Cihat Örken - (original) (raw)
Papers by Cihat Örken
Türk Nöroloji Dergisi, 2008
IUBMB Life (International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Life), 2006
We investigated the association of PON1 55/192 polymorphisms with type, severity and prognosis of... more We investigated the association of PON1 55/192 polymorphisms with type, severity and prognosis of stroke and oxidative markers. Paraoxonase1 (PON1), Glutathione Reductase (GSH-Rd) and Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were measured at day 1 and at day 5 following the onset of stroke. Genotypes were determined by polymerase chain reaction and restriction digestion. The frequencies of QQ and MM genotypes of PON1 192 and PON1 55, respectively, were significantly higher in controls than in patients. However, the allele frequencies of PON1 192 R and PON1 55 L were significantly more frequent in patients compared to controls. The frequency of combined genotype of RR/LL was significantly higher in cardioembolic group than in atherothrombotic group. PON1 activities were significantly diminished in stroke patients compared to controls. In contrast, serum MDA levels were significantly greater in patients than the values in controls. GSH-Rd activity was higher in patients with small lesion and good prognosis than those with large and poor prognosis. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) levels in patients with large lesions were higher than those with small lesions. PON1 55/192 polymorphisms influence activity of the enzyme. PON1 55/192 genotypes have been associated with MDA levels. In conclusion, PON1 genetic variations are associated with risk factors, severity, type and prognosis of stroke and oxidative stress.
Journal of …, 2006
... Figen VARLIBAŞ, Mehmet GENCER, Cihat ÖRKEN, Nursen ÇAKAL, Hülya TİRELİ. ... İskemik serebrova... more ... Figen VARLIBAŞ, Mehmet GENCER, Cihat ÖRKEN, Nursen ÇAKAL, Hülya TİRELİ. ... İskemik serebrovasküler 354 (kardiyoembolik 99, büyük arter aterosklerozu 147, küçük damar oklüzyonu 108) ve intraserebral hemorajili 120 olmak üzere toplam 474 hasta incelenmiştir. ...
ÖZET Hipertiroidizm, tiroid hormonunun kandaki konsantrasyonunun artması sonucu sistemik ve nörol... more ÖZET Hipertiroidizm, tiroid hormonunun kandaki konsantrasyonunun artması sonucu sistemik ve nörolojik bulgularla seyredebilen bir tablodur. Bu yaz ıda 16 yaşındaki erkek hasta; 5 y ı ldır var olan, son 3-4 aydır şiddetlenen, ça-buk yorulma, kol ve bacaklar ında dalgalanarak yayılan seyirme şikâyetleri ile de ğerlendirmeye alınm ıştır. Ön-celikle miyopati ve kanalopatiler araştırılm ış, sadece hafif düzeyde T4 hormon düzeyi yüksek bulunmu ştur. Hi-pertiroidi tedavisi ile klinik tabloda dramatik düzelme görülmesi, hafif düzeyde tiroid hormon düzeyi yüksekli ği-nin alışılagelmişin dışında belirgin sistemik ve nörolojik bulgularla seyredebildiğini göstermiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Hipertiroidizm, myopati, kanalopati Düşünen Adam; 2005, 18(2): 101-106 ABSTRACT A Case of Hyperthyroidism with Increased Muscle Activity Hyperthyroidism is a clinical syndrome with systemic and neurological features developing as a result of elevation in thyroid hormone levels. A 16 year-old male patient was ad...
