Christina Rochayanti - (original) (raw)
Papers by Christina Rochayanti
The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies, Jun 1, 2020
Intercultural communication is communiction made by people who have different cultures, which ten... more Intercultural communication is communiction made by people who have different cultures, which tend to cause problems. This happened between the people of Manggarai tribe with indigenous people of Yogyakarta in Sleman regency. This study intends explore to analyze the intercultural communication process of Manggarai tribe with indigenous people of Yogyakarta in Sleman District and to identify communication problems between Manggarai tribes and indigenous people of Yogyakarta in Sleman District. This research uses the theory of ethnocentrism, this type of research is qualitative by using descriptive approach, which describes a social phenomenon. In the sense that this study aims to describe something that happens in the field. This study uses data collection techniques with in-depth interviews, observation and literature study. The result of this research is the process of interaction of association which covers cooperation, accomodation, assimilation so that acculturation happens. Th...
Paradigma: Jurnal Masalah Sosial, Politik, dan Kebijakan
Instagram now become one of the popular social media among teenagers this time. Teenagers use Ins... more Instagram now become one of the popular social media among teenagers this time. Teenagers use Instagram as a means to show self existence and social life. at age teenagers Is age where teenagers search for self identity. So that is Instagram become one of the media of teenagers distributing their creativity. The purpose of this research is explain the establishment of the identity virtual teenagers users instagram in the Cawas village through social media Instagram. The theory used is the theory Identity Manuel Castell, theory New Media and contruction identity. This study using a method of descriptive qualitative. The result of this study discovered that in upload photos on instagram teenagers have the concept that they were going to spend. Environmental influences around become one of the factors that affects of teenagers in forming the selft identity. One of indicator that shows existence of informan by the number of Like and Followers. The informants most inspired by the influen...
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, Jan 29, 2014
This research reveals all the signs and symbols of discrimination and racism in film Australia. T... more This research reveals all the signs and symbols of discrimination and racism in film Australia. The film is a film with a kind of fiction, but the story of the film is part of the true story of the conflict between the Aborigines by white men filled with the treatment of discrimination and racism. This behavior occurred since the arrival of white people who are British prisoners exiled to Australia. The white men then build a new colony by opening the land to the Aborigines being displaced into the interior, and they assume that the Aborigines are a group of people with an ancient culture and have no intellectual capacity so that their existence as a tribe native to Australia is considered bad by the people white. This research explores the signs of discrimination and racism in Australian films using triangulation from Roland Barthes' semiotic theory is then obtained result is a representation of the meaning of discrimination and racism found in Australian films. In the study of signs and symbols in the film Australia. This research is also supported by the articles about the social reality in Australia, articles and discrimination and racism in the film text analysis. The research results obtained representation of the symbols of discrimination and racism contained in the Australian films that are part of everyday life between Aboriginal and white people. Discrimination and racism itself is still not an integral part of social life in Australia, and unfair behavior arbitrarily still frequently in Aboriginal gain by the existence of which began in get rid of white people.
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, Feb 5, 2014
Java local culture in the era of globalization increasingly less attractive to young peoplein Yog... more Java local culture in the era of globalization increasingly less attractive to young peoplein Yogyakarta, compared to Western or Korean K-Pop culture. It will increasinglyfade away if ignored. This study aimed to find Javanese family in Yogyakarta was disseminating local culture to their children. The research methods usedis descriptive qualitative, data collection, in-depth interviews with 24 families Java Yogyakarta who have teenagers at Yogyakarta Province. The results identify that the Javanese family in Yogyakarta tried to socialize the local culture, namely Javanese language and attitudes. The Javanese parents socialize as they interpret the Javanese language and attitudes as their identity and hope the children can be respectful and appreciative to others. In addition, parents still hope that local culture can beincluded in the school curriculum. Their expectation would be possible to happen by the Privileges Act of Yogyakarta passed by the government of Indonesia, which accommodate local culture. Abstrak Budaya lokal Jawa dalam era globalisais semakin kurang diminati oleh generasi muda di Yogyakarta, dibandingkan dengan budaya Barat atau budaya K-Pop dari Korea. Hal ini jika didiamkan akan semakin hilang dan tentu saja tidak lestari lagi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keluarga Jawa di Yogyakarta dalam mensosialisasikan budaya lokal kepada anak-anaknya. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif deskripstif, pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam kepada 24 keluarga Jawa Yogyakarta yang memiliki anak remaja di DIY (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta). Hasil penelitian mengindentifikasikan bahwa keluarga Jawa di Yogyakarta berusaha mensosialisasikan budaya lokal yaitu bahasa Jawa dan sikap hidup orang Jawa. Orang tua Jawa mensosialisasikan karena mereka memaknai bahasa dan sikap hidup orang Jawa sebagai identitas orang Jawa dan harapannya anakanak bisa bersikap hormat dan menghargai orang lain. Di samping itu orang tua juga masih mengharapkan agar budaya lokal dapat dimasukan dalam kurikulum sekolah. Harapan tersebut kiranya akan terwujud dengan disahkan Undang-Undang Kesitimewaan Yogyakarta oleh pemerintah RI yang mengakomodasikan budaya lokal.
