Christoph Fünfzig - (original) (raw)


Papers by Christoph Fünfzig

Research paper thumbnail of Semi-Uniform, 2-different tessellation of triangular parametric surface

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtual City Map Generation using Area Subdivision

In this paper we present a new approach to build typical street networks for urban and rural area... more In this paper we present a new approach to build typical street networks for urban and rural areas automatically. Most street networks have a characteristic appearance which is a mixture between a kind of a regular spreading of streets and various perturbations of the regular structure, e.g., caused by the terrain. Our City Map Generation (CMG) algorithm gets as input an height field including watercourses and restricted areas such as nature protection areas or mountain areas. Furthermore, the user can specify the urbanization by the number of city centers or by a density map. The CMG algorithm produces a street map for the given landscape based on rules, which the user can also modify to obtain an individual appearance. Additionally, the regular structure is varied by a set of rules incorporating randomness. The results can be used to generate models for city areas, e.g., in movies and commercials. Depending on the demands, our flexible approach can be adjusted to produce a variety of road maps automatically. We show some examples and demonstrate that our algorithm is easy to implement and to use.

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Research paper thumbnail of Visual Debugger for Single-Point-Contact Haptic Rendering

Software Engineering (Workshops), 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimizations for Tensorial Bernstein–Based Solvers by Using Polyhedral Bounds

International Journal of Shape Modeling, Jun 1, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Two different views on collision detection

IEEE Potentials, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Wenn steckbare Blöcke auf die unendlichen Möglichkeiten der Virtuellen Realität treffen

Mensch & Computer, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Haptic manipulation of rational parametric planar cubics using shape constraints

ABSTRACT In this paper, we show how to deform a planar rational cubic based on a local interpolat... more ABSTRACT In this paper, we show how to deform a planar rational cubic based on a local interpolation constraint while retaining the qualitative shape of the curve. An impedance-type, parallel haptic device is used to signal changes of the number of inflection points, cusps and loops during the deformation. In this way, the user is provided with an intuitive and natural guidance throughout the curve's shape generation process in CAD.

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Research paper thumbnail of Easy realignment of k-dop bounding volumes

Graphics Interface, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of PNG1 triangles for tangent plane continuous surfaces on the GPU

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtual blox

There are a plethora of brick systems on the market these days. Children and young adults play ve... more There are a plethora of brick systems on the market these days. Children and young adults play very creatively with the interlocking bricks. Even adults like the colorful bricks and build models with them quickly and easily. In this paper we present our brick system solution for the virtual world, playable with the HTC Vive and two controllers. For our solution, we transferred the brick properties of the real world into the virtual one. Play patterns like grabbing a brick, connecting it to other bricks or releasing it needed to be converted for the virtual world. Virtual reality is capable of enhancing the play experience in a way that would not be possible in the real world. To support the building process, we implemented several forms of assistance. These were positively evaluated by players.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bases tensorielles de Bernstein et solveurs

TSI, Jul 28, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Empirical Comparison of Data Structures for Line-Of-Sight Computation

Line-of-sight (LOS) computation is important for interrogation of heightfield grids in the contex... more Line-of-sight (LOS) computation is important for interrogation of heightfield grids in the context of geo information and many simulation tasks like electromagnetic wave propagation and flight surveillance. Compared to searching the regular grid directly, more advanced data structures like a 2.5 d kd-tree offer better performance. We describe the definition of a 2.5 d kd-tree from the digital elevation model

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Research paper thumbnail of G1 rational blend interpolatory schemes: A comparative study

Graphical Models /graphical Models and Image Processing /computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Hierarchical spherical distance fields for collision detection

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Adaptive Tesselation of Subdivision Surfaces in OpenSG

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Research paper thumbnail of TRIPS - A Scalable Spatial Sound Library for OpenSG

We present a Sound Library that is scalable on several computers and that brings the idea of a se... more We present a Sound Library that is scalable on several computers and that brings the idea of a self-organized scenegraph to the Sound Library’s interface. It supports the implementation of audio features right from the start at a high productivity level for rapid prototypes as well as for professional applications in the immersive domain. The system is built on top of OpenSG 12 which offers a high level of functionality for visual applications and research, but does not come with audio support. We show and compare the effort to implement audio in an OpenSG application with and without TRIPS. Today’s audio systems only accept raw 3D-coordinates and are limited to run on the same computer and the same operating system than the application runs on. Breaking these constraints could give developers more freedom and ease to add high-quality spatial sound to their software. Therefore, users benefit from the promising potential OpenSG offers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Dinus

ACM Transactions on Graphics, Jun 1, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Polytope-based computation of polynomial ranges

Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Etat de l'art des méthodes d'interpolation locale de maillages triangulaires par des facettes non-planes C 0 -continues

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Research paper thumbnail of Linear Programming for Bernstein Based Solvers

Springer eBooks, 2011

Some interval Newton solvers rely on tensorial Bernstein bases to compute sharp enclosures of mul... more Some interval Newton solvers rely on tensorial Bernstein bases to compute sharp enclosures of multivariate polynomials on the unit hypercube. These solvers compute all coefficients with respect to tensorial Bernstein bases. Unfortunately, polynomials become exponential size in tensorial Bernstein bases. This article gives the first polynomial time method to solve this issue. A polynomial number of relevant Bernstein polynomials is selected. The non-negativity of each of these Bernstein polynomials gives a linear inequality in a space connected to the monomials of the canonical tensorial basis. We resort to linear programming on the resulting Bernstein polytope to compute range bounds of a polynomial or bounds of the zero set.

