Cengiz Kurtulus - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Cengiz Kurtulus
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2015
In situ testing has traditionally been carried out in geotechnical engineering. In areas with sui... more In situ testing has traditionally been carried out in geotechnical engineering. In areas with suitable soils, the SPT and CPT soil investigation tools have gained popularity among geotechnical engineers. The SPT provides information about the resistance and properties of soils and weathered rocks. The CPT is a reliable and cost effective method for determining subsurface stratigraphy as well as obtaining many geotechnical parameters. Correlation of static cone tip resistance, q c , with SPT N value is a very profitable approach since most field parameters are based on SPT N values and CPT tip resistance. Previous correlative studies The relationship between SPT N values and cone tip resistance q c , n = (q c /N) was analyzed by many authors. De Alencar Velloso [3] indicated ratios of SPT N values and cone tip resistance for different soil types and introduced 0.35 MPa for clay and silty clay, 0.2 MPa for sandy clay and silty clay, 0.35 MPa for sandy silt, 0.6 MPa for fine grained sand, and 1.0 MPa for sand. Meigh and Nixon [6] indicated that this relation did not consider the effect of grain size and recommended n-values as 0.2 MPa for coarse grained sand and 0.3-0.4 MPa for gravelly sand. Schmertman [9] called attention to the conversion of SPT data to cone penetrometer values if only SPT data are available. He recommended 0.2 MPa for silt, sandy silt, and slightly cohesive silt-sand mixture, 0.3-0.4 MPa for clean, fine to medium sand and slightly silty sand, 0.5-0.6 MPa for sandy gravel and gravel. He also suggested that the correlation of sleeve friction (f s) with N values is better than that of q c and N value, especially for cohesive
Alikahya bolgesinde sedimenter yapinin Muhendislik ozelliklerini arastirmak amaciyla jeolojik, je... more Alikahya bolgesinde sedimenter yapinin Muhendislik ozelliklerini arastirmak amaciyla jeolojik, jeofizik ve jeoteknik calismalar yapilmistir. Inceleme alaninda derinlikleri 12.50-14.60 m. arasinda acilan 5 adet temel arastirma sondaji neticesinde yuzeyden itibaren 2.50-3.00 m. derinligine kadar cakil, kum ve kil niteligindeki kontrolsuz dolgu seviyesi gecilmis ve bu dolgu seviyesi devaminda ise 9.50-10.50 m.’ ye kadar sarimsi, yer yer beyazimsi acik kahve renkli, degisik renk tonlarinda taneleri siki, cok siki tutturulmus ince kum boyu alt seviyelerde kumtasi cakil ve bloklari iceren killi kum niteliginde reziduel zon gecilmistir. Killi kumlu zemin icerisinde duzenli olarak her 1.50 m.’ de SPT deneyleri yapilmistir. Yuzeyde yer alan dolgunun zemin emniyet gerilmesi qall = 1.52 kg/cm2 ve 9.50-10.50 m derinliklerden sonra gecilen kumtaslari icin zemin emniyet gerilmesi 2.50 kg/cm2 olarak hesaplanmistir. Yapilan sismik kirilma calismalari sonucunda Vp= 408-439 m/s ve Vs1 = 160-172 m/sn ...
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2016
Introduction Ultrasonic pulse velocity has been widely used to determine properties and states of... more Introduction Ultrasonic pulse velocity has been widely used to determine properties and states of rocks. Determination of correlation dependences between P-wave velocity and rock properties may, in the absence of other information, aid in determining the quality of rock, in the first approximation. P-wave velocity was used to determine the homogeneity of rock, as well as its strength and the extent of its deformation [1-8]. Evaluating soil properties using standard methods approved by the ASTM and ISRM is too expensive and time-consuming. Determining uniaxial compression strength (UCS) under laboratory conditions in accordance with [9, 10] is time-consuming and requires the availability of rock specimens that are identical as defined in standards [11-14]. Determining uniaxial tensile strength τ most often uses the Brazilian test [15-19], providing for laboratory tests for rupture tests, when measurements are made not along one compression or tension axis, but along previously specified perpendicular directions. An alternative to the UCS is the point load strength I s(50) , which provides similar results at much lower cost [20-24]. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between P-wave velocity and some physical and mechanical rock properties such as dry and saturated density, bulk density ρ b , porosity n, water absorption, UCS, I s(50) , Brazilian tensile strength, and Schmidt hardness. Limestone was studied from different areas of Turkey (Cebecikoy, Hereke, Akveren, So ucak, and Bakirk y). Cebecikoy limestone is of self-edge bioclastic carbonate type and is of Carboniferous age. It contains subordinate shales and dolomite, and is about 50 m thick [25]. Hereke rock is represented by a 950-m thick Lower Triassic stratigraphic section with recrystallized, dolomitic, sandy, and other limestone [26]. Late Eocene rock from the Akveren quarry, lying directly on Triassic rock, is represented by intercalated mudrock ranging from calcareous to limy, in a 250-300-m thick layer. o g
Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2011
Serpentinized ultrabasic rocks crop out at various places in the northwestern part of Turkey. The... more Serpentinized ultrabasic rocks crop out at various places in the northwestern part of Turkey. They are the foundation rocks of some architecture and the ground under road bases in many areas. They are also frequently used for indoor work such as tables, shafts, pilasters, jambs for chimney pieces and ornaments of different kinds. Owing to their economic importance, in situ geophysical and geotechnical studies were conducted to determine their dynamic engineering parameters such as: P-and S-wave velocities, Poisson's ratio, rigidity modulus, elasticity modulus, bulk modulus, natural period, safe bearing capacity, and bearing coefficient. Geophysical and geotechnical laboratory tests were performed on cylindrical specimens cored across and along the foliation planes: ultrasonic measurements of compressional pulse velocity (UPV), uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), point load index (Is (50)), and static elasticity modulus (Es); effective porosity (n), dry unit weight (DUW), and saturated unit weight (! s) sets of the rock specimens were determined. Finally, statistical correlations were performed by regression analysis to evaluate the relationships between UCS and Is (50) , UPV, Es; UPV and Is (50) , DUW, ! s , n, and Es.
Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2012
Image processing techniques have been frequently used in processing of potential field data. The ... more Image processing techniques have been frequently used in processing of potential field data. The most important aim in processing potential field data is to figure out the edges of the geological bodies. The Gabor filter was used to determine the discontinuity boundaries of the source bodies causing the magnetic anomalies in this study. The synthetic total magnetic anomaly of three prism bodies with different depths and orientations was used to test the effect of the Gabor filter on the magnetic data. In addition, the Gabor filter was applied on the reduction to the pole aeromagnetic field data of the Marmara Sea and the results were compared with the fault distribution map of the area prepared by various authors.
Academic Journals, Dec 31, 2009
Download details: IP Address: The article was downloaded on 14/06/2010 at 11:31 Ple... more Download details: IP Address: The article was downloaded on 14/06/2010 at 11:31 Please note that terms and conditions apply. View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more
Earth Sciences Research Journal, 2021
In this study, shallow seismic surveys, including seismic refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Su... more In this study, shallow seismic surveys, including seismic refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), Refraction Microtremor (ReMi), and Microtremor measurements were conducted to estimate site characterization at 26 strong-motion stations of AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency) in the province of Hatay, situated in one of the most seismically active regions in southern Turkey. The Horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) technique was applied, using smoothed Fourier spectra derived from a long duration series to determine dominant frequency values at different amplification levels. Shear wave velocity up to 30 m of the ground was detected with MASW analysis. In the ReMi analysis, up to 80 m was reached with a corresponding average of 650 m/s shear wave velocity. The shear wave velocities estimated by the MASW method up to 30 m were compared with those found by the ReMi method, and they were observed to be very compatible. The province of Hatay was ...
In order to figure out the underground characteristics of the 4485 m area located in Suadiye Muni... more In order to figure out the underground characteristics of the 4485 m area located in Suadiye Municipality of İzmit-Kocaeli, resiprocal seismic refraction studies were conducted at 4 points and vertical resistivity soundings were performed at 2 points, mechanical soundings at about 20 m were drilled at 9 points and microtremor measurements were acquired at 2 points in the investigation area. Two layers were determined with the seismic studies. The thickness of the first layer (upper layer) varies between 1.07-1.09 m. The P and S velocities of the upper layer are calculated as Vp1: 286-291 m/s ve Vs1: 117-119 m/sn. The P and S velocities of the lower layer change between Vp2: 794-806 m/s ve Vs2: 358-363 m/s respectively. Atterberg limits and 3axial pressure test were applied on the soil samples collected from boreholes. The compressibility index Cc= 0.26-0.33, plasticity index Ic= 0.81-1.03 were determined. The soil plasticity was determined as plastic-very plastic. The bearing capaci...
Istanbul Ili, Tuzla Ilcesi’nde 95243 m² yuzolcume sahip olan alanin yer muhendislik ozelliklerini... more Istanbul Ili, Tuzla Ilcesi’nde 95243 m² yuzolcume sahip olan alanin yer muhendislik ozelliklerinin ortaya cikartilmasi amaciyla toplam derinligi 76.30 m olan 4 adet sondaj kuyusu acilmis, 4 uygun noktada karsilikli atisli sismik kirilma calismasi yapilmis ve 4 profil boyunca rezistivite (ozdirenc) olculeri alinmistir. Ayrica dogal yer periyodunun belirlenmesi icin uygun 4 noktada mikrotremor calismalari yapilmistir. Yuzeyde P-ve S-dalga hizlari Vp1: 440-549 m/s ve Vs1: 160-199 m/s olan ve derinligi 1.47-1.92 m arasinda degisen ortu tabakasi tespit edilmistir. Ortu tabakasinin altinda ise P-ve S- hizlari, Vp2: 652-681 m/s ve Vs2: 256-267 m/s arasinda degisen bir katman tespit edilmis ve kuyu verilerinden siltli kil olarak yorumlanmistir. Sondajlardan alinan ornekler uzerinde Atterberg limitleri testi ve uc eksenli basinc deneyi yapilmistir. Deney sonuclarindan Sikisma Indisi Cc=0.26-0.43, Kivamlilik Indisi Ic=0.10-0.82, Terzaghi’ye gore Zemin Emniyet Gerilmesi 0.48-0.52 kg/cm2 bulunm...
