Cristina neculai - (original) (raw)
Papers by Cristina neculai
For the achievement of the objectives of rural development (contained in CAP), EU Member States h... more For the achievement of the objectives of rural development (contained in CAP), EU Member States have the priority axis (the general objectives of rural development) and the measures (the operational objectives) which are financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). According a special attention to the rural area development is necessary for the solving of the structural problems and for the balanced development of this area, respectively for the achievement of the economic and social cohesion. The rural area in Romania has a great potential from an economical and a social point of view due to the dimension, the diversity, the human and the natural resources. In Romania, the development of the rural area is connected to: improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector, improving the environment and the countryside through land management, improving the quality of life in rural areas and encouraging the diversification of economic act...
Manager Journal, 2011
The purpose of the paper is the analysis of socio-economical structures which are: rural economy ... more The purpose of the paper is the analysis of socio-economical structures which are: rural economy and rural infrastructure, regarding their contribution to the development of the rural area and to the improvement of the quality of life for the rural population. We emphasize the diversification and the economical development in the Romanian and European rural area, by analyzing employment and gross value added. Also, we emphasize the development of rural infrastructure through the analysis of tourism and Internet infrastructures, as well as social infrastructure (through education).
Economia: Seria Management, 2009
The achievement of a project of investments in agriculture, through the utilization of the financ... more The achievement of a project of investments in agriculture, through the utilization of the financial instrument European Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development means the calculation and the analysis of some obligatory indicators. These indicators of the economical efficiency of investments are calculated on the basis of some flows, such as: incomes flows, expences flows, result flows, flows of cash, flows of money, cash – flow. In this paper we consider, the presentation of the relations between the flows mentioned above is necessary because, the economic efficiency of investments is determined on the base the economic contents and the relation between the flows.
The analysis of the territory, of the population, of the gross value added and of the employment ... more The analysis of the territory, of the population, of the gross value added and of the employment by types of regions ("predominantly rural", "intermediate" and "predominantly urban" regions) allows us to observe, on the one hand, the concentration of these indicators by regions and, on the other hand, the importance of the regions from the perspective of ensuring these resources for the naþional economy. Also, the analysis of the employment and the gross value added in the non-agricultural sector express the sources of these indicators on the sectors of the national economy: the primary, the secondary and the tertiary sectors. The comparative analysis of the indicators registered by our country with the other indicators of EU countries helps us to observe where Romania is positioned in European Union, in terms of economic and social activity.
For the achievement of the objectives of rural development (contained in CAP), EU Member States h... more For the achievement of the objectives of rural development (contained in CAP), EU Member States have the priority axis (the general objectives of rural development) and the measures (the operational objectives) which are financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). According a special attention to the rural area development is necessary for the solving of the structural problems and for the balanced development of this area, respectively for the achievement of the economic and social cohesion. The rural area in Romania has a great potential from an economical and a social point of view due to the dimension, the diversity, the human and the natural resources. In Romania, the development of the rural area is connected to: improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector, improving the environment and the countryside through land management, improving the quality of life in rural areas and encouraging the diversification of economic act...
Revista Tinerilor Economisti, 2010
The increased of the competitiveness in the agriculture sector, on the market of the European eco... more The increased of the competitiveness in the agriculture sector, on the market of the European economy is driven by the implementation of the investments, both in the physical capital and in the human capital. In this sense, the education can be considered the most important form of the human capital. We believe that, the training and the achievement of new knowledge, skills and competencies of the population which is employed in the agriculture sector, may become important factors of competitiveness for agriculture. The formal education with the non-formal education and the informal education may be a considerable force to increase the competitiveness of agriculture, especially through the dissemination of knowledge and the providing advice.
