Catherine Verret - (original) (raw)


Papers by Catherine Verret

Research paper thumbnail of Increase in reported adverse events following seasonal influenza vaccination among the French armed forces, 2008–2009: Possible role of stimulated reporting and background cases of influenza-like infection

Research paper thumbnail of Resurgence of measles among French military forces in 2010: results of epidemiological surveillance

Bulletin Épidémiologique Hebdomadaire, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Institutions 1. Département d'épidémiologie et de santé publique Nord, École du Val-de

. Institutions 'pSDUWHPHQWG¶pSLGpPLRORJLHHWGHVDQWpSXEOLTXH1RUGeFROHGX9DO -de -Grâce, Paris... more . Institutions 'pSDUWHPHQWG¶pSLGpPLRORJLHHWGHVDQWpSXEOLTXH1RUGeFROHGX9DO -de -Grâce, Paris 'pSDUWHPHQWG¶pSLGpPLRORJLHHWGHVDQWpSXEOLTXH6XG,QVWLWXWGHPpGHFLQHtropicale du Service de sante des armees, Marseil le. 3. Service de pathologie infectieuse et tropicale, Hopital d'instruction des armees Begin, Saint Mande. 4. Service medical, 4

Research paper thumbnail of Abstract 64: Concordance between Carotid Pulse Check and Transthoracic Impedance Characteristics in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Circulation, Oct 31, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Principaux logiciels statistiques utilisables en épidémiologie

Revue D Epidemiologie Et De Sante Publique, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Surveillance épidémiologique des arrêts cardiaques extrahospitaliers pris en charge avec défibrillateur semi-automatique

Journal Européen des Urgences, 2007

[Research paper thumbnail of [Major statistical software usable in epidemiology]](

Revue d'épidémiologie et de santé publique, 1998

Quality assurance of biostatistical data analysis is becoming mandatory. The aim of this review o... more Quality assurance of biostatistical data analysis is becoming mandatory. The aim of this review of statistical software was to guide uses who are faced with the increasing number of these tools. A list of softwares was obtained from statisticians and computer scientists, computerized databases, computer science lay press, and commercial documents. The softwares were described and their possibilities measured. The following functions were studied: functions considered as essential (descriptive analysis, Student's t, Mann-Whitney or Wilcoxon, ANOVA, Kruskall-Wallis, Pearson's chi 2, Fisher's exact test, Pearson's r), survival and multivariate analysis (logistic regression, proportional hazards modelling, times series). User-friendliness and quality of graphs were also studied. Among the 220 listed softwares, 26 could be considered as general softwares and were extensively analyzed. Statistical softwares may be classified into four categories: easy-to-use general public...

Research paper thumbnail of O11-9 Les receveurs de produits sanguins labiles en France métropolitaine. Étude Recept

Transfusion Clinique et Biologique, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Mortality among active-duty male French Armed Forces, 2006-10

Journal of Public Health, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of The 2009 A(H1N1) influenza pandemic in the French Armed Forces: evaluation of three surveillance systems

The European Journal of Public Health, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Plasmodium vivax Malaria among Military Personnel, French Guiana, 1998-2008

Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Prospective Clinical Trial, DEFI 2005: Does an AED Algorithm with More CPR Impact Out‐of‐Hospital Cardiac Arrest Prognosis?

Academic Emergency Medicine, 2008

Background: Level 1 evidence is lacking for the Guidelines 2005 recommended changes in CPR and a... more Background: Level 1 evidence is lacking for the Guidelines 2005 recommended changes in CPR and automated external defibrillator (AED) protocols.Objectives: We conducted a block‐randomized controlled trial to evaluate if changes to CPR during AED use could improve return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and hospital admission rates.Methods: From September 2005 to March 2007, 200 biphasic LIFEPAKs, 500 AEDs, used by firefighters, were randomized every 2 months by fire station ( NCT00139542). The 100 CONTROL AEDs conformed to Guidelines 2000. The 100 STUDY AEDs added pre‐shock CPR and removed stacked shocks and post‐shock pulse checks. In both groups, firefighters received weekly CPR training. ECG and impedance signals recorded by AEDs were reviewed to quantify CPR delivery. Median [interquartile range], *p < 0.05.Results: Informed consent was obtained for 840 defibrillated patients (420 CONTROL vs. 420 STUDY). There were no differences in patient characterist...

