Carole Burillon - (original) (raw)


Papers by Carole Burillon

Research paper thumbnail of Iconographies supplémentaires de l'article : Œdipisme bilatéral non concomitant : à propos d’un cas

Elsevier Masson, Jul 25, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Excimer Laser Photorefractive Keratectomy in High Myopia

Archives of Ophthalmology, 1992

Excimer photorefractive keratectomy was performed at three centers on 16 highly myopic eyes (8 di... more Excimer photorefractive keratectomy was performed at three centers on 16 highly myopic eyes (8 diopters [D] or more) and followed up for 6 months. Ablation depths ranged from 137 to 230 microns. The preoperative spherical equivalent of myopia ranged from -8.62 D to -14.50 D (mean +/- SD, -11.57 +/- 1.62 D). Six months after surgery, the mean refraction (spherical equivalent) was -0.90 +/- 2.13 D. Eleven of 16 eyes achieved refractions within 2 D of that attempted. All eight patients at one site were treated with a maximum-beam diameter of 6.0 mm and were corrected to within 2 D of that attempted, and all were 20/40 or better uncorrected. Three of eight eyes at the other two sites were treated with a 5.5- or 5.6-mm maximum-beam diameter, which achieved corrections within 2 D of that attempted. The epithelium healed within 3 to 4 days, and there were no erosions. Mild subepithelial reticular haze, similar to that seen with excimer photorefractive keratectomy for lower myopia, was seen in all patients, with two patients experiencing more significant corneal haze. This peaked at 3 to 6 weeks and then gradually diminished. All but two patients had a return of their best corrected preoperative visual acuity to within one Snellen line at 6 months. This preliminary study shows excimer photorefractive keratectomy to be a promising surgical treatment for patients with higher myopia.

Research paper thumbnail of Eye bank prepared versus surgeon cut endothelial graft tissue for Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty

Research paper thumbnail of Ocular injuries caused by less-lethal weapons in France

Research paper thumbnail of Subject Index Vol. 211, 1997

Research paper thumbnail of Syndrome de Fraser : à propos de deux cas

Bulletin des sociétés d'ophtalmologie de France, 1997

Le syndrome de Fraser est caracterise par la presence d'une cryptophtalmie, de syndactylie, d... more Le syndrome de Fraser est caracterise par la presence d'une cryptophtalmie, de syndactylie, d'anomalie genitale, d'agenesie renale, et de malformation cranio-cerebrales. Deux cas de syndrome de Fraser sont presentes. Une revue des signes ophtalmologiques ainsi qu'une estimation de la frequence des autres manifestations cliniques sont donnees.

[Research paper thumbnail of [Ophthalmologic signs in children with autism]](

Journal français d'ophtalmologie, 1997

Autism is a clinical entity defined by characteristic association of a lack of social interaction... more Autism is a clinical entity defined by characteristic association of a lack of social interactions and communications, beginning before three years of age. The purpose of this study was to screen ophthalmologic findings in autistic children. Ten autistic children, 6 girls and 4 boys, underwent a complete ophthalmologic examination in the Department of Pediatric Ophthalmology at the Hospital La Timone, Marseilles, France. Their age ranged from 1 to 14 years (mean = 8.5 +/- 3.8). Refraction showed hypermetropia in 7 cases (70%), astigmatism more than 1 diopter in 6 cases (60%), bilateral astigmatism in 4 cases (40%) and unilateral astigmatism in 2 cases (20%). Astigmatism axis was oblique for 8 eyes, with the rule for 6 eyes and against the rule for 2 eyes. Strabismus was present in 6 cases (60%) including 4 cases of exotropia. Fundus examination found pallor of the optic disc in 4 cases. Ophthalmologic findings in autistic children appear to be mainly unilateral or bilateral astigmat...

