Cipta Pramana - (original) (raw)
Thesis Chapters by Cipta Pramana
Karlina, 2020
Background:The use of IUD contraceptives in Indonesia has decreased from 2016 of 68.24%, in 2017 ... more Background:The use of IUD contraceptives in Indonesia has decreased from 2016 of 68.24%, in 2017 there was an increase of 70.06% but in 2018 there was a decrease of 68.75%.One of the factors namely the lack of knowledge of the husbands of women of childbearing age. With the existence of interesting media, it is hoped that it can increase knowledge about IUD contraception.
Method: This research is developing the application of "Smart Contraception" as an educational media for IUD contraception using the ADDIE theory (Analysis, Design, Implementation and Evaluation).. The analysis stage is conducting land interviews. the initial design we madeflowchart, storyboardand made in real application form. Implementing the user. Evaluation to determine quality. The feasibility of this application is carried out by considering 3 tests, namely tested by 3 material experts, 3 media experts and tested on 30 husbands of women of childbearing age. Users are selected with the inclusion criteria of husbands from women of childbearing age who are willing to be respondents, husbands of women of childbearing age who are in the working area of the Depok II Public Health Center, husbands of women of childbearing age who have and can use an Android smartphone. Eligible: if all of the results of the due diligence on material experts, media experts and users have a decent score, Not Feasible: if one or all of the results of due diligence on material experts, media experts and users have an inappropriate score. The research was conducted in the working area of the Depok II Public Health.
Center in 2020
Research purposes:To develop and evaluate an android based application "Smart Contraception" as an educational medium to improveHusband's knowledge and support about IUD contraception
Result: The results show that the analysis stage requires a variety of media, we make the design stage according to user needs, the development stage is carried out with programmers, product trial implementation, and product quality evaluation. The results of the feasibility test by 3 material experts got a very decent score, the feasibility test by 3 media experts got a very decent score, and it was tested to 30 users getting a decent score.
Conclusion: Application “Smart Contraception" worth it as an educational medium. To increase husband's knowledge and support about IUD contraception
Keywords:Development, android application, Knowledge, husband support, IUD contraception
Latar Belakang: Penggunaan kontrasepsi IUD di indonesia telah terjadi penurunan dari tahun 2016 sebesar 68,24%, pada tahun 2017 mengalami kenaikan sebesar 70,06% namun pada tahun 2018 terjadi penurunan sebesar 68,75%. Salah satu faktor yaitu kurangnya pengetahuan suami dari wanita usia subur. Dengan adanya media yang menarik diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang kontrasepsi IUD.
Metode: Penelitian ini pengembangan aplikasi ”Smart Contraception” sebagai media edukasi kontrasepsi IUD dengan menggunakan teori ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Implementation dan Evaluation). Tahap analisis yaitu melakukan wawancara lahan. desain awal kita membuat flowchart, storyboard dan dibuat secara nyata bentuk aplikasi. Melakukan implementasi kepada user. Evaluasi untuk mengetahui kualitas. Kelayakan aplikasi ini dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan 3 pengujian yaitu diuji oleh 3 ahli materi, 3 ahli media dan diujikan kepada 30 suami dari wanita usia subur. User dipilih dengan kriteria inklusi suami dari wanita usia subur yang bersedia menjadi responden, suami dari wanita usia subur yang berasa di wilayah kerja puskesmas depok II, suami dari wanita usia subur yang mempunyai dan bisa menggunakan smartphone android. Layak : apabila keseluruhan dari hasil uji kelayakan pada ahli materi, ahli media dan user memiliki skor layak, Tidak Layak : apabila salah satu atau keseluruhan dari hasil uji kelayakan pada ahli materi, ahli media dan user memiliki skor tidak layak. Penelitian dilakukan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Depok II Tahun 2020
Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk mengembangkan dan mengevaluasi aplikasi berbasis android “Smart Contraception” sebagai media edukasi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan dukungan suami tentang kontrasepsi IUD
Hasil: Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa pada tahap analisis memerlukan media yang bervariasi, tahap desain kita buat sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna, tahap pengembangan dilakukan dengan programer, implementasi uji coba produk, dan evaluasi kualitas produk. Hasil uji kelayakan oleh 3 ahli materi mendapatkan skor sangat layak, uji kelayakan oleh 3 ahli media mendapatkan skor sangat layak, dan diuji coba ke 30 user mendapatkan skor layak.
Kesimpulan: Aplikasi “Smart Contraception” layak sebagai media edukasi. Untuk meningkatan pengetahuan dan dukungan suami tentang kontrasepsi IUD
Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, aplikasi android, Pengetahuan, dukungan suami, kontrasepsi IUD
Papers by Cipta Pramana
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bhinneka, Jul 1, 2024
Journal of Complementary Medicine Research
Teratoma is a type of extracranial germ cell tumor that often occurs and correlates with age and ... more Teratoma is a type of extracranial germ cell tumor that often occurs and correlates with age and anatomical location. Mature Cystic Teratoma (MCT) is the most common ovarian tumor in children and adolescents. The most common sites for teratomas are the sacrococcygeal region and the ovaries. Laparoscopy is by far the surgical treatment of choice for teratomas. We report a case of a 9-year-old girl with a chief complaint of left lower quadrant abdominal pain 1 week before hospital admission. The patient appears weak and has decreased appetite, accompanied by weight loss, and painful urination. Physical examination of abdominal distension (+), tenderness, and release in the left lower quadrant (+). The patient had not menstruated, and a history of vaginal discharge was denied. On MSCT-scan examination of the abdomen with contrast, a cystic mass was found that adhered to and pushed the surrounding bowel structures in the lower abdominal region. On histopathological examination taken fro...
Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi
Background: The maternal mortality rate, newborns in Sleman Regency is quite high. The death rate... more Background: The maternal mortality rate, newborns in Sleman Regency is quite high. The death rate can be prevented by implementing the Emergency Neonatal Care (EmNC) program. RSUD Sleman is a 24-hour EmNC hospital, has been running the program since 2012.Objectives: To find out the EmNC program at RSUD Sleman through the Van Meter Van Horn model approach to see the implementation performance on aspects: standards, targets, and policy objectives; resource; communication between units, organizational character; attitude of the implementers.Method: Research with a mix method approach. Quantitative data were collected through questionnaires, and qualitative data through in-depth interviews with key informants: the person in charge of the program, doctors, nurses, midwives, and management leaders. Data analysis using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques.Results and Discussion: Aspects of standards, goals, policy objectives of the EmNC program, resources, inter-organizational commu...
Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi
Latar Belakang: Mioma uteri disebut juga fibroid uterus atau leiomyoma merupakan neoplasma jinak ... more Latar Belakang: Mioma uteri disebut juga fibroid uterus atau leiomyoma merupakan neoplasma jinak yang berasal dari otot, dan jaringan ikatuterus, yang sering terjadi pada usia reproduksi. Diduga penyebab timbulnya mioma uteri paling banyak oleh karena stimulasi hormon estrogen yangberlebihan. Keluhan yang diakibatkan oleh mioma uteri sangat tergantung pada lokasi, arah pertumbuhan, jenis, besar dan jumlah mioma. Keluhanyang sering muncul adalah menorrhagia. Hanya sekitar 20 – 50 % saja mioma uteri menimbulkan keluhan, sedangkan sisanya tidak mengeluh apapun.Kasus: Kami melaporkan kasus perempuan usia 48 tahun dengan nyeri perut kanan bawah. Pemeriksaan fisik ditemukan nyeri tekan pada abdomen.Pada pemeriksaan USG didapatkan kesan adanya mioma uteri intramural dengan ukuran 4,76 cm× 6,20 cm × 3,60.Pembahasan: Selanjutnya dilakukan tindakan operatif laparatomi miomektomi untuk mengambil mioma dengan tetap mempertahankan uterus. Hasilpemeriksaaan laboratorium histopatologi adalah leiom...
Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi
ABSTRACTBackground: The number of elderly women will continue to increase along with the high lif... more ABSTRACTBackground: The number of elderly women will continue to increase along with the high life expectancy. The decline in estrogen and progesterone after menopause causes direct effects in the form of physical and psychological disorders.Objectives: This study aims to describe the symptoms of postmenopausal syndrome in the elderly.Method: Non-probability descriptive sampling method has been carried out in the elderly group of women (N=38). Interviews based on the Guide to Greene Climacteric Scale questionnaire were conducted to collect data.Results and Discussion: Overall, postmenopausal syndrome was experienced by 79.47% of respondents. A total of 26.32% of respondents were very disturbed by anxiety symptoms. 34.21% and 39.47% of respondents were slightly disturbed by depressive and somatic symptoms. Only 5.26% of respondents were very disturbed by the symptoms of sexual dysfunction. Subjects with low education have a risk of 7.8 times experiencing symptoms of postmenopausal sy...
Frontiers in Surgery
Giant ovarian cyst itself is defined as a cyst >10 cm in diameter from radiological- examinati... more Giant ovarian cyst itself is defined as a cyst >10 cm in diameter from radiological- examination or the size of the cyst exceeds the umbilicus. Extra-large benign and malignant cysts of the ovary are uncommon and involve diagnostic and management challenges. We present the case of a 20-year-old nulliparous woman who was referred to our center with complaints of abdominal pain and heavy breathing. She benefited from a salphingo-oophorectomy laparotomy procedure. Benign and malignant gynecologic and non-gynecologic etiologies are included in the differential diagnosis of an abdominal mass. Because of the infrequent occurrence or absence of distinctive clinical presentation of the giant ovarian cyst, accurate preoperative diagnosis is challenging.
Jurnal Medika Malahayati
Disfungsi seksual termasuk gangguan keinginan, gairah seksual, lubrikasi, orgasme, dan rasa sakit... more Disfungsi seksual termasuk gangguan keinginan, gairah seksual, lubrikasi, orgasme, dan rasa sakit. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh umur, paritas dan penggunaan alat kontrasepsi Terhadap Kejadian Disfungsi Seksual Di Puskesmas Sulewana Kabupaten Poso. Penelitian menggunakan desain Cross-Sectional Study. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah Pasangan usia subur (PUS) berumur 20-46 tahun yang berada di Puskesmas Sulewana tahun 2020 Pengguna KB hormonal DMPA non hormonal analisis data untuk menentukan pengaruh variabel dependen dengan independen menggunakan uji regresi logistik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan dari 69 responden yang menggunakan kontrasepsi hormonal menunjukkan 67 diantaranya mengalami disfungsi seksual (97,1%), dan 2 diantaranya normal (2,9%). Sedangkan dari 26 responden yang menggunakan kontrasepsi non hormonal menunjukkan 18 diantaranya mengalami disfungsi seksual (69,2%) dan 8 diantaranya normal (30,8%). Berdasarkan hasil uji regresi logistik diperoleh nil...
