Cassius Souza - (original) (raw)
Papers by Cassius Souza
Editora Conhecimento Livre eBooks, 2022
Editora Conhecimento Livre eBooks, 2022
Resumo: Descrever a aplicação da teoria de Wanda Horta à pessoa submetida a amputação transfemora... more Resumo: Descrever a aplicação da teoria de Wanda Horta à pessoa submetida a amputação transfemoral secundária à Diabetes Mellitus.O critério de escolha foi de um paciente em pós operatório imediato na Sala de Recuperação Pós Anestésica (S.R.P.A), na disciplina de Enfermagem na Saúde do Adulto e do Idoso II da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana na Bahia durante prática hospitalar em 2022. Os dados foram coletados através da entrevista, anamnese, exame físico e dados do prontuário. A escolha do paciente permitiu a aplicação da Sistematização de Assistência de Enfermagem Perioperatória (SAEP) a qual foi elencada etapas como visita, planejamento, implementação, avaliação e reformulação da assistência, assim, proporcionando uma sistematização dos cuidados de enfermagem a fim de minimizar os impactos e complicações na vida do cliente, proporcionando uma melhor qualidade de vida. Com isso, pode se afirmar que a realização do estudo de caso favoreceu a formação, aprimorou conhecimentos e proporcionou uma melhor autonomia dos cuidados que devem ser prestados pelos graduandos de enfermagem, qualificando e humanizando o atendimento ao paciente estudado.
A utilização de plantas medicinais/fitoterápicos (PMF) no tratamento de doenças é uma prática mil... more A utilização de plantas medicinais/fitoterápicos (PMF) no tratamento de doenças é uma prática milenar oriunda do empirismo. Mesmo com o avanço do conhecimento científico para a produção sintética de fármacos, o uso dessas plantas se manteve inalterável e variando de acordo a economia e o desenvolvimento de alguns países ou regiões, continua sendo a principal fonte terapêutica, tendo como relato a crença de serem totalmente seguros. Ao logo do tempo, a utilização dessas plantas para tratamento de doenças/enfermidades colaborou para o surgimento de medicamentos fitoterápicos, que possui uma eficácia reconhecida para tratamento da sintomatologia ou até mesmo a cura de doenças. O uso de fitoterápicos concomitantes a medicamentos convencionais pode desencadear uma série de alterações farmacocinética nesses usuários, diminuindo a segurança e eficácia e podendo gerar uma falha terapêutica, tendo em vista que os fitoterápicos e as plantas medicinais possuem ativos. Sabe-se que muitos pacien...
O envelhecimento da população tem algumas tendências que são similares a nível internacional. O a... more O envelhecimento da população tem algumas tendências que são similares a nível internacional. O aumento da população de idade avançada devido à baixa natalidade, elevado índice de esperança de vida, desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias com possibilidades de tratamentos, outrora, desconhecidos, além de, uma perspectiva de um prognóstico favorável de vida direcionados a Transtornos Associados a Doenças Neurodegenerativas (TADN). A demência, relacionada a Doença de Alzheimer (DA) se apresenta como uma das causas mais comuns de TADN. Este estudo possui caráter exploratório, na modalidade de revisão integrativa de literatura e pesquisa qualitativa, onde por meio de levantamentos bibliográficos, objetiva-se abordar a DA e seus sintomas, bem como modelos de intervenção e os impactos neurodegenerativos na qualidade de vida do indivíduo idoso. Outrossim, reputa-se compreender as divergências físicas e cognitivas no desempenho nevrológico entre neurotípicos e pessoas no contexto da Doença de ...
Farmácia hospitalar e clínica e prescrição farmacêutica
Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena... more Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena Editora Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição-Não-Comercial-NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores, inclusive não representam necessariamente a posição oficial da Atena Editora. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais. Todos os manuscritos foram previamente submetidos à avaliação cega pelos pares, membros do Conselho Editorial desta Editora, tendo sido aprovados para a publicação com base em critérios de neutralidade e imparcialidade acadêmica. A Atena Editora é comprometida em garantir a integridade editorial em todas as etapas do processo de publicação, evitando plágio, dados ou resultados fraudulentos e impedindo que interesses financeiros comprometam os padrões éticos da publicação. Situações suspeitas de má conduta científica serão investigadas sob o mais alto padrão de rigor acadêmico e ético.
