Carol Kochhar-Bryant - (original) (raw)
Papers by Carol Kochhar-Bryant
Effective Collaboration for Educating the Whole Child
Learning Disability Quarterly, 2010
Developed in concert with the Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA), this White Pape... more Developed in concert with the Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA), this White Paper regarding specific learning disabilities identification and intervention represents the expert consensus of 58 accomplished scholars in education, psychology, medicine, and the law. Survey responses and empirical evidence suggest that five conclusions are warranted: 1) The SLD definition should be maintained and the statutory requirements in SLD identification procedures should be strengthened; 2) neither ability-achievement discrepancy analysis nor failure to respond to intervention alone is sufficient for SLD identification; 3) a “third method” approach that identifies a pattern of psychological processing strengths and weaknesses, and achievement deficits consistent with this pattern of processing weaknesses, makes the most empirical and clinical sense; 4) an empirically-validated RTI model could be used to prevent learning problems, but comprehensive evaluations should occur for SL...
Exceptionality, 2008
With the most recent reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 20... more With the most recent reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2004), concerns were expressed in the transition field that the Act deemphasized the focus on transition. In contrast, I am proposing that transition and transition outcomes have become a primary accountability measure for the education that special education students receive while in public schools. For example, The IDEA of 2004 requires states to develop and report on performance measures that operationally describe the effectiveness of special education for students in that state. States must develop performance indicators and report on (a) the percentage of youth aged 16 and older with an Individualized Educational Program (IEP) that includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goals; and (b) the percentage of youth who have had IEPs, are no longer in secondary school, and have been competitively employed, enrolled in some type of postsecondary school, or both, within one year of leaving high school. An unspoken expectation of both policy and policymakers is that schools will be preparing students for transition to postsecondary education. Unquestionably, the increased emphasis on academic standards has forced some students and their families to choose between two courses of study: one, a primary focus on occupational preparation in high school; or, two, a course of study that follows expectations of applying for postsecondary programs. This special issue examines current issues in the transition to postsecondary education for youth with disabilities. Across all four articles the case is made that youth and young adults with disabilities need services and preparation both for postsecondary education and occupational
PART I PHILOSOPHICAL AND POLICY FOUNDATIONS FOR TRANSITION 1. Introduction to Transition How Is T... more PART I PHILOSOPHICAL AND POLICY FOUNDATIONS FOR TRANSITION 1. Introduction to Transition How Is Transition Defined? What Is a Pathways Approach: The Developmental Framework for Transition? Why Is Transition Important for Youth with Disabilities and What Are the Benefits? How Does Transition Fit Within the General Education Curriculum? 2. Student Populations and Their Transition Needs What Is Diversity? Who Are Special Learners and What Are Their Transition Needs? What Other Risk Factors Affect Successful Transition to Adult Life? Who Are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students? Who Are Middle School Students and What Are Their Transition Needs? How Do Families' Needs Change Along the Developmental Path of Transition? 3. History and Philosophy of Transition What Are the Historical Roots of Career Education and Transition? What Philosophies Form the Foundation for Transition Practices? What Theories Form the Foundation for Transition Practices? How Are Philosophies and Theories Applied to the Developmental Pathways to Transition? 4. Federal Legislation, Research, and State Initiatives Advance Transition Policy and Programs How Has Transition Policy Evolved: Four Generations? How Have Broad Education Reforms Affected the Development of Transition Services? How Has Case Law Shaped Transition Practices? How Does the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act of 2004 Strengthen Transition Services? How Does the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Promote Transition Services? How Does the NCLB Requirements for Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Impact Transition Services? What Related Laws Promote Transition Services? 