Research paper thumbnail of Cardiac Sarcoidosis Is Uncommon in Patients with Isolated Sarcoid Uveitis: Outcome of 294 Cases

Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2021

Recently, concerns have been raised about an increased risk of cardiac sarcoidosis in patients wi... more Recently, concerns have been raised about an increased risk of cardiac sarcoidosis in patients with sarcoid uveitis. While cardiac sarcoidosis has a high mortality burden, there is still a lack of precise data on this association. The objective of this study is to describe the frequency and type of cardiac complications associated with sarcoidosis of a large cohort of patients with sarcoid uveitis. We analyzed the cardiac outcomes of a monocentric retrospective cohort of consecutive adults with a diagnosis of sarcoid uveitis between January 2004 and March 2020 in a tertiary French university hospital. A total of 294 patients with a final diagnosis of sarcoid uveitis were included. At final follow-up, seven (2.4%) patients of the cohort had cardiac sarcoidosis. Cardiac sarcoidosis was more frequent among patients with previously reported systemic sarcoidosis (p = 0.008). The prevalence of cardiac sarcoidosis among patients with sarcoid uveitis is low, but patients with previously dia...

Research paper thumbnail of Adhésion du staphylococcus epidermidis sur les lentilles intraoculaires : Etude in vitro

But. L'adhesion des bacteries sur les lentilles intra-oculaires peut etre une des causes de l... more But. L'adhesion des bacteries sur les lentilles intra-oculaires peut etre une des causes de l'endophtalmie apres chirurgie de la cataracte. Les auteurs etudient quantitativement l'adhesion in vitro d'une souche de Staphylococcus Epidermidis producteur de slime sur 5 differents types de lentilles: polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), silicone, acrylique, hydrogel et PMMA a surfaces modifiees. Materiel et methode. Les lentilles sont incubees dans une suspension bacterienne (108 UFC/ml) pendant 1 heure a 37 °C avec agitateur. Trois rincages dans du PBS sont effectues pour eliminer les bacteries faiblement adherentes. L'etude de la fixation bacterienne initiale est realisee par denombrement bacterien et par bioluminescence. Une analyse de la formation de biofilm est en cours de realisation. Resultat. Les resultats montrent que le materiau hydrogel reduit l'adhesion bacterienne de facon significative et ceci est confirme par le denombrement des bacteries et l'extrac...

Research paper thumbnail of Microbiological Identification of Delayed Onset Endophthalmitis Caused by Moraxella by Panbacterial PCR

Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Kératotomie radiaire: analyse des patients sous-corrigés, à partir de 200 interventions successives

Journal Francais D Ophtalmologie, 1991

: The authors present the results of a series of 200 radial keratotomies. there were two anatomic... more : The authors present the results of a series of 200 radial keratotomies. there were two anatomical complications, neither of which caused any clinical damage. 83% of patients obtained 5/10 distant visual acuity or more without correction. The overcorrection rate was 1.5%. The incidence of induced astigmatism was 3.0%. The real failure of the method lay in an undercorrection rate of 13%. These cases are analysed here. Correction proved easier as patients were older: 0.64 diopters per decade. There was a 0.30 diopter gain in men over women. With corneal curvature of more than 43.5 diopters, the benefit was 0.15 diopters per diopter of keratotomy. Limbus to optical zone incisions provided 1.60 diopters as compared with optical zone to limbus incisions, while redeepening incisions provided only 0.27 diopters. Emphasis is placed upon practical matters, such as quality of measurement, instruments and the dexterity of the surgeon. We limit surgical indications to within the range of -1.50 diopters to -4.50 diopters of myopia. The undercorrection rate within this myopia range was 6.3%, increasing to 39.0% over the range.