Brazilian Journal of Health Review
Many pharmaceutical chemical residues (PCR) have shown great potential to pollute the environment... more Many pharmaceutical chemical residues (PCR) have shown great potential to pollute the environment, especially in marine habitats. The conjecture stems from direct participation of human beings. Toxicological studies carried with drugs showed the possibility of appearance of physiological sexual alterations already observed in certain species of fish and other marine animals, in addition to the increase of resistant bacteria. In this way, evidence drives the reduction or interruption of exposure to CRP in the environment. The objective of this work is to propose a project to receive expired medicines and other therapeutic products, without use or leftovers from inappropriate uses by several individuals. To achieve these objectives, we will carry out the following methodologies: (i) Conduct a literature review on the subject, to consolidate the problem; (ii) present an advertising plan using social communication vehicles, such as radio, television and social networks, for information ...
Corynebacterium striatum, a common constituent of the human skin microbiome, is now considered an... more Corynebacterium striatum, a common constituent of the human skin microbiome, is now considered an emerging multidrug-resistant pathogen of immunocompromised and chronically ill patients. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms in the transition from colonization to the multidrug-resistant (MDR) invasive phenotype in clinical isolates. This study performed a comprehensive pan-genomic analysis of C. striatum, including isolates from ‘normal skin microbiome’ and from MDR infections, to gain insights into genetic factors contributing to pathogenicity and multidrug resistance in this species. For this, three novel genome sequences were obtained from clinical isolates of C. striatum of patients from Brazil, and other 24 complete or draft C. striatum genomes were retrieved from GenBank, including the ATCC6940 isolate from the Human Microbiome Project. Analysis of C. striatum strains demonstrated the presence of an open pan-genome (α = 0.852803) containing 3,816 gene familie...
Travel medicine and infectious disease, Jan 31, 2018
The epidemiology of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing bacteria is fast evolving with... more The epidemiology of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing bacteria is fast evolving with increasing global trend towards community-acquired infections. Limited information available about ESBLs therapy outcomes and control strategies, especially in the Middle Eastern countries. We studied 399 ESBL-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from urinary tract infections (UTIs) occurred between 2014 and 2016 in University Hospital Sharjah. We included 124 ESBL-negative E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates from UTIs as controls. Pearson Chi squares test and independent t-test were used to compare difference between ESBL positives and negatives. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was also performed. Approximately 75% of the E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates causing UTIs were community-acquired. We found that recurrent UTIs, old age, and catheterization among other risk factors for community-acquired ESBL-positive UTIs. Majority of these ESBL-positive is...
Brazilian Journal of Health Review
A Toxicologia forense permite um conjunto de condutas acerca das intoxicações por drogas de abuso... more A Toxicologia forense permite um conjunto de condutas acerca das intoxicações por drogas de abuso como a cafeína, substância apreciada por suas ações estimulante, anorexígena e diurética, especialmente por portadores de anorexia nervosa (AN). Diferentes estudos relatam os benefícios das xantinas frente à patologias e distúrbios como a apneia do recém-nascido, depressão, doença de Alzheimer, de Parkinson, por exemplo. Em paralelo, evidenciam também a possibilidade de causar tolerância, dependência, abstinência e intoxicação. Podendo, inclusive, ser fatal para alguns indivíduos, sobretudo quando em associação a outras drogas. Diante das evidências, o objetivo deste trabalho foi o de gerar discussão, conscientização e desenvolvimento de medidas de prevenção à dependência e intoxicação, seguindo manual detalhado e padronizado de boas práticas, no que tange os cuidados com analitos. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão literária a fim de contextualizar o problema do uso irracional de dr...
Brazilian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences, 2022
Nowadays, Corynebacterium striatum has been reported asetiologic agent of mild to severe hospital... more Nowadays, Corynebacterium striatum has been reported asetiologic agent of mild to severe hospital-acquired infections,including patients undergoing endotracheal intubation withfatal outcome. A continuous survey of infections due multidrug-resistant (MDR) C. striatum in South American countriesremains necessary. This retrospective and prospective studyaimed to analyze clinical-microbiological features of C. striatumclinical isolates from patients attended at a Braziliantertiary care hospital, during a nine-year period. C. striatumstrains (n=130) were isolated from infected patients attended attwenty nosocomial wards, mainly of tracheal aspirate (n=53)and blood and/or intravenous catheter (n=21/n=13). Notably,original cases of nosocomial infections due to C. striatum wereverified in children making use of invasive devices, includingone fatal neonatal case, in addition to a fatal respiratoryinfection in patient with cystic fibrosis, as well as urinarytract infections of kidney transpla...