Research paper thumbnail of La guerre du Golfe : conséquences sur la santé des vétérans 20 ans après

Après la fin de la première guerre du Golfe, les vétérans américains ont rapportés des symptômes ... more Après la fin de la première guerre du Golfe, les vétérans américains ont rapportés des symptômes variés plus souvent que les militaires non déployés. De nombreuses études ont été réalisées pour explorer les conséquences de ce conflit sur la santé des vétérans, soumis à de multiples expositions sur le terrain. La survenue de troubles psychiques, de troubles fonctionnels et les décès accidentels dans les premières années après le conflit sont retenus comme reliés à la guerre du Golfe. Les symptômes multiples présentés par les vétérans ont eu différentes terminologies, dont les causes restent inconnues et la prise en charge difficile. Les principales instances américaines faisant une synthèse des travaux réalisés dans ce domaine ont recommandé de mettre en place des cohortes de vétérans et de mieux identifier ces maladies multi symptomatiques. Une seule étude a été réalisée auprès des vétérans français, ne montrant que peu de différences avec les phénomènes décrits outre-Atlantique. Ce...

Research paper thumbnail of Prehospital Lyophilized Plasma Transfusion for Trauma-Induced Coagulopathy in Patients at Risk for Hemorrhagic Shock

Research paper thumbnail of Abstract 25: Effect of Thrombolytics on the Immediate Prognosis for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Circulation, 2007

Immediate care of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (CA) is standardized by the established ILCOR AC... more Immediate care of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (CA) is standardized by the established ILCOR ACLS Guidelines. Studies concerning the impact of thrombolysis, generally for CA of cardiac etiology have not shown a benefit. We sought to evaluate the rate of hospital admission for all CA patients treated with pre-hospital thrombolytics. Methods: Non-randomized retrospective study was conducted from 09/1/2005 to 02/15/2007 of non-traumatic CA patients treated with (T+) or without (T-) thrombolysis. The protocol for administration of thrombolytics was at the discretion of the field physician, aiming for within 20 minutes of collapse in almost all cases, and prior to return of spontaneous circulation. The primary endpoint was admission alive to the hospital. We performed multivariate analysis by logistic regression to identify risk factors independently associated with outcome: age, gender, response time, defibrillation, witnessed arrest, bystander CPR. Results: We reviewed 1331 consecuti...

Research paper thumbnail of MORNAND_FIC4150.TXT

manuscript in review (PLOS ONE - PONE-D-16-14934R1)

Research paper thumbnail of Mortalité dans la population militaire française en activité , 2002-2007

Research paper thumbnail of Keratoconus Match Index of normal and keratoconus suspect eyes

Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Performances, feasibility and acceptability of nasopharyngeal swab, saliva and oral-self sampling swab for the detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of French lyophilized plasma versus normal saline for post-traumatic coagulopathy prevention and correction: PREHO-PLYO protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial

Trials, 2020

Background Post-trauma bleeding induces an acute deficiency in clotting factors, which promotes b... more Background Post-trauma bleeding induces an acute deficiency in clotting factors, which promotes bleeding and hemorrhagic shock. However, early plasma administration may reduce the severity of trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC). Unlike fresh frozen plasma, which requires specific hospital logistics, French lyophilized plasma (FLYP) is storable at room temperature and compatible with all blood types, supporting its use in prehospital emergency care. We aim to test the hypothesis that by attenuating TIC, FLYP administered by prehospital emergency physicians would benefit the severely injured civilian patient at risk for hemorrhagic shock. Methods/design This multicenter randomized clinical trial will include adults severely injured and at risk for hemorrhagic shock, with a systolic blood pressure < 70 mmHg or a Shock Index > 1.1. Two parallel groups of 70 patients will receive either FLYP or normal saline in addition to usual treatment. The primary endpoint is the International No...