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, Aug 1, 2008
Human relation is an integral part of an organization or company since all of activities conducte... more Human relation is an integral part of an organization or company since all of activities conducted is intented to create organizations or companys positive image before the public. For creating such positive image to the existing role of human relations in the management of informational contens of regional government's website as media of communications relation with society. Human relations has role as communication fasilitatos i.e legal practisioner behaving as communicator or mediator to create two why or reciprocal communication between the organization or company and its public though online media. The purpose of this reseach was to know the role of human relations of regional Government of Sragen Regency in management of informational content in Regional Government's website as communications relations with society in Regional Government of Sragen Regency. This reseach used descriptive qualitative reseach method. Technique of data collection was conducted by interview, observation and literal study. The result of this research suggests that human relation of Regional Government of Sragen Regency has role in organisational management in management process of informational contents contained in Regional Government's website. Human relations strives to fulfill social demand to gain information on all policies, program and activated conducted by government. However, active participations of society is still felt as lack. Communication relations relate between government and society through online media has not been conducted optimally. There is still few amount of society that knows Regional Government's website. Society only takes the advantages of website merely for gaining information. Thus, human relation keeps maintaining the use of conservative media as medium for conveying information to the cociety.
The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies, Aug 5, 2019
The purpose of this study was to analyze disaster communication management activities carried out... more The purpose of this study was to analyze disaster communication management activities carried out by the Sleman Emergency Operation Center in coordinating disaster information and identifying information coordination that occurred between Kab. Sleman, community, and non-governmental organizations @merapi_news. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data search is done by in-depth interviews with parties involved in the disaster management process, namely Supervisors, Operators of PB Emergency Operations District. Sleman, the private organization @Merapi_news, and the Sleman community. The results of the study showed that the Sleman Emergency Operation Center was still not maximal in the implementation of the disaster communication management process. The lack of coordination of information that causes miss communication and distribution of disaster information to the community is often too late, the use of Instagram social media is not optimal by the Sleman Emergency Operation Center, and mitigation needs to be done simultaneously both BPBD and Pusdalops to shape the attitudes and knowledge of the community and implementing officers in disaster management.
The Indonesian Journal Of Communication Studies (IJCS), Dec 1, 2008
Interethnic marriage means legal union of spouse from different ethnic group. It is a form of cul... more Interethnic marriage means legal union of spouse from different ethnic group. It is a form of cultural background differences at interpersonal level (micro). Besides, starting their new marriage life, the couple must also adjust themselves respectively toward different cultural elements. The method of the research is interpretive-qualitative with symbolic interaction approach. Participants of the research were selected from those who have been through the process of cultural adjustment in interethnic marriage. Data was collected by deeply interviewing and observing 13 couples, Sundanese and non-Sundanese that have been married for more than 10 years and have children. Generally, the research shown that Sunda cultural and custom of couples’ ethnic identity difference formed a communication interethnic marriage patterns Sundanese and non Sundanese in Bandung. The results of the research were divided into three findings : firstly the communication patterns of interethnic marriage can be classified into; (1) dominant, (2) initiative, (3) combination, (4) adaptive, and (5) creative. Secondly, various pressures in the interethnic marriage life mainly caused by financial support for their extended family, different food appetite, life style and social comments. Thirdly, the interethnic couples can accommodate the differences in treating their children and interacting with their extended family.
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, Apr 30, 2015
Bobung Tourism Village is a tourist village that located in the Village Putat, District Patuk, Gu... more Bobung Tourism Village is a tourist village that located in the Village Putat, District Patuk, Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. This tourist village Bobung livelihood has wooden batik craftsmen and masks. Tourism Village Bobung possess not only the craft tour, but there are many kinds of travel in it. Badan Pengelola Desa Wisata (BPDW) Bobung required to be able to determine the use of effective communication channels. Although there has been a marketing communication activities in BPDW Bobung but it can not be said to be the maximum because BPDW Bobung has not yet evaluated its marketing communications activities on a regular basis. Then the conclusion is BPDW Bobung has done just that marketing communications should be maximized again for example with special assistance from the Universities and BPDW Bobung should conduct soft skills and hard skills training so as to optimize the external support such as promotional support from the Dinas Kebudayaan dan Kepariwisataan Kabupaten Gunungkidul and support of PT. Angkasa Pura Bandar Udara 1 Adisucipto Yogyakarta to make cultural events to be known by the people and can increase the number of tourists.
