Christian Palit - (original) (raw)

Papers by Christian Palit

Research paper thumbnail of Profil UMKM Desa Kesamben Kulon

Desa Kesamben Kulon, Kecamatan Wringinanom, Kabupaten Gresik belum memiliki program BUMdes yang j... more Desa Kesamben Kulon, Kecamatan Wringinanom, Kabupaten Gresik belum memiliki program BUMdes yang jelas. Berdasarkan wawancara dengan perangkat desa, keberadaaan BUMdes hanya sebatas berdiri, namun belum memiliki aktivitas usaha yang menghasilkan. Padahal sebenarnya desa ini potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai Desa Wisata dan didukung dengan keberadaan UMKM-UMKM yang potensial untuk dikembangkan. Sebagai langkah awal untuk memberdayakan UMKM-UMKM yang ada, perlu dilakukan pendataan UMKM-UMKM yang dilengkapi dengan informasi detail mengenai kondisi dan kendala yang dihadapi oleh para pelaku UMKM. Pembuatan profil ini merupakan salah satu langkah strategis yang perlu dilakukan, sehingga diharapkan perangkat desa dapat membuat rencana strategis untuk pengembangan BUMdes melalui pemberdayaan UMKM

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Preferensi Musik terhadap Performa Kerja Mental

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Lama Waktu Penggunaan Gadget terhadap Kekuatan Genggaman Tangan

Penggunaan gadget sudah tidak lagi mengenal usia, mulai dari orang dewasa sampai anak-anak. Anak-... more Penggunaan gadget sudah tidak lagi mengenal usia, mulai dari orang dewasa sampai anak-anak. Anak-anak usia remaja biasanya lebih banyak menggunakan gadget untuk bermain, di mana bisa memakan waktu sampai berjam-jam. Padahal penggunaan gadget yang berlebihan dapat berdampak pada aktivitas anak pada usia remaja dan gangguan kesehatan. Salah satu gangguan kesehatan yang dapat terjadi adalah melemahnya kekuatan genggaman tangan akibat penggunaan gadget yang berlebihan. Jika kekuatan genggaman semakin lemah, maka dapat mengganggu penggunaan kerja tangan untuk memegang alat tulis atau alat lain yang diperlukan untuk mendukung aktivitas utamanya sebagai seorang pelajar, yaitu belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama penggunaan gadget terhadap kekuatan genggaman tangan siswa. Percobaan dilakukan dengan metode Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), di mana lama waktu penggunaan gadget sebagai faktor dan responden menjadi faktor yang diblok. Responden adalah 30 orang siswi SMP Kristen Petra 5 dan SMPK St. Carolus Surabaya. Jenis gadget yang digunakan adalah iPad 2 dengan lama penggunaan gadget selama 10 menit, 15 menit dan 20 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama waktu penggunaan gadget mempengaruhi kekuatan genggaman tangan. Semakin lama waktu responden menggunakan gadget, maka kekuatan tangan responden semakin melemah. Kata kunci: kekuatan genggaman tangan, RCBD, gadget, lama waktu CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at

Research paper thumbnail of Tingkat Kualitas Tidur Pelajar Selama Pembelajaran Daring

Seminar Nasional Teknik dan Manajemen Industri, 2021

Pandemi COVID-19 tengah merebak di penjuru dunia, termasuk juga di Indonesia. Pemerintah terus be... more Pandemi COVID-19 tengah merebak di penjuru dunia, termasuk juga di Indonesia. Pemerintah terus berupaya untuk meminimalisir penyebaran dari virus ini, salah satunya dengan kebijakan pembelajaran daring untuk pelajar. Kebijakan ini menjadi kebiasaan baru di kalangan pelajar dan menuntut pelajar untuk mampu beradaptasi. Kebiasaan baru pelajar untuk melakukan pembelajaran secara daring merubah kebiasaan tidur dan mempengaruhi kualitas tidur pelajar. Kualitas tidur akan berdampak terhadap performansi pelajar pada bidang akademik. Kualitas tidur yang buruk menyebabkan sulit untuk berkonsentrasi, menjadi lebih emosional, dan menurunkan tingkat produktivitas. Sampel penelitian terdiri atas 200 pelajar siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas dan Mahasiswa Strata 1 yang melakukan pembelajaran daring yang berdomisili di beberapa daerah di Jawa Timur. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Pengukuran kualitas tidur menggunakan kuesioner Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) dalam Bahasa...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Preferensi Lagu terhadapPerforma Kerja Fisik