Turkish Journal Of Neurology, 2020
Re cei ved/Ge lifl Ta ri hi: 14.04.2019 Ac cep ted/Ka bul Ta ri hi: 23.01.2020
TURKDERM, Apr 4, 2019
Tümör nekroz faktörü-alfa (TNF-α) inhibitörlerinin birçok romatizmal ve otoimmün hastalığın tedav... more Tümör nekroz faktörü-alfa (TNF-α) inhibitörlerinin birçok romatizmal ve otoimmün hastalığın tedavisinde kullanımları son yıllarda artmıştır. TNF-α inhibitörlerine bağlı nörolojik yan etkiler nadir görülmelerine karşın oldukça ciddi komplikasyonlar oluşturabilirler. TNF-α inhibitörleri hem santral hem de periferik sinir sistemine ilişkin demiyelinizan tablolara yol açabilir. Klinik tablo, biyolojik ajan tedavisinin kesilmesi ile düzelebildiği gibi, bazı olgularda sistemik steroid veya intravenöz immünoglobülin tedavisine gereksinim duyulabilir. Burada, standart tedaviye dirençli piyoderma gangrenosum nedeniyle infliksimab tedavisi başlanmasından sonra motor nöropati gelişen bir olgu sunulmaktadır.
Eurasian Journal of Medical Investigation, 2018
V isual findings are of great importance among the nonmotor symptoms of PD. Decrease in visual ac... more V isual findings are of great importance among the nonmotor symptoms of PD. Decrease in visual acuity, color vision and contrast sensitivity might be observed. Dysfunction is associated with both higher cortical function disorders and the retinal structure. [1] Objectives: This study evaluates Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) in Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease (PD) Patients; analyzes the relation between the disease's severity and such values, and investigates the presence of interocular asymmetry in patients with one-sided dominance. Methods: 40 eyes of 20 PD patients at various stages were evaluated. The disease's severity was measured via UPDRS (Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale) and Hoehn&Yahr (H&Y) scales. Results: There were 21 (52%) eyes with a pathological P100 latency. P100 latency prolonged as the H&Y staging went up; however, it was not statistically significant. Retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness was normal in 70% and retinal thinning was found in 25% of the eyes. The most thinning was observed in the lower and upper quadrant, respectively. Central macular thickness decreased in 62.5% and macular volume decreased in 70% of the eyes. The difference in average RNFL thickness was higher in patients with motor involvement on the left (p=0.044). Conclusion: It was observed that P100 latency prolonged in parallel with the progression of the disease stage, and average RNFL thickness increased in advanced stages while the central macular thickness and volume decreased. P100 latency can be measured in addition to UPDRS for evaluating the PD's severity.
SiSli Etfal Hastanesi Tip Bulteni / The Medical Bulletin of Sisli Hospital, 2019
Turkish Journal Of Neurology, 2018
Polymyositis-like Syndrome associated with hypothyroidism is a clinical condition characterized b... more Polymyositis-like Syndrome associated with hypothyroidism is a clinical condition characterized by proximal muscle weakness and an elevation of muscle enyzymes. Hypothyroid patients with weakness, cramps and muscle stiffness together with high creatine kinase (CK) levels are usually mis-diagnosed as polymyositis. In these patients the shoulder and pelvic muscles are affected and electrophysiologically non-spesific myopathic changes are seen in half of the patients with normal electrophysiologic studies in the other half. Histopathologically the two syndromes have similar findings; polymyositis and hypothyroidism associated polymyositis syndrome. A clinical response to L-thyroxine is the main clue for diagnosis. We present a 32 year old male patient with proximal muscle weakness and myalgia. He was healthy until 3 months ago when he started to have pain proximally in his lower extremities. He also had problems climbing stairs and raising his arms above his head. His pain got worse and upon admission due to his high CK level (4328U/L) he was diagnosed with polymyositis. There was proximal muscle weakness of the lower extremities on his neurological examination and he had a normal EMG study. His biochemical studies displayed hypothyroidism with a high TSH (203IU/ml) and low FT3 (0,206pg/ml) and FT4 (0,05ng/dl) levels. He also had an elevated anti-TPO (378IU/ml) and his thyroid ultrasonography was compatible with thyroiditis. His muscle biopsy displayed chronic myopathy findings with no inflammation. Since his clinical condition and biochemical profile responded well to thyroid replacement therapy and he was diagnosed as possible polymyositis-like syndrome associated with hypothyroidism.
