in the context of agritourism. The purpose of this work is to measure whether an agritourism experience influences consumers’ intentions to purchase local food. To achieve this purpose this study utilized a pre-post survey at agritourism operations in North Carolina. A repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance was used to measure the influence of agritourism on intended consumer behavior. This study concludes that agritourism positively influences consumers’ attitudes and personal norms towards local food and intended local food purchasing. Altogether, this study builds towards an underexplored additional benefit of agritourism as a strategy to promote local food consumption and food systems sustainability
Tourism Planning & Development, 2019
The Peruvian government has supported community-based tourism (CBT) for the last ten years seekin... more The Peruvian government has supported community-based tourism (CBT) for the last ten years seeking to improve the well-being of marginalized rural communities sustainably. Yet, the notion of sustainability among these CBT providers has not been formally assessed, nor the impact of different managerial models in such a notion. Thus, we interviewed members of seven CBT initiatives operating in the Peruvian Andes to evaluate their level of understanding of sustainability and their awareness of the impacts their activities produce. Analysis yielded five themes and 17 subthemes which altogether illustrate interviewees' understanding of sustainability attained throughout their path of developing CBT. Findings revealed these CBT initiatives implement many sustainable practices, likely due to the training they receive from supporting agencies. Notably, they assert CBT should remain complementary to agricultural livelihoods as to allow benefits to outweigh negative impacts. Findings also show management and networking inefficiencies in need of improvement to increase sustainability.
Tourism Planning & Development, 2015
Wine trails have been the most commonly developed type of Themed Touring Routes (TTRs) around the... more Wine trails have been the most commonly developed type of Themed Touring Routes (TTRs) around the world during the past decade. Despite such development, limited studies have examined their geospatial or tourism characteristics reducing marketing and managerial efficacy. To address this gap, this study measured six geospatial and tourism attributes of nine wine trails in North Carolina (USA) toward a characterization of TTRs. Results indicated a shared low Connectivity and good Accessibility among study wine trails regardless of their spatial patterns. Tourism-wise, services provided were Comprehensive within wine trails and Complementary across wineries. Results provided managerial intelligence to existing wine trails, such as the need to enhance local road network density and outbalance tourism dominance within trails. Results were also used to develop a geospatialtourism classification of wine trails which provide managerial intelligence to optimize resources allocation and to shed light on characterizing other types of TTRs.
Tourism Review, 2019
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to summarize the substantial descriptive, ontological and ep... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to summarize the substantial descriptive, ontological and epistemological advances of agritourism research from its origins. It also envisions how agritourism spaces and research will develop in the next 75 years. Design/methodology/approach Building upon the existing literature and existing agriculture and tourism trends, this paper elucidates on the future of agritourism spaces and research. Findings Agritourism research has made substantial descriptive, ontological and epistemological advances to consolidate its scholarly significance as an object of study. Future agritourism will be a continuum ranging from ag-interpretation to ag-themed spaces. Future research efforts should address where agritourism, as a farm diversification strategy, ends along the educational–recreational continuum, and how can agritourism spaces better assist to negotiate societal growing dissonances emanated from the rural–urban gap. Originality/value This note envisio...
Tourism Recreation Research, 2017
In the context of social and cultural relativity, there has been ample discussion about the fluid... more In the context of social and cultural relativity, there has been ample discussion about the fluidity and complexity of authenticity. This debate, termed 'dilemma of authenticity', centres around conflicting stances among tourism theorists, practitioners, marketers, and host communities with regards to how authenticity is perceived and how it influences tourists' decision-making. This uncertainty has hindered agritourism entrepreneurs who remain unsure of how they may rely on authenticity to attract tourists. This paper examines perceptions of authenticity in working agricultural landscapes through two between-subject experiments to investigate how appealing the self-expressed authentic agricultural elements appear to potential tourists. One experiment was carried out in a controlled laboratory experiment employing Immersive Virtual Environment technology, and the second via a web-based survey using two-dimensional photos. Participants were undergraduate students and Amazon Mechanical Turk Master Workers, respectively. The results suggest that participants identify productive elements of agricultural landscapes as both authentic and appealing, though significantly differing in regards to socio-cultural elements. The triangulation of methods and samples reveal discrepant findings for wooded and riparian areas. This paper brings about novel findings about the perception of authenticity and appeal in agricultural settings.
Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2016
The study used web-based simulated hospitality scenarios to examine cultural differences in emoti... more The study used web-based simulated hospitality scenarios to examine cultural differences in emotional cognition of facial expressions among Chinese and American subjects in an exploratory study. Results indicate that the two cultural groups interpreted smiling and direct eye-gaze similarly. Although a smiling face elicited positive emotional affective responses from both cultural groups, smiling alone was not sufficient to stimulate more positive subject reactions: Smiling needs to be accompanied by direct eye-gaze to fully elicit positive reactions from subjects. Study results suggest that global hospitality standards should reflect findings of psychological research on emotional labor and also that business normative guidelines should encourage the display of smiling faces along with direct eye-gaze to motivate a positive customer experience. No support was found for tailoring facial expressions related training to customers’ cultural backgrounds.
Sustainability, 2022
Encouraging sustainable behaviors regarding food choices among the public is crucial to ensure fo... more Encouraging sustainable behaviors regarding food choices among the public is crucial to ensure food systems’ sustainability. We expand the understanding of sustainable behavioral change by assessing engagement in local food systems (LFSs) in the context of agritourism experiences. Using theory of planned behavior (TPB) and personal norms, we conducted pre–post-surveys at agritourism farms to measure the impact of changes in the TPB behavioral antecedents as predictors of the following behavioral intentions regarding LFS engagement: (1) purchasing local food (private-sphere behavior), (2) increasing monthly budget to purchase local food (private-sphere behavior) and (3) advocating for local food (public-sphere behavior). Our findings indicate that strategies to encourage LFS engagement should seek to activate moral considerations that can motivate action across private and public behaviors, which applies to various demographic groups. To stimulate collective action, strategies should...
The history and activities associated with the production, procurement, and consumption of distil... more The history and activities associated with the production, procurement, and consumption of distilled spirits are integral in North Carolina’s (NC) culture. The modern interpretation of these activities is often romanticized; however, the reality was that these activities resulted from North Carolinians trying to maximize resources during hard economic times. Recently, new economic opportunities related to distilling have arisen in NC, where entrepreneurs are answering consumers’ demand for high-quality spirits. The proliferation of the craft distilling movement in NC has led to the creation of attractions (e.g., distillery tours and tastings) which augment tourism products in urban and rural destinations. A similar process occurred with Kentucky’s Bourbon Trail, which has generated millions of dollars in direct spending and tax revenues (Kornstein & Luckett, 2014s). North Carolina’s distillers and their surrounding communities may gain tourism’s benefits if a statewide distillery-re...
A 2010 survey examined preferences and behaviors of current and potential agritourists and explor... more A 2010 survey examined preferences and behaviors of current and potential agritourists and explored 15 motivations for visiting two agritourism settings (farms and private forests). Responses from 969 Missouri households showed that doing something with family, viewing the scenic beauty, and enjoying the smells and sounds of nature were the most important motivations for visiting both settings. Paired t-tests showed that there were significant differences in seven motivations for visiting a farm versus a private forest. 1.0 Introduction Agritourism is defined as recreation-related services and/or activities incorporated into a working farm or other agricultural setting (Barbieri et al. 2008, Che et al. 2005). Agritourism includes visiting both farms and private forests and encompasses a wide variety of activities. The most prevalent agritourism activities in Missouri are tours, recreational self-harvest (e.g., pick-your own vegetables and mushroom gathering), and observation/partici...