Bu calismada Izmit formasyonu’nun Kocaeli yarimadasi’nda yuzeyleyen bordo renkli kumtaslarinin yo... more Bu calismada Izmit formasyonu’nun Kocaeli yarimadasi’nda yuzeyleyen bordo renkli kumtaslarinin yogunluk, porozite, bosluk orani ve su emmesi gibi bazi muhendislik ozelliklerinin P dalga hizi ile iliskisi arastirilmistir. Bu amac icin Izmit formasyonunun degisik bolgelerinden 18 adet kumtasi ornegi toplanmis ve yogunluk, porozite, bosluk orani ve su icerigi gibi bazi fiziksel ozelliklerinin belirlenmesi icin laboratuarda deneylere tabii tutulmustur. Daha sonra belirlenen fiziksel ozellikler ile P- dalga hizi arasindaki iliskileri saptamak icin regresyon analizi uygulanarak istatistiksel korelasyonlar yapilmistir. Pdalga hizi ile fiziksel ozellikler arasinda kuvvetli iliskiler elde edilmistir
9th Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society, 2017
Summary In this study, seismic refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), Refract... more Summary In this study, seismic refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), Refraction Microtremor (ReMi), Microtremor Measurements were performed to estimate site effects at 54 strong motion stations of AFAD in the Marmara region in northwestern Turkey. The stations are mainly concentrated on the northern and middle strands of the North Anatolian fault zone where devastating earthquakes over the past 100 years have occurred. For this reason, reliable site response information is required for the investigation of site effects and hazard assessment of the region. Vs profile of the investigation area was detected more than 200m of depth combining the MASW and ReMi data. H/V ratio techniques were applied to determine dominant frequency values at different magnification levels. The bearing capacity for the second layer (> 5m) of the region was figured out. Marmara region was classified according to Vs30 based NEHRP Provisions, Eurocode-8 and TBDY-2017. The dynamic engineering properties such as Poisson ratio and dynamic elasticity modulus were also determined at every AFAD local strong motion stations.
Bu calismada Kocaeli Universitesi Umuttepe Kampusu’nun yeralti yapisinin belirlenmesi icin sismik... more Bu calismada Kocaeli Universitesi Umuttepe Kampusu’nun yeralti yapisinin belirlenmesi icin sismik kirilma, yansima ve elektrik ozdirenc yontemleri uygulanmistir. 4 noktada sismik yansima calismasi yapilmistir. Sismik yansima calismasinda ilk 3 profil icin 25 atis, 4. profil icin 35 atis yapilmis ve alinan olculer bilgisayar programi ile degerlendirilmistir. Calisma sonucunda yeraltinda uc tabaka tespit edilmisve yer yer yapay dolgu bolgeleri belirlenmistir. Elektrik ozdirenc kaydirmali Wenner elektrot dizilimi uygulanarak, yanal kontak sinirlari ortaya cikarilmistir
Bu calismada, yerlesim alanlarinda ve kentin icinden gecen karayolunun yarattigi gurultu kirlilig... more Bu calismada, yerlesim alanlarinda ve kentin icinden gecen karayolunun yarattigi gurultu kirliliginin duzeyinin saptanmasi ve bunun sonucunda gurultunun neden oldugu konforsuzluk seviyesinin bulanik mantik temelli bir yontemle elde edilmesi amaclanmistir. Bu amacla Izmit Bolgesinin 14 farkli bolgesinden, gunduz, aksam ve gece alinan gurultu degerleri sisteme ayri ayri uygulanarak sistemden bulanik degerler elde edilmistir. Her bolgenin farkli periyotlar icin olculmus farkli gurultu degerlerinin yine farkli yas ve surelerle birlikte olusturacagi konforsuzluk seviyeleri belirlenmistir. Sonucta gurultu seviyeleri ve maruz kalinan sure ile yasin cok iliskili oldugu ve bu tur modelleme tekniklerinde bulanik mantigin guvenle kullanabilecegi ortaya konmustur.
Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 2004
AB8TRACT : While the need of water supply is increasing, the suiuıble water springs are polluted ... more AB8TRACT : While the need of water supply is increasing, the suiuıble water springs are polluted by various ı:sage and thus water treaonent is restricted.The problem in water Sl1ppJy around Gölcük and sUTTounding villages wiıı inerease iıı the fumre. We could not find any data on the degree of pollution or punty of these springs. For that reason we decided to determine the poııution and quality classiftcation of the water springs around this area.The work was carried out in eight water springs in GölCil.lc and its sunounding villages. These eight water springs were selected arbitrarily and the samples were taken from these springs every month during a year for analysİs of the physieal, inorganie and organic paramelen;. BOD s , COD, NOı-N, NO}•/'.•, NH4-».,' and S04• 2 were analysed ımd pH rneasurements were carried out.According to resu(ts of analysis; the avarage values of the samples for 13 months fluctuate between pH 6.0-7.2. The value ofBOD~fluctuates between 5.3 mg L') and 3.8 mg L• ı. COD varies between 6.6 mg L• ı and 4.5 mg L• I. NOı•N is obtained as 0.015 mg L' I in water resources. The value of NO}•!'.' rluctuatcS becween 0.22 mg L• ı and O 38 mg L' I. NH4-l\ is detennined as < 2 mg L• ı for all water sources. SO..2 is detennined as < 40 mg L• 1 • The ternperalure of the water springs was measured and the colour and the mrbidity were ohserved at the sampling poinıS in cornf•arision with the laboratory work. All the panımeten; obtained were interpreted according to inter•continental water springs c1assıfication md the changes in the panımeter values were dctcrmined depending on time, season, rain and environment.Aıi a result, the annual change of thc water sarnples analysed were detenruned.AlI ıhe water springs were discussed for the point ofview of the suitahiIİty of drink.iııg. treatment and wa.tering and their class ofwater quality were fıgured out.