Figure S2. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) profiles of Brazilian Corynebacterium striatum... more Figure S2. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) profiles of Brazilian Corynebacterium striatum isolates from blood and catheter segments. Lane 1: λ DNA ladder PFGE marker; lanes 2, 3 and 7: profile I (isolates 2089, 2091 and 2023, respectively); lane 4: profile V (isolate 2130); lanes 5, 6 and 9: profile VI (isolates 2228, 2230 and 2237, respectively); lane 8: profile VII (isolate 2296) and lane 10: profile IV (isolate 1954 – control). (TIF 469 kb)
Figure S1. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) profiles of Brazilian Corynebacterium striatum... more Figure S1. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) profiles of Brazilian Corynebacterium striatum isolates from blood and catheter segments. Lane 1: λ DNA ladder PFGE marker; lane 2: profile VIII (isolate 2103); lanes 3, 5 and 6: profile I (isolates 2316, 2439 and 2023, respectively); lane 4: profile Ia (isolate 2324); lane 7: profile X (isolate 2376); lane 8: profile VIa (isolate 2390); lane 9: profile IX (isolate 2425) and lane 10: profile Ib (isolate 2454). (TIF 523 kb)
Corynebacterium striatum, a bacterium that is part of the normal skin microbiota, is also an oppo... more Corynebacterium striatum, a bacterium that is part of the normal skin microbiota, is also an opportunistic pathogen. In recent years, reports of infections and in-hospital and nosocomial outbreaks caused by antimicrobial multidrug-resistant C. striatum strains have been increasing worldwide. However, there are no studies about the genomic determinants related to antimicrobial resistance in C. striatum. This review updates global information related to antimicrobial resistance found in C. striatum and highlights the essential genomic aspects in its persistence and dissemination. The resistome of C. striatum comprises chromosomal and acquired elements. Resistance to fluoroquinolones and daptomycin are due to mutations in chromosomal genes. Conversely, resistance to macrolides, tetracyclines, phenicols, beta-lactams, and aminoglycosides are associated with mobile genomic elements such as plasmids and transposons. The presence and diversity of insertion sequences suggest an essential ro...
Microbial Drug Resistance, 2020
Disinfection and antisepsis are of primary importance in controlling nosocomial infections and ou... more Disinfection and antisepsis are of primary importance in controlling nosocomial infections and outbreaks by pathogens expressing multiple resistance to antimicrobial agents (multidrug-resistant [MDR]) used in therapy. Nowadays, infections related to health services (HAIs) due to MDR and multidrug-susceptible (MDS) Corynebacterium striatum should not be underestimated, including patients using invasive medical devices. The virulence potential of C. striatum needs further investigation. Currently, susceptibility profiles of planktonic and/or sessile forms of four C. striatum strains of different pulsed-field gel electrophoresis types were examined as biocides based on the manufacturer's recommendations: 2% glutaraldehyde (GA), 2% peracetic acid (PA), 1% potassium monopersulfate (Virkon®; VK), 1% sodium hypochlorite (SH), and 70% ethyl alcohol (ET). Time-kill assays using 2% bovine serum albumin (BSA) were performed for evaluation of influence of organic matter on biocides effects. Planktonic forms expressed GA resistance at different levels. C. striatum viability was observed until 2, 4, 20, and 30 min for MDR 2369/II, MDS 1954/IV, MDR 1987/I, and MDS 1961/III strains, respectively. In contrast to GA, the biocides PA, VK24h, SH, and ET had higher effective bacterial mortality. However, storage of VK (48 hr) reduced their biocide activities. Moreover, mature biofilms were produced on abiotic substrates, including steel surfaces. Post-treatment with GA (30 min), survival of sessile forms was ≥100% than planktonic forms of all C. striatum tested strains. Independent of biocides tested, BSA increased the survival of planktonic and sessile forms (p ≤ 0.005). Present data indicated that hospital staff should be aware of dissemination and eradication of HAIs by C. striatum presenting resistance to biocides, including high-level disinfectants, such as GA.
BMC Infectious Diseases, 2019
Background: Corynebacterium striatum is an emerging multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogen associated... more Background: Corynebacterium striatum is an emerging multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogen associated with immunocompromised and chronically ill patients, as well as nosocomial outbreaks. In this study, we characterized 23 MDR C. striatum isolated of bloodstream and catheter-related infections from a hospital of Rio de Janeiro. Methods: C. striatum isolates were identified by 16S rRNA and rpoB genes sequencing. The dissemination of these isolates was accomplished by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). All isolates were submitted to antimicrobial susceptibility testing by disk diffusion and by minimum inhibitory concentration using E-test strips methods. Antimicrobial resistance genes were detected by polymerase chain reaction. Quantitative tests were performed on four different abiotic surfaces and the ability to produce biofilm on the surface of polyurethane and silicone catheter was also demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy. Results: Eleven PFGE profiles were found. The PFGE profile I was the most frequently observed among isolates. Five different MDR profiles were found and all PFGE profile I isolates presented susceptibility only to tetracycline, vancomycin, linezolid and daptomycin. Only the multidrug-susceptible isolate did not show mutations in the quinolone-resistance determinant region (QRDR) of the gyrA gene and was negative in the search of genes encoding antibiotic resistance. The other 22 isolates were positive to resistance genes to aminoglycoside, macrolides/lincosamides and chloramphenicol and showed mutations in the QRDR of the gyrA gene. Scanning electron microscopy illustrated the ability of MDR blood isolate partaker of the epidemic clone (PFGE profile I) to produce mature biofilm on the surface of polyurethane and silicone catheter. Conclusions: Genotyping analysis by PFGE revealed the permanence of the MDR PFGE profile I in the nosocomial environment. Other new PFGE profiles emerged as etiologic agents of invasive infections. However, the MDR PFGE profile I was also found predominant among patients with hematogenic infections. The high level of multidrug resistance associated with biofilm formation capacity observed in MDR C. striatum is a case of concern.