Atmósfera, 2009
Se examinan dos eventos de nevada con relámpagos en latitudes bajas a fin de identificar sus cara... more Se examinan dos eventos de nevada con relámpagos en latitudes bajas a fin de identificar sus características. Ambos eventos se originaron a escala sinóptica y tuvieron impactos de pequeña escala (por ejemplo, ascenso orográfico e inestabilidad elevada). El primer evento ocurrió en el hemisferio sur y se desarrolló a finales del invierno influenciado por la orografía subyacente. Este evento presentó abundancia de relámpagos (94 destellos nube-suelo en la región); sin embargo, la acumulación de nieve fue insignificante. Este evento fue dominado por relámpagos con polaridad negativa, con una amplitud máxima promedio de-43.2 kA. El segundo evento fue un caso de convección elevada en el hemisferio norte con frontogénesis debajo de una capa extensa de inestabilidad potencial. Este evento también presentó abundantes relámpagos (706 destellos nube-suelo en la región), así como considerable acumulación de nieve sobre un área extensa. Este evento también fue dominado por relámpagos con polaridad negativa, con una amplitud máxima promedio de-23.7 kA. Ambos eventos ameritan mayor investigación dado que estudios sobre tormentas similares no son abordados frecuentemente en la literatura. Más aún, teniendo en consideración que las regiones cálidas sub-tropicales usualmente no están preparadas para enfrentar ni siquiera los efectos de pequeñas acumulaciones de nieve o hielo. En el futuro, los pronosticadores pueden anticipar mejor estos eventos anómalos observando las siguientes características generales: 1) sistemas climáticos sinópticos significativos y bien definidos en bajas latitudes; 2) una zona baroclínica fuerte con estructura de chorro superpuesta bien definida (≥60 ms-1); 3) una extensión considerable y profunda de aire frío más próximo al ecuador de lo típico; y 4) una capa con humedad neutral a inestabilidad condicional sobre la zona frontal.
Atmósfera, 2010
Se examinaron registros históricos de temperatura y precipitación en la región del Medio Oeste de... more Se examinaron registros históricos de temperatura y precipitación en la región del Medio Oeste de los EUA a fin de determinar si la variabilidad interdecadal asociada con la Oscilación Decadal del Pacífico (PDO por sus siglas en inglés) modula la variabilidad interanual de los climas de esta región asociados con la Oscilación del Sur El Niño (ENSO por sus siglas en inglés). El análisis de espectro de poder demuestra que existen variabilidades significativas asociadas al ENSO en series temporales de 3 a 7 años e interdecadales entre 12 y 15 años; hay además un período de aproximadamente 21 años entre estas series temporales. Se sugiere que esta variabilidad interdecadal representa periodos temporales en los cuales la PDO actúa como modulador de la variabilidad de los climas del Medio Oeste asociada al ENSO. Así mismo, en este estudio se determinó que la variabilidad de los climas del Medio Oeste asociada con el ENSO era bastante pronunciada durante los períodos +PDO (p. ej.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2020
This study compared job stressors between female and male Tour Leaders (TLs) operating in South A... more This study compared job stressors between female and male Tour Leaders (TLs) operating in South America, mainly Peru and Bolivia. In 2017, 82 TLs were surveyed about their level of stress on 30 items representing four sources of job stress: job roles, nature of the job, tourists' attitudes and behaviors, and external factors. Statistical tests determined that female TLs perceive higher levels of stress from sexual harassment, natural disasters, facilitating the tourists-locals interaction, having limited free time during trips and constant packing/unpacking. Male TLs reported higher levels of stress when tourists supersede their authority. These results indicate the need to amend policy and managerial guidelines to increase gender equity in the tour leading profession.