Research paper thumbnail of Facteurs pronostiques de la guérison des uvéites sarcoïdosiques : analyse d’une série de 134 patients

Revue de Médecine Interne, 2019

Introduction L’atteinte ophtalmologique est rapportee chez 25 a 50 % des patients atteints de sar... more Introduction L’atteinte ophtalmologique est rapportee chez 25 a 50 % des patients atteints de sarcoidose. Les facteurs pronostiques de deficience visuelle sont : l’âge > 40 ans a la presentation initiale, une origine afro-americaine, un delai de prise en charge par un specialiste des uveites > 1 an et l’existence d’un glaucome et d’une uveite intermediaire ou posterieure [1] . L’objectif de l’etude est d’identifier des marqueurs pronostiques associes a la guerison et a l’utilisation d’un traitement immunosuppresseur chez des patients atteints d’uveite sarcoidosique. Patients et methodes Etude retrospective observationnelle realisee dans deux services de medecine interne d’un CHU entre 2003 et 2019. Etaient inclus les patients suivis plus de 3 ans presentant une uveite sarcoidosique avec preuve histologique ou repondant aux criteres ABAD modifies : imagerie thoracique compatible associee au minimum a une elevation de l’enzyme de conversion de l’angiotensine et/ou une alveolite ...

Research paper thumbnail of Intérêt de la surveillance de la réfraction chez l'enfant opéré d'un strabisme congénital

Bulletin des sociétés d'ophtalmologie de France, 1997

Le but de cette etude est de souligner l'importance de la refraction chez l'enfant opere ... more Le but de cette etude est de souligner l'importance de la refraction chez l'enfant opere d'un congenital. L'importance de l'accommodation chez l'enfant, l'evolution de la refraction pendant les premieres annees de la vie, et les relations etroites qui unissent la refraction et l'equilibre oculomoteur expliquent la necessite de la surveillance de ces elements chez l'enfant strabique d'origine fonctionnel a fortiori lorsque le traitement chirurgical initial a ete effectue lors des deux premieres annees de vie. Apres avoir aborde l'accommodation, la refraction, et l'acuite visuelle chez l'enfant, les auteurs replacent ces parametres dans le contexte du strabisme congenital opere. Cette etude montre l'importance de la surveillance de la refraction chez l'enfant opere d'un strabisme congenital. Les relations etroites qui unissent refraction, accommodation et equilibre oculomoteur expliquent l'impossibilite de dissocier c...

Research paper thumbnail of Factors Associated with Ocular and Extraocular Recovery in 143 Patients with Sarcoid Uveitis

Background: Sarcoidosis is one of the leading causes of uveitis. To date, no studies have assesse... more Background: Sarcoidosis is one of the leading causes of uveitis. To date, no studies have assessed the factors specifically related with recovery in ocular sarcoidosis. In this study, we aimed to determine factors associated with ocular and extraocular recovery in patients with sarcoid uveitis. Methods: A retrospective study of sarcoid uveitis, with a three-year minimum follow-up in Lyon University Hospital between December 2003 and December 2019. Patients presented biopsy-proven sarcoidosis or presumed sarcoid. Recovery was defined by a disease-free status, spontaneously or despite being off all treatments for three years or more. Results: 143 patients were included: 110 with biopsy-proven and 33 with presumed sarcoid uveitis. Seventy-one percent were women, the median age at presentation was 53 years, and 71% were Caucasian. Chronic uveitis was the main clinical presentation (75%), mostly panuveitis (48%) with bilateral involvement (82%). After a median follow-up of 83.5 months, r...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Regenerating Matrix Agent Therapy (RGTA: Cacicol®) on epithelial corneal healing after photokeratectomy

Research paper thumbnail of Traitement des lésions de l'endothélium

Research paper thumbnail of Contact Lenses and Infectious Keratitis: From a Case-Control Study to a Computation of the Risk for Wearers

Research paper thumbnail of Cataract Formation With a Primary Iris Stromal Cyst

Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus, 2004

An 11-year-old boy was diagnosed with a primary acquired iris stromal cyst. A 5-year follow-up sh... more An 11-year-old boy was diagnosed with a primary acquired iris stromal cyst. A 5-year follow-up showed growth of the cyst with visual impairment. An inferior iridectomy was performed including the whole cystic lesion. The presence of a cataract is rare, especially in adolescents, but requires treatment to preserve the globe and vision.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyse des patients sous-corriges apres keratotomie radiaire : a partir de 200 observations successives

Research paper thumbnail of Adherence and Biofilm Formation of Staphylococcus Epidermidis and Mycobacterium Tuberculosis on Various Spinal Implants