5. Coordinating Systems and Agencies for Successful Transition: Middle School to Postsecondary Why Is Service Coordination Important for Transition Services? What Is Service Coordination? How Has Service Coordination Evolved as a Practice? What Philosophies Have Shaped the Development of Service Coordination? What National and State Policies Promote Service Coordination? What Is the Role of the Family in System Coordination for Transition? PART II IMPLEMENTING TRANSITION IN LOCAL SYSTEMS 6. Research-Based Best Practices in Transition What Does the Term "Best Practices" in Transition Mean? What Are Best Practices for Transition Service Coordination? What Are Best Practices for Transition Education Programming? What Are Best Practices for Transition Planning? 7. Transition Assessment What Is Transition Assessment and How Does It Differ from Traditional Assessment in Special Education? Who Is Involved in the Transition Assessment Process and What Skills Do They Need? What Is Involved in the Development of a Transition Assessment Plan? What Transition Assessment Models and Methods Are Recommended? How Can Transition Assessment Data Be Used to Help Select and Evaluate an Appropriate High School Course of Study and Transition Pathway for Youth with Disabilities? 8. Transition Pathways What Is the Model and Philosophy of Transition Pathways for Youth with Disabilities? What Are the Various Pathways to Transition That Youth with Disabilities Can Choose As They Move Into, Through, and Beyond High School to a Quality Adult Life? How Are These Pathways Similar and Different From One Another with Respect to Transition Planning and Programming Considerations? 9. Transition Planning for Coordinated Services What Are IEP Transition Services Requirements and How Are They Written Into the IEP? What Should Be Written First on an IEP? What Do Transition Goals Look Like in Middle and High School? What Steps Are Involved in Planning and Conducting a Professionally Driven IEP Transition Planning Meeting? How Can Youth with Disabilities Be Prepared to Conduct Student-Directed IEP Transition Planning Meetings? 10. Interagency Agreements for Transition What Are Interagency Agreements? Why Are Interagency Agreements Important for Transition? What Kinds of Service Coordination Models Exist? What Is the Service Coordination Role? How Is an Interagency Agreement Established? (10 Steps in Development) How Can the Success of Interagency Agreements Be Measured? 11. The Final Phase of Transition: Follow-Up and Evaluation What Is the "Hand-Off" Process in the Final Phase of Transition and What Models Are Available? What Follow-Up Practices Are Recommended to Monitor Post-School Transition Services? How Should Transition Services Be Evaluated After High School Completion? 12. Transition to Post-High School Settings What Postsecondary Options Are There? Who Participates in Postsecondary Options? What Changes As The Student Moves from the Secondary to the Postsecondary World? What Strategies Assist Youth with Transition to Postsecondary Education? What Strategies Assist Youth with Transition to Employment? What Can We Learn from the Voices of Youth? PART III CULTURAL ISSUES AND LEADERSHIP FOR TRANSITION 13. Transition of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Youth with Disabilities How Do Transition Outcomes of Culturally and…
Corwin Press eBooks, May 20, 2014
The is your search engine for PDF files. Project is a high quality resource for... more The is your search engine for PDF files. Project is a high quality resource for free Kindle books.Just search for the book you love and hit Quick preview or Quick download. You can easily search by the title, author and subject.Our collection is of more than 45,000 free ePub.Best sites for books in any format! From romance to mystery to drama, this website is a good source for all sorts of e-books.
Educational leadership preparation programs in the United States are generally noted for preparin... more Educational leadership preparation programs in the United States are generally noted for preparing leaders to appreciate and influence the larger national political, social, economic, and cultural contexts. However, few give systematic pedagogical attention to underlying values and personal motivation in the development of leadership behavior. This chapter explores “educational identity” as a core construct in the development of educational leaders and the instrumental value of a broader cross-national understanding in developing its potential. It describes a process of reinvention of the doctor of education (EdD) leadership program, shaped partly by a multiyear continuing conversation between US and Israeli educators. Visits by the author, along with faculty colleagues, to several academic institutions in Israel has ignited a transformation of perspectives of educators in both countries in addressing challenges and issues currently being encountered. Conversations are rooted in ack...