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood: Jurnal Dunia Anak Usia Dini
Bulan Maret tahun 2020, WHO mendeklarasikan bahwa infeksi coronovirus baru SARS-CoV-2 yang kemudi... more Bulan Maret tahun 2020, WHO mendeklarasikan bahwa infeksi coronovirus baru SARS-CoV-2 yang kemudian disebut sebagai Covid-19 dinyatakan sebagai pandemic global karena telah menyebar ke sebagian besar penduduk di seluruh dunia. Penyebaran yang begitu cepat dan virulensi yang sangat tinggi, maka oleh Lembaga kesehatan dunia (WHO) termasuk pemerintah Indonesia melakukan kebijakan pembatasan social (social distancing) dan pembatasan fisik (physical distancing) untuk mencegah penularan infeksi coronavirus tersebut. Kebijakan ini tentu membawa dampak luas bagi sendi-sendi kehidupan manusia di dunia baik kesehatan, sosial, ekonomi termasuk Pendidikan. Tulisan ini akan membahas dampak pembatasan kedua hal tersebut terhadap proses pembelajaran di tingkat Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) terhadap kesehatan mental peserta didik dan mencari solusi untuk mengatasinya.
Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood: Jurnal Dunia Anak Usia Dini
Infeksi Covid-19 dinyatakan sebagai pandemi yang menyebar ke seluruh belahan dunia. Infeksi coron... more Infeksi Covid-19 dinyatakan sebagai pandemi yang menyebar ke seluruh belahan dunia. Infeksi coronavirus jenis baru yang misterius dan sangat infeksius. Penyebaran yang begitu cepat sehingga dibutuhka cara-cara terbaik yang efektif untuk mencegah pemularannya. Metode yang paling baik untuk memutus rantai penularan adalah dengan menjaga jarak fisik (physical distancing) dan menjaga jarak sosial (social distancing) selama vaksin belum ditemukan. Tulisan ini membahas tentang dampak pandemi terhadap dunia pendidikan khususnya Pendidikan Anak Usia Dunia (PAUD) dan mencoba menguraikan tentang proses pembelajaran baru dengan sistem belajar jarak jauh agar sistem pendidikan dan pembelajaran tetap berlangsung dengan baik.
Remaja putri yang mengalami menarche (menstruasi pertama) akan merasa gelisah, bingung dan tida... more Remaja putri yang mengalami menarche (menstruasi pertama) akan merasa gelisah, bingung dan tidak nyaman. Pengetahuan yang kurang tentang menstruasi dapat menjadi penyebab masalah kesehatan reproduksi jangka panjang dan menjadikan remaja putri tidak siap dalam menghadapi menstruasi. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan menstruasi menggunakan media booklet terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap siswi dalam menghadapi menarche. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen menggunakan desain quasi experiment dengan rancangan control group pretest-postest design. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 54 siswi untuk kelompok eksperimen dengan media booklet dan 54 siswi untuk kelompok kontrol dengan media leaflet yang di dapat menggunakan rumus slovin dan pengambilan sampel dengan tekhnik simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, data dianalisis menggunakan uji wilcoxon dan uji mann whitney. Hasil penelitian uji wilcoxon pengetahuan dan sikap kelompok eksper...
Kacang hijau dan kedelai beserta kandungannya selama ini hanya digunakan secara empiris dan belum... more Kacang hijau dan kedelai beserta kandungannya selama ini hanya digunakan secara empiris dan belum dibuktikan secara ilmiah mengenai kandungan kacang hijau dan kedelai yang dapat meningkatkan produksi ASI pada ibu menyusui dan memberikan bukti khasiat dari biji kacang hijau dan kedelai sebagai laktagogum (pelancar sekresi ASI). Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui Perbedaan Produksi Air Susu Ibu Nifas Melalui Pemberian Ekstrak Sari Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata) dan Kedelai (Glycine Max) di UPTD Puskesmas Lumpue Kota Pare Pare. Desain penelitian yang di gunakan adalah quasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan two group pretest posttest design. dua kelompok masing-masing diberikan sari kacang hijau untuk kelompok 1 dan sari kedelai kelompok 2. Jumlah subjek adalah 50 responden masing-masing kelompok 25 responden, analisis uji yang dilakukan adalah uji t Wilcoxon, Mann Whitney dan uji t Independent. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan rata-rata produksi ASI sebelum intervensi sari kacang hij...
Background: Hydranencephaly is a congenital abnormality of the central nervous system characteriz... more Background: Hydranencephaly is a congenital abnormality of the central nervous system characterized by massive hemispheric necrosis and ventricular dilatation with most of the cerebral hemispheres being replaced by membranous sacs filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection can be one of the causes of hydranencephaly. The choice of therapy for hydranencephaly is a challenge because of poor prognosis, but now neural stem cell (NSC) transplantation may give new hope. Case report: We report a case of a female newborn born at term by cesarean section from a gravida 5, para 3, abortus 1 (G5P3A1) mother with suspected hydrocephalus. Head circumference was 35 cm at birth. The baby was born crying immediately, looked active, and did not appear cyanotic, but on the second day, the baby looked less active, moaned, showed acral cyanosis, and had a large fontanelle that was dilated and soft. Signs of hydrocephalus such as Macewen’s sign, setting sun phenomenon, and tr...
