Carlos Alfredo Carmona Gasca - (original) (raw)
Papers by Carlos Alfredo Carmona Gasca
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2013
How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in ... more How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative
Chicken meat is an excellent quality food but it is easily contaminated with aerobic mesophilic. ... more Chicken meat is an excellent quality food but it is easily contaminated with aerobic mesophilic. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of dietary oregano oil over the amount of aerobic mesophilic detected on fresh and frozen breast from broilers 35 and 42 days old. A total of 504 broilers were randomly assigned to 4 treatments with 3 replications of 42 broilers each, broilers were fed with starter diet and grower-finisher diet. At 35 and 42 days, 5 broilers were slaughtered, breast meat samples were collected and aerobic mesophilic count was conducted on fresh breast and 30 days frozen breast (-18 °C). Data of the amount of mesophilic CFU per gram of meat obtained were analyzed using a completely randomized design; the comparison of means was made with the Tukey test. In the fresh and frozen breast, the CFU on meat decreased, and the effect was greater in both, fresh and frozen breast meat (P ≤ 0.05) when increasing dietary amount of oregano oil to 400 mg per kg on feed. In conclusion, oregano oil added to the diet decreased the amount of aerobic mesophilic CFU on fresh and frozen broiler breast of 42 days of age, but 400
Brazilian Journal of Animal and Environmental Research
En el presente trabajo se aborda la incorporación de ácidos orgánicos (AO) como suplemento en el ... more En el presente trabajo se aborda la incorporación de ácidos orgánicos (AO) como suplemento en el agua de bebida del lechón destetado, para evaluar los efectos que tiene sobre el crecimiento y la salud digestiva. Se utilizaron 100 cerdos machos castrados y 100 cerdas hembras de la raza tetrahibrida Yorkshire-Landrace-Duroc-Pietrain con un peso inicial de 7.3 ±0.5 kg y edad de 21 días de nacidos en etapa de destete, con agua y alimento ad libitum durante 21 días experimentales (6ª semana de edad). La adición de los AO comerciales (ANIMALIA®; 28 % de ácidos cítrico, propiónico y acético) de acuerdo a las recomendaciones del productor fue de 350 mL en mil L de agua de bebida. La alimentación se realizó siguiendo los protocolos del alimento comercial en pellet, con los cambios de acuerdo con su peso en la pre-engorda. Se formaron dos grupos experimentales cada uno con 100 lechones: Grupo 1. 50 machos y 50 hembras con adición de AO. Grupo 2. 50 machos y 50 hembras sin adición de AO. Con l...
Obstructive urolithiasis is a considerable frequency problem in small ruminants under intensiv... more Obstructive urolithiasis is a considerable frequency problem in small ruminants under intensive production schedules, resulting in significant economic losses for producers, especially in feedlots. The disease starts with formation of kidney microcalculli that when they grow lodge the urethra, leading to clinical disorders. Pharmaceutical treatment has positive results at the beginning of signs; however, there are surgical techniques such as urethral resection, the perineal urethrotomy, cystostomy, percutaneous cystostomy and cystostomy with catheter placement. Preventive measures for high-risk farms should include the addition of sodium chloride 3% - 5 % in diet or supplementation with ammonium chloride at a concentration of 0.5 % -1 % of the diet. Urolithiasis occurs in male sheep when submitted to high levels of concentrates diets, especially corn and sorghum, in addition, the calcium-phosphorus relationship poorly balanced and the use of hard or mineralized water. In fatteni...
Abanico Veterinario, 2018
Currently, there are four Varroa species identified worldwide, which present a high interspecific... more Currently, there are four Varroa species identified worldwide, which present a high interspecific and intraspecific variability. The objective of this investigation was to identify the predominant species of Varroa and the effect of thymol on the plasticity of the mite. To determine the species and effect of thymol on the plasticity of the mite, 150 specimens from 65 hives and 54 from 17 beehives exposed to thymol for 28 days were morphometrically tested. According to the morphometric measurements, the mites were identified as Varroa destructor, there being no morphometric evidence of the infestation by other Varroa species. Mite populations differed among apiaries (P≤ 0.05), so that variables genital shield width (P=0.013), genital shield length (P=0.002) and genital shield width (P=0.026) were plus variants. We found 8 morphotypes, observing differences between the means of the genital shield length for thymol effect (P≤ 0.05). It is concluded that Varroa destructor exposed to thymol presents intraspecific morphometric variability for adaptation to the selection pressure imposed by the acaricide.