n-Hexane is an isomer of hexane and was identified as a peripheral neurotoxin in 1964. The solven... more n-Hexane is an isomer of hexane and was identified as a peripheral neurotoxin in 1964. The solvents containing n-Hexane are used as cleaning agents in the printing, textile, furniture and shoemaking industries. Certain kinds of special glues used in the roofing, leather and shoe industries also contain n-hexane. Inhalation is the main route of occupational exposure. Symptoms of a sensorimotor type of neuropathy develops after a few months to a year of repeated overexposure to n-hexane. The first symptoms are sensory and consist of tingling, numbness, burning, or prickling sensations in the feet or toes. Usually there are mixed electrophysiological findings which include both axonal degeneration and demyelination. The neuropathology of n-hexane neuropathy is distinctive with axonal swelling and neurofilament accumulation. The only treatment is removal from n-hexane exposure and the prognosis is generally favorable. Recovery may take months to years. In Turkey n-Hexane is mostly used ...
onlinemakale.dusunenadamdergisi. …
İskemik serebral olaylarda sensitivitesi yüksek olan manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) migren i... more İskemik serebral olaylarda sensitivitesi yüksek olan manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) migren ile iskemik değişiklikler arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmak amacıyla birçok araştırmacı tarafindan kullanılmıştır. Migrenlilerde ak maddede T2'de hiperintens fokuslar son y ıllardaki ...
Background:Millions of people around the world regularly consume aspirin, but its value in determ... more Background:Millions of people around the world regularly consume aspirin, but its value in determining stroke severity is still not clear. It has been stated that prior aspirin use might reduce the severity of ischemic stroke by reducing the size of fibrin-platelet emboli or by ameliorating platelet hyperaggregability that occurs in the microcirculation. However there are only few large studies focusing on the early outcome of stroke patients including both ischemic stroke and primary intracerebral hemorrhage patients with prior aspirin therapy. Review Summary:We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of 2509 consecutive stroke patients who were hospitalized in the 2nd Neurology Clinic of Haydarpaşa Numune Education and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, during the period of 1993–2003. We compared the early mortality rates in the patients with prior aspirin use versus the patients without. Of the patients without prior aspirin use, 20.1% died during the first 3 weeks of the ...
Türk Nöroloji Dergisi, 2008
IUBMB Life (International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Life), 2006
We investigated the association of PON1 55/192 polymorphisms with type, severity and prognosis of... more We investigated the association of PON1 55/192 polymorphisms with type, severity and prognosis of stroke and oxidative markers. Paraoxonase1 (PON1), Glutathione Reductase (GSH-Rd) and Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were measured at day 1 and at day 5 following the onset of stroke. Genotypes were determined by polymerase chain reaction and restriction digestion. The frequencies of QQ and MM genotypes of PON1 192 and PON1 55, respectively, were significantly higher in controls than in patients. However, the allele frequencies of PON1 192 R and PON1 55 L were significantly more frequent in patients compared to controls. The frequency of combined genotype of RR/LL was significantly higher in cardioembolic group than in atherothrombotic group. PON1 activities were significantly diminished in stroke patients compared to controls. In contrast, serum MDA levels were significantly greater in patients than the values in controls. GSH-Rd activity was higher in patients with small lesion and good prognosis than those with large and poor prognosis. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) levels in patients with large lesions were higher than those with small lesions. PON1 55/192 polymorphisms influence activity of the enzyme. PON1 55/192 genotypes have been associated with MDA levels. In conclusion, PON1 genetic variations are associated with risk factors, severity, type and prognosis of stroke and oxidative stress.
Journal of …, 2006
... Figen VARLIBAŞ, Mehmet GENCER, Cihat ÖRKEN, Nursen ÇAKAL, Hülya TİRELİ. ... İskemik serebrova... more ... Figen VARLIBAŞ, Mehmet GENCER, Cihat ÖRKEN, Nursen ÇAKAL, Hülya TİRELİ. ... İskemik serebrovasküler 354 (kardiyoembolik 99, büyük arter aterosklerozu 147, küçük damar oklüzyonu 108) ve intraserebral hemorajili 120 olmak üzere toplam 474 hasta incelenmiştir. ...