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh preferensi lagu terhadap performa kerja fisik ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh preferensi lagu terhadap performa kerja fisik seseorang. Preferensi lagu yang dimaksud meliputi judul lagu, volume dan tempo lagu. Penelitian dilakukan melalui eksperimen pekerjaan fisik dengan memindahkan sejumlah benda kerja dari satu lokasi ke lokasi lainnya, dimana performa kerja fisik yang diukur adalah lamanya tiap responden menyelesaikan aktivitas tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode two level factorial design dengan dua faktor yaitu preferensi lagu dan media pemutar musik dan terdapat dua level untuk masing-masing faktor. Faktor preferensi lagu menggunakan level lagu yang disukai dan yang tidak disukai. Faktor media pemutar musik menggunakan level headset dan speaker. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa preferensi lagu berpengaruh secara signifikan (tingkat #945 = 5) terhadap performa kerja fisik, sedangkan media pemutar musik tidak berpengaruh terhadap performa kerja fisik. Selain itu dapat dilihat pula bahwa level la...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparing between Simulated Annealing Neighborhood Generation with the Combination of Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm in Facility Layout Problem

We present the comparison of the Simulated Annealing Neighborhood Generation (SANG) algorithm wit... more We present the comparison of the Simulated Annealing Neighborhood Generation (SANG) algorithm with the combination of Genetic Algorithm-Simulated Annealing Algorithm (GA-SA II). It is applied to a facility layout problem. We simulate two algorithms using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and data is generated from a case study. The result shows SANG algorithm gives a better result in terms of moment. It occurs since SANG algorithm exchanges eight chosen facilities, simultaneously. Therefore, the best moment can be found faster.

Research paper thumbnail of Model Koordinasi Logistik Kemanusiaan di Indonesia dengan Melibatkan Sektor Swasta

This study was conducted to give the proposed model of humanitarian logistics coordination for th... more This study was conducted to give the proposed model of humanitarian logistics coordination for the handling of natural disasters in Indonesia by involving the private sector. The private sector, involved in disaster management, is DHL. The analysis techniques used are the competitive profile matrix to evaluate the performance of each agency involved and RASIC analysis to determine the role of each institution in each activity. The results showed that the private sector is still less involved in Indonesia’s disaster management and the role of some institutions in some activity is still not quite right. DHL is proposed to be involved because it has sufficient capacity to be involved in disaster management. Activities that can be roled by DHL are involving in the delivery and distribution of relief and to help receive relief from foreign parties. Activities that need to be changed is the provision of funds, the making standardization relief, and assessment.

Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Preferences and Quality Perception of Imported and Domestic Apple in Surabaya

Domestic fruits are one of Indonesian’s top commodities, but unfortunately they are threatened ... more Domestic fruits are one of Indonesian’s top commodities, but unfortunately they are threatened by imported fruits, including apple. This research aims to know the consumers’ preference and perception of imported and domestic apple. The location of this research is Surabaya where 200 housewives are chosen as sample. Data points out 85 respondent prefer imported apple compare to domestic apple. The result of this research shows there are different from quality perceptions in size, color, appearance, aroma, cleanness, crispness, taste, and hygiene between consumers who prefer imported and domestic apple. However, juiciness has the same quality perception between both of them. Finally, factor analysis indicates there are three groups of quality perception based on high-income consumers who prefer to purchase domestic fruits.

Research paper thumbnail of Coordination of humanitarian logistic model plan for natural disaster in East Java, Indonesia

International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2016

Natural disasters in Indonesia often resulted in huge casualties and material lost. Therefore, th... more Natural disasters in Indonesia often resulted in huge casualties and material lost. Therefore, the coordination of humanitarian logistic is important to be upgraded. The result of this research is a model plan of humanitarian logistic coordination in East Java with case study in Pasuruan regency. The simulation of dynamic system model is run using Vensim software. The objective function is to minimize the response time for emergency response. The proposed model involves Indonesia Red Cross (IRC) as a core team in humanitarian logistic in East Java. The order of priority that could be considered is the assessment team only conducted by IRC, addition of IRC’s doctors, addition of IRC’s boats for evacuation, additions of IRC’s personnel for soup kitchen, and addition of IRC’s boats for aid distribution. The simulation results show that the proposed model can reduce the response time up to 20 hours.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Model Supply Chain Pisang Mas

