Carla Wendt - (original) (raw)
Papers by Carla Wendt
A-acino aMT-ingrediente ativo da metiltestosterona ANanormalidade nuclear CAT-catalase CDNB-1 clo... more A-acino aMT-ingrediente ativo da metiltestosterona ANanormalidade nuclear CAT-catalase CDNB-1 cloro-2,4 dinitrobenzeno CG-células germinativas ChE-acetilcolinesterase cm-centímetro cMT-comercial metiltestosterona DMSO-dimetilsulfóxido DNA-deoxyribonucleic acid EC-ensaio do cometa EDTA-Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid ELISA-Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay EPA-Environmental protection agency EROespécie reativa de oxigênio FAO-Food and agriculture organization g-unidade de gravitacional GDF-Governo do Distrito Federal GH-glândula hermafrodita GPx-glutationa peroxidase GSHglutationa reduzida GST-glutationa S transferase h-horas H 2 O 2-água oxigenada HAM F10-meio nutritivo Palavras-chave: efeitos reprodutivos, genotoxicidade, metiltestosterona, desruptores endócrinos.
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A
Ensaios e Ciência C Biológicas Agrárias e da Saúde
O uso de plantas medicinais vem se tornando cada vez mais importante no quesito econômico e muito... more O uso de plantas medicinais vem se tornando cada vez mais importante no quesito econômico e muito valorizado em países em desenvolvimento para atender demandas da área terapêutica. A família Marcgraviaceae possui espécies com relevância medicinal, como o potencial terapêutico antifúngico, antiviral e ação sobre o sistema nervoso central. As plantas do gênero Norantea, que ocorrem na América Central, América do Sul e Índia Ocidental, como os exemplares das espécies N. guianensis, N. brasiliensis e N. adamantium, são promissoras para o desenvolvimento de produtos terapêuticos, tanto para uso animal como humano. Portanto, a presente revisão de literatura foi desenvolvida através da consulta em bases de dados virtuais: Scielo, Google Acadêmico, PubMed e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, utilizando os descritores “Norantea (Schwartzia - sinônimo), aspectos botânicos, constituintes químicos, uso terapêutico”, em inglês, espanhol e português, para buscar artigos na íntegra e publicados nos mesm...
Genetics and molecular research : GMR, 2013
17α-Methyltestosterone (MT) is widely used in fish hatcheries of many countries to produce male m... more 17α-Methyltestosterone (MT) is widely used in fish hatcheries of many countries to produce male monosex populations. Its genotoxic risk to fish species is not well known and studies in other in vivo models are still inconclusive. MT was tested for genotoxicity in the fish species Oreochromis niloticus (tilapia), a target species, and Astyanax bimaculatus (lambari), a native non-target species. Genotoxicity was evaluated by the micronucleus test (MN), nuclear abnormalities (NA), and comet assay using peripheral erythrocytes of both species after a 96-h exposure to MT at concentrations of 0.01, 0.1, and 1.0 mg/L in the water. At the lowest exposure level of 0.01 mg/L, MT induced MN in both species and NA only in O. niloticus. These effects were not observed in the comet assay. Chromatographic analysis of water samples collected from aquariums at the beginning and end of each experiment showed that MT was consumed during the 96-h exposure. At the highest level of exposure (1.0 mg/L), 8...
Genetics and Molecular Research, 2014
17-α-methyltestosterone (MT) is a synthetic hormone used in fish hatcheries to induce male monose... more 17-α-methyltestosterone (MT) is a synthetic hormone used in fish hatcheries to induce male monosex. Snails hold promise as possible test models to assess chemicals acting on the endocrine system. Biomphalaria glabrata is an aquatic gastropod mollusk (Pulmonata, Planorbidae) that can be easily maintained in aquaria, predisposing the species for use in ecotoxicological testing. This study evaluated the reproductive effects of MT on B. glabrata by examining histological changes and its reproductive performance. Ten snails per group were exposed for 4 weeks to different concentrations of MT (0.01, 0.1, and 1.0 mg/L). The total number of laid eggs, egg mass per group, size of type V oocytes, and production of spermatozoids were determined. Reproduction of B. glabrata was affected by MT. At the lowest concentration (0.01 mg/L), MT caused a statistically significant increase in the number of egg mass per snail compared with controls unexposed to MT. Histopathology analyses showed an increase in the sperm production at the higher MT ©FUNPEC-RP Genetics and Molecular Research 13 (1): 605-615 (2014) C.L.G. Rivero-Wendt et al. concentrations of 0.1 and 1.0 mg/L. Chromatographic analyses of water samples showed that MT concentrations rapidly declined within a 96-h period. These results highlight the importance of giving more support to regulatory authorities, since MT is not registered for use on fish hatcheries in many countries around the world. Wastewater from fish farms discharged into aquatic ecosystems should be monitored for MT residues, since its presence could compromise the reproduction of other native snail species.