Critical Tourism Studies Proceedings, 2019
Several existing frameworks are suitable to evaluate different types of tourism products. Among t... more Several existing frameworks are suitable to evaluate different types of tourism products. Among them, the sustainable development framework is salient because it enables an economic, environmental, and socio-cultural cost-benefit evaluation of tourism in destination communities (Butler, 1999). The Community Capitals Framework (Flora, 2004) is also useful to identify the types of resources (i.e., Built, Cultural, Financial, Human, Natural, Political, and Social capitals) needed to foster community development. As such, both frameworks have been used to assess the effect of tourism development of different tourism products (e.g.,
Increased tourist interest in having authentic and unique experiences when traveling is pushing d... more Increased tourist interest in having authentic and unique experiences when traveling is pushing destinations to focus on specific segments, such as craft beverage tourism. To attract tourists, destinations need to develop specific offerings and communicate them by developing their destination image to be competitive. Given the great role authenticity and uniqueness have in craft beverage tourism. This study examined the perceived authenticity and uniqueness of four types of resources related to an emerging craft beverage tourism destination (Ica, Peru), among potential visitors. A non-random sample of 1,075 adults living in the U.S. and who had never visited Peru was sampled. A series of ANOVAs was conducted to identify differences in the perceived authenticity and uniqueness among the four types of resources. Results indicate that Ica could develop its image as a craft-beverage tourism destination based on the authenticity and uniqueness of their pisco-related resources, emphasizing cultural and built resources
Acharya, B.P., & Halpenny, E.A. (2013). Homestays as an alternative tourism product for sustainab... more Acharya, B.P., & Halpenny, E.A. (2013). Homestays as an alternative tourism product for sustainable community development: A case study of women-managed tourism product in rural Nepal. Tourism Planning & Development, 10(4), 367-387. Araújo Vila, N., & Brea, J. A. F. (2015). From experiential economy to experiential tourism. Fiction series as inducers of experiences and destinations visit. PASOS: Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 13(4), 959-964. Chuang, S. T. (2013). Residents' attitudes toward rural tourism in Taiwan: A comparative viewpoint. International Journal of Tourism Research, 15(2), 152-170. Mateos, M. R. (2013). El turismo experiencial como forma de turismo responsable e intercultural. In Relaciones interculturales en la diversidad (pp. 199-217). Cátedra Intercultural. Ghaderi, Z., & Henderson, J. C. (2012). Sustainable rural tourism in Iran: A perspective from Hawraman Village. Tourism Management Perspectives, 2, 47-54. Kontogeorgopoulos, N., Churyen, A., & Du...
Consumers’ engagement in local food consumption is crucial for food systems sustainability and ag... more Consumers’ engagement in local food consumption is crucial for food systems sustainability and agritourism is considered a market outlet for local food consumption. Yet, there has been limited research on consumer behavior towards local food in the context of agritourism. The purpose of this work is to measure whether an agritourism experience influences consumers’ intentions to purchase local food. To achieve this purpose this study utilized a pre-post survey at agritourism operations in North Carolina. A repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance was used to measure the influence of agritourism on intended consumer behavior. This study concludes that agritourism positively influences consumers’ attitudes and personal norms towards local food and intended local food purchasing. Altogether, this study builds towards an underexplored additional benefit of agritourism as a strategy to promote local food consumption and food systems sustainability
Tourism Planning & Development, 2019
The Peruvian government has supported community-based tourism (CBT) for the last ten years seekin... more The Peruvian government has supported community-based tourism (CBT) for the last ten years seeking to improve the well-being of marginalized rural communities sustainably. Yet, the notion of sustainability among these CBT providers has not been formally assessed, nor the impact of different managerial models in such a notion. Thus, we interviewed members of seven CBT initiatives operating in the Peruvian Andes to evaluate their level of understanding of sustainability and their awareness of the impacts their activities produce. Analysis yielded five themes and 17 subthemes which altogether illustrate interviewees' understanding of sustainability attained throughout their path of developing CBT. Findings revealed these CBT initiatives implement many sustainable practices, likely due to the training they receive from supporting agencies. Notably, they assert CBT should remain complementary to agricultural livelihoods as to allow benefits to outweigh negative impacts. Findings also show management and networking inefficiencies in need of improvement to increase sustainability.