TEST Engineering & Management, Jan 25, 2020
In numerous countries, education guidelines are shifting in the direction of comprehensive traini... more In numerous countries, education guidelines are shifting in the direction of comprehensive training. Human rights have for all time been a vital argument for this improvement, however the consequences on students should be a crucial difficulty as soon as coming up with guidelines.At some stage in this assessment, consequently, literature on the results of inclusion on each students with and whilst no longer special academic wants is represented. The overview covers no longer completely effects on psychological characteristic improvement, but conjointly Socio-emotional results. In well-known, the outcomes show neutral to nice consequences of comprehensive training. The instructional the academic the academic accomplishment of scholars with and whilst now not special educational needs seems to be similar to non-inclusive classes or perhaps higher in complete categories. However, there may be additionally some differential effects for highand coffee-achieving students at the same time as now not special instructional wants. Regarding social effects, children with unique Educational needs appear too personal a less beneficial social function than kids while not unique educational wants.
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021
BACKGROUND: Neonatal sepsis can be severe and has mortality rate. The pleural effusion is a rare ... more BACKGROUND: Neonatal sepsis can be severe and has mortality rate. The pleural effusion is a rare sign of severe sepsis in newborn and only few studies that reported it. CASE PRESENTATION: We report a case of newborn who referred to our hospital because of dependent mechanical ventilator and severe sepsis. We found a massive pleural effusion and did the pleural drainage. After the drainage, the baby was extubate and discharge well with no signs of respiratory distress. CONCLUSION: Massive pleural effusion might be considered as a cause of dependent ventilator in severe neonatal sepsis.
Social Science Research Network, 2020
Archives of Psychiatry Research, 2022
Background: East Java Area is the epicentre of COVID-19 transmission with the largest number of c... more Background: East Java Area is the epicentre of COVID-19 transmission with the largest number of cases and the highest death rate in Indonesia. This pandemic has created a stigma that can lessen the quality of life. This study was conducted to find a model of predictor factors that affect the stigma of society during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: This study involved 322 respondents in East Java, Indonesia and used multivariate analysis with the PLS (Partial Least Square) method to determine the relationship between several variables. The studied variables were demographics (age, gender, educational level, and occupation), attitudes, knowledge, behaviour, stigma and acceptance. Result: Stigma since the CO-VID-19 pandemic outbreak was influenced by demographic, knowledge and behaviour factors, while the attitude variable in this study did not affect the occurrence of stigma. Knowledge aspect had a positive relationship with stigma. The higher the knowledge of the respondents in this study, the higher the tendency to produce stigma. Likewise for demographic variables. Meanwhile, behaviour aspect indicated a negative relationship. Conclusion: The factors that influence stigma, starting from the most powerful are behaviour, knowledge and demographics. This model is a recommendation for the government to improve the quality of life of the people and reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Case Reports in Medicine, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge for all medical personnel in the world. Various studies have... more The COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge for all medical personnel in the world. Various studies have been conducted to gain more knowledge about SARS-CoV-2, but studies in the pediatric population are still very limited. We report a case of a boy aged two years and seven months who came to the hospital with an atypical generalized seizure for less than 5 minutes and immediately regained consciousness after the seizure. Other symptoms included fever, productive cough, rhinorrhea, and shortness of breath. The X-ray showed a well-defined homogeneous consolidation in the upper right lobe and a small spot in both lungs which consistently showed top right lobar pneumonia and bronchopneumonia. From the SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test, positive results were obtained on the third day of hospitalization. The patient received antiseizure therapy, antibiotics, and other supportive therapies by Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) guidelines. During treatment, the patient responded well to the t...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021
BACKGROUND: The 2019 coronavirus disease has been declared by WHO as a pandemic that has spread t... more BACKGROUND: The 2019 coronavirus disease has been declared by WHO as a pandemic that has spread throughout the world since March 2020. AIM: This study was conducted to determine the profile of COVID-19 patients at Dr. Moewardi hospital Surakarta. METHODS: This study is a retrospective descriptive study, with the population and study samples taken from medical records of patients with a diagnosis of COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2. RESULTS: male sex with a total of 42 patients (47.72%) and female sex 46 patients (52.57%). The highest age group was in the age group 40-59 years with 46 patients (52.27%), with the most comorbid history being cardiovascular disease 31 patients (35.22%). The mean cytokine analysis of 88 patients includes examination of IL-1 that is equal to 73.95 and TNF-α with a mean of 67.19. The mean shows an increase above the normal value. CONCLUSION: There is no difference between the sexes of men and women. The highest age range is in the 40-59-year age group. The most comm...
Karlina, 2020
Background:The use of IUD contraceptives in Indonesia has decreased from 2016 of 68.24%, in 2017 ... more Background:The use of IUD contraceptives in Indonesia has decreased from 2016 of 68.24%, in 2017 there was an increase of 70.06% but in 2018 there was a decrease of 68.75%.One of the factors namely the lack of knowledge of the husbands of women of childbearing age. With the existence of interesting media, it is hoped that it can increase knowledge about IUD contraception.