Musa acuminata paradisiaca is one of bananavarieties, has a high demand in East Java thus highly ... more Musa acuminata paradisiaca is one of bananavarieties, has a high demand in East Java thus highly potential to be developed. The highest production sites are located at Malang and Lumajang. Unfortunately, this type of banana are perishable that limited the selling period. An alternative way to solveis via improving the supply chain management. In this research, we developed some supply chain models and evaluate there performance using simulation with Vensim software. We used sales profit, lost sales, oversupply and availability to measure performance of the models, supply chain management at Malang and Lumajang. The results show that supply chain at Lumajang performed better than Malang interms of sales profit, lost sales and availability.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Musical Genre during Post Treadmill Exercise Recovery Time

Ergonomics focuses on human beings and their interaction with products, equipment, facilities, pr... more Ergonomics focuses on human beings and their interaction with products, equipment, facilities, procedures, and environments that is used in work and everyday living. Ergonomics is applied in various areas of human life, such as manufacture industry, aerospace industry, transportation, education, health, etc. One of its applications is in sport industry, which is called sport ergonomic. Music as a part of working environment, is used to create a comfortable working environment, to reduce boredom and to disguise noise (Kroemer, et al, 2001). The previous reaserch showed that musical tempo significantly affected post treadmill exercise recovery time (Palit, 2015). The aim of this research is to understand the effect of musical genre during post treadmill exercise recovery time. The experiments are done at Ergonomics Laboratory of Petra Christian University. A three minutes treadmill exercise with a speed of 7 km/hour without any musical background is chosen as a physical activity. The ...

Research paper thumbnail of Model Rantai Pasok Apel di Jawa Timur

Many researchers have been giving attention to supply chain management for foods product. Foods p... more Many researchers have been giving attention to supply chain management for foods product. Foods products have different characteristics compare to the other products. In this paper we analyse supply chain of apple in East Java. Supply chain model was developed by using SCOR model and product flow diagrams. Data were collected using interview with suppliers, producers and retailers. The results show that supply chain model for apple in East Java is efficient since there are few players in the chain. However, the supply chain model is not driven by customer, but it is driven by producer.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Postural Stress Operator Packing CV X

Postur kerja adalah posisi tubuh pekerja pada saat melakukan aktivitas kerja yang berkaitan denga... more Postur kerja adalah posisi tubuh pekerja pada saat melakukan aktivitas kerja yang berkaitan dengan desain area kerja, task requirement, dan ukuran peralatan/benda lainnya yang digunakan saat bekerja. Postur kerja yang tidak normal dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kelelahan dan ketidaknyamanan operator dalam bekerja. Postur tubuh yang tidak seimbang dan berlangsung dalam jangka waktu yang lama akan mengakibatkan stress pada bagian tubuh tertentu. Gejala postural stress yang timbul antara lain adalah kelelahan, nyeri, gelisah atau perasaan tidak tenang. CV X adalah sebuah perusahaan manufaktur kantong plastik. Proses packing di CV X diduga sebagai proses dengan potensi postural stress terbesar. Wawancara awal yang dilakukan terhadap 20 pekerja di bagian packing menunjukkan bahwa 75% pekerja bagian packing yang diwawancara mengalami keluhan pada kaki dan bahu. Penyebab gangguan diduga akibat postural stress. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi postur kerja tidak normal, gangguan yang...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Orientasi Kewirausahaan Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Depot Kuliner Tradisional Indonesia DI Surabaya

Maraknya kuliner asing yang bertumbuh sangat pesat menyebabkan tergesernya kuliner tradisional In... more Maraknya kuliner asing yang bertumbuh sangat pesat menyebabkan tergesernya kuliner tradisional Indonesia. Salah satu yang terkena dampak yaitu depot/gerai yang menjual makanan tradisional Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian awal untuk memperbaiki kinerja depot makanan tradisional agar tetap dapat bersaing dengan kuliner asing. Dari beberapa penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa salah satu aspek penting yang perlu diperhatikan adalah orientasi kewirausahaan. Penelitian ini melihat pengaruh orientasi kewirausahaan dari pemilik depot terhadap kinerja depot. Orientasi kewirausahaan diukur dari beberapa variabel, yaitu inovasi, proaktif, berani mengambil resiko, dan keagresifan. Kinerja depot diukur dari aspek finansial dan non finansial (internal bisnis proses, learning and growth, konsumen) menurut Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Pengolahan data menggunakan pendekatan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan bantuan program SmartPLS (v.3.21.). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Ergonomic Aspects on Customers’ Convenience at Restaurant in Surabaya

Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Pop Musical Tempo During Post Treadmill Exercise Recovery Time