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 2015
Corynebacterium striatum is a potentially pathogenic microorganism that causes nosocomial outbrea... more Corynebacterium striatum is a potentially pathogenic microorganism that causes nosocomial outbreaks. However, little is known about its virulence factors that may contribute to healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). We investigated the biofilm production on abiotic surfaces of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and multidrug-susceptible (MDS) strains of C. striatum of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis types I-MDR, II-MDR, III-MDS and IV-MDS isolated during a nosocomial outbreak in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The results showed that C. striatum was able to adhere to hydrophilic and hydrophobic abiotic surfaces. The C. striatum 1987/I-MDR strain, predominantly isolated from patients undergoing endotracheal intubation procedures, showed the greatest ability to adhere to all surfaces. C. striatum bound fibrinogen to its surface, which contributed to biofilm formation. Scanning electron microscopy showed the production of mature biofilms on polyurethane catheters by all pulsotypes. In conclusion, bi...
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2019
Corynebacterium striatum strains have been increasingly reported as etiological agents of nosocom... more Corynebacterium striatum strains have been increasingly reported as etiological agents of nosocomial infections and outbreaks in industrialized and developing countries. However, there are few studies focused on the virulence potential of C. striatum. A growing body of research supports the use of Caenorhabditis elegans as a model host for investigating the virulence potential of pathogenic bacteria, including corynebacteria. In the present study, chemotaxis behaviour, mortality, and morphological changes were investigated in nematodes infected by four C. striatum strains isolated from different clinical sites, and with different MDR profiles and PFGE types. The results showed chemotaxis of nematodes towards C. striatum. Nematode death ([ 60%) was detected from the first day postinfection with all strains tested, but at different levels, independent of biofilm formation on catheter surfaces and differences in growth temperature between nematodes (20°C) and mammals (37°C). C. striatum 2369/II multidrug-resistant (MDR; from tracheal aspirate of a patient undergoing endotracheal intubation) and 1961/III multidrug-sensitive (MDS; urine) strains led to 100% mortality in worms. Survival of nematodes was observed until 4 days post-infection with the C. striatum 1954/IV MDS strain isolated from a surgical wound (13%) and 1987/I MDR strain isolated from a patient with a lower respiratory tract infection (39%). The Dar phenotype was observed post-infection with all MDS and MDR strains except 1954/IV. All strains showed the capacity for bagging formation. Star formation was observed only with strains that led to 100% nematode mortality. In conclusion, C. striatum was found to exert virulence for C. elegans. Variations in nematode morphological changes and levels of mortality indicate differences in the virulence potential of C. striatum independent of
As Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde na Contemporaneidade 4, Mar 28, 2019
Archives of Microbiology
Corynebacterium striatum is part of microbiota of skin and nasal mucosa of humans and has been in... more Corynebacterium striatum is part of microbiota of skin and nasal mucosa of humans and has been increasingly reported as the etiologic agent of community-acquired and nosocomial diseases. Antimicrobial multidrug-resistant (MDR) C. striatum strains have been increasingly related to various nosocomial diseases and/or outbreaks worldwide, including fatal invasive infections in immunosuppressed and immunocompetent patients. Although cases of infections by C. striatum still neglected in some countries, the improvement of microbiological techniques and studies led to the increase of survival of patients with C. striatum nosocomial infections at different levels of magnitude. Biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces contributes for the persistence of virulent C. striatum and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance in hospital environment. Besides that, empirical antibiotic therapy can select multi-resistant strains and transfer intra and interspecies genes horizontally. In this study, a worldwide survey of C. striatum human infections and nosocomial outbreaks was accomplished by the analysis of clinical-epidemiological and microbiological features of reported cases from varied countries, during a 44-year period (1976-2020).