ÖZET Hipertiroidizm, tiroid hormonunun kandaki konsantrasyonunun artması sonucu sistemik ve nörol... more ÖZET Hipertiroidizm, tiroid hormonunun kandaki konsantrasyonunun artması sonucu sistemik ve nörolojik bulgularla seyredebilen bir tablodur. Bu yaz ıda 16 yaşındaki erkek hasta; 5 y ı ldır var olan, son 3-4 aydır şiddetlenen, ça-buk yorulma, kol ve bacaklar ında dalgalanarak yayılan seyirme şikâyetleri ile de ğerlendirmeye alınm ıştır. Ön-celikle miyopati ve kanalopatiler araştırılm ış, sadece hafif düzeyde T4 hormon düzeyi yüksek bulunmu ştur. Hi-pertiroidi tedavisi ile klinik tabloda dramatik düzelme görülmesi, hafif düzeyde tiroid hormon düzeyi yüksekli ği-nin alışılagelmişin dışında belirgin sistemik ve nörolojik bulgularla seyredebildiğini göstermiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Hipertiroidizm, myopati, kanalopati Düşünen Adam; 2005, 18(2): 101-106 ABSTRACT A Case of Hyperthyroidism with Increased Muscle Activity Hyperthyroidism is a clinical syndrome with systemic and neurological features developing as a result of elevation in thyroid hormone levels. A 16 year-old male patient was ad...
Turkish Journal Of Neurology, 2020
Re cei ved/Ge lifl Ta ri hi: 14.04.2019 Ac cep ted/Ka bul Ta ri hi: 23.01.2020
TURKDERM, Apr 4, 2019
Tümör nekroz faktörü-alfa (TNF-α) inhibitörlerinin birçok romatizmal ve otoimmün hastalığın tedav... more Tümör nekroz faktörü-alfa (TNF-α) inhibitörlerinin birçok romatizmal ve otoimmün hastalığın tedavisinde kullanımları son yıllarda artmıştır. TNF-α inhibitörlerine bağlı nörolojik yan etkiler nadir görülmelerine karşın oldukça ciddi komplikasyonlar oluşturabilirler. TNF-α inhibitörleri hem santral hem de periferik sinir sistemine ilişkin demiyelinizan tablolara yol açabilir. Klinik tablo, biyolojik ajan tedavisinin kesilmesi ile düzelebildiği gibi, bazı olgularda sistemik steroid veya intravenöz immünoglobülin tedavisine gereksinim duyulabilir. Burada, standart tedaviye dirençli piyoderma gangrenosum nedeniyle infliksimab tedavisi başlanmasından sonra motor nöropati gelişen bir olgu sunulmaktadır.
Eurasian Journal of Medical Investigation, 2018
V isual findings are of great importance among the nonmotor symptoms of PD. Decrease in visual ac... more V isual findings are of great importance among the nonmotor symptoms of PD. Decrease in visual acuity, color vision and contrast sensitivity might be observed. Dysfunction is associated with both higher cortical function disorders and the retinal structure. [1] Objectives: This study evaluates Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) in Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease (PD) Patients; analyzes the relation between the disease's severity and such values, and investigates the presence of interocular asymmetry in patients with one-sided dominance. Methods: 40 eyes of 20 PD patients at various stages were evaluated. The disease's severity was measured via UPDRS (Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale) and Hoehn&Yahr (H&Y) scales. Results: There were 21 (52%) eyes with a pathological P100 latency. P100 latency prolonged as the H&Y staging went up; however, it was not statistically significant. Retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness was normal in 70% and retinal thinning was found in 25% of the eyes. The most thinning was observed in the lower and upper quadrant, respectively. Central macular thickness decreased in 62.5% and macular volume decreased in 70% of the eyes. The difference in average RNFL thickness was higher in patients with motor involvement on the left (p=0.044). Conclusion: It was observed that P100 latency prolonged in parallel with the progression of the disease stage, and average RNFL thickness increased in advanced stages while the central macular thickness and volume decreased. P100 latency can be measured in addition to UPDRS for evaluating the PD's severity.
