Cristian N Ploscaru - (original) (raw)
Papers by Cristian N Ploscaru
Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, s.n., Istorie, 2021
Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi, 2021
Pe vremea ce au fost Mareş banul vornic mare, fiind mare şi putérnecu". Adăugiri la biografia mar... more Pe vremea ce au fost Mareş banul vornic mare, fiind mare şi putérnecu". Adăugiri la biografia marelui dregător muntean Mareş Băjescu ....
In Romanian hisoriography, the beginnings of the modern idea of political unity, of the national ... more In Romanian hisoriography, the beginnings of the modern idea of political unity, of the national state, are placed in the years of the rule of the native princes (1822-1828) and of the Russian occupation, when the first modern manifestations in this sense appeared, concerning the union of the Wallachia with Moldavia, as a Romanian state, a buffer state between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, based on the historical rights in relation with the Porte, a state with modern institutions, according to the understanding and interests of the elite of the time. An interesting conclusion, resulting from a contextual analysis of the transformations of the period, without benefiting from too many explicit documentary references. Nevertheless, previous proposals concerning the establishment of a principality or kingdom of Dacia have been intensively discussed by Romanian and foreign historians, but, in our opinion, insufficient clarification has been provided regarding the extent to which these proposals belong or not to the history of the modern Romanian national project. In order to be able to make some reasoned conclusions we propose to conduct a comparative study. On the one hand, the "Dacia project" promoted by Russia in the years following the Treaty of Kuciuk Kainardji and the Ainalî Kavak Convention, subsequently associated with some Russian plans for the reorganization of the Balkans promoted especially by Ioannis Kapodistrias, deserves special attention. On the other hand, after 1821, in a historical context influenced by the outbreak of the Greek revolution and the efforts of the Great Powers to find solutions for the organisation of a Greek Christian principality, the first Romanian proposals for the Union of Moldavia with Wallachia into a national state were to appear, the most important being the proposal of January-February 1830 to achieve the union with a foreign prince, in the person of Gustav of Vasa, former Crown Prince of Sweden. Rezumat. În istoriografia românească, începuturile ideii moderne de unitate politică, de stat național, sunt plasate în anii domniilor pământene (1822-1828) și ai ocupației rusești, când ar fi apărut primele manifestări moderne în acest sens, privind unirea Țării Românești cu Moldova, ca stat românesc, un stat tampon între Rusia și Imperiul Otoman, bazat pe drepturile istorice în raport cu Poarta, un stat cu instituții moderne, conform înțelegerii și intereselor elitei de atunci. O concluzie interesantă, rezultată dintr-o analiză contextuală a transformărilor din epocă, fără a beneficia de prea multe referințe documentare explicite. Cu toate acestea, propuneri anterioare privind constituirea unui principat sau regat al Daciei au fost intens discutate de istorici români și străini, dar, în opinia noastră, nu au fost aduse suficiente clarificări cu privire la măsura în care aceste propuneri aparțin sau nu istoriei proiectului național românesc modern. Pentru a putea formula niște concluzii argumentate, ne propunem să realizăm un studiu comparativ. Pe de o parte, "proiectul Dacia" promovat de Rusia în anii care au urmat Tratatului de la Kuciuk Kainardji și Convenției de la Ainalî Kavak, asociat ulterior unor planuri rusești de reorganizare a Balcanilor promovate mai ales de Ioannis Kapodistrias, merită o atenție deosebită. Pe de altă parte, după 1821, într-un context istoric influențat de izbucnirea revoluției grecești și The Union of the Principalities with Foreign Prince from Strategy of Diplomacy to Romanian National Project 39 de eforturile Marilor Puteri de a găsi soluții pentru organizarea unui principat creștin al Greciei, aveau să apară primele propuneri românești de unire a Moldovei cu Valahia într-un stat național, cea mai importantă fiind propunerea din ianuarie-februarie 1830 de realizare a unirii cu un principe străin, în persoana lui Gustav de Vasa, fost principe moștenitor al Suediei.