Open Access Journal of Surgery
Editora Conhecimento Livre eBooks, 2022
Editora Conhecimento Livre eBooks, 2022
Resumo: Descrever a aplicação da teoria de Wanda Horta à pessoa submetida a amputação transfemora... more Resumo: Descrever a aplicação da teoria de Wanda Horta à pessoa submetida a amputação transfemoral secundária à Diabetes Mellitus.O critério de escolha foi de um paciente em pós operatório imediato na Sala de Recuperação Pós Anestésica (S.R.P.A), na disciplina de Enfermagem na Saúde do Adulto e do Idoso II da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana na Bahia durante prática hospitalar em 2022. Os dados foram coletados através da entrevista, anamnese, exame físico e dados do prontuário. A escolha do paciente permitiu a aplicação da Sistematização de Assistência de Enfermagem Perioperatória (SAEP) a qual foi elencada etapas como visita, planejamento, implementação, avaliação e reformulação da assistência, assim, proporcionando uma sistematização dos cuidados de enfermagem a fim de minimizar os impactos e complicações na vida do cliente, proporcionando uma melhor qualidade de vida. Com isso, pode se afirmar que a realização do estudo de caso favoreceu a formação, aprimorou conhecimentos e proporcionou uma melhor autonomia dos cuidados que devem ser prestados pelos graduandos de enfermagem, qualificando e humanizando o atendimento ao paciente estudado.
A utilização de plantas medicinais/fitoterápicos (PMF) no tratamento de doenças é uma prática mil... more A utilização de plantas medicinais/fitoterápicos (PMF) no tratamento de doenças é uma prática milenar oriunda do empirismo. Mesmo com o avanço do conhecimento científico para a produção sintética de fármacos, o uso dessas plantas se manteve inalterável e variando de acordo a economia e o desenvolvimento de alguns países ou regiões, continua sendo a principal fonte terapêutica, tendo como relato a crença de serem totalmente seguros. Ao logo do tempo, a utilização dessas plantas para tratamento de doenças/enfermidades colaborou para o surgimento de medicamentos fitoterápicos, que possui uma eficácia reconhecida para tratamento da sintomatologia ou até mesmo a cura de doenças. O uso de fitoterápicos concomitantes a medicamentos convencionais pode desencadear uma série de alterações farmacocinética nesses usuários, diminuindo a segurança e eficácia e podendo gerar uma falha terapêutica, tendo em vista que os fitoterápicos e as plantas medicinais possuem ativos. Sabe-se que muitos pacien...
O envelhecimento da população tem algumas tendências que são similares a nível internacional. O a... more O envelhecimento da população tem algumas tendências que são similares a nível internacional. O aumento da população de idade avançada devido à baixa natalidade, elevado índice de esperança de vida, desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias com possibilidades de tratamentos, outrora, desconhecidos, além de, uma perspectiva de um prognóstico favorável de vida direcionados a Transtornos Associados a Doenças Neurodegenerativas (TADN). A demência, relacionada a Doença de Alzheimer (DA) se apresenta como uma das causas mais comuns de TADN. Este estudo possui caráter exploratório, na modalidade de revisão integrativa de literatura e pesquisa qualitativa, onde por meio de levantamentos bibliográficos, objetiva-se abordar a DA e seus sintomas, bem como modelos de intervenção e os impactos neurodegenerativos na qualidade de vida do indivíduo idoso. Outrossim, reputa-se compreender as divergências físicas e cognitivas no desempenho nevrológico entre neurotípicos e pessoas no contexto da Doença de ...
Farmácia hospitalar e clínica e prescrição farmacêutica
Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena... more Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena Editora Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição-Não-Comercial-NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores, inclusive não representam necessariamente a posição oficial da Atena Editora. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais. Todos os manuscritos foram previamente submetidos à avaliação cega pelos pares, membros do Conselho Editorial desta Editora, tendo sido aprovados para a publicação com base em critérios de neutralidade e imparcialidade acadêmica. A Atena Editora é comprometida em garantir a integridade editorial em todas as etapas do processo de publicação, evitando plágio, dados ou resultados fraudulentos e impedindo que interesses financeiros comprometam os padrões éticos da publicação. Situações suspeitas de má conduta científica serão investigadas sob o mais alto padrão de rigor acadêmico e ético.