Genetics and Molecular Research, 2013
Methyltestosterone's genotoxic and gonadal effects significant inhibition of spermatozoa producti... more Methyltestosterone's genotoxic and gonadal effects significant inhibition of spermatozoa production. We concluded that discharge of fish-hatcheries water onto the surface of aquatic ecosystems should be avoided due to risks to reproduction of native species.
Interacoes droga-droga (IDDs) sao responsaveis por problemas terapeuticos e as principais causas ... more Interacoes droga-droga (IDDs) sao responsaveis por problemas terapeuticos e as principais causas de reacoes adversas a medicamentos que levam a hospitalizacao. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar a incidencia de IDDs em pacientes admitidos em hospital publico no Brasil, em 2015. Em um estudo transversal, 351pacientes foram selecionados com IDDs utilizando-se o banco de dados da Micromedex®, e as interacoes foram classificadas de acordo com a severidade e documentacao. Os potenciais IDDs foram avaliados durante o acompanhamento farmacoterapeutico diario por anamnese farmaceutica e a analise dos exames laboratoriais foi realizada. Um total de 2.937 potenciais IDDs foram identificados e 28,42% deles tinham sinais e sintomas clinicos confirmados em 87 pacientes (29%). Entre os pacientes que apresentaram interacoes, 62,07% tinham mais que 60 anos. Neste grupo de idade, 61,27% de todos os sinais e sintomas clinicos observados foram tambem identificados, demonstrando uma associacao positiv...
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasilia, Faculdade de Medicina, Pos-Graduacao em Patologia Mole... more Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasilia, Faculdade de Medicina, Pos-Graduacao em Patologia Molecular, 2013.
Research, Society and Development, 2021
We aimed to evaluate the phytochemical composition of the aqueous extract of leaves of Psychotria... more We aimed to evaluate the phytochemical composition of the aqueous extract of leaves of Psychotria carthagenensis, and its possible toxicological effects at 200 µg/Kg on Rattus norvegicus. The aqueous extract was used for preliminary phytochemical analyses using standard procedures. After, male albino Wistar rats (N= 6/group) received by gavage for 15 consecutive days, infusions with fresh (FL) and dry leaf (DL) at 200 µg/kg; controls received filtered water (negative) or clonazepam solution at 0.5 mg/kg (positive). Hematological analyses, determination of serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), urea, uric acid, total plasma protein (TPP), quantification of serum cholinesterase (AChE), and histological analyses of kidneys and liver were carried out. By the phytochemical analysis of the aqueous leaf extract, it was possible to detect the total phenols, flavonoids, tannins and alkaloids, the latter having been recorded for the species for the f...
Ensaios e Ciência C Biológicas Agrárias e da Saúde, 2021
The aim of this study was to evaluate the Porophyllum ruderale effects on the liver in murine mel... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the Porophyllum ruderale effects on the liver in murine melanoma model B16-F10 and to determine the antioxidant potential. The plant’s aerial parts of the were collected in Campo Grande, MS, Brazil, dried, extracted with ethanol, ultrasonic bath and static maceration. The hydroalcoholic formulation at 100 and 200 mg/kg were submitted to antioxidant activity (DPPH) and hepatoprotective effect. Thirty-eight black mice with a mean weight of 30 g were distributed in 4 experimental groups: negative control, positive control (doxorubicin), P. ruderale at 100 mg/kg and P. ruderale at 200 mg/kg. All the animals received subcutaneous injection of 5x105 B16F10 cells on the 1st day of the experiment and were treated until the 14th day. Although a significant antioxidant activity was verified for the two concentrations analyzed, they were not sufficient to minimize the melanoma effects toxic in the mice liver as observed by histological changes and that lea...