Method: This research is developing the application of "Smart Contraception" as an educational media for IUD contraception using the ADDIE theory (Analysis, Design, Implementation and Evaluation).. The analysis stage is conducting land interviews. the initial design we madeflowchart, storyboardand made in real application form. Implementing the user. Evaluation to determine quality. The feasibility of this application is carried out by considering 3 tests, namely tested by 3 material experts, 3 media experts and tested on 30 husbands of women of childbearing age. Users are selected with the inclusion criteria of husbands from women of childbearing age who are willing to be respondents, husbands of women of childbearing age who are in the working area of the Depok II Public Health Center, husbands of women of childbearing age who have and can use an Android smartphone. Eligible: if all of the results of the due diligence on material experts, media experts and users have a decent score, Not Feasible: if one or all of the results of due diligence on material experts, media experts and users have an inappropriate score. The research was conducted in the working area of the Depok II Public Health.
Center in 2020
Research purposes:To develop and evaluate an android based application "Smart Contraception" as an educational medium to improveHusband's knowledge and support about IUD contraception
Result: The results show that the analysis stage requires a variety of media, we make the design stage according to user needs, the development stage is carried out with programmers, product trial implementation, and product quality evaluation. The results of the feasibility test by 3 material experts got a very decent score, the feasibility test by 3 media experts got a very decent score, and it was tested to 30 users getting a decent score.
Conclusion: Application “Smart Contraception" worth it as an educational medium. To increase husband's knowledge and support about IUD contraception
Keywords:Development, android application, Knowledge, husband support, IUD contraception
Latar Belakang: Penggunaan kontrasepsi IUD di indonesia telah terjadi penurunan dari tahun 2016 sebesar 68,24%, pada tahun 2017 mengalami kenaikan sebesar 70,06% namun pada tahun 2018 terjadi penurunan sebesar 68,75%. Salah satu faktor yaitu kurangnya pengetahuan suami dari wanita usia subur. Dengan adanya media yang menarik diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang kontrasepsi IUD.
Metode: Penelitian ini pengembangan aplikasi ”Smart Contraception” sebagai media edukasi kontrasepsi IUD dengan menggunakan teori ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Implementation dan Evaluation). Tahap analisis yaitu melakukan wawancara lahan. desain awal kita membuat flowchart, storyboard dan dibuat secara nyata bentuk aplikasi. Melakukan implementasi kepada user. Evaluasi untuk mengetahui kualitas. Kelayakan aplikasi ini dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan 3 pengujian yaitu diuji oleh 3 ahli materi, 3 ahli media dan diujikan kepada 30 suami dari wanita usia subur. User dipilih dengan kriteria inklusi suami dari wanita usia subur yang bersedia menjadi responden, suami dari wanita usia subur yang berasa di wilayah kerja puskesmas depok II, suami dari wanita usia subur yang mempunyai dan bisa menggunakan smartphone android. Layak : apabila keseluruhan dari hasil uji kelayakan pada ahli materi, ahli media dan user memiliki skor layak, Tidak Layak : apabila salah satu atau keseluruhan dari hasil uji kelayakan pada ahli materi, ahli media dan user memiliki skor tidak layak. Penelitian dilakukan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Depok II Tahun 2020
Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk mengembangkan dan mengevaluasi aplikasi berbasis android “Smart Contraception” sebagai media edukasi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan dukungan suami tentang kontrasepsi IUD
Hasil: Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa pada tahap analisis memerlukan media yang bervariasi, tahap desain kita buat sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna, tahap pengembangan dilakukan dengan programer, implementasi uji coba produk, dan evaluasi kualitas produk. Hasil uji kelayakan oleh 3 ahli materi mendapatkan skor sangat layak, uji kelayakan oleh 3 ahli media mendapatkan skor sangat layak, dan diuji coba ke 30 user mendapatkan skor layak.
Kesimpulan: Aplikasi “Smart Contraception” layak sebagai media edukasi. Untuk meningkatan pengetahuan dan dukungan suami tentang kontrasepsi IUD
Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, aplikasi android, Pengetahuan, dukungan suami, kontrasepsi IUD
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bhinneka, Jul 1, 2024
Journal of Complementary Medicine Research
Teratoma is a type of extracranial germ cell tumor that often occurs and correlates with age and ... more Teratoma is a type of extracranial germ cell tumor that often occurs and correlates with age and anatomical location. Mature Cystic Teratoma (MCT) is the most common ovarian tumor in children and adolescents. The most common sites for teratomas are the sacrococcygeal region and the ovaries. Laparoscopy is by far the surgical treatment of choice for teratomas. We report a case of a 9-year-old girl with a chief complaint of left lower quadrant abdominal pain 1 week before hospital admission. The patient appears weak and has decreased appetite, accompanied by weight loss, and painful urination. Physical examination of abdominal distension (+), tenderness, and release in the left lower quadrant (+). The patient had not menstruated, and a history of vaginal discharge was denied. On MSCT-scan examination of the abdomen with contrast, a cystic mass was found that adhered to and pushed the surrounding bowel structures in the lower abdominal region. On histopathological examination taken fro...
Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi
Background: The maternal mortality rate, newborns in Sleman Regency is quite high. The death rate... more Background: The maternal mortality rate, newborns in Sleman Regency is quite high. The death rate can be prevented by implementing the Emergency Neonatal Care (EmNC) program. RSUD Sleman is a 24-hour EmNC hospital, has been running the program since 2012.Objectives: To find out the EmNC program at RSUD Sleman through the Van Meter Van Horn model approach to see the implementation performance on aspects: standards, targets, and policy objectives; resource; communication between units, organizational character; attitude of the implementers.Method: Research with a mix method approach. Quantitative data were collected through questionnaires, and qualitative data through in-depth interviews with key informants: the person in charge of the program, doctors, nurses, midwives, and management leaders. Data analysis using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques.Results and Discussion: Aspects of standards, goals, policy objectives of the EmNC program, resources, inter-organizational commu...
Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi
Latar Belakang: Mioma uteri disebut juga fibroid uterus atau leiomyoma merupakan neoplasma jinak ... more Latar Belakang: Mioma uteri disebut juga fibroid uterus atau leiomyoma merupakan neoplasma jinak yang berasal dari otot, dan jaringan ikatuterus, yang sering terjadi pada usia reproduksi. Diduga penyebab timbulnya mioma uteri paling banyak oleh karena stimulasi hormon estrogen yangberlebihan. Keluhan yang diakibatkan oleh mioma uteri sangat tergantung pada lokasi, arah pertumbuhan, jenis, besar dan jumlah mioma. Keluhanyang sering muncul adalah menorrhagia. Hanya sekitar 20 – 50 % saja mioma uteri menimbulkan keluhan, sedangkan sisanya tidak mengeluh apapun.Kasus: Kami melaporkan kasus perempuan usia 48 tahun dengan nyeri perut kanan bawah. Pemeriksaan fisik ditemukan nyeri tekan pada abdomen.Pada pemeriksaan USG didapatkan kesan adanya mioma uteri intramural dengan ukuran 4,76 cm× 6,20 cm × 3,60.Pembahasan: Selanjutnya dilakukan tindakan operatif laparatomi miomektomi untuk mengambil mioma dengan tetap mempertahankan uterus. Hasilpemeriksaaan laboratorium histopatologi adalah leiom...
Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi
ABSTRACTBackground: The number of elderly women will continue to increase along with the high lif... more ABSTRACTBackground: The number of elderly women will continue to increase along with the high life expectancy. The decline in estrogen and progesterone after menopause causes direct effects in the form of physical and psychological disorders.Objectives: This study aims to describe the symptoms of postmenopausal syndrome in the elderly.Method: Non-probability descriptive sampling method has been carried out in the elderly group of women (N=38). Interviews based on the Guide to Greene Climacteric Scale questionnaire were conducted to collect data.Results and Discussion: Overall, postmenopausal syndrome was experienced by 79.47% of respondents. A total of 26.32% of respondents were very disturbed by anxiety symptoms. 34.21% and 39.47% of respondents were slightly disturbed by depressive and somatic symptoms. Only 5.26% of respondents were very disturbed by the symptoms of sexual dysfunction. Subjects with low education have a risk of 7.8 times experiencing symptoms of postmenopausal sy...
Frontiers in Surgery
Giant ovarian cyst itself is defined as a cyst >10 cm in diameter from radiological- examinati... more Giant ovarian cyst itself is defined as a cyst >10 cm in diameter from radiological- examination or the size of the cyst exceeds the umbilicus. Extra-large benign and malignant cysts of the ovary are uncommon and involve diagnostic and management challenges. We present the case of a 20-year-old nulliparous woman who was referred to our center with complaints of abdominal pain and heavy breathing. She benefited from a salphingo-oophorectomy laparotomy procedure. Benign and malignant gynecologic and non-gynecologic etiologies are included in the differential diagnosis of an abdominal mass. Because of the infrequent occurrence or absence of distinctive clinical presentation of the giant ovarian cyst, accurate preoperative diagnosis is challenging.
Jurnal Medika Malahayati
Disfungsi seksual termasuk gangguan keinginan, gairah seksual, lubrikasi, orgasme, dan rasa sakit... more Disfungsi seksual termasuk gangguan keinginan, gairah seksual, lubrikasi, orgasme, dan rasa sakit. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh umur, paritas dan penggunaan alat kontrasepsi Terhadap Kejadian Disfungsi Seksual Di Puskesmas Sulewana Kabupaten Poso. Penelitian menggunakan desain Cross-Sectional Study. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah Pasangan usia subur (PUS) berumur 20-46 tahun yang berada di Puskesmas Sulewana tahun 2020 Pengguna KB hormonal DMPA non hormonal analisis data untuk menentukan pengaruh variabel dependen dengan independen menggunakan uji regresi logistik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan dari 69 responden yang menggunakan kontrasepsi hormonal menunjukkan 67 diantaranya mengalami disfungsi seksual (97,1%), dan 2 diantaranya normal (2,9%). Sedangkan dari 26 responden yang menggunakan kontrasepsi non hormonal menunjukkan 18 diantaranya mengalami disfungsi seksual (69,2%) dan 8 diantaranya normal (30,8%). Berdasarkan hasil uji regresi logistik diperoleh nil...