Anuarul Institutului de Istorie »A.D. Xenopol« - Iaşi, 2009
SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts, Mar 20, 2017
Anuarul Institutului de Istorie »A.D. Xenopol« - Iaşi, 2011
Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi, 2022
Responsabilitatea pentru opiniile exprimate în textele publicate revine în exclusivitate autorilo... more Responsabilitatea pentru opiniile exprimate în textele publicate revine în exclusivitate autorilor. Manuscrisele, cărţile şi revistele propuse pentru schimb, ca şi orice corespondenţă se vor trimite redacţiei:
Analele Universităţii din Craiova seria Istorie, Jan 23, 2023
The main themes covered in this study concern the changes in the political and juridical status o... more The main themes covered in this study concern the changes in the political and juridical status of the Danubian Principalities (Moldavia, Wallachia and Serbia), following the Treaty of Adrianople, in the sense of defining their internal autonomy, as well as the institutional transformations that followed, which shaped the modern architecture of the state, but also the means of interference and control of the protecting power, Russia. Analysed in a European constitutional context, the Organic Regulations of the Romanian Principalities and the "constitrution" projects drafted in the Principality of Serbia tended to establish a political regime of mixed monarchy, of real modern substance, but also suitable for Russian interests in the Lower Danube region.
Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, s.n., Istorie, 2021
Pe vremea ce au fost Mareş banul vornic mare, fiind mare şi putérnecu". Adăugiri la biografia mar... more Pe vremea ce au fost Mareş banul vornic mare, fiind mare şi putérnecu". Adăugiri la biografia marelui dregător muntean Mareş Băjescu ....
NORDSCI International Conference Proceedings Education and Language edition, 2019
The central theme of our research concerns the terms used to define the identity of great boyar f... more The central theme of our research concerns the terms used to define the identity of great boyar families, both ethnic and religious, in the 18 century. We consider the great local boyar families both those who were rooted in Moldavia (as far back as classic Middle Ages) as well as those who became local during the 17-18 centuries and had Greek origins. According to sources, terms like pământean, moldovean, român, rumân, grec, fanariot, țarigrădean, levantin, insular (native, moldavian, romanian, greek, fanariot, levantin, constantinopolitan, insular), but also creștin, drept credincios, ortodox (christian, true believer, orthodox) have been frequently used. These terms generated confusion within historical research and fuelled two interpretation trends somehow contrasting. The one sustained by the researchers of the Middle Ages insisted on the importance of religious identity, including the Moldavians in the orthodox Christianity and favoring the integration of the Phanariots settle...
The Romanian Journal of Modern History, 2010
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Historia
"The appointment of the Princes of Moldavia and Wallachia presented Russian officials with s... more "The appointment of the Princes of Moldavia and Wallachia presented Russian officials with serious dilemmas, whether they were the leaders of the Empire's foreign policy or of the occupation administration. In the end, a solution was adopted – the selection of the Princes by the Porte from a short list of candidates proposed by Russia – in line with Russia's strategic interests regarding the Ottoman Empire as a whole and despite Pavel Kiselev's proposals that the occupation should be prolonged or, in a transitional phase, that the civilian administration of the Princes should operate in parallel with a Russian military administration. The selection of Alexandru Dimitrie Ghica as the main candidate for Wallachia and his rapid investiture by the Sultan have several explanations, including his political profile convenient for both Powers, his activity as minister and head of the militia, his personal relation with Pavel Kiselev and his access to the sums of money required for his investiture in Constantinople. However, his insufficient political prestige in relation to the country’s great boyar families, his image as a Prince submissive to the Russian will, skillfully used by his opponents, and the large debts he had accumulated, which he could not pay without generating several resounding financial scandals linked to the leasing of state revenues, were likely to herald the political crisis of the following years, the success of the opposition in undermining his regime and, finally, his dismissal after only eight years of rule. Keywords: Statutory regime, Pavel Kiselev, investiture, Alexandru Dimitrie Ghica, financial obligations. "