Research paper thumbnail of Iconographies supplémentaires de l'article : Œdipisme bilatéral non concomitant : à propos d’un cas

Elsevier Masson, Jul 25, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Excimer Laser Photorefractive Keratectomy in High Myopia

Archives of Ophthalmology, 1992

Excimer photorefractive keratectomy was performed at three centers on 16 highly myopic eyes (8 di... more Excimer photorefractive keratectomy was performed at three centers on 16 highly myopic eyes (8 diopters [D] or more) and followed up for 6 months. Ablation depths ranged from 137 to 230 microns. The preoperative spherical equivalent of myopia ranged from -8.62 D to -14.50 D (mean +/- SD, -11.57 +/- 1.62 D). Six months after surgery, the mean refraction (spherical equivalent) was -0.90 +/- 2.13 D. Eleven of 16 eyes achieved refractions within 2 D of that attempted. All eight patients at one site were treated with a maximum-beam diameter of 6.0 mm and were corrected to within 2 D of that attempted, and all were 20/40 or better uncorrected. Three of eight eyes at the other two sites were treated with a 5.5- or 5.6-mm maximum-beam diameter, which achieved corrections within 2 D of that attempted. The epithelium healed within 3 to 4 days, and there were no erosions. Mild subepithelial reticular haze, similar to that seen with excimer photorefractive keratectomy for lower myopia, was seen in all patients, with two patients experiencing more significant corneal haze. This peaked at 3 to 6 weeks and then gradually diminished. All but two patients had a return of their best corrected preoperative visual acuity to within one Snellen line at 6 months. This preliminary study shows excimer photorefractive keratectomy to be a promising surgical treatment for patients with higher myopia.

Research paper thumbnail of Eye bank prepared versus surgeon cut endothelial graft tissue for Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty

Research paper thumbnail of Ocular injuries caused by less-lethal weapons in France

Research paper thumbnail of Subject Index Vol. 211, 1997

Research paper thumbnail of Syndrome de Fraser : à propos de deux cas

Bulletin des sociétés d'ophtalmologie de France, 1997

Le syndrome de Fraser est caracterise par la presence d'une cryptophtalmie, de syndactylie, d... more Le syndrome de Fraser est caracterise par la presence d'une cryptophtalmie, de syndactylie, d'anomalie genitale, d'agenesie renale, et de malformation cranio-cerebrales. Deux cas de syndrome de Fraser sont presentes. Une revue des signes ophtalmologiques ainsi qu'une estimation de la frequence des autres manifestations cliniques sont donnees.

[Research paper thumbnail of [Ophthalmologic signs in children with autism]](

Journal français d'ophtalmologie, 1997

Autism is a clinical entity defined by characteristic association of a lack of social interaction... more Autism is a clinical entity defined by characteristic association of a lack of social interactions and communications, beginning before three years of age. The purpose of this study was to screen ophthalmologic findings in autistic children. Ten autistic children, 6 girls and 4 boys, underwent a complete ophthalmologic examination in the Department of Pediatric Ophthalmology at the Hospital La Timone, Marseilles, France. Their age ranged from 1 to 14 years (mean = 8.5 +/- 3.8). Refraction showed hypermetropia in 7 cases (70%), astigmatism more than 1 diopter in 6 cases (60%), bilateral astigmatism in 4 cases (40%) and unilateral astigmatism in 2 cases (20%). Astigmatism axis was oblique for 8 eyes, with the rule for 6 eyes and against the rule for 2 eyes. Strabismus was present in 6 cases (60%) including 4 cases of exotropia. Fundus examination found pallor of the optic disc in 4 cases. Ophthalmologic findings in autistic children appear to be mainly unilateral or bilateral astigmat...