Procedia Manufacturing, 2015

One of the ergonomics focus is work environment, which consist of physical work environment (illu... more One of the ergonomics focus is work environment, which consist of physical work environment (illumination, climate, noise, etc) and non-physical work environment (working atmosphere). Music is a part of work environment, which can be used to improve emotion and productivity of workers. Listening to exciting music during exercise significantly affects heart rate, RPE and fatigue onset time (RamezanPour, 2012). The aim of this research is to understand the effect of pop musical tempo during post treadmill exercise recovery time. The experiments were done at Ergonomics Laboratory of Petra Christian University. A ten minutes treadmill exercise with a certain speed scenario and without musical background was chosen as a physical activity. The recovery time is recorded during the recovering process while respondent listening pop musical tempo with adjusted tempo. There are four level of pop musical tempo which were chosen, they are slow (66-76 bpm), medium (76-120 bpm), fast (120-168 bpm), and very fast (168-200 bpm). The desired response is faster heart rate recovery time. Randomize Complete Block Design was used as an experimental method. This study concluded that pop musical tempo significantly affects the post treadmill exercise recovery time, and slow tempo (66-76 bpm) has the fastest recovery time than the others.

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kapasitas Produksi pada PT. Adicitra Bhirawa

Jurnal Titra, Jan 19, 2015

Currently, PT. Adicitra Bhirawa wants to increase their production capacity from 120 truck boxes ... more Currently, PT. Adicitra Bhirawa wants to increase their production capacity from 120 truck boxes per month into 250 truck boxes per month. The increasing of production capacity is applied by changing their production system from the piecework production system into line production system. The line production system is more efficient than the piecework production system in terms of the worker productivity. Line production system is designed using two heuristic methods of line balancing, Kilbridge-Wester and Helgeson-Birnie . The result shows Kilbridge-Wester gives the better result with 15 workstations. The proposed line production system can achieve the production target and increase the monthly worker productivity from 5.7 truck boxes/worker to 11.9 truck boxes/worker. A proposed plant layout is applied in order to support the new line production system.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing Humanitarian Logistic Coordination for Disaster Relief in Indonesia

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2016

Humanitarian logistics have been given an attention in recent years since logistic is one of impo... more Humanitarian logistics have been given an attention in recent years since logistic is one of important factors in effective disaster response and disaster relief. There are few researches on humanitarian logistic in Indonesia. In this paper, we aim to map and analyze humanitarian logistic in Indonesia. Therefore, deep interview method has been done to interview some institutions in humanitarian logistic system. We analyze the coordination of humanitarian logistic system using RASIC method. The finding of the deep interview reveals the private sector actively participates in disaster relief. In particular, it is also found the private sector actively participates in disaster relief but they do not collaborate with BNPB. It can be concluded the private sectors are able to take on the role in Indonesia humanitarian logistic system under supervision of BNPB. We finally proposed the RASIC model involving the private sector for Indonesia humanitarian logistic.

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Sistem Suplai Tanpa Penambahan Tempat di PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (PT TMMIN)

Jurnal Titra, Jun 30, 2014

PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (PT TMMIN) in 2014 is preparing the implementation of new... more PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (PT TMMIN) in 2014 is preparing the implementation of new engine type TR-Kai. Additional types of engine TR-Kai need additional type of new components too. Additional types of TR-Kai component means need additional space for placement, but the problem is unavailable space. The supply system design method includes layout change, equipment (material handling) and also system (works cycle) which is delivered well. The countermeasure idea is to change the material handling usage and also implementation direct supply system. Direct supply system in regular working time has reduced lead time almost 2 days of safety stock. Direct supply reduces 33.3% of inefficient handling, reduce hoist usage (safety matter) between 80,2% up to 93.4% each day, and also reduce 81.5% of forklift usage (safety matter). The evaluation result of this system is able to reduce 33.3% of manpower supply and monthly cost saving up to 46.2% with a Break Event Point (BEP) during 4 years 7.5 months.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Model Rantai Pasok Pisang Mas di Lumajang dan Malang

Jurnal Titra, Jun 30, 2014

Pisang Mas (Musa acuminata colla) is one of important commodities in East Java. Previous study sh... more Pisang Mas (Musa acuminata colla) is one of important commodities in East Java. Previous study showed that there are two different supply chain models at Lumajang and at Malang. In these paper, we combine different supply chain models and considers the effect of price on customer demand. This model is simulated using Vensim PLE software. The result shows that demand is affected by price change. This model is sensitive to price with percentage of 12,4% in retail and 13,04% in traditional market.