The introductory chapter, by Carol Kochhar-Bryant and Diane Bassett, compares the principles and ... more The introductory chapter, by Carol Kochhar-Bryant and Diane Bassett, compares the principles and assumptions that undergird both transition services and standards-based education, discusses issues and tensions surrounding the alignment of the two educational service models, and examines transition as a unifying framework for creating bridges between them. The chapters that follow are designed to describe how such alignment is occurring in actual practice in school and community systems. They provide examples of practices and models for bridging standards-based education and transition services. Chapter 2, by Michael Wehmeyer, examines the question of what constitutes access to that curriculum, how we achieve it, and how we ensure that the skills and abilities emphasized in transition services are incorporated into the general education curriculum. Chapter 3, by Pat Longo, addresses two additional questions: Why have standards-based education and transition services remained separate? How can IEP goals and objectives be aligned with priority curriculum standards to assist in making curriculum more relevant and useful to students as they transition to life after school? Chapter 4, by Jim Patton and Audrey Trainor, defines and examines the role of applied academics in the educational world of standards and access to the general education curriculum. It addresses the need for curricular review and innovation, particularly at the secondary level, and examines the curricular, instructional, and evaluative implications of applied academics within the demands of current policy and practice. Chapter 5, by Jane Williams, highlights the role that school-to-careers strategies, academic content standards, workplace competencies, and industry 9 Preface ix skill standards have all played in standards-based education initiatives for students transitioning to adult life, with a review of the status of their implementation in the states. Chapter 6, by Martha Thurlow, Sandra Thompson, and David Johnson, addresses traditional and alternative assessments, the relationship of the transition process to standards-based assessment, and the role of the IEP in decisions about students' participation in assessments. Chapter 7, by Sharon DeFur and Brenda Williams, examines the impacts of cultural diversity on transition implementation and explores the role of standards-based reform in bridging the cultural divide. Chapter 8, by Mary Morningstar, explores the role of parents and families in secondary school programs in the era of standards-based education. It provides an overview of research related to parent involvement, benefits and barriers to familyschool collaboration during transition planning and services, and impacts of standards-based education reform on families and youths. Strategies, resources, and information for involving parents are also provided. Chapter 9, by Gary Greene, discusses the issue of increased high school graduation requirements for all youths as a result of standards-based education and its impact on students with disabilities. The chapter presents a unique model containing four potential transition pathways into, through, and beyond high school for youths with disabilities. Chapter 10, by Jim Martin, Jamie Van Dycke, Lori Peterson, and Robert Walden, shows how deliberate planning and instruction must occur for successful transition from high school to postsecondary education. Nine factors associated with successful transition from secondary to postsecondary education are described. Finally, Chapter 11, by Diane Bassett and Carol Kochhar-Bryant, provides a window to the future by exploring emerging trends and directions for transition and standards-based education. The principles and goals of standards-based education and individualized transition planning are not mutually exclusive, but their alignment requires the best of our thinking and our commitment. Transition is not just a program or a project or a set of activities that has a beginning and an end. It is a vision and a goal for unfolding the fullest potential of each individual, and it represents a systematic framework for planning to fulfill that potential. It is hoped that readers will expand the dialog about these issues with others who are concerned with the successful passage of youths with disabilities from school to adult life.
Recent federal legislation has strengthened the role of parents in the education of their childre... more Recent federal legislation has strengthened the role of parents in the education of their children, in school decision making, and in teacher preparation. The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) whether teacher preparation standards are aligned with current legislation related to parent partnerships; (2) if they address the direct involvement of parents in decision making within schools and teacher preparation programs; and (3) how the standards can be improved to strengthen the relationships among parents, teachers, and teacher education. Standards developed by national organizations were reviewed by three independent reviewers for each standard. Results show that of the eight sets of standards reviewed, two that affect special education teacher preparation contained the greatest number of standards related to parent partnerships. Other standards were global and provided little guidance to help users translate them into specific teacher actions and results. Few standards addressed dispositions, and fewer addressed direct participation of parents in school decision making. Several priority areas for teacher preparation were under-represented in all of the standards. Recommendations include: (1) align standards with current statutory requirements; (2) reduce ambiguity and provide operational definitions to guide teachers and teacher educators; (3) increase attention to dispositions; (4) emphasize parents' role in decision making processes within the school; and (5) establish minimum requirements for teacher education programs. (Contains 4 tables and 58 references.