Research, Society and Development, 2021
O parto é o momento singular na vida da gestante e a enfermagem com seu modelo assistencial e hol... more O parto é o momento singular na vida da gestante e a enfermagem com seu modelo assistencial e holístico, consegue colocar a mulher como protagonista do processo de parto, utilizando ferramentas como a aromaterapia. Este estudo caracterizou o conhecimento sobre a aromaterapia e do uso dos óleos essenciais (OEs) durante o trabalho de parto (TP) por meio de um questionário aplicado as enfermeiras das Maternidades Cândido Mariano e do Hospital Universitário Maria Aparecida Pedrossian (HUMAP). A partir dos resultados foi possível verificar que 100% dos profissionais conhecem a aromaterapia. Entretanto, o percentual 69,2% possuem formação técnica e conhecimento sobre os meios de diluição e aplicação dos OEs, os profissionais não fazem preferência por marca de produto, 100% utilizam o óleo essencial (OE) de lavanda e 61,5% o OE de canela nas parturientes. Assim, a aromaterapia já é uma prática regular entre os enfermeiros das instituições, porém se faz necessário a capacitação adequada, pa...
No Brasil o descarte de medicamentos e insumos farmaceuticos de forma inadequada gera em torno de... more No Brasil o descarte de medicamentos e insumos farmaceuticos de forma inadequada gera em torno de 10 e 28 mil toneladas, contribuindo para um problema em saude publica e ambiental. Visando contribuir com a desconstrucao deste cenario, o artigo tem como objetivo a caracterizacao e discussao dos potenciais impactos ambientais do descarte de medicamentos e/ou insumos farmaceuticos no lixo comum da cidade de Terenos, Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), a partir de coleta de quantificacao realizada durante 2015 e 2016. A metodologia do estudo partiu de coleta em Unidade de Tratamento de Residuos (UTR), com separacao e quantificacao dos medicamentos encontrados no lixo comum do municipio investigado. Foram coletados 80 tipos de farmacos que somaram um deposito total de cerca de 490 g a cada 15 dias, em projecao de descarte medio de 1,69 g ao ano de medicamentos em lixo comum por municipe. Foram encontrados farmacos de alta toxidade (hormonios, antidepressivos e anti-helminticos) que, embora fora das...
Rosemary Matias; Fernanda Sollberger Canale; Bianca Obes Corrêa, José Antônio Maior Bono, Ademir ... more Rosemary Matias; Fernanda Sollberger Canale; Bianca Obes Corrêa, José Antônio Maior Bono, Ademir Kleber Morbeck de Oliviera, Doroty Mesquita Dourado, Antônia Railda Roel, Carla Leticia Gediel Rivero-Wendt, Denise Renata Pedrino Graduate Program in Environment and Regional Development, Universidade Anhanguera –Uniderp. Rua Alexandre Herculano, 1400, Jardim Veraneio, 79037-280, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Email:,,, Graduate Program in Production and Agroindustrial Management, Universidade Anhanguera –Uniderp. Rua Alexandre Herculano, 1400, Jardim Veraneio, 79037-280, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Email:,, Graduate Program in Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. Avenida Tamandaré, 6000, Jardim Seminário, 790117-900, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2022
The genus Pouteria has been studied because it presents various activities, among which is its an... more The genus Pouteria has been studied because it presents various activities, among which is its anti-inflammatory potential. The effects of Pouteria ramiflora Carbopol gel on the healing of skin wounds in diabetic rats were evaluated by microscopic imaging. Streptozotocin was administered intraperitoneally in animals that had fasted for 12 hours, a situation confirmed by the glycemic index (˃ 240 mg dL-1). An excision on the back of the animals was performed and three groups were formed: Control (Gel), Ethanolic extract (Ext) and Gel + extract 2% (Ext+gel); the histopathological evaluation occurred on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 30th days after the post-operative period. The results of the phytochemical prospecting of P. ramiflora extract demonstrated the major presence of phenolic compounds and flavonoids; the assessment of the inflammatory infiltrate on the 7th day was higher on group Ext and Ext+gel when compared to group Control; on the 14th day control and Ext (p<0.05). The quant...