Research paper thumbnail of Profil UMKM Desa Kesamben Kulon

Desa Kesamben Kulon, Kecamatan Wringinanom, Kabupaten Gresik belum memiliki program BUMdes yang j... more Desa Kesamben Kulon, Kecamatan Wringinanom, Kabupaten Gresik belum memiliki program BUMdes yang jelas. Berdasarkan wawancara dengan perangkat desa, keberadaaan BUMdes hanya sebatas berdiri, namun belum memiliki aktivitas usaha yang menghasilkan. Padahal sebenarnya desa ini potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai Desa Wisata dan didukung dengan keberadaan UMKM-UMKM yang potensial untuk dikembangkan. Sebagai langkah awal untuk memberdayakan UMKM-UMKM yang ada, perlu dilakukan pendataan UMKM-UMKM yang dilengkapi dengan informasi detail mengenai kondisi dan kendala yang dihadapi oleh para pelaku UMKM. Pembuatan profil ini merupakan salah satu langkah strategis yang perlu dilakukan, sehingga diharapkan perangkat desa dapat membuat rencana strategis untuk pengembangan BUMdes melalui pemberdayaan UMKM

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Preferensi Musik terhadap Performa Kerja Mental

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Lama Waktu Penggunaan Gadget terhadap Kekuatan Genggaman Tangan

Penggunaan gadget sudah tidak lagi mengenal usia, mulai dari orang dewasa sampai anak-anak. Anak-... more Penggunaan gadget sudah tidak lagi mengenal usia, mulai dari orang dewasa sampai anak-anak. Anak-anak usia remaja biasanya lebih banyak menggunakan gadget untuk bermain, di mana bisa memakan waktu sampai berjam-jam. Padahal penggunaan gadget yang berlebihan dapat berdampak pada aktivitas anak pada usia remaja dan gangguan kesehatan. Salah satu gangguan kesehatan yang dapat terjadi adalah melemahnya kekuatan genggaman tangan akibat penggunaan gadget yang berlebihan. Jika kekuatan genggaman semakin lemah, maka dapat mengganggu penggunaan kerja tangan untuk memegang alat tulis atau alat lain yang diperlukan untuk mendukung aktivitas utamanya sebagai seorang pelajar, yaitu belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama penggunaan gadget terhadap kekuatan genggaman tangan siswa. Percobaan dilakukan dengan metode Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), di mana lama waktu penggunaan gadget sebagai faktor dan responden menjadi faktor yang diblok. Responden adalah 30 orang siswi SMP Kristen Petra 5 dan SMPK St. Carolus Surabaya. Jenis gadget yang digunakan adalah iPad 2 dengan lama penggunaan gadget selama 10 menit, 15 menit dan 20 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama waktu penggunaan gadget mempengaruhi kekuatan genggaman tangan. Semakin lama waktu responden menggunakan gadget, maka kekuatan tangan responden semakin melemah. Kata kunci: kekuatan genggaman tangan, RCBD, gadget, lama waktu CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at

Research paper thumbnail of Tingkat Kualitas Tidur Pelajar Selama Pembelajaran Daring

Seminar Nasional Teknik dan Manajemen Industri, 2021

Pandemi COVID-19 tengah merebak di penjuru dunia, termasuk juga di Indonesia. Pemerintah terus be... more Pandemi COVID-19 tengah merebak di penjuru dunia, termasuk juga di Indonesia. Pemerintah terus berupaya untuk meminimalisir penyebaran dari virus ini, salah satunya dengan kebijakan pembelajaran daring untuk pelajar. Kebijakan ini menjadi kebiasaan baru di kalangan pelajar dan menuntut pelajar untuk mampu beradaptasi. Kebiasaan baru pelajar untuk melakukan pembelajaran secara daring merubah kebiasaan tidur dan mempengaruhi kualitas tidur pelajar. Kualitas tidur akan berdampak terhadap performansi pelajar pada bidang akademik. Kualitas tidur yang buruk menyebabkan sulit untuk berkonsentrasi, menjadi lebih emosional, dan menurunkan tingkat produktivitas. Sampel penelitian terdiri atas 200 pelajar siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas dan Mahasiswa Strata 1 yang melakukan pembelajaran daring yang berdomisili di beberapa daerah di Jawa Timur. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Pengukuran kualitas tidur menggunakan kuesioner Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) dalam Bahasa...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Preferensi Lagu terhadapPerforma Kerja Fisik