CBU International Conference Proceedings, Sep 30, 2017
This study proposes a theoretical approach to the idea of a platform for research and education o... more This study proposes a theoretical approach to the idea of a platform for research and education on the historical substance of regionalization in Romania, with reference to the case of the historical province of Moldova. Furthermore, to identify the consequences, reactions, weaknesses, opportunities afforded by administrative restructuring from a postregionalization demographic and socioeconomic viewpoint. An inter-disciplinary analysishistorical, demographic, economicthe traits of a Romanian society stemming from Moldova, the historical dynamics that underpin the modern Romanian state, will provide a picture of the current situation, focused mainly on its causes while trying to find explanations rooted in economic and social behaviours and attitudes which came to define and inform the subsequent development strategy of regionalization, allowing Moldova to play a central economic role in relation to other territories, similar to the role it played in the past two centuries, in the context of European integration strategies, in neighbouring parts of the continent (Republic of Moldova, Ukraine). The theoretical approach involves three components, expanding concentrically: 1) component of knowledge / research; 2) digital platform; 3) e-learning component. The research component seeks dynamic historical development of Moldova, from the time after the Union of the Romanian Principalities until today, focusing on specific regional elements. We will try to identify and analyze the specific features of Moldova, links with other areas of historical Moldavia, as the interaction between them and the Romanian public policy. Within the demographic component, we look at the historical population dynamics of Moldova, including various ethnic and religious communities, rural-urban ratios, social and professional structures. Another issue concerns the economic and comparative analysis in space and time, with respect to Moldova historical economic dynamics parameters-resources, infrastructure, industry, agriculture, trade, transport, etc. Both aspects will be analyzed in correlation with the impact of a permanent political factor, pursuing public policies promoted by the political regimes in their chronological sequence.
Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, s.n., Istorie, 2021
Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi, 2021
Pe vremea ce au fost Mareş banul vornic mare, fiind mare şi putérnecu". Adăugiri la biografia mar... more Pe vremea ce au fost Mareş banul vornic mare, fiind mare şi putérnecu". Adăugiri la biografia marelui dregător muntean Mareş Băjescu ....
In Romanian hisoriography, the beginnings of the modern idea of political unity, of the national ... more In Romanian hisoriography, the beginnings of the modern idea of political unity, of the national state, are placed in the years of the rule of the native princes (1822-1828) and of the Russian occupation, when the first modern manifestations in this sense appeared, concerning the union of the Wallachia with Moldavia, as a Romanian state, a buffer state between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, based on the historical rights in relation with the Porte, a state with modern institutions, according to the understanding and interests of the elite of the time. An interesting conclusion, resulting from a contextual analysis of the transformations of the period, without benefiting from too many explicit documentary references. Nevertheless, previous proposals concerning the establishment of a principality or kingdom of Dacia have been intensively discussed by Romanian and foreign historians, but, in our opinion, insufficient clarification has been provided regarding the extent to which these proposals belong or not to the history of the modern Romanian national project. In order to be able to make some reasoned conclusions we propose to conduct a comparative study. On the one hand, the "Dacia project" promoted