The investment in education is one way in training and development of human capital, which togeth... more The investment in education is one way in training and development of human capital, which together with investment in physical capital, forms vectors for sectors' modernization of Romanian economy and of the evolution of Romanian society. For the increase of the competitiveness on the global economic market, the Romanian society, in general, and the Romanian economy, in particular, must be modernized through the implementation of investments both in physical capital and human capital. Education can be a significant force for development of Romanian society through: the number of participants, the size and the competence of the training's personnel, the information's and distribution's materials, the providing knowledge and consultancy etc. The formal education with the non-formal education and the informal education can stimulate the economic and the social activities, by area of residence, and may be important factors to reduce the competitiveness's gap of our country compared with EU countries. On this line, we believe that the education and the training, the achievement of the new knowledge, skills and competencies by the occupied population may become important factors of progress for Romania on the European and World market. We believe that, in rural area, the increasing of the population's participation, at all levels of formal education and the population's attending at the courses that allow the acquiring of new knowledge and skills, in the non-formal's and the informal's learning system, is a necessity for the development and the modernization of this area.
The analysis of the quality of life aspects, expressed through the indicators, by branch and by r... more The analysis of the quality of life aspects, expressed through the indicators, by branch and by regions, allow to observe their contribution to economic and social development in rural area at national and community level. The analyzed indicators are: population density, age structure of the population, economic development (gross domestic product /capita), structure of economy (gross value added by branch),
For the achievement of the objectives of rural development (contained in CAP), EU Member States h... more For the achievement of the objectives of rural development (contained in CAP), EU Member States have the priority axis (the general objectives of rural development) and the measures (the operational objectives) which are financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). According a special attention to the rural area development is necessary for the solving of the structural problems and for the balanced development of this area, respectively for the achievement of the economic and social cohesion. The rural area in Romania has a great potential from an economical and a social point of view due to the dimension, the diversity, the human and the natural resources. In Romania, the development of the rural area is connected to: improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector, improving the environment and the countryside through land management, improving the quality of life in rural areas and encouraging the diversification of economic act...
Economia: Seria Management, 2011
The analysis of the quality of life aspects, expressed through the indicators, by branch and by r... more The analysis of the quality of life aspects, expressed through the indicators, by branch and by regions, allow to observe their contribution to economic and social development in rural area at national and community level. The analyzed indicators are: population density, age structure of the population, economic development (gross domestic product /capita), structure of economy (gross value added by branch), structure of employment, employment rate, unemployment and the long-term unemployment.The analysis of indicators is realised at NUTS 3 (county level) by types of regions. The determining of types of regions ("predominantly rural regions" - PR, "intermediate regions" - IR and "predominantly urban regions" - PU) is corresponding to NUTS 3 county level, which are based on a revised urban-rural typology. The comparative analysis of economic-social aspects, for Romania and for other EU countries highlights the gaps by types of regions (PR, IR and PU) and...
Revista Tinerilor Economisti, 2011
The investment in education is one way in training and development of human capital, which togeth... more The investment in education is one way in training and development of human capital, which together with investment in physical capital, forms vectors for sectors' modernization of Romanian economy and of the evolution of Romanian society. For the increase of the competitiveness on the global economic market, the Romanian society, in general, and the Romanian economy, in particular, must be modernized through the implementation of investments both in physical capital and human capital. Education can be a significant force for development of Romanian society through: the number of participants, the size and the competence of the training's personnel, the information's and distribution's materials, the providing knowledge and consultancy etc. The formal education with the non -formal education and the informal education can stimulate the economic and the social activities, by