Kocaeli Ili, Izmit Ilcesi, Suadiye Beldesinde, 4485 m yuzolcume sahip olan arazide yeralti ozelli... more Kocaeli Ili, Izmit Ilcesi, Suadiye Beldesinde, 4485 m yuzolcume sahip olan arazide yeralti ozelliklerininin belirlenmesi amaciyla calismaya uygun 4 profil boyunca duz ve ters atisli sismik kirilma, 2 noktada dusey elektrik sondaji (DES) yapilmis, 20m derinlikli 9 adet temel sondaj delinmis ve 2 noktada ise mikrotremor olcumleri yapilmistir. Sismik kirilma calismalari neticesinde yeraltinda iki tabaka belirlenmistir. Ustteki ortu tabakasinin kalinligi 1.07-1.09 m arasinda degismekte olup, P- ve S- hizlari sirasi ile Vp1: 286-291 m/s ve Vs1: 117- 119 m/sn arasinda tespit edilmistir. Bunun altina ise, P- ve S- hizlari sirasi ile Vp2: 794-806 m/s ve Vs2: 358-363 m/s arasinda degisen daha siki yapidaki kil tabakasi gelmektedir. Sondaj numuneleri uzerinde Atterberg limitleri testi ve uc eksenli basinc deneyi yapilmistir. Deney sonuclarindan Sikisma Indisi Cc=0.26-0.33, Kivamlilik Indisi Ic=0.81-1.03 ve Zemin Plastisitesi plastik-cok plastik olarak bulunmustur. Terzaghi’ye gore Zemin Tasim...
Cayirhan-Ankara ilcesinde yapilasmaya acilacak alanda yer muhendislik ozelliklerinin ortaya cikar... more Cayirhan-Ankara ilcesinde yapilasmaya acilacak alanda yer muhendislik ozelliklerinin ortaya cikartilmasi amaci ile jeofizik ve jeoteknik calismalar yapilmistir. Sismik kirilma, Schlumberger elektrot sistemini kullanan Dusey Elektrik sondaji (DES) ve zemin analiz teknikleri uygulanmistir. 12 noktada mekanik temel sondaji acilmistir ve ayni noktalarda sismik kirilma ve DES calismalari yapilmis olup, sondajlarda her 1.5m de bir SPT deneyi uygulanmis ve orselenmemis ve orselenmis zemin ornekleri toplanmistir. Calismalar yuzeyde yer alan ust toprak zeminle beraber altta yer alan birbirine gecisli olan formasyonlarin bulundugunu gostermistir. Ust zeminde kalinligi 1.0 cm civarinda degisen bitkisel topragin altinda kalinligi 8-10m arasinda degisen siltli kil ve cakildan olusan aluvyon tabakasi bulunmaktadir. Bu tabakanin altinda ise konkordans olarak cakil ve siltli kil katmanlari yer almaktadir. Inceleme alaninda catlak/fay gibi jeolojik yapilar gozlenmemistir. Calisma alaninda, hesaplana...
Tectonic-based earthquakes occur when the crustal tension exceeds a critical limit due to plate m... more Tectonic-based earthquakes occur when the crustal tension exceeds a critical limit due to plate movements. The geometrical features of the tectonic elements are determined in this formation. However, more reliable data on earthquakes have been reached, depending on the developing earth science technology. These data are important information that explain the geometrical properties of faulting and the faulting mechanism of the earthquake-dominated fault. The Arabian and African plates that monitor the development of seismic activity in Central Anatolia are also influential in the development of contemporary tectonics. Therefore; There is a decisive effect of the Ecemis Fay zone with the Tuzgolu fault zone together in the depression of Central Anatolia. The 190km Tuzgolu Fault Zone inclined by NW-SE is one of the most important tectonic elements in the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex. The Tuzgolu fault belt, which is a right-lateral strike-slip fault, is continuously observed fr...
This study aims to investigate the physical characteristics of red coloured sandstones in Izmit w... more This study aims to investigate the physical characteristics of red coloured sandstones in Izmit was performed using geological, geophysical and geotechical methods. At this location seismic refraction studies and vertical resistivity soundings were performed. A cover soil layer with the thickness of 2.26 m heaving P and S velocities of VP1: 615 m/s and VS1: 400 m/s was determined. Beneath this cover sandstone with P and S velocities of VP2: 2000 m/s and VS2: 1250 m/s respectively were detected. According to the results of the resistivity, the first soil layer’s resistivity is 70 ohm.m and thickness of 1 m, the second soil layer’s resistivity is 105 ohm.m and thickness of 2.8 m. Formation of 3 to investigate the engineering properties of sandstone samples Izmit Ultrasonic Pulse Speed (UPH) Uniaxial Compressive Strength Test and testing were performed. Density tests, Poisson ratio, shear modulus, lasitisite module, bulk modulus, the predominant period of vibration, ground safety stres...