Research, Society and Development, 2020
The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, causes damage at several stages of the maize crop cycle... more The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, causes damage at several stages of the maize crop cycle. Due to its resistance to synthetic insecticides and the high costs of pest control, there is an ever-increasing amount of research on alternative or complementary products that have a minor environmental and financial impact on agriculture. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition and insecticidal potential of Ocimum gratissimum (african basil) leaves essential oil and the effect of its major component, thymol, on S. frugiperda control. Gas Chromatography (GC) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis identified p-cymene, γ-terpinene, and thymol compounds as the main constituents of the oil, which presented a yield of 4.75%. Among the 30 identified compounds, thymol (33.2%) was the major constituent, representing 97.8% of the total oil. The efficacy of both the oil and thymol standard (Sigma-Aldrich) was evaluated against S. frugiperda u...
Environmental toxicology and pharmacology, 2016
The synthetic androgen 17α-methyltestosterone is widely used in fish aquaculture for sex reversio... more The synthetic androgen 17α-methyltestosterone is widely used in fish aquaculture for sex reversion of female individuals. Little is known about the amount of MT residues reaching the aquatic environment and further impacts in non-target organisms, including fish early-life stages. Thus, in this work, zebrafish embryos were exposed to two forms of 17α-methyltestosterone: the pure compound (MT) and a formulation commonly used in Brazil (cMT). For MT, a 96h-LC50 of 10.09mg/l was calculated. MT also affected embryo development inducing tail malformations, edemas, abnormal development of the head, and hatching delay. At biochemical level MT inhibited vitellogenin (VTG) and inhibited cholinesterase and lactate dehydrogenase. cMT elicited similar patterns of toxicity as the pure compound (MT). Effects reported in this study suggest a potential environmental risk of MT, especially since the VTG effects occurred at environmental relevant concentrations (0.004mg/l).
Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2014
The persistent organic pollutant p,p′-DDE, the major metabolite of the insecticide DDT, has displ... more The persistent organic pollutant p,p′-DDE, the major metabolite of the insecticide DDT, has displayed evidence of endocrine disruption through the inhibition of androgen binding to androgen receptors in different species. Although p,p′-DDE was continuously detected in wild fish with abnormal gonad development such as intersex, little is known about its mode of action during gonad development in fish. To elucidate the potential endocrine effects of this pollutant in zebrafish (Danio rerio), juveniles (30 days post hatch) were exposed to p,p′-DDE during the critical window of sexual differentiation. Fish were exposed to sublethal concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 20 μg l-1 over 14 days and were maintained in control water for an additional 4 months. As core endpoints, the vitellogenin (vtg) concentration was measured at the end of exposure, and sex ratio and the gonadosomatic index were assessed 4 months after the end of exposure. An increase in vtg production in whole body homogenate was observed in fish exposed to 0.2 and 2.0 μg l-1 p,p′-DDE. No significant differences were displayed in morphological parameters such as the gonadosomatic index of males and females or sex ratio. However, exposed females presented histopathological changes that include the reduction of the number of mature oocytes, which might impair their successful reproduction. These results demonstrate the ability of p,p′-DDE to cause endocrine disruption in zebrafish exposed during gonad differentiation of juvenile specimens. Furthermore, vtg induction by p,p′-DDE in juvenile zebrafish arises as a predictive marker for adverse effects of this DDT metabolite on the ovarian function of female zebrafish.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 2020
The 17 alpha methyltestosterone (MT) hormone is fed to Oreochromis niloticus larvae in fish farms... more The 17 alpha methyltestosterone (MT) hormone is fed to Oreochromis niloticus larvae in fish farms with the purpose of inducing sex reversal. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity and sub-lethality of MT (99.9% purity) and cMT (a commercial MT with 90% purity) in zebrafish (Danio rerio) adults, where the animals were exposed to concentrations of 0, 4, 23, 139, 833 and 5000 mg/ L for 96 hours. Genotoxicity was evaluated by micronucleus test (MN), nuclear abnormalities (NA) and comet assay. A low genotoxic potential of MT was showed, inducing micronucleus, nuclear abnormalities and DNA damage in Danio rerio, depending on the use of MT or cMT, gender and tested concentrations. In the sub-lethality trials, there was a basal difference in the activity of the enzymatic biochemical markers for males and females, while the Glutatione S transferase (GST) activity decreased in all analyzed tissues, and for males the enzymatic activity decreased only in the intestine. Results suggest that MT has a toxic potential to fish because it alters enzymatic metabolic pathways and may pose a risk to the ecosystems.