Archivos de medicina veterinaria, 2016
Effect of oregano oil supplementation in diets formed using either crude soybean oil or acidulate... more Effect of oregano oil supplementation in diets formed using either crude soybean oil or acidulated soybean oil soapstock as source of energy on the growth performance parameters of broilers Efecto de la suplementación con aceite de orégano en la dieta utilizando aceite de soya crudo o aceite de soya acidulado como fuente de energía sobre los parámetros productivos de crecimiento del pollo de engorda F Escalera-Valente a , JL Loya-Olguín a , CA Carmona-Gasca a , S Martínez-González a , F Avila-Ramos b* ABSTRACT. The type of oil used in the broiler diet is mainly based on its price; in the case of soybean oil (CSO), acidulated soybean oil soapstock (ASS) is cheaper. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of oregano oil dietary supplementation when the diet contains either CSO or ASS as source of energy. 320 broilers Ross 308 were assigned to four groups: (1) CSO containing diet without oregano supplementation, (2) ASS containing diet without oregano supplementation, (3) CSO containing diet with oregano supplementation (100 mg/kg), and (4) ASS containing diet with oregano supplementation (100 mg/kg). The growth performance parameters were weekly recorded during the experiment. Data were analysed with a completely randomised design with 2 × 2 factorial arrangement and the mortality rates were adjusted using the arc-sine transformation to fulfill the analysis requirements. The results showed no effect of oregano oil (containing 30.7 and 9.7 % of thymol and carvacrol, respectively) on feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion rate. A significant interaction of energy source by oregano oil supplementation was found in mortality rates (P < 0.05); mortality was higher when the diet did not contain oregano oil and was formed using ASS. It can be concluded that the addition of 100 mg of oregano oil per kg of feed did not have a positive effect on the growth performance parameters of broilers when the diet contained either crude soybean oil or acidulated soybean oil soapstock as sources of energy.
Austral journal of veterinary sciences, May 1, 2017
Oregano additives could contain growth stimulating compounds for poultry, however, a great variat... more Oregano additives could contain growth stimulating compounds for poultry, however, a great variation attributed to their main components is observed. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of oregano oil dietary supplementation on the productive variables, the height of the intestinal villi and the accumulation of antioxidant compounds in the breast of broilers. In total, 480 broilers were reared from 1 to 42 d of age and since the first day of life were allocated into four treatments, each with four replications of 30 birds. The formulated diet was based on corn and soybean meal and 0, 100, 200 or 400 mg of oregano oil per kg of feed were incorporated in the diets of treatment 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion and mortality rates were weekly recorded. At 21 and 42 days of age the intestinal villi height and antioxidant capacity in the chicken breast were measured. Oregano oil used contained 43.17% and 29.16% of thymol and carvacrol, respectively. Feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion rate and mortality were not affected by oregano oil dietary supplementation. The height of intestinal villi increased with the level of oregano oil supplementation (P<0.05). However, the size of the intestinal villi was greater in the duodenum compared to the other parts (P<0.05), and jejunum and ileum had the same height. Antioxidant capacity of chicken breast at the 6th week was increased in the group that was dietary supplemented with 400 mg of oregano oil per kg of feed.
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
Abanico Veterinario, 2016
Beekeeping in Mexico is an important productive activity, but it is threatened by the presence of... more Beekeeping in Mexico is an important productive activity, but it is threatened by the presence of diseases that affect the development and production of the colonies. The aim of this research was to determine, the frequency and degree of infestation of Varroa destructor, Nosema apis, and Acarapis woodi in honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies from the east region in the State of Mexico. A total of 93 samples were collected from five town councils with beekeepers organized in the region, samples were analyzed for these three pathogens. A statistical comparison between five town councils was performed. The results indicated that all samples were positive (100 %) to V. destructor with levels from 0.5 to 22.1 %, but they were negative to Nosema and Acariosis. The town council of Tlalmanalco registered the highest values of V. destructor with 7.9 % (P ≤ 0.05). The results suggest that Varroatosis is an important disease for the region, but Nosema and A. woddi do not pose a threat to this bee population.