Research paper thumbnail of Cardiac Sarcoidosis Is Uncommon in Patients with Isolated Sarcoid Uveitis: Outcome of 294 Cases

Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2021

Recently, concerns have been raised about an increased risk of cardiac sarcoidosis in patients wi... more Recently, concerns have been raised about an increased risk of cardiac sarcoidosis in patients with sarcoid uveitis. While cardiac sarcoidosis has a high mortality burden, there is still a lack of precise data on this association. The objective of this study is to describe the frequency and type of cardiac complications associated with sarcoidosis of a large cohort of patients with sarcoid uveitis. We analyzed the cardiac outcomes of a monocentric retrospective cohort of consecutive adults with a diagnosis of sarcoid uveitis between January 2004 and March 2020 in a tertiary French university hospital. A total of 294 patients with a final diagnosis of sarcoid uveitis were included. At final follow-up, seven (2.4%) patients of the cohort had cardiac sarcoidosis. Cardiac sarcoidosis was more frequent among patients with previously reported systemic sarcoidosis (p = 0.008). The prevalence of cardiac sarcoidosis among patients with sarcoid uveitis is low, but patients with previously dia...

Research paper thumbnail of Adhésion du staphylococcus epidermidis sur les lentilles intraoculaires : Etude in vitro

But. L'adhesion des bacteries sur les lentilles intra-oculaires peut etre une des causes de l... more But. L'adhesion des bacteries sur les lentilles intra-oculaires peut etre une des causes de l'endophtalmie apres chirurgie de la cataracte. Les auteurs etudient quantitativement l'adhesion in vitro d'une souche de Staphylococcus Epidermidis producteur de slime sur 5 differents types de lentilles: polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), silicone, acrylique, hydrogel et PMMA a surfaces modifiees. Materiel et methode. Les lentilles sont incubees dans une suspension bacterienne (108 UFC/ml) pendant 1 heure a 37 °C avec agitateur. Trois rincages dans du PBS sont effectues pour eliminer les bacteries faiblement adherentes. L'etude de la fixation bacterienne initiale est realisee par denombrement bacterien et par bioluminescence. Une analyse de la formation de biofilm est en cours de realisation. Resultat. Les resultats montrent que le materiau hydrogel reduit l'adhesion bacterienne de facon significative et ceci est confirme par le denombrement des bacteries et l'extrac...

Research paper thumbnail of Microbiological Identification of Delayed Onset Endophthalmitis Caused by Moraxella by Panbacterial PCR

Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Kératotomie radiaire: analyse des patients sous-corrigés, à partir de 200 interventions successives

Journal Francais D Ophtalmologie, 1991

: The authors present the results of a series of 200 radial keratotomies. there were two anatomic... more : The authors present the results of a series of 200 radial keratotomies. there were two anatomical complications, neither of which caused any clinical damage. 83% of patients obtained 5/10 distant visual acuity or more without correction. The overcorrection rate was 1.5%. The incidence of induced astigmatism was 3.0%. The real failure of the method lay in an undercorrection rate of 13%. These cases are analysed here. Correction proved easier as patients were older: 0.64 diopters per decade. There was a 0.30 diopter gain in men over women. With corneal curvature of more than 43.5 diopters, the benefit was 0.15 diopters per diopter of keratotomy. Limbus to optical zone incisions provided 1.60 diopters as compared with optical zone to limbus incisions, while redeepening incisions provided only 0.27 diopters. Emphasis is placed upon practical matters, such as quality of measurement, instruments and the dexterity of the surgeon. We limit surgical indications to within the range of -1.50 diopters to -4.50 diopters of myopia. The undercorrection rate within this myopia range was 6.3%, increasing to 39.0% over the range.

Research paper thumbnail of Facteurs pronostiques de la guérison des uvéites sarcoïdosiques : analyse d’une série de 134 patients