A-acino aMT-ingrediente ativo da metiltestosterona ANanormalidade nuclear CAT-catalase CDNB-1 clo... more A-acino aMT-ingrediente ativo da metiltestosterona ANanormalidade nuclear CAT-catalase CDNB-1 cloro-2,4 dinitrobenzeno CG-células germinativas ChE-acetilcolinesterase cm-centímetro cMT-comercial metiltestosterona DMSO-dimetilsulfóxido DNA-deoxyribonucleic acid EC-ensaio do cometa EDTA-Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid ELISA-Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay EPA-Environmental protection agency EROespécie reativa de oxigênio FAO-Food and agriculture organization g-unidade de gravitacional GDF-Governo do Distrito Federal GH-glândula hermafrodita GPx-glutationa peroxidase GSHglutationa reduzida GST-glutationa S transferase h-horas H 2 O 2-água oxigenada HAM F10-meio nutritivo Palavras-chave: efeitos reprodutivos, genotoxicidade, metiltestosterona, desruptores endócrinos.
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A
Ensaios e Ciência C Biológicas Agrárias e da Saúde
O uso de plantas medicinais vem se tornando cada vez mais importante no quesito econômico e muito... more O uso de plantas medicinais vem se tornando cada vez mais importante no quesito econômico e muito valorizado em países em desenvolvimento para atender demandas da área terapêutica. A família Marcgraviaceae possui espécies com relevância medicinal, como o potencial terapêutico antifúngico, antiviral e ação sobre o sistema nervoso central. As plantas do gênero Norantea, que ocorrem na América Central, América do Sul e Índia Ocidental, como os exemplares das espécies N. guianensis, N. brasiliensis e N. adamantium, são promissoras para o desenvolvimento de produtos terapêuticos, tanto para uso animal como humano. Portanto, a presente revisão de literatura foi desenvolvida através da consulta em bases de dados virtuais: Scielo, Google Acadêmico, PubMed e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, utilizando os descritores “Norantea (Schwartzia - sinônimo), aspectos botânicos, constituintes químicos, uso terapêutico”, em inglês, espanhol e português, para buscar artigos na íntegra e publicados nos mesm...
Genetics and molecular research : GMR, 2013
17α-Methyltestosterone (MT) is widely used in fish hatcheries of many countries to produce male m... more 17α-Methyltestosterone (MT) is widely used in fish hatcheries of many countries to produce male monosex populations. Its genotoxic risk to fish species is not well known and studies in other in vivo models are still inconclusive. MT was tested for genotoxicity in the fish species Oreochromis niloticus (tilapia), a target species, and Astyanax bimaculatus (lambari), a native non-target species. Genotoxicity was evaluated by the micronucleus test (MN), nuclear abnormalities (NA), and comet assay using peripheral erythrocytes of both species after a 96-h exposure to MT at concentrations of 0.01, 0.1, and 1.0 mg/L in the water. At the lowest exposure level of 0.01 mg/L, MT induced MN in both species and NA only in O. niloticus. These effects were not observed in the comet assay. Chromatographic analysis of water samples collected from aquariums at the beginning and end of each experiment showed that MT was consumed during the 96-h exposure. At the highest level of exposure (1.0 mg/L), 8...
Genetics and Molecular Research, 2014
17-α-methyltestosterone (MT) is a synthetic hormone used in fish hatcheries to induce male monose... more 17-α-methyltestosterone (MT) is a synthetic hormone used in fish hatcheries to induce male monosex. Snails hold promise as possible test models to assess chemicals acting on the endocrine system. Biomphalaria glabrata is an aquatic gastropod mollusk (Pulmonata, Planorbidae) that can be easily maintained in aquaria, predisposing the species for use in ecotoxicological testing. This study evaluated the reproductive effects of MT on B. glabrata by examining histological changes and its reproductive performance. Ten snails per group were exposed for 4 weeks to different concentrations of MT (0.01, 0.1, and 1.0 mg/L). The total number of laid eggs, egg mass per group, size of type V oocytes, and production of spermatozoids were determined. Reproduction of B. glabrata was affected by MT. At the lowest concentration (0.01 mg/L), MT caused a statistically significant increase in the number of egg mass per snail compared with controls unexposed to MT. Histopathology analyses showed an increase in the sperm production at the higher MT ©FUNPEC-RP Genetics and Molecular Research 13 (1): 605-615 (2014) C.L.G. Rivero-Wendt et al. concentrations of 0.1 and 1.0 mg/L. Chromatographic analyses of water samples showed that MT concentrations rapidly declined within a 96-h period. These results highlight the importance of giving more support to regulatory authorities, since MT is not registered for use on fish hatcheries in many countries around the world. Wastewater from fish farms discharged into aquatic ecosystems should be monitored for MT residues, since its presence could compromise the reproduction of other native snail species.