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, Dec 1, 2008
Polygamy matter has been some hot issue which is deliberated by many people, especially after the... more Polygamy matter has been some hot issue which is deliberated by many people, especially after the confession of ustadz Abdullah Gymnastiar, the leader of Daarut Tauhid Geger, Kalung Girang, Jawa Barat, school of Koranic studies; who is married to a widow named Alfarini Eridani to be his second wife. The marriage of Aa Gym divided people into two sides, one side supported, and the other refused, while the government was also involved in. By means of mass media, then it would be seen how the attitude tendency of a media in viewing polygamy issue would be exacerbate, neutralize, or supportive through framing analyzes.
The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies, Aug 5, 2019
PT. Aseli Dagadu Djokdja is a Yogyakarta based alternative souvenir provider that has the slogan ... more PT. Aseli Dagadu Djokdja is a Yogyakarta based alternative souvenir provider that has the slogan "Smart, Smile, Djokdja". Jogja's distinctive culture which is represented through various aspects makes PT. Aseli Dagadu Djokdja collaborates with the younger generation of future movers to work part-time as the leading service forces or known as Garda Depan. This study aims to determine the communication organization patterns formed on Garda Depan in passing on the corporate culture. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method by conducting in-depth interviews and observations as sources of research data, and using data triangulation techniques to test the validity of the data obtained. Garda Depan's Program, which is one form of corporate social responsibility, lasts 8-12 months. With this personnel change cycle, the company implemented a training curriculum for candidates of Garda Depan to be able to pass on the various corporate cultures that exist in Dagadu. Through indoor training and internship at the recruitment stage, as well as 4an, sharing bulanan and internalan, there is an effort to inherit the culture from the company to the Garda Depan. Through organizational information theory, researchers found that communication patterns that occur are two-way by applying upward, downward, and horizontal communication. However, in its implementation there are obstacles in the form of language differences, seniority and the short duration of the internship. Althought that happens, it doesn't reduce the process of developing relationships in Garda Depan who initially do not know each other to become a family with the whole of company.
Paradigma: Jurnal Masalah Sosial, Politik, dan Kebijakan, 2017
Paradigma: Jurnal Masalah Sosial, Politik, dan Kebijakan, 2019
Perbedaan budaya bisa menimbulkan konflik dan berdampak pada perubahan pola komunikasi. Peristiwa... more Perbedaan budaya bisa menimbulkan konflik dan berdampak pada perubahan pola komunikasi. Peristiwa penembakan yang terjadi di Lapas Cebongan dan menewaskan empat warga dari NTT memberi pengaruh yang besar terhadap perubahan pola komunikasi antarbudaya mahasiswa NTT di Yogyakarta khusunya di Tambak Bayan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menemukan model komunikasi antarbudaya antara mahasiswa NTT dengan penduduk Tambak Bayan dan mengidentifikasi upaya- Avant Garde | Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi VOL 3 NO.2 Desember 2015 | 198 upaya apa saja yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa NTT untuk menjaga hubungan baik dengan penduduk Tambak Bayan. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori etnosentrisme dan face negociation theory. Metode penelitiannya kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perubahan dalam pola komunikasi antarbudaya mahasiswa NTT dengan penduduk Tambak Bayan. Sebelum peristiwa Cebongan, proses komunikasi antardua kelompok beda budaya ini ber...
International Journal in Computer Simulation, 2020
Criticism is one element that can keep the existing system in its tracks and not get out of the w... more Criticism is one element that can keep the existing system in its tracks and not get out of the way the system should be. Anti-tank has initially been one of the artists and activists who expressed their criticism using posters in Yogyakarta. This study aims to determine the content of criticism in the Antitank Project and the tendency of criticism. The method is content analysis. The theory used is the spiral silence theory and Habermas' critical theory. The study population amounted to 192 images in the period of January 2016 - December 2018. The study sample was taken 46 pictures to be examined because of the repetition of several photographs. The research results show that there is a tendency in Antitank criticism, namely in the political field, in which there is an important element of power and has high publicity. The object of criticism of Anti-tank's dominant work is the state government, which holds the country's highest authority. Communication of indirect crit...