area of residence, and may be important factors to reduce the competitiveness's gap of our country compared with EU countries. On this line, we believe that the education and the training, the achievement of the new knowledge, skills and competencies by the occupied population may become important factors of progress for Romania on the European and World market. We believe that, in rural area, the increasing of the population's participation, at all levels of formal education and the population's attending at the courses that allow the acquiring of new knowledge and skills, in the non-formal's and the informal's learning system, is a necessity for the development and the modernization of this area. Keywords: secondary and vocational educational; higher educational; pupils/students enrolled per educational institution; graduates per educational institution; teachers per educational institution Rezumat Investiţia în educaţie este o cale de formare şi dezvoltare a capitalului uman, care alături de învestiţia în capitalul fizic, formează vectori ai modernizării sectoarelor de activitate ale economiei româneşti şi ai evoluţiei societăţii româneşti. Pentru creşterea competitivităţii pe piaţa economiei mondiale, societatea românească, în general şi economia românească, în particular, trebuie modernizate, prin înfăptuirea de investiţii, atât în capital fizic, cât şi în capital uman. Educaţia poate reprezenta o forţă considerabilă pentru evoluţia societăţii româneşti prin: numărul de participanţi, mărimea personalului de instruire şi competenţa acestuia, materiale de informare şi difuzare, furnizarea de cunoştinţe şi de consultanţă etc. Educaţia formală alături de educaţia non -formală şi Management Management Management Management Vol.13, Nr. 2/2010 Economia. Seria Management 428 informală pot dinamiza activităţile economice şi sociale, pe medii de rezidenţă şi pot reprezenta factori importanţi de reducere a decalajelor de competitivitate ale ţării noastre faţă de ţările UE. În acest sens, considerăm că, educaţia, instruirea şi dobândirirea de noi cunoştinţe, abilităţi şi competenţe de către populaţia ocupată, pot deveni factori importanţi de progres ai României, pe piaţa europeană şi mondială. Considerăm că, în mediul rural, creşterea participării populaţiei la toate nivelele educaţionale de tip formal, precum şi la cursuri care permit dobandirea de noi cunoştinţe şi competenţe, în sistemul de învăţare non-formal şi informal, este o necesitate pentru dezvoltarea şi modernizarea acestui mediu de rezidenţă. Cuvinte-cheie: domeniul educaţional liceal şi profesional; domeniul educaţional superior; elevi/studenţi înscrişi pe instituţie de învăţămînt; absolvenţi pe instituţie de învăţămînt; profesori pe instituţie de învăţămînt JEL Classification: Q10, I21, R11
For the achievement of the objectives of rural development (contained in CAP), EU Member States h... more For the achievement of the objectives of rural development (contained in CAP), EU Member States have the priority axis (the general objectives of rural development) and the measures (the operational objectives) which are financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). According a special attention to the rural area development is necessary for the solving of the structural problems and for the balanced development of this area, respectively for the achievement of the economic and social cohesion. The rural area in Romania has a great potential from an economical and a social point of view due to the dimension, the diversity, the human and the natural resources. In Romania, the development of the rural area is connected to: improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector, improving the environment and the countryside through land management, improving the quality of life in rural areas and encouraging the diversification of economic act...
Manager Journal, 2011
The purpose of the paper is the analysis of socio-economical structures which are: rural economy ... more The purpose of the paper is the analysis of socio-economical structures which are: rural economy and rural infrastructure, regarding their contribution to the development of the rural area and to the improvement of the quality of life for the rural population. We emphasize the diversification and the economical development in the Romanian and European rural area, by analyzing employment and gross value added. Also, we emphasize the development of rural infrastructure through the analysis of tourism and Internet infrastructures, as well as social infrastructure (through education).
Economia: Seria Management, 2009
The achievement of a project of investments in agriculture, through the utilization of the financ... more The achievement of a project of investments in agriculture, through the utilization of the financial instrument European Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development means the calculation and the analysis of some obligatory indicators. These indicators of the economical efficiency of investments are calculated on the basis of some flows, such as: incomes flows, expences flows, result flows, flows of cash, flows of money, cash – flow. In this paper we consider, the presentation of the relations between the flows mentioned above is necessary because, the economic efficiency of investments is determined on the base the economic contents and the relation between the flows.