Research paper thumbnail of Increase in reported adverse events following seasonal influenza vaccination among the French armed forces, 2008–2009: Possible role of stimulated reporting and background cases of influenza-like infection

Research paper thumbnail of Resurgence of measles among French military forces in 2010: results of epidemiological surveillance

Bulletin Épidémiologique Hebdomadaire, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Institutions 1. Département d'épidémiologie et de santé publique Nord, École du Val-de

. Institutions 'pSDUWHPHQWG¶pSLGpPLRORJLHHWGHVDQWpSXEOLTXH1RUGeFROHGX9DO -de -Grâce, Paris... more . Institutions 'pSDUWHPHQWG¶pSLGpPLRORJLHHWGHVDQWpSXEOLTXH1RUGeFROHGX9DO -de -Grâce, Paris 'pSDUWHPHQWG¶pSLGpPLRORJLHHWGHVDQWpSXEOLTXH6XG,QVWLWXWGHPpGHFLQHtropicale du Service de sante des armees, Marseil le. 3. Service de pathologie infectieuse et tropicale, Hopital d'instruction des armees Begin, Saint Mande. 4. Service medical, 4

Research paper thumbnail of Abstract 64: Concordance between Carotid Pulse Check and Transthoracic Impedance Characteristics in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Circulation, Oct 31, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Principaux logiciels statistiques utilisables en épidémiologie

Revue D Epidemiologie Et De Sante Publique, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Surveillance épidémiologique des arrêts cardiaques extrahospitaliers pris en charge avec défibrillateur semi-automatique

Journal Européen des Urgences, 2007

[Research paper thumbnail of [Major statistical software usable in epidemiology]](

Revue d'épidémiologie et de santé publique, 1998

Quality assurance of biostatistical data analysis is becoming mandatory. The aim of this review o... more Quality assurance of biostatistical data analysis is becoming mandatory. The aim of this review of statistical software was to guide uses who are faced with the increasing number of these tools. A list of softwares was obtained from statisticians and computer scientists, computerized databases, computer science lay press, and commercial documents. The softwares were described and their possibilities measured. The following functions were studied: functions considered as essential (descriptive analysis, Student's t, Mann-Whitney or Wilcoxon, ANOVA, Kruskall-Wallis, Pearson's chi 2, Fisher's exact test, Pearson's r), survival and multivariate analysis (logistic regression, proportional hazards modelling, times series). User-friendliness and quality of graphs were also studied. Among the 220 listed softwares, 26 could be considered as general softwares and were extensively analyzed. Statistical softwares may be classified into four categories: easy-to-use general public...

Research paper thumbnail of O11-9 Les receveurs de produits sanguins labiles en France métropolitaine. Étude Recept

Transfusion Clinique et Biologique, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Mortality among active-duty male French Armed Forces, 2006-10

Journal of Public Health, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of The 2009 A(H1N1) influenza pandemic in the French Armed Forces: evaluation of three surveillance systems

The European Journal of Public Health, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Plasmodium vivax Malaria among Military Personnel, French Guiana, 1998-2008

Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Prospective Clinical Trial, DEFI 2005: Does an AED Algorithm with More CPR Impact Out‐of‐Hospital Cardiac Arrest Prognosis?

Academic Emergency Medicine, 2008

Background: Level 1 evidence is lacking for the Guidelines 2005 recommended changes in CPR and a... more Background: Level 1 evidence is lacking for the Guidelines 2005 recommended changes in CPR and automated external defibrillator (AED) protocols.Objectives: We conducted a block‐randomized controlled trial to evaluate if changes to CPR during AED use could improve return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and hospital admission rates.Methods: From September 2005 to March 2007, 200 biphasic LIFEPAKs, 500 AEDs, used by firefighters, were randomized every 2 months by fire station ( NCT00139542). The 100 CONTROL AEDs conformed to Guidelines 2000. The 100 STUDY AEDs added pre‐shock CPR and removed stacked shocks and post‐shock pulse checks. In both groups, firefighters received weekly CPR training. ECG and impedance signals recorded by AEDs were reviewed to quantify CPR delivery. Median [interquartile range], *p < 0.05.Results: Informed consent was obtained for 840 defibrillated patients (420 CONTROL vs. 420 STUDY). There were no differences in patient characterist...