by Russia in the years following the Treaty of Kuciuk Kainardji and the Ainalî Kavak Convention, subsequently associated with some Russian plans for the reorganization of the Balkans promoted especially by Ioannis Kapodistrias, deserves special attention. On the other hand, after 1821, in a historical context influenced by the outbreak of the Greek revolution and the efforts of the Great Powers to find solutions for the organisation of a Greek Christian principality, the first Romanian proposals for the Union of Moldavia with Wallachia into a national state were to appear, the most important being the proposal of January-February 1830 to achieve the union with a foreign prince, in the person of Gustav of Vasa, former Crown Prince of Sweden. Rezumat. În istoriografia românească, începuturile ideii moderne de unitate politică, de stat național, sunt plasate în anii domniilor pământene (1822-1828) și ai ocupației rusești, când ar fi apărut primele manifestări moderne în acest sens, privind unirea Țării Românești cu Moldova, ca stat românesc, un stat tampon între Rusia și Imperiul Otoman, bazat pe drepturile istorice în raport cu Poarta, un stat cu instituții moderne, conform înțelegerii și intereselor elitei de atunci. O concluzie interesantă, rezultată dintr-o analiză contextuală a transformărilor din epocă, fără a beneficia de prea multe referințe documentare explicite. Cu toate acestea, propuneri anterioare privind constituirea unui principat sau regat al Daciei au fost intens discutate de istorici români și străini, dar, în opinia noastră, nu au fost aduse suficiente clarificări cu privire la măsura în care aceste propuneri aparțin sau nu istoriei proiectului național românesc modern. Pentru a putea formula niște concluzii argumentate, ne propunem să realizăm un studiu comparativ. Pe de o parte, "proiectul Dacia" promovat de Rusia în anii care au urmat Tratatului de la Kuciuk Kainardji și Convenției de la Ainalî Kavak, asociat ulterior unor planuri rusești de reorganizare a Balcanilor promovate mai ales de Ioannis Kapodistrias, merită o atenție deosebită. Pe de altă parte, după 1821, într-un context istoric influențat de izbucnirea revoluției grecești și The Union of the Principalities with Foreign Prince from Strategy of Diplomacy to Romanian National Project 39 de eforturile Marilor Puteri de a găsi soluții pentru organizarea unui principat creștin al Greciei, aveau să apară primele propuneri românești de unire a Moldovei cu Valahia într-un stat național, cea mai importantă fiind propunerea din ianuarie-februarie 1830 de realizare a unirii cu un principe străin, în persoana lui Gustav de Vasa, fost principe moștenitor al Suediei.
Anuarul Institutului de Istorie »A.D. Xenopol« - Iaşi, 2009
SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts, Mar 20, 2017
Anuarul Institutului de Istorie »A.D. Xenopol« - Iaşi, 2011
Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi, 2022
Responsabilitatea pentru opiniile exprimate în textele publicate revine în exclusivitate autorilo... more Responsabilitatea pentru opiniile exprimate în textele publicate revine în exclusivitate autorilor. Manuscrisele, cărţile şi revistele propuse pentru schimb, ca şi orice corespondenţă se vor trimite redacţiei:
Analele Universităţii din Craiova seria Istorie, Jan 23, 2023
The main themes covered in this study concern the changes in the political and juridical status o... more The main themes covered in this study concern the changes in the political and juridical status of the Danubian Principalities (Moldavia, Wallachia and Serbia), following the Treaty of Adrianople, in the sense of defining their internal autonomy, as well as the institutional transformations that followed, which shaped the modern architecture of the state, but also the means of interference and control of the protecting power, Russia. Analysed in a European constitutional context, the Organic Regulations of the Romanian Principalities and the "constitrution" projects drafted in the Principality of Serbia tended to establish a political regime of mixed monarchy, of real modern substance, but also suitable for Russian interests in the Lower Danube region.
Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, s.n., Istorie, 2021
Pe vremea ce au fost Mareş banul vornic mare, fiind mare şi putérnecu". Adăugiri la biografia mar... more Pe vremea ce au fost Mareş banul vornic mare, fiind mare şi putérnecu". Adăugiri la biografia marelui dregător muntean Mareş Băjescu ....