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood: Jurnal Dunia Anak Usia Dini
Bulan Maret tahun 2020, WHO mendeklarasikan bahwa infeksi coronovirus baru SARS-CoV-2 yang kemudi... more Bulan Maret tahun 2020, WHO mendeklarasikan bahwa infeksi coronovirus baru SARS-CoV-2 yang kemudian disebut sebagai Covid-19 dinyatakan sebagai pandemic global karena telah menyebar ke sebagian besar penduduk di seluruh dunia. Penyebaran yang begitu cepat dan virulensi yang sangat tinggi, maka oleh Lembaga kesehatan dunia (WHO) termasuk pemerintah Indonesia melakukan kebijakan pembatasan social (social distancing) dan pembatasan fisik (physical distancing) untuk mencegah penularan infeksi coronavirus tersebut. Kebijakan ini tentu membawa dampak luas bagi sendi-sendi kehidupan manusia di dunia baik kesehatan, sosial, ekonomi termasuk Pendidikan. Tulisan ini akan membahas dampak pembatasan kedua hal tersebut terhadap proses pembelajaran di tingkat Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) terhadap kesehatan mental peserta didik dan mencari solusi untuk mengatasinya.
Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood: Jurnal Dunia Anak Usia Dini
Infeksi Covid-19 dinyatakan sebagai pandemi yang menyebar ke seluruh belahan dunia. Infeksi coron... more Infeksi Covid-19 dinyatakan sebagai pandemi yang menyebar ke seluruh belahan dunia. Infeksi coronavirus jenis baru yang misterius dan sangat infeksius. Penyebaran yang begitu cepat sehingga dibutuhka cara-cara terbaik yang efektif untuk mencegah pemularannya. Metode yang paling baik untuk memutus rantai penularan adalah dengan menjaga jarak fisik (physical distancing) dan menjaga jarak sosial (social distancing) selama vaksin belum ditemukan. Tulisan ini membahas tentang dampak pandemi terhadap dunia pendidikan khususnya Pendidikan Anak Usia Dunia (PAUD) dan mencoba menguraikan tentang proses pembelajaran baru dengan sistem belajar jarak jauh agar sistem pendidikan dan pembelajaran tetap berlangsung dengan baik.
Remaja putri yang mengalami menarche (menstruasi pertama) akan merasa gelisah, bingung dan tida... more Remaja putri yang mengalami menarche (menstruasi pertama) akan merasa gelisah, bingung dan tidak nyaman. Pengetahuan yang kurang tentang menstruasi dapat menjadi penyebab masalah kesehatan reproduksi jangka panjang dan menjadikan remaja putri tidak siap dalam menghadapi menstruasi. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan menstruasi menggunakan media booklet terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap siswi dalam menghadapi menarche. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen menggunakan desain quasi experiment dengan rancangan control group pretest-postest design. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 54 siswi untuk kelompok eksperimen dengan media booklet dan 54 siswi untuk kelompok kontrol dengan media leaflet yang di dapat menggunakan rumus slovin dan pengambilan sampel dengan tekhnik simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, data dianalisis menggunakan uji wilcoxon dan uji mann whitney. Hasil penelitian uji wilcoxon pengetahuan dan sikap kelompok eksper...
Kacang hijau dan kedelai beserta kandungannya selama ini hanya digunakan secara empiris dan belum... more Kacang hijau dan kedelai beserta kandungannya selama ini hanya digunakan secara empiris dan belum dibuktikan secara ilmiah mengenai kandungan kacang hijau dan kedelai yang dapat meningkatkan produksi ASI pada ibu menyusui dan memberikan bukti khasiat dari biji kacang hijau dan kedelai sebagai laktagogum (pelancar sekresi ASI). Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui Perbedaan Produksi Air Susu Ibu Nifas Melalui Pemberian Ekstrak Sari Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata) dan Kedelai (Glycine Max) di UPTD Puskesmas Lumpue Kota Pare Pare. Desain penelitian yang di gunakan adalah quasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan two group pretest posttest design. dua kelompok masing-masing diberikan sari kacang hijau untuk kelompok 1 dan sari kedelai kelompok 2. Jumlah subjek adalah 50 responden masing-masing kelompok 25 responden, analisis uji yang dilakukan adalah uji t Wilcoxon, Mann Whitney dan uji t Independent. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan rata-rata produksi ASI sebelum intervensi sari kacang hij...
Background: Hydranencephaly is a congenital abnormality of the central nervous system characteriz... more Background: Hydranencephaly is a congenital abnormality of the central nervous system characterized by massive hemispheric necrosis and ventricular dilatation with most of the cerebral hemispheres being replaced by membranous sacs filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection can be one of the causes of hydranencephaly. The choice of therapy for hydranencephaly is a challenge because of poor prognosis, but now neural stem cell (NSC) transplantation may give new hope. Case report: We report a case of a female newborn born at term by cesarean section from a gravida 5, para 3, abortus 1 (G5P3A1) mother with suspected hydrocephalus. Head circumference was 35 cm at birth. The baby was born crying immediately, looked active, and did not appear cyanotic, but on the second day, the baby looked less active, moaned, showed acral cyanosis, and had a large fontanelle that was dilated and soft. Signs of hydrocephalus such as Macewen’s sign, setting sun phenomenon, and tr...