Austral journal of veterinary sciences
Chicken meat is an excellent quality food but it is easily contaminated with aerobic mesophilic. ... more Chicken meat is an excellent quality food but it is easily contaminated with aerobic mesophilic. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of dietary oregano oil over the amount of aerobic mesophilic detected on fresh and frozen breast from broilers 35 and 42 days old. A total of 504 broilers were randomly assigned to 4 treatments with 3 replications of 42 broilers each, broilers were fed with starter diet and grower-finisher diet. At 35 and 42 days, 5 broilers were slaughtered, breast meat samples were collected and aerobic mesophilic count was conducted on fresh breast and 30 days frozen breast (-18 °C). Data of the amount of mesophilic CFU per gram of meat obtained were analyzed using a completely randomized design; the comparison of means was made with the Tukey test. In the fresh and frozen breast, the CFU on meat decreased, and the effect was greater in both, fresh and frozen breast meat (P ≤ 0.05) when increasing dietary amount of oregano oil to 400 mg per kg on fe...
Veterinaria Mexico, 2011
La leptospirosis bovina causa grandes perdidas economicas a la ganaderia por problemas reproducti... more La leptospirosis bovina causa grandes perdidas economicas a la ganaderia por problemas reproductivos y tambien es un riesgo de salud publica. En Mexico, desde el siglo pasado se ha registrado la presencia de anticuerpos contra serovariedades de Leptospira por la tecnica de aglutinacion microscopica (AM), en bovinos y otras especies animales. En muy pocos casos, la enfermedad fue demostrada por el aislamiento de Leptospira , y en tales casos, su caracterizacion se baso en metodos inmunologicos lentos que requirieron la comparacion con cepas de referencia y que fueron realizados fuera de Mexico. En el presente trabajo se realizo la caracterizacion molecular mediante la secuenciacion de locus multiples (MLST), de aislados de Leptospira obtenidos de rinones de bovinos recolectados en rastro, procedentes de las zonas Golfo y sur de Mexico. Se obtuvieron muestras de suero y rinones de 197 bovinos para realizar la AM, y el cultivo en medios especificos EMJH y Fletcher. Se detecto una serop...
Staphylococcus aureus es un patogeno versatil capaz de causarinfecciones en humanos y animales co... more Staphylococcus aureus es un patogeno versatil capaz de causarinfecciones en humanos y animales con diferentes tipos de patologias.El gen spa de S. aureus presenta secuencias cortas repetidas (SSR’s)que se utilizan en la tecnica de spa-typing para la caracterizacionmolecular de aislados del patogeno con fines epidemiologicos. Lasbases de datos y los diferentes tipos de software disponibles para spatypingson poco amigables y presentan la informacion fragmentada.En este trabajo se presenta una aproximacion al diseno de unsoftware alternativo, NiSspa (Nicolaita-software para spa-typing),que relaciona de forma amigable la informacion de spa-typing con lainformacion presente en las bases de datos globales de epidemiologiamolecular de S. aureus. El software se probo contra las herramientasdisponibles en linea utilizando datos experimentales generados enel laboratorio.
La urolitiasis obstructiva es una alteracion frecuente en pequenos rumiantes sometidos a programa... more La urolitiasis obstructiva es una alteracion frecuente en pequenos rumiantes sometidos a programas de produccion intensiva, ocasiona perdidas a los productores que mantiene este sistema de produccion. La urolitiasis se presenta con mayor frecuencia en machos y agrava cuando los ovinos tienen dietas con altos niveles de concentrados, regularmente con granos de maiz y sorgo, sin olvidar la relacion de calcio fosforo mal balanceada y el consumo de aguas mineralizadas. La enfermedad comienza con la formacion de micro calculos en los rinones, cuando crecen y alcanzan un tamano que puede obstruir la uretra dan lugar a alteraciones clinicas. El tratamiento farmaceutico tiene resultados positivos al inicio de los primeros signos. Sin embargo, despues hay tecnicas quirurgicas como la reseccion del proceso uretral, la uretrotomia perineal, cistotomia, cistotomia percutanea y cistotomia con colocacion de sonda para solucionar la afeccion. Las medidas preventivas en granjas de alto riesgo deben...
Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, 2013
Rodents are the main reservoirs of pathogenic leptospires, spreading the organism to the environm... more Rodents are the main reservoirs of pathogenic leptospires, spreading the organism to the environment and so the major risk factor for both, animals and humans to acquire leptospirosis. To assess such a role, 50 mice were caught in a dairy farm in the municipality of Teoloyucan, State of Mexico in central Mexico. Accordingly to the morphometric study, all rodents were identified as Mus musculus. Anti-Leptospira antibody titers (≥1:20), were obtained in 46% (23) of the animals by the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), where the most common serovars detected were: Ballum 38% (19), Canicola 10% (5) and Australis 2% (1). Three Leptospira isolates (6%) were obtained by culture of mice kidneys macerates. The cultures were identified as L. borgpetersenii serovar Ballum by cross-MAT, IS1533-based PCR assay, rrs2 (16S) sequencing, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and by multiple locus sequencing typing (MLST). As far as we know, this is the first report on the isolation of...
En la actualidad hay restricciones para usar aditivos sintéticos en la producción de pollo en var... more En la actualidad hay restricciones para usar aditivos sintéticos en la producción de pollo en varios países, una alternativa es usar sustancias naturales pero tienen varias funciones y efectos sobre las aves. El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar tres niveles 0, 100 y 200 mg de propóleos por kg1 de alimento en aves de engorda durante 42 días. El propóleo a 200 mg kg-1aumentó la conversión alimenticia (CA) en aves de tres semanas de edad (P<0.05), pero a 100 mg kg-1disminuyó la ganancia de peso (GP) en aves de seis semanas (P<0.05). El propóleo aumentó la cantidad de linfocitos, heterófilos y eosonófilos en aves de tres semanas (P<0.05) y los monocitos en aves de seis semanas (P<0.05). A 100 y 200 mg por kg-1de propóleo por kg de alimento disminuyó la urea en aves de tres semanas (P<0.05) y a 200 mg kg-1incrementó el colesterol y los triglicéridos en aves de seis semanas (P<0.05), pero 200 mg kg-1de propóleos evitó la oxidación de los lípidos en la carne de la...
The wide variety of pathogenic Leptospira serovars and the weak protection offered by the availab... more The wide variety of pathogenic Leptospira serovars and the weak protection offered by the available vaccines encourage the search for protective immunogens against leptospirosis. We found that the secretin GspD of the type II secretion system (T2S) of Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola was highly conserved amongst pathogenic serovars and was expressed in vivo during infection, as shown by immunohistochemistry. Convalescent sera of hamsters, dogs, and cows showed the presence of IgG antibodies, recognizing a recombinant version of this protein expressed in Escherichia coli (rGspDLC) in Western blot assays. In a pilot vaccination study, a group of eight hamsters was immunized on days zero and 14 with 50 µg of rGspDLC mixed with Freund’s incomplete adjuvant (FIA). On day 28 of the study, 1,000 LD50 (Lethal Dose 50%) of a virulent strain of Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola (LOCaS46) were inoculated by an intraoral submucosal route (IOSM). Seventy-five percent protection agai...
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias
Se estudió el efecto de propóleo (P) y aceite de orégano (A) sobre parámetros productivos, leuco... more Se estudió el efecto de propóleo (P) y aceite de orégano (A) sobre parámetros productivos, leucocitos, compuestos químicos en sangre y la estabilidad oxidativa de la carne de pechuga. 480 pollos fueron distribuidos en cuatro tratamientos con cuatro réplicas de 30 pollos. Se probaron cuatro niveles de aditivos: TES = 0, P = 100 mg de propóleos, A = 100 mg de aceite de orégano y AP = 50 mg de A + 50 mg de P por kg-1 de alimento. Los parámetros productivos se registraron los días 7, 14, 21, 18, 35 y 42, se tomaron muestras de sangre a los 21 y 42 días para medir metabolitos sanguíneos. A los 42 días dos aves por repetición se sacrificaron y su pechuga se colectó para determinar su estabilidad oxidativa midiendo el malondialdehído (MDA). Los resultados muestran que el aceite de orégano contenía 43.47% de timol y 29.16% de carvacrol, los propóleos 5.6 mg de flavonoides, 840 µg de fenoles y 138 µg equivalentes de Trolox® por g de propólio. El consumo de alimento, ganancia de peso, conve...