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2017
This study aims to analyze marketing communication media used by Women farmer group or KWT. KWT "... more This study aims to analyze marketing communication media used by Women farmer group or KWT. KWT "Pawon Gendis " is a group of women farmers who produce processed products from the leaf of Pegagan into snack foods and local snacks. This research is aimed at developing web 2.0 marketing communications by using participatory action research method, which will place the domestic industry practitioners as an active participant in finding the model of marketing communication which is applied for their business. The results showed that Pawon Gendis Farmer Group (KWT) marketed more processed products using personal selling, by being purchased directly at production sites, sold at stands or through local food exhibitions. Social media used is WhatsApp and Facebook, both media platform is still limited as a means of communication media among members, customers, and media information activities of KWT members. Social media has not been utilized as a marketing medium, this is due to the limitations of internet network facilities and mastery of web 2.0 based communication technology.
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2020
Kota Magelang merupakan salah satu Kota di wilayah Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang sedang melaksanakan ... more Kota Magelang merupakan salah satu Kota di wilayah Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang sedang melaksanakan city branding Magelang Kota Sejuta Bunga (MKSB) dengan slogannya MKSB masih dianggap belum mewujudkan karakter. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses konstruksi realita yang telah dibangun di Kota Magelang sejak delapan tahun melaksanakan city branding Magelang Kota Sejuta Bunga dari segi pemerintahannya dan segi secara realitas pada masyarakat Kota Magelang dengan menggunakan pemikiran melalui Teori Konstruksi Realitas Sosial. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Teori konstruksi sosial atas realitas dan konsep city branding menjadi landasan dalam membahas hasil penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak selarasnya pemahaman dan komunikasi pemerintah terhadap masyarakat Kota Magelang dalam City branding Magelang Kota Sejuta Bunga (MKSB). Kurangnya pemahanan masyarakat Kota Magelang terhadap konstruksi yang dibangun oleh pemerintah Kota ...
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2014
Page dance as one of the traditional arts are not just as a means of entertainment, but loaded wi... more Page dance as one of the traditional arts are not just as a means of entertainment, but loaded with deep values. This dance is one of the traditional dance of the Karo people who are still found in traditional event Merdang-Merdem in Perbesi Village. This dance is used as media to convey the message of values mutual assistance. Mbuah Page dance describes how villagers conducting a series of activities in the fields, ranging from rice planting until harvest results. This research aimed to identify the symbols used in Mbuah Page dance on Merdang-merdem ceremony. The research method used in this study is qualitative and interpretative methods of interpretation Semiotics of Roland Barthes. Analysis of the data in this study are exploratory descriptive explanations to describe and explain a phenomenon. Test the validity of data is a source of triangulation to strengthen the analysis in this research. The results mentioned that Mbuah Page dance used the media to convey the message the values of mutual assistance. The message was built by the symbolism inherent in the dance, among others, whole body movements of dancers, musical accompaniment, traditional clothing and other devices all of which have relationships with one another. It can be concluded from this research process have meanings that explain the noble values of mutual help and Mbuah Page dance became the media to convey the message to the public about the importance of a spirit of mutual assistance in a life together.
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, 2020
Gerindra presented an ad under the title of “Indonesia Bergerak Bersama Gerindra dan Rakyat versi... more Gerindra presented an ad under the title of “Indonesia Bergerak Bersama Gerindra dan Rakyat version Sarjana Kerja Kerja Kerja !”, but due to the use of symbols and visualization, it became viral and caused controversy in the community. This study aims to determine the opinion of millennials response after watching the ads. The research is qualitative research approach used is the analysis of the reception, the technique of collecting data is using interviews, observation and document analysis. The theory used to analyze the meaning of the audience is the encoding-decoding, reception analysis theory and new media theory. The result of this study indicate three position of millennials reception, namely a dominant, negotiated, and oppositional position. In the dominant position, it’s considered as a good political ad because it successfully criticizes the government by presenting the reality of the existing problems. In the negotiating position, millennials saw the ads containing a mes...
ABSTRAK Program Gemarikan merupakan program pemerintah untuk membangun kesadaran gizi individu da... more ABSTRAK Program Gemarikan merupakan program pemerintah untuk membangun kesadaran gizi individu dan kolektif masyarakat melalui konsumsi ikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perencanaan, pelaksanaan serta evaluasi strategi komunikasi Program Gemarikan milik Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan DIY region Kabupaten Sleman. Peneliti menggunakan teori difusi inovasi untuk melihat proses dari inovasi yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan DIY dalam mengimplementasikan program Gemarikan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara, dan penelaahan dokumen. Sumber data pada penelitian ini terdiri dari data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi komunikasi yang digunakan oleh Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan DIY merupakan komunikasi tatap muka melalui sosialisasi Gemarikan dan pelatihan Alih Teknologi dan Informasi. Strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan pada program Gemarikan ini dapat mewujudkan tujuan utam...