NORDSCI International Conference Proceedings Education and Language edition, 2019
The central theme of our research concerns the terms used to define the identity of great boyar f... more The central theme of our research concerns the terms used to define the identity of great boyar families, both ethnic and religious, in the 18 century. We consider the great local boyar families both those who were rooted in Moldavia (as far back as classic Middle Ages) as well as those who became local during the 17-18 centuries and had Greek origins. According to sources, terms like pământean, moldovean, român, rumân, grec, fanariot, țarigrădean, levantin, insular (native, moldavian, romanian, greek, fanariot, levantin, constantinopolitan, insular), but also creștin, drept credincios, ortodox (christian, true believer, orthodox) have been frequently used. These terms generated confusion within historical research and fuelled two interpretation trends somehow contrasting. The one sustained by the researchers of the Middle Ages insisted on the importance of religious identity, including the Moldavians in the orthodox Christianity and favoring the integration of the Phanariots settle...
The Romanian Journal of Modern History, 2010
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Historia
"The appointment of the Princes of Moldavia and Wallachia presented Russian officials with s... more "The appointment of the Princes of Moldavia and Wallachia presented Russian officials with serious dilemmas, whether they were the leaders of the Empire's foreign policy or of the occupation administration. In the end, a solution was adopted – the selection of the Princes by the Porte from a short list of candidates proposed by Russia – in line with Russia's strategic interests regarding the Ottoman Empire as a whole and despite Pavel Kiselev's proposals that the occupation should be prolonged or, in a transitional phase, that the civilian administration of the Princes should operate in parallel with a Russian military administration. The selection of Alexandru Dimitrie Ghica as the main candidate for Wallachia and his rapid investiture by the Sultan have several explanations, including his political profile convenient for both Powers, his activity as minister and head of the militia, his personal relation with Pavel Kiselev and his access to the sums of money required for his investiture in Constantinople. However, his insufficient political prestige in relation to the country’s great boyar families, his image as a Prince submissive to the Russian will, skillfully used by his opponents, and the large debts he had accumulated, which he could not pay without generating several resounding financial scandals linked to the leasing of state revenues, were likely to herald the political crisis of the following years, the success of the opposition in undermining his regime and, finally, his dismissal after only eight years of rule. Keywords: Statutory regime, Pavel Kiselev, investiture, Alexandru Dimitrie Ghica, financial obligations. "
CBU International Conference Proceedings, Sep 30, 2017
This study proposes a theoretical approach to the idea of a platform for research and education o... more This study proposes a theoretical approach to the idea of a platform for research and education on the historical substance of regionalization in Romania, with reference to the case of the historical province of Moldova. Furthermore, to identify the consequences, reactions, weaknesses, opportunities afforded by administrative restructuring from a postregionalization demographic and socioeconomic viewpoint. An inter-disciplinary analysishistorical, demographic, economicthe traits of a Romanian society stemming from Moldova, the historical dynamics that underpin the modern Romanian state, will provide a picture of the current situation, focused mainly on its causes while trying to find explanations rooted in economic and social behaviours and attitudes which came to define and inform the subsequent development strategy of regionalization, allowing Moldova to play a central economic role in relation to other territories, similar to the role it played in the past two centuries, in the context of European integration strategies, in neighbouring parts of the continent (Republic of Moldova, Ukraine). The theoretical approach involves three components, expanding concentrically: 1) component of knowledge / research; 2) digital platform; 3) e-learning component. The research component seeks dynamic historical development of Moldova, from the time after the Union of the Romanian Principalities until today, focusing on specific regional elements. We will try to identify and analyze the specific features of Moldova, links with other areas of historical Moldavia, as the interaction between them and the Romanian public policy. Within the demographic component, we look at the historical population dynamics of Moldova, including various ethnic and religious communities, rural-urban ratios, social and professional structures. Another issue concerns the economic and comparative analysis in space and time, with respect to Moldova historical economic dynamics parameters-resources, infrastructure, industry, agriculture, trade, transport, etc. Both aspects will be analyzed in correlation with the impact of a permanent political factor, pursuing public policies promoted by the political regimes in their chronological sequence.