Effective Collaboration for Educating the Whole Child
The is your search engine for PDF files. Platform is a high quality resource fo... more The is your search engine for PDF files. Platform is a high quality resource for free Books books.As of today we have many eBooks for you to download for free. You have the option to browse by most popular titles, recent reviews, authors, titles, genres, languages and more.Download in PDF, and you can also check out ratings and reviews from other users.The is home to thousands of free audiobooks, including classics and out-of-print books. No registration or fee is required, and books are available in ePub, Kindle, HTML and simple text formats.
Contemporary Approaches to Dissertation Development and Research Methods
It is becoming almost cliché to assert that doctoral scholars should integrate theory and practic... more It is becoming almost cliché to assert that doctoral scholars should integrate theory and practice and address critical problems of practice. Less charted territory, however, moves beyond integration of theory and practice to the cultivation of scholars' as committed people who possess a compass of values and vision as they act as catalysts for change in the world of practice. The purpose of this chapter is to explore the kind of cultivation needed to effect the transformation required for doctoral scholars to move beyond translation of theory to practice to the next step of catalyzing change. This chapter explores the intersection of core constructs or strands for creating scholars as change agents – identity, commitment and civic agency. These elements are examined from a theoretical framework, and in context of a case example of a doctoral program that bridges the academy and the community.
Focus on Exceptional Children
New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education
Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice
Across the United States, doctoral programs in education are in deep reflection about their purpo... more Across the United States, doctoral programs in education are in deep reflection about their purpose, content, and expected outcomes for graduates. Many are in the throes of redesign and testing to better differentiate between two pathways to the doctorate—one for scholars preparing for research and academic roles and one for scholar-practitioners who wish to focus on problems of practice and implementation. This paper explores a major source of challenge among faculty as they engineer both research-oriented and practitioner-oriented degrees, and that is the interconnections among the constructs of rigor, problems of practice, and implementation. The paper examines the tension between the “gold standard” of random assignment studies and causal inferences, and the more recent frames of inquiry in which research is translated to practice through shared pathways that engage multiple stakeholders. Several questions are explored: Are “rigor” and “relevance” opposing constructs? What is r...
Journal For Vocational Special Needs Education, 1998
Journal For Vocational Special Needs Education, 1997
Journal For Vocational Special Needs Education, 1983
Effective Collaboration for Educating the Whole Child
Learning Disability Quarterly, 2010
Developed in concert with the Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA), this White Pape... more Developed in concert with the Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA), this White Paper regarding specific learning disabilities identification and intervention represents the expert consensus of 58 accomplished scholars in education, psychology, medicine, and the law. Survey responses and empirical evidence suggest that five conclusions are warranted: 1) The SLD definition should be maintained and the statutory requirements in SLD identification procedures should be strengthened; 2) neither ability-achievement discrepancy analysis nor failure to respond to intervention alone is sufficient for SLD identification; 3) a “third method” approach that identifies a pattern of psychological processing strengths and weaknesses, and achievement deficits consistent with this pattern of processing weaknesses, makes the most empirical and clinical sense; 4) an empirically-validated RTI model could be used to prevent learning problems, but comprehensive evaluations should occur for SL...