The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies, Jun 1, 2020
Intercultural communication is communiction made by people who have different cultures, which ten... more Intercultural communication is communiction made by people who have different cultures, which tend to cause problems. This happened between the people of Manggarai tribe with indigenous people of Yogyakarta in Sleman regency. This study intends explore to analyze the intercultural communication process of Manggarai tribe with indigenous people of Yogyakarta in Sleman District and to identify communication problems between Manggarai tribes and indigenous people of Yogyakarta in Sleman District. This research uses the theory of ethnocentrism, this type of research is qualitative by using descriptive approach, which describes a social phenomenon. In the sense that this study aims to describe something that happens in the field. This study uses data collection techniques with in-depth interviews, observation and literature study. The result of this research is the process of interaction of association which covers cooperation, accomodation, assimilation so that acculturation happens. Th...
Paradigma: Jurnal Masalah Sosial, Politik, dan Kebijakan
Instagram now become one of the popular social media among teenagers this time. Teenagers use Ins... more Instagram now become one of the popular social media among teenagers this time. Teenagers use Instagram as a means to show self existence and social life. at age teenagers Is age where teenagers search for self identity. So that is Instagram become one of the media of teenagers distributing their creativity. The purpose of this research is explain the establishment of the identity virtual teenagers users instagram in the Cawas village through social media Instagram. The theory used is the theory Identity Manuel Castell, theory New Media and contruction identity. This study using a method of descriptive qualitative. The result of this study discovered that in upload photos on instagram teenagers have the concept that they were going to spend. Environmental influences around become one of the factors that affects of teenagers in forming the selft identity. One of indicator that shows existence of informan by the number of Like and Followers. The informants most inspired by the influen...
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, Jan 29, 2014
This research reveals all the signs and symbols of discrimination and racism in film Australia. T... more This research reveals all the signs and symbols of discrimination and racism in film Australia. The film is a film with a kind of fiction, but the story of the film is part of the true story of the conflict between the Aborigines by white men filled with the treatment of discrimination and racism. This behavior occurred since the arrival of white people who are British prisoners exiled to Australia. The white men then build a new colony by opening the land to the Aborigines being displaced into the interior, and they assume that the Aborigines are a group of people with an ancient culture and have no intellectual capacity so that their existence as a tribe native to Australia is considered bad by the people white. This research explores the signs of discrimination and racism in Australian films using triangulation from Roland Barthes' semiotic theory is then obtained result is a representation of the meaning of discrimination and racism found in Australian films. In the study of signs and symbols in the film Australia. This research is also supported by the articles about the social reality in Australia, articles and discrimination and racism in the film text analysis. The research results obtained representation of the symbols of discrimination and racism contained in the Australian films that are part of everyday life between Aboriginal and white people. Discrimination and racism itself is still not an integral part of social life in Australia, and unfair behavior arbitrarily still frequently in Aboriginal gain by the existence of which began in get rid of white people.
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, Feb 5, 2014
Java local culture in the era of globalization increasingly less attractive to young peoplein Yog... more Java local culture in the era of globalization increasingly less attractive to young peoplein Yogyakarta, compared to Western or Korean K-Pop culture. It will increasinglyfade away if ignored. This study aimed to find Javanese family in Yogyakarta was disseminating local culture to their children. The research methods usedis descriptive qualitative, data collection, in-depth interviews with 24 families Java Yogyakarta who have teenagers at Yogyakarta Province. The results identify that the Javanese family in Yogyakarta tried to socialize the local culture, namely Javanese language and attitudes. The Javanese parents socialize as they interpret the Javanese language and attitudes as their identity and hope the children can be respectful and appreciative to others. In addition, parents still hope that local culture can beincluded in the school curriculum. Their expectation would be possible to happen by the Privileges Act of Yogyakarta passed by the government of Indonesia, which accommodate local culture. Abstrak Budaya lokal Jawa dalam era globalisais semakin kurang diminati oleh generasi muda di Yogyakarta, dibandingkan dengan budaya Barat atau budaya K-Pop dari Korea. Hal ini jika didiamkan akan semakin hilang dan tentu saja tidak lestari lagi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keluarga Jawa di Yogyakarta dalam mensosialisasikan budaya lokal kepada anak-anaknya. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif deskripstif, pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam kepada 24 keluarga Jawa Yogyakarta yang memiliki anak remaja di DIY (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta). Hasil penelitian mengindentifikasikan bahwa keluarga Jawa di Yogyakarta berusaha mensosialisasikan budaya lokal yaitu bahasa Jawa dan sikap hidup orang Jawa. Orang tua Jawa mensosialisasikan karena mereka memaknai bahasa dan sikap hidup orang Jawa sebagai identitas orang Jawa dan harapannya anakanak bisa bersikap hormat dan menghargai orang lain. Di samping itu orang tua juga masih mengharapkan agar budaya lokal dapat dimasukan dalam kurikulum sekolah. Harapan tersebut kiranya akan terwujud dengan disahkan Undang-Undang Kesitimewaan Yogyakarta oleh pemerintah RI yang mengakomodasikan budaya lokal.