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh preferensi lagu terhadap performa kerja fisik ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh preferensi lagu terhadap performa kerja fisik seseorang. Preferensi lagu yang dimaksud meliputi judul lagu, volume dan tempo lagu. Penelitian dilakukan melalui eksperimen pekerjaan fisik dengan memindahkan sejumlah benda kerja dari satu lokasi ke lokasi lainnya, dimana performa kerja fisik yang diukur adalah lamanya tiap responden menyelesaikan aktivitas tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode two level factorial design dengan dua faktor yaitu preferensi lagu dan media pemutar musik dan terdapat dua level untuk masing-masing faktor. Faktor preferensi lagu menggunakan level lagu yang disukai dan yang tidak disukai. Faktor media pemutar musik menggunakan level headset dan speaker. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa preferensi lagu berpengaruh secara signifikan (tingkat #945 = 5) terhadap performa kerja fisik, sedangkan media pemutar musik tidak berpengaruh terhadap performa kerja fisik. Selain itu dapat dilihat pula bahwa level la...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparing between Simulated Annealing Neighborhood Generation with the Combination of Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm in Facility Layout Problem

We present the comparison of the Simulated Annealing Neighborhood Generation (SANG) algorithm wit... more We present the comparison of the Simulated Annealing Neighborhood Generation (SANG) algorithm with the combination of Genetic Algorithm-Simulated Annealing Algorithm (GA-SA II). It is applied to a facility layout problem. We simulate two algorithms using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and data is generated from a case study. The result shows SANG algorithm gives a better result in terms of moment. It occurs since SANG algorithm exchanges eight chosen facilities, simultaneously. Therefore, the best moment can be found faster.

Research paper thumbnail of Model Koordinasi Logistik Kemanusiaan di Indonesia dengan Melibatkan Sektor Swasta

This study was conducted to give the proposed model of humanitarian logistics coordination for th... more This study was conducted to give the proposed model of humanitarian logistics coordination for the handling of natural disasters in Indonesia by involving the private sector. The private sector, involved in disaster management, is DHL. The analysis techniques used are the competitive profile matrix to evaluate the performance of each agency involved and RASIC analysis to determine the role of each institution in each activity. The results showed that the private sector is still less involved in Indonesia’s disaster management and the role of some institutions in some activity is still not quite right. DHL is proposed to be involved because it has sufficient capacity to be involved in disaster management. Activities that can be roled by DHL are involving in the delivery and distribution of relief and to help receive relief from foreign parties. Activities that need to be changed is the provision of funds, the making standardization relief, and assessment.

Research paper thumbnail of Consumer Preferences and Quality Perception of Imported and Domestic Apple in Surabaya

Domestic fruits are one of Indonesian’s top commodities, but unfortunately they are threatened ... more Domestic fruits are one of Indonesian’s top commodities, but unfortunately they are threatened by imported fruits, including apple. This research aims to know the consumers’ preference and perception of imported and domestic apple. The location of this research is Surabaya where 200 housewives are chosen as sample. Data points out 85 respondent prefer imported apple compare to domestic apple. The result of this research shows there are different from quality perceptions in size, color, appearance, aroma, cleanness, crispness, taste, and hygiene between consumers who prefer imported and domestic apple. However, juiciness has the same quality perception between both of them. Finally, factor analysis indicates there are three groups of quality perception based on high-income consumers who prefer to purchase domestic fruits.

Research paper thumbnail of Coordination of humanitarian logistic model plan for natural disaster in East Java, Indonesia

International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2016

Natural disasters in Indonesia often resulted in huge casualties and material lost. Therefore, th... more Natural disasters in Indonesia often resulted in huge casualties and material lost. Therefore, the coordination of humanitarian logistic is important to be upgraded. The result of this research is a model plan of humanitarian logistic coordination in East Java with case study in Pasuruan regency. The simulation of dynamic system model is run using Vensim software. The objective function is to minimize the response time for emergency response. The proposed model involves Indonesia Red Cross (IRC) as a core team in humanitarian logistic in East Java. The order of priority that could be considered is the assessment team only conducted by IRC, addition of IRC’s doctors, addition of IRC’s boats for evacuation, additions of IRC’s personnel for soup kitchen, and addition of IRC’s boats for aid distribution. The simulation results show that the proposed model can reduce the response time up to 20 hours.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Model Supply Chain Pisang Mas