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2013
How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in ... more How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative
Chicken meat is an excellent quality food but it is easily contaminated with aerobic mesophilic. ... more Chicken meat is an excellent quality food but it is easily contaminated with aerobic mesophilic. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of dietary oregano oil over the amount of aerobic mesophilic detected on fresh and frozen breast from broilers 35 and 42 days old. A total of 504 broilers were randomly assigned to 4 treatments with 3 replications of 42 broilers each, broilers were fed with starter diet and grower-finisher diet. At 35 and 42 days, 5 broilers were slaughtered, breast meat samples were collected and aerobic mesophilic count was conducted on fresh breast and 30 days frozen breast (-18 °C). Data of the amount of mesophilic CFU per gram of meat obtained were analyzed using a completely randomized design; the comparison of means was made with the Tukey test. In the fresh and frozen breast, the CFU on meat decreased, and the effect was greater in both, fresh and frozen breast meat (P ≤ 0.05) when increasing dietary amount of oregano oil to 400 mg per kg on feed. In conclusion, oregano oil added to the diet decreased the amount of aerobic mesophilic CFU on fresh and frozen broiler breast of 42 days of age, but 400
Brazilian Journal of Animal and Environmental Research
En el presente trabajo se aborda la incorporación de ácidos orgánicos (AO) como suplemento en el ... more En el presente trabajo se aborda la incorporación de ácidos orgánicos (AO) como suplemento en el agua de bebida del lechón destetado, para evaluar los efectos que tiene sobre el crecimiento y la salud digestiva. Se utilizaron 100 cerdos machos castrados y 100 cerdas hembras de la raza tetrahibrida Yorkshire-Landrace-Duroc-Pietrain con un peso inicial de 7.3 ±0.5 kg y edad de 21 días de nacidos en etapa de destete, con agua y alimento ad libitum durante 21 días experimentales (6ª semana de edad). La adición de los AO comerciales (ANIMALIA®; 28 % de ácidos cítrico, propiónico y acético) de acuerdo a las recomendaciones del productor fue de 350 mL en mil L de agua de bebida. La alimentación se realizó siguiendo los protocolos del alimento comercial en pellet, con los cambios de acuerdo con su peso en la pre-engorda. Se formaron dos grupos experimentales cada uno con 100 lechones: Grupo 1. 50 machos y 50 hembras con adición de AO. Grupo 2. 50 machos y 50 hembras sin adición de AO. Con l...
Obstructive urolithiasis is a considerable frequency problem in small ruminants under intensiv... more Obstructive urolithiasis is a considerable frequency problem in small ruminants under intensive production schedules, resulting in significant economic losses for producers, especially in feedlots. The disease starts with formation of kidney microcalculli that when they grow lodge the urethra, leading to clinical disorders. Pharmaceutical treatment has positive results at the beginning of signs; however, there are surgical techniques such as urethral resection, the perineal urethrotomy, cystostomy, percutaneous cystostomy and cystostomy with catheter placement. Preventive measures for high-risk farms should include the addition of sodium chloride 3% - 5 % in diet or supplementation with ammonium chloride at a concentration of 0.5 % -1 % of the diet. Urolithiasis occurs in male sheep when submitted to high levels of concentrates diets, especially corn and sorghum, in addition, the calcium-phosphorus relationship poorly balanced and the use of hard or mineralized water. In fatteni...
Abanico Veterinario, 2018
Currently, there are four Varroa species identified worldwide, which present a high interspecific... more Currently, there are four Varroa species identified worldwide, which present a high interspecific and intraspecific variability. The objective of this investigation was to identify the predominant species of Varroa and the effect of thymol on the plasticity of the mite. To determine the species and effect of thymol on the plasticity of the mite, 150 specimens from 65 hives and 54 from 17 beehives exposed to thymol for 28 days were morphometrically tested. According to the morphometric measurements, the mites were identified as Varroa destructor, there being no morphometric evidence of the infestation by other Varroa species. Mite populations differed among apiaries (P≤ 0.05), so that variables genital shield width (P=0.013), genital shield length (P=0.002) and genital shield width (P=0.026) were plus variants. We found 8 morphotypes, observing differences between the means of the genital shield length for thymol effect (P≤ 0.05). It is concluded that Varroa destructor exposed to thymol presents intraspecific morphometric variability for adaptation to the selection pressure imposed by the acaricide.