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Research paper thumbnail of Semi-Uniform, 2-different tessellation of triangular parametric surface

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtual City Map Generation using Area Subdivision

In this paper we present a new approach to build typical street networks for urban and rural area... more In this paper we present a new approach to build typical street networks for urban and rural areas automatically. Most street networks have a characteristic appearance which is a mixture between a kind of a regular spreading of streets and various perturbations of the regular structure, e.g., caused by the terrain. Our City Map Generation (CMG) algorithm gets as input an height field including watercourses and restricted areas such as nature protection areas or mountain areas. Furthermore, the user can specify the urbanization by the number of city centers or by a density map. The CMG algorithm produces a street map for the given landscape based on rules, which the user can also modify to obtain an individual appearance. Additionally, the regular structure is varied by a set of rules incorporating randomness. The results can be used to generate models for city areas, e.g., in movies and commercials. Depending on the demands, our flexible approach can be adjusted to produce a variety of road maps automatically. We show some examples and demonstrate that our algorithm is easy to implement and to use.

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Research paper thumbnail of Visual Debugger for Single-Point-Contact Haptic Rendering

Software Engineering (Workshops), 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimizations for Tensorial Bernstein–Based Solvers by Using Polyhedral Bounds

International Journal of Shape Modeling, Jun 1, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Two different views on collision detection

IEEE Potentials, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Wenn steckbare Blöcke auf die unendlichen Möglichkeiten der Virtuellen Realität treffen

Mensch & Computer, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Haptic manipulation of rational parametric planar cubics using shape constraints

ABSTRACT In this paper, we show how to deform a planar rational cubic based on a local interpolat... more ABSTRACT In this paper, we show how to deform a planar rational cubic based on a local interpolation constraint while retaining the qualitative shape of the curve. An impedance-type, parallel haptic device is used to signal changes of the number of inflection points, cusps and loops during the deformation. In this way, the user is provided with an intuitive and natural guidance throughout the curve's shape generation process in CAD.

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Research paper thumbnail of Easy realignment of k-dop bounding volumes

Graphics Interface, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of PNG1 triangles for tangent plane continuous surfaces on the GPU

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtual blox

There are a plethora of brick systems on the market these days. Children and young adults play ve... more There are a plethora of brick systems on the market these days. Children and young adults play very creatively with the interlocking bricks. Even adults like the colorful bricks and build models with them quickly and easily. In this paper we present our brick system solution for the virtual world, playable with the HTC Vive and two controllers. For our solution, we transferred the brick properties of the real world into the virtual one. Play patterns like grabbing a brick, connecting it to other bricks or releasing it needed to be converted for the virtual world. Virtual reality is capable of enhancing the play experience in a way that would not be possible in the real world. To support the building process, we implemented several forms of assistance. These were positively evaluated by players.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bases tensorielles de Bernstein et solveurs

TSI, Jul 28, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Empirical Comparison of Data Structures for Line-Of-Sight Computation

Line-of-sight (LOS) computation is important for interrogation of heightfield grids in the contex... more Line-of-sight (LOS) computation is important for interrogation of heightfield grids in the context of geo information and many simulation tasks like electromagnetic wave propagation and flight surveillance. Compared to searching the regular grid directly, more advanced data structures like a 2.5 d kd-tree offer better performance. We describe the definition of a 2.5 d kd-tree from the digital elevation model

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Research paper thumbnail of G1 rational blend interpolatory schemes: A comparative study

Graphical Models /graphical Models and Image Processing /computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Hierarchical spherical distance fields for collision detection

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Adaptive Tesselation of Subdivision Surfaces in OpenSG

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Research paper thumbnail of TRIPS - A Scalable Spatial Sound Library for OpenSG

We present a Sound Library that is scalable on several computers and that brings the idea of a se... more We present a Sound Library that is scalable on several computers and that brings the idea of a self-organized scenegraph to the Sound Library’s interface. It supports the implementation of audio features right from the start at a high productivity level for rapid prototypes as well as for professional applications in the immersive domain. The system is built on top of OpenSG 12 which offers a high level of functionality for visual applications and research, but does not come with audio support. We show and compare the effort to implement audio in an OpenSG application with and without TRIPS. Today’s audio systems only accept raw 3D-coordinates and are limited to run on the same computer and the same operating system than the application runs on. Breaking these constraints could give developers more freedom and ease to add high-quality spatial sound to their software. Therefore, users benefit from the promising potential OpenSG offers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Dinus

ACM Transactions on Graphics, Jun 1, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Polytope-based computation of polynomial ranges

Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Etat de l'art des méthodes d'interpolation locale de maillages triangulaires par des facettes non-planes C 0 -continues

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Research paper thumbnail of Linear Programming for Bernstein Based Solvers

Springer eBooks, 2011

Some interval Newton solvers rely on tensorial Bernstein bases to compute sharp enclosures of mul... more Some interval Newton solvers rely on tensorial Bernstein bases to compute sharp enclosures of multivariate polynomials on the unit hypercube. These solvers compute all coefficients with respect to tensorial Bernstein bases. Unfortunately, polynomials become exponential size in tensorial Bernstein bases. This article gives the first polynomial time method to solve this issue. A polynomial number of relevant Bernstein polynomials is selected. The non-negativity of each of these Bernstein polynomials gives a linear inequality in a space connected to the monomials of the canonical tensorial basis. We resort to linear programming on the resulting Bernstein polytope to compute range bounds of a polynomial or bounds of the zero set.

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