Musa acuminata paradisiaca is one of bananavarieties, has a high demand in East Java thus highly ... more Musa acuminata paradisiaca is one of bananavarieties, has a high demand in East Java thus highly potential to be developed. The highest production sites are located at Malang and Lumajang. Unfortunately, this type of banana are perishable that limited the selling period. An alternative way to solveis via improving the supply chain management. In this research, we developed some supply chain models and evaluate there performance using simulation with Vensim software. We used sales profit, lost sales, oversupply and availability to measure performance of the models, supply chain management at Malang and Lumajang. The results show that supply chain at Lumajang performed better than Malang interms of sales profit, lost sales and availability.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Musical Genre during Post Treadmill Exercise Recovery Time

Ergonomics focuses on human beings and their interaction with products, equipment, facilities, pr... more Ergonomics focuses on human beings and their interaction with products, equipment, facilities, procedures, and environments that is used in work and everyday living. Ergonomics is applied in various areas of human life, such as manufacture industry, aerospace industry, transportation, education, health, etc. One of its applications is in sport industry, which is called sport ergonomic. Music as a part of working environment, is used to create a comfortable working environment, to reduce boredom and to disguise noise (Kroemer, et al, 2001). The previous reaserch showed that musical tempo significantly affected post treadmill exercise recovery time (Palit, 2015). The aim of this research is to understand the effect of musical genre during post treadmill exercise recovery time. The experiments are done at Ergonomics Laboratory of Petra Christian University. A three minutes treadmill exercise with a speed of 7 km/hour without any musical background is chosen as a physical activity. The ...

Research paper thumbnail of Model Rantai Pasok Apel di Jawa Timur

Many researchers have been giving attention to supply chain management for foods product. Foods p... more Many researchers have been giving attention to supply chain management for foods product. Foods products have different characteristics compare to the other products. In this paper we analyse supply chain of apple in East Java. Supply chain model was developed by using SCOR model and product flow diagrams. Data were collected using interview with suppliers, producers and retailers. The results show that supply chain model for apple in East Java is efficient since there are few players in the chain. However, the supply chain model is not driven by customer, but it is driven by producer.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Postural Stress Operator Packing CV X

Postur kerja adalah posisi tubuh pekerja pada saat melakukan aktivitas kerja yang berkaitan denga... more Postur kerja adalah posisi tubuh pekerja pada saat melakukan aktivitas kerja yang berkaitan dengan desain area kerja, task requirement, dan ukuran peralatan/benda lainnya yang digunakan saat bekerja. Postur kerja yang tidak normal dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kelelahan dan ketidaknyamanan operator dalam bekerja. Postur tubuh yang tidak seimbang dan berlangsung dalam jangka waktu yang lama akan mengakibatkan stress pada bagian tubuh tertentu. Gejala postural stress yang timbul antara lain adalah kelelahan, nyeri, gelisah atau perasaan tidak tenang. CV X adalah sebuah perusahaan manufaktur kantong plastik. Proses packing di CV X diduga sebagai proses dengan potensi postural stress terbesar. Wawancara awal yang dilakukan terhadap 20 pekerja di bagian packing menunjukkan bahwa 75% pekerja bagian packing yang diwawancara mengalami keluhan pada kaki dan bahu. Penyebab gangguan diduga akibat postural stress. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi postur kerja tidak normal, gangguan yang...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Orientasi Kewirausahaan Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Depot Kuliner Tradisional Indonesia DI Surabaya

Maraknya kuliner asing yang bertumbuh sangat pesat menyebabkan tergesernya kuliner tradisional In... more Maraknya kuliner asing yang bertumbuh sangat pesat menyebabkan tergesernya kuliner tradisional Indonesia. Salah satu yang terkena dampak yaitu depot/gerai yang menjual makanan tradisional Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian awal untuk memperbaiki kinerja depot makanan tradisional agar tetap dapat bersaing dengan kuliner asing. Dari beberapa penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa salah satu aspek penting yang perlu diperhatikan adalah orientasi kewirausahaan. Penelitian ini melihat pengaruh orientasi kewirausahaan dari pemilik depot terhadap kinerja depot. Orientasi kewirausahaan diukur dari beberapa variabel, yaitu inovasi, proaktif, berani mengambil resiko, dan keagresifan. Kinerja depot diukur dari aspek finansial dan non finansial (internal bisnis proses, learning and growth, konsumen) menurut Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Pengolahan data menggunakan pendekatan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan bantuan program SmartPLS (v.3.21.). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Ergonomic Aspects on Customers’ Convenience at Restaurant in Surabaya

Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Pop Musical Tempo During Post Treadmill Exercise Recovery Time