Brazilian Journal of Health Review
Many pharmaceutical chemical residues (PCR) have shown great potential to pollute the environment... more Many pharmaceutical chemical residues (PCR) have shown great potential to pollute the environment, especially in marine habitats. The conjecture stems from direct participation of human beings. Toxicological studies carried with drugs showed the possibility of appearance of physiological sexual alterations already observed in certain species of fish and other marine animals, in addition to the increase of resistant bacteria. In this way, evidence drives the reduction or interruption of exposure to CRP in the environment. The objective of this work is to propose a project to receive expired medicines and other therapeutic products, without use or leftovers from inappropriate uses by several individuals. To achieve these objectives, we will carry out the following methodologies: (i) Conduct a literature review on the subject, to consolidate the problem; (ii) present an advertising plan using social communication vehicles, such as radio, television and social networks, for information ...
Corynebacterium striatum, a common constituent of the human skin microbiome, is now considered an... more Corynebacterium striatum, a common constituent of the human skin microbiome, is now considered an emerging multidrug-resistant pathogen of immunocompromised and chronically ill patients. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms in the transition from colonization to the multidrug-resistant (MDR) invasive phenotype in clinical isolates. This study performed a comprehensive pan-genomic analysis of C. striatum, including isolates from ‘normal skin microbiome’ and from MDR infections, to gain insights into genetic factors contributing to pathogenicity and multidrug resistance in this species. For this, three novel genome sequences were obtained from clinical isolates of C. striatum of patients from Brazil, and other 24 complete or draft C. striatum genomes were retrieved from GenBank, including the ATCC6940 isolate from the Human Microbiome Project. Analysis of C. striatum strains demonstrated the presence of an open pan-genome (α = 0.852803) containing 3,816 gene familie...
Travel medicine and infectious disease, Jan 31, 2018
The epidemiology of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing bacteria is fast evolving with... more The epidemiology of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing bacteria is fast evolving with increasing global trend towards community-acquired infections. Limited information available about ESBLs therapy outcomes and control strategies, especially in the Middle Eastern countries. We studied 399 ESBL-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from urinary tract infections (UTIs) occurred between 2014 and 2016 in University Hospital Sharjah. We included 124 ESBL-negative E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates from UTIs as controls. Pearson Chi squares test and independent t-test were used to compare difference between ESBL positives and negatives. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was also performed. Approximately 75% of the E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates causing UTIs were community-acquired. We found that recurrent UTIs, old age, and catheterization among other risk factors for community-acquired ESBL-positive UTIs. Majority of these ESBL-positive is...
Brazilian Journal of Health Review
A Toxicologia forense permite um conjunto de condutas acerca das intoxicações por drogas de abuso... more A Toxicologia forense permite um conjunto de condutas acerca das intoxicações por drogas de abuso como a cafeína, substância apreciada por suas ações estimulante, anorexígena e diurética, especialmente por portadores de anorexia nervosa (AN). Diferentes estudos relatam os benefícios das xantinas frente à patologias e distúrbios como a apneia do recém-nascido, depressão, doença de Alzheimer, de Parkinson, por exemplo. Em paralelo, evidenciam também a possibilidade de causar tolerância, dependência, abstinência e intoxicação. Podendo, inclusive, ser fatal para alguns indivíduos, sobretudo quando em associação a outras drogas. Diante das evidências, o objetivo deste trabalho foi o de gerar discussão, conscientização e desenvolvimento de medidas de prevenção à dependência e intoxicação, seguindo manual detalhado e padronizado de boas práticas, no que tange os cuidados com analitos. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão literária a fim de contextualizar o problema do uso irracional de dr...
Brazilian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences, 2022
Nowadays, Corynebacterium striatum has been reported asetiologic agent of mild to severe hospital... more Nowadays, Corynebacterium striatum has been reported asetiologic agent of mild to severe hospital-acquired infections,including patients undergoing endotracheal intubation withfatal outcome. A continuous survey of infections due multidrug-resistant (MDR) C. striatum in South American countriesremains necessary. This retrospective and prospective studyaimed to analyze clinical-microbiological features of C. striatumclinical isolates from patients attended at a Braziliantertiary care hospital, during a nine-year period. C. striatumstrains (n=130) were isolated from infected patients attended attwenty nosocomial wards, mainly of tracheal aspirate (n=53)and blood and/or intravenous catheter (n=21/n=13). Notably,original cases of nosocomial infections due to C. striatum wereverified in children making use of invasive devices, includingone fatal neonatal case, in addition to a fatal respiratoryinfection in patient with cystic fibrosis, as well as urinarytract infections of kidney transpla...