Tourism Planning & Development, 2015
Wine trails have been the most commonly developed type of Themed Touring Routes (TTRs) around the... more Wine trails have been the most commonly developed type of Themed Touring Routes (TTRs) around the world during the past decade. Despite such development, limited studies have examined their geospatial or tourism characteristics reducing marketing and managerial efficacy. To address this gap, this study measured six geospatial and tourism attributes of nine wine trails in North Carolina (USA) toward a characterization of TTRs. Results indicated a shared low Connectivity and good Accessibility among study wine trails regardless of their spatial patterns. Tourism-wise, services provided were Comprehensive within wine trails and Complementary across wineries. Results provided managerial intelligence to existing wine trails, such as the need to enhance local road network density and outbalance tourism dominance within trails. Results were also used to develop a geospatialtourism classification of wine trails which provide managerial intelligence to optimize resources allocation and to shed light on characterizing other types of TTRs.
Tourism Review, 2019
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to summarize the substantial descriptive, ontological and ep... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to summarize the substantial descriptive, ontological and epistemological advances of agritourism research from its origins. It also envisions how agritourism spaces and research will develop in the next 75 years. Design/methodology/approach Building upon the existing literature and existing agriculture and tourism trends, this paper elucidates on the future of agritourism spaces and research. Findings Agritourism research has made substantial descriptive, ontological and epistemological advances to consolidate its scholarly significance as an object of study. Future agritourism will be a continuum ranging from ag-interpretation to ag-themed spaces. Future research efforts should address where agritourism, as a farm diversification strategy, ends along the educational–recreational continuum, and how can agritourism spaces better assist to negotiate societal growing dissonances emanated from the rural–urban gap. Originality/value This note envisio...
Tourism Recreation Research, 2017
In the context of social and cultural relativity, there has been ample discussion about the fluid... more In the context of social and cultural relativity, there has been ample discussion about the fluidity and complexity of authenticity. This debate, termed 'dilemma of authenticity', centres around conflicting stances among tourism theorists, practitioners, marketers, and host communities with regards to how authenticity is perceived and how it influences tourists' decision-making. This uncertainty has hindered agritourism entrepreneurs who remain unsure of how they may rely on authenticity to attract tourists. This paper examines perceptions of authenticity in working agricultural landscapes through two between-subject experiments to investigate how appealing the self-expressed authentic agricultural elements appear to potential tourists. One experiment was carried out in a controlled laboratory experiment employing Immersive Virtual Environment technology, and the second via a web-based survey using two-dimensional photos. Participants were undergraduate students and Amazon Mechanical Turk Master Workers, respectively. The results suggest that participants identify productive elements of agricultural landscapes as both authentic and appealing, though significantly differing in regards to socio-cultural elements. The triangulation of methods and samples reveal discrepant findings for wooded and riparian areas. This paper brings about novel findings about the perception of authenticity and appeal in agricultural settings.
Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2016
The study used web-based simulated hospitality scenarios to examine cultural differences in emoti... more The study used web-based simulated hospitality scenarios to examine cultural differences in emotional cognition of facial expressions among Chinese and American subjects in an exploratory study. Results indicate that the two cultural groups interpreted smiling and direct eye-gaze similarly. Although a smiling face elicited positive emotional affective responses from both cultural groups, smiling alone was not sufficient to stimulate more positive subject reactions: Smiling needs to be accompanied by direct eye-gaze to fully elicit positive reactions from subjects. Study results suggest that global hospitality standards should reflect findings of psychological research on emotional labor and also that business normative guidelines should encourage the display of smiling faces along with direct eye-gaze to motivate a positive customer experience. No support was found for tailoring facial expressions related training to customers’ cultural backgrounds.