Procedia Manufacturing, 2015

One of the ergonomics focus is work environment, which consist of physical work environment (illu... more One of the ergonomics focus is work environment, which consist of physical work environment (illumination, climate, noise, etc) and non-physical work environment (working atmosphere). Music is a part of work environment, which can be used to improve emotion and productivity of workers. Listening to exciting music during exercise significantly affects heart rate, RPE and fatigue onset time (RamezanPour, 2012). The aim of this research is to understand the effect of pop musical tempo during post treadmill exercise recovery time. The experiments were done at Ergonomics Laboratory of Petra Christian University. A ten minutes treadmill exercise with a certain speed scenario and without musical background was chosen as a physical activity. The recovery time is recorded during the recovering process while respondent listening pop musical tempo with adjusted tempo. There are four level of pop musical tempo which were chosen, they are slow (66-76 bpm), medium (76-120 bpm), fast (120-168 bpm), and very fast (168-200 bpm). The desired response is faster heart rate recovery time. Randomize Complete Block Design was used as an experimental method. This study concluded that pop musical tempo significantly affects the post treadmill exercise recovery time, and slow tempo (66-76 bpm) has the fastest recovery time than the others.

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kapasitas Produksi pada PT. Adicitra Bhirawa

Jurnal Titra, Jan 19, 2015

Currently, PT. Adicitra Bhirawa wants to increase their production capacity from 120 truck boxes ... more Currently, PT. Adicitra Bhirawa wants to increase their production capacity from 120 truck boxes per month into 250 truck boxes per month. The increasing of production capacity is applied by changing their production system from the piecework production system into line production system. The line production system is more efficient than the piecework production system in terms of the worker productivity. Line production system is designed using two heuristic methods of line balancing, Kilbridge-Wester and Helgeson-Birnie . The result shows Kilbridge-Wester gives the better result with 15 workstations. The proposed line production system can achieve the production target and increase the monthly worker productivity from 5.7 truck boxes/worker to 11.9 truck boxes/worker. A proposed plant layout is applied in order to support the new line production system.

Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing Humanitarian Logistic Coordination for Disaster Relief in Indonesia

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2016

Humanitarian logistics have been given an attention in recent years since logistic is one of impo... more Humanitarian logistics have been given an attention in recent years since logistic is one of important factors in effective disaster response and disaster relief. There are few researches on humanitarian logistic in Indonesia. In this paper, we aim to map and analyze humanitarian logistic in Indonesia. Therefore, deep interview method has been done to interview some institutions in humanitarian logistic system. We analyze the coordination of humanitarian logistic system using RASIC method. The finding of the deep interview reveals the private sector actively participates in disaster relief. In particular, it is also found the private sector actively participates in disaster relief but they do not collaborate with BNPB. It can be concluded the private sectors are able to take on the role in Indonesia humanitarian logistic system under supervision of BNPB. We finally proposed the RASIC model involving the private sector for Indonesia humanitarian logistic.

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Sistem Suplai Tanpa Penambahan Tempat di PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (PT TMMIN)

Jurnal Titra, Jun 30, 2014

PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (PT TMMIN) in 2014 is preparing the implementation of new... more PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (PT TMMIN) in 2014 is preparing the implementation of new engine type TR-Kai. Additional types of engine TR-Kai need additional type of new components too. Additional types of TR-Kai component means need additional space for placement, but the problem is unavailable space. The supply system design method includes layout change, equipment (material handling) and also system (works cycle) which is delivered well. The countermeasure idea is to change the material handling usage and also implementation direct supply system. Direct supply system in regular working time has reduced lead time almost 2 days of safety stock. Direct supply reduces 33.3% of inefficient handling, reduce hoist usage (safety matter) between 80,2% up to 93.4% each day, and also reduce 81.5% of forklift usage (safety matter). The evaluation result of this system is able to reduce 33.3% of manpower supply and monthly cost saving up to 46.2% with a Break Event Point (BEP) during 4 years 7.5 months.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Model Rantai Pasok Pisang Mas di Lumajang dan Malang

Jurnal Titra, Jun 30, 2014

Pisang Mas (Musa acuminata colla) is one of important commodities in East Java. Previous study sh... more Pisang Mas (Musa acuminata colla) is one of important commodities in East Java. Previous study showed that there are two different supply chain models at Lumajang and at Malang. In these paper, we combine different supply chain models and considers the effect of price on customer demand. This model is simulated using Vensim PLE software. The result shows that demand is affected by price change. This model is sensitive to price with percentage of 12,4% in retail and 13,04% in traditional market.