Constantin Schifirnet - (original) (raw)
Papers by Constantin Schifirnet
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 2006
This article deals with the media construction of the Europeanization theme in the Romanian conte... more This article deals with the media construction of the Europeanization theme in the Romanian context, starting from the theories related to agenda setting and from the studies which were conducted in this respect in older EU member states. We set out to find out, from content analysis, which are the European themes that are most visible in the electoral debates and in news reports, which is their share of the whole range of themes under discussion, whether there are differences between news bulletins broadcast by the public television station and those broadcast by private television stations, and which is the prominence of news reports related to the EU.
Civitas - Revista de Ciências Sociais, 2009
This study analyzes modernity within the context of the Romanian society, emphasizing its particu... more This study analyzes modernity within the context of the Romanian society, emphasizing its particularities embodied in what I call tendential modernity. This type of modernity is examined in connection with others: classical, reflexive, liquid, late and multiple modernities. I analyze modernity as a tendential state in the societies where it is not present at all the levels, because it is not consistent and it manifests itself unequally in different fields. In societies lacking a developed economy, tendential modernity is based on institutional and political constructions. It is opposite to a type of modernity sustained by economic development. I use the concept of tendential modernity in order to underline the lack of any clear dominant modernity feature within a society with low economic and material grounds.
POLIS, Volum IX, Nr. 4 (34), Serie nouă, septembrie-noiembrie 2021. Număr dedicat aniversării a 130 de ani de la nașterea lui Petre Andrei. Coordonat de Sorin BOCANCEA și Doru TOMPEA
Cred că definiția sa: «Sociologia ca ştiinţă nu poate fi decât integralistă» a marcat evoluția ac... more Cred că definiția sa: «Sociologia ca ştiinţă nu poate fi decât integralistă» a marcat evoluția acestei științe prin abordarea fenomenului social în totalitatea sa" ["I think his definition: 'Sociology as a science can only be integralist'"has marked the evolution of this science by approaching the social phenomenon in its totality"] Constantin SCHIFIRNEȚ "I believe that his definition: 'Sociology as a science can only be integralist' has marked the evolution of this science by approaching the social phenomenon in its totality. Petre Andrei's original contribution also consists in delimiting value from value judgement... Given that Petre Andrei is one of the founders of Romanian sociology and the originality of his sociological ideas, I consider the exegesis of his work to be insufficient. I note the lack of a reference work on the life and work of Petre Andrei.
This work deals with national identity, a very important national dimension in the context of Eur... more This work deals with national identity, a very important national dimension in the context of European integration. The first part of this article comprises a review of ideas on identity in order to point out, on the one hand, the variety of views on national identity, and, on the other, the significance of this indisputable problem for the theoreticians and actors of the European construction. The last two parts of this work propose an approach to Romanian identity. The Romanian identity is investigated from the point of view of the national character. National character determines, via individual behavior, a certain individuality of a national group, and reflects the personality of a nation. It is precisely these distinctive features that make up Romanian identity. We are dealing with the relationship between Romanian identity and the modern development of Romanian society. We try to support with arguments the idea that Romanian identity cannot be understood in a different way tha...
The aim of this study is to analyse the intellectual’s state in the Romanian society which is g... more The aim of this study is to analyse the intellectual’s state in the Romanian society which is going through a complex, difficult and prolonged process of Europeanization. A vast intellectual movement should have prepared Romania’s adhesion to the European Union in 2007. Its role would have been crucial in triggering the evaluation measures of the Europeanization phenomenon of a post-communist society that was facing major issues, such as the transition from the communist regime to democracy, the political instability, the privatization and its consequences and the economic underdevelopment. The current research acknowledges that one of the foremost factors of the Europeanization process is the intellectuals, a social category mainly focused on European and universal values. Another topic that I am targeting to bring into debate is the relationship between the Romanian intellectuals and the EU’s political power that is complementary to the domestic one. The country’s adhesion...