Izmit Korfezinin guneydogu kiyi otesinin Pliokuvaterner yapisi yuksek cozunurluklu sismik profill... more Izmit Korfezinin guneydogu kiyi otesinin Pliokuvaterner yapisi yuksek cozunurluklu sismik profiller ve sig sediment karotlari ile arastirilmistir. Calisma alaninda atilan profiller uzerinde sinir faylari gozlenmistir. Bu faylarin buyuk bir kismi yanal atima sahip olmakla birlikte, bir kismi oblik ve bir kismi ise normal faylardir. Bu faylarin calisma alaninin bugunku seklini olusturdugu anlasilmaktadir. Sismik profillerin biri uzerinde iki tabaka digeri uzerinde ise uc tabaka tespit edilmistir. Burada yapilan sig sondajlardan alinan karotlar ustte yer alan tabakalarin yumusak ve orta sert balciktan olustugunu, bunlarin altinda uzanan katmanin ise killi silt oldugunu belirtmektedir. Deniz derinligi profilin GB’sinda 3m iken profilin diger ucuna KD’ya dogru tedrici olarak yukselmekte ve 30m ye varmaktadir
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2015
In situ testing has traditionally been carried out in geotechnical engineering. In areas with sui... more In situ testing has traditionally been carried out in geotechnical engineering. In areas with suitable soils, the SPT and CPT soil investigation tools have gained popularity among geotechnical engineers. The SPT provides information about the resistance and properties of soils and weathered rocks. The CPT is a reliable and cost effective method for determining subsurface stratigraphy as well as obtaining many geotechnical parameters. Correlation of static cone tip resistance, q c , with SPT N value is a very profitable approach since most field parameters are based on SPT N values and CPT tip resistance. Previous correlative studies The relationship between SPT N values and cone tip resistance q c , n = (q c /N) was analyzed by many authors. De Alencar Velloso [3] indicated ratios of SPT N values and cone tip resistance for different soil types and introduced 0.35 MPa for clay and silty clay, 0.2 MPa for sandy clay and silty clay, 0.35 MPa for sandy silt, 0.6 MPa for fine grained sand, and 1.0 MPa for sand. Meigh and Nixon [6] indicated that this relation did not consider the effect of grain size and recommended n-values as 0.2 MPa for coarse grained sand and 0.3-0.4 MPa for gravelly sand. Schmertman [9] called attention to the conversion of SPT data to cone penetrometer values if only SPT data are available. He recommended 0.2 MPa for silt, sandy silt, and slightly cohesive silt-sand mixture, 0.3-0.4 MPa for clean, fine to medium sand and slightly silty sand, 0.5-0.6 MPa for sandy gravel and gravel. He also suggested that the correlation of sleeve friction (f s) with N values is better than that of q c and N value, especially for cohesive
Alikahya bolgesinde sedimenter yapinin Muhendislik ozelliklerini arastirmak amaciyla jeolojik, je... more Alikahya bolgesinde sedimenter yapinin Muhendislik ozelliklerini arastirmak amaciyla jeolojik, jeofizik ve jeoteknik calismalar yapilmistir. Inceleme alaninda derinlikleri 12.50-14.60 m. arasinda acilan 5 adet temel arastirma sondaji neticesinde yuzeyden itibaren 2.50-3.00 m. derinligine kadar cakil, kum ve kil niteligindeki kontrolsuz dolgu seviyesi gecilmis ve bu dolgu seviyesi devaminda ise 9.50-10.50 m.’ ye kadar sarimsi, yer yer beyazimsi acik kahve renkli, degisik renk tonlarinda taneleri siki, cok siki tutturulmus ince kum boyu alt seviyelerde kumtasi cakil ve bloklari iceren killi kum niteliginde reziduel zon gecilmistir. Killi kumlu zemin icerisinde duzenli olarak her 1.50 m.’ de SPT deneyleri yapilmistir. Yuzeyde yer alan dolgunun zemin emniyet gerilmesi qall = 1.52 kg/cm2 ve 9.50-10.50 m derinliklerden sonra gecilen kumtaslari icin zemin emniyet gerilmesi 2.50 kg/cm2 olarak hesaplanmistir. Yapilan sismik kirilma calismalari sonucunda Vp= 408-439 m/s ve Vs1 = 160-172 m/sn ...
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2016
Introduction Ultrasonic pulse velocity has been widely used to determine properties and states of... more Introduction Ultrasonic pulse velocity has been widely used to determine properties and states of rocks. Determination of correlation dependences between P-wave velocity and rock properties may, in the absence of other information, aid in determining the quality of rock, in the first approximation. P-wave velocity was used to determine the homogeneity of rock, as well as its strength and the extent of its deformation [1-8]. Evaluating soil properties using standard methods approved by the ASTM and ISRM is too expensive and time-consuming. Determining uniaxial compression strength (UCS) under laboratory conditions in accordance with [9, 10] is time-consuming and requires the availability of rock specimens that are identical as defined in standards [11-14]. Determining uniaxial tensile strength τ most often uses the Brazilian test [15-19], providing for laboratory tests for rupture tests, when measurements are made not along one compression or tension axis, but along previously specified perpendicular directions. An alternative to the UCS is the point load strength I s(50) , which provides similar results at much lower cost [20-24]. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between P-wave velocity and some physical and mechanical rock properties such as dry and saturated density, bulk density ρ b , porosity n, water absorption, UCS, I s(50) , Brazilian tensile strength, and Schmidt hardness. Limestone was studied from different areas of Turkey (Cebecikoy, Hereke, Akveren, So ucak, and Bakirk y). Cebecikoy limestone is of self-edge bioclastic carbonate type and is of Carboniferous age. It contains subordinate shales and dolomite, and is about 50 m thick [25]. Hereke rock is represented by a 950-m thick Lower Triassic stratigraphic section with recrystallized, dolomitic, sandy, and other limestone [26]. Late Eocene rock from the Akveren quarry, lying directly on Triassic rock, is represented by intercalated mudrock ranging from calcareous to limy, in a 250-300-m thick layer. o g
Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2011
Serpentinized ultrabasic rocks crop out at various places in the northwestern part of Turkey. The... more Serpentinized ultrabasic rocks crop out at various places in the northwestern part of Turkey. They are the foundation rocks of some architecture and the ground under road bases in many areas. They are also frequently used for indoor work such as tables, shafts, pilasters, jambs for chimney pieces and ornaments of different kinds. Owing to their economic importance, in situ geophysical and geotechnical studies were conducted to determine their dynamic engineering parameters such as: P-and S-wave velocities, Poisson's ratio, rigidity modulus, elasticity modulus, bulk modulus, natural period, safe bearing capacity, and bearing coefficient. Geophysical and geotechnical laboratory tests were performed on cylindrical specimens cored across and along the foliation planes: ultrasonic measurements of compressional pulse velocity (UPV), uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), point load index (Is (50)), and static elasticity modulus (Es); effective porosity (n), dry unit weight (DUW), and saturated unit weight (! s) sets of the rock specimens were determined. Finally, statistical correlations were performed by regression analysis to evaluate the relationships between UCS and Is (50) , UPV, Es; UPV and Is (50) , DUW, ! s , n, and Es.
Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2012
Image processing techniques have been frequently used in processing of potential field data. The ... more Image processing techniques have been frequently used in processing of potential field data. The most important aim in processing potential field data is to figure out the edges of the geological bodies. The Gabor filter was used to determine the discontinuity boundaries of the source bodies causing the magnetic anomalies in this study. The synthetic total magnetic anomaly of three prism bodies with different depths and orientations was used to test the effect of the Gabor filter on the magnetic data. In addition, the Gabor filter was applied on the reduction to the pole aeromagnetic field data of the Marmara Sea and the results were compared with the fault distribution map of the area prepared by various authors.
Academic Journals, Dec 31, 2009
Download details: IP Address: The article was downloaded on 14/06/2010 at 11:31 Ple... more Download details: IP Address: The article was downloaded on 14/06/2010 at 11:31 Please note that terms and conditions apply. View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more
Earth Sciences Research Journal, 2021
In this study, shallow seismic surveys, including seismic refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Su... more In this study, shallow seismic surveys, including seismic refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), Refraction Microtremor (ReMi), and Microtremor measurements were conducted to estimate site characterization at 26 strong-motion stations of AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency) in the province of Hatay, situated in one of the most seismically active regions in southern Turkey. The Horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) technique was applied, using smoothed Fourier spectra derived from a long duration series to determine dominant frequency values at different amplification levels. Shear wave velocity up to 30 m of the ground was detected with MASW analysis. In the ReMi analysis, up to 80 m was reached with a corresponding average of 650 m/s shear wave velocity. The shear wave velocities estimated by the MASW method up to 30 m were compared with those found by the ReMi method, and they were observed to be very compatible. The province of Hatay was ...
In order to figure out the underground characteristics of the 4485 m area located in Suadiye Muni... more In order to figure out the underground characteristics of the 4485 m area located in Suadiye Municipality of İzmit-Kocaeli, resiprocal seismic refraction studies were conducted at 4 points and vertical resistivity soundings were performed at 2 points, mechanical soundings at about 20 m were drilled at 9 points and microtremor measurements were acquired at 2 points in the investigation area. Two layers were determined with the seismic studies. The thickness of the first layer (upper layer) varies between 1.07-1.09 m. The P and S velocities of the upper layer are calculated as Vp1: 286-291 m/s ve Vs1: 117-119 m/sn. The P and S velocities of the lower layer change between Vp2: 794-806 m/s ve Vs2: 358-363 m/s respectively. Atterberg limits and 3axial pressure test were applied on the soil samples collected from boreholes. The compressibility index Cc= 0.26-0.33, plasticity index Ic= 0.81-1.03 were determined. The soil plasticity was determined as plastic-very plastic. The bearing capaci...
Istanbul Ili, Tuzla Ilcesi’nde 95243 m² yuzolcume sahip olan alanin yer muhendislik ozelliklerini... more Istanbul Ili, Tuzla Ilcesi’nde 95243 m² yuzolcume sahip olan alanin yer muhendislik ozelliklerinin ortaya cikartilmasi amaciyla toplam derinligi 76.30 m olan 4 adet sondaj kuyusu acilmis, 4 uygun noktada karsilikli atisli sismik kirilma calismasi yapilmis ve 4 profil boyunca rezistivite (ozdirenc) olculeri alinmistir. Ayrica dogal yer periyodunun belirlenmesi icin uygun 4 noktada mikrotremor calismalari yapilmistir. Yuzeyde P-ve S-dalga hizlari Vp1: 440-549 m/s ve Vs1: 160-199 m/s olan ve derinligi 1.47-1.92 m arasinda degisen ortu tabakasi tespit edilmistir. Ortu tabakasinin altinda ise P-ve S- hizlari, Vp2: 652-681 m/s ve Vs2: 256-267 m/s arasinda degisen bir katman tespit edilmis ve kuyu verilerinden siltli kil olarak yorumlanmistir. Sondajlardan alinan ornekler uzerinde Atterberg limitleri testi ve uc eksenli basinc deneyi yapilmistir. Deney sonuclarindan Sikisma Indisi Cc=0.26-0.43, Kivamlilik Indisi Ic=0.10-0.82, Terzaghi’ye gore Zemin Emniyet Gerilmesi 0.48-0.52 kg/cm2 bulunm...