Revue de Médecine Interne, 2019

Introduction L’atteinte ophtalmologique est rapportee chez 25 a 50 % des patients atteints de sar... more Introduction L’atteinte ophtalmologique est rapportee chez 25 a 50 % des patients atteints de sarcoidose. Les facteurs pronostiques de deficience visuelle sont : l’âge > 40 ans a la presentation initiale, une origine afro-americaine, un delai de prise en charge par un specialiste des uveites > 1 an et l’existence d’un glaucome et d’une uveite intermediaire ou posterieure [1] . L’objectif de l’etude est d’identifier des marqueurs pronostiques associes a la guerison et a l’utilisation d’un traitement immunosuppresseur chez des patients atteints d’uveite sarcoidosique. Patients et methodes Etude retrospective observationnelle realisee dans deux services de medecine interne d’un CHU entre 2003 et 2019. Etaient inclus les patients suivis plus de 3 ans presentant une uveite sarcoidosique avec preuve histologique ou repondant aux criteres ABAD modifies : imagerie thoracique compatible associee au minimum a une elevation de l’enzyme de conversion de l’angiotensine et/ou une alveolite ...

Research paper thumbnail of Intérêt de la surveillance de la réfraction chez l'enfant opéré d'un strabisme congénital

Bulletin des sociétés d'ophtalmologie de France, 1997

Le but de cette etude est de souligner l'importance de la refraction chez l'enfant opere ... more Le but de cette etude est de souligner l'importance de la refraction chez l'enfant opere d'un congenital. L'importance de l'accommodation chez l'enfant, l'evolution de la refraction pendant les premieres annees de la vie, et les relations etroites qui unissent la refraction et l'equilibre oculomoteur expliquent la necessite de la surveillance de ces elements chez l'enfant strabique d'origine fonctionnel a fortiori lorsque le traitement chirurgical initial a ete effectue lors des deux premieres annees de vie. Apres avoir aborde l'accommodation, la refraction, et l'acuite visuelle chez l'enfant, les auteurs replacent ces parametres dans le contexte du strabisme congenital opere. Cette etude montre l'importance de la surveillance de la refraction chez l'enfant opere d'un strabisme congenital. Les relations etroites qui unissent refraction, accommodation et equilibre oculomoteur expliquent l'impossibilite de dissocier c...

Research paper thumbnail of Factors Associated with Ocular and Extraocular Recovery in 143 Patients with Sarcoid Uveitis

Background: Sarcoidosis is one of the leading causes of uveitis. To date, no studies have assesse... more Background: Sarcoidosis is one of the leading causes of uveitis. To date, no studies have assessed the factors specifically related with recovery in ocular sarcoidosis. In this study, we aimed to determine factors associated with ocular and extraocular recovery in patients with sarcoid uveitis. Methods: A retrospective study of sarcoid uveitis, with a three-year minimum follow-up in Lyon University Hospital between December 2003 and December 2019. Patients presented biopsy-proven sarcoidosis or presumed sarcoid. Recovery was defined by a disease-free status, spontaneously or despite being off all treatments for three years or more. Results: 143 patients were included: 110 with biopsy-proven and 33 with presumed sarcoid uveitis. Seventy-one percent were women, the median age at presentation was 53 years, and 71% were Caucasian. Chronic uveitis was the main clinical presentation (75%), mostly panuveitis (48%) with bilateral involvement (82%). After a median follow-up of 83.5 months, r...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Regenerating Matrix Agent Therapy (RGTA: Cacicol®) on epithelial corneal healing after photokeratectomy

Research paper thumbnail of Traitement des lésions de l'endothélium

Research paper thumbnail of Contact Lenses and Infectious Keratitis: From a Case-Control Study to a Computation of the Risk for Wearers

Research paper thumbnail of Cataract Formation With a Primary Iris Stromal Cyst

Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus, 2004

An 11-year-old boy was diagnosed with a primary acquired iris stromal cyst. A 5-year follow-up sh... more An 11-year-old boy was diagnosed with a primary acquired iris stromal cyst. A 5-year follow-up showed growth of the cyst with visual impairment. An inferior iridectomy was performed including the whole cystic lesion. The presence of a cataract is rare, especially in adolescents, but requires treatment to preserve the globe and vision.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyse des patients sous-corriges apres keratotomie radiaire : a partir de 200 observations successives

Research paper thumbnail of Adherence and Biofilm Formation of Staphylococcus Epidermidis and Mycobacterium Tuberculosis on Various Spinal Implants