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, Aug 1, 2008
Human relation is an integral part of an organization or company since all of activities conducte... more Human relation is an integral part of an organization or company since all of activities conducted is intented to create organizations or companys positive image before the public. For creating such positive image to the existing role of human relations in the management of informational contens of regional government's website as media of communications relation with society. Human relations has role as communication fasilitatos i.e legal practisioner behaving as communicator or mediator to create two why or reciprocal communication between the organization or company and its public though online media. The purpose of this reseach was to know the role of human relations of regional Government of Sragen Regency in management of informational content in Regional Government's website as communications relations with society in Regional Government of Sragen Regency. This reseach used descriptive qualitative reseach method. Technique of data collection was conducted by interview, observation and literal study. The result of this research suggests that human relation of Regional Government of Sragen Regency has role in organisational management in management process of informational contents contained in Regional Government's website. Human relations strives to fulfill social demand to gain information on all policies, program and activated conducted by government. However, active participations of society is still felt as lack. Communication relations relate between government and society through online media has not been conducted optimally. There is still few amount of society that knows Regional Government's website. Society only takes the advantages of website merely for gaining information. Thus, human relation keeps maintaining the use of conservative media as medium for conveying information to the cociety.
The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies, Aug 5, 2019
The purpose of this study was to analyze disaster communication management activities carried out... more The purpose of this study was to analyze disaster communication management activities carried out by the Sleman Emergency Operation Center in coordinating disaster information and identifying information coordination that occurred between Kab. Sleman, community, and non-governmental organizations @merapi_news. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data search is done by in-depth interviews with parties involved in the disaster management process, namely Supervisors, Operators of PB Emergency Operations District. Sleman, the private organization @Merapi_news, and the Sleman community. The results of the study showed that the Sleman Emergency Operation Center was still not maximal in the implementation of the disaster communication management process. The lack of coordination of information that causes miss communication and distribution of disaster information to the community is often too late, the use of Instagram social media is not optimal by the Sleman Emergency Operation Center, and mitigation needs to be done simultaneously both BPBD and Pusdalops to shape the attitudes and knowledge of the community and implementing officers in disaster management.
The Indonesian Journal Of Communication Studies (IJCS), Dec 1, 2008
Interethnic marriage means legal union of spouse from different ethnic group. It is a form of cul... more Interethnic marriage means legal union of spouse from different ethnic group. It is a form of cultural background differences at interpersonal level (micro). Besides, starting their new marriage life, the couple must also adjust themselves respectively toward different cultural elements. The method of the research is interpretive-qualitative with symbolic interaction approach. Participants of the research were selected from those who have been through the process of cultural adjustment in interethnic marriage. Data was collected by deeply interviewing and observing 13 couples, Sundanese and non-Sundanese that have been married for more than 10 years and have children. Generally, the research shown that Sunda cultural and custom of couples’ ethnic identity difference formed a communication interethnic marriage patterns Sundanese and non Sundanese in Bandung. The results of the research were divided into three findings : firstly the communication patterns of interethnic marriage can be classified into; (1) dominant, (2) initiative, (3) combination, (4) adaptive, and (5) creative. Secondly, various pressures in the interethnic marriage life mainly caused by financial support for their extended family, different food appetite, life style and social comments. Thirdly, the interethnic couples can accommodate the differences in treating their children and interacting with their extended family.
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, Apr 30, 2015
Bobung Tourism Village is a tourist village that located in the Village Putat, District Patuk, Gu... more Bobung Tourism Village is a tourist village that located in the Village Putat, District Patuk, Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. This tourist village Bobung livelihood has wooden batik craftsmen and masks. Tourism Village Bobung possess not only the craft tour, but there are many kinds of travel in it. Badan Pengelola Desa Wisata (BPDW) Bobung required to be able to determine the use of effective communication channels. Although there has been a marketing communication activities in BPDW Bobung but it can not be said to be the maximum because BPDW Bobung has not yet evaluated its marketing communications activities on a regular basis. Then the conclusion is BPDW Bobung has done just that marketing communications should be maximized again for example with special assistance from the Universities and BPDW Bobung should conduct soft skills and hard skills training so as to optimize the external support such as promotional support from the Dinas Kebudayaan dan Kepariwisataan Kabupaten Gunungkidul and support of PT. Angkasa Pura Bandar Udara 1 Adisucipto Yogyakarta to make cultural events to be known by the people and can increase the number of tourists.