Revista Romana De Sociologie, 2009
Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy Journal, 2013
Lucrarea prezintă datele și concluziile cercetării realizată in 1986 despre implicarea instituţii... more Lucrarea prezintă datele și concluziile cercetării realizată in 1986 despre implicarea instituţiilor de cultură in educarea tinerei generaţii și este alcătuită din capitolele: 1. Locul activităţilor cultural-educative in sistemul educaţiei permanente 2. Cadrul organizaţional specific al activităţii culture ale a tineretului 3. Ipotezele cercetării, obiectivele, metodologia şi lotul investigat 4. Importanţa acordată culturii in raport cu alte valori 5. Gradul de frecventare a caselor de cultură şi a cluburilor 6. Interese pentru activităţile caselor de cultură 7. Opţiunile pentru activităţile care ar trebui să ocupe locul principal in programele casei de cultură 8 . Condiţii şl scopuri ale activităţii casei de cultură 9. influenţa caselor de cultură asupra formării spirituale 10. Participarea Ia activităţile caselor de cultură 11. Concluzii şi sugestii pentru activitatea viitoare Cercetarea a subliniat gradul relativ mic de frecventare a caselor de cultură şi a cluburilor. Dintre toa...
This article deals with aspects referring to youth and the young as new elements in society, as p... more This article deals with aspects referring to youth and the young as new elements in society, as promoters, up-holders and creators of the new. The young are a factor o f social change, of reproduction of society and renewal of social structures. This survey sets out from the premise that the degree of participation of the young in the social life, the development o f youth and its involvement in the renewal of society depend on how much society is open to the new and on its concern to create and ensure conditions for the assertion o f the young as an innovating force of society.
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 2006
This article deals with the media construction of the Europeanization theme in the Romanian conte... more This article deals with the media construction of the Europeanization theme in the Romanian context, starting from the theories related to agenda setting and from the studies which were conducted in this respect in older EU member states. We set out to find out, from content analysis, which are the European themes that are most visible in the electoral debates and in news reports, which is their share of the whole range of themes under discussion, whether there are differences between news bulletins broadcast by the public television station and those broadcast by private television stations, and which is the prominence of news reports related to the EU.
Civitas - Revista de Ciências Sociais, 2009
This study analyzes modernity within the context of the Romanian society, emphasizing its particu... more This study analyzes modernity within the context of the Romanian society, emphasizing its particularities embodied in what I call tendential modernity. This type of modernity is examined in connection with others: classical, reflexive, liquid, late and multiple modernities. I analyze modernity as a tendential state in the societies where it is not present at all the levels, because it is not consistent and it manifests itself unequally in different fields. In societies lacking a developed economy, tendential modernity is based on institutional and political constructions. It is opposite to a type of modernity sustained by economic development. I use the concept of tendential modernity in order to underline the lack of any clear dominant modernity feature within a society with low economic and material grounds.
POLIS, Volum IX, Nr. 4 (34), Serie nouă, septembrie-noiembrie 2021. Număr dedicat aniversării a 130 de ani de la nașterea lui Petre Andrei. Coordonat de Sorin BOCANCEA și Doru TOMPEA
Cred că definiția sa: «Sociologia ca ştiinţă nu poate fi decât integralistă» a marcat evoluția ac... more Cred că definiția sa: «Sociologia ca ştiinţă nu poate fi decât integralistă» a marcat evoluția acestei științe prin abordarea fenomenului social în totalitatea sa" ["I think his definition: 'Sociology as a science can only be integralist'"has marked the evolution of this science by approaching the social phenomenon in its totality"] Constantin SCHIFIRNEȚ "I believe that his definition: 'Sociology as a science can only be integralist' has marked the evolution of this science by approaching the social phenomenon in its totality. Petre Andrei's original contribution also consists in delimiting value from value judgement... Given that Petre Andrei is one of the founders of Romanian sociology and the originality of his sociological ideas, I consider the exegesis of his work to be insufficient. I note the lack of a reference work on the life and work of Petre Andrei.