Genetics and Molecular Research, 2013
Methyltestosterone's genotoxic and gonadal effects significant inhibition of spermatozoa producti... more Methyltestosterone's genotoxic and gonadal effects significant inhibition of spermatozoa production. We concluded that discharge of fish-hatcheries water onto the surface of aquatic ecosystems should be avoided due to risks to reproduction of native species.
Interacoes droga-droga (IDDs) sao responsaveis por problemas terapeuticos e as principais causas ... more Interacoes droga-droga (IDDs) sao responsaveis por problemas terapeuticos e as principais causas de reacoes adversas a medicamentos que levam a hospitalizacao. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar a incidencia de IDDs em pacientes admitidos em hospital publico no Brasil, em 2015. Em um estudo transversal, 351pacientes foram selecionados com IDDs utilizando-se o banco de dados da Micromedex®, e as interacoes foram classificadas de acordo com a severidade e documentacao. Os potenciais IDDs foram avaliados durante o acompanhamento farmacoterapeutico diario por anamnese farmaceutica e a analise dos exames laboratoriais foi realizada. Um total de 2.937 potenciais IDDs foram identificados e 28,42% deles tinham sinais e sintomas clinicos confirmados em 87 pacientes (29%). Entre os pacientes que apresentaram interacoes, 62,07% tinham mais que 60 anos. Neste grupo de idade, 61,27% de todos os sinais e sintomas clinicos observados foram tambem identificados, demonstrando uma associacao positiv...
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasilia, Faculdade de Medicina, Pos-Graduacao em Patologia Mole... more Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasilia, Faculdade de Medicina, Pos-Graduacao em Patologia Molecular, 2013.
Research, Society and Development, 2021
We aimed to evaluate the phytochemical composition of the aqueous extract of leaves of Psychotria... more We aimed to evaluate the phytochemical composition of the aqueous extract of leaves of Psychotria carthagenensis, and its possible toxicological effects at 200 µg/Kg on Rattus norvegicus. The aqueous extract was used for preliminary phytochemical analyses using standard procedures. After, male albino Wistar rats (N= 6/group) received by gavage for 15 consecutive days, infusions with fresh (FL) and dry leaf (DL) at 200 µg/kg; controls received filtered water (negative) or clonazepam solution at 0.5 mg/kg (positive). Hematological analyses, determination of serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), urea, uric acid, total plasma protein (TPP), quantification of serum cholinesterase (AChE), and histological analyses of kidneys and liver were carried out. By the phytochemical analysis of the aqueous leaf extract, it was possible to detect the total phenols, flavonoids, tannins and alkaloids, the latter having been recorded for the species for the f...
Ensaios e Ciência C Biológicas Agrárias e da Saúde, 2021
The aim of this study was to evaluate the Porophyllum ruderale effects on the liver in murine mel... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the Porophyllum ruderale effects on the liver in murine melanoma model B16-F10 and to determine the antioxidant potential. The plant’s aerial parts of the were collected in Campo Grande, MS, Brazil, dried, extracted with ethanol, ultrasonic bath and static maceration. The hydroalcoholic formulation at 100 and 200 mg/kg were submitted to antioxidant activity (DPPH) and hepatoprotective effect. Thirty-eight black mice with a mean weight of 30 g were distributed in 4 experimental groups: negative control, positive control (doxorubicin), P. ruderale at 100 mg/kg and P. ruderale at 200 mg/kg. All the animals received subcutaneous injection of 5x105 B16F10 cells on the 1st day of the experiment and were treated until the 14th day. Although a significant antioxidant activity was verified for the two concentrations analyzed, they were not sufficient to minimize the melanoma effects toxic in the mice liver as observed by histological changes and that lea...