Research paper thumbnail of La guerre du Golfe : conséquences sur la santé des vétérans 20 ans après

Après la fin de la première guerre du Golfe, les vétérans américains ont rapportés des symptômes ... more Après la fin de la première guerre du Golfe, les vétérans américains ont rapportés des symptômes variés plus souvent que les militaires non déployés. De nombreuses études ont été réalisées pour explorer les conséquences de ce conflit sur la santé des vétérans, soumis à de multiples expositions sur le terrain. La survenue de troubles psychiques, de troubles fonctionnels et les décès accidentels dans les premières années après le conflit sont retenus comme reliés à la guerre du Golfe. Les symptômes multiples présentés par les vétérans ont eu différentes terminologies, dont les causes restent inconnues et la prise en charge difficile. Les principales instances américaines faisant une synthèse des travaux réalisés dans ce domaine ont recommandé de mettre en place des cohortes de vétérans et de mieux identifier ces maladies multi symptomatiques. Une seule étude a été réalisée auprès des vétérans français, ne montrant que peu de différences avec les phénomènes décrits outre-Atlantique. Ce...

Research paper thumbnail of Prehospital Lyophilized Plasma Transfusion for Trauma-Induced Coagulopathy in Patients at Risk for Hemorrhagic Shock

Research paper thumbnail of Abstract 25: Effect of Thrombolytics on the Immediate Prognosis for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Circulation, 2007

Immediate care of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (CA) is standardized by the established ILCOR AC... more Immediate care of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (CA) is standardized by the established ILCOR ACLS Guidelines. Studies concerning the impact of thrombolysis, generally for CA of cardiac etiology have not shown a benefit. We sought to evaluate the rate of hospital admission for all CA patients treated with pre-hospital thrombolytics. Methods: Non-randomized retrospective study was conducted from 09/1/2005 to 02/15/2007 of non-traumatic CA patients treated with (T+) or without (T-) thrombolysis. The protocol for administration of thrombolytics was at the discretion of the field physician, aiming for within 20 minutes of collapse in almost all cases, and prior to return of spontaneous circulation. The primary endpoint was admission alive to the hospital. We performed multivariate analysis by logistic regression to identify risk factors independently associated with outcome: age, gender, response time, defibrillation, witnessed arrest, bystander CPR. Results: We reviewed 1331 consecuti...

Research paper thumbnail of MORNAND_FIC4150.TXT

manuscript in review (PLOS ONE - PONE-D-16-14934R1)

Research paper thumbnail of Mortalité dans la population militaire française en activité , 2002-2007

Research paper thumbnail of Keratoconus Match Index of normal and keratoconus suspect eyes

Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Performances, feasibility and acceptability of nasopharyngeal swab, saliva and oral-self sampling swab for the detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of French lyophilized plasma versus normal saline for post-traumatic coagulopathy prevention and correction: PREHO-PLYO protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial

Trials, 2020

Background Post-trauma bleeding induces an acute deficiency in clotting factors, which promotes b... more Background Post-trauma bleeding induces an acute deficiency in clotting factors, which promotes bleeding and hemorrhagic shock. However, early plasma administration may reduce the severity of trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC). Unlike fresh frozen plasma, which requires specific hospital logistics, French lyophilized plasma (FLYP) is storable at room temperature and compatible with all blood types, supporting its use in prehospital emergency care. We aim to test the hypothesis that by attenuating TIC, FLYP administered by prehospital emergency physicians would benefit the severely injured civilian patient at risk for hemorrhagic shock. Methods/design This multicenter randomized clinical trial will include adults severely injured and at risk for hemorrhagic shock, with a systolic blood pressure < 70 mmHg or a Shock Index > 1.1. Two parallel groups of 70 patients will receive either FLYP or normal saline in addition to usual treatment. The primary endpoint is the International No...