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, Dec 1, 2008
Polygamy matter has been some hot issue which is deliberated by many people, especially after the... more Polygamy matter has been some hot issue which is deliberated by many people, especially after the confession of ustadz Abdullah Gymnastiar, the leader of Daarut Tauhid Geger, Kalung Girang, Jawa Barat, school of Koranic studies; who is married to a widow named Alfarini Eridani to be his second wife. The marriage of Aa Gym divided people into two sides, one side supported, and the other refused, while the government was also involved in. By means of mass media, then it would be seen how the attitude tendency of a media in viewing polygamy issue would be exacerbate, neutralize, or supportive through framing analyzes.
The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies, Aug 5, 2019
PT. Aseli Dagadu Djokdja is a Yogyakarta based alternative souvenir provider that has the slogan ... more PT. Aseli Dagadu Djokdja is a Yogyakarta based alternative souvenir provider that has the slogan "Smart, Smile, Djokdja". Jogja's distinctive culture which is represented through various aspects makes PT. Aseli Dagadu Djokdja collaborates with the younger generation of future movers to work part-time as the leading service forces or known as Garda Depan. This study aims to determine the communication organization patterns formed on Garda Depan in passing on the corporate culture. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method by conducting in-depth interviews and observations as sources of research data, and using data triangulation techniques to test the validity of the data obtained. Garda Depan's Program, which is one form of corporate social responsibility, lasts 8-12 months. With this personnel change cycle, the company implemented a training curriculum for candidates of Garda Depan to be able to pass on the various corporate cultures that exist in Dagadu. Through indoor training and internship at the recruitment stage, as well as 4an, sharing bulanan and internalan, there is an effort to inherit the culture from the company to the Garda Depan. Through organizational information theory, researchers found that communication patterns that occur are two-way by applying upward, downward, and horizontal communication. However, in its implementation there are obstacles in the form of language differences, seniority and the short duration of the internship. Althought that happens, it doesn't reduce the process of developing relationships in Garda Depan who initially do not know each other to become a family with the whole of company.
Paradigma: Jurnal Masalah Sosial, Politik, dan Kebijakan, 2017
Paradigma: Jurnal Masalah Sosial, Politik, dan Kebijakan, 2019
Perbedaan budaya bisa menimbulkan konflik dan berdampak pada perubahan pola komunikasi. Peristiwa... more Perbedaan budaya bisa menimbulkan konflik dan berdampak pada perubahan pola komunikasi. Peristiwa penembakan yang terjadi di Lapas Cebongan dan menewaskan empat warga dari NTT memberi pengaruh yang besar terhadap perubahan pola komunikasi antarbudaya mahasiswa NTT di Yogyakarta khusunya di Tambak Bayan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menemukan model komunikasi antarbudaya antara mahasiswa NTT dengan penduduk Tambak Bayan dan mengidentifikasi upaya- Avant Garde | Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi VOL 3 NO.2 Desember 2015 | 198 upaya apa saja yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa NTT untuk menjaga hubungan baik dengan penduduk Tambak Bayan. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori etnosentrisme dan face negociation theory. Metode penelitiannya kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perubahan dalam pola komunikasi antarbudaya mahasiswa NTT dengan penduduk Tambak Bayan. Sebelum peristiwa Cebongan, proses komunikasi antardua kelompok beda budaya ini ber...
International Journal in Computer Simulation, 2020
Criticism is one element that can keep the existing system in its tracks and not get out of the w... more Criticism is one element that can keep the existing system in its tracks and not get out of the way the system should be. Anti-tank has initially been one of the artists and activists who expressed their criticism using posters in Yogyakarta. This study aims to determine the content of criticism in the Antitank Project and the tendency of criticism. The method is content analysis. The theory used is the spiral silence theory and Habermas' critical theory. The study population amounted to 192 images in the period of January 2016 - December 2018. The study sample was taken 46 pictures to be examined because of the repetition of several photographs. The research results show that there is a tendency in Antitank criticism, namely in the political field, in which there is an important element of power and has high publicity. The object of criticism of Anti-tank's dominant work is the state government, which holds the country's highest authority. Communication of indirect crit...