Bu calismada Izmit formasyonu’nun Kocaeli yarimadasi’nda yuzeyleyen bordo renkli kumtaslarinin yo... more Bu calismada Izmit formasyonu’nun Kocaeli yarimadasi’nda yuzeyleyen bordo renkli kumtaslarinin yogunluk, porozite, bosluk orani ve su emmesi gibi bazi muhendislik ozelliklerinin P dalga hizi ile iliskisi arastirilmistir. Bu amac icin Izmit formasyonunun degisik bolgelerinden 18 adet kumtasi ornegi toplanmis ve yogunluk, porozite, bosluk orani ve su icerigi gibi bazi fiziksel ozelliklerinin belirlenmesi icin laboratuarda deneylere tabii tutulmustur. Daha sonra belirlenen fiziksel ozellikler ile P- dalga hizi arasindaki iliskileri saptamak icin regresyon analizi uygulanarak istatistiksel korelasyonlar yapilmistir. Pdalga hizi ile fiziksel ozellikler arasinda kuvvetli iliskiler elde edilmistir
9th Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society, 2017
Summary In this study, seismic refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), Refract... more Summary In this study, seismic refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), Refraction Microtremor (ReMi), Microtremor Measurements were performed to estimate site effects at 54 strong motion stations of AFAD in the Marmara region in northwestern Turkey. The stations are mainly concentrated on the northern and middle strands of the North Anatolian fault zone where devastating earthquakes over the past 100 years have occurred. For this reason, reliable site response information is required for the investigation of site effects and hazard assessment of the region. Vs profile of the investigation area was detected more than 200m of depth combining the MASW and ReMi data. H/V ratio techniques were applied to determine dominant frequency values at different magnification levels. The bearing capacity for the second layer (> 5m) of the region was figured out. Marmara region was classified according to Vs30 based NEHRP Provisions, Eurocode-8 and TBDY-2017. The dynamic engineering properties such as Poisson ratio and dynamic elasticity modulus were also determined at every AFAD local strong motion stations.
Bu calismada Kocaeli Universitesi Umuttepe Kampusu’nun yeralti yapisinin belirlenmesi icin sismik... more Bu calismada Kocaeli Universitesi Umuttepe Kampusu’nun yeralti yapisinin belirlenmesi icin sismik kirilma, yansima ve elektrik ozdirenc yontemleri uygulanmistir. 4 noktada sismik yansima calismasi yapilmistir. Sismik yansima calismasinda ilk 3 profil icin 25 atis, 4. profil icin 35 atis yapilmis ve alinan olculer bilgisayar programi ile degerlendirilmistir. Calisma sonucunda yeraltinda uc tabaka tespit edilmisve yer yer yapay dolgu bolgeleri belirlenmistir. Elektrik ozdirenc kaydirmali Wenner elektrot dizilimi uygulanarak, yanal kontak sinirlari ortaya cikarilmistir
Bu calismada, yerlesim alanlarinda ve kentin icinden gecen karayolunun yarattigi gurultu kirlilig... more Bu calismada, yerlesim alanlarinda ve kentin icinden gecen karayolunun yarattigi gurultu kirliliginin duzeyinin saptanmasi ve bunun sonucunda gurultunun neden oldugu konforsuzluk seviyesinin bulanik mantik temelli bir yontemle elde edilmesi amaclanmistir. Bu amacla Izmit Bolgesinin 14 farkli bolgesinden, gunduz, aksam ve gece alinan gurultu degerleri sisteme ayri ayri uygulanarak sistemden bulanik degerler elde edilmistir. Her bolgenin farkli periyotlar icin olculmus farkli gurultu degerlerinin yine farkli yas ve surelerle birlikte olusturacagi konforsuzluk seviyeleri belirlenmistir. Sonucta gurultu seviyeleri ve maruz kalinan sure ile yasin cok iliskili oldugu ve bu tur modelleme tekniklerinde bulanik mantigin guvenle kullanabilecegi ortaya konmustur.
Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 2004
AB8TRACT : While the need of water supply is increasing, the suiuıble water springs are polluted ... more AB8TRACT : While the need of water supply is increasing, the suiuıble water springs are polluted by various ı:sage and thus water treaonent is restricted.The problem in water Sl1ppJy around Gölcük and sUTTounding villages wiıı inerease iıı the fumre. We could not find any data on the degree of pollution or punty of these springs. For that reason we decided to determine the poııution and quality classiftcation of the water springs around this area.The work was carried out in eight water springs in GölCil.lc and its sunounding villages. These eight water springs were selected arbitrarily and the samples were taken from these springs every month during a year for analysİs of the physieal, inorganie and organic paramelen;. BOD s , COD, NOı-N, NO}•/'.•, NH4-».,' and S04• 2 were analysed ımd pH rneasurements were carried out.According to resu(ts of analysis; the avarage values of the samples for 13 months fluctuate between pH 6.0-7.2. The value ofBOD~fluctuates between 5.3 mg L') and 3.8 mg L• ı. COD varies between 6.6 mg L• ı and 4.5 mg L• I. NOı•N is obtained as 0.015 mg L' I in water resources. The value of NO}•!'.' rluctuatcS becween 0.22 mg L• ı and O 38 mg L' I. NH4-l\ is detennined as < 2 mg L• ı for all water sources. SO..2 is detennined as < 40 mg L• 1 • The ternperalure of the water springs was measured and the colour and the mrbidity were ohserved at the sampling poinıS in cornf•arision with the laboratory work. All the panımeten; obtained were interpreted according to inter•continental water springs c1assıfication md the changes in the panımeter values were dctcrmined depending on time, season, rain and environment.Aıi a result, the annual change of thc water sarnples analysed were detenruned.AlI ıhe water springs were discussed for the point ofview of the suitahiIİty of drink.iııg. treatment and wa.tering and their class ofwater quality were fıgured out.