The analysis of the territory, of the population, of the gross value added and of the employment ... more The analysis of the territory, of the population, of the gross value added and of the employment by types of regions ("predominantly rural", "intermediate" and "predominantly urban" regions) allows us to observe, on the one hand, the concentration of these indicators by regions and, on the other hand, the importance of the regions from the perspective of ensuring these resources for the naþional economy. Also, the analysis of the employment and the gross value added in the non-agricultural sector express the sources of these indicators on the sectors of the national economy: the primary, the secondary and the tertiary sectors. The comparative analysis of the indicators registered by our country with the other indicators of EU countries helps us to observe where Romania is positioned in European Union, in terms of economic and social activity.
For the achievement of the objectives of rural development (contained in CAP), EU Member States h... more For the achievement of the objectives of rural development (contained in CAP), EU Member States have the priority axis (the general objectives of rural development) and the measures (the operational objectives) which are financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). According a special attention to the rural area development is necessary for the solving of the structural problems and for the balanced development of this area, respectively for the achievement of the economic and social cohesion. The rural area in Romania has a great potential from an economical and a social point of view due to the dimension, the diversity, the human and the natural resources. In Romania, the development of the rural area is connected to: improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector, improving the environment and the countryside through land management, improving the quality of life in rural areas and encouraging the diversification of economic act...
Revista Tinerilor Economisti, 2010
The increased of the competitiveness in the agriculture sector, on the market of the European eco... more The increased of the competitiveness in the agriculture sector, on the market of the European economy is driven by the implementation of the investments, both in the physical capital and in the human capital. In this sense, the education can be considered the most important form of the human capital. We believe that, the training and the achievement of new knowledge, skills and competencies of the population which is employed in the agriculture sector, may become important factors of competitiveness for agriculture. The formal education with the non-formal education and the informal education may be a considerable force to increase the competitiveness of agriculture, especially through the dissemination of knowledge and the providing advice.
The investment in education is one way in training and development of human capital, which togeth... more The investment in education is one way in training and development of human capital, which together with investment in physical capital, forms vectors for sectors' modernization of Romanian economy and of the evolution of Romanian society. For the increase of the competitiveness on the global economic market, the Romanian society, in general, and the Romanian economy, in particular, must be modernized through the implementation of investments both in physical capital and human capital. Education can be a significant force for development of Romanian society through: the number of participants, the size and the competence of the training's personnel, the information's and distribution's materials, the providing knowledge and consultancy etc. The formal education with the non-formal education and the informal education can stimulate the economic and the social activities, by area of residence, and may be important factors to reduce the competitiveness's gap of our country compared with EU countries. On this line, we believe that the education and the training, the achievement of the new knowledge, skills and competencies by the occupied population may become important factors of progress for Romania on the European and World market. We believe that, in rural area, the increasing of the population's participation, at all levels of formal education and the population's attending at the courses that allow the acquiring of new knowledge and skills, in the non-formal's and the informal's learning system, is a necessity for the development and the modernization of this area.
The analysis of the quality of life aspects, expressed through the indicators, by branch and by r... more The analysis of the quality of life aspects, expressed through the indicators, by branch and by regions, allow to observe their contribution to economic and social development in rural area at national and community level. The analyzed indicators are: population density, age structure of the population, economic development (gross domestic product /capita), structure of economy (gross value added by branch),
For the achievement of the objectives of rural development (contained in CAP), EU Member States h... more For the achievement of the objectives of rural development (contained in CAP), EU Member States have the priority axis (the general objectives of rural development) and the measures (the operational objectives) which are financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). According a special attention to the rural area development is necessary for the solving of the structural problems and for the balanced development of this area, respectively for the achievement of the economic and social cohesion. The rural area in Romania has a great potential from an economical and a social point of view due to the dimension, the diversity, the human and the natural resources. In Romania, the development of the rural area is connected to: improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector, improving the environment and the countryside through land management, improving the quality of life in rural areas and encouraging the diversification of economic act...