Exceptionality, 2008
With the most recent reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 20... more With the most recent reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2004), concerns were expressed in the transition field that the Act deemphasized the focus on transition. In contrast, I am proposing that transition and transition outcomes have become a primary accountability measure for the education that special education students receive while in public schools. For example, The IDEA of 2004 requires states to develop and report on performance measures that operationally describe the effectiveness of special education for students in that state. States must develop performance indicators and report on (a) the percentage of youth aged 16 and older with an Individualized Educational Program (IEP) that includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goals; and (b) the percentage of youth who have had IEPs, are no longer in secondary school, and have been competitively employed, enrolled in some type of postsecondary school, or both, within one year of leaving high school. An unspoken expectation of both policy and policymakers is that schools will be preparing students for transition to postsecondary education. Unquestionably, the increased emphasis on academic standards has forced some students and their families to choose between two courses of study: one, a primary focus on occupational preparation in high school; or, two, a course of study that follows expectations of applying for postsecondary programs. This special issue examines current issues in the transition to postsecondary education for youth with disabilities. Across all four articles the case is made that youth and young adults with disabilities need services and preparation both for postsecondary education and occupational
PART I PHILOSOPHICAL AND POLICY FOUNDATIONS FOR TRANSITION 1. Introduction to Transition How Is T... more PART I PHILOSOPHICAL AND POLICY FOUNDATIONS FOR TRANSITION 1. Introduction to Transition How Is Transition Defined? What Is a Pathways Approach: The Developmental Framework for Transition? Why Is Transition Important for Youth with Disabilities and What Are the Benefits? How Does Transition Fit Within the General Education Curriculum? 2. Student Populations and Their Transition Needs What Is Diversity? Who Are Special Learners and What Are Their Transition Needs? What Other Risk Factors Affect Successful Transition to Adult Life? Who Are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students? Who Are Middle School Students and What Are Their Transition Needs? How Do Families' Needs Change Along the Developmental Path of Transition? 3. History and Philosophy of Transition What Are the Historical Roots of Career Education and Transition? What Philosophies Form the Foundation for Transition Practices? What Theories Form the Foundation for Transition Practices? How Are Philosophies and Theories Applied to the Developmental Pathways to Transition? 4. Federal Legislation, Research, and State Initiatives Advance Transition Policy and Programs How Has Transition Policy Evolved: Four Generations? How Have Broad Education Reforms Affected the Development of Transition Services? How Has Case Law Shaped Transition Practices? How Does the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act of 2004 Strengthen Transition Services? How Does the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Promote Transition Services? How Does the NCLB Requirements for Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Impact Transition Services? What Related Laws Promote Transition Services? 5. Coordinating Systems and Agencies for Successful Transition: Middle School to Postsecondary Why Is Service Coordination Important for Transition Services? What Is Service Coordination? How Has Service Coordination Evolved as a Practice? What Philosophies Have Shaped the Development of Service Coordination? What National and State Policies Promote Service Coordination? What Is the Role of the Family in System Coordination for Transition? PART II IMPLEMENTING TRANSITION IN LOCAL SYSTEMS 6. Research-Based Best Practices in Transition What Does the Term "Best Practices" in Transition Mean? What Are Best Practices for Transition Service Coordination? What Are Best Practices for Transition Education Programming? What Are Best Practices for Transition Planning? 7. Transition Assessment What Is Transition Assessment and How Does It Differ from Traditional Assessment in Special Education? Who Is Involved in the Transition Assessment Process and What Skills Do They Need? What Is Involved in the Development of a Transition Assessment Plan? What Transition Assessment Models and Methods Are Recommended? How Can Transition Assessment Data Be Used to Help Select and Evaluate an Appropriate High School Course of Study and Transition Pathway for Youth with Disabilities? 8. Transition Pathways What Is the Model and Philosophy of Transition Pathways for Youth with Disabilities? What Are the Various Pathways to Transition That Youth with Disabilities Can Choose As They Move Into, Through, and Beyond High School to a Quality Adult Life? How Are These Pathways Similar and Different From One Another with Respect to Transition Planning and Programming Considerations? 9. Transition Planning for Coordinated Services What Are IEP Transition Services Requirements and How Are They Written Into the IEP? What Should Be Written First on an IEP? What Do Transition Goals Look Like in Middle and High School? What Steps Are Involved in Planning and Conducting a Professionally Driven IEP Transition Planning Meeting? How Can Youth with Disabilities Be Prepared to Conduct Student-Directed IEP Transition Planning Meetings? 10. Interagency Agreements for Transition What Are Interagency Agreements? Why Are Interagency Agreements Important for Transition? What Kinds of Service Coordination Models Exist? What Is the Service Coordination Role? How Is an Interagency Agreement Established? (10 Steps in Development) How Can the Success of Interagency Agreements Be Measured? 11. The Final Phase of Transition: Follow-Up and Evaluation What Is the "Hand-Off" Process in the Final Phase of Transition and What Models Are Available? What Follow-Up Practices Are Recommended to Monitor Post-School Transition Services? How Should Transition Services Be Evaluated After High School Completion? 12. Transition to Post-High School Settings What Postsecondary Options Are There? Who Participates in Postsecondary Options? What Changes As The Student Moves from the Secondary to the Postsecondary World? What Strategies Assist Youth with Transition to Postsecondary Education? What Strategies Assist Youth with Transition to Employment? What Can We Learn from the Voices of Youth? PART III CULTURAL ISSUES AND LEADERSHIP FOR TRANSITION 13. Transition of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Youth with Disabilities How Do Transition Outcomes of Culturally and…
Corwin Press eBooks, May 20, 2014
The is your search engine for PDF files. Project is a high quality resource for... more The is your search engine for PDF files. Project is a high quality resource for free Kindle books.Just search for the book you love and hit Quick preview or Quick download. You can easily search by the title, author and subject.Our collection is of more than 45,000 free ePub.Best sites for books in any format! From romance to mystery to drama, this website is a good source for all sorts of e-books.