Kocaeli Ili, Izmit Ilcesi, Suadiye Beldesinde, 4485 m yuzolcume sahip olan arazide yeralti ozelli... more Kocaeli Ili, Izmit Ilcesi, Suadiye Beldesinde, 4485 m yuzolcume sahip olan arazide yeralti ozelliklerininin belirlenmesi amaciyla calismaya uygun 4 profil boyunca duz ve ters atisli sismik kirilma, 2 noktada dusey elektrik sondaji (DES) yapilmis, 20m derinlikli 9 adet temel sondaj delinmis ve 2 noktada ise mikrotremor olcumleri yapilmistir. Sismik kirilma calismalari neticesinde yeraltinda iki tabaka belirlenmistir. Ustteki ortu tabakasinin kalinligi 1.07-1.09 m arasinda degismekte olup, P- ve S- hizlari sirasi ile Vp1: 286-291 m/s ve Vs1: 117- 119 m/sn arasinda tespit edilmistir. Bunun altina ise, P- ve S- hizlari sirasi ile Vp2: 794-806 m/s ve Vs2: 358-363 m/s arasinda degisen daha siki yapidaki kil tabakasi gelmektedir. Sondaj numuneleri uzerinde Atterberg limitleri testi ve uc eksenli basinc deneyi yapilmistir. Deney sonuclarindan Sikisma Indisi Cc=0.26-0.33, Kivamlilik Indisi Ic=0.81-1.03 ve Zemin Plastisitesi plastik-cok plastik olarak bulunmustur. Terzaghi’ye gore Zemin Tasim...
Cayirhan-Ankara ilcesinde yapilasmaya acilacak alanda yer muhendislik ozelliklerinin ortaya cikar... more Cayirhan-Ankara ilcesinde yapilasmaya acilacak alanda yer muhendislik ozelliklerinin ortaya cikartilmasi amaci ile jeofizik ve jeoteknik calismalar yapilmistir. Sismik kirilma, Schlumberger elektrot sistemini kullanan Dusey Elektrik sondaji (DES) ve zemin analiz teknikleri uygulanmistir. 12 noktada mekanik temel sondaji acilmistir ve ayni noktalarda sismik kirilma ve DES calismalari yapilmis olup, sondajlarda her 1.5m de bir SPT deneyi uygulanmis ve orselenmemis ve orselenmis zemin ornekleri toplanmistir. Calismalar yuzeyde yer alan ust toprak zeminle beraber altta yer alan birbirine gecisli olan formasyonlarin bulundugunu gostermistir. Ust zeminde kalinligi 1.0 cm civarinda degisen bitkisel topragin altinda kalinligi 8-10m arasinda degisen siltli kil ve cakildan olusan aluvyon tabakasi bulunmaktadir. Bu tabakanin altinda ise konkordans olarak cakil ve siltli kil katmanlari yer almaktadir. Inceleme alaninda catlak/fay gibi jeolojik yapilar gozlenmemistir. Calisma alaninda, hesaplana...
Tectonic-based earthquakes occur when the crustal tension exceeds a critical limit due to plate m... more Tectonic-based earthquakes occur when the crustal tension exceeds a critical limit due to plate movements. The geometrical features of the tectonic elements are determined in this formation. However, more reliable data on earthquakes have been reached, depending on the developing earth science technology. These data are important information that explain the geometrical properties of faulting and the faulting mechanism of the earthquake-dominated fault. The Arabian and African plates that monitor the development of seismic activity in Central Anatolia are also influential in the development of contemporary tectonics. Therefore; There is a decisive effect of the Ecemis Fay zone with the Tuzgolu fault zone together in the depression of Central Anatolia. The 190km Tuzgolu Fault Zone inclined by NW-SE is one of the most important tectonic elements in the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex. The Tuzgolu fault belt, which is a right-lateral strike-slip fault, is continuously observed fr...
This study aims to investigate the physical characteristics of red coloured sandstones in Izmit w... more This study aims to investigate the physical characteristics of red coloured sandstones in Izmit was performed using geological, geophysical and geotechical methods. At this location seismic refraction studies and vertical resistivity soundings were performed. A cover soil layer with the thickness of 2.26 m heaving P and S velocities of VP1: 615 m/s and VS1: 400 m/s was determined. Beneath this cover sandstone with P and S velocities of VP2: 2000 m/s and VS2: 1250 m/s respectively were detected. According to the results of the resistivity, the first soil layer’s resistivity is 70 ohm.m and thickness of 1 m, the second soil layer’s resistivity is 105 ohm.m and thickness of 2.8 m. Formation of 3 to investigate the engineering properties of sandstone samples Izmit Ultrasonic Pulse Speed (UPH) Uniaxial Compressive Strength Test and testing were performed. Density tests, Poisson ratio, shear modulus, lasitisite module, bulk modulus, the predominant period of vibration, ground safety stres...
Izmit Korfezinin guneydogu kiyi otesinin Pliokuvaterner yapisi yuksek cozunurluklu sismik profill... more Izmit Korfezinin guneydogu kiyi otesinin Pliokuvaterner yapisi yuksek cozunurluklu sismik profiller ve sig sediment karotlari ile arastirilmistir. Calisma alaninda atilan profiller uzerinde sinir faylari gozlenmistir. Bu faylarin buyuk bir kismi yanal atima sahip olmakla birlikte, bir kismi oblik ve bir kismi ise normal faylardir. Bu faylarin calisma alaninin bugunku seklini olusturdugu anlasilmaktadir. Sismik profillerin biri uzerinde iki tabaka digeri uzerinde ise uc tabaka tespit edilmistir. Burada yapilan sig sondajlardan alinan karotlar ustte yer alan tabakalarin yumusak ve orta sert balciktan olustugunu, bunlarin altinda uzanan katmanin ise killi silt oldugunu belirtmektedir. Deniz derinligi profilin GB’sinda 3m iken profilin diger ucuna KD’ya dogru tedrici olarak yukselmekte ve 30m ye varmaktadir