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2017
This study aims to analyze marketing communication media used by Women farmer group or KWT. KWT "... more This study aims to analyze marketing communication media used by Women farmer group or KWT. KWT "Pawon Gendis " is a group of women farmers who produce processed products from the leaf of Pegagan into snack foods and local snacks. This research is aimed at developing web 2.0 marketing communications by using participatory action research method, which will place the domestic industry practitioners as an active participant in finding the model of marketing communication which is applied for their business. The results showed that Pawon Gendis Farmer Group (KWT) marketed more processed products using personal selling, by being purchased directly at production sites, sold at stands or through local food exhibitions. Social media used is WhatsApp and Facebook, both media platform is still limited as a means of communication media among members, customers, and media information activities of KWT members. Social media has not been utilized as a marketing medium, this is due to the limitations of internet network facilities and mastery of web 2.0 based communication technology.
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2020
Kota Magelang merupakan salah satu Kota di wilayah Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang sedang melaksanakan ... more Kota Magelang merupakan salah satu Kota di wilayah Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang sedang melaksanakan city branding Magelang Kota Sejuta Bunga (MKSB) dengan slogannya MKSB masih dianggap belum mewujudkan karakter. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses konstruksi realita yang telah dibangun di Kota Magelang sejak delapan tahun melaksanakan city branding Magelang Kota Sejuta Bunga dari segi pemerintahannya dan segi secara realitas pada masyarakat Kota Magelang dengan menggunakan pemikiran melalui Teori Konstruksi Realitas Sosial. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Teori konstruksi sosial atas realitas dan konsep city branding menjadi landasan dalam membahas hasil penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak selarasnya pemahaman dan komunikasi pemerintah terhadap masyarakat Kota Magelang dalam City branding Magelang Kota Sejuta Bunga (MKSB). Kurangnya pemahanan masyarakat Kota Magelang terhadap konstruksi yang dibangun oleh pemerintah Kota ...
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2014
Page dance as one of the traditional arts are not just as a means of entertainment, but loaded wi... more Page dance as one of the traditional arts are not just as a means of entertainment, but loaded with deep values. This dance is one of the traditional dance of the Karo people who are still found in traditional event Merdang-Merdem in Perbesi Village. This dance is used as media to convey the message of values mutual assistance. Mbuah Page dance describes how villagers conducting a series of activities in the fields, ranging from rice planting until harvest results. This research aimed to identify the symbols used in Mbuah Page dance on Merdang-merdem ceremony. The research method used in this study is qualitative and interpretative methods of interpretation Semiotics of Roland Barthes. Analysis of the data in this study are exploratory descriptive explanations to describe and explain a phenomenon. Test the validity of data is a source of triangulation to strengthen the analysis in this research. The results mentioned that Mbuah Page dance used the media to convey the message the values of mutual assistance. The message was built by the symbolism inherent in the dance, among others, whole body movements of dancers, musical accompaniment, traditional clothing and other devices all of which have relationships with one another. It can be concluded from this research process have meanings that explain the noble values of mutual help and Mbuah Page dance became the media to convey the message to the public about the importance of a spirit of mutual assistance in a life together.
Jurnal ilmu Komunikasi, 2020
Gerindra presented an ad under the title of “Indonesia Bergerak Bersama Gerindra dan Rakyat versi... more Gerindra presented an ad under the title of “Indonesia Bergerak Bersama Gerindra dan Rakyat version Sarjana Kerja Kerja Kerja !”, but due to the use of symbols and visualization, it became viral and caused controversy in the community. This study aims to determine the opinion of millennials response after watching the ads. The research is qualitative research approach used is the analysis of the reception, the technique of collecting data is using interviews, observation and document analysis. The theory used to analyze the meaning of the audience is the encoding-decoding, reception analysis theory and new media theory. The result of this study indicate three position of millennials reception, namely a dominant, negotiated, and oppositional position. In the dominant position, it’s considered as a good political ad because it successfully criticizes the government by presenting the reality of the existing problems. In the negotiating position, millennials saw the ads containing a mes...
ABSTRAK Program Gemarikan merupakan program pemerintah untuk membangun kesadaran gizi individu da... more ABSTRAK Program Gemarikan merupakan program pemerintah untuk membangun kesadaran gizi individu dan kolektif masyarakat melalui konsumsi ikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perencanaan, pelaksanaan serta evaluasi strategi komunikasi Program Gemarikan milik Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan DIY region Kabupaten Sleman. Peneliti menggunakan teori difusi inovasi untuk melihat proses dari inovasi yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan DIY dalam mengimplementasikan program Gemarikan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara, dan penelaahan dokumen. Sumber data pada penelitian ini terdiri dari data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi komunikasi yang digunakan oleh Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan DIY merupakan komunikasi tatap muka melalui sosialisasi Gemarikan dan pelatihan Alih Teknologi dan Informasi. Strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan pada program Gemarikan ini dapat mewujudkan tujuan utam...