Educational leadership preparation programs in the United States are generally noted for preparin... more Educational leadership preparation programs in the United States are generally noted for preparing leaders to appreciate and influence the larger national political, social, economic, and cultural contexts. However, few give systematic pedagogical attention to underlying values and personal motivation in the development of leadership behavior. This chapter explores “educational identity” as a core construct in the development of educational leaders and the instrumental value of a broader cross-national understanding in developing its potential. It describes a process of reinvention of the doctor of education (EdD) leadership program, shaped partly by a multiyear continuing conversation between US and Israeli educators. Visits by the author, along with faculty colleagues, to several academic institutions in Israel has ignited a transformation of perspectives of educators in both countries in addressing challenges and issues currently being encountered. Conversations are rooted in ack...
The introductory chapter, by Carol Kochhar-Bryant and Diane Bassett, compares the principles and ... more The introductory chapter, by Carol Kochhar-Bryant and Diane Bassett, compares the principles and assumptions that undergird both transition services and standards-based education, discusses issues and tensions surrounding the alignment of the two educational service models, and examines transition as a unifying framework for creating bridges between them. The chapters that follow are designed to describe how such alignment is occurring in actual practice in school and community systems. They provide examples of practices and models for bridging standards-based education and transition services. Chapter 2, by Michael Wehmeyer, examines the question of what constitutes access to that curriculum, how we achieve it, and how we ensure that the skills and abilities emphasized in transition services are incorporated into the general education curriculum. Chapter 3, by Pat Longo, addresses two additional questions: Why have standards-based education and transition services remained separate? How can IEP goals and objectives be aligned with priority curriculum standards to assist in making curriculum more relevant and useful to students as they transition to life after school? Chapter 4, by Jim Patton and Audrey Trainor, defines and examines the role of applied academics in the educational world of standards and access to the general education curriculum. It addresses the need for curricular review and innovation, particularly at the secondary level, and examines the curricular, instructional, and evaluative implications of applied academics within the demands of current policy and practice. Chapter 5, by Jane Williams, highlights the role that school-to-careers strategies, academic content standards, workplace competencies, and industry 9 Preface ix skill standards have all played in standards-based education initiatives for students transitioning to adult life, with a review of the status of their implementation in the states. Chapter 6, by Martha Thurlow, Sandra Thompson, and David Johnson, addresses traditional and alternative assessments, the relationship of the transition process to standards-based assessment, and the role of the IEP in decisions about students' participation in assessments. Chapter 7, by Sharon DeFur and Brenda Williams, examines the impacts of cultural diversity on transition implementation and explores the role of standards-based reform in bridging the cultural divide. Chapter 8, by Mary Morningstar, explores the role of parents and families in secondary school programs in the era of standards-based education. It provides an overview of research related to parent involvement, benefits and barriers to familyschool collaboration during transition planning and services, and impacts of standards-based education reform on families and youths. Strategies, resources, and information for involving parents are also provided. Chapter 9, by Gary Greene, discusses the issue of increased high school graduation requirements for all youths as a result of standards-based education and its impact on students with disabilities. The chapter presents a unique model containing four potential transition pathways into, through, and beyond high school for youths with disabilities. Chapter 10, by Jim Martin, Jamie Van Dycke, Lori Peterson, and Robert Walden, shows how deliberate planning and instruction must occur for successful transition from high school to postsecondary education. Nine factors associated with successful transition from secondary to postsecondary education are described. Finally, Chapter 11, by Diane Bassett and Carol Kochhar-Bryant, provides a window to the future by exploring emerging trends and directions for transition and standards-based education. The principles and goals of standards-based education and individualized transition planning are not mutually exclusive, but their alignment requires the best of our thinking and our commitment. Transition is not just a program or a project or a set of activities that has a beginning and an end. It is a vision and a goal for unfolding the fullest potential of each individual, and it represents a systematic framework for planning to fulfill that potential. It is hoped that readers will expand the dialog about these issues with others who are concerned with the successful passage of youths with disabilities from school to adult life.