Figure S2. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) profiles of Brazilian Corynebacterium striatum... more Figure S2. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) profiles of Brazilian Corynebacterium striatum isolates from blood and catheter segments. Lane 1: λ DNA ladder PFGE marker; lanes 2, 3 and 7: profile I (isolates 2089, 2091 and 2023, respectively); lane 4: profile V (isolate 2130); lanes 5, 6 and 9: profile VI (isolates 2228, 2230 and 2237, respectively); lane 8: profile VII (isolate 2296) and lane 10: profile IV (isolate 1954 – control). (TIF 469 kb)
Figure S1. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) profiles of Brazilian Corynebacterium striatum... more Figure S1. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) profiles of Brazilian Corynebacterium striatum isolates from blood and catheter segments. Lane 1: λ DNA ladder PFGE marker; lane 2: profile VIII (isolate 2103); lanes 3, 5 and 6: profile I (isolates 2316, 2439 and 2023, respectively); lane 4: profile Ia (isolate 2324); lane 7: profile X (isolate 2376); lane 8: profile VIa (isolate 2390); lane 9: profile IX (isolate 2425) and lane 10: profile Ib (isolate 2454). (TIF 523 kb)
Corynebacterium striatum, a bacterium that is part of the normal skin microbiota, is also an oppo... more Corynebacterium striatum, a bacterium that is part of the normal skin microbiota, is also an opportunistic pathogen. In recent years, reports of infections and in-hospital and nosocomial outbreaks caused by antimicrobial multidrug-resistant C. striatum strains have been increasing worldwide. However, there are no studies about the genomic determinants related to antimicrobial resistance in C. striatum. This review updates global information related to antimicrobial resistance found in C. striatum and highlights the essential genomic aspects in its persistence and dissemination. The resistome of C. striatum comprises chromosomal and acquired elements. Resistance to fluoroquinolones and daptomycin are due to mutations in chromosomal genes. Conversely, resistance to macrolides, tetracyclines, phenicols, beta-lactams, and aminoglycosides are associated with mobile genomic elements such as plasmids and transposons. The presence and diversity of insertion sequences suggest an essential ro...
Microbial Drug Resistance, 2020
Disinfection and antisepsis are of primary importance in controlling nosocomial infections and ou... more Disinfection and antisepsis are of primary importance in controlling nosocomial infections and outbreaks by pathogens expressing multiple resistance to antimicrobial agents (multidrug-resistant [MDR]) used in therapy. Nowadays, infections related to health services (HAIs) due to MDR and multidrug-susceptible (MDS) Corynebacterium striatum should not be underestimated, including patients using invasive medical devices. The virulence potential of C. striatum needs further investigation. Currently, susceptibility profiles of planktonic and/or sessile forms of four C. striatum strains of different pulsed-field gel electrophoresis types were examined as biocides based on the manufacturer's recommendations: 2% glutaraldehyde (GA), 2% peracetic acid (PA), 1% potassium monopersulfate (Virkon®; VK), 1% sodium hypochlorite (SH), and 70% ethyl alcohol (ET). Time-kill assays using 2% bovine serum albumin (BSA) were performed for evaluation of influence of organic matter on biocides effects. Planktonic forms expressed GA resistance at different levels. C. striatum viability was observed until 2, 4, 20, and 30 min for MDR 2369/II, MDS 1954/IV, MDR 1987/I, and MDS 1961/III strains, respectively. In contrast to GA, the biocides PA, VK24h, SH, and ET had higher effective bacterial mortality. However, storage of VK (48 hr) reduced their biocide activities. Moreover, mature biofilms were produced on abiotic substrates, including steel surfaces. Post-treatment with GA (30 min), survival of sessile forms was ≥100% than planktonic forms of all C. striatum tested strains. Independent of biocides tested, BSA increased the survival of planktonic and sessile forms (p ≤ 0.005). Present data indicated that hospital staff should be aware of dissemination and eradication of HAIs by C. striatum presenting resistance to biocides, including high-level disinfectants, such as GA.
BMC Infectious Diseases, 2019
Background: Corynebacterium striatum is an emerging multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogen associated... more Background: Corynebacterium striatum is an emerging multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogen associated with immunocompromised and chronically ill patients, as well as nosocomial outbreaks. In this study, we characterized 23 MDR C. striatum isolated of bloodstream and catheter-related infections from a hospital of Rio de Janeiro. Methods: C. striatum isolates were identified by 16S rRNA and rpoB genes sequencing. The dissemination of these isolates was accomplished by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). All isolates were submitted to antimicrobial susceptibility testing by disk diffusion and by minimum inhibitory concentration using E-test strips methods. Antimicrobial resistance genes were detected by polymerase chain reaction. Quantitative tests were performed on four different abiotic surfaces and the ability to produce biofilm on the surface of polyurethane and silicone catheter was also demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy. Results: Eleven PFGE profiles were found. The PFGE profile I was the most frequently observed among isolates. Five different MDR profiles were found and all PFGE profile I isolates presented susceptibility only to tetracycline, vancomycin, linezolid and daptomycin. Only the multidrug-susceptible isolate did not show mutations in the quinolone-resistance determinant region (QRDR) of the gyrA gene and was negative in the search of genes encoding antibiotic resistance. The other 22 isolates were positive to resistance genes to aminoglycoside, macrolides/lincosamides and chloramphenicol and showed mutations in the QRDR of the gyrA gene. Scanning electron microscopy illustrated the ability of MDR blood isolate partaker of the epidemic clone (PFGE profile I) to produce mature biofilm on the surface of polyurethane and silicone catheter. Conclusions: Genotyping analysis by PFGE revealed the permanence of the MDR PFGE profile I in the nosocomial environment. Other new PFGE profiles emerged as etiologic agents of invasive infections. However, the MDR PFGE profile I was also found predominant among patients with hematogenic infections. The high level of multidrug resistance associated with biofilm formation capacity observed in MDR C. striatum is a case of concern.