TEST Engineering & Management, Jan 25, 2020
In numerous countries, education guidelines are shifting in the direction of comprehensive traini... more In numerous countries, education guidelines are shifting in the direction of comprehensive training. Human rights have for all time been a vital argument for this improvement, however the consequences on students should be a crucial difficulty as soon as coming up with guidelines.At some stage in this assessment, consequently, literature on the results of inclusion on each students with and whilst no longer special academic wants is represented. The overview covers no longer completely effects on psychological characteristic improvement, but conjointly Socio-emotional results. In well-known, the outcomes show neutral to nice consequences of comprehensive training. The instructional the academic the academic accomplishment of scholars with and whilst now not special educational needs seems to be similar to non-inclusive classes or perhaps higher in complete categories. However, there may be additionally some differential effects for highand coffee-achieving students at the same time as now not special instructional wants. Regarding social effects, children with unique Educational needs appear too personal a less beneficial social function than kids while not unique educational wants.
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021
BACKGROUND: Neonatal sepsis can be severe and has mortality rate. The pleural effusion is a rare ... more BACKGROUND: Neonatal sepsis can be severe and has mortality rate. The pleural effusion is a rare sign of severe sepsis in newborn and only few studies that reported it. CASE PRESENTATION: We report a case of newborn who referred to our hospital because of dependent mechanical ventilator and severe sepsis. We found a massive pleural effusion and did the pleural drainage. After the drainage, the baby was extubate and discharge well with no signs of respiratory distress. CONCLUSION: Massive pleural effusion might be considered as a cause of dependent ventilator in severe neonatal sepsis.
Social Science Research Network, 2020
Archives of Psychiatry Research, 2022
Background: East Java Area is the epicentre of COVID-19 transmission with the largest number of c... more Background: East Java Area is the epicentre of COVID-19 transmission with the largest number of cases and the highest death rate in Indonesia. This pandemic has created a stigma that can lessen the quality of life. This study was conducted to find a model of predictor factors that affect the stigma of society during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: This study involved 322 respondents in East Java, Indonesia and used multivariate analysis with the PLS (Partial Least Square) method to determine the relationship between several variables. The studied variables were demographics (age, gender, educational level, and occupation), attitudes, knowledge, behaviour, stigma and acceptance. Result: Stigma since the CO-VID-19 pandemic outbreak was influenced by demographic, knowledge and behaviour factors, while the attitude variable in this study did not affect the occurrence of stigma. Knowledge aspect had a positive relationship with stigma. The higher the knowledge of the respondents in this study, the higher the tendency to produce stigma. Likewise for demographic variables. Meanwhile, behaviour aspect indicated a negative relationship. Conclusion: The factors that influence stigma, starting from the most powerful are behaviour, knowledge and demographics. This model is a recommendation for the government to improve the quality of life of the people and reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Case Reports in Medicine, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge for all medical personnel in the world. Various studies have... more The COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge for all medical personnel in the world. Various studies have been conducted to gain more knowledge about SARS-CoV-2, but studies in the pediatric population are still very limited. We report a case of a boy aged two years and seven months who came to the hospital with an atypical generalized seizure for less than 5 minutes and immediately regained consciousness after the seizure. Other symptoms included fever, productive cough, rhinorrhea, and shortness of breath. The X-ray showed a well-defined homogeneous consolidation in the upper right lobe and a small spot in both lungs which consistently showed top right lobar pneumonia and bronchopneumonia. From the SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test, positive results were obtained on the third day of hospitalization. The patient received antiseizure therapy, antibiotics, and other supportive therapies by Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) guidelines. During treatment, the patient responded well to the t...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021
BACKGROUND: The 2019 coronavirus disease has been declared by WHO as a pandemic that has spread t... more BACKGROUND: The 2019 coronavirus disease has been declared by WHO as a pandemic that has spread throughout the world since March 2020. AIM: This study was conducted to determine the profile of COVID-19 patients at Dr. Moewardi hospital Surakarta. METHODS: This study is a retrospective descriptive study, with the population and study samples taken from medical records of patients with a diagnosis of COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2. RESULTS: male sex with a total of 42 patients (47.72%) and female sex 46 patients (52.57%). The highest age group was in the age group 40-59 years with 46 patients (52.27%), with the most comorbid history being cardiovascular disease 31 patients (35.22%). The mean cytokine analysis of 88 patients includes examination of IL-1 that is equal to 73.95 and TNF-α with a mean of 67.19. The mean shows an increase above the normal value. CONCLUSION: There is no difference between the sexes of men and women. The highest age range is in the 40-59-year age group. The most comm...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2022
BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the order of life in various aspects of life, inclu... more BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the order of life in various aspects of life, including the field of education in Indonesia. AIM: The purpose of the study was to determine student perceptions and acceptance of the online learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: The research is in the form of a survey using Google Forms about the perception and acceptance of online lectures during the COVID-19 pandemic for nursing students at universities in Indonesia, a questionnaire sent via Whatsapp. Held from July 1, 2021, to July 30, 2021. RESULTS: The many of respondents aged 17-19 years (50%) with a Diploma-students (62.9%). Most of them have intermediate-level skills in using information technology (82.2%). The platform that is often used is Zoom meeting. While other platforms are Whatsapp and Edmodo. The advantages of online learning are that students state that they can study from home (22.2%) and easily access online sources of material (19.9%) and can obtain ...