Recent federal legislation has strengthened the role of parents in the education of their childre... more Recent federal legislation has strengthened the role of parents in the education of their children, in school decision making, and in teacher preparation. The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) whether teacher preparation standards are aligned with current legislation related to parent partnerships; (2) if they address the direct involvement of parents in decision making within schools and teacher preparation programs; and (3) how the standards can be improved to strengthen the relationships among parents, teachers, and teacher education. Standards developed by national organizations were reviewed by three independent reviewers for each standard. Results show that of the eight sets of standards reviewed, two that affect special education teacher preparation contained the greatest number of standards related to parent partnerships. Other standards were global and provided little guidance to help users translate them into specific teacher actions and results. Few standards addressed dispositions, and fewer addressed direct participation of parents in school decision making. Several priority areas for teacher preparation were under-represented in all of the standards. Recommendations include: (1) align standards with current statutory requirements; (2) reduce ambiguity and provide operational definitions to guide teachers and teacher educators; (3) increase attention to dispositions; (4) emphasize parents' role in decision making processes within the school; and (5) establish minimum requirements for teacher education programs. (Contains 4 tables and 58 references.
Effective Collaboration for Educating the Whole Child
The is your search engine for PDF files. Platform is a high quality resource fo... more The is your search engine for PDF files. Platform is a high quality resource for free Books books.As of today we have many eBooks for you to download for free. You have the option to browse by most popular titles, recent reviews, authors, titles, genres, languages and more.Download in PDF, and you can also check out ratings and reviews from other users.The is home to thousands of free audiobooks, including classics and out-of-print books. No registration or fee is required, and books are available in ePub, Kindle, HTML and simple text formats.
Contemporary Approaches to Dissertation Development and Research Methods
It is becoming almost cliché to assert that doctoral scholars should integrate theory and practic... more It is becoming almost cliché to assert that doctoral scholars should integrate theory and practice and address critical problems of practice. Less charted territory, however, moves beyond integration of theory and practice to the cultivation of scholars' as committed people who possess a compass of values and vision as they act as catalysts for change in the world of practice. The purpose of this chapter is to explore the kind of cultivation needed to effect the transformation required for doctoral scholars to move beyond translation of theory to practice to the next step of catalyzing change. This chapter explores the intersection of core constructs or strands for creating scholars as change agents – identity, commitment and civic agency. These elements are examined from a theoretical framework, and in context of a case example of a doctoral program that bridges the academy and the community.
Focus on Exceptional Children
New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education
Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice
Across the United States, doctoral programs in education are in deep reflection about their purpo... more Across the United States, doctoral programs in education are in deep reflection about their purpose, content, and expected outcomes for graduates. Many are in the throes of redesign and testing to better differentiate between two pathways to the doctorate—one for scholars preparing for research and academic roles and one for scholar-practitioners who wish to focus on problems of practice and implementation. This paper explores a major source of challenge among faculty as they engineer both research-oriented and practitioner-oriented degrees, and that is the interconnections among the constructs of rigor, problems of practice, and implementation. The paper examines the tension between the “gold standard” of random assignment studies and causal inferences, and the more recent frames of inquiry in which research is translated to practice through shared pathways that engage multiple stakeholders. Several questions are explored: Are “rigor” and “relevance” opposing constructs? What is r...
Journal For Vocational Special Needs Education, 1998
Journal For Vocational Special Needs Education, 1997
Journal For Vocational Special Needs Education, 1983