Research, Society and Development, 2021
O parto é o momento singular na vida da gestante e a enfermagem com seu modelo assistencial e hol... more O parto é o momento singular na vida da gestante e a enfermagem com seu modelo assistencial e holístico, consegue colocar a mulher como protagonista do processo de parto, utilizando ferramentas como a aromaterapia. Este estudo caracterizou o conhecimento sobre a aromaterapia e do uso dos óleos essenciais (OEs) durante o trabalho de parto (TP) por meio de um questionário aplicado as enfermeiras das Maternidades Cândido Mariano e do Hospital Universitário Maria Aparecida Pedrossian (HUMAP). A partir dos resultados foi possível verificar que 100% dos profissionais conhecem a aromaterapia. Entretanto, o percentual 69,2% possuem formação técnica e conhecimento sobre os meios de diluição e aplicação dos OEs, os profissionais não fazem preferência por marca de produto, 100% utilizam o óleo essencial (OE) de lavanda e 61,5% o OE de canela nas parturientes. Assim, a aromaterapia já é uma prática regular entre os enfermeiros das instituições, porém se faz necessário a capacitação adequada, pa...
No Brasil o descarte de medicamentos e insumos farmaceuticos de forma inadequada gera em torno de... more No Brasil o descarte de medicamentos e insumos farmaceuticos de forma inadequada gera em torno de 10 e 28 mil toneladas, contribuindo para um problema em saude publica e ambiental. Visando contribuir com a desconstrucao deste cenario, o artigo tem como objetivo a caracterizacao e discussao dos potenciais impactos ambientais do descarte de medicamentos e/ou insumos farmaceuticos no lixo comum da cidade de Terenos, Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), a partir de coleta de quantificacao realizada durante 2015 e 2016. A metodologia do estudo partiu de coleta em Unidade de Tratamento de Residuos (UTR), com separacao e quantificacao dos medicamentos encontrados no lixo comum do municipio investigado. Foram coletados 80 tipos de farmacos que somaram um deposito total de cerca de 490 g a cada 15 dias, em projecao de descarte medio de 1,69 g ao ano de medicamentos em lixo comum por municipe. Foram encontrados farmacos de alta toxidade (hormonios, antidepressivos e anti-helminticos) que, embora fora das...
Rosemary Matias; Fernanda Sollberger Canale; Bianca Obes Corrêa, José Antônio Maior Bono, Ademir ... more Rosemary Matias; Fernanda Sollberger Canale; Bianca Obes Corrêa, José Antônio Maior Bono, Ademir Kleber Morbeck de Oliviera, Doroty Mesquita Dourado, Antônia Railda Roel, Carla Leticia Gediel Rivero-Wendt, Denise Renata Pedrino Graduate Program in Environment and Regional Development, Universidade Anhanguera –Uniderp. Rua Alexandre Herculano, 1400, Jardim Veraneio, 79037-280, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Email:,,, Graduate Program in Production and Agroindustrial Management, Universidade Anhanguera –Uniderp. Rua Alexandre Herculano, 1400, Jardim Veraneio, 79037-280, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Email:,, Graduate Program in Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. Avenida Tamandaré, 6000, Jardim Seminário, 790117-900, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2022
The genus Pouteria has been studied because it presents various activities, among which is its an... more The genus Pouteria has been studied because it presents various activities, among which is its anti-inflammatory potential. The effects of Pouteria ramiflora Carbopol gel on the healing of skin wounds in diabetic rats were evaluated by microscopic imaging. Streptozotocin was administered intraperitoneally in animals that had fasted for 12 hours, a situation confirmed by the glycemic index (˃ 240 mg dL-1). An excision on the back of the animals was performed and three groups were formed: Control (Gel), Ethanolic extract (Ext) and Gel + extract 2% (Ext+gel); the histopathological evaluation occurred on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 30th days after the post-operative period. The results of the phytochemical prospecting of P. ramiflora extract demonstrated the major presence of phenolic compounds and flavonoids; the assessment of the inflammatory infiltrate on the 7th day was higher on group Ext and Ext+gel when compared to group Control; on the 14th day control and Ext (p<0.05). The quant...