Economia: Seria Management, 2011
The analysis of the quality of life aspects, expressed through the indicators, by branch and by r... more The analysis of the quality of life aspects, expressed through the indicators, by branch and by regions, allow to observe their contribution to economic and social development in rural area at national and community level. The analyzed indicators are: population density, age structure of the population, economic development (gross domestic product /capita), structure of economy (gross value added by branch), structure of employment, employment rate, unemployment and the long-term unemployment.The analysis of indicators is realised at NUTS 3 (county level) by types of regions. The determining of types of regions ("predominantly rural regions" - PR, "intermediate regions" - IR and "predominantly urban regions" - PU) is corresponding to NUTS 3 county level, which are based on a revised urban-rural typology. The comparative analysis of economic-social aspects, for Romania and for other EU countries highlights the gaps by types of regions (PR, IR and PU) and...
Revista Tinerilor Economisti, 2011
The investment in education is one way in training and development of human capital, which togeth... more The investment in education is one way in training and development of human capital, which together with investment in physical capital, forms vectors for sectors' modernization of Romanian economy and of the evolution of Romanian society. For the increase of the competitiveness on the global economic market, the Romanian society, in general, and the Romanian economy, in particular, must be modernized through the implementation of investments both in physical capital and human capital. Education can be a significant force for development of Romanian society through: the number of participants, the size and the competence of the training's personnel, the information's and distribution's materials, the providing knowledge and consultancy etc. The formal education with the non -formal education and the informal education can stimulate the economic and the social activities, by area of residence, and may be important factors to reduce the competitiveness's gap of our country compared with EU countries. On this line, we believe that the education and the training, the achievement of the new knowledge, skills and competencies by the occupied population may become important factors of progress for Romania on the European and World market. We believe that, in rural area, the increasing of the population's participation, at all levels of formal education and the population's attending at the courses that allow the acquiring of new knowledge and skills, in the non-formal's and the informal's learning system, is a necessity for the development and the modernization of this area. Keywords: secondary and vocational educational; higher educational; pupils/students enrolled per educational institution; graduates per educational institution; teachers per educational institution Rezumat Investiţia în educaţie este o cale de formare şi dezvoltare a capitalului uman, care alături de învestiţia în capitalul fizic, formează vectori ai modernizării sectoarelor de activitate ale economiei româneşti şi ai evoluţiei societăţii româneşti. Pentru creşterea competitivităţii pe piaţa economiei mondiale, societatea românească, în general şi economia românească, în particular, trebuie modernizate, prin înfăptuirea de investiţii, atât în capital fizic, cât şi în capital uman. Educaţia poate reprezenta o forţă considerabilă pentru evoluţia societăţii româneşti prin: numărul de participanţi, mărimea personalului de instruire şi competenţa acestuia, materiale de informare şi difuzare, furnizarea de cunoştinţe şi de consultanţă etc. Educaţia formală alături de educaţia non -formală şi Management Management Management Management Vol.13, Nr. 2/2010 Economia. Seria Management 428 informală pot dinamiza activităţile economice şi sociale, pe medii de rezidenţă şi pot reprezenta factori importanţi de reducere a decalajelor de competitivitate ale ţării noastre faţă de ţările UE. În acest sens, considerăm că, educaţia, instruirea şi dobândirirea de noi cunoştinţe, abilităţi şi competenţe de către populaţia ocupată, pot deveni factori importanţi de progres ai României, pe piaţa europeană şi mondială. Considerăm că, în mediul rural, creşterea participării populaţiei la toate nivelele educaţionale de tip formal, precum şi la cursuri care permit dobandirea de noi cunoştinţe şi competenţe, în sistemul de învăţare non-formal şi informal, este o necesitate pentru dezvoltarea şi modernizarea acestui mediu de rezidenţă. Cuvinte-cheie: domeniul educaţional liceal şi profesional; domeniul educaţional superior; elevi/studenţi înscrişi pe instituţie de învăţămînt; absolvenţi pe instituţie de învăţămînt; profesori pe instituţie de învăţămînt JEL Classification: Q10, I21, R11