Archivos de medicina veterinaria, 2016
Effect of oregano oil supplementation in diets formed using either crude soybean oil or acidulate... more Effect of oregano oil supplementation in diets formed using either crude soybean oil or acidulated soybean oil soapstock as source of energy on the growth performance parameters of broilers Efecto de la suplementación con aceite de orégano en la dieta utilizando aceite de soya crudo o aceite de soya acidulado como fuente de energía sobre los parámetros productivos de crecimiento del pollo de engorda F Escalera-Valente a , JL Loya-Olguín a , CA Carmona-Gasca a , S Martínez-González a , F Avila-Ramos b* ABSTRACT. The type of oil used in the broiler diet is mainly based on its price; in the case of soybean oil (CSO), acidulated soybean oil soapstock (ASS) is cheaper. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of oregano oil dietary supplementation when the diet contains either CSO or ASS as source of energy. 320 broilers Ross 308 were assigned to four groups: (1) CSO containing diet without oregano supplementation, (2) ASS containing diet without oregano supplementation, (3) CSO containing diet with oregano supplementation (100 mg/kg), and (4) ASS containing diet with oregano supplementation (100 mg/kg). The growth performance parameters were weekly recorded during the experiment. Data were analysed with a completely randomised design with 2 × 2 factorial arrangement and the mortality rates were adjusted using the arc-sine transformation to fulfill the analysis requirements. The results showed no effect of oregano oil (containing 30.7 and 9.7 % of thymol and carvacrol, respectively) on feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion rate. A significant interaction of energy source by oregano oil supplementation was found in mortality rates (P < 0.05); mortality was higher when the diet did not contain oregano oil and was formed using ASS. It can be concluded that the addition of 100 mg of oregano oil per kg of feed did not have a positive effect on the growth performance parameters of broilers when the diet contained either crude soybean oil or acidulated soybean oil soapstock as sources of energy.
Austral journal of veterinary sciences, May 1, 2017
Oregano additives could contain growth stimulating compounds for poultry, however, a great variat... more Oregano additives could contain growth stimulating compounds for poultry, however, a great variation attributed to their main components is observed. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of oregano oil dietary supplementation on the productive variables, the height of the intestinal villi and the accumulation of antioxidant compounds in the breast of broilers. In total, 480 broilers were reared from 1 to 42 d of age and since the first day of life were allocated into four treatments, each with four replications of 30 birds. The formulated diet was based on corn and soybean meal and 0, 100, 200 or 400 mg of oregano oil per kg of feed were incorporated in the diets of treatment 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion and mortality rates were weekly recorded. At 21 and 42 days of age the intestinal villi height and antioxidant capacity in the chicken breast were measured. Oregano oil used contained 43.17% and 29.16% of thymol and carvacrol, respectively. Feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion rate and mortality were not affected by oregano oil dietary supplementation. The height of intestinal villi increased with the level of oregano oil supplementation (P<0.05). However, the size of the intestinal villi was greater in the duodenum compared to the other parts (P<0.05), and jejunum and ileum had the same height. Antioxidant capacity of chicken breast at the 6th week was increased in the group that was dietary supplemented with 400 mg of oregano oil per kg of feed.
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
Abanico Veterinario, 2016
Beekeeping in Mexico is an important productive activity, but it is threatened by the presence of... more Beekeeping in Mexico is an important productive activity, but it is threatened by the presence of diseases that affect the development and production of the colonies. The aim of this research was to determine, the frequency and degree of infestation of Varroa destructor, Nosema apis, and Acarapis woodi in honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies from the east region in the State of Mexico. A total of 93 samples were collected from five town councils with beekeepers organized in the region, samples were analyzed for these three pathogens. A statistical comparison between five town councils was performed. The results indicated that all samples were positive (100 %) to V. destructor with levels from 0.5 to 22.1 %, but they were negative to Nosema and Acariosis. The town council of Tlalmanalco registered the highest values of V. destructor with 7.9 % (P ≤ 0.05). The results suggest that Varroatosis is an important disease for the region, but Nosema and A. woddi do not pose a threat to this bee population.