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 2015
Corynebacterium striatum is a potentially pathogenic microorganism that causes nosocomial outbrea... more Corynebacterium striatum is a potentially pathogenic microorganism that causes nosocomial outbreaks. However, little is known about its virulence factors that may contribute to healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). We investigated the biofilm production on abiotic surfaces of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and multidrug-susceptible (MDS) strains of C. striatum of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis types I-MDR, II-MDR, III-MDS and IV-MDS isolated during a nosocomial outbreak in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The results showed that C. striatum was able to adhere to hydrophilic and hydrophobic abiotic surfaces. The C. striatum 1987/I-MDR strain, predominantly isolated from patients undergoing endotracheal intubation procedures, showed the greatest ability to adhere to all surfaces. C. striatum bound fibrinogen to its surface, which contributed to biofilm formation. Scanning electron microscopy showed the production of mature biofilms on polyurethane catheters by all pulsotypes. In conclusion, bi...
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2019
Corynebacterium striatum strains have been increasingly reported as etiological agents of nosocom... more Corynebacterium striatum strains have been increasingly reported as etiological agents of nosocomial infections and outbreaks in industrialized and developing countries. However, there are few studies focused on the virulence potential of C. striatum. A growing body of research supports the use of Caenorhabditis elegans as a model host for investigating the virulence potential of pathogenic bacteria, including corynebacteria. In the present study, chemotaxis behaviour, mortality, and morphological changes were investigated in nematodes infected by four C. striatum strains isolated from different clinical sites, and with different MDR profiles and PFGE types. The results showed chemotaxis of nematodes towards C. striatum. Nematode death ([ 60%) was detected from the first day postinfection with all strains tested, but at different levels, independent of biofilm formation on catheter surfaces and differences in growth temperature between nematodes (20°C) and mammals (37°C). C. striatum 2369/II multidrug-resistant (MDR; from tracheal aspirate of a patient undergoing endotracheal intubation) and 1961/III multidrug-sensitive (MDS; urine) strains led to 100% mortality in worms. Survival of nematodes was observed until 4 days post-infection with the C. striatum 1954/IV MDS strain isolated from a surgical wound (13%) and 1987/I MDR strain isolated from a patient with a lower respiratory tract infection (39%). The Dar phenotype was observed post-infection with all MDS and MDR strains except 1954/IV. All strains showed the capacity for bagging formation. Star formation was observed only with strains that led to 100% nematode mortality. In conclusion, C. striatum was found to exert virulence for C. elegans. Variations in nematode morphological changes and levels of mortality indicate differences in the virulence potential of C. striatum independent of
As Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde na Contemporaneidade 4, Mar 28, 2019
Archives of Microbiology
Corynebacterium striatum is part of microbiota of skin and nasal mucosa of humans and has been in... more Corynebacterium striatum is part of microbiota of skin and nasal mucosa of humans and has been increasingly reported as the etiologic agent of community-acquired and nosocomial diseases. Antimicrobial multidrug-resistant (MDR) C. striatum strains have been increasingly related to various nosocomial diseases and/or outbreaks worldwide, including fatal invasive infections in immunosuppressed and immunocompetent patients. Although cases of infections by C. striatum still neglected in some countries, the improvement of microbiological techniques and studies led to the increase of survival of patients with C. striatum nosocomial infections at different levels of magnitude. Biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces contributes for the persistence of virulent C. striatum and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance in hospital environment. Besides that, empirical antibiotic therapy can select multi-resistant strains and transfer intra and interspecies genes horizontally. In this study, a worldwide survey of C. striatum human infections and nosocomial outbreaks was accomplished by the analysis of clinical-epidemiological and microbiological features of reported cases from varied countries, during a 44-year period (1976-2020).
Open Access Journal of Surgery