This work deals with national identity, a very important national dimension in the context of Eur... more This work deals with national identity, a very important national dimension in the context of European integration. The first part of this article comprises a review of ideas on identity in order to point out, on the one hand, the variety of views on national identity, and, on the other, the significance of this indisputable problem for the theoreticians and actors of the European construction. The last two parts of this work propose an approach to Romanian identity. The Romanian identity is investigated from the point of view of the national character. National character determines, via individual behavior, a certain individuality of a national group, and reflects the personality of a nation. It is precisely these distinctive features that make up Romanian identity. We are dealing with the relationship between Romanian identity and the modern development of Romanian society. We try to support with arguments the idea that Romanian identity cannot be understood in a different way tha...
The aim of this study is to analyse the intellectual’s state in the Romanian society which is g... more The aim of this study is to analyse the intellectual’s state in the Romanian society which is going through a complex, difficult and prolonged process of Europeanization. A vast intellectual movement should have prepared Romania’s adhesion to the European Union in 2007. Its role would have been crucial in triggering the evaluation measures of the Europeanization phenomenon of a post-communist society that was facing major issues, such as the transition from the communist regime to democracy, the political instability, the privatization and its consequences and the economic underdevelopment. The current research acknowledges that one of the foremost factors of the Europeanization process is the intellectuals, a social category mainly focused on European and universal values. Another topic that I am targeting to bring into debate is the relationship between the Romanian intellectuals and the EU’s political power that is complementary to the domestic one. The country’s adhesion...
Revista Romana De Sociologie, 2009
Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy Journal, 2013
Lucrarea prezintă datele și concluziile cercetării realizată in 1986 despre implicarea instituţii... more Lucrarea prezintă datele și concluziile cercetării realizată in 1986 despre implicarea instituţiilor de cultură in educarea tinerei generaţii și este alcătuită din capitolele: 1. Locul activităţilor cultural-educative in sistemul educaţiei permanente 2. Cadrul organizaţional specific al activităţii culture ale a tineretului 3. Ipotezele cercetării, obiectivele, metodologia şi lotul investigat 4. Importanţa acordată culturii in raport cu alte valori 5. Gradul de frecventare a caselor de cultură şi a cluburilor 6. Interese pentru activităţile caselor de cultură 7. Opţiunile pentru activităţile care ar trebui să ocupe locul principal in programele casei de cultură 8 . Condiţii şl scopuri ale activităţii casei de cultură 9. influenţa caselor de cultură asupra formării spirituale 10. Participarea Ia activităţile caselor de cultură 11. Concluzii şi sugestii pentru activitatea viitoare Cercetarea a subliniat gradul relativ mic de frecventare a caselor de cultură şi a cluburilor. Dintre toa...
This article deals with aspects referring to youth and the young as new elements in society, as p... more This article deals with aspects referring to youth and the young as new elements in society, as promoters, up-holders and creators of the new. The young are a factor o f social change, of reproduction of society and renewal of social structures. This survey sets out from the premise that the degree of participation of the young in the social life, the development o f youth and its involvement in the renewal of society depend on how much society is open to the new and on its concern to create and ensure conditions for the assertion o f the young as an innovating force of society.
Tendential modernity
In this chapter, I analyse tendential modernity as an explanatory framework for a theory of forms... more In this chapter, I analyse tendential modernity as an explanatory framework for a theory of forms without substance as an alternative theoretical project of the rapid changes that came with modernising in Romanian society. The first section of this chapter briefly describes the theory of forms without substance. Inhe chapter Tendential modernity, I noticed that there are Romanian contributions to the study of modern development, i.e. theories like 'forms without substance'. Representative personalities of Romanian culture wrote about this topic:M. Kogălniceanu, A. Russo, T. Maiorescu, M. Eminescu, N. Iorga, C. Rădulescu-Motru, C. Stere, G. Ibrăileanu, Șt. Zeletin, and M. Manoilescu. I approached this theme in the monographic study Forms without substance, a Romanian brand (Schifirneț 2007), and in other works (Schifirneț 2016, 2002, 2001, 1996).