SiSli Etfal Hastanesi Tip Bulteni / The Medical Bulletin of Sisli Hospital, 2019
Turkish Journal Of Neurology, 2018
Polymyositis-like Syndrome associated with hypothyroidism is a clinical condition characterized b... more Polymyositis-like Syndrome associated with hypothyroidism is a clinical condition characterized by proximal muscle weakness and an elevation of muscle enyzymes. Hypothyroid patients with weakness, cramps and muscle stiffness together with high creatine kinase (CK) levels are usually mis-diagnosed as polymyositis. In these patients the shoulder and pelvic muscles are affected and electrophysiologically non-spesific myopathic changes are seen in half of the patients with normal electrophysiologic studies in the other half. Histopathologically the two syndromes have similar findings; polymyositis and hypothyroidism associated polymyositis syndrome. A clinical response to L-thyroxine is the main clue for diagnosis. We present a 32 year old male patient with proximal muscle weakness and myalgia. He was healthy until 3 months ago when he started to have pain proximally in his lower extremities. He also had problems climbing stairs and raising his arms above his head. His pain got worse and upon admission due to his high CK level (4328U/L) he was diagnosed with polymyositis. There was proximal muscle weakness of the lower extremities on his neurological examination and he had a normal EMG study. His biochemical studies displayed hypothyroidism with a high TSH (203IU/ml) and low FT3 (0,206pg/ml) and FT4 (0,05ng/dl) levels. He also had an elevated anti-TPO (378IU/ml) and his thyroid ultrasonography was compatible with thyroiditis. His muscle biopsy displayed chronic myopathy findings with no inflammation. Since his clinical condition and biochemical profile responded well to thyroid replacement therapy and he was diagnosed as possible polymyositis-like syndrome associated with hypothyroidism.
n-Hexane is an isomer of hexane and was identified as a peripheral neurotoxin in 1964. The solven... more n-Hexane is an isomer of hexane and was identified as a peripheral neurotoxin in 1964. The solvents containing n-Hexane are used as cleaning agents in the printing, textile, furniture and shoemaking industries. Certain kinds of special glues used in the roofing, leather and shoe industries also contain n-hexane. Inhalation is the main route of occupational exposure. Symptoms of a sensorimotor type of neuropathy develops after a few months to a year of repeated overexposure to n-hexane. The first symptoms are sensory and consist of tingling, numbness, burning, or prickling sensations in the feet or toes. Usually there are mixed electrophysiological findings which include both axonal degeneration and demyelination. The neuropathology of n-hexane neuropathy is distinctive with axonal swelling and neurofilament accumulation. The only treatment is removal from n-hexane exposure and the prognosis is generally favorable. Recovery may take months to years. In Turkey n-Hexane is mostly used ...
onlinemakale.dusunenadamdergisi. …
İskemik serebral olaylarda sensitivitesi yüksek olan manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) migren i... more İskemik serebral olaylarda sensitivitesi yüksek olan manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) migren ile iskemik değişiklikler arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmak amacıyla birçok araştırmacı tarafindan kullanılmıştır. Migrenlilerde ak maddede T2'de hiperintens fokuslar son y ıllardaki ...
Background:Millions of people around the world regularly consume aspirin, but its value in determ... more Background:Millions of people around the world regularly consume aspirin, but its value in determining stroke severity is still not clear. It has been stated that prior aspirin use might reduce the severity of ischemic stroke by reducing the size of fibrin-platelet emboli or by ameliorating platelet hyperaggregability that occurs in the microcirculation. However there are only few large studies focusing on the early outcome of stroke patients including both ischemic stroke and primary intracerebral hemorrhage patients with prior aspirin therapy. Review Summary:We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of 2509 consecutive stroke patients who were hospitalized in the 2nd Neurology Clinic of Haydarpaşa Numune Education and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, during the period of 1993–2003. We compared the early mortality rates in the patients with prior aspirin use versus the patients without. Of the patients without prior aspirin use, 20.1% died during the first 3 weeks of the ...