Austral journal of veterinary sciences
Chicken meat is an excellent quality food but it is easily contaminated with aerobic mesophilic. ... more Chicken meat is an excellent quality food but it is easily contaminated with aerobic mesophilic. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of dietary oregano oil over the amount of aerobic mesophilic detected on fresh and frozen breast from broilers 35 and 42 days old. A total of 504 broilers were randomly assigned to 4 treatments with 3 replications of 42 broilers each, broilers were fed with starter diet and grower-finisher diet. At 35 and 42 days, 5 broilers were slaughtered, breast meat samples were collected and aerobic mesophilic count was conducted on fresh breast and 30 days frozen breast (-18 °C). Data of the amount of mesophilic CFU per gram of meat obtained were analyzed using a completely randomized design; the comparison of means was made with the Tukey test. In the fresh and frozen breast, the CFU on meat decreased, and the effect was greater in both, fresh and frozen breast meat (P ≤ 0.05) when increasing dietary amount of oregano oil to 400 mg per kg on fe...
Veterinaria Mexico, 2011
La leptospirosis bovina causa grandes perdidas economicas a la ganaderia por problemas reproducti... more La leptospirosis bovina causa grandes perdidas economicas a la ganaderia por problemas reproductivos y tambien es un riesgo de salud publica. En Mexico, desde el siglo pasado se ha registrado la presencia de anticuerpos contra serovariedades de Leptospira por la tecnica de aglutinacion microscopica (AM), en bovinos y otras especies animales. En muy pocos casos, la enfermedad fue demostrada por el aislamiento de Leptospira , y en tales casos, su caracterizacion se baso en metodos inmunologicos lentos que requirieron la comparacion con cepas de referencia y que fueron realizados fuera de Mexico. En el presente trabajo se realizo la caracterizacion molecular mediante la secuenciacion de locus multiples (MLST), de aislados de Leptospira obtenidos de rinones de bovinos recolectados en rastro, procedentes de las zonas Golfo y sur de Mexico. Se obtuvieron muestras de suero y rinones de 197 bovinos para realizar la AM, y el cultivo en medios especificos EMJH y Fletcher. Se detecto una serop...
Staphylococcus aureus es un patogeno versatil capaz de causarinfecciones en humanos y animales co... more Staphylococcus aureus es un patogeno versatil capaz de causarinfecciones en humanos y animales con diferentes tipos de patologias.El gen spa de S. aureus presenta secuencias cortas repetidas (SSR’s)que se utilizan en la tecnica de spa-typing para la caracterizacionmolecular de aislados del patogeno con fines epidemiologicos. Lasbases de datos y los diferentes tipos de software disponibles para spatypingson poco amigables y presentan la informacion fragmentada.En este trabajo se presenta una aproximacion al diseno de unsoftware alternativo, NiSspa (Nicolaita-software para spa-typing),que relaciona de forma amigable la informacion de spa-typing con lainformacion presente en las bases de datos globales de epidemiologiamolecular de S. aureus. El software se probo contra las herramientasdisponibles en linea utilizando datos experimentales generados enel laboratorio.
La urolitiasis obstructiva es una alteracion frecuente en pequenos rumiantes sometidos a programa... more La urolitiasis obstructiva es una alteracion frecuente en pequenos rumiantes sometidos a programas de produccion intensiva, ocasiona perdidas a los productores que mantiene este sistema de produccion. La urolitiasis se presenta con mayor frecuencia en machos y agrava cuando los ovinos tienen dietas con altos niveles de concentrados, regularmente con granos de maiz y sorgo, sin olvidar la relacion de calcio fosforo mal balanceada y el consumo de aguas mineralizadas. La enfermedad comienza con la formacion de micro calculos en los rinones, cuando crecen y alcanzan un tamano que puede obstruir la uretra dan lugar a alteraciones clinicas. El tratamiento farmaceutico tiene resultados positivos al inicio de los primeros signos. Sin embargo, despues hay tecnicas quirurgicas como la reseccion del proceso uretral, la uretrotomia perineal, cistotomia, cistotomia percutanea y cistotomia con colocacion de sonda para solucionar la afeccion. Las medidas preventivas en granjas de alto riesgo deben...
Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, 2013
Rodents are the main reservoirs of pathogenic leptospires, spreading the organism to the environm... more Rodents are the main reservoirs of pathogenic leptospires, spreading the organism to the environment and so the major risk factor for both, animals and humans to acquire leptospirosis. To assess such a role, 50 mice were caught in a dairy farm in the municipality of Teoloyucan, State of Mexico in central Mexico. Accordingly to the morphometric study, all rodents were identified as Mus musculus. Anti-Leptospira antibody titers (≥1:20), were obtained in 46% (23) of the animals by the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), where the most common serovars detected were: Ballum 38% (19), Canicola 10% (5) and Australis 2% (1). Three Leptospira isolates (6%) were obtained by culture of mice kidneys macerates. The cultures were identified as L. borgpetersenii serovar Ballum by cross-MAT, IS1533-based PCR assay, rrs2 (16S) sequencing, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and by multiple locus sequencing typing (MLST). As far as we know, this is the first report on the isolation of...
En la actualidad hay restricciones para usar aditivos sintéticos en la producción de pollo en var... more En la actualidad hay restricciones para usar aditivos sintéticos en la producción de pollo en varios países, una alternativa es usar sustancias naturales pero tienen varias funciones y efectos sobre las aves. El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar tres niveles 0, 100 y 200 mg de propóleos por kg1 de alimento en aves de engorda durante 42 días. El propóleo a 200 mg kg-1aumentó la conversión alimenticia (CA) en aves de tres semanas de edad (P<0.05), pero a 100 mg kg-1disminuyó la ganancia de peso (GP) en aves de seis semanas (P<0.05). El propóleo aumentó la cantidad de linfocitos, heterófilos y eosonófilos en aves de tres semanas (P<0.05) y los monocitos en aves de seis semanas (P<0.05). A 100 y 200 mg por kg-1de propóleo por kg de alimento disminuyó la urea en aves de tres semanas (P<0.05) y a 200 mg kg-1incrementó el colesterol y los triglicéridos en aves de seis semanas (P<0.05), pero 200 mg kg-1de propóleos evitó la oxidación de los lípidos en la carne de la...
The wide variety of pathogenic Leptospira serovars and the weak protection offered by the availab... more The wide variety of pathogenic Leptospira serovars and the weak protection offered by the available vaccines encourage the search for protective immunogens against leptospirosis. We found that the secretin GspD of the type II secretion system (T2S) of Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola was highly conserved amongst pathogenic serovars and was expressed in vivo during infection, as shown by immunohistochemistry. Convalescent sera of hamsters, dogs, and cows showed the presence of IgG antibodies, recognizing a recombinant version of this protein expressed in Escherichia coli (rGspDLC) in Western blot assays. In a pilot vaccination study, a group of eight hamsters was immunized on days zero and 14 with 50 µg of rGspDLC mixed with Freund’s incomplete adjuvant (FIA). On day 28 of the study, 1,000 LD50 (Lethal Dose 50%) of a virulent strain of Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola (LOCaS46) were inoculated by an intraoral submucosal route (IOSM). Seventy-five percent protection agai...
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias
Se estudió el efecto de propóleo (P) y aceite de orégano (A) sobre parámetros productivos, leuco... more Se estudió el efecto de propóleo (P) y aceite de orégano (A) sobre parámetros productivos, leucocitos, compuestos químicos en sangre y la estabilidad oxidativa de la carne de pechuga. 480 pollos fueron distribuidos en cuatro tratamientos con cuatro réplicas de 30 pollos. Se probaron cuatro niveles de aditivos: TES = 0, P = 100 mg de propóleos, A = 100 mg de aceite de orégano y AP = 50 mg de A + 50 mg de P por kg-1 de alimento. Los parámetros productivos se registraron los días 7, 14, 21, 18, 35 y 42, se tomaron muestras de sangre a los 21 y 42 días para medir metabolitos sanguíneos. A los 42 días dos aves por repetición se sacrificaron y su pechuga se colectó para determinar su estabilidad oxidativa midiendo el malondialdehído (MDA). Los resultados muestran que el aceite de orégano contenía 43.47% de timol y 29.16% de carvacrol, los propóleos 5.6 mg de flavonoides, 840 µg de fenoles y 138 µg equivalentes de Trolox® por g de propólio. El consumo de alimento, ganancia de peso, conve...