In the analysis of forms without substance, I start from several axes around which the processes of building modern Romanian society took place: international context (its dependence on neighbouring empires, the pressure of developed countries on Romanian society), modern intellectuals in formation, mainly humanists, and low economic level compared to the West. The formula of forms without substance is an integral vision of the Romanian society being modernised, being a theoretical model for studying the multiple contradictions between modern institutions and the national context.
In the second section, I examine the tendential modernity, cause, and effect of the forms without substance generated by the Romanian modernisation processes. Modernity exists, but only as a trend because it has failed to coagulate as dominant in all structures of Romanian society from which to start and to which all modernisation projects return. The forms taken donot have the same internal economic contexts and conditions as in western countries and are not adapted through a national development and modernisation program assumed by the Romanian political and intellectual elite.
In the third section, I analyse forms without substance generated by the tendential Europeanisation of Romanian society.
Sociologie românească modernă, ediția a doua revizuită şi adăugită , 2017
Sociologie românească modernă, ediţia a doua revizuită şi adăugită Această carte expune dezvol... more Sociologie românească modernă, ediţia a doua revizuită şi adăugită
Această carte expune dezvoltarea sociologiei de către autori români reprezentativi. Argumentul central al lucrării este că sociologia românească modernă trebuie plasată în contextul social, politic şi istoric în care au trăit şi au gândit sociologii români. Cartea descrie instituționalizarea sociologiei în România prin o diversitate de modalități: catedrele de sociologie, publicații, conferințe, cercetări empirice. Cartea analizează idei şi lucrări ale autorilor: Spiru Haret, Dimitrie Gusti, Traian Brăileanu, Mihail Manoilescu, Anton Golopenția, Mircea Vulcănescu, Nicolae Bagdasar şi Dumitru Stăniloae. Examinez şi prezint argumente despre originalitatea doctrinelor create de Spiru Haret, Dimitrie Gusti, Traian Brăileanu şi Mihail Manoilescu. Aceşti gânditori nu au preluat ca atare idei din sociologia europeană ci au analizat sociologia din perspectivele problemelor româneşti. Volumul include şi studiile Mircea Vulcănescu-restaurator al filosofiei şi Nicolae Bagdasar despre gânditori români fiindcă ele fac referiri la sociologie şi la sociologi. Capitolele din cartea de față despre exegeza unei lucrări a unui sociolog au următorul traseu de analiză: o succintă prezentare biobibliografică, descrierea contextului social, politic şi istoric în care sociologii au gândit proiectul lor teoretic şi de cercetare, şi analiza principalelor lor idei. Argumentez că fiecare din lucrările sociologilor români cuprind analize, idei şi interpretări ale faptelor şi realităților sociale concrete. Un element de contribuție al cărții îl reprezintă investigarea exegezei critice a lucrărilor autorilor cu precădere în epoca când au apărut. Mai exact, analizez modul în care o lucrare de sociologie este receptată în spațiul academic şi în spațiul public. Lucrarea de față argumentează ideea că sociologia românească modernă exprimă o viziune asupra lumilor sociale precum şi orientarea spre problemele majore ale realității cotidiene. Sociologii români au promovat, în spațiul public, reflecția asupra problemelor sociale româneşti semnificative. Prima ediție a lucrării Sociologie românească modernă a fost publicată, în 2009, de editura Criterion Publishing.În actuala ediție am inclus alte două studii Sociologia și știinţa naţiunii în doctrina lui Dimitrie Gusti şi O concepţie românescă despre geopolitică.