Research, Society and Development, 2020
The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, causes damage at several stages of the maize crop cycle... more The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, causes damage at several stages of the maize crop cycle. Due to its resistance to synthetic insecticides and the high costs of pest control, there is an ever-increasing amount of research on alternative or complementary products that have a minor environmental and financial impact on agriculture. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition and insecticidal potential of Ocimum gratissimum (african basil) leaves essential oil and the effect of its major component, thymol, on S. frugiperda control. Gas Chromatography (GC) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis identified p-cymene, γ-terpinene, and thymol compounds as the main constituents of the oil, which presented a yield of 4.75%. Among the 30 identified compounds, thymol (33.2%) was the major constituent, representing 97.8% of the total oil. The efficacy of both the oil and thymol standard (Sigma-Aldrich) was evaluated against S. frugiperda u...
Environmental toxicology and pharmacology, 2016
The synthetic androgen 17α-methyltestosterone is widely used in fish aquaculture for sex reversio... more The synthetic androgen 17α-methyltestosterone is widely used in fish aquaculture for sex reversion of female individuals. Little is known about the amount of MT residues reaching the aquatic environment and further impacts in non-target organisms, including fish early-life stages. Thus, in this work, zebrafish embryos were exposed to two forms of 17α-methyltestosterone: the pure compound (MT) and a formulation commonly used in Brazil (cMT). For MT, a 96h-LC50 of 10.09mg/l was calculated. MT also affected embryo development inducing tail malformations, edemas, abnormal development of the head, and hatching delay. At biochemical level MT inhibited vitellogenin (VTG) and inhibited cholinesterase and lactate dehydrogenase. cMT elicited similar patterns of toxicity as the pure compound (MT). Effects reported in this study suggest a potential environmental risk of MT, especially since the VTG effects occurred at environmental relevant concentrations (0.004mg/l).
Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2014
The persistent organic pollutant p,p′-DDE, the major metabolite of the insecticide DDT, has displ... more The persistent organic pollutant p,p′-DDE, the major metabolite of the insecticide DDT, has displayed evidence of endocrine disruption through the inhibition of androgen binding to androgen receptors in different species. Although p,p′-DDE was continuously detected in wild fish with abnormal gonad development such as intersex, little is known about its mode of action during gonad development in fish. To elucidate the potential endocrine effects of this pollutant in zebrafish (Danio rerio), juveniles (30 days post hatch) were exposed to p,p′-DDE during the critical window of sexual differentiation. Fish were exposed to sublethal concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 20 μg l-1 over 14 days and were maintained in control water for an additional 4 months. As core endpoints, the vitellogenin (vtg) concentration was measured at the end of exposure, and sex ratio and the gonadosomatic index were assessed 4 months after the end of exposure. An increase in vtg production in whole body homogenate was observed in fish exposed to 0.2 and 2.0 μg l-1 p,p′-DDE. No significant differences were displayed in morphological parameters such as the gonadosomatic index of males and females or sex ratio. However, exposed females presented histopathological changes that include the reduction of the number of mature oocytes, which might impair their successful reproduction. These results demonstrate the ability of p,p′-DDE to cause endocrine disruption in zebrafish exposed during gonad differentiation of juvenile specimens. Furthermore, vtg induction by p,p′-DDE in juvenile zebrafish arises as a predictive marker for adverse effects of this DDT metabolite on the ovarian function of female zebrafish.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 2020
The 17 alpha methyltestosterone (MT) hormone is fed to Oreochromis niloticus larvae in fish farms... more The 17 alpha methyltestosterone (MT) hormone is fed to Oreochromis niloticus larvae in fish farms with the purpose of inducing sex reversal. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity and sub-lethality of MT (99.9% purity) and cMT (a commercial MT with 90% purity) in zebrafish (Danio rerio) adults, where the animals were exposed to concentrations of 0, 4, 23, 139, 833 and 5000 mg/ L for 96 hours. Genotoxicity was evaluated by micronucleus test (MN), nuclear abnormalities (NA) and comet assay. A low genotoxic potential of MT was showed, inducing micronucleus, nuclear abnormalities and DNA damage in Danio rerio, depending on the use of MT or cMT, gender and tested concentrations. In the sub-lethality trials, there was a basal difference in the activity of the enzymatic biochemical markers for males and females, while the Glutatione S transferase (GST) activity decreased in all analyzed tissues, and for males the enzymatic activity decreased only in the intestine. Results suggest that MT has a toxic potential to fish because it alters enzymatic metabolic pathways and may pose a risk to the ecosystems.